











在了解英语习语的同时也增添了学习的趣味性,那么就从我最喜欢的“狗”来开始我们的“动物之旅”吧!1、dog——狗狗是所谓的“人类最好的朋友”,这就是为什么许多西方人拒绝进食,所以西方人对狗有极其哀怜的情感,在很多习语中也用dog来表达:You are a lucky dog.你真幸运,to help a lame dog over a stile助人于危难;Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡头,勿为牛后。





















fish⽤作可数名词指“鱼的条数”时单数和复数形式相同(two fish两条鱼),指“鱼的种类”时复数形式才为fishes(two fishes两种鱼);fish⽤作不可数名词时⽆复数形式,应作“鱼⾁”解(Help yourself to some fish.随便吃些鱼。

);fish⽤作动词时,它的含义⼜与“钓(捕)鱼”有关(go fishing去钓鱼)。


如:a poor fish(可怜⾍),a big fish(⼤亨),a cool fish(⽆耻之徒),a strange fish(奇⼈、怪⼈),a loose fish(放荡⿁)等。



如:fish in the air本意为“空中钓鱼”,喻指“⽅法(向)不对⽽达不到⽬的”,相当于汉语中的成语“缘⽊求鱼”。

⼜如:like a fish out of water喻指“如鱼离⽔、感到⽣疏”,feel the fishes喻指“葬⾝鱼腹;晕船”。


如:1.Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。


)2.The best fish smell bad when they are three days old.久居别家招⼈嫌。


)3.He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.不⼊虎⽳,焉得虎⼦。


)4.There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.纵然失去⼀个机会,不愁没有其他机会。






fish相关习语 1.a fish out of water离水之鱼;在陌生环境不得其所的人a person who feels uncomfortable or awkward because he or she is in surroundings that are not familiar2.have bigger/other fish to fry还有更重要的事情要做;另有他图to have more important or more interesting things to do3.neither fish nor fowl非驴非马;不伦不类neither one thing nor odd/a queer fish(old-fashioned, BrE) 古怪的人;有些荒唐的人a person who is slightly strange or crazy5.there are plenty more fish in the sea海里的鱼有的是;还有很多一样好的(人或事物)there are many other people or things that are as good as the one sb has failed to get6.a big fish (in a small pond)(小圈子里的)大人物an important person (in a small community)。



英语中与动物相关的习语Fish 鱼1. Never offer to teach a fish to swim.[谚]不要班门弄斧。

2. He’s like a fish out of water.他感到生疏。

3. He drinks like a fish。


4. All’s fish that comes to his net。


Bird 鸟1. He eats like a bird.他吃得很少。

2. Birds of a feather flock together.[谚]物以类聚,人以群分。

3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.[谚]双鸟在林不如一鸟在手eg. Bill has offered to buy my car for $4000.Someone else might pay more, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (比尔愿出4000美元买我的车,也许有人会出更多,但有一只鸟在手胜过两面三刀只鸟在林子里。

4. That’s for the birds! 那毫无意义!5. It’s an ill bird that fouls own nest.「谚」家丑不可外扬。

6. A little bird told me.有人私下告诉我。

7. We’re all early birds in my family because we live on a farm.由于我们生活在农场,所以全家人都起得很早。

Chicken 小鸡1. Come on! Don’t be chicken! 来,别害怕!2. Well,she’s certainly no spring chicken.她当然不再是个小丫头了。

3. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched! 「谚」不要过早乐观!Owl 猫头鹰1. He is as blind as an owl.他真是个瞎子。



今天我们要给⼤家介绍的习惯⽤语是:cold fish。

Cold fish是指那些对⼈很冷淡,很不友好,根本没有意思和别⼈友好相处的⼈。


下⾯这个例⼦就能说明cold fish的意思。

"Let's not invite Joe to the party: he's such a cold fish he'll spoil it for everybody else."





