心理学导论 3 Foundations Freud
1.《心理学导论》(Introduction to Psychology) - James W. Kalat心理学领域的经典教材之一,James Kalat 的《心理学导论》为读者提供了全面而深入的资源。
2.《社会心理学》(Social Psychology)- David G. Myers社会心理学是一门重要的心理学分支,在人际关系和社会互动方面有着广泛的应用。
作者 David G. Myers 将重点放在人类如何反应和调整自己的行为方式,以及如何理解和处理其他人的行为方式。
3.《认知心理学导论》(Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook) - Michael Eysenck 和 Mark T. Keane认知心理学是心理学中另一重要分支,旨在研究人类如何感知、认知、理解和处理信息。
4.《艾滋病与社会》(Illness as Metaphor)- Susan Sontag哲学家和作家 Susan Sontag 在这本书中探讨了疾病的隐喻,并分析了社会如何妨碍了对疾病的真正理解。
三、课程内容:1. 心理学概述1.1 心理学的定义与特点1.2 心理学的发展历程1.3 心理学的研究方法2. 神经系统与感觉觉知2.1 神经元与神经传递2.2 感觉觉知过程2.3 认知心理学基础知识3. 认知与记忆3.1 认知过程及其心理学模型3.2 记忆的构成与过程3.3 认知与记忆的发展与异常4. 情绪与动机4.1 情绪的分类与表达4.2 情绪与健康关系4.3 动机的概念与类型5. 人格心理学5.1 人格理论及其分类5.2 人格与个体差异5.3 人格塑造与心理健康6. 心理治疗与咨询6.1 心理治疗方法与技术6.2 咨询与辅导的基本原则6.3 心理健康与心理疾病预防7. 社会心理学7.1 社会认知与社会心理过程 7.2 群体心理与群体行为7.3 人际关系与沟通技巧8. 应用心理学8.1 工业心理学与组织行为8.2 教育心理学与学习策略8.3 临床心理学与心理咨询8.4 健康心理学与心理辅导四、教学方法:1. 授课形式:理论讲授、案例分析、小组讨论、实际操作等。
2. 教学手段:课件演示、多媒体教学、实验示范等。
3. 学习任务:课堂学习、课后阅读、实践作业等。
五、教学评估:1. 平时成绩:课堂参与、小组讨论、课后作业等。
2. 期中考试:针对课程理论知识进行笔试。
3. 期末考试:综合测试课程理论知识、案例分析和实践应用能力。
六、参考教材:1. 《心理学导论》(作者:李明)2. 《认知心理学》(作者:张华)3. 《人格心理学概论》(作者:王志)4. 《社会心理学导论》(作者:刘晓)5. 《应用心理学导论》(作者:陈宇)七、参考文献:1. Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.2. Freud, S. (1915). The unconscious. In J. Strachey (Ed. & Trans.), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 14, pp. 159–215). London, UK: Hogarth Press.3. Piaget, J. (1963). Cognitive development in children: Piaget Development and Learning (Vol.1). Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2(3), 176-186.4. Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and human behavior. New York, NY: Macmillan.八、备注:本大纲可根据具体教学情况进行适当调整和修订,如有更改,以教务处最新发布的修订版为准。
心理学导论 03
心理学导论Introduction to Psychology 03Foundations, Part I: Freud 弗洛伊德Many of the core ideas have been rejected But many remain 相当多嘅核心理论遭到驳斥但更多得以保留Some interesting and influential ideas 一啲有趣且有影响力嘅概念•Unconscious reasons for feelings and actions 无意识是某些感受与行为嘅原因•Unconscious dynamics (conflict) -- leading to dreams, speech errors, jokes, madness 无意识动力(冲突)--引起梦境、口误、玩笑、发颠(之类嘅心理过程、行为)Psychoanalytic 心理分析Divisions of the Mind 心理(结构)分解•Id - instinctual drives present at birth 本我-自出生就存在的本能驱使–does not distinguish between reality and fantasy 真实与幻想冇乜区别–operates