香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则 (2013修订)

香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则 (2013修订)
香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则 (2013修订)

Administered Arbitration Rules 2013Administered Arbitration Rules 201




These Rules have been adopted by the Council of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) for use by parties who seek the formality and convenience of an administered arbitration.


These Rules may be adopted in an arbitration agreement or by an agreement in writing at any time before or after a dispute has arisen. These Rules may be adopted for use in both domestic and international arbitral proceedings. Provisions regarding the scope of application of these Rules are set out in Article 1. Effectiveness

These Rules have been adopted to take effect from 1 November 2013, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Rules.

Suggested Clauses

1. The following model clause may be adopted by the

parties to a contract who wish to have any future

disputes referred to arbitration in accordance with these


“Any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising

out of or relating to this contract, including the

existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach

or termination thereof or any dispute regarding non-

contractual obligations arising out of or relating to it

shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration

administered by the Hong Kong International Arbitration

Centre under the Hong Kong International Arbitration

Centre Administered Arbitration Rules in force when

the Notice of Arbitration is submitted.

The seat of arbitration shall be … (Hong Kong).

* The number of arbitrators shall be ... (one or three).

The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in ...

(insert language).”

* Optional

2. Parties to an existing dispute in which neither an

arbitration clause nor a previous agreement with respect

to arbitration exists, who wish to refer such dispute to

arbitration under the Rules, may agree to do so in the

following terms:

“We, the undersigned, agree to refer to arbitration

administered by the Hong Kong International Arbitration

Centre under the Hong Kong International Arbitration

Centre Administered Arbitration Rules any dispute,

controversy, difference or claim (including any dispute

regarding non-contractual obligations) arising out of or

relating to:

(Brief description of contract under which disputes,

controversies, differences or claims have arisen or may


The seat of arbitration shall be … (Hong Kong).

* The number of arbitrators shall be ... (one or three).

The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in ...

(insert language).

Signed: (Claimant)

Signed: (Respondent)

Date: ”

* Optional



Article 1 ? Scope of Application (6)

Article 2 ? Notices and Calculation of Periods of Time .6 Article 3 ? Interpretation of Rules (8)



Article 4 ? Notice of Arbitration (10)

Article 5 ? Answer to the Notice of Arbitration (12)


Article 6 ? Number of Arbitrators (14)

Article 7 ? Appointment of a Sole Arbitrator (14)

Article 8 ? Appointment of Three Arbitrators (15)

Article 9 ? Confirmation of the Arbitral Tribunal (16)

Article 10 ? Fees and Expenses of the Arbitral

Tribunal (16)

Article 11 ? Qualifications and Challenge of the Arbitral

Tribunal (18)

Article 12 ? Replacement of an Arbitrator (20)


Article 13 ? General Provisions (21)

Article 14 ? Seat and Venue of the Arbitration (22)

Article 15 ? Language (22)

Article 16 ? Statement of Claim (23)

Article 17 ? Statement of Defence (23)

Article 18 ? Amendments to the Claim or Defence (24)

Article 19 ? Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal (25)

Article 20 ? Further Written Statements (26)

Article 21 ? Periods of Time (26)

Article 22 ? Evidence and Hearings (26)

Article 23 ? Interim Measures of Protection and

Emergency Relief (27)

Article 24 ? Security for Costs (29)

Article 25 ? Tribunal-Appointed Experts (29)

Article 26 ? Default (30)

Article 27 ? Joinder of Additional Parties (31)

Article 28 ? Consolidation of Arbitrations (34)

Article 29 ? Single Arbitration under Multiple (36)


Article 30 ? Closure of Proceedings (37)

Article 31 ? Waiver (37)



Article 32 ? Decisions (38)

Article 33 ? Costs of the Arbitration (38)

Article 34 ? Form and Effect of the Award (39)

Article 35 ? Applicable Law, Amiable Compositeur (40)

Article 36 ? Settlement or Other Grounds for (41)


Article 37 ? Correction of the Award (41)

Article 38 ? Interpretation of the Award (42)

Article 39 ? Additional Award (43)

Article 40 ? Deposits for Costs (43)


Article 41 ? Expedited Procedure (45)

Article 42 ? Confidentiality (46)

Article 43 ? Exclusion of Liability (47)










SECTION I. GENERAL RULES Article 1 – Scope of Application

1.1 These Rules shall govern arbitrations where an

arbitration agreement (whether entered into before or

after a dispute has arisen) either: (a) provides for these

Rules to apply; or (b) subject to Articles 1.2 and 1.3

below, provides for arbitration “administered by HKIAC”

or words to similar effect.

1.2 Nothing in these Rules shall prevent parties to a

dispute or arbitration agreement from naming HKIAC

as appointing authority, or from requesting certain

administrative services from HKIAC, without subjecting

the arbitration to the provisions contained in these

Rules. For the avoidance of doubt, these Rules shall

not govern arbitrations where an arbitration agreement

provides for arbitration under other rules, including

other rules adopted by HKIAC from time to time.

1.3 Subject to Article 1.4, these Rules shall come into

force on 1 November 2013 and, unless the parties have

agreed otherwise, shall apply to all arbitrations falling

within Article 1.1 in which the Notice of Arbitration is

submitted on or after that date.

1.4 The provisions contained in Articles 23.1, 28, 29 and

Schedule 4 shall not apply if the arbitration agreement

was concluded before the date on which these Rules

came into force, unless otherwise agreed by the


Article 2 – Notices and Calculation of

Periods of Time

2.1 Any notice or other written communication pursuant to

these Rules shall be deemed to be received by a party

or arbitrator or by HKIAC if:

(a) delivered by hand, registered post or courier

service to

(i) the address of the addressee or its

representative as notified in writing in the

arbitration; or

(ii) in the absence of (i), to the address specified

in any applicable agreement between the

relevant parties; or

(iii) in the absence of (i) or (ii), to any address

which the addressee holds out to the world

at the time of such delivery; or

(iv) in the absence of (i), (ii) or (iii), to any last

known address of the addressee; or

(b) transmitted by facsimile, email or any other means

of telecommunication that provides a record of its

transmission, including the time and date, to:

(i) the facsimile number or email address

(or equivalent) of that person or its

representative as notified in the arbitration;


(ii) in the absence of (i), to the facsimile number

or email address (or equivalent) specified

in any applicable agreement between the

relevant parties; or

(iii) in the absence of (i) and (ii), to any facsimile

number or email address (or equivalent)

which the addressee holds out to the world

at the time of such transmission.

2.2 Any such notice or written communication shall

be deemed to be received on the earliest day when

it is delivered pursuant to paragraph (a) above or

transmitted pursuant to paragraph (b) above. For this

purpose, the date shall be determined according to the

local time at the place of receipt. Where such notice or

written communication is being delivered or transmitted

to more than one party, or more than one arbitrator, such

notice or written communication shall be deemed to be

received when it is delivered or transmitted pursuant

to paragraph (a) or (b) above to the last intended


2.3 For the purposes of calculating a period of time under

these Rules, such period shall begin to run on the

day following the day when a notice, notification,

communication or proposal is received or deemed to

be received. If the last day of such period is an official

holiday or a non-business day at the place of receipt,

the period shall be extended until the first business day

which follows. Official holidays or non-business days

occurring during the running of the period of time shall

be included in calculating the period.

2.4 If the circumstances of the case so justify, HKIAC may

amend the time limits provided for in these Rules, as

well as any time limits that it has set. HKIAC shall not

amend any time limits set by the arbitral tribunal unless

it directs otherwise.

Article 3 – Interpretation of Rules

3.1 HKIAC shall have the power to interpret all provisions

of these Rules. The arbitral tribunal shall interpret the

Rules insofar as they relate to its powers and duties

hereunder. In the event of any inconsistency between

such interpretation and any interpretation by HKIAC,

the arbitral tribunal's interpretation shall prevail.

3.2 HKIAC has no obligation to give reasons for any decision

it makes in respect of any arbitration commenced under

these Rules. All decisions made by HKIAC under these

Rules are final and, to the extent permitted by any

applicable law, not subject to appeal.

3.3 References in the Rules to "HKIAC" are to the Council

of HKIAC or any committee, sub-committee or other

body or person specifically designated by it to perform

the functions referred to herein, or, where applicable,

to the Secretary General of HKIAC for the time being

and other staff members of the Secretariat of HKIAC.

3.4 References in the Rules to "Claimant" include one or

more claimants and references to "Respondent" include

one or more respondents.

3.5 References to "additional party" include one or more

additional parties and references to "party" or "parties"

include claimants, respondents or additional parties.

3.6 References in the Rules to the "arbitral tribunal" include

one or more arbitrators. Such references do not include

an Emergency Arbitrator as defined at paragraph 1 of

Schedule 4.

