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1、词义的选择与引申 (1)一词多义 eg: Mary shook her hand and went downstairs. Mr.Hunter suddenly failed,and all hands in the mill were turn off. The crowd gave the winners a big hand. He finds his son getting out of hand. He had no hand in the matter. Jack was a poor hand running a business.
那是一张精巧的法国(5)老式(3)棕色(4)橡木(6) 做的小(1)的写字台。 (2)状语的语序调整
eg: It's a great pleasure to have a friend coming from afar. They heatedly(1) discussed the suject in the classroom(2) yesterday evening(3). 他们昨晚(3)在教室(2)热烈地(1)讨论了这个题目。
(2)一词多性 eg: She does well in this examination. The old lady drew water from the well. Hearing the news,sadness welled up in her heart. Well,here we are at last. All is well that is well. (3)搭配 eg: He is a good hand at composition. He has a good wife at home. The car has good brakes. She is a good child.
过分表达和欠充分表达 eg: He was on his way to China. 他又风尘仆仆地踏上了去中国的旅程。 He sold hard-to-get items. 他行贿受贿,兜售紧俏商品。 A little yellow,ragged,lame,unshaven begger. 一个要饭的,身材短小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛, 满脸短鬓。 一个身材瘦小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛,虎子拉 渣的乞丐。
(1)确定词义 eg: The idea sound good,but will work in practice? (2)确定句义 eg: Americans often say that there are only two things a man can be sure of in life :death and taxes. Less visible, but probably more important,are thousands of ways industry has put electric energy to work.
6 语序调整法
(1)定语的语序调整 eg: Water is a substance essential to our life.
The key to our room is attached to a large plastic block with the room number on it. That is a charming small (1)round (2) old (3) browm (4) French (5) oak (6) writing desk.
Separate the good meat from the bad. Can you tell the counterfeit money from the good money.
(4)词义引申 eg: Evrey life has its roses and thorns. This an "egg-and-hen" question. Wait a minute,Let me put on mythings. 2 词类和成分转译 (1)词类转译 eg: The goverment called for the establishment of more technical school. I had the fortune to meet him. Independent thin.king is an absolute necessity in study. I am doubtful whether he is still alive. He is physically weak but mentally sound.
eg: She has made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters witthout sucess. She is very busy at home.She has to take care of the children and do the kitchen work.
2 成分转译
eg: We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays more of light than our eyes,can see clearly at night. He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter. I invite your urgent and immediate cooperation before the conflict between two nations enters a more dangerous phase. Skill and patience will succeed where force fails.
3 词的增减
eg: He spoke with firmness,but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim. We have a fine sun this morning. The state will increase its support for the central and western parts. 4 正说反译或反说正译 eg: He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the boy. Metal do not heated until heated to a definite temperature. She is no less diligent than her sister.
(1)表达正确 eg: You should not despise him because he is backward. 你们不要看不起他,因为他落后。 不要因为某人落后,你们就看不起他。 注:not 否定的是全部,而不仅是主句部分。 The goods were handed over for disposal against payment by the customer. "against"-----反对 准备 期待 以......为条件 (2)表达充分 eg: Report of news successes keep pouring in. 捷报频传。 We excel at making a living but often fail in making a life. 我们善于谋生,却往往不会营造生活。
翻译的方法: 1、直译 eg: He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Trust him nothing,he is a bad egg. 2、意译 eg: Don't cross the bridge till you get to it. I don't know what he has got up in his sleeve. 3、直译兼意译 eg: The leopard can't change his spots. One monk,two buckets of water;two monks,one bucket;three monks,no bucket--one hands,less work done.