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General Stipulations Regarding to Construction Organization Design


Examination and Approval Schedule




1.Preparation Note编制说明

1.1.Project Description工程概述

1.1.1.Natures of Project (Newly built)项目的性质(新建) 1.1.2.Purposes and Significance of Project Construction项目建设的目的、意义。

1.2.Preparation Basis编制依据

1.2.1.Name and code of data and documents based on which the organization design is prepared组织设计编制所依据的资料、文件的名称和编号;

1.2.2.Name and code of standards and specification based on which the organization design is prepared组织设计编制所依据的标准、规范的名称及编号。

1.3.Parties Involved in the Project参建单位

Project Client: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


Supervision contractor, design contractor, material procurement contractor and construction contractor etc.


Support companies and subcontractors for construction.


1.4.Guiding principles for preparing the Construction Organization Design 施工组织设计编制的指导思想

1.4.1.General principles of construction work. 项目施工的总体原则;1.4.2.Instructive techniques and organization measures adopt in regard to key works of the project 针对工程重点所采取的原则性技术,组织措施。1.4.3.Final quality objectives of the project项目的最终质量目标。2.Project brief工程概况

2.1.Project name and location工程名称、地点:

2.1.1.Project name工程名称

2.1.2.Project location 工程地点

2.2.Project scale工程规模

2.2.1.Production scale of the project工程的生产规模;

2.2.2.Total construction floor area and project occupied area工程的建筑总面积及占地面积;

2.2.3.Project investment amount and source工程的投资额及来源;2.2.4.Raw material and product of the plant装置的原料和产品;2.2.5.Brief introduction of the plant process flow 装置的工艺流程简介;2.3.Project features analysis工程特点分析

2.3.1.Features of project flow and process equipment 生产流程及工艺设备特点

2.3.2.Structural features of the project工程结构特征2.3.2.1.Critical points of technical, quality and safety management of the project 工程的技术、质量、安全管理的难点; technology, process and material used in the project工程所采取的新技术、新工艺、新材料情况; for ensuring the project time schedule工程的工期保证难点;

2.3.3.Features of the region where the project is located.工程所在区域特征 conditions自然条件 setting of the site工地的地质条件; conditions of the site工程所在地的气象条件。 airscape工程鸟瞰图

2.3.4.Measures to be taken in regard to critical points above-mentioned针对上述难点所采取的对策。

2.4.Quality objective of the project工程的质量目标

2.4.1.General quality objective of the project工程的总体质量目标;2.4.2.Program to make the project a quality work创优质工程规划。3.Scope of work and time schedule of the company本公司工程范围及工期3.1.Scope of work工程范围

3.2.Contract construction period合同建设周期

3.3.Main work amount of the project工程项目主要工作量

3.3.1.Work amount in currencies 货币工作量

3.3.2.Main physical work amount statement 主要实物工程量一览表3.3.2.1.Civil and architectural work 建筑工程; installation work 设备安装工程; installation work 管道安装工程; installation work 电气安装工程; installation work 仪表安装工程;

4.Construction Organization Plan 施工组织方案

4.1.Construction arrangement 施工部署

4.1.1.Construction tasks division and goal of construction period施工任务划分施工工期目标; of construction stages施工阶段划分; objectives for each stage of construction各阶段的施工目标;

4.1.2.Construction organization and management 施工组织及管理4.1.2.1.Project management organization setup工程管理组织机构的设置; allocation of each organization各机构的职能分配。4.1.3.main construction sequence主要施工顺序

4.2.Overall construction time schedule施工总体进度计划4.2.1.Milestone schedule里程碑计划;

4.2.2.Overall network control plan 网络统筹控制计划。4.3.Construction work force plan 施工劳动力计划:

4.3.1.Work force plan of each discipline 专业施工的劳动力计划;