3.7 References in the Rules to "witness" include one or more

witnesses and references to "expert" include one or more


3.8 References in the Rules to "claim" or "counterclaim"

include any claim or claims by any party against any

other party. References to "defence" include any defence

or defences by any party to any claim or counterclaim

submitted by any other party, including any defence for

the purpose of a set-off.

3.9 References in the Rules to "award" include, inter alia,

an interim, interlocutory, partial or final award, save for

any award made by an Emergency Arbitrator as referred

to in Schedule 4.

3.10 References in the Rules to the "seat" of arbitration shall

mean the place of arbitration as referred to in Article

20.1 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International

Commercial Arbitration as adopted on 21 June 1985 and

as amended on 7 July 2006.

3.11 These Rules include all Schedules attached thereto as

amended from time to time by HKIAC, in force on the

date the Notice of Arbitration is submitted.

3.12 HKIAC may from time to time issue practice notes to

supplement, regulate and implement these Rules for the

purpose of facilitating the administration of arbitrations

governed by these Rules.

3.13 English is the original language of these Rules. In the

event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the

English version and the version in any other language,

the English version shall prevail.



Article 4 – Notice of Arbitration

4.1 The party initiating recourse to arbitration (hereinafter

called the "Claimant") shall submit a Notice of

Arbitration in writing to HKIAC at its address, facsimile

number or email address.

4.2 An arbitration shall be deemed to commence on the date

on which a copy of the Notice of Arbitration is received

by HKIAC. For the avoidance of doubt, this date shall be

determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles

2.1 and 2.2.

4.3 The Notice of Arbitration shall include the following:

(a) a demand that the dispute be referred to


(b) the names and (in so far as known) the addresses,

telephone and facsimile numbers, and email

addresses of the parties and of their counsel;

(c) a copy of the arbitration agreement(s) invoked;

(d) a reference to the contract(s) or other legal

instrument(s) out of or in relation to which the

dispute arises;

(e) a description of the general nature of the claim

and an indication of the amount involved, if any;

(f) the relief or remedy sought;

(g) a proposal as to the number of arbitrators (i.e. one

or three), if the parties have not previously agreed


(h) the Claimant's proposal regarding the designation

of a sole arbitrator under Article 7, or the

Claimant's designation of an arbitrator under

Article 8; and

(i) confirmation that copies of the Notice of

Arbitration and any exhibits included therewith

have been or are being served simultaneously

on all other parties (hereinafter called the

"Respondent") by one or more means of service

to be identified in such confirmation.

4.4 The Notice of Arbitration shall be accompanied by

payment, by cheque or transfer to the account of HKIAC,

of the Registration Fee as required by Schedule 1.

4.5 The Notice of Arbitration shall be submitted in the

language of the arbitration as agreed by the parties. If

no agreement has been reached between the parties,

the Notice of Arbitration shall be submitted in either

English or Chinese.

4.6 The Notice of Arbitration may also include the Statement

of Claim referred to in Article 16.

4.7 If the Notice of Arbitration is incomplete or if the

Registration Fee is not paid, HKIAC may request the

Claimant to remedy the defect within an appropriate

period of time. If the Claimant complies with such

directions within the applicable time limit, the

arbitration shall be deemed to have commenced under

Article 4.2 on the date the initial version was received

by HKIAC. If the Claimant fails to comply, the Notice

of Arbitration shall be deemed not to have been validly

submitted and the arbitration shall be deemed not to

have commenced under Article 4.2 without prejudice to

the Claimant's right to submit the same claim at a later

date in a subsequent Notice of Arbitration.

4.8 The Claimant shall notify and lodge documentary

verification with HKIAC of the date of receipt by the

Respondent of the Notice of Arbitration and any exhibits

included therewith.

Article 5 – A nswer to the Notice of


5.1 Within 30 days from receipt of the Notice of Arbitration,

the Respondent shall submit to HKIAC an Answer to

the Notice of Arbitration. This Answer to the Notice of

Arbitration shall include the following:

(a) the name, address, telephone and facsimile

numbers, and email address of the Respondent

and of its counsel (if different from the description

contained in the Notice of Arbitration);

(b) any plea that an arbitral tribunal constituted under

these Rules lacks jurisdiction;

(c) the Respondent's comments on the particulars

set forth in the Notice of Arbitration, pursuant to

Article 4.3(e);

(d) the Respondent's answer to the relief or remedy

sought in the Notice of Arbitration, pursuant to

Article 4.3(f);

(e) the Respondent's proposal as to the number of

arbitrators (i.e. one or three), if the parties have

not previously agreed thereon;

(f) the parties' joint designation of a sole arbitrator

under Article 7 or the Respondent's designation

of an arbitrator under Article 8; and

(g) confirmation that copies of the Answer to

the Notice of Arbitration and any exhibits

included therewith have been or are being

served simultaneously on all other parties to the

arbitration by one or more means of service to be

identified in such confirmation.

5.2 The Answer to the Notice of Arbitration shall be

submitted in the language of the arbitration as agreed by

the parties. If no agreement has been reached between

the parties, the Answer to the Notice of Arbitration shall

be submitted in either English or Chinese.

5.3 The Answer to the Notice of Arbitration may also include

the Statement of Defence referred to in Article 17, if the

Notice of Arbitration contained the Statement of Claim

referred to in Article 16.

5.4 Any counterclaim or set-off defence shall to the extent

possible be raised with the Respondent's Answer to the

Notice of Arbitration, which should include in relation

to any such counterclaim or set-off defence:

(a) a reference to the contract(s) or other legal

instrument(s) out of or in relation to which it


(b) a description of the general nature of the

counterclaim and/or set-off defence and an

indication of the amount involved, if any;

(c) the relief or remedy sought.

5.5 If no counterclaim or set-off defence is raised with the

Respondent's Answer to the Notice of Arbitration, or if

there is no indication of the amount of the counterclaim

or set-off, HKIAC shall rely upon the information

provided by the Claimant pursuant to Article 4.3(e) for

its determination of:

(a) HKIAC's Administrative Fees referred to in Article

33.1(f) and Schedule 1;

(b) the arbitral tribunal's fees (where Article 10.1(b)

and Schedule 3 applies); and

(c) whether the provisions of Article 41 (the

"Expedited Procedure") may be applicable.

5.6 Once the Registration Fee has been paid and the arbitral

tribunal has been confirmed, HKIAC shall transmit the

file to the arbitral tribunal.



Article 6 – Number of Arbitrators

6.1 If the parties have not agreed upon the number of

arbitrators, HKIAC shall decide whether the case shall

be referred to a sole arbitrator or to three arbitrators,

taking into account the circumstances of the case.

6.2 Where a case is handled under an Expedited Procedure

in accordance with Article 41, the provisions of Article

41.2(a) and (b) shall apply.

Article 7 – Appointment of a Sole Arbitrator

7.1 Unless the parties have agreed otherwise and subject

to Articles 9, 10, 11.1 to 11.4:

(a) where the parties have agreed that the dispute

shall be referred to a sole arbitrator, they shall

jointly designate the sole arbitrator within 30 days

from the date when the Notice of Arbitration was

received by the Respondent;

(b) where the parties have not agreed upon the

number of arbitrators and HKIAC has decided

that the dispute shall be referred to a sole

arbitrator, the parties shall jointly designate the

sole arbitrator within 30 days from the date when

HKIAC's decision was received by the last of


7.2 If the parties fail to designate the sole arbitrator within

the applicable time limit, HKIAC shall appoint the sole


Article 8 – A ppointment of Three


8.1 Where a dispute between two parties is referred to three

arbitrators, the arbitral tribunal shall be constituted as

follows unless the parties have agreed otherwise:

(a) where the parties have agreed that the dispute

shall be referred to three arbitrators, each party

shall designate, in the Notice of Arbitration and the

Answer to the Notice of Arbitration, respectively,

one arbitrator. If either party fails to designate an

arbitrator, HKIAC shall appoint the arbitrator;

(b) where the parties have not agreed upon the

number of arbitrators and HKIAC has decided that

the dispute shall be referred to three arbitrators,

the Claimant shall designate an arbitrator within

15 days from receipt of HKIAC's decision, and the

Respondent shall designate an arbitrator within 15

days from receipt of notification of the Claimant’s

designation. If a party fails to designate an

arbitrator, HKIAC shall appoint the arbitrator;

(c) the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate

a third arbitrator who shall act as the presiding

arbitrator of the arbitral tribunal. Failing such

designation within 30 days from the confirmation

of the second arbitrator, HKIAC shall appoint the

presiding arbitrator.

