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What was Lucy doing at 2:30 pm yesterday?
She was reading a book at 2:30 pm yesterday.
What were they doing from 6 to 8 last night? They were watch ing
Look at the picture and answer
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
What are you doing now? I am swimming.
Look at the picture and answer
What’s she doing?
She’s carrying water.
TV from 6 to 8 last night. .
What were the twins doing at this time yesterday? The twins were thinking.
just now
at that time from A to B this morning at+点时+yesterday\last night 或由when,while引导的时间状语从句.
They were working
Were you working?
Were you working? Were they working?
We were not working.
You were not working. They were not working
What was Tom doing just now? Tom was play ing football just now.
含义: 表示 结构: be (were/was) + doing 例句:I was playing basketball at ten
o’clock yesterday. 例句: I was having an English class from seven to nine o’clock yesterday.
A:What did you do at 9 o’clock last morning ? B:I went to school. A:What was Tom doing at that time ? B: He was having breakfast.
过去某一时刻或某 一段时间正在进行或发生的动作。
Look at the picture and answer
--What are they doing now? --They are singing.
Look at the picture and answer
What are they doing?
They are watching TV.
Look at the picture and answer
练 习 was doing 1. What ________ your brother ________ (do) at nine o’clock last night?
2. They were listening (listen) to music at that ____________ time. 3. When I saw him, he _____________ (search) was searching the Internet. were discussing 4. They ______________ (discuss) a problem in the meeting room at this time yesterday. Was 5. ______ Amy visiting (visit) the Science Museum ______ from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. yesterday?
What were you doing?
cook a meal at this time yesterday
was I
at this time yesterday.
What was he doing?
play football
at four o’clock last Friday
( B )1.I first met Lisa three years ago. She ____ time at a radio shop at that time. A. will work B. was working C. works D. is working ( D )2.What __ Mike __ at 10:00 last night ? A. did , do B. will , do C. is ,doing D. was , doing ( A )3.---Where is Lucy now ?--- Look ! She ____TV with her mother in the living room . A. is watching B. watching C. was watching D. watched
I was working
Were you working?
I was not working.
He/ She/It was working
Was he/she/it working? He/ She/It was not working.
We were working You were working
1. She ( was watching / watched ) TV when her mother (was coming / came ) in .
2. John (was reading / read ) a book at 10:00am last night . 3.It (was raining / rained ) hard at 9:00 pm pm last night .
play ing
football at four o’clock last Friday.
What were they doing?
have a class from 8:00-10:00 yesterday
They hav were haveing
a class yesterday afternoon.
What are they doing ?
这 些 是 什 么 时 态 ? They are having a meeting.
含义: 表示
结构: be (is/am/are) + doing 例句:I am having an English class.
We are listening to Miss Li.