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1.The second paragraph on Page 2:

In hundreds of homes throughout the nation, as the rolls of those signing up for continuing education course grow, getting mom or pop off to school has often wrought a kind of joyous havoc on family life and forced the sort of realignment of expectations that would warm the hearts of diehard feminists.


2. Blessed is the child's forgiving nature.


3. line 23—24:

What can come through the difficulties and the role reversals is a shared commitment, a strengthened bond and a deepened appreciation for education.


4. line 29—31:

And when the boys-Joseph,18,and Christopher, 14-run into what Ms. Stafford called “the geek mentality”of friends who think doing well in school is totally lame, they are equipped to respond. 当18岁的J和14岁的C遇到那些认为在学校学习好是完全没用的,被MS.S称为怪胎心态的朋友们时,他们准备好了如何应答这个可以。

5. line 55:

Sometimes it seemed that Seth Hatfield wasn’t so much puttinghis father through school as accompanying him.

有时看上与其说是SH送爸爸上学还不如说是在陪伴他. 关键是is not so ....as这个译成:与



6. line 53—55:

By raising an issue that made so many feel shameful, he lifted the shame—offering listeners a way to strike a patriotic blow by simply depositing money into a solvent bank.


7. line 55—57:

Those who planned instead to withdraw money were gently thrown in with an unsavory lot. Hoarding, the President said: has become an exceedingly unfashionable pastime.



8. the first:

Kathy Ireland’s metamorphosis form supermodel to super mogul started started when a pair of

socks. It was 1933, and the beauty best known for showing off string bikinis in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues had just been asked to flaunt foot warmers. Pregnant with her first child, Ireland contemplated he future and concluded that if it was going to involve socks, she would rather sell them than show them off.


9. line 61—63:

The aha moment, the moment when I knew we had something, was when our mission statement crystallized.



the vision of finding solutions for busy moms really hit home.



11. Ernest hemingway endowed his characters with qualities possessed by his friends。



12.line 10—11:

When a man and woman interpret the same interchange in such conflicting ways, it’s no wonder they can find themselves leveling angry charges of selfishness and obstinacy at each other.


13.line 13—15:

As a specialist in linguistics, I have studied how the conversational styles of men and women differ. We cannot lump all men or all women into fixed categories. But the seemingly senseless misunderstandings that haunt our relationships can in part be explained by the different conversational rules by which men and women play.


14.line 16—18:

Whenever I write or speak about this subject, people tell me they are relieved to (如释重负)learn that what has caused them trouble—and what they had previously ascribed to personal failings —is, in fact, very common.