8.2 Where there are more than two parties to the arbitration

and the dispute is to be referred to three arbitrators, the

arbitral tribunal shall be constituted as follows unless

the parties have agreed otherwise:

(a) the Claimant or group of Claimants shall designate

an arbitrator and the Respondent or group of

Respondents shall designate an arbitrator in

accordance with the procedure in Article 8.1(a)

or (b), as applicable;

(b) if the parties have designated arbitrators in

accordance with Article 8.2(a), the procedure in

Article 8.1(c) shall apply to the designation of the

presiding arbitrator;

(c) In the event of any failure to designate arbitrators

under Article 8.2(a) or if the parties do not all agree

in writing that they represent two separate sides

(as Claimant(s) and Respondent(s) respectively)

for the purposes of designating arbitrators, HKIAC

may appoint all members of the arbitral tribunal

without regard to any party’s designation.

8.3 Appointment of the arbitral tribunal pursuant to Article

8.1 or 8.2 shall be subject to Articles 9, 10 and 11.1 to


Article 9 – C onfirmation of the Arbitral


9.1 All designations of any arbitrator, whether made by the

parties or the arbitrators, are subject to confirmation

by HKIAC, upon which the appointments shall become


9.2 The designation of an arbitrator shall be confirmed on

the terms of:

(a) Schedule 2; or

(b) Schedule 3;

as applicable, in accordance with Article 10 and subject

to any variations agreed by all parties and any changes

HKIAC considers appropriate.

Article 10 – Fees and Expenses of the

Arbitral Tribunal

10.1 The fees and expenses of the arbitral tribunal shall be

determined according to either:

(a) an hourly rate in accordance with Schedule 2,

including the terms and conditions contained

therein; or

(b) the schedule of fees based on the sum in dispute

referred to in Schedule 3, including the terms and

conditions contained therein.

The parties shall agree the method for determining the

fees and expenses of the arbitral tribunal, and shall

inform HKIAC of the applicable method within 30 days of

the date on which the Respondent receives the Notice of

Arbitration. If the parties fail to agree on the applicable

method, the arbitral tribunal's fees and expenses

shall be determined in accordance with the terms of

Schedule 2.

10.2 Where the fees of the arbitral tribunal are to be

determined in accordance with Schedule 2,

(a) the applicable rate for each co-arbitrator shall be

the rate agreed between that co-arbitrator and the

designating party;

(b) the applicable rate for a sole or presiding arbitrator

shall be the rate agreed between that arbitrator

and the parties,

subject to paragraphs 9.3 and 9.5 of Schedule 2. Where

the parties fail to agree the rate of an arbitrator, HKIAC

may determine the rate.

10.3 Where the fees of the arbitral tribunal are determined

in conformity with Schedule 3, such fees shall be fixed

by HKIAC in accordance with that Schedule and the

following rules:

(a) the fees of the arbitral tribunal shall be reasonable

in amount, taking into account the amount in

dispute, the complexity of the subject-matter,

the time spent by the arbitral tribunal and any

secretary appointed under Article 13.4, and any

other circumstances of the case, including, but not

limited to, the discontinuation of the arbitration

in case of settlement or for any other reason;

(b) where a case is referred to three arbitrators,

HKIAC, at its discretion, shall have the right to

increase the total fees up to a maximum which

shall normally not exceed three times the fees of

a sole arbitrator;

(c) the arbitral tribunal's fees may exceed the amounts

calculated in accordance with Schedule 3 where

in the opinion of HKIAC there are exceptional

circumstances, which shall include but shall not

be limited to the parties conducting the arbitration

in a manner not reasonably contemplated by the

arbitral tribunal at the time of appointment.

Article 11 – Qualifications and Challenge of

the Arbitral Tribunal

11.1 An arbitral tribunal confirmed under these Rules shall

be and remain at all times impartial and independent of

the parties.

11.2 Subject to Article 11.3, as a general rule, where the

parties to an arbitration under these Rules are of

different nationalities, a sole arbitrator or the presiding

arbitrator of an arbitral tribunal shall not have the

same nationality as any party unless specifically agreed

otherwise by all parties in writing.

11.3 Notwithstanding the general rule in Article 11.2, in

appropriate circumstances and provided that none of

the parties objects within a time limit set by HKIAC, the

sole arbitrator or the presiding arbitrator of the arbitral

tribunal may be of the same nationality as any of the


11.4 Before confirmation, a prospective arbitrator shall

(a) sign a statement confirming his or her availability

to decide the dispute and his or her impartiality and

independence; and (b) disclose any circumstances

likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to his or

her impartiality or independence. An arbitrator, once

confirmed and throughout the arbitration, shall disclose

without delay any such circumstances to the parties

unless they have already been informed by him or her

of these circumstances.

11.5 No party or its representatives shall have any ex parte

communication relating to the arbitration with any

arbitrator, or with any candidate to be designated as

arbitrator by a party, except to advise the candidate

of the general nature of the dispute, to discuss the

candidate's qualifications, availability, impartiality or

independence, or to discuss the suitability of candidates

for the designation of a third arbitrator, where the parties

or party-designated arbitrators are to designate that

arbitrator. No party or its representatives shall have any

ex parte communication relating to the arbitration with

any candidate for the presiding arbitrator.

11.6 Any arbitrator may be challenged if circumstances exist

that give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator's

impartiality or independence, or if the arbitrator does

not possess qualifications agreed by the parties, or if

the arbitrator becomes de jure or de facto unable to

perform his or her functions or for other reasons fails

to act without undue delay. A party may challenge the

arbitrator designated by it or in whose appointment it

has participated only for reasons of which it becomes

aware after the designation has been made.

11.7 A party who intends to challenge an arbitrator shall

send notice of its challenge within 15 days after the

confirmation of that arbitrator has been notified to

the challenging party or within 15 days after that party

became aware or ought reasonably to have become

aware of the circumstances mentioned in Article 11.6.

11.8 The challenge shall be notified to HKIAC, all other

parties, the arbitrator who is challenged and the other

members of the arbitral tribunal. The notification

shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the


11.9 Unless the arbitrator being challenged withdraws or the

non-challenging party agrees to the challenge within

15 days from receipt of the notice of challenge, HKIAC

shall decide on the challenge. Pending the determination

of the challenge, the arbitral tribunal (including the

challenged arbitrator) may continue the arbitration.

11.10 If an arbitrator withdraws or a party agrees to a challenge

under Article 11.9, no acceptance of the validity of any

ground referred to in Article 11.6 shall be implied.

Article 12 – Replacement of an Arbitrator

12.1 Subject to Articles 12.2, 27.11 and 28.6, where an

arbitrator dies, has been successfully challenged, has

been otherwise removed or has resigned, a substitute

arbitrator shall be appointed pursuant to the rules that

were applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator

being replaced. These rules shall apply even if during

the process of appointing the arbitrator being replaced,

a party had failed to exercise its right to designate or to

participate in the appointment.

12.2 If, at the request of a party, HKIAC determines that, in

view of the exceptional circumstances of the case, it

would be justified for a party to be deprived of its right

to designate a substitute arbitrator, HKIAC may, after

giving an opportunity to the parties and the remaining

arbitrators to express their views:

(a) appoint the substitute arbitrator; or

(b) after the proceedings are declared closed under

Article 30.1, authorise the other arbitrators

to proceed with the arbitration and make any

decision or award.

12.3 If an arbitrator is replaced, the arbitration shall resume at

the stage where the arbitrator was replaced or ceased to

perform his or her functions, unless the arbitral tribunal

decides otherwise.