according to the pleasure principle 行为遵从快乐原则•Ego - develops out of the id in infancy 自我-从幼年的本我中发展出嚟–understands reality and logic 明白真实与逻辑–mediator between id and superego 介乎于本我与超我之间嘅过渡•Superego 超我–internalization of society’s moral standards 内化嘅社会道德标准–responsible for guilt 为罪行负责Psychosexual Stages 性心理发展• Freud’s five stages of personality development, each associated with a particular erogenous zone 弗洛伊德嘅五个人格发展阶段,每个阶段都与特定的动欲区有关• Fixation - an attempt to achieve pleasure as an adult in ways that are equivalent to how it way achieved in these stages 停滞人格-尝试通过使之成熟的必经之路的愿望,等同于如何经历这些阶段Oral Stage (birth - 1 year) 口腔期(出生到一岁)• Mouth is associated with sexual pleasure 快乐源于口腔动作(应该冇sexual )• Weaning a child can lead to fixation if not handled correctly 不合理掌握断奶时期会导致停滞人格• Fixation can lead to oral activities in adulthood 停滞人格会导致成人期口腔活动(异常)PS:如暴饮暴食、抽烟等Anal Stage (1 - 3 years) 肛门期(1-3岁)• Anus is associated with pleasure 快乐源于肛门• Toilet training can lead to fixation if not handled correctly 不合理掌握如厕训练会导致固着• Fixation can lead to anal retentive or expulsive behaviors in adulthood 停滞人格会导致成人期形成不愿意排便或过份排便的习惯PS:肛门期主要训练幼儿自控能力,此时期发生冲突会导致强迫型人格障碍产生,如洁癖、守财奴等Phallic Stage (3 - 5 years) 性蕾期(3-5岁)• Focus of pleasure shifts to the genitals 快乐的注意力转移到性器官上• Oedipus or Electra complex can occur 俄狄浦斯情结(恋母)与恋父情结可能出现• Fixation can lead to excessive masculinity in males and the need for attention or domination in females 停滞人格会导致男性过份男性化,女性产生对于关注或控制的欲求PS:如同性恋、异装癖、后宫控、女王控之类Oedipus Complex•Mom is nice•I love Mom•But Dad is in the way•Kill Dad!•Uh oh. Dad is mad•What is the worse that Dad can do?• Castration!•I give up. Dad wins.•Let’s not think about sex for a while恋母情结:妈妈很漂亮-我爱妈妈-爸爸妨碍我-杀爸爸-噢,爸爸发怒鸟-爸爸对我施加的最坏的惩罚会是什么-剪鸡鸡-我放弃,爸爸取胜-暂时不要去想性鸟PS:随后几年不再对性感兴趣Latency Stage (5 - puberty) 潜伏期(5岁-青春期)• Sexuality is repressed 性欲被压抑• Children participate in hobbies, school and same-sex friendships 小孩分享爱好、学业和同性朋友Genital Stage (puberty on) 生殖期(青春期之后)• Sexual feelings re-emerge and are oriented toward others 性欲重新出现并指向其他人(指父母亲以外的人)• Healthy adults find pleasure in love and work, fixated adults have their energy tied up in earlier stages 健康的成年人以爱与工作为乐,停滞人格的成人将他们的经历绑定在之前的阶段Defense Mechanisms 防御机制• Unconscious mental processes employed by the ego to reduce anxiety 自我使用无意识精神处理以减轻焦虑• Sublimation - displacement to activities that are valued by society 升华--将行为转移到有价值的社会活动中• Displacement - re-direction of shameful thoughts to more appropriate targets 移置--将不体面的想法转移投放到更合适的目标上(一般这个目标是他人)•Projection - reducing anxiety by attributing unacceptable impulses to someone else 投射--通过将自己不接受的事物强加于他人以减轻欲望(投射是指个体否认自己的欲望并认为他人拥有此欲望)•Rationalization - reasoning away anxiety-producing thoughts 合理化--为欲望寻求解释--产生想法(指当你做坏事或有不良想法时,将行为合理化并为行为寻找一个更为社会接受的解释)•Regression - retreating to a mode of behavior characteristic of an earlier stage of development 退行--行为特征回归到发展的某个早期阶段Hysteria and its treatment 歇斯底里极其治疗•Blindness and deafness, paralysis, trembling, panic attacks, gaps of memory, etc. 癔症性失明、失聪、瘫痪、震颤、恐慌症等等•These symptoms are a way of keeping emotionally charged memories under lock and key 这些征兆是一种抑制情绪波动的行为,以掌控记忆的妥善管理(锁定与打开)• When memories are recovered, there is catharsis -- an explosive release 当记忆恢复,发泄是一种爆炸性的释放•Freud originally tried to get at these memories through hypnosis, but later moved to free association 弗洛伊德最初试图通过催眠唤起这些(遗忘的)记忆,但随后改用了自由联想机制•Patients offer resistance 克服病人的抗拒•Freud used the methods of psychoanalysis to explore these conflicts 弗洛伊德使用心理分析方法去探寻此类抵触More Freud 弗洛伊德其他理论•Dreams 梦境• Myth & Literature 神话与文献•Religion 宗教信仰Freud: Scientific assessment 科学评估Falsifiability (Karl Popper) 可证伪性(卡尔波普尔)Scientific predictions need to make strong claims about the world, and run the risk of being proven false 科学能够做出关于世界的有力预测,而这些预测是可以被证伪的Freud: You hate your motherPatient: Wow. That makes senseFreud: Yes, I am right!F:你恨你的妈妈P:哇哦,有道理F:我是对的Freud: You hate your motherPatient: No, I don’t! What a terri ble idea!Freud: Your anger shows that this idea ispainful to you. You have repressed itfrom consciousness. I am right!F:你恨你的妈妈P:我才没有,多糟糕的想法F:你的愤怒表明了我刚才的话正中要害,你将这种想法压抑了下来,我是对的Freud: Adult personality traits are shaped by the course of psychosexual development. All dreams are disguised wish-fulfillment. 成年人的人格特质是在性心理的发展过程中形成的,所有的梦境都是愿望满足的伪装Psychoanalysis is the best treatment for mental disorders. 精神分析是治疗心理障碍的最佳手段Scientist: I disagree. There is little or no evidence that supports any of those claims. 科学家:我反对,没有任何证据能够支持这些观点Freud: Your rejection of my ideas shows that they are distressing to you. This is because I am right! Also, you have deep psychological problems, and require extensive therapy. 弗洛伊德:你对我观点的反对说明这些观点让你感到痛苦。
