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摘 要: 为对相关研究提供基础性资料,应用透射电镜技术对4种缘毛目纤毛虫(双缘聚缩虫、羽状聚缩虫、共栖聚缩虫类似种和拟杯状伪钟虫)迄今不甚明了的部分超微结构进行了观察。
关键词: 缘毛目;纤毛虫;超微结构
中图法分类号: Q 959.11 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 5174(2005) 02 199 07
缘毛目纤毛虫是一大类高度特化的原生动物,作为富营养化水体内的优势类群广泛存在于海、淡水的各种生境中[2 3]。
该类群由于种类众多且形态变异性较大而在种类鉴定和种间区别上一直存在各种分歧与争议[4 5]。
[6 7]。
1 材料和方法
研究选用了采自青岛近海的3种聚缩虫和1种伪钟虫:双缘聚缩虫(Zoothamnium dup licatum Kahl,1933)、羽状聚缩虫(Zoothamnium p lumula Kahl,1933)、共栖聚缩虫类似种(Zoothamnium mune Kahl,1933)以及拟杯状伪钟虫(Pseudovorticella p ar acratera Ji et al .,2004)。
各种类的鉴定参照文献[8 11],
2 结果
2.1表膜结构 3种聚缩虫的表膜在光镜下外观非常相似,均属表面较光滑并具有致密环纹,而拟杯状伪钟虫的表膜具网状纹,网孔处表膜显著凸起(见图版13)。
羽状聚缩虫的表膜起伏较平缓(见图版1 3),外层的细胞膜和表膜泡外膜排列紧密,总厚度约30nm (见图版5)。
表膜泡环绕虫体,极可能不分室(构成低倍镜下的 环纹 ),厚度约200nm ,其内膜与一薄层(约20nm)致密的外原生质层相接(见图版4),其下为150~200nm 的纤丝状、与虫体纵轴平行排列的匀质原生质层(见图版5)。
共栖聚缩虫类似种的表膜虫体纵切面观与上种比,外轮廓起伏更显著,呈锯齿状(见图版6,7),并常有细菌粘附(见图版6 8,小箭头),表膜泡厚度为200~250nm,其结构与羽状聚缩虫相似,存在表膜下微管(见图版7,双箭头),但未见泡间微管,相应位置为相邻表膜泡内膜围成的管状腔(见图版7,无尾箭头)。
通讯作者:E mail:w song@
收稿日期:2004 09 13;修订日期:2004 12 10作者简介:季道德(1979 ),男,博士生。
第35卷 第2期 2005年3月
35(2):199~205M ar.,2005
200中 国 海 洋 大 学 学 报2005年
201 2期季道德,等:四种缘毛目纤毛虫的超微结构观察
202中 国 海 洋 大 学 学 报2005年
F igure leg ends
1.羽状聚缩虫整体纵切Vertical section of a whole z ooid of Zoothamnium p lumula标尺Scale bar:20 m Cy:胞咽Cy tophar ynx;
F V:食物泡Food vacuole;M a:大核M acronucleus;Ve:口前庭Vestibulum
2.羽状聚缩虫局部纵切,箭头标示核仁A po rtion of vertical section of Zoothamnium p lumula,ar row indicates nucleolus标尺Scale
bar:5 m M a:大核M acronucleus
3.羽状聚缩虫口围缘纵切,箭头标示胞质内的小泡Vertical section of the peristomial lip of Zoothamnium p lumula,arrows mark
small vacuoles in the cytoplasm标尺Scale bar:5 m PL:口围缘Peristomial lip
4.羽状聚缩虫皮层纵切,无尾箭头标示泡间微管,双箭头指示表膜下微管Vertical section o f co rtex of Zoothamnium plumula,ar
row heads denote microtubules between pellicular alveoluses,double arrow s show the sub pellicular microtubules标尺Scale bar:
0.5 m
5.羽状聚缩虫皮层纵切,大箭头标示表膜孔,小箭头标示排列紧密的细胞膜和表膜泡外膜V er tical section of cortex of Zootham
nium p lumula,large arrow notes the pellicular pore,small arrows indicate closely spaced cell membr ane and ecto membr ane of pellic ular alveo lus标尺Scale bar:0.5 m
6.共栖聚缩虫类似种皮层纵切,箭头指示体表粘附的细菌Vertical section of Zoothamnium mune,arrow s mar k bacter ia at
taching on the pellicle标尺Scale bar:3 m
头标示相邻表膜泡内膜合围成的管状结构Vertical section of the cortex of Zoothamnium mune,small arrows mark bacte ria attaching on the pellicle,large ar row indicates tube shaped cr istula in mitochondria,double arr ows show the sub pellicular micro tubules,arrowheads note the tubes formed by two closely arr anged pellicular alveoli标尺Scale bar:1.5 m
8.共栖聚缩虫类似种体部横切,大箭头显示线粒体内的管状嵴,小箭头显示体表细菌,双箭头表示表膜孔Cross section of the
body por tion of Zoothamnium mune,to show the str ucture of cor tex,large arrow indicates tube shaped cristula in mitochon dr ia,small arr ow marks bacter ia on the surface,double arr ows note the pellicular pore标尺Scale bar:1.5 m
