实用口译Unit 9 Sentence structure and interpreting[精]
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3. interpreting by combination
美国的军费开支世界第一。1999年,美国军费高达2879亿美元,约为欧 盟、日本、俄罗斯以及中国总和的1.5倍。 The United States ranks first in military spending in the world, with the1999 figure totaling US $ 287.9 billion, about 150 percent of the combined military expenditures of the EU, Japan, Russia and China.
(假设) (因果) (让步)
东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔、浦东 陆家嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,与外 滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望,是亚洲第 一,世界第三高塔。
The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower;
building of Western architectures; the Bund; rank v.;
buildings of variegated Western architectures in the
Bund across the river, the 468-meter-tall tower ranks first
in Asia and third in the world.
Since the early 1990s, the United States has used its military force overseas more than 40 times, trying to impose its will on other countries.
在教育方面,白人平均受教育12.8年,而黑人和拉裔美国人则分别只有11.8年 和9.3年。
With respect to education, whites, on average, get 12.8 years of education, while blacks and Hispanics partake in only 11.8 years and 9.3 years respectively.
他用辛辛苦苦积攒了五年的钱买了一架照相机。然后,他带着它走遍全国, 拍摄了许多祖国名胜古迹的照片。 With the money he had saved hard for five years, he bought a camera, with which he then traveled around the country, taking numerous pictures of the scenic spots and places of historic interest of our motherland.
句 The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands at 承前启 the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiazui. (地理位置)
后 Surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of
要懂得电影是怎样工作的,我们首先必须知道这样一个事实:即我们的 眼睛有一种被称为“视觉留存”的奇特习性。靠着这种习性,我们的眼 睛能在像光源这种东西消失之后的一刹那间继续“看”到它。
To understand how motion pictures work, we must first know the fact that our eyes have a peculiar habit, called “persistence of vision”, by means of which they can continue to “see” something, e.g. a source of light, for a moment after its disappearance.
重意合 主谓结构不明显 句子靠内在联系贯穿 结构松散
重形合 主谓结构是全句之纲 链接手段使主谓结构和其它成分挂钩 结构严密
interpreting by rearrangement 变序法
interpreting by combination sentence splitting
并句法 断句法
sentence pattern transformation
and words addition
3. 4. 5.
Interpreting Exercises Performance Appraisal stock words and phrases
形合 vs. 意合 他不来我来。
a.“(如果) 他不来,我就来。” b.“(因为) 他不来,我来。” c.“(即使) 他不来,我(也) 来。” d.“他不来, (但) 我来。”
Techniques of Interpreting Long Sentences
1. interpreting in the original order 顺译法
自90年代初以来,美国对外使用武力就达40多次,试图把自己的意志强加在 别国的头上。
Unit 9 Sentence structure
and interpreting
1. 2.
Techniques of interpreting long sentences (C-E)
interpretinຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu in the original order 顺译法