===========================================音乐学聆听音乐Listening to Music(教授本人著述)课程简介:本课程培养在对西方音乐理解基础上对音乐的感悟。
它会介绍各种类型的音乐是如何搭配,并教导如何聆听各种类型的音乐,从巴赫,莫扎特,格里高利咏叹调到蓝调关于课程主讲人:Craig Wright在1966年于the Eastman School获得钢琴乐和音乐史双学位,在1972年于哈佛大学获得博士学位。
Craig Wright从1973年开始在耶鲁大学任教,目前是the Henry L. and Lucy G的音乐教授。
在耶鲁大学,Craig Wright的成就包括常年流行的入门课程“聆听音乐”和选择性研讨会“探索大自然的天才”。
他的六本著述包括:巴黎圣母院中的音乐(1989)、西方文明中的音乐(2005)、聆听音乐(5th edition, 2007)、聆听西方音乐(2007).他目前的工作是在写作“莫扎特:探索大自然的天才”在2004年Craig Wright被芝加哥大学授予人文学名誉博士学位。
课程安排:1. Introduction导言2. Introduction to Instruments and Musical Genres介绍乐器和音乐风格3. Rhythm: Fundamentals节奏:音乐的基础4. Rhythm: Jazz, Pop and Classical节奏:爵士流行和古典5. Melody: Notes, Scales, Nuts and Bolts旋律:音符,音节,基本细节6. Melody: Mozart and Wagner旋律:莫扎特和瓦格纳7. Harmony: Chords and How to Build Them和声:和弦和如何创建主题8. Bass Patterns: Blues and Rock贝斯风格:布鲁斯和摇滚9. Sonata-Allegro Form: Mozart and Beethoven奏鸣曲式:莫扎特和贝多芬10. Sonata-Allegro and Theme and Variations奏鸣曲式和主题以及主题变奏11. Form: Rondo, Sonata-Allegro and Theme and Variations (cont.)曲式:回旋曲式,奏鸣曲式,主题变奏曲12. Guest Conductor: Saybrook Youth Orchestra客席指挥:布鲁克青年交响乐团13. Fugue: Bach, Bizet and Bernstein赋格:巴赫,比才和伯恩斯坦14. Ostinato Form in the Music of Purcell, Pachelbel, Elton John andVitamin C帕赫贝尔,艾尔顿·约翰音乐中的固定音型15. Benedictine Chant and Music in the Sistine Chapel本尼迪克特教团圣歌和的音乐西斯廷教堂16. Baroque Music: The Vocal Music of Johann Sebastian Bach波洛克音乐:巴赫的声乐作品17. Mozart and His Operas莫扎特和他的歌剧18. Piano Music of Mozart and Beethoven莫扎特和贝多芬的钢琴音乐19. Romantic Opera: Verdi's La Traviata, Bocelli, Pavarotti and Domingo浪漫派歌剧:威尔第的《茶花女》,波切利,帕瓦罗蒂和多明戈20. The Colossal Symphony: Beethoven, Berlioz, Mahler and Shostakovich巨人的交响乐:贝多芬,柏辽兹,马勒,肖斯塔科维奇21. Musical Impressionism and Exoticism: Debussy, Ravel and Monet印象派音乐和异国情调:德彪西,拉威尔和莫奈22. Modernism and Mahler现代主义和马勒23. Review of Musical Style音乐风格的回顾下载地址,电驴会用吧?/topics/2832525/==================================经济学金融市场Financial Markets课程简介:金融机构是文明社会的重要支柱。
单位的性质、职务因素、年龄、文化因素是影响需要顺序的重要因素。 (俞文钊) 不同单位职工的需要等级顺序
X X金笔厂 X X仪器厂 航天部XX所 第X人民医院
金钱 金钱 自我实现 自我实现
安全 尊重 金钱 归属与爱
自我实现 归属与爱 归属与爱 尊重
归属与爱 安全 尊重 金钱
尊重 自我实现 安全 安全
如果现场给正上课的学生提供一块蛋糕,你认为该学生会吃吗? 你愿意猜一猜?
你可能需要更多的信息。 你也许想知道有关的内部信息:该
学生已经吃了多少?他有必要节制饮 食?
块蛋糕味道好吗?他的朋友是否要和 他一块分享?他喜欢吃蛋糕? 什么时候你的身体会告诉你该吃东西了?——饥饿 你的饥饿的感觉从何而来?
