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• 1.(2010全国模拟10-4)—— really matters is that she wore a pair of white shoes. A. It B. As C. which D. What • 2.(09天津) It is obvious to the students___ they should get well prepared for their future. A. as B. which C. whether D. that • 3. (08山东)____ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. A. It B. This C. What D. As
What really concerned her was her son. what you need is more practice. What is known to us is that the earth is round. what表示“...所...的(东西)",在句中作主语,宾 语等成分. 【例 2[2010年陕西英语高考试题调研 .样题 4 ] ------ is known to us is that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London. A. It B. What C. As D. which 【解析】本题考查主语从句的引导词。 What is known to us为主语从句,what为连接词并在从 句中作主语。句中that引导表语从句.
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1 9 . 解: ( 1 ) 由三角形数阵知, a 1 , a a 2 , 1= 2- 1= a - a = 4 , …, a - a = 2 ( n - 1 ) ( n 2 , n N , ≥ ∈ ) 3 2 n n - 1 a - a = 2+ 4+ … + 2 ( n - 1 ) = n ( n - 1 ) , 累加得, n 1 2 ʑa n- n + 1 ( n ) , ≥2 n= ȵa 1也满足上述等式, 1= 2 ʑa n - n + 1 ( n ) ; ( 4分) ∈N n= 由题设知, b = a = 7 , 设数列{ b } 的公差为 d , 4 3 n 则b 3 d = 7 , ㊀① 1+ 1 0 1 0ˑ 9 ȵ∑b 1 0 0 , ʑ1 0 b d = 1 0 0 , n= 1+ n = 1 2 9 即b = 1 0 , ㊀② 1+ d 2 由①②解得, b 1 , d = 2 , ʑb 2 n - 1 ; ( 8分) 1= n= 1 1 ( 2 ) 由( 1 ) 知, c =2 n= a b n + 1+ 2 n - 1 n+ n n- 1 1 1 1 =2 = = - , ( n + 1 ) n n + 1 n+ n n 1 1 1 1 ʑT c c …+ c ( - )+ ( - )+ … n= 1+ 2+ n= 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 n + ( - )= 1- . ( 1 2分) = n n + 1 n + 1 n + 1 2 0 . ( 1 ) 证明: 连结 C D , 1 ȵD为棱 A B 1 1 的中点, 且 G为△A B C 1 1 1 上的重心, C G 1 ʑC D一定过点 G , 且 = 2 , 2分) ( 1 G D C H 1 1 ȵC H= H C , ʑ = 2 , 1 2 H C C G C H 1 1 则 = , ʑG H C , ∥D G D H C ȵD C C D , G H C D , 平面 B 平面 B ʑG H 平面 B C D ; 5分) ∥ ( # ( 2 ) 解: 取A B的中点 O , 连结 O D , & 由 题 设 知,O D⊥ 平 面 A B C , $ * O C B , 以 O 为 原 点, O B , O C , ' ⊥A % O D所在直线分别为 x , y , z 轴建立 ) 空间直角坐标系 O- x y z , $ " 3 & 如图所示; 由题设知, B ( , 0 , 0 ) , 2 ( 3 3 % 槡, B ( , 0 , 3 ) , G ( 0 , 3 ), 1 ! 2 2 33 H ( 0 , 槡, 1 ) ( 8分) 2 → → 3槡 3 333 ʑB G= (- , , 0 ) , B H= (- , 槡 , - 2 ) , 1 1 2 2 2 2 设平面 B G H的法向量为 n= ( x , y , z ) , 1 3 槡 3 → - x + y = 0 n ·B G= 0 2 2 1 由 得, , → n ·B H= 0 3 3 3 1 - x + 槡y - 2 z = 0 2 2
Analysis of cleaner technologies based on waxes and surfactant additives in road constructionMiguel Pérez-Martínez a,Fernando Moreno-Navarro a,Jesús Martín-Marín a,Carolina Ríos-Losada b,M a Carmen Rubio-Gámez a,*a Laboratorio de Ingeniería de la Construcción,University of Granada(LabIC.UGR),E.T.S.Ingenieros de Caminos,Canales y Puertos,Ed.Politécnico,Avda. Severo Ochoa,s/n,C.P.18071Granada,Spainb ServiàCantó,Spaina r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received11April2013 Received in revised form4September2013Accepted10September2013 Available online7October2013Keywords:Warm mix asphaltCleaner productionTriaxial testFour point bending testControl emissionsFuel consumption a b s t r a c tThe manufacture of hot mix asphalt for road construction is associated with a high consumption of fossil fuels and a high level of emissions.The use of temperature reduction technologies in the manufacture of warm mix asphalts favors a cleaner production of such materials,and therefore its use has become a major objective in thefield of road engineering.Thus,during the last few years different types of techniques are appearing in order to achieve this objective.This article presents the comparison established in terms of mechanical performance of three processes of temperature reduction technol-ogies in order to select one of them for its manufacture in plant,where control of emissions and fuel consumption have been collected.The results showed that the use of warm mix asphalt technologies with waxes or surfactant additives may not incur in a detrimental effect on the mechanical properties of the pavement.The use of surfactant bitumen in plant is possible to produce warm mix asphalts,reducing the consumption of fuel in the process.