英语口译教程unit 4
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Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Information stored in an incorporative way (its logical hierarchy): Two chunks: 1. general statement of demand exceeding supply 2. a parallel illustration of the imbalance between the supply and the demand.
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 3: Listen to the passage and then repeat it:
There are significant improvement of economic prospects, like the increase in GDP growth hit 6.2% in 2006, the increase in foreign exchange reserves over 25 billion USD in 2007, the reduction government consumption, the stable exchange and interest rates and the consolidation in the banking system.
Students should remind themselves that what they are listening to is interesting and important and create mental pictures, or to visualize what they hear, whenever they can.
Lead-in activity: Training of the interpreting skill: Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
A. Difficulties in memorizing: unfamiliar with the topic or the subject unable to understand the utterance because of the differences between the two languages and poor command of English lacking in skills in memorizing scatterbrained; unable to concentrate on the material
Unit Four
The Purposes of Education
Vocabulary and expressions. Learn Interpreting Skills: Making Use of Memory Aids Discussion on education issues. Interpreting exercises.
Lead-in activity: Training of the interpreting skill: Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
C. Interpreter’s Memory: Long-term/permanent memory Short-term/Working memory Sensory/Instant memory
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 1: Listen to a passage and then repeat it:
九寨沟位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达35公 九寨沟位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达 公 里的自然风景区。风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、 里的自然风景区。风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、苍 翠悠远的湖泊、各种各样的珍禽奇兽, 翠悠远的湖泊、各种各样的珍禽奇兽,这些都构成 了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。 了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。 九寨沟是水的天地, 九寨沟是水的天地,九寨沟的水是人间最清澈的 水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色, 水,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色,是九寨沟的 灵魂。无论是宁静的湖泊还是飞泻的瀑布, 灵魂。无论是宁静的湖泊还是飞泻的瀑布,都是那 么的神奇迷人,令游人流连忘返。 么的神奇迷人,令游人流连忘返。
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Listen to a passage and then repeat it:
高等教育发展中的核心问题, 高等教育发展中的核心问题,现在是社会供给大 大落后于社会需要。这些年来, 大落后于社会需要。这些年来,提供高等教育机会 十分短缺, 十分短缺,广大人民群众对高等教育的需求十分强 烈和旺盛。另一方面,高层次人才的储备, 烈和旺盛。另一方面,高层次人才的储备,对一个 国家未来经济的发展,具有决定性的影响和作用, 国家未来经济的发展,具有决定性的影响和作用, 现在我们国家二十五岁以上的人口中, 现在我们国家二十五岁以上的人口中,接受高等教 育的比例不到3% 3%。 育的比例不到3%。如果我们现在不未雨绸缪地考虑 这样一个问题, 这样一个问题,将形成对未来国家发展 一个新的 瓶颈” “瓶颈”。
2. Why is Oxford Brookes considered a new
This visualization technique works very well for narrative or descriptive materials.
Chunking means to group individual pieces of data into larger units. It is a process of analyzing, summing up and reorganizing of discourse information. By chunking, on the basis of knowledge stored in our long-term memory, we organize the incoming information in our shortterm memory into meaningful larger units which are familiar to us. If students learn to chunk, their memory of the content of a passage will be largely improved.
两增一减 两稳定
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 4: Listen to the passage and then interpret:
Tsinghua University (founded in 1911): SelfSelf-discipline and Social Commitment
Lead-in activity: Training of the interpreting skill: Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
B. Tentative solutions: 把罗列出来的内容加以分类, 把罗列出来的内容加以分类,进行综合归 可以删繁就简,快速记忆; 纳,可以删繁就简,快速记忆; 把描述性、方位感强的内容形象化, 把描述性、方位感强的内容形象化,就可 节省记笔记的时间和精力。 节省记笔记的时间和精力。
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Information stored in a linear way: Four chunks: 1. general statement of demand exceeding supply 2. strong demand 3. limited supply 4. possible outcome of the shortage of the supply.
Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative
Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and 20 Science
Association in interpreting refers to interpreters’ deliberate mental connection of what they hear as new information to something they already know or are familiar with in an attempt for easier recall of the information later on.
Methods to improve memory Organization √ Visualization √ Chunking Association
Repetition Unit 7 Note-taking Unit 6&10
Sequential—chronological; cause/effect; building to climax Directional—north/south & east/west; front/back; left/right; bottom/up or top/down, etc. Transitional (connective)—relational words or phrases used to indicate qualitative change over time Component (part/whole)—classification by category or concept
1. What contributes to a good university?
2. Why is Oxford Brookes considered a new
university in Britain although it has a long history? It is called a new university because it started in Oxford in 1865 as a school of art and then it has gradually grown. After being a school of art, it became a college of technology. After the college of technology, it became a polytechnic and about ten years ago, it became a university. It is a new university in that sense even though it has a very long history.