9.双缘聚缩虫皮层纵切,箭头标示皮层下致密纤维层Vertical section of Zoothamnium dup licatum,arrow s mar k dense fibrous lay er
under the cor tex标尺Scale bar:2 m M it:线粒体M itochondria
10.双缘聚缩虫皮层纵切,箭头标示反口纤毛环V er tical section of cortex of Zoothamnium dup licatum,ar row notes the abor al cil
iary w reath标尺Scale bar:1 m
域Vertical section of cortex of Zoothamnium dup licatum,lar ge arrow indicates the pellicular po re,small arr ows mark sub pelliclu ar microtubules,arrow head exhibits the blank ar ea between endo membrane of pellicular alv eolus and epiplasm标尺Scale bar:1 m 12.双缘聚缩虫皮层纵切,显示双缘聚缩虫皮层各部分,无尾箭头显示表膜泡内膜和外原生质层之间的空白区域Vertical section
of cor tex of Zoothamnium dup licatum,to show the detailed structur e,ar rowhead denotes the blank area between endo membrane of pellicular alv eolus and epiplasm标尺Scale bar:0.5 m Ec:表膜泡外膜ecto membr ane of pellicular alveolus;En:表膜泡内膜en do membrane of pellicular alveolus;Ep:外原生质Epiplasm
13.拟杯状伪钟虫在光镜下表膜形态Pellicle appearance of Pseudovorticella p ar acr ater a under light field microscope标尺Scale bar:
15 m
14.拟杯状伪钟虫皮层纵切,箭头显示破损的表膜泡V ertical section of cortex of Pseudovor ticella p aracr ater a,arrow s ex hibit bro
ken pellicular alv eolus标尺Scale bar:2 m M a:大核M acronucleus;M it:线粒体M itochondr ia
15.羽状聚缩虫大核,箭头显示核仁M acronucleus of Zoothamnium p lumula,arro ws show nucleoliM a:大核M acronucleus标尺
Scale bar:3 m
16.羽状聚缩虫内质,双箭头显示内质网Endoplasm of Zoothamnium p lumula,double arrows indicate endoplasmic reticulum标尺
Scale bar:1.5 m
17.羽状聚缩虫口区小膜横切,显示不同层面的纤毛结构Cross sect ion of oral peniculus of Zoothamnium p lumula,to ex hibit struc
ture of cilia at differ ent levels标尺Scale bar:0.5 m
18.拟杯状伪钟虫的大小核,箭头指示大核核膜,双箭头指示小核内不规则的染色质M acro and micronucleus of Pseudovor ticella
paracrater a,ar rows mark the membrane o f macr onucleus,double arrows indicate the irr egular shaped chromatin in micronucleus标尺Scale bar:2 m
19.箭头指示拟杯状伪钟虫的食物泡F ood vacuoles of Pseudovor ticella p ar acr ater a,Shown by arrow s标尺Scale bar:3 m
20.拟杯状伪钟虫口区纵切,箭头标示口围缘内密集排列的线粒体V ertical section of o ral ar ea of Pseudovor ticella p ar acr ater a,ar
rows denote the closely spaced mitochondria in peristomial lip标尺Scale bar:3 m
21.双缘聚缩虫帚胚纵切,大箭头指示帚胚内的毛基体,双箭头标示肌丝,小箭头显示柄内的微管V er tical section of the scopula
port ion of Zoothamnium dup licatum,large ar rows indicate kinetosomes,double ar rows mark myoneme,small ar rows show micro tubules标尺Scale bar:2 m
22.共栖聚缩虫类似种柄横切,大箭头指示柄肌内的线粒体,小箭头显示微管Cross section of the stalk of Zoothamnium
mune,large ar rows indicate mitochondria in spasmoneme,small arrow s show microtubules M y:肌丝M yoneme标尺Scale bar:
2 m
2.2核器结构 3种聚缩虫的大核均为马蹄形,拟杯状伪钟虫大核呈 J型。
2.3帚胚及柄结构 帚胚是缘毛目纤毛虫所特有的结构,位于虫体反口端,其作用是分泌形成具有固着作用的柄,或直接固着于基质之上。
帚胚内毛基体直径约250nm,总长度约为1.5~ 2.5 m,其中位于细胞质内的部分约0.5~ 1.0 m,伸入柄内的部分约为1.0~1.5 m(见图版21,大箭头)。