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRoad construction is one of the principal works in thefield of civil engineering,and in turn is a major consumer of fossil fuels for the production of asphalt mixtures.The need to adapt this type of production to cleaner processes leads to a search for reducing manufacturing temperature,trying to make it more sustainable and healthy,reducing at the same time the greenhouse gases emissions rates(Rubio et al.,2012)that are so harmful to the environment.Traditionally the asphalt mixtures used in road construction are manufactured at170 C(HMA)(D’Angelo et al.,2008),and are characterized by developing the mechanical properties that guar-antee an appropriate behavior during its life of service(General Management of Roads,2008).On the contrary,during its produc-tion process,the emissions of gases generated,and the fuel con-sumption required are important(Kristjansdottir,2006).As an alternative to HMA’s,during the last few years new processes have been appearing in order to reduce the manufacture temperature.Within these temperature reduction technologies,three types of mixtures can be distinguished by the temperature range of manufacture,warm mix asphalt WMA(100 C e140 C),half warm mix asphalt HWMA(60 C e100 C)and cold mixtures(0 C e40 C) (EAPA,2010).Discarding cold mixtures due to their lack of use out of surface patches rehabilitation,the reduction is achieved by the application of different processes and technologies,mainly dis-tinguishing between three for the WMA,the foaming process and the use of organic or chemical additives(Zaumanis,2010),and two for the production of HWMA,the use of emulsions and eventually foamed bitumens(Rubio et al.,2013).In the case of HWMA’s,not only has been proved that the reduction of emissions and fuel consumption is a fact(Rubio et al., 2013),but also that the mechanical performance achieved by this type of mixtures is not as satisfactory as it was desired(Punith et al., 2013).On the other hand,WMA’s have shown a better mechanical performance than HWMA and comparable to HMA(Reyes-Ortiz et al.,2009),reducing at the same time the consumption of fuel and greenhouse emissions in the manufacturing process(Hamzah et al.,2010).*Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:fmoreno@ugr.es(F.Moreno-Navarro),crioslo@fcc.es(C.Ríos-Losada),mcrubio@ugr.es(M a C.Rubio-Gámez).Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Cleaner Productionjournal homep age:www.elsevi/locate/jclepro0959-6526/$e see front matterÓ2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.012Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e379Based on the number of advantages associated to WMA mix-tures(D’Angelo et al.,2008),which result in environmental(lower emissions),economical(cost savings and lower energy consump-tion)and constructional benefits(better workability and larger compaction window,greater hauling distances and less opening time to traffic)this research compare three WMA technologies for reducing the manufacture temperature of conventional hot mix asphalts.Thefirst is one of the most common additives used for this purpose,the organic waxes,which are aliphatic hydrocarbons of long-chain produced by the Fischer e Tropsch process(Wax,2005). Meanwhile as growing alternative,surfactant additives are an en-ergetic reducing agent allowing the manufacture of WMA to a reduced temperature while maintaining their mechanical proper-ties,the addition was considered in two different ways,mixing the bitumen and the surfactant in plant before adding to the mixture (dry process),and a surfactant modified bitumen(wet process) blended in refinery to compare their influence.This paper shows a laboratory level characterization of an asphalt concrete AC16S mixture for the surface course(EN13108-1,2008)under three temperature reduction technologies.Based on the results obtained,one of the mixtures was chosen to adapt a HMA plant for the production of WMA mixtures and measure the emissions and fuel consumption during the manufacturing boratory works on the mixtures was based on Marshall test,water sensitivity test,triaxial test and four point bending test established the parameters to select the most appropriate mixture for being produced at bigger scale.During the manufacturing process in plant measurement of the emis-sions and fuel consumption of a HMA and the WMA were taken. Finally,the main the conclusions obtained