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摘要 (2)

关键词 (2)

英文摘要 (2)

引言 (2)

一、累犯的概念与类型 (3)

二、我国累犯的构成要件 (4)

(一)普通累犯及其构成要件 (4)

1、主观要件 (4)

2、刑度条件 (4)

3、时间条件 (4)

(二)特别累犯及其构成要件 (5)

三、累犯的刑事责任 (5)

(一)累犯从重处罚原则的依据 (5)

(二)我国累犯的刑事责任 (6)

四、我国累犯制度的不足之处 (6)

五、我国累犯制度的立法完善 (8)

结语 (9)

注释 (9)

参考文献 (10)

答谢词 (11)



累犯制度是我国刑法中一项基本的刑罚制度,它是对犯罪人适用的一项量刑制度。累犯制度的确立,对于保障刑罚特殊预防和一般预防目的的实现,提高惩罚犯罪、改造犯罪人的实际效果,具有着重要的现实意义。重新犯罪的出现是累犯制度设立的现实基础.新中国成立后的第一部刑法典对累犯制度进行了规定,但不完善。1997年《刑法》对1979年《刑法》中的累犯制度进行了修改和完善,但仍有一些不足,带来了司法实务中的一些困惑,己不能完全适应新形势下有效地惩治和预防犯罪的需要。199 7年《刑法》关于累犯制度的不足主要表现在:累犯的适用主体和X围、单位是否构成累犯、特别累犯的适用对象及累犯的处罚等方面.上述不足不利于我国累犯制度设立目的的实现。为完善我国累犯制度,发挥累犯制度在打击和预防犯罪尤其是重新犯罪方面的作用,应对我国现行累犯制度进行修改和完善:在确立我国累犯制度设立以行为人为中心兼顾行为的指导思想的前提下,在现行累制度中增设单位累犯,明确规定未成年人不构成累犯及累犯可以适用假释,扩大特别累犯的适用X围,对累犯再犯者加重处罚,修改累犯规定中的相关条款。使我国刑法中的累犯制度在司法实务中更具有可操作性,最大限度地发挥其的作用。


Abstract:The recidivism system is a primary criminal penalty system in China Criminal Law.It is a penalty-sentencing system for a judge to adopt to give a sentence to a criminal. The establishing of recidivism is achieving the goal of the penalty-sentencing for special prevention and general prevention, to improve the practice effectiveness of prevention and general punishing crime and reeducating criminal. The emerge of miting crime once more is the reality foundation for the establishing of recidivism.The first criminal law of new China had stipulated the recidivism systembut it is imperfect.The 1997's criminal law has made amendment and improvement to the 1979's criminal law, but the Law remains some defects, and generates confusion, it can not adequately meet the demand of punishing and preventing situation crime effectively under the current situation .The main defects exist in the 1997's criminal law as following the stipulations of recidivist's qualification and categories, an organization recidivism special recidivism's requirement and the punishing for recidivist etc. All above-mentioned defects have prevented the recidivism system of our country from achieving its goal. In order to perfect the system, to fully exercise its rule on punishing and preventing crime, especially against a crime of miting once more. So it is indispensable to amend and perfect the current recidivism system in our country immediately.The detail methods as following being guided by the leading principle of regard recidivist as primary fact while considering recidivist's behavior to add the organization recidivism crime term to clearly stipulate that minor can not bee a recidivist and a recidivist can be released on parole, to expend the content of special recidivist, to additionally punish recidivist who mit crime once more to amend the related stipulation concerning recidivism, so as to ensure the system having more operating possibility, to exercise its rule of punishment to most degree.

Key words: recidivist recidivism problem improve





