第四章 应用文的翻译
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
请柬 谨订于6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南三邮区威斯特寇 姆公园路10号举行晚宴,敬请布莱克先生和夫人届时光临! 安康 敬请回复。 电话: 03-454-5802 服装: 礼服
Mr. & Mrs T. S. Black accept with pleasure Mr. An Kang's kind invitation to dinner at 7.00 p. m. on Monday, 12th June at 10 Westcombe Park Road, London SE3
亲爱的张涛: 欣悉你荣获科技进步一等奖,这是巨大的胜利。恭喜成功! 我们都以你为荣! 李淼 上 2007年8月1日
例3: 晋升祝贺信
Dear Dr. Liu Chen, From today's paper I have learned with much delight that you were recently appointed editor-in-chief of the Morning Paper. I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving on your promotions. Your speedy advancement at such a young age is quite rare. This is surely owing to your untiring industry, coupled with your extraordinary ability. With your qualifications and unyielding will, the position will surely prove to be a pleasant one. The Morning Paper at last has an editor-in-chief who can make it the dominant, outstanding daily of the country. With my best wishes for your further success. Yours sincerely, Wang Gang
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应用文一种用途非常广泛的功能性文体, 从内容到形式丰富多样,适应不同的目的和要 求。 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ用文的特点是实用性强,不管用于什么 目的,都有很强的针对性。
应用文翻译应注意要语言简练、直截了当、 条理清楚、表达准确、用词恰当、明白易懂。一 般就事论事、不求虚饰、不作修饰和自由发挥, 避免晦涩难懂的词语。
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(f) 结束语(Complimentary Close)
(g) 签名(Signature) (h) 附件(Enclosure),简写Enc. (i) 再启(Postscript),简写P.S.
7 返回章重点 退出
2. 应用文的特点
我们写信给您,希望与贵公司建立业务往来。我们是 一家连锁商号,在全国开设有50家商店,经销男女服装、 内衣及其他相关商品。我们对贵公司的产品颇感兴趣,不 知可否给我们连锁店经销,兹附上介绍我们连锁店的宣传 单一张,尚希查阅。 您忠实的 (签名)
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May 10, 2007 Your Excellency, The various subjects we discussed yesterday were all matters of very great importance. To avoid possible misunderstanding in our talk, I have composed a memorandum of the subjects we covered. I beg to send it herewith to Your Excellency and to ask you to examine it and to see if there are any mistakes therein. I hope you will favour me with a reply at your earliest convenience. I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best wishes.
外交大臣阁下: 昨日与阁下所谈各项事务都极为重要。为 避免言语之间可能有误会之处,兹将所商各事 拟成备忘录一份呈上。清阁下检查有无错误, 并希先期答复为盼。顺致 敬意 美利坚合众国大使馆临时代办 (签署全名) 2007年5月 10日
(Signed, in full name) Charged Affaires ad. Interim of the Embassy of the U. S. A.
例1:毕业贺卡 July 7, 2009 Dear Li Hui, Heartiest congratulations upon your graduation from Jilin University with honors. You’ve just completed one of the first steps in life. It’s time to get a job! May everything that you’re hoping for be yours along the way. Good luck in the future! Sincerely, Wang Wei
侯磊博士及夫人 谨订
回函请寄 公园路36号
13 返回章重点 退出
贺卡(信) Greeting Card and Letter
订婚、结婚、生子、升学、获奖、晋升等喜事表示祝贺, 或者表示节日的庆贺。
返回章重点 退出
练习. 请柬 Dr. and Mrs. Hou Lei request the pleasure of your company at a small dance at ten o'clock Sunday, the eighth of November The Culture Square Please reply to 36 Park Road 请柬 兹订于11月8日(星期日)10时在文化广场 举行舞会,敬请光临,恭候回音。
3 返回章重点 退出
Dear Sir,
We are writing to you in the hope that we may open an account with you. We are a chain store, operating 50 stores across the country. We handle men’s and women’s apparels, underwears and other related goods. We are interested in your products and wonder if we can handle them in our chain outlet. We are enclosing a leaflet introducing our chain business for your information. Yours faithfully 亲爱的先生: (signature)
亲爱的李辉: 恭喜你以优异的成绩从吉林大学毕业。你已迈出人生中最重 要的第一步。现在是找工作的时候了!祝愿你在人生的旅途上, 心想事成,万事如意,前途光明!