世界主要国际航运中心三大模式 模式一:以市场交易和提供航运服务为主 代表港口:伦敦 特点:作为老牌航运中心,伦敦拥有良好的人文历史条件,如悠久的贸易和航海的传统和文化、众多优秀的海事人才等。虽然在今天从港口看,伦敦已无全球级的功能和条件,但仍以其交易市场、保险服务、航运信息服务、海事服务、海事研究与交流、海事监管等功能,保持着全球级国际航运中心。目前世界20%的船级管理机构常驻伦敦,世界50%的油轮租船业务、40%的散货船业务、18%的船舶融资规模和20%的航运保险总额,都在伦敦进行。全球有1750多家从事航运事务的公司与机构在伦敦设有办事处。其中,仅航运服务业每年创造的价值就达20亿英镑。 模式二:以中转为主 代表港口:中国香港和新加坡 特点:中国香港和新加坡由于自身经济腹地较小,直接外贸运输并不太多,而是以海外腹地作为其主要的经济腹地,将其他国家或地区的国际贸易货物作为其服务的主要对象。中国香港和新加坡作为亚洲新兴的国际航运中心,两港都实施世界上最为开放的自由贸易政策,大型机械设备和先进的电子化、先进的管理技术和人员的高素质是其自由港的特点,加上拥有得天独厚的深

水良港,突出转口贸易及其中转运输,使其集装箱吞吐量位居世界三甲。 模式三:以为腹地货物集散服务为主 代表港口:鹿特丹和纽约 特点:一般来说,这种区域性的国际航运中心所在国家的国土辽阔,资源丰富,市场广大,进出本国的外贸直接运输量很大,并在所在国际区域运输中占有重要地位。荷兰的鹿特丹位于莱茵河和马斯河两大河流入海汇合处所形成的三角洲,背靠莱茵河流域的荷兰、德国、瑞士等发达国家,美国向欧洲出口货物的43%、日本向西欧出口货物的34%都经过鹿特丹中转。纽约也属于这种层次的区域性国际航运中心。纽约位于哈德逊河口,是美国主要海港,一度承担了美国外贸运输量的40%。


香港国际金融中心地位的形成、发展及其启示 陈万灵唐曦宁 2012-7-28 17:41:12 来源:《南方金融》2011年12期内容摘要:香港国际金融中心地位的形成和发展离不开高度开放、透明的经济体制和公平、自由的竞争市场环境。本文回顾了香港国际金融中心形成和发展的历程,总结了香港国际金融中心发展的主要经验,提出中国内地建设国际金融中心的对策建议,包括提高金融市场的自由度和透明度、实施对金融业的适度监管、充分利用经济腹地因素、加强国际交流合作、拓展国际市场等。 关键词:国际金融金融中心香港 作者简介:陈万灵(1964-),男,四川武胜人,博士,广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易研究中心教授; 唐曦宁(1986-),女,广东清远人,广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易研究中心硕士研究生。 香港现代金融业的发展起步于香港开埠。二战后,香港金融业先后经历了多次内外部冲击。通过不断摸索和完善,香港建立了一套自由、透明并受国际标准规管的成熟金融体系。而得益于有竞争性的金融制度、经济体系以及优越的地理位置,香港受到国际资本、机构以及客户的青睐,逐步成长为全球最重要的国际金融市场之一,奠定了国际金融中心的地位。香港建立国际金融中心的成功经验为内地发展金融业和建立国际金融中心提供了重要的经验借鉴。 一、香港国际金融中心的形成和发展 (一)香港金融业的起步 第一次鸦片战争以后,外资银行相继进入香港;同时保险业开始出现,并于19世纪末成立了首个证券交易市场。在二战期间香港金融业遭到了破坏。战后,香港经济经历了恢复、发展和转型,对外贸易得到了快速发展,催生了对融资和结算等与贸易相关的金融业务的需求。这一时期,港英政府采取的自由放任主义政策,推动香港金融业的发展。20世纪50年代至60年代,香港的商业银行由29家增加至73家。


浅析国际航运中心的东移 本世纪以来,国际经济与贸易格局发生了巨大的变化。随着制造业和国际贸易分工的变化,世界的经济重心与国际航运中心开始东移至亚太地区,其中我国正处在一个难得发展机会。应该抓住这个机遇,乘势而上,才会……。 当今,在经济全球化的背景下,国际航运中心是区域经济发展的重要平台。从历史上看,国际经济中心往往依托航运的发展,汇集了物流、资金流、信息流等。国际大都市本身就是航运中心城市。 航运中心的建设不是孤立的,而是与所在区域的经济、社会发展水平紧密相关的。因而……掀起了建设航运中心的热潮。 由于国际航运中心在区域经济的发展中具有重要作用,所以在我国……大力发展远洋运输对我国的进出口贸易有积极的促进作用,上海建设以腹地型为主的国际航运中心,具有非常优越的条件。对外贸易被喻为拉动经济增长的三架马车之一,而且对外贸易在我国的经济发展中有及其重要的地位,特别的近些年来增长尤为迅猛,中国也正真成为了一个贸易大国,那么在这种情况下建立与之相适应的航运中心也是时代的呼唤! 国际航运中心是集交易市场、航运信息中心和物流中心于一体的综合体系。畅通、便捷、齐全的集疏运系统拥有港航货代、金融贸易等各类高级人才,形成国际航运中心建设的人才高地,所以建设与之相适应和与国家需要相协调的国际航运中心是大势所趋。本文就这些问题,加以探讨。 航运中心本身就是经济中心。 国际航运中心—般是指以国际贸易货物大量集散的多功能枢纽港或组合港为基础,以国际贸易、物流、航路和金融活动为基本功能,拥有现代化空运、陆运相连接和配套的航运枢纽和港口所在城市硬件设施和软件服务的广泛功能。当代国际航运中心一般认为是指具有航线稠密的集装箱枢纽港、深水航道、集疏运网络等硬件设施和为航运业服务的金融、贸易、信息等软件功能的港口城市,它是成为国际经济、国际金融、国际贸易中心的重要前提,也是这些中心赖以存在的一个重要载体。在经济全球化的大背景下,依托港口打造国际航运中心,已经成为提高地区竞争力和实现区域经济发展战略的重要途径。 随着我国经济改革的不断深入和对外贸易的持续增长,我国港口在质和量上都获得了巨大的提高,从北到南依次形成了环渤海、长三角、东南沿海、珠三角和西南沿海五大港口群体,港口整体布局基本趋于合理。从港口发展水平来看,基本上呈现南强北弱的态势,目前南方己经有了世界最大的航运中心香港和区域性国际航运中心高雄,上海国际航运中心正在紧锣密鼓地建设中,而北方也急需建设一个航运中心用来支持区域经济发展。环渤海区域的大连、天津和青岛三大港口围绕建立我国北方国际航运中心展开了激烈的竞争。就港口自身发展而言,三大港口实力相当,各有优势,在短期内都不具备国际航运中心的条件。天津港要想在竞争中胜出,必须抓住世界制造业向中国转移和国家打造中国经济增长第三级的有利时机,大力发展临港产业,并创造良好的港航环境,增强港口综合竞争实力。 内容摘要: 关键词:


HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CENTRE ADMINISTERED ARBITRATION RULES Introduction These Rules have been adopted by the Council of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) for use by parties who seek the formality and convenience of an administered arbitration. Application These Rules may be adopted in an arbitration agreement or by an agreement in writing at any time before or after a dispute has arisen. These Rules may be adopted for use in both domestic and international arbitral proceedings. Provisions regarding the scope of application of these Rules are set out in Article 1. Effectiveness These Rules have been adopted to take effect from 1 September 2008, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Rules. Suggested Clauses 1.The following model clause may be adopted by the parties to a contract who wish to have any future disputes referred to arbitration in accordance with these Rules: "Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, including the validity, invalidity, breach or termination thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in Hong Kong under the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Administered Arbitration Rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted in accordance with these Rules. * The number of arbitrators shall be ... (one or three). The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in .... (insert language)." * Optional 2


香港国际金融中心商场ifc 香港最时尚的购物休闲中心。国际金融中心商场座落于香港核心地段的中环金融街,位于机铁香港站,其连接国际金融中心一期和二期,以及四季酒店和Four Seasons Place,面向维多利亚海港,为港岛中区海旁带来崭新的购物饮食新体验。商场除云集多元化的名店外,并设有多种消闲娱乐设施,包括中区首家备有五间影院的 Palace IFC 及园艺花园,以及可欣赏维港景致的户内户外食肆,方便游客随时投入舒适惬意的购物消闲环境里。 国际金融中心商场楼高4层,占地八十万平方呎。商场连接机场快线香港站的大堂,并将国际金融中心其余三个部分连接在一起。商场的各项交通设施,都十分方便,游客可自行乘搭机场快线抵达。此外国际金融中心商场位于中区海旁,宏伟建筑设计,气派不凡,不论午间消闲购物或晚上喜庆聚会,皆献给国内游客称心满意的娱乐新体验。 商场汇聚了超过二百间国际品牌商户亦设有包括多家大型的特色食肆。商场更设有一间设计新颖独特的电影院Palace IFC,此殿堂级大型建筑为游客带来一流的生活娱乐体验。 2004年10月,国际金融中心商场曾举办法国国宝展览,展出国宝级画家毕加索在1917年为俄罗斯芭蕾舞家狄亚基列夫(Serge de Diaghilev)同名芭蕾舞剧绘画的最大幅帷幕画《巡游》,并由专程来港的法国总统希拉克主持仪式,为保护此幅作品,商场需特别安装深色的布帘遮挡强光,及把灯光调至较暗,以免损害画上的油彩;保安亦需特别加强,是次展览是全亚洲首个大型幕画展览。 座落于香港中环海滨及商业中心的唯一商场,可近距离欣赏世界驰名的维多利亚港醉人日夜景致,为香港的国际地标。 商场集购物、休闲、娱乐于一身,为香港最时尚的高级购物休闲中心之一、游客指定的观光点及名人消费热点。经常到访名人歌手及影星包括刘嘉玲、章子怡、张柏芝、陈慧琳、梁朝伟及甄子丹等等! 商场云集名店近200间:国际一级时装服饰名牌及高级餐厅,商户组合多样化,特色概念店一应俱全,现已跻身国际级商场之列。 国际金融中心二期55楼香港金融管理局信息中心之展览馆及图书馆,可居高临下一览维港及中环的繁荣景致。 国际金融中心商场与毗连的国际金融中心一期及二期顶级写字楼、世界级的四季酒店及四季汇套房酒店,合组成国际金融中心综合发展项目,总面积达近44万平方米,为全港最高商业及休闲之地标。 主要店铺 连卡佛、Calvin Klein Jeans、City's Super、Anne Klein New York、Atsuro Tayama、BOSS Hugo Boss、Nine West 商店及餐厅 H One 及其集团餐厅 H One、Harlan’s、G Bar及The Box为JC Group饮食集团旗下餐厅,全都座落于香港心脏地带中区国际金融中心商场及坐拥迷人维港景致,所有餐厅都有不同的主题和氛围,广受政商界及娱乐界名人欢迎;其中H One更成为米其林所推介的餐厅。H One向以其时尚形象及国际级餐饮享誉国际,最近更邀请到芬兰米其林二星级餐厅总厨加盟。 国金轩 美丽华集团旗下之国金轩,以广东雅膳为题,位于名店云集的国际金融中心二期三楼,