from the analysis of results are exposed.2.Materials and methods2.1.Materials2.1.1.AggregatesAn AC16S(EN13108-1)mixture,which is found in roads and highways all over the world,was used to carry out the study.The aggregates were porphyry for the coarse fraction(12/18and6/12),and a combination of porphyry(0/6)and limestone(0/4)for the fine fraction.Moreover,thefiller employed was calcium carbonate. Table1lists the aggregate properties.The aggregates combination by percentage is shown in Table2, where the gradation of the mixture(Fig.1)was kept constant for all the mixtures developed at lower temperature and with different additives.2.1.2.BitumensFour different binders have been used for the attainment of the objectives of the investigation.Thefirst binder used was conven-tional50/70,and besides being used alone,it was the base for the other three bitumens.50/70bitumen,modified with an organic surfactant additive was used as second binder in order to improve its workability at lower temperatures.The bitumen modification was made in labo-ratory and the percentage of additive used was chosen following the manufacturer recommendations(1%over bitumen weight).The third one was modified50/70bitumen with surfactant products to improve the wettability of the binder as an alterna-tive to the conventional for the reduction of temperature.The last binder used was50/70bitumen modified with microcrys-talline waxes produced by the Fischer e Tropsch process as addi-tive.In both cases,the bitumen was modified in refinery.Table3 describes all the mixtures designed and the additives used,as well as the temperature reduction applied on their manufacture process.2.2.MethodologyThe methodology followed is composed of two phases,labora-tory works and the manufacturing industrial process in plant,being thefirst one divided in three steps and focused on the analysis of the working formula for its adaptation to the manufacture process under different temperature reduction technologies.And the sec-ond one based on the adaptation of a hot mix asphalt plant for the production of a warm asphalt mixture.In laboratory,firstly the optimum bitumen content needs to be determined for the conventional mixture of reference without additives.Based on the values of air voids(%),deformation(mm) and stability(kN)of the Marshall test(NLT-159,2000)the optimumTable1Reference values of the aggregates and mineral dust.Test/aggregate type Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate FillerGrain size(EN933-1)/(EN933-10)Sieves(mm)12/18Porphyry6/12Porphyry0/6Porphyry0/4Limestone Carbonate(CaCO3)24.4100100100100e1684100100100e8162100100e4158792e21160681000.51129301000.251121201000.125e e e e970.0630.50.911.81187Sand equivalent(EN933-8)(>50)4554Bulk density(EN-1097-3)(0.5e0.8Mg/m3)0.7Percentage of fractured face(EN933-5)(100%)100100Flakiness index(EN933-3)(25)1625Resistance to fragmentation(EN1097-2)(20)1515Cleaning(organic impurity content)(UNE146130,Annex C)(0.5%)0.50.5Particle density andabsorption(EN1097-6)r a(Mg/m3) 2.73 2.73 2.77 2.71r SSD*(Mg/m3) 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.67r RD(Mg/m3)2.69 2.70 2.70 2.65Water absorption after immersion(%)0.600.400.910.77M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e379375content of binder was set,using the same in all the WMA ’s mix-tures.Furthermore,several test were carried out to assess the mechanical behavior of the conventional mix:water sensitivity test (EN 12697-12,2009),cyclic triaxial compression test (EN 12697-25,2006,method B)in order to study the plastic deformations,and the four point bending fatigue cracking test (EN 12697-24,2013,annex D)to assess the long term response of the mixture.In the second stage the Marshall test,with the optimum bitumen content determined,is undertaken for the three mixtures with temperature reduction technology at 140 C to study their Marshall stability (kN),voids content (%)and deformation (mm).The mechanical performance was also evaluated in the WMA mixtures applying the same test procedures and conditions as in the first stage for the Reference Mix.Finally,a comparative analysis of the four mixtures is developed.With this purpose their