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• add the pepper(胡椒)Sault(盐)and caynne into the hot oil
Stir together
The third step
• Poured the tofu into the oil pan ,plus some water ,poured into the burning tofu 3 minutes
tofu pepper(胡椒) shallot(葱) Sault(盐) sauce(酱油) Cayenne(辣椒) garlic sprouts (蒜苗)
.The first step
• Put the oil into the hot pan
The Second step
how to make the Spicy hot bean curd
材料编辑丝滑型硬豆腐1块(349克),辣椒粉1茶匙,大蒜1头,剁碎,橄榄油 2汤匙,中等大小洋葱1个,切碎,芹菜2根,切碎,罐装或冷冻甜玉米100克, 芸豆1罐(400克),西红柿丁1罐(400克),清水1升,盐和现磨黑胡椒粉适 量 The material editor silky hard bean curd 1 (349 grams), pepper powder 1 tsp, chopped garlic and 1 heads, and 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 medium onions, chopped celery root, 2, minced, canned or frozen sweet corn 100 grams, kidney beans 1 cans (400 grams), diced tomatoes 1 cans (400 grams), 1 liter of water, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 2做法编辑1.用中号碗,将豆腐弄碎,加辣椒粉和大蒜拌匀。 The 2 approach editor 1 with medium bowl, will crumble, add chili powder and garlic mix well. 2.中火在大深锅里热油,然后将洋葱和芹菜煎软。把拌好的豆腐渣倒进去并搅 拌,调小火再煮5分钟左右。 2 fire in a large deep pot heat the oil, then fry the onion and celery soft. Put bean curd slag mix well and pour into the stirring, transfer a small fire and cook for about 5 minutes.
Spicy hot bean curd-(麻辣豆腐)The
production process
the main meterial
• • • • • • •
tofu garlic sprouts(蒜苗) pepper(胡椒) shallot(葱) sault sauce(酱油) ginger(姜)
All kinds of Spicy hot bean curd
谢 谢 聆 听
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Fourth step • Add shallot ,garlic sprouts and sauce into the pan .
Last step
• Starch thicken(用淀粉勾芡)
Completed !!!
• Put the dishes into bowl
It is so delicious!!!
Welcome to you
侯氏精品 仿者必究
The history of Spicy hot bean curd
HOT doufu is a popular Chinese dish from the Sichuan (Szechuan) province.It is a combination of tofu (bean curd) and minced meat,usually pork or beef,in a spicy chiliand bean-based sauce,typically a thin,oily,and bright red suspension.Variations with other ingredients such as water chestnuts,onions,other vegetables,or wood ear fungus are not considered authentic recreations of the Sichuan classic.[who?] The name is often thought to mean "Pocked-Face Lady's Tofu," and is said to come from a (possibly fictional) food vendor by the name of Ma,who made and sold the dish.Another possible explanation stems from an alternate definition of 麻 ,meaning "numb":the Szechuan peppercorns used in the dish can slightly numb the diner's mouth.True Mapo doufu is powerfully spicy with both conventional "heat" spiciness and the characteristic "mala" (numbing spiciness) flavor of Sichuan (Szechuan) cuisine.The feel of the particular dish is often described by cooks using seven specific Chinese adjectives:麻 (numbing), 辣 (spicy hot),烫 (hot temperature),鲜 (fresh),嫩 (tender and soft),香 (aromatic),and 酥 (flaky).These seven characteristics are considered to be the most defining of authentic Mapo doufu.The authentic form of the dish is increasingly easier to find outside China today,but usually in Sichuanese restaurants that do not adapt the dish for non-Sichuanese tastes.In the west,the dish is often adulterated,with its spiciness severely toned down to widen its appeal[citation needed].This happens even in Chinese restaurants,commonly those not specialising in Sichuan (Szechuan) cuisine.In American Chinese cuisine the dish is often made without meat to appeal to vegetarians,with very little spice,a thick sweet-and-sour sauce,and added vegetables,a stark contrast from the authentic.Vegetarians can often still enjoy the powerful taste of the authentic dish,however,as it can easily be made without meat at all (and simply just tofu) while not toning down the spices; this version is technically referred to as Mala doufu although this name is not always well-known.