"I'm not going to vote for that man for senator -- he's too much of a cold fish. I shook hands with him once and it was like shaking hands with a dead mackeral."




a fishy story




Fish eat and jump, pigs bark.2、水到鱼行。

Water goes to fish.3、不要混水摸鱼。

Don't fish in troubled waters.4、鱼吃新鲜米吃熟。

Fish is cooked with fresh rice.5、千煮豆腐万滚鱼。

Thousands of boiled tofu and ten thousand rolled fish.6、和尚赚钱,木鱼吃亏。

Monks make money, wooden fish lose.7、青鱼尾巴白鱼头。

Green fish tail and white fish head.8、直钩钓不了鱼。

Straight hooks don't catch fish.9、怕湿脚的人捉不到鱼。

He who fears wet feet will not catch fish.10、贪食的鱼儿易上钩。

Gluttonous fish catch easily.11、吃鱼的不如打鱼的乐。

Fishing is better than eating fish.12、大头菜,小头鱼。

Head vegetable, head fish.13、塘中鱼尽,白鹤起身。

When the fish in the pond is exhausted, the white crane rises.14、神仙难钓午后鱼。

It's hard for fairies to fish in the afternoon.15、鱼靠水,人靠集体。

Fish depend on water and man on collective.16、鳙鱼头,青鱼尾。

Bighead, green tail.17、千年草籽,万年鱼子。

Thousands of years of grass seeds, thousands of years of fish eggs.18、鱼游釜底,虽生不久。

鱼 英语 词语搭配

鱼 英语 词语搭配





比如,"fish scales"(鱼鳞)、"fins"(鳍)、"gills"(鳃)、"gill cover"(鳃盖)等等。






比如,"fish market"(鱼市场)、"seafood"(海鲜)、"sushi"(寿司)、"fish and chips"(炸鱼薯条)等等。


此外,在英语中,还有许多关于鱼类的习语和俚语,比如"like a fish outof water"(如鱼离水)、"there are plenty more fish in the sea"(海里的鱼多着呢)、"drink like a fish"(烂醉如泥)等等。







Know the ropes(船)Rest on one’s oars(桨) 暂时歇歇Put one’s oars inTake the helm2.海滩:航海常常伴随着危险,因而英语航海习语中有不少有关沉船海滩的习语。

All at the sea:不知所措Get into deep water:陷于困境,陷于水深火热之中Between the devil and sea:进退维谷原:在魔鬼和海洋之间选择3.Wind:英语的风与航海有关,航海行船离不开风,尤其在帆船时代,没有风无法航行。

航海中风向最重要,就有了:Find/see how the wind blows:看风向观望Trim one’s sail to the wind:见风使舵4.鱼(fish):捕鱼业在英国经济中占有相当重要的地位。


源于捕鱼业,以fish为喻体的习语有:Hook(land)one’s fish:如愿以偿,用诡计得到想要的东西,得奖Have other fish to fry:有其他事要做Swim like a fish:识水性,像鱼一样善于游泳Fish out /up:钓光,捕尽,探寻,找出,掏出,捞出Big fish:大亨Cool fish:厚脸皮的人Cull fish:枯燥无味的人Fresh fish:新囚犯Loose fish:放荡的人Old fish:怪人Poor fish:愚蠢易欺负的人Shy fish:羞怯的人5.畜牧:Loose one’s wool:丢失羊毛,现比喻“发怒,生气”Go for wool and come home shorn:去偷羊毛,回家时反被剃光了头,现比喻“偷鸡不成蚀把米”Black sheep:黑羊,现比喻害群之马,败家子He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing。


差异 性 。
2 关 于f s ( )的 习语 . ih 鱼 海 洋 生 物 中 ,鱼 最 普 遍 。英 语 有 很 多 与 f s 搭 配 的 习 ih 语 ,既 指 鱼这 一 概 念 ,如 c t h f s i h a s l e o k ac i h w t iv r h o
o fAme ia n ih ( 8 rc n E gls 1 8) 及 Lo g n Di to a y o 语 进行 对 比研 究 。 9 n ma c in r f
C ne p rr n lh ( 9 8 o t oa E gi m y s 1 9 )的 定 义 , 习语 通 常 是 一 种 具 有 隐 含 义 ,并 且 必 须 建 立 在 实 践 经 验 基 础 之 上 , 已经 约 定
三、英汉海洋文化影响下 的习语对 比研 究
英 汉 语 中 具 有 很 多 与 海 洋 相 关 的 习语 表 达 ,本 文, 英 汉 语 言 中 出 现 了 数 目 众 多 的 于 Te e xod coa f n lh (9 8 h wO fr Diinr o E gi n t y s 18 ), 《 代 汉 语 现 与 海 洋 相 关 的 习 语 。 根 据 Wese'Ne rdDit nr 词典》 ( 0 5 b t s w Wol c o a r i y 2 0 )及搜 索引擎对英汉 语言 中与海洋有 关的习
( )海 洋文 化 与 英语 习语 一 1关 于 sa ( ) 的 习语 . e 海