stability (kN),retained strength against water (%),creep modulus (MPa)and fatigue life parameters are compared.Based on this analysis,the warm mix asphalt technology with the best overall performance will be selected for its adaptation to the plant production and to construct a road section test.In plant works are centered on the adaptation of a HMA plant for the manufacture of a WMA mixture.For this purpose a HMA and WMA mixtures are produced,measuring during the process the emission of pollutants,as well as the consumption of fuel required.In the case of the control of emissions,the methodology was similar to the one followed by Rubio et al.in (2013).In-point source emissions were measured (Fig.2);humidity,wind,and temperature data were also collected to assure the spreading in similar atmospheric conditions for HMA and WMA gases to compare the results.The parameters evaluated were the Combustion Gases (CO,NO x ,O 2,CO 2)measured by a multi-parameter analyzer (TESTO MXL),the Total Organic Carbon (TOC)through a flame ionization detector (FID,M&A PT)and the emission of Particles (collected in a 47mm filter and subsequently calculated in the laboratory by gravimetry).To complete the investigation,the consumption of fuel used is also measured.3.Analysis of results 3.1.Marshall testThe Marshall test results in regards to the optimum bitumen content is shown in Table 4.As can be seen,the values of me-chanical resistance developed by the mixtures in terms of stability and deformation are slightly lower in the case of warm mix as-phalts produced at lower temperature.Furthermore,in the case of surfactants additives (both dry and wet process)a decrease in terms of density is attained by the mixtures as well as an increased in the air voids content.This is due to this type of additives,which produce an improvement in the adhesiveness aggregate/binder and a better wetting of the aggregate,but no change in the viscosity of the bitumen,and therefore it may have certain dif ficulties associ-ated to perform the compaction of the mixture at lower tempera-ture.In the case of wax bitumen,this fact does not occur as waxes modi fied binder viscosity and consequently the values of density and air voids are not affected by reducing the temperature of manufacture and compaction.3.2.Water sensitivity testA new set of 6specimens per mixture using the optimum bitumen content were produced to perform the water sensitivityTable 3Studied mixtures and bitumens used.DenominationBitumenAdditive natureAddition processMixturemanufacture temperature ( C)Reference Mix 50/70Nonee 160Dry Surfactant Mix50/70þ1%additive Surfactant Dry 140Wet Surfactant MixSurfactantmodi fied 50/70Surfactant Wet 140Wet Wax MixWax modi fied 50/70Microcrystalline waxesWet140Fig.1.Aggregate gradation for asphalt mix type AC-16S.Table 2Aggregates combination by percentage.Aggregate fraction PercentagePorphyry 12/1815Porphyry 6/1244Porphyry 0/620Limestone 0/415Calcium carbonate filler6Fig.2.Simpli fied HMA plant distribution and in-point source.Table 4Marshall results and optimum bitumen content.ParameterReference Mix Drysurfactant Mix WetSurfactant Mix Wet Wax Mix Optimum bitumen content (%) 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8Bulk density (kg/m 3)2423236423772437Marshall stability (kN)10.7079.4788.2049.053Marshall def.(mm) 2.3 2.9 3.5 3.7Vm (%) 4.0 5.1 4.6 3.1VMA (%)15.316.115.614.5M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 65(2014)374e 379376test(EN12697-12,2009).Table5resumes the values of strength obtained in the test.Once again the resistance values,in this case indirect tensile strength,shown by warm mix asphalts are slightly lower than those of the Reference Mix,perhaps indicating that may be inter-esting to increase the energy of compaction when using this type of mixtures,but higher than the ones obtained by Oliveira et al.