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thermal expansion valve (TXV) “hiss noise”;
the current test m ethods associated with testing
TXVs; enhancements to the procedures to improve repeatability; post processing and f iltering techniques to quantify transient hiss noise; possible causes ofthe noise. Figure 1 shows a typical TXV based system and the location of the TXV related to the other com ponents in the system .Figure 2 show s an example
第 1卷 第 4期 20l1年 9月
汽 车 工 程 学 报
Chinese Journal of A utom otive Engineering
Vo1.1 N O.4 Sept.2011
汽 车空调 嘶声测试
Christopher Lietz (美 国贝洱公司 ,密歇根 ,特洛 伊 48083,美 国 )
Recei red date: 2OI1—09 05
(Behr A m erica,Troy,M 1 48083,U SA )
Abstract: This paper presents test and analysis methods suitable for vehicle level HVAC testing for thermal expansion valve (TXV) hiss and tlow noise.Hiss noise testing involves using binaural heads,microphones and accelerom eters to collect sound and vibration data and sight glass w indows to assess the quality of refrigerant f lowing in the liquid line before the TX V Testing show s the fundam ental root cause of hiss noise is inadequate condensation of the refrigerant into liquid form ,resulting in a m ixture of gas and liquid entering the T XV. Expansion of this mixture generates hiss noise.W hen the refrigerant flow to the TXV is in liquid form ,hiss noise is less audible.The TXV design (this will not be covered in the paper) and evaporator isolation also afect the hiss noise.Exam ple results of using the presented test m ethod for root cause analysis are included in this paper. Key words: HVAC; fans;TXV;test methods;high pass filters
摘 要 :介绍 了适 合于车辆 空调 热膨胀 阀 (TXV)的嘶嘶 声和 流动声的测试 方法 。嘶嘶声测试 系统包括人工头 、麦 克 风和加速度传感器 ,它可 以采集噪声和振动信号 ,并通过观察窗来评估流过位于 TxV前部的液体管里的冷凝剂 的质量 。 测 试表 明,嘶嘶声的根本原 因是制冷剂没有 完全冷凝成 液态,致使气体和液 体的混合物进 入 TXV,混合物的膨胀产 生 嘶嘶声 。若制冷 剂是以液体形式进入热膨 胀阀 ,嘶嘶声基本 就听不到 了。TXV 的设计 (文 章中没有涉及 )和蒸发器 的 隔离均对嘶嘶声有影 响。此外 还采 用本文所提出的测试方法进行 了实 际测试和 原因分析 。
关键词 :空调 ;风扇 ;热膨胀 阀;测试方法;高通滤波器
中 图 分 类 号 :TB5353
文 献 标 志码 :A
DOh 10.3969/j.issn.2095—1469.2011.04.004
Autom otive HVAC H iss Noise M easurem ents
Christopher Lietz
A utom otive occupant noise com fort lS very
important during vehicle HVAC(Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning)operation.This paper reviews
vehicle and HVAC noise
the current test m ethods associated with testing
TXVs; enhancements to the procedures to improve repeatability; post processing and f iltering techniques to quantify transient hiss noise; possible causes ofthe noise. Figure 1 shows a typical TXV based system and the location of the TXV related to the other com ponents in the system .Figure 2 show s an example
第 1卷 第 4期 20l1年 9月
汽 车 工 程 学 报
Chinese Journal of A utom otive Engineering
Vo1.1 N O.4 Sept.2011
汽 车空调 嘶声测试
Christopher Lietz (美 国贝洱公司 ,密歇根 ,特洛 伊 48083,美 国 )
Recei red date: 2OI1—09 05
(Behr A m erica,Troy,M 1 48083,U SA )
Abstract: This paper presents test and analysis methods suitable for vehicle level HVAC testing for thermal expansion valve (TXV) hiss and tlow noise.Hiss noise testing involves using binaural heads,microphones and accelerom eters to collect sound and vibration data and sight glass w indows to assess the quality of refrigerant f lowing in the liquid line before the TX V Testing show s the fundam ental root cause of hiss noise is inadequate condensation of the refrigerant into liquid form ,resulting in a m ixture of gas and liquid entering the T XV. Expansion of this mixture generates hiss noise.W hen the refrigerant flow to the TXV is in liquid form ,hiss noise is less audible.The TXV design (this will not be covered in the paper) and evaporator isolation also afect the hiss noise.Exam ple results of using the presented test m ethod for root cause analysis are included in this paper. Key words: HVAC; fans;TXV;test methods;high pass filters
摘 要 :介绍 了适 合于车辆 空调 热膨胀 阀 (TXV)的嘶嘶 声和 流动声的测试 方法 。嘶嘶声测试 系统包括人工头 、麦 克 风和加速度传感器 ,它可 以采集噪声和振动信号 ,并通过观察窗来评估流过位于 TxV前部的液体管里的冷凝剂 的质量 。 测 试表 明,嘶嘶声的根本原 因是制冷剂没有 完全冷凝成 液态,致使气体和液 体的混合物进 入 TXV,混合物的膨胀产 生 嘶嘶声 。若制冷 剂是以液体形式进入热膨 胀阀 ,嘶嘶声基本 就听不到 了。TXV 的设计 (文 章中没有涉及 )和蒸发器 的 隔离均对嘶嘶声有影 响。此外 还采 用本文所提出的测试方法进行 了实 际测试和 原因分析 。
关键词 :空调 ;风扇 ;热膨胀 阀;测试方法;高通滤波器
中 图 分 类 号 :TB5353
文 献 标 志码 :A
DOh 10.3969/j.issn.2095—1469.2011.04.004
Autom otive HVAC H iss Noise M easurem ents
Christopher Lietz
A utom otive occupant noise com fort lS very
important during vehicle HVAC(Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning)operation.This paper reviews
vehicle and HVAC noise