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Translation Exercises: (汉译英语态的变换)补充


Be trusted rather than feared.

2. 然而,人类只利用了这种能的一部分。

Yet, only a part of this energy is used by man.

3. 社会主义给我们带来了自由和幸福。

We are brought freedom and happiness by socialism.

4. 全国到处都在兴建新的工厂和中小型水电站。

New factories and hydro-electric stations of small and medium sizes are being built everywhere in our country.

5. 医院立即收下那个重伤的男孩。

The boy who had been seriously injured was immediately admitted into the hospital.

6. 我们的团结进一步加强了。

Our unity has been further strengthened.

7. 那时和谈正在巴黎进行。

The peace talks were being held in Paris then.

8. 没有知识分子,我们的事情就不能做好,所以我们要好好地团结他们。

Without intellectuals our work cannot be done well, and we should therefore do a good job of uniting with them.

9. 有人说在城里的人天天都可以赶会。

It was said that people in the town had fairs to go to every day.

10. 一次被蛇咬,三年怕井绳。

He who is bitten once by a snake, will be afraid of a grass rope for three years.

Once bitten by a snake, he will be afraid of a grass rope for three years.

11. 他自我感觉总那么好,可这次被冷落了。

He is always full of himself but this time he has been left out in the cold.

12. 龙游浅水遭虾戏了。

A dragon is stranded in shallow water —a gigantic creature is reduced to being teased by


13. 翌年楚因战败而蒙辱于秦。

The next year the Kingdom of Chu was humiliated by the Kingdom of Qin due to its military defeat.

14. 公子受宠于君。

You are now in the Emperor’s favour.

15. 茅屋为秋风所破。

The thatched house was destroyed by the autumn storm.

16. 上次来接我的是一位叫百马的先生。

Last time I was received by a gentleman named Bai Ma.

17. 肥皂泡可看不可摸

Soap bubbles should be seen and not touched.

18. 木不凿不透,话不说不明。

Words unspoken are not known; wood not bored remains as before.

19. 土豆很好吃。→Potatoes taste delicious.

20. 这布摸起来软。→The cloth feels soft.

21. 这种布料耐用。→The cloth lasts well.

22. 这所公寓的租金很便宜。→The apartment rents cheaply.

23. 故事靠人写。→No story writes itself.

24. 这个葡萄酒口感不错,与价格相称。

This wine drinks well for its price.

25. 白台布容易脏。

This white table cloth stains easily.

26. 这个铜壶擦不亮。

This copper pot won’t rub up.

27. 这首曲子听起来像鸟叫。

The melody sounds like birds chirping.

28. 那辆摩托车需要上油了。

The motorcycle requires lubricating.

29. 那个展览参观三次也值得。

The exhibition is worth visiting three times.

30. 这幢房子需要立即修理。

The house needs putting into immediate repair. (= to be put into)

31. 他很难信服。

He is hard to convince.

32. 有的书可以浅尝,有的书可以吞食,少数则须咀嚼消化。

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

33. 这次反种族歧视运动是由一位著名的黑人领袖亲发动和领导的。

The movement to oppose racial discrimination was personally initiated and led by a famous Negro leader.

34. 他的的言论被驳得体无完肤。

His argument was refuted down to the last point.

35. 国家不能以大小判断,如同个人不能以大小判断一样。

Nations are not to be judged by their sizes any more than individuals.

36. 社会主义思想体系已为全国人民所接受。

Socialist ideology has been accepted by the people of the whole country.

37. 要把必要的资料收集起来,加以分析。

The necessary quantity of data should be collected and analyzed.

38. 我们提议对计划做修改。

We propose that some changes (should) be made in the plan.

A number of plates was stored outside of the door.

39. 曾经有人提议立即设计和生产这种装置。

It was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced without delay.

40. 已经指出,他们的建议在某种程度上是合理的。

It has been pointed out that their suggestion is reasonable to a certain degree.

41. 据说,她能讲几种外国语。

It is said that she can speak several foreign languages.

She is said to be able to speak several languages.

42. 他仅有的一点钱也被抢去了。

He was robbed of what little money he had.
