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I have not sufficient reasoning faculty to settlethe doctrine of thrift——as it is consistent with the dignity of human Society——with the happiness of Cottagers ——all I can do is by plump contrasts——Were the fingers made to squeeze a guinea or a white hand?Were the Lips made to hold a pen or a Kiss?And yet in Cities Man is shutout from his fellows if he is poor,the cottagermust be dirty and very wretched if she be notthrifty.——The present state of society demandsthis and this convinces me that the world is veryyoung and in a very ignorant state.——We live ina barbarous age…On our walk in Ireland we hadtoo much opportunity to see the worse than nakedness,the rags,the dirt and misery of thepoor common Irish—A Scotch Cottage,though inthat sometimes the Smoke has no exit but at thedoor,is a palace to an Irish one…We heard onpassing into Belfast through a most wretchedsuburb that most disgusting of all noises…I meanthe sound of the

shuttle.What a tremendous difficulty is the improvement of the conditions ofsuch people.I cannot conceive how a mind “withchild” of philanthropy could grasp at possibility——with me it is absolute despair.