你的朋友 王伟 敬贺 2009年7月7日
Dear Zhang Tao,
Aug. 1, 2007
I am so excited about your winning the first prize in science and technology research work. It is a great triumph. Enthusiastic congratulations on the job well done. We are proud of you. Truly, Li Miao
5 返回章重点 退出
(a) 信头(Letter Head/Heading) (b) 日期(Date) (c) 封内地址(Inside Address) (d) 称呼(Salutation or Greeting) (e) 信的正文(Body of the Letter)
请柬(帖),就是邀请客人时送去的通知。 其主要的部分是时间、地点和目的。 英文正式请柬(帖)和复函,格式比较严格, 每项内容占一行:邀请者、被邀请者、活动内容、 活动目的、时间和地点、服装要求,主词用第三 人称。 英译汉时应按汉语请柬(帖)的格式规范作 相应调整,不应局限于原文的格式。
例1:邀请 Mr. An Kang requests the pleasure of the company of Mr.& Mrs. T. S. Black at dinner at 7.00 p. m. on Monday, 12th June at 10 Westcombe Park Road, London SE3 R.S.V.P. Tel.03-454-5802 Dress: Formal
承蒙盛情邀请参加6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南 三邮区威斯寇姆公园10号举行的晚宴,我们欣然接受。 此致 敬礼 布莱克夫妇谨复
练习:谢却邀请 Mr. & Mrs T. S. Black regret that a previous engagement prevents them from accepting Mr. An Kang's kind invitation to dinner at 7.00 p. m. on Monday, 12th June at 10 Westcombe Park Road, London SE3 6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南三邮区 威斯寇姆公园10号安康先生之盛情邀请,因事先有 约,深为遗憾,敬谢。 此致 敬礼 布莱克夫妇 谨复
①completeness(完整) ②clearness (清楚) ③concreteness(具体) ④conciseness (简洁) ⑤courtesy (礼貌) ⑥correctness (正确) ⑦consideration(体谅)
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请柬 (Invitation Card)
圣诞节卡 新年卡 情人节卡 母亲节卡 父亲节卡等 生日卡 周年纪念日卡 送礼卡 致谢卡 探视卡等
贺卡格式主要有称呼、正文、结尾、署名等几个 部分;语句结构简单,多为单句、感叹句、比喻句、省 略句;语言特点是文字简短,语言倾向口语化。 翻译时既要考虑英语贺卡(信)的格式与特点,也 要照顾英语的格式与特点, 二者合理结合;用词一定要 热情洋溢,字里行间充满美好而真诚的祝贺,但切勿过 分夸张,言过其实。
Translation of Applied
1. 应用文体的概念 所有语类的语篇可以归结为两大类:①实用文 体,即应用文;(2)文学文体。文学语篇的职能是 利用语言给人以乐趣和美的享受。而实用文体是 “直接以传递信息或服务的语篇类型”(张德禄, 1998:297)。 应用文是一个相当广泛的范畴,所运用的语言 也不是一成不变的。不同类别的应用文,其语言也 是千差万别的。公函、书信、通知、请柬、启事、 通告、海报、广告、单据、契约、合同以及迎送辞、 协议书、合同、备忘录、商品说明书都属于应用文 之列。
Mr. & Mrs T. S. Black accept with pleasure Mr. An Kang's kind invitation to dinner at 7.00 p. m. on Monday, 12th June at 10 Westcombe Park Road, London SE3
亲爱的张涛: 欣悉你荣获科技进步一等奖,这是巨大的胜利。恭喜成功! 我们都以你为荣! 李淼 上 2007年8月1日
例3: 晋升祝贺信
Dear Dr. Liu Chen, From today's paper I have learned with much delight that you were recently appointed editor-in-chief of the Morning Paper. I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving on your promotions. Your speedy advancement at such a young age is quite rare. This is surely owing to your untiring industry, coupled with your extraordinary ability. With your qualifications and unyielding will, the position will surely prove to be a pleasant one. The Morning Paper at last has an editor-in-chief who can make it the dominant, outstanding daily of the country. With my best wishes for your further success. Yours sincerely, Wang Gang
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应用文一种用途非常广泛的功能性文体, 从内容到形式丰富多样,适应不同的目的和要 求。 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ用文的特点是实用性强,不管用于什么 目的,都有很强的针对性。
应用文翻译应注意要语言简练、直截了当、 条理清楚、表达准确、用词恰当、明白易懂。一 般就事论事、不求虚饰、不作修饰和自由发挥, 避免晦涩难懂的词语。
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(f) 结束语(Complimentary Close)
(g) 签名(Signature) (h) 附件(Enclosure),简写Enc. (i) 再启(Postscript),简写P.S.
7 返回章重点 退出
2. 应用文的特点
我们写信给您,希望与贵公司建立业务往来。我们是 一家连锁商号,在全国开设有50家商店,经销男女服装、 内衣及其他相关商品。我们对贵公司的产品颇感兴趣,不 知可否给我们连锁店经销,兹附上介绍我们连锁店的宣传 单一张,尚希查阅。 您忠实的 (签名)
4 返回章重点 退出
May 10, 2007 Your Excellency, The various subjects we discussed yesterday were all matters of very great importance. To avoid possible misunderstanding in our talk, I have composed a memorandum of the subjects we covered. I beg to send it herewith to Your Excellency and to ask you to examine it and to see if there are any mistakes therein. I hope you will favour me with a reply at your earliest convenience. I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best wishes.