汇丰银行一般开户查询 账户种类 汇丰银行现时提供两种户口供客人选择, 一种是(理财易)户口, 另一种是(商业)理财户口. 1. 商业理财户口(不设港币500元的开户费) 1 .汇丰商业理财户口设有服务月费, 根据账户过去三个月的平均全面总值, 厘定您的户口服 务月费. ●港币500,000元或以上-- 免费 ●港币100,000 – 500,000元以下-- 港币75元 ●低于港币100,000元-- 港币150元 2.理财易户口 1.汇丰银行理财易户口账户每个月日均结余要求港币50,000元以上,如果不足此要求,银行 将在扣除月管理费用每月港币50元。每月如使用柜台服务, 0-6 次免费, 7-12 次每月75元, 超过12次每月75元再加第13次交易起的额外每次交易另加港币10元. 2.开立理财易户口需要付一次性的开户费用- $380元, 加上公司查核费- $150, 海外注册公 司- $5000 如经视讯开户–另加$1000. 收款 1. 海外汇入收费每笔港币60元(无论金额大小) 2. 本地其他银行汇入收费每笔港币10元(无论金额大小) 付款 经网银 1.转账内地帐户, 非汇丰银行收费是港币110元. 汇丰户口收费港币90元 2.转账香港本地的汇丰, 无手续费, 及时到帐. 3.转账到香港其他银行, 收费港币50元, 一般即日到帐. 4.转账到其他国家, 收费港币110元 经柜位或邮寄 汇出收费港币200元 自动柜员机取款 每天经汇丰银行、银联、或有PLUS标志的国内或海外柜员机取现金, 手续费一般港币15-25一笔, 一天不超过2万元等值港币

大陆银行转账手续费对比,供参考: A.深发,汇款20USD/笔 B.招行,同城10USD/笔,非同城:25USD/笔 C.浦发,同行0USD/笔,非同行:18USD/笔 D.交通,汇款:17USD/笔 E:宁波国际:汇宁波当地8美金/笔;其他1/1000国际汇款加USD15笔邮电费F:厦门国际:汇出1/1000 G:集友银行:1.同城免费; 2.国内外省


世界国际航运中心的演变与发展 世界国际航运中心的发展有着清晰的演变轨迹。从空间坐标系上分析,这条轨迹与世界经济发展重心转移的轨迹是一致的,由此形成了几个“板块”。从时间坐标系上分析,国际航运中心又是一个历史的范畴、发展的概念,随着世界经济与技术的发展变化,其功能也在相应地调整与变化。 世界上真正意义上的国际航运中心出现在19世纪初的欧洲,以后,伴随世界经济发展重心的转移,国际航运中心形成了由“西欧板块”向“北美板块”,再向“东亚板块”的递进,同时出现此强彼弱的局面。 “西欧板块”以伦敦、鹿特丹为杰出代表。在这之前,欧洲曾经有过许多重要的国际枢纽港,如威尼斯、里斯本、安特卫普、伦敦、阿姆斯特丹、利物浦等。这些港口所在的城市都是经济发展中心城市,这些城市的发展带动了航运业的发展,反过来又为经济发展起到十分重要的作用。它们的发展、兴衰与世界经济、贸易的发展变化休戚相关。十五世纪后,威尼斯是当时地中海地区最繁忙的港口之一,这是由于作为欧洲经济与文化中心的威尼斯,又正处于当时国际贸易重心地——地中海地区。而随着哥伦布发现新大陆,国际贸易中心转而向大西洋移动,使葡萄牙的里斯本作为地理上最具优势的港口而发展成重要港口。随之的安特卫普、阿姆斯特丹则是由于欧洲贸易中心向西北欧英吉利海峡转移而发展成重要大港的。 进入十九世纪,以伦敦——利物浦为轴线的城市群发展,使伦敦崛起成为国际经济中心城市。 由于国力迅速增强,作为产业革命后英国的主要生产基地——伦敦,在英国与欧洲大陆、北美洲及东方殖民地之间占据枢纽地位,凭借着优越的地理位置和港口条件越过阿姆斯特丹,成为第一大港,而且,十七世纪以来逐步建立的波罗地海航运交易所及劳埃德保险中心,为世界航运业服务。作为第一大港的伦敦,便成为欧洲乃至全球最大的国际航运中心。而且它的影响扩散到距欧洲最近、自然条件较为相似的大西洋彼岸的美国东北部地区。 十九世纪世界经济增长的重心向大西洋西岸转移,使纽约崛起,形成“北美板块”。纽约首先依仗特殊的地理位置成为与英国这个主要贸易国联系的重要港


香港会议展览中心介绍 香港会议展览中心位于景致迷人、闻名中外的维多利亚港上,会展中心于 1988 年 11 月开幕启用。自此以后,香港的贸易展览事业蒸蒸日上,奠定了香港成为亚洲区贸易活动中心的地位,并成为举足轻重的国际会议举办地点。业权由香港贸易发展局及香港特别行政区政府共同拥有。而香港会议展览中心则是由香港会议展览中心有限公司负责管理营运,专责会展中心的日常管理及营运工作。 会展中心毗邻金紫荆广场,当中设有香港万丽海景酒店及君悦酒店,分别提供 857 及549 间客房。广场内亦建有一幢楼高 39 层的办公室大楼、可提供 580 个单位的 46 层高酒店式住宅大楼、购物商场及地下停车场。 会展中心就近设有两个地下停车场。港湾道停车场设有两个出入口,分别位于港湾道及会议道。博览道停车场则位于博览道中。 一期卸货区出入口位于会议道,而二期卸货区出入口就位于博览道。 的士站设于港湾道入口。 正因为香港会议展览中心,傲立在举世著名的香港维多利亚港沿岸,坐拥繁华海景,位处城中核心地段,位置优越。 访客仅需10分钟即可步行至港铁湾仔站或湾仔天星码头,或沿以下多个交通路线前往会展中心。 香港会议展览中心是一座宏伟和具备多功能的场地。 毗邻维多利亚港及金紫荆广场的紫荆厅,可尽览维港沿岸大厦的霓虹闪烁夜景。面积达699平方米,可容纳300名宾客。 L1 ?展览厅 1 是会展中心最大的单一展览厅,面积有 19,890 平方米,可容纳 1,312 个标准展位。? 会议室N101 –N112 13 间会议室,可容纳28 至600 人 ? 演讲厅 1 可容纳637 人? 演讲厅 2 可容纳336 人? 演讲厅前厅457 平方米,可用作 2 个演讲厅举行活动前之聚会。演讲厅 1 及 2 是举行电影首映之热门场地。演讲厅 1 及 2 均设有专业数码投影机及音响系统。 ? 会议厅宴会厅格局, 可分格为 3 个会议厅(A, B及C) ? 会议厅前厅1,740 平方米, 可用作会议厅举行活动前之聚会 L2 ? 会议室N201 –N212 13 间会议室,可容纳28 至600 人


