TEM8 句式翻译终极版(1)

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• An appositive is a part of a sentence that defines or describes a noun. • 我计划去旧金山旅游。那里有很多景点。 • I plan to visit San Francisco, a city with a wide variety of tourist attractions.
Reviewing-Translation of Words
• 这是民国六年的冬天,大北风刮得正猛, 我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。 a. It’s the winter of 1917. The wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living. b. It happened during the winter of 1917. a bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a living, I had to be up and out early. √
Textual Level
• 认真阅读,分析逻辑 • 根据逻辑,确定要翻译几句话,断句,合 句 • 确定每句话后,首先找准主干/信息重心, 然后再按照句子内部的逻辑关系,增添逻 辑结构,作为修饰语。 • (如果有从句,如状语从句,或是时间从 句,则需要找到从句重心)。
• 周总理是那样谦逊、随和、易于接近,使大家很 快就不紧张了。主干?? • Modest, unassuming, easy to approach, Premier Zhou soon put everyone there completely at ease. • 这些艺术品丰富多彩,栩栩如生,而且别出心裁, 具有鲜明的民族特色和地方色彩。主干?? • Colorful, lifelike and original, these works of art had/assumed distinctive national and local characteristics.
Case Study for one sentence
• 就语言本身而言,并无大碍,但未注意到 英汉两种语言在风格上的差异,即英语 “形合”,汉语“意合”;英语逻辑外显, 汉语逻辑内敛。所以在翻译之前,应先找 出汉语的内在逻辑,随后将内在的逻辑显 化,再写成“形合”的中文,最后将其翻 译成地道的“形合”的英文。
1.目的 • 他努力完成任务。目标是得到要获得大家的认可。 • He made great efforts to finish the task (with/for the purpose of being) so as to be recognized by others.
Adjective Phrase
• 译文二:During the Tang Dynasty, City Chang’an, which was equal to the whole area of present-day Xi’an and its suburbs, had a perimeter of 36.7 kilometer, a large area 7.5 times as large as Xi’an today, and it also had a population of one million. • 得分:7到8分
Case Study for one sentence
• 接下来,我们对原文进行结构调整,首先 将其改写成“形合”的中文: • (包括今西安市城区和近郊区的)唐长安 城,面积相当于现在西安城的7.5倍,城周 有36.7公里,AND城内居住着约100万人口。
Case Study for one sentence
• 他是一位天才的语言学家,同样精通法、 德、英等多种语言。主干?? • he , a gifted liቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱguist, was equally at home in French, German and English.
• 中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。主 干?? • China , a developing country belongs to the Third World.
• 离开道路数十丈处有座大屋,屋檐下站着 一个中年文士,一个十一二岁的小孩。 • 主干??逻辑结构 • Under the eaves of a large house, some hundred yards from the road, a middle-aged scholar was standing with a ten- or elevenyear-old boy at his side.
• perimeter
Case Study for one sentence
• 译文一:During the Tang Dynasty, City Chang’an was equal to the whole area of present-day Xi’an and its suburbs, and was 7.5 times as large as present-day Xi’an in area. Its perimeter is 36.7 kilometer, and also had a population of one million. • 得分:5到6分
Reviewing-Translation of Words
• 这是个上吊的好地方
• A most suitable place, indeed, for such a purpose. • “好地方”原本是一个褒义词,流露出 说话人自豪、赞扬的感情色彩。然而当 “好地方”与“上吊”搭配在一起时, “好地方”褒义的感情色彩消失,因此绝 不能译作a good place或是a perfect place。
Case Study for one sentence
• 唐长安城包括今西安市城区和近郊区, 面积相当于现在西安城的7.5倍,城周 有36.7公里,城内居住着约100万人口。 perimeter • 主要信息??
Case Study for one sentence
• 对于这句话来说,我们可以按照以下的方 式来理解:“唐长安城包括今西安市城区 和近郊区”,“面积相当于现在西安城的 7.5倍”和“城周有36.7公里”可以看作是 一个意群,即都是在描述唐长安城的面积 之大。而“城内居住着约100万人口”可以 看作是一个独立的意群。所以此句话可以 用and将前后两个意群连接在一起。
• 他没有驾照。开车时闯了红灯,被交警抓了。 • 主干? • Revision: Driving without a license, he ran a red light, thus arrested by the sheriff.
• 主语一致
• 错误与挫折教训了我们,我们变得聪明起 来,我们的事情办得好一些。(S)主干? • Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handle our problems better.
Case Study for one sentence
• 译文三:In Tang Dynasty, City Chang’an, with a perimeter of 36.7 kilometer, was 7.5 times as large as Xi’an today, equal to the whole area of present-day Xi’an together with its outskirts, and had a population of one million. • 得分:9到10分
Case Study for one sentence
• 唐长安城包括今西安市城区和近郊区,面 积相当于现在西安城的7.5倍,城周有36.7 公里,城内居住着约100万人口。 During
the Tang Dynasty, City Chang’an was equal to the whole area of present-day Xi’an and its suburbs, and was 7.5 times as large as presentday Xi’an in area. Its perimeter is 36.7 kilometer, and also had a population of one million.
TEM 8 C-E at Macro Level
Syntactical Level
General Arrangement
• Reviewing • C/E syntactical structures • How to arrange syntactical structures
Reviewing-Translation of Words
• 她可以独自为人看病了: * She can treat patients independently. • She is qualified/eligible to treat patients independently • ……路上浮尘早已经刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道 来,车夫也跑得更快。
• By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.
Logical Devices for Explicitation within one sentence
• • • • • 从句 分词 形容词短语 不定式 介词
Relative Clauses
• Use a clause starting with one of the following relative pronouns: which, who, whom, that, whose, where. 印度以前主要是个农业大国,近些年来吸引了很 多工业。 • 主干? • Revision: India, which used to be an agricultural state, has recently attracted more industry. • P+which
Macro Level-Syntactical Level
• 结构差异 • 汉语隐形,即连接词很少出现或不出现,这 体现为意合(parataxis);
• 英语显性,即连接词出现,体现为形合 (hypotaxis) • 衔接显化—显性衔接---语法结构
Macro Level-Syntactical Level
• 所以在翻译之前,应先找出汉语的内在逻 辑,随后将内在的逻辑显化,再写成“形 合”的中文,最后将其翻译成地道的“形 合”的英文。
• 认真阅读,分析逻辑 • 根据逻辑,确定要翻译几句话,断句,合 句 • 确定每句话后,首先找准主干/信息重心, 然后再按照句子内部的逻辑关系,增添逻 辑结构,作为修饰语。
• The participle of a verb is the form that ends in -ed or -ing. Eliminate a repeated subject and the progressive part of a verb (“was,” “is,” “were”) by using the participle at the beginning or end of the sentence.