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_W__a_lk_i_n_g__a_h_e_a_d_, you will see a white house.
6) 与逻辑主语构成独立主格: I waiting for the bus, a bird fell on my heard. 我等汽车时,一只鸟落到我头上。 All the tickets having been sold out, they went away disappointedly. 所有的票已经卖光了,他们失望地离开了。 Time permitting, we'll do another two exercises. 如果时间允许, 我们将做另两个练习。
既然你是一个学生, 你就应该努力学习。
Being a student, you should study hard.
(=Since you are a student, you should study hard.)
由于想到它或许在家, 所以我就给他打了电话。 Thinking he might be at home, I called him. (As I thought he might be at home, I called him.)
1. Having not seen the film, I can’t tell you what I think of it. Not having
2. The men worked for extra hours got an
extra pay. working 3. Seen from the top of the hill, we find
managed to send him to university.
5. “We can’t go out in this weather”,
said Bob, ____ out of the window.
A. looking
B. to look
C. looked
D. having looked
6. Though _____ money, his parents
V-ing 形式 一: V-ing 形式由 “do+ing” 构成, 其 否定形式是 “not doing”, V-ing 可以 带宾语或状语构成 V-ing 短语, 没有人 称和数的变化, 但有时态和语态的变 化。
语态 主动语态
一般式 (not) doing (not) being done
4) 表结果 e.g. Her mother died in 1990, leaving her
with her younger brother. (=Her mother died in 1990, and left her with her younger brother.) 全国到处在传唱这首歌曲, 使它成了一首 最受欢迎的歌曲。
3)表方式、伴随情况的状语: 作伴随状语的 分词表示的动作, 必须是主语的一个动作, 或是与谓语所表示的动作(或状态)同时发生, 或是对谓语表示的动词(或状态)作进一步 地补充说明。
e.g. He sat on the sofa, watching TV. (=He sat on the sofa, and watched TV.)
A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. being smoked D. smoking
4. ______ the programme, they have to stay there for another 2 weeks..
A. Not completing B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed
注意: -ing形式短语作定语时一般放
在它所修饰的名词之后, 相当于一个定 语从句。如:
They are visitors coming from several countries.
The boy standing there is a classmate of mine.
2. V-ing 形式作状语
the city more beautiful. Seeing 4. Generally speak, facial expressions are helpful communications, too. speaking
5. “Can’t you read?” the man said, angrily pointed to the notice on the wall.
pointing 6. Knocking at the door before entering, please. Knock 7. European football is played in 80 countries, made it the most popular sport in the world. making
2.现在分词在句中作状语, 修饰谓语动词或 整个句子, 表示动作发生的原因、时间、 方式、结果、条件、伴随状况等。现在 分词一般不用作表目的的状语(通常用 不定式表目的地状语)。
Walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine. (=When I was walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine.)
他们笑着谈着走进了教室。 __L_a_u_g_h_i_n_g_a_n_d__t_a_lk_i_n_g__ , they went into the classroom.
He stood leaning against the wall. (=He stood and leaned against the wall.)
A swimming pool = a pool for swimming
A sleeping car = a car for sleeping
2) -ing形式表示 “......的” 意思, 过去叫现 在分词, 作定语表示主动进行的动作.
A sleeping child=a child who is sleeping working people=people who are working the rising sun=the sun that is rising
有时也可用with (without) +名词(代词宾格) +分词形式。 With the lights burning, he fell asleep. 他点着灯睡着了。 7)作独立成分: Judging from(by) his appearance, he must be an actor. 从外表看, 他一定是个演员。 Generally speaking,girls are more careful.
The song is sung all over the country, __m__a_k_in_g__it__th_e__m_o_s_t_p_o_p__u_la_r__so_n_g____.
5) 表条件
Using your head, you will find a way. (=If you use your head, you will find a way.) 一直往前走, 你就会看到一座白色地房子。
Rewrite the following sentences.
1. When he approached Ms Smith, he touched her shoulder and kissed her.
_W__h_e_n_ _a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h_in_g_ Ms Smith, he touched her shoulder and kissed her. 2. The person who is translating the songs can speak seven languages.
Waiting for the bus, he read a copy of China Daily. (=While waiting for the bus,he rபைடு நூலகம்ad a copy of China Daily.)
2) 表原因状语 Being ill, he didn’t go to school. (=as he was ill, he didn’t go to school.)
完成式 (not)
having done having been done
V-ing 形式在句中作定语和状语是本单
1. 作定语 V-ing 形式可以单独充当名词的前置修饰 语, 这时有两种情况。
1) -ing形式表示 “供作......之用”的意思, 这 类作定语的-ing形式过去叫动名词。
1. 现在分词作状语时, 分词的逻辑主语必须是句子 的主语, 分词必须和句中的主语含有逻辑 上的主谓关系, 否则不能用现在分词作状语。 但要注意它的各种形式变化: e. g. Hearing the bell, the students began to enter the classroom. 听见铃声, 学生们开始走进教室。(听见和进入两 个动作同时发生)
C__o_m__in_g_ _fr_o_m__ Jordan, he moves close to ask you a question.
5. She sat at the desk and did her homework.
She sat at the desk _d_o_in__g_ _h_e_r_ _h_o_m__ew__o_r_k_.
The building being built now is our new library. 现在正在 建造的这栋楼房室我们的新图书馆。 (being built为现在分词的被动形式, 表示动作正在进行之中) 完成了工作, 他就回家了。
Having finished the work, he went home.
2. ________the piano, someone suddenly knocked at the door.
A. Playing B. When I was playing C. Repairing D. Examining
3. Mother caught the boy ______ in the
The person _t_r_a_n_s_la_t_in_g_t_h_e_s_o_n_g_s_can speak seven languages.
3. The boy standing there is reading a book about body language.
The boy _w_h_o_ _is_ _s_t_a_n_d_in_g_ there is reading a book about body language. 4. Because he comes from Jordan, he moves close to ask you a question.
Choose the best answer.
1. The stranger said something in a _______ voice and the little girl was very much ________
A. frightening, frightened B. frightened, frightening C. frightening, frightening D. frightened, frightened