俗成的语言 。习语 有广义和狭 义之分 ,狭义 的习语仅指成
由于 英 国 是 个 岛屿 国 家 , 四 面环 海 , 所 以英 语 常用 “ a
语 , 而 广 义 的 习语 包 括 成 语 、 谚 语 、 俚 语 、俗 语 等 ( 建 sa f s m t ig 李 e o o e h n ”表 示 “ 量 , 茫茫 一 片 ”,如 :a e 大 sa 军 ,2 0 ) 。本 文 采 用 广 义 的 习语 分 类 ,在 “ 丕 尔一 尔 o lu s ( 04 萨 沃 f co d 云海 ) ,a sa o a e ( 山人 海 ) 。经常 在 e f f cs 人 夫 假 说 ( h S p rW o f y o h s S ” 的基 础 上 , 以 海上作业的水手们也创造 了许 多关于sa t e a i~ h r h p t e i ) e 的习语:a l a e l t sa s a ( )、 f s ( ) 为例 ,通 过 比较 英 汉 语 言 中受 海 洋 ( e 海 ih 鱼 茫然 不 知所 措 ) ,g o saf lo h e ( ot e/o lw t esa 当水手 ), 文 化 影 响 的 习语 , 阐 释 两 个 民族 在 文 化 思 维 上 的 相 似 性 及 te sar f ssn ie ( 海不 拘 江流 ,海 纳 百 川 )。 h e eu e or vr 大

eat no fish典故

eat no fish典故

典故:eat no fish1. 起源“eat no fish”是一个英语习语,意思是“不吃鱼”。




2. 历史背景19世纪的英国是一个极度重视社会等级和礼仪的社会。




3. 社会象征在19世纪的英国社会中,“eat no fish”成为了一种社会象征。




4. 影响力“eat no fish”这个习语的影响力不仅仅限于19世纪的英国社会,而是在后来的岁月中逐渐传播开来。


比如,有些人因为健康原因或宗教信仰而选择不吃肉类或动物产品,他们也可以被形容为“eat no meat”或“eat no animal products”。



5. 相关文化除了英国,其他国家和地区也有类似于“eat no fish”的习语和文化。






1. Fish or cut bait! 要做就做,不做拉倒!做出抉择从字面上理解,即“要么钓鱼,或把饵线剪掉”,也就是说,在两者中,做出抉择;要么全力以赴要么放弃。

Son, either go to college or go out and find yourself a job. It's time to fish or cut bait!儿子,你要么去上大学,要么就出去找个工作。

是做出决定的时候啦!2. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.天涯何处无芳草。



3. have other/bigger fish to fry 另有他图;还有更重要的事情要做与上面的一句想似,这里的fish当然不是仅仅指“鱼”,这个词组不仅仅有其字面的意思“还有其他的鱼要煎”,意味着“还有其他的/更重要的事情要做”。

Sorry, I have other fish to fry. So I couldn’t hav e dinner with you.对不起,我有其他的事情,所以不能陪你吃饭。

4. fish in the air 缘木求鱼,水中捞月鱼生活在水里,在空中捕鱼无异于在水中捞月,意味着“白费力气,徒劳”。

5. fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,趁火打劫。

All they wanted was to make bad blood between them and fish in troubled waters.他们所要做的就是挑拨离间,混水摸鱼。 odd fish/ a queer fish 古怪的人,有些荒唐的人That old uncle of yours is a queer fish.你那位老伯伯,可真是个古怪的人。


类” . 时 复数 形式为 fhsto i e 意思是 “ i e , s s s w fh 两 如 :k s u f a r l eafhot w t 喻指 “ i i o e 如鱼 离水 、 感
目的”相 当于汉 语 中的成语 “ , 缘木 求鱼 ” 。又 l0 l l l

种鱼 ”fh用作不可数 名词时无 复数形 式 . :s i 应 到 生 疏 ” f l h se . e tefhs喻指 “ 身 鱼 腹 ; l e i 葬 晕 。 始 z 0 作 “ 肉” ;s 鱼 解 f h用作 动词 时 。 的含义 又与 i 它
迷 你词。 库 语
话 说 善
|. 一’ —