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Information stored in an incorporative way (its logical hierarchy): Two chunks: 1. general statement of demand exceeding supply 2. a parallel illustration of the imbalance between the supply and the demand.
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 3: Listen to the passage and then repeat it:
There are significant improvement of economic prospects, like the increase in GDP growth hit 6.2% in 2006, the increase in foreign exchange reserves over 25 billion USD in 2007, the reduction government consumption, the stable exchange and interest rates and the consolidation in the banking system.
Students should remind themselves that what they are listening to is interesting and important and create mental pictures, or to visualize what they hear, whenever they can.
Lead-in activity: Training of the interpreting skill: Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
A. Difficulties in memorizing: unfamiliar with the topic or the subject unable to understand the utterance because of the differences between the two languages and poor command of English lacking in skills in memorizing scatterbrained; unable to concentrate on the material
Unit Four
The Purposes of Education
Vocabulary and expressions. Learn Interpreting Skills: Making Use of Memory Aids Discussion on education issues. Interpreting exercises.
Lead-in activity: Training of the interpreting skill: Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
C. Interpreter’s Memory: Long-term/permanent memory Short-term/Working memory Sensory/Instant memory
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 1: Listen to a passage and then repeat it:
九寨沟位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达35公 九寨沟位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达 公 里的自然风景区。风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、 里的自然风景区。风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、苍 翠悠远的湖泊、各种各样的珍禽奇兽, 翠悠远的湖泊、各种各样的珍禽奇兽,这些都构成 了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。 了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。 九寨沟是水的天地, 九寨沟是水的天地,九寨沟的水是人间最清澈的 水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色, 水,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色,是九寨沟的 灵魂。无论是宁静的湖泊还是飞泻的瀑布, 灵魂。无论是宁静的湖泊还是飞泻的瀑布,都是那 么的神奇迷人,令游人流连忘返。 么的神奇迷人,令游人流连忘返。
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Listen to a passage and then repeat it:
高等教育发展中的核心问题, 高等教育发展中的核心问题,现在是社会供给大 大落后于社会需要。这些年来, 大落后于社会需要。这些年来,提供高等教育机会 十分短缺, 十分短缺,广大人民群众对高等教育的需求十分强 烈和旺盛。另一方面,高层次人才的储备, 烈和旺盛。另一方面,高层次人才的储备,对一个 国家未来经济的发展,具有决定性的影响和作用, 国家未来经济的发展,具有决定性的影响和作用, 现在我们国家二十五岁以上的人口中, 现在我们国家二十五岁以上的人口中,接受高等教 育的比例不到3% 3%。 育的比例不到3%。如果我们现在不未雨绸缪地考虑 这样一个问题, 这样一个问题,将形成对未来国家发展 一个新的 瓶颈” “瓶颈”。
2. Why is Oxford Brookes considered a new
This visualization technique works very well for narrative or descriptive materials.
Chunking means to group individual pieces of data into larger units. It is a process of analyzing, summing up and reorganizing of discourse information. By chunking, on the basis of knowledge stored in our long-term memory, we organize the incoming information in our shortterm memory into meaningful larger units which are familiar to us. If students learn to chunk, their memory of the content of a passage will be largely improved.
两增一减 两稳定
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 4: Listen to the passage and then interpret:
Tsinghua University (founded in 1911): SelfSelf-discipline and Social Commitment
Lead-in activity: Training of the interpreting skill: Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
B. Tentative solutions: 把罗列出来的内容加以分类, 把罗列出来的内容加以分类,进行综合归 可以删繁就简,快速记忆; 纳,可以删繁就简,快速记忆; 把描述性、方位感强的内容形象化, 把描述性、方位感强的内容形象化,就可 节省记笔记的时间和精力。 节省记笔记的时间和精力。
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Information stored in a linear way: Four chunks: 1. general statement of demand exceeding supply 2. strong demand 3. limited supply 4. possible outcome of the shortage of the supply.
Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative
Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and 20 Science
Association in interpreting refers to interpreters’ deliberate mental connection of what they hear as new information to something they already know or are familiar with in an attempt for easier recall of the information later on.
Methods to improve memory Organization √ Visualization √ Chunking Association
Repetition Unit 7 Note-taking Unit 6&10
Sequential—chronological; cause/effect; building to climax Directional—north/south & east/west; front/back; left/right; bottom/up or top/down, etc. Transitional (connective)—relational words or phrases used to indicate qualitative change over time Component (part/whole)—classification by category or concept
1. What contributes to a good university?
2. Why is Oxford Brookes considered a new
university in Britain although it has a long history? It is called a new university because it started in Oxford in 1865 as a school of art and then it has gradually grown. After being a school of art, it became a college of technology. After the college of technology, it became a polytechnic and about ten years ago, it became a university. It is a new university in that sense even though it has a very long history.