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结果显示,大学生对手机阅读的满足度在中等偏上水平,手机阅 读产品还有较为广阔的提升空间,从而更好地满足用户需求。
Uses and gratification theory and E-consumer behaviors
from Taylor&Francis This research is intended to study the consumer behaviors by linking the wellgrounded uses and gratifications framework. Specifically, variables based on U&G theory are considered the antecedents of attitude toward the web, while Web usage (e.g., the number of hours spent per week on the Internet) and e-satisfaction are modeled as the consequences of attitude toward the Web.
Irritation. Irritation can be defined as the extent to which the Web is messy and irritating to surfers. Irritation may even lead to a general reduction of ad effectiveness and perceived value to audience. Empirically, data from Ducoffe's mall-intercept study yielded a significant and negative influence of irritation on the attitude toward ad. In a separate study, Ducoffe reported that there is a negative correlation between irritation and the ad value and attitude toward Web advertising. Irritation of the Web is negatively associated with attitude toward the Web.
为什么越来越多的用户选择手机阅读? 他们的使用动机是什么? 他们通过手机阅读获得何种满足? 满足感与最初的期望一致吗?
以使用与满足理论为基础,研究大学生网民手机阅读行为的 使用动机与使用满足度。研究发现,大学生网民手机阅读行 为有五种动机:使用便捷、友好互动、阅读体验、知识娱乐 以及个性呈现。使用动机和使用满足度具有普遍互通性。
在此研究基础上,赫佐格展开了更大规模的关于日间剧听众 的调查,并结合广播研究所得其他调查研究所得的数据,撰 写了报告《我们对于日间广播剧听众究竟了解些什么?》该 报告对广播剧的听众和非听众在社会参与、个人性格、知性 兴趣、对公共事务的关心程度以及对广播节目的普遍收听偏 好等方面的差异进行比较。
该研究从受众的角度对大众传播展开研究 ,对传统的魔弹论思维提出了挑战,也正 是从这项研究开始,”使用与满足“成为 大众传播研究的一个研究方向。
Informativeness. Different from entertainment, the informativeness construct of uses and gratifications theory can be defined as the extent to which the Web provides users with resourceful and helpful information. Without the time and space barriers in the virtual world, the Web can offer consumers with instant and insightful content. Finally, Ducoffe notices a substantial and positive correlation between informativeness and advertising value, and attitude to advertising. Informativeness of the Web is positively associated with attitude toward the Web.
Entertainment. The entertainment construct refers to the extent to which the web media is fun and entertaining to media users. U&G research has demonstrated that the value of media entertainment lies in its ability to fulfill users' needs for escapism, hedonistic pleasure, aesthetic enjoyment, or emotional release. Previous research suggests that providing higher entertainment value is likely to lead to an advantage for media users and to motivate them to use the media more often. For example, it is found that that web users who perceive a banner ad on the Web as entertaining leads to more brand loyalty to the advertised products and higher chance of purchasing the brand. Entertainment of the Web is positively associated with the attitude toward the Web.
More than Audio on the Go: Uses and Gratifications of MP3 Players
In 2005, approximately one in seven Americans owned a portable MP3 player (Arbitron Inc./Edison Media Research, 2005). In early 2006, that number increased to 20% of the total population and 26% of Internet users (Madden & Jones, 2008). The invention of podcasting technology in late 2004 and the adoption of MP3 capable smart phones have, to a certain degree, accelerated the popularity of MP3 players. In the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2007 alone, Apple® sold 10.2 million iPods® and over one million iPhones® (“Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results,” 2007). According to a December 2007 Pew Internet Project survey, 34% of American adults and 43% of Internet users reported owning an MP3 player. Three out of five young adults between 18 and 29 years old reported owning the device (Madden & Jones, 2008).For a large proportion of the younger generation, MP3 players are joining the Internet to become part of their daily life. However, even among older adults, MP3 players are becoming increasingly popular. In a 2008 survey of over 27,000 radio listeners in nearly 70 U.S. markets, 58% said they owned MP3 players (“Tech Survey IV Executive Summary,” 2008). In a 2009 Pew Internet survey, 45% of American adults reported owning MP3 players
Better understanding
认为受众是主动的,研究受众对媒体做了什么, 而不是仅仅研究媒体对受众做了什么。着眼于个 人需求与社会心理方面的推动作用,每种媒介都 被理解为在提供一套独一无二的内容与属性,产 生不同种类与不同范围的满足。
卡茨提出了”使用与满足“过程的基本模式, 同时认为媒介也只是满足个人需求的途径之一
A model of attitude towards the web
U&G theory has multiple underlying constructs. In the literature, the most important and robust dimensions of U&G theory include entertainment, informativeness, and irritation. Each of these three factors is discussed in the following sections.
The uses and gratification theory
使用与满足理论的产生是传播研究史上的一个重要转折点 。 使用与满足理论主要研究媒介受众的一种取向,与之前效 果研究最大的不同在于,它不是站在传播者的角度讨论大 众传播的影响,而是站在受众的角度。该理论认为受众通 过对媒介的积极使用,从而制约着媒介传播的过程,并且 满足个人需求。
社会因素 心理因素
CALeabharlann BaiduE ANALYSIS
1941年,赫佐格根据对广播剧听众的小型定性研究撰写论文《论 借来的体验》。她选取了纽约的100名女性广播剧固定听众作为研究对 象,她们以家庭主妇为主,也包括高中生和女佣,涵盖了不同的年龄层 和收入群体。通过对访谈的分析,赫佐格发现了广播剧提供愉悦的主要 来源——“听众对最喜爱的故事的描述几乎无一例外地可以归结为一 个程式化的主题——“先受困,后解脱”;总的来看,广播剧能够向 听众提供三种不同的满足:情感释放,对单调生活的愿望行重建,为调 整生活提供方法。
The findings of this study offer several implications for e-business. First, electronic marketers should not only provide useful information to Web users, but also go beyond this by entertaining them in cyberspace. This is because Web entertainment value was found to be the most important determinant of users' attitude toward the Web, which may lead to more satisfied users and repeated use of the Web. Ultimately, repeated visits and click through, consumer satisfaction, and loyalty of the Web site are the key to success of ebusiness. Second, e-marketers should avoid confusing or irritating surfers by such practices as too flashy and big size graphics, messy presentation of the information, or even deceptive content on the Web. By irritating Web users, ebusinesses will find it is notoriously difficult to get consumers back to their websites in the future.