提起 fh i ,它 给人们 的第 一 印象 便 是指 s “ , 鱼” 实际上它的用法并非如此简单。i 用作 fh s 式相 同 。 “ 两条 鱼” 是 tofh 指 “ 的种 就 w s: 鱼 i

“ ( ) 有关 。去钓鱼” 钓 捕 鱼” “ 就是 g sig of h 。例哲理性 。例 0 i s
英语 里还有很多 由 fh构成的习语 . i s 这些
习语 也 非 常生 动有 趣 。 :s ea 本 意 为 如 f hi t i i nh r
可数名词指 “ 鱼的条数 ” , 时 它的单数和复数形 “ 中钓鱼 ” 喻指 “ 法 ( 向 ) 空 , 方 方 不对 而达不 到 董 一 i



英语fish的知识全部总结Fish is a diverse group of aquatic animals that belong to the class Pisces or Actinopterygii. They are known for their streamlined body, gills, and fins that allow them to swim in water. Here are some key points about fish:1. Classification: Fish are classified into three main groups: jawless fish (lampreys and hagfish), cartilaginous fish (sharks and rays), and bony fish (most common fish species).2. Anatomy: Fish have a streamlined body covered with scales to reduce friction in water. They have fins for propulsion, stability, and maneuvering. They breathe through gills, extracting oxygen from water, and their heart pumps blood throughout their body.3. Habitat: Fish inhabit various aquatic environments, including oceans, freshwater rivers and lakes, and some can even survive in highly saline or brackish waters.4. Reproduction: Fish reproduce either by laying eggs or by giving birth to live young. Some species display intricate courtship behaviors, such as vibrant color displays or complex mating rituals.5. Feeding Habits: Fish exhibit a wide range of feeding habits. Some are herbivores, feeding on plants and algae, while others are carnivores, preying on other fish, invertebrates, or small organisms. Some fish are omnivorous and eat both plants and animals.6. Sensory Perception: Fish have a well-developed sensory system. They can detect vibrations, pressure changes, and electrical signalsin the water. Their lateral line system helps them perceive movement and pressure changes in the surrounding environment.7. Adaptations: Different fish species have adapted to various environments and niches. Some possess camouflage colors to blend with their surroundings, while others have specialized mouth structures for feeding on specific prey.8. Importance: Fish are important for various reasons. They serve as a food source for humans and other animals, play a role in maintaining ecosystem balance, and have cultural and economic significance in many societies.9. Threats and Conservation: Fish populations face threats such as overfishing, habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. Conservation efforts aim to protect fish populations and their habitats through measures such as fishing regulations, protected areas, and sustainable aquaculture practices.These are just a few key points about fish. Fish species exhibit incredible diversity in terms of size, shape, coloration, feeding habits, and behavior, making them a fascinating group of animals to study.。

【最新2019】和“fish”有关的习语-优秀word范文 (1页)

【最新2019】和“fish”有关的习语-优秀word范文 (1页)

【最新2019】和“fish”有关的习语-优秀word范文本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==和“fish”有关的习语今天我们要讲的习惯用语都有 fish 这个词。

大家都知道 fish 是鱼,但是 fish 可以作动词。

1. Fish or cut bait 要么全力以赴,不然就干脆放弃Fish 作动词意思是钓鱼, bait 是系在钓鱼线上的鱼饵。


Fish or cut bait 最初出现在十九世纪,一名议员在国会就一项议案进行表决前对与会者说了这句话,敦促大家当机立断,做出是或否的明确表态。





例句-1: Charlie , youve had two weeks to decide whether you want in on this deal . Now its time to fish or cut bait . I need your answer by six oclock tonight -- otherwise well leave you out of it !Charlie ,对于要不要参与这笔生意你斟酌了有两星期了。



