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to covet the land of Shu after getting the region of Long hanker (渴求)for more
This thought, if a wordless sensation may be called a
thought, made me hoLeabharlann Baidu and skip with pleasure.
Hassin narrowly escaped assassination in attempted
句,便看着他们出院去了……便想着“父母若在,南边 的景致,春花秋月,水秀山明……香车画舫。红杏青帘, 唯我独尊。今日寄人篱下,纵有许多照应……”
春的住处紫菱洲住下。邢夫人对邢岫烟并不真心疼爱, 只不过为了脸面之情。邢夫人甚至要求邢岫烟把每月 二两银子的月钱省下一两来给她自己的父母,使得邢 岫烟只得典当衣服来维持她在大观园的开支。
样才好,回身就要跑,被贾蔷一把揪住道:“别走! 如今琏二嫂已经告到太太跟前,说你无故调戏他。他 暂用了个脱身计,哄你在这边等着,太太气死过去, 因此叫我来拿你。刚才你又拦住他,没的说,跟我去 见太太!”
是男性的;如果你是妇女,你可以反驳说,大多数罪 犯也都是男人。
The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem
conceals this from most people.
内在地(固有地、天生地)不能解决的 这个问题自然是不可能得到解决的。
情投意合 be kindred spirits
be of one mind on good terms with 前两个强调神交 第三个强调have a good relationship with sb.
行事言谈吃喝,原有些女儿气,那是只在里头惯了的。若 说糊涂,那些儿糊涂?姐姐记得,穿孝时咱们同在 一处, 那日正是和尚们进来绕棺,咱们都在那里站着,他只站在 头里挡着人。人说他不知礼,又没眼色。过后他没悄悄的 告诉咱们说:‘姐姐不知道,我并不是没眼色。想和尚们 脏,恐怕气味熏了姐姐们。”接着他吃茶,姐姐又要茶, 那个老婆子就拿了他的碗倒。他赶忙说:“我吃脏了的, 另洗了再拿来。’这两件上,我冷眼看去,原来他在女孩 子们前不管怎样都过的去,只不大合外人的式,所以他们 不知道。”尤二姐听说,笑道:“依你说,你两个已是情 投意合了。竟把你许了他,岂不好?”三姐见有兴儿,不 便说话,只低头嗑瓜子。兴儿笑道:“若论模样儿行事为 人,倒是一对好的。只是他已有了,只未露形。将来准是 林姑娘定了的。

The mighty Pacific washes the shores of five continents—North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. The giant Pacific stretches 9300 miles from the Arctic Circle at Bering Strait to the South Polar zone.
keep on good terms with ; a prevailing mood of harmony;
an easy-going atmosphere; be very amiable
over-ambitious prone to extravagant fancies aim too high; bite off more than one can chew
coups d’eat in 1972. 只差毫厘地逃脱暗杀 险遭暗杀
strange, new light 奇特的新的光 新奇的光
多彩而又贴切得当的语言形式,把反复出现而又不变 的句子、词组、成语、词语译得生动活泼,就是所谓 的翻译的多样性。
句子结构的调整:主语和宾语对调 增词(看见、享受)
Poor Joe’s panic lasted for two or three days; during
which he did not visit the house.
He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless
第二章 语义的翻译
三、翻译的灵活性 四、 翻译的多样性
三、翻译的灵活性 在翻译过程中,完全按照原文的句式和字典的释义来进
行的翻译是行不通的。汉英两种语言在文化背景下和语 法结构上存在着很大的差异,因此,我们必须根据上下 文进行灵活处理。
Eg.① After the fall of France, Germany was in

气势磅礴的太平洋冲刷着五大洲——北美洲……的海 岸。浩瀚的太平洋从北极圈的白令海峡到南极地带绵 延9300英里。
If you are a man, you can point out that most poets
and men of science are males; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals.
我,明日我重重的谢你。”贾蔷道:“你若谢我,放 你不值什么,只不知你谢我多少?况且口说无凭,写 一文契来。”
忙忙的跑到贾政跟前跪下请了安,喘吁吁的将昨夜被 盗,将老太太上房的东西都偷去,包勇赶贼打死了一 个,已 经呈报文武衙门的话说了一遍。贾政听了发怔。 邢王二夫人等在里头也听见了,都唬得魂不附体,并 无一言,只有啼哭。贾政过了一会子问失单怎样开的, 贾芸回 道:“家里的人都不知道,还没有开单。”
兴师动众: initiate the dispatch of contingents of armed men and
the mobilization of the masses; arouse too many people to do (some relatively small work); draw in a lot of people (to do sth.); have too many people do sth.
incomparably stronger than England on the ground, about equally matched in the air, and gravely inferior at sea. “在陆地上”、“在空中”和“在海上”在这里改为 “陆军”、“空军”和“海军”更为恰当。
今日寄人篱下,纵有许多照应,自己无处不要留心。 Now, living with another family, although they treat
me so well I have to watch my step all the time.
Xiuyan’s living in the Jia’s Garden as a dependent.
陆军:ground forces, land force, ground troops, army
海军:navy 空军:air force
The happiness—the superior advantages of the young
women round about her, gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy. 利蓓小姐看见周围的小姐们那么福气,享受种种特权, 说不出的眼红。 happiness: 幸福,快乐→福气
1. 句子结构改变,拆成两个句子。 2. 多用动词,符合汉语习惯。
From Chapter II of Vanity Fair
Miss Sharp’s father was an artist, and in that quality
had given lessons of drawing at Miss Pinkerton’s school. He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern. When he was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters.
blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect; carp; be fault-finding; to pick a hole in sb’s coat
doughty (brave and strong )as a dragon and lively as a tiger; full of vim and vigor
独断专行 1. Without Westcott's moderating influence, Mathers's

autocratic manner became unbearable. 没有了韦斯科特从中斡旋,马瑟斯的独断专行开始叫 人无法忍受。 2. If you are too strict with them, your children will see you as dictatorial. 如果对孩子要求太严,他们会觉得你独断专行。 3. No matter how high one's position, he must never be a law unto himself. 无论一个人的职位有多高, 都绝对不能独断专行.
1 魂不附体
贾瑞听了,魂不附体。 Jia Rui nearly gave up the ghost. 邢王二夫人等在里头也听见了,都唬得魂不附体,并
无一言,只有啼哭。 Their ladyships overhearing the inside were frightened out of their wits. Speechless, they could only sob.
student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and partiality for the tavern.
propensity 倾向,习性,癖好,偏爱 partiality 特别喜爱,酷爱