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3.I hereby certify that a search has been made
in the Records of Marriage held by me from 27 November, 2003 to 3 February, 2009 for Qiao Lu who was born on 21 November, 1972, and no marriage registration occurring in New South Wales has been found. 吕巧,1972年11月21日出生。兹证明,我已查找 吕巧,1972年11月21日出生。兹证明,我已查找 新南威尔士州2003年11月27日至2009年 新南威尔士州2003年11月27日至2009年2月3日的 婚姻登记记录,找不到任何跟吕巧有关的婚姻登 记记录。
明白:美国仍将参与国际事务,这是历史 的选择,也是美国自己的选择,以缔造一 个有利于自由的力量均衡。我们将保卫我 们的盟国,并捍卫我们的利益。我们将谦 地表达我们的意志。我们将以决心和力量 应对侵略和欺诈。我们要向全世界宣传孕 育了我们民族的价值观。
二. 科技文体翻译 语言Biblioteka Baidu范、语气正式、陈述客观、逻辑严
四. 文学文体翻译 形象性、抒情性。
All the way along the line, from the border right
up to Peking, as far as the eye could see, the countryside was literally covered up with a green carpet of growing crops, holding a promise of bumper harvests. 从边境乘火车直上北京,一路上极目四望, 但见 一片片农作物茁壮生长,仿佛绿色的地毯覆盖着 整个田野乡间, 到处是丰收在望的景象。
第十四章 文体与翻译
一 .公文文体的翻译 程式化、准确性、严谨性、简明化。
1.This is to certify that the English translated
copy attached hereto is in conformity with the Chinese original copy. 兹证明,英文译本与中文正本内容相符。 2.I certify the affidavit made by me to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I’m willing to bear all the legal I’ responsibilities arising therefrom. 本人保证以上所述属实,如有虚假,愿承担一切 责任。
The End.
make no mistake. America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom .We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth.
5.The mechanical energy can be changed
back into electrical energy by means of a generator of dynamo. 发电机能把机械能转变成电能。 6.A visicorder is provided to record current and voltage waveforms… waveforms… 可显示记录器用来记录电流和电压波形。
4.But the stakes for America are never
small. If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most.
三. 新闻文体翻译 准确、明了、简洁、活泼。
7. A 64-year-old grandmother was quoted as 64-yearsaying queuing for food, clothes, detergent, and virtually every other household commodity is a way of life in Romania. 记者援引一位64岁的老太太说,在罗马尼亚排队 记者援引一位64岁的老太太说,在罗马尼亚排队 购买食物、衣服、洗涤剂以及实际上其他各种日 常生活用品,已成家常便饭。
题从来都不是什么小事。如果我们不领导 和平事业,那么和平事业将无人领导;如 果我们不引导我们的孩子真心地热爱知识, 发挥个性,他们的天份将得不到发挥,理 想将难以实现。如果我们不采取适当措施, 任凭经济衰退,最大的受害者将是平民百 姓。
5.The enemies of liberty and our country should