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DJ Who Treats Their Workers Best?


Switzerland is first, Yemen last and Northern Europe the top region in a new evaluation of how nations foster their work forces.


The Human Capital Report, released Tuesday by the World Economic Forum, measured 122 countries in four areas -- education, health, employment and 'enabling environment' -- to establish the rankings. The fourth area encompasses subjects such as a country's legal framework as well as transportation and communications infrastructure, which affect an individual's ability to work.

世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)周二发布的人力资本报告(Human Capital Report)从教育、健康、就业和“有利环境”四个方面衡量了122个国家,从而建立了排名。第四个方面涵盖了一国的法律框架以及交通和通信基础设施等项目,它们影响着个人的工作能力。

This is the first such study from the World Economic Forum, said Saadia Zahidi, head of the Human Capital project at the Switzerland-based organization. The exercise, which was conducted with Mercer Consulting and the Harvard School of Public Health, is designed to help nations see where they fall on the global spectrum, and to highlight strengths in fostering their work forces as well as areas to be addressed, Ms. Zahidi said.

负责这个人力资本项目的扎西迪(Saadia Zahidi)说,这是总部位于瑞士的世界经济论坛首次进行此类研究。扎西迪说,这项研究是与美世咨询(Mercer

Consulting)和哈佛大学公共卫生学院(Harvard School of Public Health)一起进行的,旨在帮助各国弄清自己在全球范围内的位置,并突出它们在培养劳动力方面的强项以及需要应对的方面。

The project stemmed from conversations about the global jobs problem -- particularly youth unemployment and regional skills gaps -- and how countries can better invest in current and future workers. The researchers focused on life-long investment in an individual, from birth through death, including areas such as early-childhood education, access to health care and training throughout a worker's career. They tapped public data, such as labor force participation rates, school enrollment rates, infant mortality and life expectancies, as well as findings from World Economic Forum surveys of business executives.


The authors created a Human Capital Index, based on 51 variables, and found the strongest countries were concentrated in Northern Europe and North America. (Canada placed 10th; the U.S. was 16th.) The countries with the most work to do were largely in the Middle East and Africa.

报告作者创建了人力资本指数(Human Capital Index),基于51个变量,并发现表现最强劲的国家集中在北欧和北美。(加拿大排名第10;美国排在第16位。)最需要改进的国家大部分位于中东和非洲。

After Switzerland, the top ten countries were Finland, Singapore, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Norway, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Canada. Southern European countries were among the top half of the results,