香港法概论名词解释 1.附属法例:是指香港特别行政区立法会通过条例授权其他机关或个人在指定的范围内制定的法律,这些附属法例通常称为“规例”、“附例”或“规则”。 2.“邻舍原则”:如果我们可以合理预见到我们的行为可能直接地、在合理范围或在可预见的情况下对他人造成损害,那么我们便对该他人负有谨慎责任。 3.家庭子女:是指一个有特定意义的法律概念,不仅指婚姻双方的子女,亦包括被双方视为其家庭子女的孩子。 4.原诉传票:是针对案情事实没有重大争议,主要争议为法律问题的民事诉讼文书。 5.法律援助制度:是香港法治精神的基石。香港法治成功的一面,是重视和推行全面的法律援助制度。法律援助是为符合资格的申请人提供代表律师或大律师(有需要时),代表他们在香港的法院进行诉讼。 6.被胁迫:是指被告人的生命或身体受到严重伤害的威胁,且这威胁十分迫切。 7.诽谤:是指任何对当事人(原告人)以外的人(即第三者)发表有损原告人的陈述,使他陷于憎恨、耻笑、蔑视等反感之中,使他在社会一般正直人士心目中的地位被贬,或成为他们所回避的人。 8.传讯令状:是民事诉讼最常用的起诉文件,适用于所有侵权或合约的诉讼。 9.衡平法:由英国原来的衡平法法院的大法官在处理专门的申诉案件时,为避免过分重视令状和程序方面的技术性问题,而集中考虑案情的理据得失,由此而发展出的有别于普通法的法律规范。 10.罪刑法定原则:是香港刑法的基本原则,即犯罪与刑罚由法律明文规定,其内核是“法无明文规定者不为罪”和“法无明文规定者不处罚”。 11.事实自证法则:是由马洪诉奥斯本案所确立的原则,是指如果损害事实本身即足以说明被告存在疏忽,原告即可免负举证责任。 12.无罪推定原则:是指任何人在法院判定其有罪之前,假定其无罪。这一原则是“贯串整个英国刑法制度的金线”,影响到刑事诉讼程序的每一环节。 13.判例法是指从法院在判词内所列出的理据所推论出来并累积产生的法律原则和规范。 14.企图罪是指被告人作出的某项行为只超乎该犯罪行为的预备作为者。 15.披露文件程序是指与讼双方得向对方提交一份文件清单,列出各自拥有与案件有关的所有文件,不论这些文件是否对己有利。 16.可撤销婚姻:即可使无效婚姻,是指一段一直被法律认定为是有效而持续的婚姻,直至被法院判定为无效,才被废止或撤销的婚姻。 17.串谋罪是指两人以上协议实施不法行为或协议以不法手段实施合法行为。 18.协议分居即是夫妻之间私下同意将夫妻关系疏远,所以无须经法院批准或是牵涉诉讼程序。 19.庭内和解即“诉讼上之和解”,是指在诉讼进行中,法院法官利用劝解的方法,促使原告和被告同意而达成的和解。 20.习惯法是指被认可并上升为法律的传统风俗习惯。在香港,主要表现在关于家事法、土地法和继承法方面的规范。 21.“雷兰与弗莱彻法则”是英国判例法所确立的一项民事侵权法律规则,这项法则所规定的是绝对责任(严格责任),不以行为人的故意或疏忽为责任条件。 22民事诉讼的非正审程序是指正式审讯前的诉讼程序。一般在高等法院的内庭由司法常务官进行聆讯,不传召证人。


香港国际金融中心国际银行的基本情况 100200113 罗雅尹一、香港金融业 香港金融业是以汇丰集团、中银集团及外资银行为核心,商业银行为主体,投资公司、保险公司、股票市场、黄金市场、外汇市场、期货市场、国际租赁市场等银行和金融中介机构的经营和运行相结合,离岸业务与境内业务一体化组成的香港经济部门。 二、香港国际银行的基本情况 香港银行业历史悠久,20世纪60~70年代后大幅度发展,并逐步成为世界银行业的中心之一。香港是国际性银行最集中的城市之一。全球最大的100家银行,近70家在香港开展业务。截至2010年7月16日为止,香港共有196家认可银行机构以及70家代表办事处。香港作为主要金融中心的地位是建基于市场透明度高、对金融机构披露要求严格和审慎监管。伦敦金融城于2010年3月发表的全球金融中心指数中,香港排名第三。在《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)下,香港银行进入中国内地市场的门槛有所降低。从2009年7月开始,香港银行获准办理跨境贸易人民币结算业务。 业界数据

资料来源:香港金融管理局《金融数据月报》、香港政府统计处《就业及空缺按季统计报告》 服务提供者 香港银行体系的特点是实行三级制,即由持牌银行、有限制牌照银行和接受存款公司三类银行机构组成。这些银行机构均获授权接受公众存款。 三级银行机构按不同的规定营运,只有持牌银行和有限制牌照银行才可称为银行。截至2010年7月16日,全港共有146家持牌银行、23家有限制牌照银行和27家接受存款公司。这些认可机构共经营约1,388家分行,组成庞大网络。此外,还有70家海外银行在香港设立代表办事处。 服务范围 银行是亚洲区内筹集资金最重要的渠道之一。香港银行业的重要性不单可从其庞大规模反映出来,更重要的是其在区内所处的地位举足轻重。香港的完善银行体系,令其服务可远远超出香港本土,发挥重要作用。很多香港银行亦于亚洲其他地区如中国内地营运。 截至2010年6月底,香港外汇储备资产达2,568亿美元,全球排名第七。同期,香港人均外汇储备资产约36,500美元。 根据伦敦金融城于2010年3月公布的全球金融中心指数,香港名列第三位,紧随伦敦及纽约之后。 香港人民币业务 另一方面,由2004年初起,香港银行获准在香港开办个人人民币业务,包括人民币存款、汇款、兑换及人民币银行卡等。本港的人民币存款由2004年的120亿元人民币上升至2010年7月底的1,004亿元人民币,共有77家持牌银行在香港经营人民币业务。


内容提要 外来词是一种普遍的语言现象,本文在对汉语外来词的由来及其历史状况作出初步探讨的基础上,着重比较中国大陆地区与中国香港地区在外来词借入过程中所存在的差异,并进一步探索分析造成这种差异的社会历史文化等诸多方面的因素。

目录 0.引言 (1) 1. 汉语外来词研究 (2) 1.1汉语外来词的发展历史 (2) 1.1.1第一次高峰.古代西域/佛教 (2) 1.1.2 第二次高峰.近现代西学东渐 (3) 1.1.3 第三次高峰.当代改革开放 (4) 1.2 外来词引入的六种方式 (5) 1.2.1音译 (5) 1.2.2意译 (5) 1.2.3形译 (5) 1.2.4半音半意译 (6) 1.2.5音译加表意字 (6) 1.2.6直用原文 (6) 2. 香港地区汉语外来词与大陆地区汉语外来词的差别8 2. 1译法的不同 (8) 2.1.1普通话曾用过音译,但后改为意译而香港则一直为音译8 2.1.2普通话为意译,而香港则为音译 (9) 2.1.3香港为音译,普通话原来就有 (10)

2.1.4同是音译,但用字却不同 (10) 2.1.5同是意译,译法不同 (11) 2.2 语义的变异不同 (12) 2.2.1 词义的变异 (12) 2.2.2 词用的变异 (13) 2.2.3利用词义的变异造变义混合词 (13) 2.3差别的原因 (14) 2.3.1不同的历史文化积累、社会环境,从根本上造成了 两地对外来词的不同态度和倾向 (15) 2.3.2 两地不同的语言使用环境 (16) 2.3.3 香港地区独特的外来语借入过程 (17) 2.3.4 粤语独特的语音特色 (18) 3. 结语 (20) 注释 (23) 参考文献 (24) 论文摘要(中文) (1) 论文摘要(英文) (1)