(2013) with and without rubber.However,the retained strength(ITSR) shown by warm mix asphalts is higher,and therefore can be considered that such materials will be less affected by the action of water.This is because,in the case of surfactant additived mixtures to the improvement of adhesiveness that they generate(not only improving the coating of the aggregate,but also acting as its stimulator).Meanwhile,in the Wet Wax Mix may be related to its compaction improvement and its lower void content.3.3.Cyclic triaxial compression testPlastic deformations were evaluated by the cyclic triaxial compression test(EN12697-25,2006,method B),taking at the same time the service stresses and strains into account by means of a confining load.The conditions selected involved the com-bined application at a constant temperature of40 C of a confining load of120kPa and another cyclic sinusoidal out-of-phase axial loading of300kPa at a frequency of3Hz during12,000load cycles.The creep modulus and permanent deformation parame-ters for each mix were calculated.Table6shows the triaxial test results.The values obtained for the creep modulus indicate that the most resistant mix against plastic deformations is the Wet Wax Mix.The Wet Surfactant Mix behaves similar to the Reference Mix, even manufactured at lower temperature and the permanent deformation experienced only varies in0.03%.In the case of the Dry Surfactant Mix,results showed an increase in plastic deformation, probably due to a lack of mix compaction(as it is showed in its void content).3.4.Four point bending testTo perform the test,specimens of408Â50Â50mm with sawn faces were manufactured,and a sinusoidal waveform load was applied.The tests were carried out at20 C,in strain control mode and at a frequency of10Hz.The mixtures were tested in six different strain amplitude levels,250m m/m;200m m/m;175m m/m; 150m m/m;125m m/m and100m m/m Fig.3shows the potential fatigue laws derived from the four-point bending test performed in the4types of mixtures tested.As can be observed,independently of the warm mix technology used,the fatigue behavior of the mixtures evaluated is very similar, which coincides with thefindings of other researchers(Jones et al., 2010).On the other hand,the correlation coefficients of the fatigue laws obtained are high,indicating a uniform mechanical behavior of the warm mix asphalts.This aspect agrees with the results ob-tained by Johnston et al.(2006),which showed that additive did not affect the homogeneity of its long-term mechanical behavior.Moreover,the fatigue behavior of the Dry and Wet Surfactant Mixes is very similar,regardless of the method used to add the additive.Meanwhile,it should be noted that the fatigue behavior of the Wet Wax Mix is slightly different.At higher strain amplitudes fatigue life is smaller,while for lower strain amplitudes it increases in relation to the other mixtures evaluated.This behavior is typical of more rigid materials,aspect which is supported by the results obtained in the triaxial test,where the Wet Wax Mix showed a low rate of permanent deformation(which means that is a more rigid material).Table6Triaxial test results.Parameter ReferenceMix DrySurfactantMixWetSurfactantMixWet WaxMixCreep modulus(MPa)178.57153.45175.95202.70Permanentdeformation(%)1.68 1.96 1.71 1.48Table5Water sensitivity test results.Parameter ReferenceMix Dry SurfactantMixWet SurfactantMixWet Wax MixITSR(kPa)dry group2030.01469.01749.71464.3ITSR(kPa)wet group1741.71281.01575.71357.3ITSR(%)85.587.290.192.7Fig.3.Fatigue behavior of the studied mixtures at strain controlled test(T¼20 C,f¼10Hz).M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e3793773.5.Control of emissionsData collection for controlling emissions took place during the process of manufacturing the conventional HMA at 176 C and the mixture Wet Surfactant Mix selected as WMA at 140 C.Table 7resumes the results obtained.Fig.4shows the emissions results obtained from the manufacturing of WMA and HMA mixtures.They have been compared with the HMA and HWMA results from Rubio et al.