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People in earlier eras were surrounded by reminders of misery. They worked until exhausted, lived with few protections and died young.(提醒物之一) Church reminded worshippers that their souls were in danger and that they would someday be meat for worms. (提醒物之一) Given all this(因为有了这些提醒物了), they did not exactly(真不) need their art to be a bummer (痛苦的提醒了)too.
第二类:源自…; 归因于…; 前果后因 Derive from, come from, originate from, initiate from, stem from, spring from, grow out of, be attributable to; attribute 结果 to 原因;demand
This cold air current renders the Antarctic regions unlivable
whose counterparts at the opposite end of the globe are inhabited.(92 年的) The Antarctic is made uninhabitable primarily by ________. [A] cold air [B] calm seas [C] ice [D] lack of knowledge about the continent
第三类: 前面是结果,后面是原因 reflect, present, demonstrate, show, suggest, illustrate (反映,体现) 结果=现象反映原因=本质 现象反映本质 例题: Dead markets(结果) partly reflect the paralysis of banks. Which of the following one is the reason of dead markets? the paralysis of banks.
In the author’s view, Rosenberg’s book fails to ______ . [A]adequately probe social and biological factors [B]effectively evade the flaws of the social cure [C]illustrate the functions of state funding [D]produce a long-lasting social effect
原文:Some attributed every important cultural achievement(果) to the inventions of a few gifted peoples.(因) 选项:According to some people, every important cultural achievement is attributable to the inventions of a few gifted peoples. (对的!)
例题: Automation stimulates demand increase. Which of the following one is the reason of demand increase?
例题: Growth(结果), which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients (原因)– notably, protein – to feed expanding tissues. 2008 年
21 考研英语阅读必知技巧-何凯文 写作例句: 梅花香自苦寒来 The fragrance of plum flower grows out of the severe cold.
The glorious achievements originate from the perseverance.
第二题: Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and Join the Club is not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful.
(Given, on account of, in view of, thanks to, in light of, in terms of rely on, depend on, count on) + 原因
21 考研英语阅读必知技巧-何凯文
Given all these disadvantages, central bankers abandon this economic pattern.
scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death was inconclusive 不充分! 否定词: in No 对象! [A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death 不存在! 偷换否定对象!
写作例句: 因为他很努力,所以他成功了。 Because
His diligence renders his success.
例题: 1. Blockages give rise to bad temper. The bad temper is caused by traffic jam. 对!
2. This cold air current from the land is so forceful that It= This cold air current) makes the nearby seas the stormiest in the world and
Sees A (原因) as responsible for B (结果) 原因 bring about 结果
21 考研英语阅读必知技巧-何凯文
最常见的 表原因: because,because of, since, for, as, due to, owing to, in that, cause 表结果: so, so that, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, consequently, accordingly, implication, consequence, effect(结果!) 不是 efforts!!!!
Which of the following plays a key role in body growth according to the text? [A] Genetic modification. [B] Natural environment.(自然环境) [C] Living standards.(生活水平) [D] Daily exercise.
你的理由不充分 你没有理由 [C] people had the freedom to choose their own way of life
作者在说话!作者认为支持吸烟的人的观点是 nonsense 4.Lots of Americans bought=buy (相信) that nonsense(支持吸烟的人的观点), and over threeFra Baidu bibliotekdecades, some(大约) 10 million smokers went to early graves. 事实! 不是答案来源句! (出干扰项!)
因果考点: 1.因果词的总结。(识别因果) 2.区分原因和结果。
例题一: The accumulation of knowledge gives rise to the professionalism. The professionalism is the response to the accumulation of knowledge.
不常见但是常考的: 第一类:(导致!) 前因后果:(被动语态变为:前果后因)
render; produce; make; let; support; spur; spark; stimulate; fuel; push; motivate; promote; allow for; be responsible for; inspire; give rise to; bring about; trigger; foster; nurture; A play the role in B. cause
21 考研英语阅读必知技巧-何凯文 An argument made by supporters of smoking was that ________. 吸烟的支持者的观点是什么? [A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death [B] the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant [C] people had the freedom to choose their own way of life [D] antismoking people were usually talking nonsense
A (原因)gives rise to (导致)B(结果) B(结果) is the response to A (原因) 语言输出语言 语言输出逻辑! (研究生!) Spark: 导致!
例题二: He sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English. He believes the decline of formal English brought about changes in public attitudes in the 1960s. (错!)偷换! He holds the decline of formal English was caused by changes in public attitudes in the 1960s. 对!
21 考研英语阅读必知技巧-何凯文
第二部分(4 月 29 日直播现场版讲义)
第一题: 坚持: Perseverance Persistence 坚持认为! 1.Do you remember all those years? ? ?
when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters(不相信科学家的人=吸烟的支持者) insisted that we didn’t know for sure 2.That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain The evidence= scientific evidence (语境替换) scientific evidence was inconclusive the science was uncertain 3.That the antismoking lobby was out to(准备) destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way 政府别插手! people had the freedom to choose their own way of life 正话反说! 人们有选择生活方式的自由!