等级 职务 一 二 三 四 五
职工 干部 科技人员
金钱 自我实现 自我实现
耶鲁大学公开课-心理学导论 第3课 中文课件
耶鲁大学公开课-心理学导论第3课中文课件上堂课我们探讨了大脑及其功能,接下来我们将进一步学习一些基础理论,所以在今天和星期一,我们将学习两大心理理论,其代表人物分别是,西格蒙特•弗洛伊德和,伯尔赫斯•弗雷德里克•斯金纳,这两个理论便是精神分析理论,和行为主义理论,今天我们先来讲讲精神分析理论,下周再谈行为主义理论,这些理论广阔的适用范围,则是它们能够吸引大家关注的原因之一.本课程中所学习的大部分理论,大部分学术观点,它们的应用范围都是狭隘的.我们会谈到某人所提出的,关于种族偏见的理论,但它却并不是语言获得的理论,我们会讲到关于精神分裂症的理论,但它们却并不能用来解释性吸引,大多数理论的适用范围都是有所限定的,但这两个理论则是大理论,它们试图对世间的一切做出解释,包括了日常生活,儿童发展心理疾病,宗教战争及爱情,弗洛伊德和斯金纳的理论解释了上述一切.当然这里并不是历史课堂,给你们介绍这两位心理学泰斗,并不只是想让大家了解心理学史,我想要向你们讲述的是他们的理论,因为它们是众多理论的基石,更重要的是,其中的很多观点对于我们如何理解当下,具有决定性的影响.就是这张,无论如何,弗洛伊德都深深的影响着我们的生活,如果我让大家选出一位,不是说出一位著名心理学家的名字,你们大家多数人会回答.弗洛伊德.他是史上最著名的心理学家,对20世纪与21世纪,的心理学界都有着深远的影响.据其传记记载,他生于19世纪50年代,他的大半生都是居住在奥地利的维也纳,却在伦敦去世,二战伊始随着纳粹侵占其家乡,他被迫背井离乡,后来逃到伦敦在那里终其余生,他也是史上最著名的学者之一,但他不是因为某一项发现而名扬四海,相反他却因为提出了极具包容性的,心理理论而闻名天下,这个理论是他通过数十年的研究才提出的,弗洛伊德在世时远近闻名,是个家喻户晓的名人纵观他的一生,他还是一个精力充沛的高产学者,部分原因是他是个十足的瘾君子,但总体而言,他是一个精力旺盛的人,他曾获得过诺贝尔医学奖和文学奖的提名,但却都未能最终获奖,没能获得诺贝尔医学奖则是因为爱因斯坦,大家都喜欢爱因斯坦,当时爱因斯坦确实写过一封信,因为大会曾征求其他获奖者的意见,爱因斯坦在信中写到,"请别把奖项颁发给弗洛伊德,他不配获得诺贝尔奖,他不过是个心理学家",事情就是这个样子,好了,他被公认为,极为重要的知识分子,但同时他也成为了别人唾弃的对象,这在一定程度上是由他的性格造成的,他的许多做法都有失妥当,他雄心勃勃,想要壮大精神分析,想要向世人展示他的观点,想要为其观点进行辩护,他还经常说谎,对朋友蛮不讲理,对竞争对手也毫不留情,他这人很有意思,我最喜欢的关于弗洛伊德的故事是这样的,他在纳粹兴起之际逃离欧洲,他正准备逃到英格兰去,我想应该是从德国或者是奥地利出发,盖世太保逼迫他签署了一份文件,盖世太保们拦住了他,要求他签署一份文件上面写着,他绝没有受到盖世太保的威胁或骚扰,他签署了文件并在下面写到,"盖世太保从不曾伤害我,实际上我要向大家强烈推荐他们",这里他表现出了一定的攻击性他还因其观点而遭到唾弃受到憎恨,他被认为是支持性本能论的,其观点试图毁掉,人是善良理性而又纯粹的这一概念,上世纪30年代纳粹势力崛起时,他被认为是一个,致力于摧毁基督教之中,最神圣的观念的犹太人,在某种程度上这是很多人对他的看法,而这一指责在某程度上,也的确是有几分道理的,弗洛伊德发表了许多关于人性的言论,很多人都并不愿相信他的这些言论,那他究竟说了些什么呢?,如果你去询问某个厌恶弗洛伊德言论的人,他们定会告诉你一些弗洛伊德说过的蠢话,而事实上弗洛伊德发表过很多言论,只是其中的部分言论不太合理而