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威廉莎士比亚的早期浪漫喜剧《威尼斯商人》主题博大广泛,情节曲折感人, 语言优美流畅,人物生动典型,几百年来评论家们对其进行了多种多样的解读。本文试图用历史唯物主义的观点,通过追溯历史上犹太民族的经历,分析夏洛克与安东尼奥等人冲突的终极原因,揭示《威尼斯商人》中所体现出来的种族歧视,特别是发生在主人公夏洛克身上的种族歧视和迫害,并对这种现象予以深入的分析,使人们看到种族歧视给人们带来的巨大精神创伤。
William ShakeSPeare 'early romantic COmedy The MerChant Of Venice has a broad theme, an intricate plot, beautiful Ianguage and typical characters. For hundreds of years, CritiCS have been interpreting it in VariOuS ways. ThiS thesis reveals the theme of racial discrim in atio n of this play by an alyz ing What Shylock SUffered and by traci ng the history of racial discrim in ati on and religious PerSeCUtiO n aga inst Jews.
The thesis con SiStS of 3 parts.
AbStraCt is an in troductio n,which briefly SUmmariZeS the plot and elaborates the theme of radical and religious discrim in ati on.
Part two conSiStS of 3 ChaPterS.Chapterone traces the radical discrimination aga inst Jews.Chapter two,the most importa nt ChaPter ,an alyzes the cruel treatme nt Shylock SUffered in the play.Chapter three points out clearly that it is radical discrim in ati on aga inst JeWS that made Shylock SUCh a greedy,cruel and miserly PerS on.
The last Part comes to the con clusi on that The MerCha nt of VeniCe COmPriSeS the theme of radical discrim in ati on and religious PerSeCUti on.
Key Words:William ShakeSPeare;The MerChant of Venice;radical discrimination and religious PerSeCUti on
1.1 ntroduction
1.1 IntrOduCtiOn to William ShakeSPeare
William ShakeSPeare WaS an English poet,playwright and actor, WideIy regarded as the greatest Writer in the English Ianguage and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". HiS extant works, including some Collaborations, conSiSt of about 38 plays,154 sonnets two long n arrative poems and a few other verses, the authorship of some of WhiCh is UnCertain. HiS plays have been tranSIated into every major living Ianguage and are PerfOrmed more ofte n tha n those of any other playwright.
ShakeSPeare PrOdUCed most of his known work betwee n 1589 and 1613.[6][ nb 4] HiS early plays Were mai nly COmedieSa nd histories and these works remai n regarded as some of the best work PrOdUCed in these genres eve n today. He the n wrote mainly tragediesu ntil about 1608, in cludi ng Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and MaCbeth) conSidered some of the finest works in the English Ianguage. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known asroma nces and collaborated With other playwrights.
1.2 IntrOdUCtiOn to The MerChant of VeniCe
The MerCha nt of VeniCe is a play by William ShakeSPeare , believed to have bee n
Written between 1596 and 1598. ThOUgh CIaSSified as a COmedy in the FirSt Folio and Shari ng Certa in aspects With ShakeSPeare's other roma ntic COmedieS , the play is PerhaPS
most remembered for its dramatic SCenes, and is best known for Shylock and the famous
"Hath not a JeW eyes?" speech. Also no table is POrtia's SPeeCh about "the quality of mercy". BaSSa nio is Con Sidered as the Cen tral hero of the story, and his dearest friend Antonio, mainly described as the kin dest man in this world.