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小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/?tid=16-73374-0 For a nation struggling to make sense of deflation, duty and the shock of a graduate trainee being worked to death at one of Japan’s most prestigious companies, “Premium Friday” seems to provide a glimmer of hope.

对于一个挣扎着搞明白通缩、责任以及一名实习生在日本最具声望的企业之一过劳死事件所带来的打击的国家来说,“超值星期五”(Premium Friday)似乎提供了一丝希望。Following revelations of ruinously excessive overtime demands at Japan’s largest advertising agency, Dentsu, the government wants bosses to order their overworked, sleep-deprived employees home at 3pm on the last Friday of every month.

在日本最大的广告公司电通(Dentsu)被曝要求其员工进行摧残身心的过度加班后,日本政府希望老板们命令过度工作、睡眠不足的雇员在每个月最后一个周五的下午3点下班回家。Proponents of the idea, which include the powerful Keidanren business lobby, argue that workers could use the time for recuperative snoozing or enjoy more leisure activities and rev the economy out of deflation.


It may not, say many labour experts, be quite that simple.


In Japan, quality time has long been measured in minutes. But pressure is piling on Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, now entering his fifth year at the helm of the

“Abenomics” economic revitalisationprogramme. Legal claims of death by overwork have risen to a record during his reign, and many see labour reform as badly overdue.

在日本,与家人共享天伦之乐的“优质时间”一直是以分钟来计算的。但在“安倍经济学”经济复兴计划进入第5年之际,日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)受到越来越大的压力。在安倍任期内,过劳死引发的诉讼数量上升至创纪录高点,同时很多人认为劳动法律改革早就应该出台。

Mr Abe is discovering — as leaders before him have — that any attempt to reform Japan’s lon g-hour culture stumbles. Attitudes have adapted from postwar nation rebuilding to the 1980s desire for dominance, through to the protect-my-job-at-all-cost workaholism of the past two deflationary decades. What has remained constant is punishing overwork.


“There is a structural and deep-rooted problem with the working practice not just of Dentsu but other companies,” says Hi roshi Kawahito, a lawyer advising the family of Matsuri Takahashi, a Dentsu graduate trainee whose suicide has roused the Japanese public from a traditional indifference towards stories of punishing overwork.


莉(Matsuri Takahashi)的家人提供法律咨询的川人博(Hiroshi Kawahito)表示。高桥曾是电通的实习生,她的自杀唤醒了日本公众,使他们对过度工作的故事不再像以往那样无动于衷。The true extent of overtime worked in Japan, adds Waseda University labour law professor Makoto Ishida, is “impossible to calculate but undoubtedly very very huge”.

东京早稻田大学(Waseda University)劳动法教授石田真(Makoto Ishida)补充称,日本加班的真实程度“无法估计,但无疑非常非常严重”。

Last month, when Japan’s labour ministry referred Dentsu and one of its executives to prosecutors over Ms Takahashi’s death, the company said in a statement: “We take the in cident seriously. We offer our apology to those concerned for causing such a situation.”

上月,日本厚生劳动省(Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare)就高桥自杀一事把电通及其一名高管移交检方查办,该公司在一份声明中表示:“我们认真对待这起事件。我们为造成这一事件向相关人士道歉。”

Ms Takahashi’s death came to light late last year after her parents went public with the conclusion of the local labour standards bureau that their daughter had been a victim of karoshi —the legally recognised “death by overwork” syndrome from which, officially, at least 200 Japanese die every year, and which labour groups believe silently claims many more.