此外,柄内存在众多的与柄纵向平行的微管(见图版21,22,小箭头),均匀分布,直径大约100~ 150nm。
柄肌由发达的双层膜包被(见图版22),断面观肌丝(M y)集于柄肌腔的一侧,另外一侧为染色较浅的匀质区域,内有散布的线粒体(见图版22,大箭头)。
2.4其他结构 本观察同时涉及胞器以及部分细胞质内结构。
羽状聚缩虫的口区内小膜由3列平行的纤毛构成,横切面可见纤毛为典型的 9+2微管结构(见图版17)。
3 讨论
对应于超微结构,银染着色区(银线)为表膜泡间的原生质突起处,该突起即为 银线系的银浸着色基础。
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204中 国 海 洋 大 学 学 报2005年
On the Ultrastructu re of Fou r Peritrichous Ciliates (Cilioph ora,Peritrichida)
JI Dao de,SONG Wei bo
(T he K ey Labor ator y of M ar icultur e,M ini stry of Education,Ocean U niversity of China,Qingdao 266003,China)
Abstract: The ultrastructure of four peritrichous ciliates,Zoothamnium dup licatum Kahl,1933,Z.p lumula Kahl,1933,m une Kahl,1933and Pseudovorticella p ar acratera Ji et al .,2003,was observed via transmission electronic m icroscopy.T he results demonstrate that:(1)T he pellicles of different ap pearances under lig ht microscope have similar cortical structure:conspicuous pellicular alveolus (consisting of ecto and endo membrane)and the cell membrane;(2)in the macronucleus,the nucleoli are oval or global and the chromatin is agglomerated,w hile in the micronucleus the chromatin is irreg ularly shaped;(3)the scopula is composed of double layered plasm alemma w ith many kinetosomes and center positioned spasmoneme;(4)in the stalk,the spasmoneme extends to the basal part,w ith some mitochondria on one side and covered by dou ble layered plasmalemma.The microtubules are parallel to the spasmoneme and evenly arranged.Key words: Peritrichida;ciliate;ultrastructure
Diagn ostical Analysis of an Extreme High Temperatu re
Weather Event in North China on 15July,2002
,FU Gang 2,GUO Jing tian
(1.M et eorolo gical Bureau of L iaocheng,L iaocheng 252000,China; 2.Depar tment of M arine M eteorology,Ocean U niv ersity of
China,Qingdao 266003,China)
Abstract: A ty pical extreme high temperature weather event w armer than 40∀w as observed in a large area of north China at 06UTC 15July 2002.This event sig nificantly influenced people #s life,and attracted the new s media #s concern.In this paper,almost all available observational data are em ployed to document its evolutionary process and to investigate its mechanism.T he synoptic situations from low er level to upper level prior to and during the high temperature event are analyzed.Also,the spatial tem poral distributions of v ari ous variables are described.Through thermody nam ics equation,it is indicated that this extreme high temper ature w eather event w as mainly caused by the joint effects of the advection of potential temperature,the ver tical transportation of potential temperature and non adiabatic heating.
Key words: ex treme high temperature weather event;sy noptic situation;thermodynamics equation;solar