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1 现在进行时表示“此时正在进行的动作”。 现在进行时的标志性词语有now, look 等。
2 现在进行时的基本结构:
主语 + be + 动词ing(现在分词)
3 be动词是由主语决定的。
总 结
我用am, 你用are,is连着他她它,
例句:1. I am watching TV. 2. You are doing homework. 3. He is swimming. 4. We are having class. 5. They are playing football.
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Part 3 请输入文字
1. Ann wants to play in the snow with her parents. 2. She feels very happy .
He is cleaning.
he isn’t. Are they
Is she driving a car ? Yes, she is.
Thank You
It is snowing.
Ann asks dad and mum to play with her in the snow.
“All right. Let’s go,”dad says.“好的,一起去吧。“爸爸说。
Now they are playing with the snow.
5 现在进行时的句式。
总 结
肯定回答: Yes, 主语 + be动词
否定回答: No, 主语+ be not.
Lesson 3 We are having a sports meet.
What are they doing? 5 They are running. They are playing football.
4 现在分词的构成规则。
1. 一般直接在动词词尾+ing. 如:read - reading , clean - cleaning , drink - drinking
2. 以不发音的e结尾,去e再+ing. 如:write - writing , make - making , have - having
They are swimming.
Is she playing basketball? No, she isn’t. She is running.
Is he doing the long jump? No, he isn’t. He is doing the high jump.
Dad is rolling a big snowball.
Ann is rolling a small one beside him.
Mum is helping her.
They are making a snowman. Mum is putting a nose on the snowman’s face. 妈妈正在把一个鼻子放到雪人的脸上。 “Are you happy, Ann?”mum says. “Yes, I am”Ann answers. (回答)
3. 重读的“辅音+元音+辅音”结尾, 应双写结尾字母再+ing. 如:swim - swimming , run - running , stop – stopping , put - putting
5 现在进行时的句式。
肯定句:She is listening to music. 否定句:She is not listening to music. 一般疑问句: Is she listening to music? 肯定回答: Yes, she is. 否定回答: No, she is not.
The school sports meet is going on.
What sports are the kids playing ?
They are running, the long jump and the high jump.
first 第一 second 第二 third 第三