到了英国以后,由于今后包括签手机,签这个签那个,日常消费,及时取现,存钱理财,以及几乎一切和directdebit有关的都需要在本地银行开户,在英国办张银行卡的便利之处我想不必多说了,至于在哪家银行开户,怎么办,在这里我主要想说的HSBC即汇丰银行的详细说明。(至于汇丰对于其他银行的优势有很多,这个仁者见仁了,除了什么金融500强的头号种子,什么别的银行可能倒闭但汇丰不倒等一些和我们目前生活相距甚远的大问题,比较实际的问题是比如我喜欢汇丰的办事效率,大厅一般有1个人专门负责解答你的提问,然后告诉你该怎么做,到哪里做,而其他很多银行没有这项服务,你通常都需要排很久的队(而通常你也不知道你是否排的是正确的队),我的一个朋友为了关闭账户排了1个多小时的队,因为她首先排队说明她想要关闭账户,然后被告知你需要到那里去排队将银行卡内现金全部取出,之后她又排队取现,再之后又排队关闭账户,如果是在汇丰的话,大厅的那个咨询师会给你安排一位专门负责你关闭账户的业务人员,帮你迅速解决问题,并且汇丰还有很多便捷的地方,比如任何一家汇丰都有自助存钱机,把卡一插,钱往里一扔就ok了,不需要排队,还有的机器可以存零钱,还有等等优势,不过这个就像之前所说的那样,仁者见仁,其他银行包括TSB等也各自的优势比如TSB对于刚来英国的童鞋开普通账户是没有管理费的,而汇丰不是,具体下面会说明。)首先先做个汇丰银行的简介,刚来到这里的童鞋可能会发现,汇丰的广告大部分都和中国或者亚洲其他国家有关,不是因为最近流行中国风,而是第一家汇丰银行就是在香港创立的,当然那时香港还是英国的殖民地,同年在上海又开办了一家分行,所以汇丰的全称是:香港上海汇丰银行有限公司,英文全称:TheHongKongandShanghaiBankingCorporationLimited (HS代表的就是香港和上海)。当然了,这自然不能表示汇丰银行就是中国的,当年汇丰


五大国际金融中心五大国际航运中心 2009-04-20 17:07 五大国际金融中心 伦敦:有680 多家银行,居世界城市之首;外汇日均成交额约占全球31.1%;有800 多家保险公司,国际保险业务世界之最;有世界最大的黄金交易市场和第二大期货交易场所。纽约:世界最大的100 家银行中有95 家在纽约设有分支机构;外汇市场是世界上最主要的外汇市场之一;是国际货币市场中交易量最大的一个;债券市场和股票市场的规模均居世界第一位。 东京:20 世纪80 年代东京的多项金融指标执全球之牛耳。目前外汇交易规模和金融衍生产品交易规模居全球第三位。世界最大的300 家银行中,有75 家在东京设立了分支机构。中国香港:拥有银行及存款机构251 家,其中外资银行达114 家,77 家属全球100 家最大银行之列。香港现已形成包括银行体系、外汇市场、货币市场、证券市场等金融运作系统,是亚太地区国际金融中心。 新加坡:与中国香港齐名的亚太地区国际金融中心。外汇市场日均交易量约占全球的6.1%,金融衍生工具日交易量约占全球的3.9%,银行外汇结存余额达到全球的5%。 五大国际航运中心 伦敦:也是全球五大国际金融中心之一。世界20%的船级管理机构常驻伦敦,世界50%的油轮租船业务、405 的散货船业务、185 的船舶融资规模和20%的航运保险总额在此进行。尽量货物吞吐量不大,但却是全球航运信息、交易中心;对全球航运市场拥有巨大话语权。鹿特丹:美国向欧洲出口货物的40%以上,日本向西欧出口货物的30%以上经过鹿特丹中转。 中国香港:也是全球五大国际金融中心之一。吞吐量全球第三,天然深水港。 新加坡:也是全球五大国际金融中心之一。实施世界上最为开放的自由贸易政策,吞吐量目前居全球第一。 釜山:中国北方地区集装箱大部分经此中转。 历史发展证明,金融中心和航运中心是相伴而生的,金融中心发展源于航运,航运中心发展离不开金融的支持。世界著名的五大国际航运中心纽约、伦敦、东京、新加坡和香港同时也都是著名国际金融中心。航运业为金融服务中心获取更好的发展空间,金融业借助航运中心可以深化金融产品的开发。 无论是上海的先进制造业,还是江浙的普通工业,长三角庞大的工业体系和产能,客观上需要相应的金融服务和航运服务。一旦上海港中心地位确立,不仅可以终止港口纷争,形成长三角完整的江海运转体系,而且,在与亚太地区的釜山、神户、香港和新加坡等港口竞争中,上海将占据全球贸易中转中心的地位。如果能够通过金融创新,开发各类金融产品、金融市场以及新的金融交易机制,上海将不仅成为长三角区域内的结算中心,也将成为实力雄厚的江浙资本的集散地和神经中枢。


遇到仲裁问题?赢了网律师为你免费解惑!访问>>, 中国香港国际仲裁中心简易形式仲裁规例 自 1992 年 8 月 1 日起生效 本规例由中国香港国际仲裁中心(英交简称是HKIAC)印发,供同意循简易程序解决纠纷的人士使用。规例由皇家特许测量师学会(香港分会)订定,以配合小型工程标准形式合约使用。因本规例亦适用于建筑业及其它行业处理多类商务纠纷,故由香港国际仲裁中心刊印供各界参照采用。 序言 第一条本规例适用于各类以简易程序形式进行仲裁,仲裁可以透过聆讯形式进行,亦可只以文件往来形式进行。 展开仲裁 第二条仲裁的申请须由合约双方或任何一方填妥附于本规例的申请表格或

该表格的复印本?o向香港国际仲裁中心提出。香港国际仲裁中心如确定申请为有效、便须委任仲裁兼或确认仲裁员的委任。 程序 第三条除非仲裁员认为有必要安排初步会面,否则在合约双方未有协议的 情况下,所有仲裁程序事宜须按照仲裁员的书面指示处理。 第四条申请人收到仲裁员按本规例第三条发出的指示后,须于十四天内将一份申诉书分别送交仲裁员及被诉人。申诉书须包括如下资料: (a)简要陈述申诉方提出申诉的主要事实及法律依据,以及所要求的赔偿?r及 (b)申诉方赖以证明其陈述的所有证明文件副本。 第五条被诉人在收到申诉人的申诉书及有关文件后,须于十四天内将一份答辩书分别送交仲裁员及申诉人。答辩书须包括如下资

料?U (a)简要陈述被诉方答辩的主要事实及法律依据?r (b)任何反诉,并同时要简要列出要求的赔偿?r (c)被诉方赖以证明其陈述的所有证明文件副本。 第六条申诉人在收到被诉人的答辩书及有关文件后,须于七天内提交如下资料?U (a)申诉方就答辩书的答复?r (b)申诉方对被诉人所提出的反诉的答辩(如有的话)?r以及 (c)申诉人为此依赖的任何其它文件。 第七条仲裁员可自行决定是否容许申诉及被诉双方继续就彼此的申诉、答辩作出回复,亦同时有权决定提交陈述在何时结束。 第八条仲裁员可要求申诉人及被诉人将其认为其作出决定所需


江西财经大学 《物流工程》课程设计报告 报告题目中国—东盟博览会永久会址 ——南宁国际会展中心选址方案研究 课程编码 06333 选课班 A01 课程名称物流工程任课教师仲昇 学号 0100595 姓名谢金桂 学院工商管理专业物流管理 考试时间 2012年7月5日 中国-东盟博览会永久会址——南宁国际会展中心选址方案研究报告 一、前言 背景介绍: 纵观世界经济的发展形势,区域经济一体化与经济全球化已成为当今世界经济发展的主流。中国同东盟领导人审时度势,高瞻远

瞩地做出了建立中国—东盟自由贸易区的重大战略决策。截至2010年,除极少量商品外,自贸区已经基本实现零关税。 中国—东盟博览会是目前中国境内唯一由多国政府共办且长 期在一地举办的展会。博览会由中国国务院总理温家宝倡议,中国和东盟10国经贸主管部门及东盟秘书处共同主办,广西壮族自治 区人民政府承办的国家级、国际性经贸交流盛会,每年在广西南宁举办。展览商品包括东盟商品展区和中国商品展区涵盖了商品贸易、投资合作和服务贸易三大内容,是中国与东盟扩大商贸合作的新平台。 南宁国际会展中心一期工程于2003年10月23日正式投入使用,当年11月13日中国—东盟博览会永久会址正式落户南宁。南宁国际会展中心占地面积850亩,是中国—东盟博览会的永久会址,是由德国gmp设计公司和广西建筑综合设计研究院合作设计。 南宁国际会展中心由主建筑、会展广场、民歌湖、行政综合楼等组成,其中主建筑面积为15.21万平方米,由会议、展览和大型宴会厅三部分组成。此外,南宁国际会展中心还有用地面积3.56万平方米,可停放1000多辆小汽车的生态停车场和可容纳3.5万人、具有文化活动、展览、体育、休闲功能的民歌广场,民歌广场是每年一届南宁国际民歌艺术节的主会场。 自2004年以来,中国—东盟博览会已成功举办八届,同期成 功举办八届中国—东盟商务与投资峰会。到2010年,中国—东盟 自由贸易区建成后,东盟对中国的出口增长48%,中国对东盟的出口增长55%,对东盟和中国国内生产总值的增长贡献分别达到0.9%(约合54亿美元)和0.3%(约合22亿美元),将为中国和东盟商界创造无穷商机和广阔前景。 二、中国-东盟博览会永久会址——南宁国际会展中心选址方案研究 会展中心建设选址因素极为复杂,具有多重目标,很多因


