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-- Behind most success is effective communication.
-- Failed plans are often the result of failed attempts at communicating.
-- Here are a few thoughts from Sam Walton (1992) about the importance of communication:
for the business. 第五,必须感激员工为公司做的每一件事。沃尔玛会经 常在适当的时机感激员工作出的贡献。沃尔玛认为,不 管你是什么国家、什么背景、什么宗教信仰,当有人赞 赏你的工作表现,你一定会感到非常高兴。
Rule 6. Celebrate your successes. 第六,提倡要庆祝每一次成功,而且要在失败中寻找乐 趣。无论什么时候都要充满激情,要在工作中寻找乐趣。
Know More Famous Brands
CocaCola(可口可乐)Lenovo(联想) Microsoft(微软) GE(通用电气)
Wal-Mart(沃尔玛) Nokia(诺基亚)
Samsung(三星) Mercedes-Benz(奔驰)
Rule 4. Communicate everything you possibly can
to your partners. 第四,尽可能和员工进行交流。员工知道的越多,理解 越深,他们对工作也就越关心,那么什么困难也不能阻 拦他们。
Rule 5. Appreciate everything your associates do
P&G(宝洁) IBM Haier(海尔)
Gillette(吉列) BMW(宝马) SONY(索尼)
Pepsi(百事可乐) NESCAFE(雀巢咖啡) KFC(肯德基) Starbucks(星巴克) HP(惠普) Nike(耐克) Adidas(阿迪达斯) IKEA(宜家) Motorola(摩托罗拉) Amway(安利中国) ROLEX(劳力士手表) Disney(迪斯尼乐园) TOYOTA(丰田) Honda(本田汽车) Ford(福特汽车)
A brief introduction to Wal-Mart , Sam Walton, Magama Copper Comapany and the HewlettPachkard Co.
1. Wal-Mart and Sam Walton
2.Magama Copper Company
Nissan(日产汽车) Hongta(红塔山)
Estee lauder(雅诗兰黛)PATEKPHILIPPE(百达翡丽)
Dunhill(登喜路) Montblanc(万宝龙) BENTLEY(宾利) Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯) LOUISVUITTON(路易威登LV) Gome(国美电器) Gree(格力空调) Carrefour(家乐福) VacheronConstantin(江诗丹顿) Cadillac(凯迪拉克)
The manage style Strive to A case study Shanghai People’s Publishing House Publication issues Looking forward to Branch managers Extemd a warm welcome to Academic works Teaching methodology A fruitful cooperation
Vital process Capatalize on Dramatic turnaround Effective communication Avoid waste Process of communication Bubble up Unleash talents Figure out ways to do sth The folks on the front lines Poor their efforts to do sth To foster creativity
II. Review the writing skill of a Memo and learn how to write a Welcome/Farewell Speech
Warming-up : look for the useful phrases and expressions in the text.
English for Secretary
Unit 5 Oct., 2006
Teaching Plan of Unit 5 of English for Secretary Aims: I. By learning a case study of human relations in HP,
we know how important a role the Communication plays in a successful company in reading A; reading B will show us how a manager should plan a trip---to make an appointment and arrangement for his business trip.
1. Communicate everything you possibly can to your partners.
2. Listen to everyone in your company.
3. People in organizations need each other.
HP ‘s informal working setting helps to build employee enthusiasm and morale and its informality extends into its organizational structure.
3.the Hewlett-Pachkard Co.
Ten Rules for the Success of Wal-Mart
The secret of our success isn't really a secret at all. In 1992, our founder, Sam Walton, outlined his 10 rules for building a business so that anyone could learn from them. These rules have helped us focus on the principles that were instilled in our business more than four decades ago and factor into the our continued success.
Duracell(金霸王) Huawei(华为)
Hennessy(轩尼诗) Chinaunicom(中国联通通信)
Injmedical(强生公司) ICBC(中国工商银行)Байду номын сангаас
and treat them as partners. 第二,必须与员工分享利润。对待员工要象对待伙伴一样, 这样员工也会把企业当成自己的合伙人。
Rule 3.Motivate your partners. 第三,要不断地激励员工,但不能只靠金钱,必须想一些 新的有趣的办法比如设计一些有挑战性的目标来激励员工, 同事鼓励竞争,并进行评分。
Budweiser(百威啤酒) ORACLE(甲骨文) Pfizer(辉瑞制药) Canon(佳能) SIEMENS(西门子) Heinz(亨氏) Nintendo(任天堂) VW(大众汽车) Loreal(欧莱雅) WRIGLEY(箭牌) Kodak(柯达) PizzaHut(必胜客)
Colgate(高露洁) Armani(阿玛尼)
Rule 1. Commit to your business. 第一,必须忠于你的事业。只有热爱工作,才会尽自己所 能,把工作做到最好。并且可以通过对工作的热情,感染 身边的每个人,也提高他们的效率。
Rule 2. Share your profits with all your associates,
AVON(雅芳) CHANEL(香奈儿)
Boeing(波音) Mobil(美孚)
PHILIPS(飞利浦) HeineKen(喜力啤酒)
Amazon(亚玛逊) MENGNIU(蒙牛集团)
Porsche(保时捷) Wuliangye(五粮液酒)
Panasonic(松下) Tsingtao(青岛啤酒)
-- Communication between different groups is encouraged.
-- In addition, top managers encourage employees to think of the company as one big family in which all members are striving together to reach corporate objectives.
2. Magma Copper Company – 迈格玛铜制品公司
3. HP
A detailed study of Reading A: The Importance Communication
-- Communication is the process through which people and organizations accomplish objectives.
A detailed study of Reading B – Making Appointments or Arrangements
Sample 1 – making an appointment with Shanghai People’s Publishing House
Sample 2 – notice of meeting (an arrangement)
Rule 9. Control your expenses better than your
competition. 第九,必须比竞争对手更加节约成本。必须严格地控制 开销,控制损耗。既然“天天平价”是沃尔玛对顾客的 不变承诺,那为了实现这一承诺,就必须要有低成本。
Rule 10. Swim upstream. 第十,必须逆流而上、另辟蹊径,不要墨守成规。
Rule 7. Listen to everyone in your company. 第七,必须听取员工的意见。尤其在零售业,最了解信 息的往往是最基层的员工。所以,听取他们的意见非常 重要。
Rule 8. Exceed your customers' expectations. 第八,必须超出顾客的期望。这是沃尔玛一贯的努力方 向。只要做到这一点,就可以不断地吸引顾客光顾,使 销售额不断提高。
Effective communication Transmission of information Verbal communication Communicator Conventions of language Information sender Information receiver Communication process