已,比如,他因对性器表征的解释而为人熟知,他认为某些建筑纪念碑,是潜意识中阴茎表征的展现,与此有关的是他提出了,臭名昭著的阴茎嫉妒论,根据弗洛伊德的理论,阴茎嫉妒是对女性所经历的,某一发展状态的解释,这个观点认为,女性会在发育的某个时期,发现自身缺少阴茎,这无疑是一场灾难,因此这个时候,女性便猜测自己是被阉割了,她们本来是拥有阴茎的,但却被某人夺去了,随后她们开始关注父亲,并爱上自己的父亲,因为父亲拥有阴茎,从此他成为了阴茎的替代品,同时女性会排斥母亲,原因是母亲没有阴茎所以也是卑贱的,女性的性心理发展随之成形.如果大家对于弗洛伊德的了解仅限于此,一定不会对他及其学说给予太高的评价,不过弗洛伊德理论的核心,也是更有价值的观点,是一系列关于人类理性的主张.其中的两个主要观点如图所示,这两个观点涉及了无意识动机的存在,以及导致心理疾病梦境,口误等心理过程的,无意识动力或无意识冲突的概念.第一个观点即关于无意识动机的观点The first idea – the idea of unconscious motivation –,拒绝承认人类行为受到意识的支配,假设你爱上了某人,想要与对方一同步入婚姻的殿堂,要是有人问你为什么想要与对方共度余生,你大概会说,"现在我已准备好要开始婚姻生活了",或"我真心的爱着他",或"他聪明有魅力","我想要小孩了" 等等,或许这是你的心里话,但精神分析的支持者会说,即使你是如实作答,并未向他人撒谎,但却依然存在着支配你行为的欲望和动机–still, there are desires and motivations that govern your behavior,只是你没有意识到罢了,所以事实上你想与约翰结婚,可能是因为他让你想起了你的父亲,或是因为你想要报复曾经背叛了你的人,如果有人这样对你说,你定会说"一派胡言",但精神分析的支持者并不会就此打住,他会说这些心理过程都是无意识的,所以你当然意识不到,由此引出的一个偏激的观点,你根本不知道自己为何要这么去做,这有点像我们获得视觉感知的过程,当我们环顾四周便会产生感知觉,明白这是一辆车,那是一棵树那边有一个人,你根本没有意识到知觉过程是如何发生的,但当你将无意识概念应用到很多事情中时,你便会感到不悦和恐惧,比如你为什么会来耶鲁求学,你为什么会觉得应当这样,去对待你的朋友和家人婚姻是一个极端的例子,但弗洛伊德还举了很多简单点的例子,来阐释无意识动机是如何发挥作用的,例如你是否曾经毫无理由地,喜欢或厌恶过某个人,你是否曾发现自己,在没有充分的理由的情况下做出某事,为某事争论或是做出了某个决定,你是否曾在最不应该的时候,忘掉了某人的姓名,你是否曾在与爱人激情时喊错了名字,这全都属于精神分析中的无意识范畴,所以这些事情可以通过,我们无法觉察到的认知系统,予以解释,如果无意识是台理智的计算机,它非常聪明,总在为你寻求最佳利益,那其实也倒没什么,但弗洛伊德告诉我们事实并非如此根据弗洛伊德的理论,在你的头脑中存在着,三种截然不同的人格结构,它们之间存在着强烈的内部冲突,你的行为模式与你的思维方式,并不是单一理性存在的产物,而是一系列冲突事件的产物,这三种结构分别是本我自我,和超我,它们随着个体的发展而逐渐出现弗洛伊德认为本我是与生俱来的,是自性中生物性的一面,本我追求吃喝拉撒保暖,和性欲的满足,它是盲目的,遵循弗洛伊德所说的"快乐原则" It works on what Freud called, "The Pleasure