(2013).In terms of CO 2and NO x WMA slightly reduces the emis-sions,while in TOC and CO the values obtained have been increased,which was not expected.It can be appreciated how HMWA reduce the emissions in comparison with the hot asphalt mix while no reduction is appreciated between the WMA and the hot asphalt mix.3.6.Fuel consumptionTable 8indicates the results from the measure of the fuel needed for the manufacture of HMA and WMA mixtures.According to the values obtained in plant,the consumption of fuel for the manufacture of WMA is 35%lower.Decreasing the flame modulator by 60%would save fuel.The increase of the time of mixing by 5s is to guarantee the good cover of the aggregates;it induces to a decrease in production but the savings on fuel consumption balances it.4.ConclusionsIn this paper,mechanical performance testing on three asphalts mixtures modi fied under different temperature reduction tech-nologies was conducted.The aim of the research was to select one of the processes to adapt a HMA plant into the manufacture of WMA mixes,and measure the emissions and consumption of fuel during the process.The results obtained during the investigation led to the following conclusions:e The use of both,surfactants and waxes,as additives can reduce the manufacture temperature of asphalt mixtures to 140 C,providing materials with similar mechanical behavior than the hot mix asphalt.e In the case of surfactant additived mixtures,its incorporation into the mixture directly through the bitumen modi fied intheFig.4.Gases emissions of HMA,WMA and HWMA (Rubio et al.,2013).Table 7Emissions data collected.ParameterHMA WMA Manufacture temperature 176 C 140 C CO (ppm)616.8635.5NO x (NO 2)(ppm)55.653.2TOC (mgC/Nm 3)33.553.2Oxygen (%)16.516.5CO 2(%)2.5 2.6Speed (m/s)15.414.6Humidity (%)5.85.7Table 8Fuel consumption.ParameterHMA WMA Manufacture temperature 176 C 140 C Flame modulator 95%33%Time of mixing (s)3540Production (tn/h)200180Fuel consume (l/tn)5.83.8M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 65(2014)374e 379378refinery plant(wet process),seems to offer further guarantee of success than incorporating it directly on the mixture(dry pro-cess).Although not offering an improvement in the compaction process of the mixture,the improvement of adhesiveness in the mixing offered by this additive allows manufacturing such materials at lower temperatures while maintaining their me-chanical properties.Thus,retained resistance values are pre-served against the action of water,plastic deformation,and fatigue behavior,showing how the use of this type of additived bitumens may offer bituminous mixtures with similar charac-teristics to HMA,assuming an environmentally cleaner alter-native to road construction.e In turn,wax modified bitumens let ensure acceptable compac-tion of the mixes at lower temperatures,offering a good response to the action of water and plastic deformation,as well as good fatigue life.Based on the results obtained in this research,this technology presents itself as an interesting alter-native for the environmental improvement in the production of asphalt mixtures.e Among the temperature reduction technologies studied,thebest results provided,in terms of mechanical performance is the Wet Wax Mix.Nevertheless,the Wet Surfactant Mix has also shown good overall mechanical response.So,when deciding which technology could be used for the next phase of the investigation,surfactant modified bitumen in refinery could be considered if it results economically and more competitive than using waxes.e In relation to the pollutant emissions,data collected do notshow a decrease as expected.On the other hand,other studies where a higher decrease of temperature takes places(as HWMA manufacturing process)provide a more significant reduction of emissions.In this sense,to achieve a better knowledge and significant conclusion more research needs to be develop about emissions during the manufacturing process of asphalt mixes with reduction of temperature(evaluating other asphalt plants and WMA technologies).e Fuel consumption can be decreased by35%respect to the pro-duction of HMA due to the reduction of theflame to dry the aggregates.When reducing this temperature of drying the time of mixing may be increased,but the savings in fuel can be considerable.AcknowledgmentsAuthors would like to acknowledge the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for its assistance in the project:INMBERS:Investigación de nuevas mezclas de baja energía para rehabilitación