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1971诞生于西雅图,靠卖咖啡起 家 1982年霍华德.舒尔茨加入星巴克, 并担任市场 和零售总监 1987年霍华德.舒尔茨收购星巴克 1992年星巴克作为一家专业咖啡 公司成功上市
1998. Enting China 2005.9 Set up a “star bucks China education protect”
星巴克(Starbucks)是美国一家连锁 咖啡公司的名称,1971年成立,为全球最 大的咖啡连锁店,其总部坐落美国华盛顿州 西雅图市。 除咖啡外,星巴克亦有茶及蛋糕等商品。 星巴克在全球范围内已经有近12,000间分店 遍布北美、南美洲、欧洲、中东及太平洋区。
Starbucks History
Starbucks name, it originated from Hermann Melville's classic -- "great white shark“ hero
公司简介 广告 策略 发展攻略
• Company introduction • Starbucks History • Starbucks trademark
Company introduction
Starbucks is the name of a chain of coffee company, which was established in 1971, the world's largest coffee chain. Its headquarters located in Seattle, Washington, DC. In addition to coffee, Starbucks also manages tea, bread , cakes, and other goods. Starbucks has nearly 12,000 branches throughout North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and the Pacific.
Social experience -- a different experience, the common enjoyment
在世界上有星巴克咖啡店的地方都 是人们在工作居家之外喜爱停留的 地方,或是单纯地喝杯咖啡,享受 独处的悠闲,星巴克是一个可以放 松身心的地方。In the world of Starbucks Coffee shop place i s a favorite place to stay in workoutside the home, or just to drink a cup of Coffee alone, enjoy the leisurely,Starbucks is a place to relax ourselves.
Experience marketing Starbucks
• 味觉体验 Taste • 氛围体验 Atmosphere
• 社会体验 Social experience
好的咖啡,煮出不 同的口味 Taste: use the best Coffee, cook a different taste
三、充分运用“体验” Three, make full use of "experience"
直营理念 Direct marketing concept
四十年来 ,星巴克对外宣称的策略是: 坚持走公司直营店,星巴克只有不到10%的 店铺是特许加盟的连锁店。
In forty years, Starbucks declared policy is: adhere to the company straight battalion inn, Starbucks only less than 10% of the shop is a franchise chain stores.
星巴克公司出售的不 仅仅是优质的咖啡、 完美服务, 更重要的是顾客对咖 啡的体验文化。 Starbuck Corp sold are not only high quality Coffee,Perfect service, The customer is more important is to Coffee experience culture.
2005. Established in shanghai 2006.2 Has more then 9000 stores
Starbucks trademark
The first starbucks in Seattle
Starbucks distributed in most parts of the world
Atmosphere experience -Starbucks culture into the heart
星巴克吸引顾客的另外一个原因是其独特的人文环境, 木质的桌椅、清雅的音乐为消费者烘托出一种典雅、悠 闲的氛围。
Starbucks attract another customer is its unique cultural environment, wooden tables and chairs, elegant music for consumers to express a kind of elegant,leisurely atmosphere.
Think you !
小 组 成 员 :
零广告 Zero advertisement
星巴克除了利用一些策略联盟帮助宣传新品外,几乎从来不做广 告。因为根据在美国和中国台湾的经验,大众媒体泛滥后,其广 告也逐渐失去公信力,为了避免资源的浪费,星巴克故意不打广 告。 Starbucks in addition to the use of a number of strategic alliance to help promote new products, almost never advertise. Because according to theAmerican and Chinese Taiwan experience, the proliferation of mass media, its advertising began to lose credibility, in order to avoid the waste of resources,Starbucks deliberately not advertised.
星巴克在其CEO霍华德· 舒尔茨的领导下一方面格
咖啡消费环境;另一方面,星巴克也十分注重利 用互联网来营造线上社区为其整体品牌形象服务,
以配合和促进线下Fra Baidu bibliotek店的销售。
Under the leadership of its CEO Howard Schultz,Starbucks is particularly focused on customer experience and commit to providing the best coffee and coffee consumption environment.On the other hand, Starbucks is also very focused on using the Internet to create online communities for overall brand image services to coordinate and promote the sale of stores under the line.
企 业 文 化
In our life, popular with such a very classical words: I'm not at the office, at Starbucks, I don't Starbucks, on the way to Starbucks.
在我们生活当中流行着这 样一句很经典的话: 我不在办公室,就在星巴 克,我不在星巴克,就在 去星巴克的路上。
经营策略 Business Stragety
一、以直营经营为主 One, with straight battalion business 二、不花一分钱做广告 ——“最好的广告就是我们 的店。” Two, do not spend a penny advertising -- "the best advertising is our shop.“
Using social networks to make the branding efficient.三、利用社交网络,高效进行品牌推广。
Actively explore "Online To Offline" in the mobile Internet era. 四、移动互联网时代积极进行O2O探索。
Build online communities , making online services for the offline. 一、建立网上社区,使线上为线下服务。
Universal free networks, attract offline consumers 二、门店普及免费网络,吸引线下消费者。 .
星巴克怎么做互联网营销 The online marketing strategy of Starbucks
拥有极佳的口碑,而且其积极利用互联网打 造品牌形象,积累了相当多的成功案例及经 验。
As a veteran , Starbucks coffee not only have an excellent reputation offline , but also actively use the Internet to build their brand image .It has accumulated a considerable number of success stories and experience.