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Parallel Monopoly (China and Britain)

Cohong or gonghang in China, a guild 同业公会 of Chinese merchants operated the importexport monopoly in Canton (now Guangzhou 广州) Yī kǒu tōng shāng (一 口通商, ―Single port commerce system” since 1757

Internal struggle against eunuchs—Wei Zhongxian 魏忠贤; Role of Wu Sangui 吴三桂: 引狼入室【 yǐnlángrùshì】 invite a wolf into a house. Catalyst 催化剂 Ebrey 224-225
the Ming Dynasty 1368 to 1644/ Territory of the Qing Dynasty Significant territorial expansion
Dynastic Decline of the Qing

Leabharlann Baidu

a new enemy (British traders/invaders) appeared on China‘s shores… Since 1405, Zheng He led (Ebrey 226-227), 7 naval expeditions; 郑和下西洋 Death of the Yongle Emperor (r.1402 to 1424), patron of Zheng He‘s expeditions 闭关锁国【bìguānsuǒguó】 lock one's doors against the world.
End of The Ming Dynasty

―The time is out of joint‖ (Hamlet 1.5.188). the ―Little Ice Age‖ (Ebrey 238); Dong Zhongshu‘s ―correlative cosmology‖ 董仲舒的 ―天人感应‖ 论 Li Zicheng (1606–1645) Nicknamed as a ―dashing king‖闯王
Werner, Craig Hansen. Dubliners: A Pluralistic World. (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988), 122.

―Articulating the world in a way that might be accessible to the Dubliners themselves, [James] Joyce maintains a version of literature as an active form of resistance against paralysis. Dubliners, like Dublin, incorporate numerous versions of the world. To confuse any single version with the entire world—to deny the plurality of interpretation—is to paralyze: the text, the world, ourselves‖ (Werner 122).
The First Opium War (1839-1942) & Xi'an Incident (Dec. 12 -25 1936)

Pattern identification: What‘s in common between these two events? Juxtaposition 并列 Statecraft: ―Governing a large state is like boiling small fish‖ (Daodejing 60). 治大国, 若烹小鲜 【zhì dàguó ruòpēngxiǎoxiān】

1. Sociology . the belief in the inherent superiority of one‗s own ethnic group or culture. 民族优越感 2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own. 我族中心 主义 本族中心主义 中国【Zhōngguó】 China—the central kingdom—from whose point of view? 远东【yuǎndōng】 the Far East—from whose point of view?
Archaeological Site of Delphi, a place where the heaven and earth meet

Physically paralyzed Metaphorically Paralyzed 瘫痪的 by different things: failure, success, emotion, trauma, ideology, etc. Trained disability caused by long term exposure to certain ideology, therefore couldn‘t think otherwise; Caused by habit—at a critical moment, pray to god, cry, or do something that is habitual;