外交大臣阁下: 昨日与阁下所谈各项事务都极为重要。为 避免言语之间可能有误会之处,兹将所商各事 拟成备忘录一份呈上。清阁下检查有无错误, 并希先期答复为盼。顺致 敬意 美利坚合众国大使馆临时代办 (签署全名) 2007年5月 10日
(Signed, in full name) Charged Affaires ad. Interim of the Embassy of the U. S. A.
例1:毕业贺卡 July 7, 2009 Dear Li Hui, Heartiest congratulations upon your graduation from Jilin University with honors. You’ve just completed one of the first steps in life. It’s time to get a job! May everything that you’re hoping for be yours along the way. Good luck in the future! Sincerely, Wang Wei
侯磊博士及夫人 谨订
回函请寄 公园路36号
13 返回章重点 退出
贺卡(信) Greeting Card and Letter
订婚、结婚、生子、升学、获奖、晋升等喜事表示祝贺, 或者表示节日的庆贺。
返回章重点 退出
练习. 请柬 Dr. and Mrs. Hou Lei request the pleasure of your company at a small dance at ten o'clock Sunday, the eighth of November The Culture Square Please reply to 36 Park Road 请柬 兹订于11月8日(星期日)10时在文化广场 举行舞会,敬请光临,恭候回音。
3 返回章重点 退出
Dear Sir,
We are writing to you in the hope that we may open an account with you. We are a chain store, operating 50 stores across the country. We handle men’s and women’s apparels, underwears and other related goods. We are interested in your products and wonder if we can handle them in our chain outlet. We are enclosing a leaflet introducing our chain business for your information. Yours faithfully 亲爱的先生: (signature)
亲爱的李辉: 恭喜你以优异的成绩从吉林大学毕业。你已迈出人生中最重 要的第一步。现在是找工作的时候了!祝愿你在人生的旅途上, 心想事成,万事如意,前途光明!
你的朋友 王伟 敬贺 2009年7月7日
Dear Zhang Tao,
Aug. 1, 2007
I am so excited about your winning the first prize in science and technology research work. It is a great triumph. Enthusiastic congratulations on the job well done. We are proud of you. Truly, Li Miao
5 返回章重点 退出
(a) 信头(Letter Head/Heading) (b) 日期(Date) (c) 封内地址(Inside Address) (d) 称呼(Salutation or Greeting) (e) 信的正文(Body of the Letter)
请柬(帖),就是邀请客人时送去的通知。 其主要的部分是时间、地点和目的。 英文正式请柬(帖)和复函,格式比较严格, 每项内容占一行:邀请者、被邀请者、活动内容、 活动目的、时间和地点、服装要求,主词用第三 人称。 英译汉时应按汉语请柬(帖)的格式规范作 相应调整,不应局限于原文的格式。
例1:邀请 Mr. An Kang requests the pleasure of the company of Mr.& Mrs. T. S. Black at dinner at 7.00 p. m. on Monday, 12th June at 10 Westcombe Park Road, London SE3 R.S.V.P. Tel.03-454-5802 Dress: Formal
承蒙盛情邀请参加6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南 三邮区威斯寇姆公园10号举行的晚宴,我们欣然接受。 此致 敬礼 布莱克夫妇谨复
练习:谢却邀请 Mr. & Mrs T. S. Black regret that a previous engagement prevents them from accepting Mr. An Kang's kind invitation to dinner at 7.00 p. m. on Monday, 12th June at 10 Westcombe Park Road, London SE3 6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南三邮区 威斯寇姆公园10号安康先生之盛情邀请,因事先有 约,深为遗憾,敬谢。 此致 敬礼 布莱克夫妇 谨复
①completeness(完整) ②clearness (清楚) ③concreteness(具体) ④conciseness (简洁) ⑤courtesy (礼貌) ⑥correctness (正确) ⑦consideration(体谅)
8 返回章重点 退出
请柬 (Invitation Card)
圣诞节卡 新年卡 情人节卡 母亲节卡 父亲节卡等 生日卡 周年纪念日卡 送礼卡 致谢卡 探视卡等
贺卡格式主要有称呼、正文、结尾、署名等几个 部分;语句结构简单,多为单句、感叹句、比喻句、省 略句;语言特点是文字简短,语言倾向口语化。 翻译时既要考虑英语贺卡(信)的格式与特点,也 要照顾英语的格式与特点, 二者合理结合;用词一定要 热情洋溢,字里行间充满美好而真诚的祝贺,但切勿过 分夸张,言过其实。
Translation of Applied
1. 应用文体的概念 所有语类的语篇可以归结为两大类:①实用文 体,即应用文;(2)文学文体。文学语篇的职能是 利用语言给人以乐趣和美的享受。而实用文体是 “直接以传递信息或服务的语篇类型”(张德禄, 1998:297)。 应用文是一个相当广泛的范畴,所运用的语言 也不是一成不变的。不同类别的应用文,其语言也 是千差万别的。公函、书信、通知、请柬、启事、 通告、海报、广告、单据、契约、合同以及迎送辞、 协议书、合同、备忘录、商品说明书都属于应用文 之列。