2013版香港国际仲裁中心仲裁规则简介 2013年6月12日,香港国际仲裁中心发布2013版《香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则》(以下简称“新《规则》”),于2013年11月1日起生效,取代已使用五年的旧《规则》。与旧《规则》相比,新《规则》为当事人参与仲裁提供了更多的便利,对当事人更有吸引力,修改也体现了当前国际上主要仲裁机构仲裁规则的发展趋势。 一、新《规则》主要修改内容 1、追加当事人机制 旧《规则》仅规定仲裁庭有权在一方当事人提出请求,且第三方和请求一方均书面同意的情况下,追加一名或多名第三方为仲裁当事人。但是,当事人之外的第三方无法主动提出追加其自身为仲裁当事人的申请。新《规则》规定,希望将第三方追加为仲裁当事人的一方当事人,以及希望作为当事人加入仲裁的第三方,均可以提交追加当事人的申请。根据新《规则》第27条规定,仲裁庭在收到当事人或第三方的申请后,如认为仲裁协议表面上同时约束该第三方,仲裁庭有权允许在仲裁程序中追加该第三方为仲裁当事人。此外,新《规则》第27.8条还规定,若当事人或第三方在仲裁庭组成之前提出申请,香港国际仲裁中心本身也有权初步决定追加当事人。新《规则》第27条还规定,若在确认仲裁庭之前追加当事人,则所有当事人应被视为已放弃提名仲裁员的权利,且香港国际仲裁中心可撤销对任何已获提名或确认的仲裁员的指定。在此情况下,仲裁庭应由香港国际仲裁中心指定。 2、增加仲裁案件合并的机制 新《规则》第28条规定,仲裁庭有权基于当事人的申请,在下列条件满足时,决定将正在进行的两个或多个仲裁合并:1)当事各方均同意合并;2)各仲裁中的所有请求均依据同一仲裁协议提出;3)尽管各仲裁请求分别依据一个以上的仲裁协议提出,但这些仲裁中存在相同的法律或事实问题,请求救济的权利均涉及或源于同一交易或同一系列交易,且香港国际仲裁中心认定各仲裁协议彼此兼容。 新《规则》第28.6条规定,如发生仲裁合并,被合并之仲裁的所有当事人应视为已放弃提名仲裁员的权利,且香港国际仲裁中心可撤销对任何已获提名或确认的仲裁员的指定,在此情况下,香港国际仲裁中心应为合并后的仲裁案件指定仲裁庭。 新《规则》第28条还规定,源于或涉及多于一份的合同的请求可在单个仲裁中提出,但前提是各仲裁协议应分别约束仲裁所有当事人、各仲裁协议涉及共同的法律或事实问题,请求救济的权利均涉及或源于同一交易或同一系列的交易,且请求所依据的仲裁协议彼此兼容。我们理解,这可以视为当事人在启动仲裁程序时就将两个以上的仲裁案件“合并”。 3、完善临时措施制度 旧《规则》仅规定仲裁庭有权基于当事人的请求,指令必要或适当的临时措施,但未就仲裁庭组成前,当事人能否申请香港国际仲裁中心采取临时措施作出规定。新《规则》规定,当事人在仲裁庭组成前也有权向香港国际仲裁中心申请采取相关临时措施,但该等临时措施需通过“紧急仲裁员程序”执行。 根据新《规则》第23.1条规定,仲裁庭组成前,当事人可以按照新《规则》之


国际航运中心形成与发展 一、国际航运中心的概念与分类 1. 概念 国际航运中心是指具有航线稠密的集装箱枢纽港、深水航道,畅通的集疏运网络等硬件设施和发达的航运市场,及为航运服务的相关产业和服务功能的港口城市。 2. 分类 尽管国际航运中心的形成具有相同的基本条件,但由于受自然地理条件和经济环境的影响,世界现有的国际航运中心仍有不同的运作模式,具体分类如下: (1)从量级上,可以分为全球级、洲际级和地区级 全球级:航运及其信息覆盖面达到全球,如纽约国际航运中心。 洲际级:航运及其信息覆盖面达洲际,如香港国际航运中心。 地区级:航运及其信息覆盖面以区域为主,如汉堡国际航运中心。(2)从模式上,可以分为经济腹地型和中转型 经济腹地型:该航运中心是以经济腹地的货物国际运输为主而形成的,如上海国际航运中心。 中转型:该航运中心是以货物国际中转运输形成的,如新加坡国际航运中心。 二、国际航运中心的演变 按照联合国贸易发展署的研究报告口径,国际航运中心的演变大

致经历了三代,目前正向第四代发展之中: (1)第一代国际航运中心——航运中转型国际航运中心 航运中转型国际航运中心是以城市产业为基础的海上运输集散型功能结构模式,它主要以满足城市社会经济自身发展所需求的国际贸易货物运输量为基础,构成了连接国内外中多国家或地区的密集航线。 早期的里斯本和伦敦都属于航运中转为主要功能的国际航运中心,其中,又以早期的伦敦为代表。 (2)第二代国际航运中心——加工增值型国际航运中心进入二十世纪后,随着世界经济和区域经济的发展以及港口对腹地经济发展的集聚与扩散效应,港口对城市经济影响范围逐渐扩大,由最初的城市产业经济范围逐渐向内陆腹地延伸,从时间和功能的延续上开始由第一代国际航运中心模式向第二代国际航运中心模式转变。 加工增值型国际航运中心是第二产业高度发展的产物。它最初是在航运中转功能的基础上,通过完善自由港或自由贸易区政策建立起“两头在外”(即原料市场和销售市场)的产品加工产业基地,形成特殊区位优势。之后,航运中转功能又与大规模的临港制造业基地相结合,航运中心成为现代临港产业集群的重要基础,而现代临港产业集群又是航运中心发展的强大动力。同时,自由港、自由贸易区政策所提供的环境逐步成为世界经济空间位移和区域经济产业集聚的重要诱导因素,为国际航运中心由航运中转型向加工增值型转变创造了条件。


如何避免受制于CN域名争议解决办法的两年期限规定关键词 CN域名期限规定争议解决 《中国互联网络信息中心域名争议解决办法》(下称《解决办法》)第二条规定:“本办法适用于因互联网络域名的注册或者使用而引发的争议。所争议域名应当限于由中国互联网络信息中心负责管理的CN域名和中文域名。但是,所争议域名注册期限满两年的,域名争议解决机构不予受理。”该条规定通常被解读为:如果争议域名自首次注册已经超过两年,则权利人无法通过《解决办法》程序来解决域名争议,而只能依靠复杂的法院诉讼方式。这在时间和费用上都给权利人造成了沉重的负担。 在适用《统一域名争议解决政策(UDRP)》处理的域名争议案件实践中,专家已经达成共识,认为域名转让构成新的注册;在CN域名争议案件中,域名转让是否也可以视为新的注册,从而使得首次注册期已满两年的CN域名争议得以适用《解决办法》来处理,这尚属未知,先前的实践中也没有此类案例。而香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)最近作出的一份域名裁决对此予以了明确裁决。该裁决认为,将CN域名转让给他人的行为,属于域名注册行为;而域名在此情形

下,重新注册未满两年的,应当适用《解决办法》来解决域名争议。基于此,该裁决裁定将争议域名转移给投诉人(HKIAC案件编号DCN-1500641)。 一、案件简介 权利人莱丹品牌股份公司(Leister Brands AG)是瑞士一家研发和制造塑料焊接、工艺加热及激光塑料焊接等产品的公司,旗下品牌包括“LEISTER”和“莱丹”等。权利人在中国对“LEISTER”和“莱丹”享有在先的注册商标权。 2006年12月5日,广州莱丹焊接设备有限公司(下称“广州莱丹”)注册了与权利人的“LEISTER”商标相同的CN 域名,(下称“争议域名”),并将该域名网站用于竞争性的市场营销,包括将争议域名网站命名为“LEISTER 官网”,在网站显著位置使用权利人的“LEISTER”商标,并销售多款带有权利人“LEISTER”商标的产品以及权利人竞争对手的产品,以及在网站上虚假宣称广州莱丹为“瑞士leister 新加坡和维修服务中心驻中国办事处”等。该争议域名网站具有极大的误导性,易使网络用户误认为该争议域名网站与权利人具有授权、许可或者其它商业上的关联联系,而事实并非如此。 由于争议域名初始注册时间为2006年,域名注册期限已经远远超过两年,不能适用《解决办法》,权利人遂于2015年6月向广州市南沙区人民法院提起计算机网络域名纠纷诉
