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二、口译练习 1.质量要求 2.译前准备
2.1课前检索与阅读 2.2课前检查 3.对话口译 从事旅游业 4.篇章口译 4.1 an introduction to an industrial village 4.2 being a traveler,not a tourist 4.3长城景区导游词 4.4旅游论坛致辞 三、日积月累 四、译员须知 礼仪常识
Ⅳ. Homework
An Overview of Interpreting
1.口译的定义 2.口译的历史 3.口译的分类 4.口译的特点 5.口译的标准 6.口译的方法 7.口译人员的素质
1. Definition(口译定义)
“口译是翻译的一种形式,指将一种语言所表述的内容 用另一种语言即时准确地用口头表达出来。”
Unit 5 Note-taing
Unit 6 Interpreting Figures
Unit 7 Discourse Analysis for Interpreting
Unit 8 Reformulation Skills
Unit 9 Intercultural Analysis Unit 10 Coping Tactics
Teaching Objectives
Challenging Interpreting: a course of interpreting skills Students undertaking this course: A good knowledge of Chinese and English The ability to understand and use spoken language Understanding the theory underlying the principles and
Ⅱ. Skills practice (40 min)
1. 2.2 Indentifying keywords 2. 2.3 Reducing keywords
Ⅲ.Interpreting exercises (80 min)
1. Dialogue interpreting: Working for a travel agency
Ⅱ. Skills practice (40 min)
1. 3.2 Vertical analysis of logic 2. Horizontal analysis of logic
Ⅲ.Interpreting exercises (80 min)
1. E-C: 4.1 An introduction to an industrial village 2. C-E: 4.3 An introduction to the Great Wall
Ⅳ. Homework
Listening for logic
Theme: Logical analysis Procedures: Ⅰ. Theory and skills (40 min)
1. Vertical analysis of logic 2. Horizontal analysis of logic
periods for Unit 5)
Unit Structure-Unit 1
一、技能讲解与训练 1.技能概述 2.听辨关键词 2.1技能讲解 2.2技能训练(1)关键词的选择 2.3技能训练(2)关键词的精简 3.辨识逻辑关系 3.1技能讲解 3.2技能训练(3)逻辑的纵向分析 3.3技能训练(4)逻辑的横向分析
how to expand your knowledge on your own how to behave professionally
Course Structure
An introduction to the definition, characteristics, modes and
process of professional interpreting, and requirements for
practice of interpreting Proficient in the skills and techniques which are used by
professional interpreters Constant professional improvement You will learn: how to sharpen your interpreting skills further
Teaching Plans for Unit 1
Listening for keywords
Theme: Identification and reduction of keywords Procedures: Ⅰ. Theory and skills (40 min)
1. Keyword identification 2. Keyword reduction
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
For self-study
Tentative Schedule
Time Allotment: 1 semester(72 periods, 4 periods every week)
2 periods for Orientation 2 periods for national holidays 2 periods for quizzes 66 periods for 8 units, 8 periods(2 weeks) for 1 unit (10
competent interpreters.
10 Units
Unit 1 Getting the Message through listening
Unit 2 Extracting the Gist
Unit 3 Memory in Interpreting
Unit 4 Public Speaking Skills