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年糕 Nian-gao; rice cake; New Year cake 团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年夜饭 New Year’s Eve dinner 饺子 Jiao-zi (stuffed) dumplings Chinese meat ravioli([,rævi'əuli],意大利小方饺) 汤圆 Tang-yuan -- dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings
戏曲 traditional opera 杂耍 variety show 灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay New Year’s call give New Year’s greetings(祝贺,问候) New Year’s visit
Part IVwk.baidu.com译例分析 春节专题 译例分析—春节专题
知识储备: 知识储备 春节的有关词汇 过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival 对联 poetic couplet(对句,对联) -- two successive rhyming lines in poetry 春联 Spring Festival couplet 剪纸 paper-cut(s)
Part II. 文化的处理模式
1)文化直入(the Go-ahead Model)—— 源语文化 表达形式直接进入译文。 翻译方法:音译或直译 音译: 阴阳 (yin and yang),旗袍 (qipao, cheongsam[‘tʃɔ:ŋ’sæm]),气功 (qigong),江湖 (jianghu) 直译:hot-dog (热狗),五讲四美 (five stresses and four points of beauty)
5)文化归化(Domestication)——源语表达形式略去, 代之以译语的形式,源语文化意义丧失。 常见于成语、歇后语、习语的翻译。如: 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 得寸进尺 Give him an inch and he will take a mile. The more one gets, the more one wants. 木已成舟 What’s done is done.
例句翻译 中国是一个有56个民族的大国。不同的民族有不同 的婚俗。但无论是哪个民族,结婚仪式都很复杂。 China is a large country with 56 nationalities. Different nationalities have different marriage customs, but whatever the nationality is, the wedding ceremony is usually very complicated.
年画 New Year paintings 买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival do Spring Festival shopping 敬酒 propose a toast 灯笼 lantern -- a portable light 注:red lantern/light district 红灯区 red lamp 红灯记
传统的中国婚礼仪式包括6个必备步骤,它们是:说 媒、定亲、聘礼、迎娶、拜堂(三鞠躬)、喝交杯酒等 六步。此外,如今一个标准的中国婚礼会如下进行:在 一对新人订婚后,接下来就是挑选吉日成亲。 The traditional Chinese marriage ceremony usually involves 6 necessary procedures, namely: match-making, engagement, betrothal([bi‘trəuðəl] 婚约) presents, meeting the bride, three bows and drinking cross-cupped wine. In addition, a typical Chinese wedding nowadays goes like this: when a new couple is/gets engaged, what follows is a choice of the date of their marriage.
Part III 译例分析 中国传统节日 译例分析—中国传统节日
知识储备: 知识储备 有关词汇 春节 the Spring Festival (New Year’s Day of the Chinese lunar calendar) 元宵节 (灯节) the Lantern Festival 清明节 Qingming Festival
Time is money. 时间就是金钱。(一寸光阴一寸金) domino effect 多米诺(骨牌)效应(连锁反应) mini-skirt 迷你裙(超短裙) bottleneck 瓶颈(阻碍的关键环节) In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is King. 盲人国里,独眼人称王。(山中无老虎,猴子称大王。) There’s no smoke without some fire. 无火不生烟。(无风不起浪。)
Part V 译例分析 婚俗 译例分析—婚俗
知识储备: 知识储备 有关词汇 结婚典礼 wedding ceremony 结婚纪念日 wedding anniversary 新娘 bride 新郎 bridegroom/groom
主婚人/司仪 officiator [ə'fiʃieitə] 牧师 pastor/priest 伴郎 groomsman 伴娘 bridesmaid 蜜月 honeymoon
端午节 (农历五月初五) the Dragon-boat Festival 中秋节 (农历八月十五) the Mid-Autumn Festival the Moon Festival 重阳节/登高节 (农历九月初九) the Double Ninth Festival (中国)情人节/七夕 (农历七月初七) the Double Seventh Festival Qixi Festival the Chinese Valentine’s Day
as stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪 kick the bucket 翘辫子/死掉 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 neither fish nor fowl(家禽) 不伦不类/非驴非马 lead a dog’s life talk horse 过着牛马不如的生活 吹牛 as timid as a rabbit put all one’s eggs in one basket 胆小如鼠 孤注一掷
春节前,人们打扫屋子、在大门上贴大红对联、放鞭 炮。据传说,这样做是为了驱赶一个叫“年”的魔鬼。 除夕之夜,一大家子一定会在一起会餐,最受欢迎的 主食是饺子,人们认为它能带来好运吉祥。 Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses, put red couplets on their gates and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tales, for driving away a demon named Nian. On the eve of the Spring Festival, a get-together banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Jiaozi, which is supposed to bring good fortune.
春节,又称农历新年,它是中国最重大的传统节日。 时间通常在一月底,二月初。在新年的第一天,每人 都穿上新衣服, 走亲访友并且鞠躬祝福,为的是新年 能有好运气。 The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the greatest traditional festival in China, which usually comes in late January or early February. On the first day of the new year, everybody wears new clothes and calls on/visits relatives and friends with bows and congratulations, wishing each other the best during the new year.
3)文化诠释(the Annotation Model)——为源语文化 表达形式提供文化语境信息。 采用“翻译+注释”的形式,如: 包子 Baozi -- steamed buns(小圆面包) with stuffing 李白 Libai – the famous poet in ancient China
烟花 fireworks 爆竹 firecrackers 红包 red packets -- cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolizing fortune and wealth in the coming year 舞狮 lion dance -- The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck. 舞龙 dragon dance -- to expect good weather and good harvests
4)文化异化(Foreignization)——要求译者向原文作 者靠拢,采取原文作者使用的表达方式传达原文的内 容。 常见于英汉成语、歇后语、习语的翻译。如: arm to the teeth 武装到牙齿(全副武装) crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪(伪善的眼泪/猫哭老鼠假慈悲) a dark horse 黑马(出人意料的获胜者) ivory([‘aivəri],象牙) tower 象牙塔(为避免现实生活的烦恼而处身的小天地)
2)文化阻断(the Block Model)—— 源语文化表达形 式小时,文化意义没有进入译入语语篇。 常见于古汉语中的尊称和自谦语 尊称: 令尊(your father),令堂(your mother), 令郎(your son)、令爱(your daughter) 如:鄙人/小生/晚生(I),贱内 (my wife),家父/母 (my father/mother),家兄/姐(my elder brother/sister),舍弟/妹(my little brother/sister), 小儿/女(my son/daughter),寒舍/敝舍(my house), 浅谈 (on)
禁忌 taboo 去晦气 get rid of the ill-fortune 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices(贡品,祭品) to one’s ancestors 压岁钱 gift/lucky money -- money given to children as a lunar New Year gift 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 扫房 spring cleaning
Part I. 语言与文化的关系 语言与文化的关系
文化是人类在认识世界和改造客观世界的社会活动中 相互联系、相互影响、相互作用时建立起来的,是一 个社会的物质文明和精神文明的总和。 语言与文化相辅相成,语言是文化的重要组成部分, 也是文化赖以传播的物质表达形式。(李运兴,《汉 英翻译教程》主编,新华出版社) 语言和文化共生,共存。(游汝杰,复旦大学中国 语言文学研究所,博士生导师) Language is a substantial but partial reflection of a culture. (Newmark,[英]语言学家、翻译家、翻译 理论家)