superficial.IPT-420000-2010-12.ReferencesD’Angelo,J.,Harm, E.,Bartoszek,J.,Baumgardner,G.,Corrigan,M.,Cowsert,J., Harman,T.,Jamshidi,M.,Jones,W.,Newcomb, D.,Prowell, B.,Sines,R., Yeaton,B.,2008.Warm-mix Asphalt:European Practice.Report FHWA-PL-08e 007.Office of International Programs,U.S.Department of Transportation, Washington DC,USA.EAPA,European Asphalt Pavement Association,January2010.The Use of Warm Mix Asphalt.EAPA position paper (accessed09.10.12.).EN12697e12,2009.Bituminous Mixtures.Test Methods for Hot Mix Asphalt.Part 12:Determination of Water Sensitivity of Bituminous Specimens.European Committee for Standardization,Bruxelles,Belgium.EN12697e24,2013.Bituminous Mixtures.Test Methods for Hot Mix Asphalt.Part 24:Resistance to Fatigue;Annex 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九万里豪情荡漾于三千溪水之上,悲天悯人的赤子之心光耀日月,曳尾涂中, 逍遥尘世。他有蛇的冷酷犀利,更有鸽子的温柔宽仁;踌躇满志却又似是而非, 螳臂挡车却又游刃有余。一部《庄子》,深邃宏阔,那满纸荒唐言中的一把辛 酸泪,那充满血泪的怪诞与孤傲,怎能不令我们悚然面对,肃然起敬,油然生 爱? 选择人物 示例:汤显祖
春之色为冷的绿, 希望
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34(湖北省八市2010年高三年级第一次联合考试)根据所提供 的作家,仿造下面划线的句式和修辞方法,另写两个句子,使之构成 排比。 《我与地坛》作者史铁生和《我有一个梦想》作者马丁· 路德· 金
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31、(2010•石家庄一模)依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句.衔接 最恰当的一组是狭小的心胸,一块小坷垃就会让其堵塞窒 息。 , 。 , 。 , ,尤其是不易磨损的精神上的山岳、 湖泊与森林。
②才能容纳众多的山岳、湖泊与森林 ③如果人生的价值是可以衡量的话 ④恰恰就在其一望无际、丰富多彩上 ⑤那就看谁能在生命的旅程中创造更多更高的山峰 和更多更大的湖泊与森林 ⑥只有博大、宽厚的胸怀 A.③④⑥②①⑤ B.①④③⑤⑥② C.⑥②① ④③⑤ D.③④①⑤⑥② Page 5
29.把后面的句子分别填入下面的横线上,最恰当的一组是 别的故都,把历史浓缩到宫殿;而南京,把历史溶解于自 然。 , 。 , , ,大大方方地畅开一派山水,让人去读解中国历史的大课题。 ①南京既不铺张也不拥挤 ②也不存在可以舍弃历史的游玩 ③在南京,不存在纯粹学术性的参观
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2022年语文人教金学典同步解析与测评学考练练习册电子版1、56. 下列句子中没有语病的一项是()[单选题] *A.当班主任宣布班委会成立并交给我们任务的时候,我们大家有既光荣又愉快的感觉是颇难形容的。
(正确答案)2、下列句子标点符号使用正确的是()[单选题] *“唉!天可真凉了—”(这“了”字念得很高,拖得很长)“唉,天可真凉了—”(这“了”字念得很高,拖得很长)(正确答案)“唉,天可真凉了—”(这“了”字,念得很高,拖得很长)“唉!天可真凉了—”(这“了”字,念得很高,拖得很长)3、《红楼梦》中涉及的外国地名中哪一个是虚拟的?( ) [单选题] *A.暹罗B.茜香(正确答案)C.海西福朗思牙D.波斯4、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、粗糙cāo 红缯zēng 乳酪lào(正确答案)B、背负bèi 树冠guān 萌蘖nièC、龟裂guī宋徽宗huī贮藏zhùD、谚语yàn 紫绡qiāo 果梗gěng5、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、济南(jì)丧事(sāng)刮痧(shā)游目骋怀(chěng)(正确答案)B、私塾(shú)秩序(zhì)徘徊(pái)拥挤不堪(kān)C、旖旎(yǐ)淤泥(yū)吮吸(shǔn)面面相觑(qù)D、租赁(lìn)誊写(téng)打盹(dǔn)自惭形秽(huì)6、1“江州司马青衫湿”中的江州司马是指王安石。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错7、下列词语中中括号内字读音有误的一项是()[单选题] *A.[榛]子(zhēn)[正]月(zhēng)B.白云[观](guàn)[和]面(huó)C.沉[着](zhuó)水[浒]传(hǔ)D.[夹]袄(jiā)[燕]山(yān)(正确答案)8、1与李白并称“李杜”的是杜牧。
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[判断题] *对错(正确答案)2、1“小王一把拽住正准备闯红灯的老伯说:‘你活得不耐烦了?真是为老不尊!’”这句话中小王使用的语言不得体。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)3、68. 下列选项中,文言现象与其它三项不相同的一项是()[单选题] *A、学学半。
[判断题] *错(正确答案)5、1希望别人原谅自己,可以说“请原谅”,也可以说“请包涵”。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)6、“氓之蚩蚩”中“氓”的意思是民众、百姓,诗中指那个人,读音是“máng”。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)7、4. 下列句中加双引号的词语使用正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.先进文化理念是科技创新的思想源泉,科技创新推动文化产业转型升级,文化和科技是“相辅相成”的。
8、薄薄的青雾()起在荷塘里[单选题] *浮(正确答案)飘涨9、“睿智”的“睿”的正确读音是“ruì”。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错10、下列选项中加着重号字注音有错误的一项是()[单选题] *A、钦佩jīn战战兢兢kè(正确答案)B、萧瑟xiāo溘然长逝kèC、精湛zhàn 侃侃而谈kǎnD、妊娠rèn 目瞪口呆dèng11、18.下列词语中加点字注音完全正确的一项是()[单选题] * A.绰号(chuò)亘古(gèng)粗犷(guǎng)藏污纳垢(gòu)B.坍塌(tān)蛮横(hèng)荣膺(yīng)自惭形秽(huì)(正确答案) C.柠檬(ling)滞留(zhi)驰骋(chéng)怒不可遏(é)D.虬枝(qiú)簇新(chù)倜傥(tǎng)悲天悯人(mǐn)12、1四大文学体裁是指小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧。
Tiptop 5.0 Gui教育訓練庫存管理系統課程大綱八. Q & A 10分鐘10分鐘A 儲位C 儲位B 儲位批號1批號2批號3MRP 倉庫儲位 保稅∕非保稅倉庫儲位(Main W/H)建立庫房概念多倉庫儲位批號存量庫房線上庫房可用或不可用MRP 使用或不使用倉儲料件存放之倉儲可事先設定不同倉儲可有不同單位1.取自料件主檔2.取自料件分群檔3.取自倉庫檔4.取自倉庫儲位檔倉庫系統作業流程2.倉庫實務作業流程工單完工入庫成品倉TIPTOP 單據別設定說明雜項發料流程領用需求發生領用單輸入(aimt301) (aimt311)領用單憑證列印(aimt301-O) (aimt311-O)材料領用點交出庫庫存過帳aimt301-S aimt311-SEnd庫存錯誤否理由碼過帳雜項發料計算成本需維護其單價雜項收料流程入庫/退料需求發生雜收入庫∕退料單輸入(aimt302) (aimt312)入庫/退料單憑證列印(aimt302-O) (aimt312-O)材料退回入庫庫存過帳aimt302-Saimt312-S檢驗良品否N(aimp379 Y庫存錯誤否雜項報廢流程報廢需求發生報廢單輸入(aimt303) (aimt313)報廢單憑證列印(aimt303-O) (aimt313-O)報廢品項點交出庫庫存過帳aimt303-S aimt313-SEnd庫存錯誤否W/H to W/H一階段調撥Stock StockStockPlant 1Plant 1Stock APlant2一階段調撥二階段調撥適用於庫房間距離較遠者Plant 2撥出確認撥入確認同一工廠內倉庫間調撥流程倉庫間直接調撥需求調撥單輸入aimt324調撥單憑證列印aimt324-O倉庫間轉撥出庫∕入庫庫存過帳aimt324-S調撥差異否工廠間直接調撥需求調撥單輸入aimt720調撥單憑證列印aimt720-O倉庫間轉撥出庫∕入庫撥入確認庫存過帳aimt720-S調撥差異否YNEnd撥出確認aimt720-Y不同工廠間庫存直接調撥流程同一工廠內庫存兩階段調撥流程倉庫間兩階段調撥需求調撥單輸入aimt325調撥單憑證列印aimt325-O倉庫間轉撥出庫∕入庫撥入確認庫存過帳aimt326-S撥出確認aimt325-Y 兩階段調撥明細表aimr510不同工廠間庫存兩階段調撥流程工廠間間接調撥需求調撥單輸入aimt700調撥單憑證列印aimr512倉庫間轉撥出庫∕入庫撥入確認庫存過帳aimp701數量差異否N撥出確認aimp700工廠間調撥報表aimr700∕r701工廠間調撥結案作業aimt701預收數量撥出確認撥入未確認撥入確認借還料概念廠商編號: B 系統提供相關報表:借料狀況表(aimr530)借料預償統計表(aimr531)料件預計償還一覽表(aimr309)同業間外借料∕還料流程借料需求發生借料請示單核准借料(Y/N)Y登錄借料明細aimt306借料過帳aimt306-S□1.