2. Fishing expedition 以搜罗不利于某人证据为目的的调查行动Expedition 意思是调查、考察。



Fishing expedition 像所有的习惯用语一样,意义已经引伸到其它方面。



与鱼有关的习语谚语(一)源于捕鱼业的习语源于捕鱼业,以fish为喻体的习语有:hook(1and)one’s fish(如愿以偿,用诡计得到想要的东西,得奖);have other fish to fry(有其他鱼要煎——有其他事要做);play a fish(让上钩的鱼不停地拖动钩线而致疲乏);strike a fish(猛拉钩线把鱼钩住);swim like a fish(识水性,像鱼一样善于游泳);fish for(拐弯抹角地打听或谋取);fish or cut bait(定取舍,决定行动方针);fish out(up)(钓光,捕尽,探寻,找出,掏出,捞出);catch fish with a silver hook(银钩钓鱼,意指钓不到鱼,花钱去买鱼,冒充是自己钓的)。

英语中的fisherman的形象并不佳,a fisherman’s story(a fishy story)指的是不可靠的夸张故事,大概渔夫们经常夸大捕到鱼的体积吧。

fish wife(卖鱼妇)比喻说话粗野的人。


如:white about gills(鱼鳃变白——有病容);nibble at(鱼咬一小口——尝试);alive and kicking(活蹦乱跳——生气勃勃);get a rise of(跳过——超过);fish dive(鱼跃),a fishy stare(两眼发呆的凝视)。


如:(1)neither fish, flesh, nor fowl中世纪时,fish是僧侣的食物,flesh(肉)是普通市民的食物,fowl(家禽)是穷人的食品。


类似的词语有make fish of one and flesh of another(一个当成鱼,一个当成肉——厚此薄彼)。



有关fish话题的口语词汇1. Species:- Guppy: a small, colorful freshwater fish often kept in aquariums - Betta fish: also known as Siamese fighting fish, known for its vibrant colors and aggressive nature- Goldfish: a freshwater fish often kept as a pet, known for its bright orange or white coloration- Clownfish: a small, brightly colored fish often found in coral reefs, famous for its role in the movie "Finding Nemo"2. Fish-related activities:- Fishing: the activity or sport of catching fish, usually using a fishing rod, reel, and bait- Angling: a specific type of fishing that uses a hook attached to a fishing line, commonly practiced for recreational purposes- Fish farming: the cultivation of fish in controlled environments for food production- Scuba diving: underwater diving using a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) to explore marine life, including fish3. Fish anatomy:- Fins: appendages on a fish's body that are used for swimming, balance, and maneuvering. They include dorsal fin, anal fin, pectoral fins, and pelvic fins.- Scales: the small, flat bony plates that cover a fish's body, providing protection and reducing friction in the water- Gill: the respiratory organ of fish that extract oxygen from the water- Swim bladder: an internal gas-filled organ that helps fish controltheir buoyancy4. Fishing equipment:- Fishing rod: a long, flexible rod used to cast baits or lures into the water and reel in fish- Fishing line: a durable and usually transparent cord used to connect the fishing rod to the hook- Hooks: curved metal devices with sharp ends used to catch fish by piercing their mouths- Bait: a substance used to attract fish to the hook, such as worms, insects, or artificial lures5. Fish habitats:- Freshwater: refers to bodies of water with low salt concentration, including lakes, rivers, and ponds- Saltwater: refers to bodies of water with high salt concentration, such as oceans and seas- Coral reefs: underwater ecosystems made up of corals, home to a wide variety of fish species and other marine life- Deep-sea: refers to the part of the ocean that is below the photic zone, often characterized by high pressure, low temperatures, and little to no sunlight6. Fish preservation and cooking:- Fillet: a fish that has been deboned and cut into boneless pieces for cooking- Grilled: a cooking method that involves direct heat applied to the fish, often resulting in a smoky flavor- Steamed: a cooking method that uses steam to cook the fish, usually resulting in a delicate and moist texture- Ceviche: a dish made of raw fish marinated in citrus juice, often seasoned with herbs, spices, and vegetables7. Fish idioms and phrases:- "Like a fish out of water": to feel uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation- "Big fish in a small pond": someone who has great influence or importance in a small or limited environment- "Something smells fishy": a phrase used to express suspicion or doubt about something- "Cold fish": someone who is emotionally distant or unresponsive 8. Environmental issues related to fish:- Overfishing: the excessive catching of fish to the point where their populations cannot replenish naturally, leading to the decline of certain species- Pollution: the contamination of water bodies with harmful substances, such as chemicals and plastics, which can affect fish and other aquatic life- Habitat destruction: the loss or degradation of fish habitats due to human activities, such as deforestation, construction, and pollution - Climate change: the long-term alteration of temperature and weather patterns, which can impact fish populations by affecting their food sources and disrupting ecosystems.。





