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摘要 (3)
Abstract: (3)
1 前言 (5)
2 探究性学习的内涵 (5)
3 探究性学习在生物教学中应用的初探 (6)
3.1 在生物教学中,我们应该转变观念,加强学生的探究性学习 (6)
3.1.1 转变师生角色,加强学生的探究性学习 (6)
3.1.2树立“教是为了不教”的观念,倡导学生独立学习、学会学习 (6)
3.1.3 树立“学为主体”的观念 (7)
3.2 结合生物教材,在课堂教学中开展“探究式学习” (7)
3.3 通过生物实验,引导学生进行“探究式学习” (8)
3.4 利用小课题研究,开展“探究式学习” (9)
3.4.1 在小课题研究中培养学生的观察能力和实验能力 (9)
3.4.2 在小课题研究中培养学生的实践能力与创新精神 (10)
3.4.3 在小课题研究中培养学生的环保意识 (10)
4总结 (10)
4.1 注重学生的创造性 (10)
4.2 注重教学的主体 (11)
4.3 注重教学过程 (11)
4.4 注重知识的应用性 (11)
4.5 注重知识的综合性 (11)
致谢 (13)
参考文献 (14)
开县中和中学邮编405400 摘要:探究学习是一种参与性和体验性的并在教师指导下展开的具有严密的学术性的创造活动。教师要详细分析、研究生物学教材,联系实际,精选教学内容,认真组织开展以培养学生动手、观察、独立思考、分析问题等能力为上的探究性活动,教学中尽量以探究性的引导活动代替结论件的讲解。在体验科学探究的过程中,学生可以掌握科学研究的思维方法,提高科学探究的能力,形成主动获取知识的意识和能力,促进学习方式的改变,并在探究性学习活动中构建自身的知识体系,达到培养学生的生物科学素养目的。本文就如何在生物教学中进行探究学习谈一些粗浅的看法: 在生物教学中,我们应该转变观念,加强学生的探究性学习;通过生物实验,引导学生进行“探究式学习”;利用小课题研究,开展“探究式学习”。在教学过程中我们要注重学生的创造性、注重教学的主体性、注重教学过程、注重知识的应用性和综合性,来培养学生在学习过程的观察能力、实验能力、实践能力与创新精神和生活中的环保意识。
Shallowly discusses the inquiring into study in the biologicalteaching utilization
Abstract:I nqui red i nto the study i s one kind of participation and theexperi ence and launches under the teacher i nstructi on has stri ctacademic creation. The teacher wants the multi analysi s, the researchbi ol ogy teaching material, the relati on reality, sel ects the course content, the earnest organi zati on devel ops take trains the student tobegin, ability and so on observati on, i ndependent thinking, analysi squesti on as on inquiring into acti vity, i n the teaching inqui ring i ntogui dance replaces the conclusi on as far as possible explanation.
Inqui red i nto in the experience science i n the process, the studentmay grasp the sci entific research the thought method, sharpens abilitywhi ch the sci ence inquired i nto, forms the initiative knowledgeacqui siti on consci ousness and the abili ty, the promotion study waychange, and con structs own knowl edge system in the inqui ring i ntolearning acti vity, achieved rai ses student's biological sci enceaccompli shment goal. How does thi s arti cl e on carry on in the bi ol ogi cal teachi ng i nqui redinto the study di scusses some shall ow views: In the bi ol ogi cal teachi ng, we should transform the i dea, strengthens student'sinquiri ng into study; Through the bi ol ogi cal experiment, gui des thestudent to carry on "inquires i nto the type study"; Uses the smalltopi c research, the devel opment "inquires i nto the type study". We must pay great attenti on to student's creati vity, the atteni onteachi ng main body in the teaching proce ss, the atteni on teachi ngprocess, the atteni on knowledge appli cation and the comprehensivenature, trai ns the student in the study process observati on ability,the experimental abili ty, the practi ce ability and i nnovation mentaland life envi ronmental protection consciousness.
Key word:Biological teaching Inquiring into study Biological science accomplishment