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Unit 5 Take a Lesson from the Economists Economics is the dismal science: so say the large number of people who heap sc orn on the intellectural merits of the discipline. Much of the criticism comes from "pu re" or "proper" scientist —— physicists, chemists and biologists. Now, economics cer tainly has its failings. But the general way in which economists approach and describe the world, and how they convey their message about it to others , carries lessons whic h pure scientists should learn from.


Economics has inexactitudes and vagueness built into it. The general lack of rel iable data about past events makes virtually impossible the accurate measurement of e ven the most basic economic variables, such as the total volume of output in a country , or the path of consumer spending, or inflation.


If economists are hazy about what is going right now, they are even less sure ab out the future. Due to the general measurement difficulties, as well as unforeseen even ts such as wars or natural disasters, economic forecasts are almost always wrong, som etimes by wide margins. As for economic theories, they change almost according to fa shion, with economists allowed to move effortlessly between them, sometimes holdin g several contrasting points of view at the same time.


The contrast with scientists could not be starker. The tools of an economist's tra

de are muddy data, loose theorising and a shambling approach to causality which says . that a set of interactions between A, B and C MIGHT lead to a conclusion Z (and on ly via a roundabout route which takes in P, Q and R as well) . Scientists have a harder-edged way of looking at the world, requiring a set of rigid theories and data based on painstaking experimental observation.


But the economists have been able to use the vagueness with which their subje ct is afflicted to their advantage. By concentrating on broad conclusions to problems a nd communicating these in terms that can be understood by the special interest groups they are dealing with, economists have had a generally good record in "assimilating t hemselves into positions of influence. Scientists have done rather less well by concent rating on the nature of problems rather than on the conclusions or policy prescripitons.


All this explains why, in British at least, economists as a body of people have had muchmore success in purely professional terms over the past 20 years than scienti -sts.


Take the posts in the Britain government of chief scientific adviser and chief ec onomist. In the first position, Bill Stewart has a thin power base, playing a marginal ro le in providing scientific advice to dozens of government departments. The second job takes the "incumbent to the centre of the government's decision-making machinery in the Treasury, and into involvement with many of the most important decisions minist ers make about how Britain should operate.
