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1. 在这样的大公司里找到工作是他做梦也没有想过的。

Finding a job in such a big company has always been beyond his wildest dreams.

2. 铁路穿过村子一直延伸到了森林。

The railroad stretches beyond the village up into the forest.

3. 你的球没掉在这儿,再往远处找找看。

Your ball did not fall here. Look beyond for it.

4. 她漫无目的地在街上来回溜达。

She was wandering aimlessly up and down the street.

5. 听录音时,你要全神贯注,思想不要开小差。

While listening to the recording, you should be concentrating. Don’t let your thoughts wander.

6. 他一生都在追求一种会给自己生活带来意义的事业。

All his life, he’s been searching for a cause that would give meaning to his life

7. 他找遍了房间的每个角落也没找到那本书。

He searched every corner of the room, but didn't find the book.

8. 你可以利用搜索引擎从互联网上查找你所要的信息。

You can use the search engine to find out what you want from the Internet.


Strike when the iron is hot.

10. 石头打中了他的后脑勺。

The stone struck him on the back of the head.

11. 我觉得她有五十多岁。

She struck me as more than fifty.

12. 由于加薪的要求遭到拒绝,工人们正号召罢工。

The workers are calling for a strike as their request for pay raise was refused.

13. 他父母都是普通的工人, 他哪有钱来实施他的计划呢?

Both his parents are ordinary workers. How can he have the money to put his plan into practice?

14. 她难以忍受妈妈当着她朋友的面责骂她。

She couldn't bear that her mother scolded her in the face of her friends. 15. 要想给别人留下好印象,你得展示你的最佳状态。

If you want to make a good impression on other people, you have to be yourself at your best.

1. 他学习既勤奋又有技巧,因而成为班上为数不多的几名尖子之一。His industry and study skills qualify him as one of the few top students in the class.

2. 如果你对前面说的话不作修正,你会得罪你的同事的。

If you don’t qualify what you said before, you will offend your


3.经过5 年认真的学习,他将取得做医生的资格。

After five years of careful study, he is going to qualify for the job of a doctor.


My parents have given me a lot of guidance on choosing a career.


I had a good hunt for this book.


I still remember our exciting fox hunt last time.


I still remember our exciting fox hunt last time.


He goes hunting once a week.



People who work in offices are frequently referred to as “white-collar workers” because they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.


Keep an English-English dictionary handy, and when you cannot interpret a word with accuracy, you may refer to it any time.