有关fish的谚语1. The best fish swim near the bottom.好鱼常在水底游。

2. Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要教鱼去游泳(不要班门弄斧)。

3. Go to the sea, if you would fish well.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

4. There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.海里的好鱼多的是(强中更有强中手)。

5. It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.笨鱼才会咬两次钩(智者不上两次当)。

6. If water is noisy, there are no fish in it.咆哮的水中无鱼(夸夸其谈的人没有真才识学)。

拓展:关于fish的短语a poor fish(可怜虫)a strange fish(奇人、怪人),a cool fish 无耻之徒。

a dull fish 钝汉。

a loose fish 放荡鬼。

a queer fish 怪人,莫明其妙的家伙。

A fish out of water 离水的鱼,不得其所的人。

All is fish that comes to his net. 到手的都要,便宜事来者不拒。

as dumb [mute] as a fish 默不作声。

big fish in a little pond 矮子里头的高个子。

catch fish with a silver hook 钓不到鱼之后花钱买鱼(冒充是自己钓的)。

cry stinking fish 拆自己的台。

drink like a fish 牛饮drunk as a fish 大醉feed the fishes 晕船;葬身鱼腹have other fish to fry 别有要事。



1. Fish:鱼
2. Fishing:钓鱼
3. Fisherman/Fisherwoman:渔夫/渔妇
4. Fishing rod:鱼竿
5. Fishing line:鱼线
6. Hook:鱼钩
7. Bait:鱼饵
8. Lure:诱饵
9. Cast:投掷(鱼竿)
10. Reel:卷线器
11. Catch:抓住(鱼)
12. Release:放生(鱼)
13. Aquarium:鱼缸
14. Pet fish:观赏鱼
15. Trout:鳟鱼
16. Salmon:鲑鱼
17. Tuna:金枪鱼
18. Shark:鲨鱼
19. Whale:鲸鱼
20. Dolphin:海豚
21. Dive for fish:潜水捕鱼
22. Deep-sea fishing:深海钓鱼
23. Fly fishing:飞蝇钓
24. Ice fishing:冰钓
25. Game fish:游钓鱼类
26. Commercial fishing:商业捕鱼
27. Overfishing:过度捕捞
28. Conservation:保护(鱼类资源)
29. Fish market:鱼市
30. Sushi:寿司(一种以鱼为主要原料的日本料理)

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Americans use many expressions about fish and fishing. For example, if something sounds fishy, it may not be true. Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water when I go to a party and everyone but me is doing the latest dance. When I ask my friend if she likes my new dress, I would like her to say something nice. In other words, I am fishing for a compliment. You might tell someone to fish or cut bait if he repeatedly attempts to do something he is unable to do.
Sometimes a lawyer will ask a witness many questions in an effort to discover the facts of a court case. This is called going on a fishing expedition.
Some expressions involve different kinds of fish. Information that is used to draw attention away from the real facts of a situation is called a red herring. If you want to express a feeling of surprise, you might cry "holy mackerel!"although we do not know why a mackerel is holy.
Once I went to a county fair and tried my luck with a game of chance. It was so easy; it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Then I went on the fastest, highest and most frightening ride: the roller coaster. At the end of the ride, I did not feel so well. A friend said I looked green around the gills.
I grew up in a small town where everybody knew about my life. There were times when I thought I was living in a fishbowl. So I moved to Washington, where things were different. Now I take the train to work every day during rush hour when many other people travel to their jobs. Sometimes the train is so crowded that we are packed in like sardines.Sardines are tiny fish that lie close to each other in cans.
One man who works in my office is a cold fish.He is unfriendly and does not like to join us at office parties. Another man in my office likes to enjoy alcoholic drinks at parties. In fact, you might say he drinks like a fish.We need to help him stop drinking.
Last week, my sister's car broke down as we were driving to a friend's marriage ceremony. "This is a fine kettle of fish,"I said. "Now we will be late."
My sister attends a small college where she is one of the sm artest students. She always wants to be a big fish in a small pond.Recently, my sister broke up with her boyfriend. I told her not to worry, she will find another one because there are plenty of other fish in the sea.。
