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Bloom’s taxonomy Page71 (Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) a taxonomy of objectives for the cognitive domain developed by the American educationalist, B.S. Bloom, and widely referred to in education and educational planning. Bloom’s taxonomy consists of 6 levels, ranging from knowledge (which focuses on reproduction of facts) to evaluation (which represents higher level thinking). The six levels in Bloom’s taxonomy are: 由美国教育学家B.S. 布鲁姆提出的关于认知领域目标的分类方法, 在教育和教育规划方面被广泛运用。布鲁姆分类法从知识(主要指事实再现)到评价(代表更高级的思维)有六个层次,包括:

Level 层次Characteristic Student Behaviours 学生行为特点

Knowledge知识Remembering, memorizing, recognizing, recalling 记忆、牢记、识别、


Comprehension理解Interpreting, translating from one mediun to another, describing in one’s

own words解释,使用不同手段去说明,用自己的话进行描述Application应用Problem-solving, applying information to produce some results 解决问

题, 对信息进行利用以取得某种效果

Analysis 分析Subdiving something to show how it is put together, finding the

underlying structure of a communication, identifying motives 对事物

进行剖析以揭示它的构成,揭示信息的基本结构,确定动机Synthesis 综合Creating a unique, original product that may be in verbal form or may be

a physical object 进行独特的有创造行的发明, 可以是文字的, 也可


Evaluation 评价Making value decisions about issues, resolving controversies or

differences of opinion 对问题作出价值评定,解决争议或意见的分歧

Classical test theory 经典测试理论P92

a test theory that assumes that a test taker’s observed score, a socre that this person actually

received on a test, has two additive components as follows一种测试理

论, 认为我们观察到的受测试者的分数(被观察分数),即这个人实际


X(Observed Score观察到的分数) = T(True Score真实分数) +E(Error Score 误差分数)

Where true score is defined as a hypothetical score of a test taker’s trueability, which is thought of as the average of the scores a test taker would be expected to obtain if this person took the same test an infinite number of times. According to this theory, the true score remains constant and any non-systematic variation in the observed score is due to the error score.此处真实分数被定义为受测试者真实能力的假设分数: 如果该受测试者无限度接受同一测试,他预期能够得到的分数的平均值。根据这一理论,真实分数是个常数,观察到的分数出现的任何非系统差异都是由于误差分数造成的。
