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The Natural Scenery in Chinese Poetry 中华大地,幅员辽阔,各处地理风光不同、气候不一。中国有一句俗语:一方水土养一方人。意思是说:不同地域上的人,由于生存环境不同,思想观念、人文历史、文化性格特征也不同。北方四季鲜明气候干燥,南方四季如春温暖湿润,北方人高大结实性格豪爽,南方人矮小秀气性格细腻……在信息和交通技术尚不发达的古代,诗人们用他们最真切的感受表达了对自然界的敬意和赞美。

With a vast territory, China has different styles of scenery and climates. As the saying goes, “Each place has its streams in from all over the country; each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants.”It means that the people from different areas have different thoughts and ideas, different cultures and histories, and different characters, which are all because of the different living environment. In the north, we have distinct four seasons and it is always dry in these areas, while in the south, we can enjoy the warm and moist spring in every season. The northerners are tall and strong with a straightforward character, while the southerners are short and delicate with a tender character. In the ancient time when communication and technology was underdeveloped, poets preferred to express their admiration and praise for nature through their poems.


Part One: Regional Scenery


The scenery of Jiangnan


Generally, Jiangnan region refers to the area south of the Changjiang River. The climate there is moist and this area is rich in products. The scenery there is quite pleasant. Many poets had ever created poems describing the beautiful scenery there. Let’s open the book 《唐宋词欣赏》. And turn to Page One and Page Four. The first two poems are about the scenery of Jiangnan.


In front of western hills white egrets fly up and down

Over peach-mirrored stream, where perches are full grown.

In a broad-brimmed blue hat and green straw cloak,

I’d fain go fishing careless of the slanting wind and rain.


(Tang Dynasty) A Fisherman’s Song Zhang Zhihe


Version: white egrets freely over the mountains. The peach blossoms are in full bloom. The mandarin fish are very fat. The fisherman, wearing a hat and green straw rain cape, is fishing freely. He is so happy that he forgets to go back home.


The sunrise river Chinese pear-leaf crabapple victory fire, spring comes the river duck like blue.


• (Tang Dynasty) Recalled Chiangnan by Bai Juyi


How beautiful on earth is the scenery in Jiangnan? When the sun rises, the flowers on the bank seem to be redder than fire. When spring comes, the water in the Changjiang River is as green as grass.


This combination of the color red and green is quite bright and vivid, which shows a colorful picture of Jiangnan scenery.


Northern scenes


The north often mentioned refers to the area which is to the north of the Great Wall. Because of the cold weather, the scenery there is just opposite to that in Jiangnan. In the north, you can see vast grasslands and deserts, and experience the brisk wind and heavy snow. In the ancient time, quite a lot of wars broke out in the north. Every year, the country would send some men to defend the border. So during that period, many poems describing the soldiers’ homesickness appeared. 1.北方草原

The northern grasslands


The sky is so blue and the steppe is so wide,

As wind lowers grass livestock cannot hide.


(Northern Dynasties) Chi Le Song


Version: the sky is blue and the grassland is boundless. With the breeze blowing, the grass is waving. While the wind lowers the grass, all the livestock turn up.


The name of the poem is Chi Le Song. Chi Le was nomadic people in the ancient time. And the people now mainly live in Gangsu Province and Inner Mongolia of China. This poem praised the scenery of magnificent and fertile grasslands in the north, and expressed Che le people’s love for their hometown and their free life.


The desert in the north