原價償還□2.原數償還原價償還aimt308原數償還aimt309借料報表AP 立帳End回寫已還數量料件動態資料庫存料件之管理報表庫存週轉率分析報表(aimr620)低於訂購點資料分析報表(aimr503)庫存有效狀況分析報表(aimr506)呆滯料分析報表(aimr802)如超過六十天視為呆滯料可列印出材料六十天未異動之報表系統提供相關重要報表及查詢作業,以利查核:日報表明細查詢可查詢每一筆Transaction異動資料明細查詢ABC分析Start系統參數設定檢視asms220asms112ABC分類碼計算aimp500ABC分類表aimr500EndABC類碼設定用途異動量 庫存量6/266/276/286/296/307/17/27/3(100)(105)(+5)(115)(120)(119)(+10)(+5)盤點標籤重計資aimp800aimr800aimt800(-1)Update 盤點標籤現有庫存量盤點標籤重計概念定期庫存盤點作業流程盤點標籤設定aimi800空白標籤產生否空白標籤產生aimp810盤點標籤產生(庫存及在製品)aimp800盤點標籤列印aimr800∕801/811/812A產生標籤與系統凍結間是否仍有出入庫異動盤點資料重新計算aimt800實地實物初盤初盤資料登入(第一組)aimt820/840初盤資料登入(第二組)aimt821/841差異分析表aimr820/822初盤資料差異否初盤資料調整aimt826/827報表稽核NB複盤作業(Y/N)實地實物複盤作業Y複盤資料登入(第一組)aimt850/870複盤資料登入(第二組)aimt851/871差異分析表aimr830/832複盤資料差異否複盤資料調整aimt836/837報表稽核C盤點資料過帳aimp880盤點盈虧表盤點資料清除否盤點資料清除aimp850∕851End單別設定輸入盤點量週期盤點概念依料品特性或價值設定週期盤點政策設定ABC參數給予料號之ABC分類碼盤點起始日設定第一天A類盤點10項次第二天A類盤點10項次第三天A類盤點10項次A類盤點週期30天B類盤點週期50天C類盤點週期60天A類300 item週期盤點概念方法二: 對所有材料作週期盤點列印材料盤點明細表(庫存量以當天數量為基準點)盤點輸入盤點量及過帳週期循環盤點作業流程週期盤點是否重計ABC級碼ABC參數重新設定否庫存ABC參數設定asms220Y庫存ABC碼計算aimp500料件ABC資料正確否庫存ABC碼調整aimi100-UY A。
金学导航模拟卷七语文金学导航模拟卷七语文一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)1. 阅读下面的短文,回答问题:人生就像一本书,我们每个人都是其中的一章。
1) 人生就像一本书,意思是什么?2) 如何才能让自己的人生写得精彩?2. 阅读下面的对话,回答问题:- “你为什么要写作?”- “写作是我表达内心的一种方式。
”1) 写作对于这个人来说是什么意义?2) 通过写作,他想要达到什么目的?3. 阅读下面的短文,回答问题:扣人心弦的故事总是让人久久不能忘怀。
1) 为什么扣人心弦的故事让人久久不能忘怀?2) 通过写作,写作者想要唤起读者的什么?二、作文(40分)请根据以下提示,谈谈你对阅读的看法,内容包括:1. 阅读的重要性;2. 阅读对个人的影响;3. 阅读对社会的影响;4. 你的阅读体验和感受。
五、口语表达(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1. 你是如何提高写作水平的?2. 在写作过程中,你有什么困扰或难点?3. 你觉得阅读对写作有什么帮助?4. 你认为语文学习的目的是什么?5. 你在阅读中遇到过什么难题,是如何解决的?六、写作指导(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1. 什么是写作?2. 写作的目的是什么?3. 写作的好处有哪些?4. 如何提高写作能力?5. 你有没有写过优美的中文文章?请简要介绍一下。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告江苏金海星导航科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:江苏金海星导航科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分江苏金海星导航科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务系统产品、智能视频图像分析系统、电子产品研1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
金智云校园 使用指南
金智云校园使用指南江苏金智教育信息股份有限公司2019年3月目录一、CampuSmart用户使用指南 (2)二、校园百事通用户使用指南 (28)三、辅导猫用户使用指南 (35)一、CampuSmart用户使用指南1概述本文档描述了CampuSmart平台所提供的基本功能,以下使用“平台”代指CampuSmart。
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21-25 ADDCD
36-40 BACAD
26-30 ACAAC
41-45 CBADB
31-35 BBCAB
46-47 BC
48. and 49. At 50. when 51. so 53. a 54. English 55. how 56-60 CDABD 61-65 CDBAD
52. I
66-70 BCAAD
71. The all-in-one cellphone(s)
72. development of 73. connected/ linked 74. a computer 75. Advantages 76. easily 77. convenience
Proposal At present, all the Chinese from all walks of life are working hard to realize the great Chinese dream. As students, we should take action for our campus dream. In my opinion ,our campus dream involves not only a lot of green trees and beautiful flowers on campus, but also a friendly, harmonious environment and a good learning environment. To realize our dream, we propose every student in our school do as follows: Firstly, we should try to save energy in our daily life and from the habit of recycling used things. Secondly, we should strictly observe our school rules and respect our teachers. We should get on well with each other and help each other. In addition, we should work even harder in our studies to create a good learning environment. Only by these means can we accomplish our goal. Let’s act now to make our campus dream come true! Student Union
78. Solutions
79. quick
80. longer
81. She was giving free advice.
82. She thinks the project is mutually beneficial. 83. They should talk things out. 84. She would promote it to each public space with the help of volunteers.
李玉金 118 雷宁波 118 龙文昕 117 姚孟 伶 114 唐慧敏 109 吴卓林 108.5 邓联湘 108.5 高篮 107.5 张芷勇 107 莫慧芸 106 100:20