Principle.”,本我追求快乐的即时满足,根据弗洛伊德的理论,刚出生的婴儿就是这个样子,也就是说婴儿只有本我,弗洛伊德美其名曰"多形性反常",即追求纯粹的快乐,但不幸的是现实是残酷的,世事总难以尽如人意,快乐并不总是在你想要的时候得到满足,你只能通过设法满足欲望,或设法抑制欲望,来应对这样的事实,这个结构被称为自我或是自性,它所遵循的是"现实原则",它试图在现实中找到,满足本我要求的方法,找到追求快乐的方法,有时是去找寻放弃的方法,因而在弗洛伊德的理论中,自我的出现象征着意识的起源,最后如果只存在自我和本我,那么事情会简单得多,但弗洛伊德又提出了第三种结构超我,超我是社会家庭规范的内化,因此在成长过程中,你试图在现实中满足本我的要求,满足自己的欲望,但有时也会因此而受到惩罚,有些欲望是不适当的,有些行为是错的你会因此而受到惩罚,因为在你的脑海里会闪现出超我,一种道德良知,就像是电影里那些盘旋在头上的小天使,告诉你什么是不应该做的,而基本上自性或者说自我,是介于本我与超我之间的,需要注意的是,我之前说过本我是盲目的,它只知道"饿要吃饭性欲要满足,冷了要穿衣服" oh, let’s get warm, oh.”,但其实超我也是盲目的,超我并不是一位能够教你明辨是非的,伟大的道德哲学家,它只懂得说"你该为自己感到羞耻","你真恶心","别再那样做了","天啊" Oh.”,在这两个争执的声音之间的结构,一种声音要你去满足欲望,另一种声音却说"你应该感到羞耻",就是你就是自我,根据弗洛伊德的理论,人格结构的大部分是无意识的,我们可以看到,上面的部分是我们的感受,我们的经历,本我的驱力,本我和超我的力量,都存在于我们无法觉察的无意识之中,这就像是我们无法察觉,肾和胃的活动一样,你无法通过自省而感受到它们的存在,相反它们的活动都是无意识的,这就是弗洛伊德提出的理论,这就是弗洛伊德理论的大体框架,他在此基础上扩展并提出了,性心理发展理论,所以正如之前所说,弗洛伊德的理论不仅解释了日常生活,决策失误以及恋爱等现象,还解释了儿童的发展弗洛伊德认为人格发展,分为五个阶段,且每个阶段都与特定的动欲区有关,弗洛伊德还认为,如果你在某一阶段遇到了阻碍,没能得到满足你就会停留在这个阶段,所以根据弗洛伊德的理论,在座各位之所以展示出不同的人格,是因为你们停留在了口腔期或肛门期,这可不是什么好事第一阶段是口腔期,快乐来源于口腔的动作,包括吮吸咀嚼等活动,在弗洛伊德看来,问题就出在孩子过早断奶上面,过早断奶,会对他的人格发展造成严重影响,会使孩子形成所谓的口腔期人格,口唇期人格有一些具体的表现,弗洛伊德用口腔期人格,来解释为什么会有人暴饮暴食,嚼口香糖或是抽烟,他们想通过这种口腔运动,来获得本该在口腔期获得的满足感,口腔期人格也有一些抽象的表现,如果你的室友很依赖他人很粘人,你可以去告诉他,"你具有口腔期人格,你在出生的第一年里过的并不好"更为人所熟知的一个阶段则是肛门期,它出现在口腔期之后,如果没能正确掌握如厕训练,那么问题便出现了,据弗洛伊德的理论,如果你在那几年里你出了问题,那么你就会形成肛门期人格,你的室友会说"你就是肛门期人格" and your roommate could say, "Your problem is you’re too anal.”,根据弗洛伊德的理论,这就表示,你不愿意排泄粪便,书上就是这么写的,也确实就是这样的,这种人格表现为,强迫有洁癖和吝啬,这些都可从人们谈话方式看出,这就是肛门期人格接下来的阶段就稍微复杂点了,下一个阶段是性器官期,实际上这个阶段也并不是非常复杂,性器官成为了快乐的主要来源,固着在此阶段会导致女性或男性,过分男性化,或是导致女性产生对于关注或控制的欲求,这个时期会出现一个有趣的现象,叫做"俄狄浦斯情结" [恋母情结],名字来自于一个故事,一则国王弑父娶母的希腊神话,据弗洛伊德的理论,我们所有人都会产生这个情结,所有人,不过弗洛伊德指的是所有的男人,俄狄浦斯情结是这样的,你到了三四岁的年龄,处于性器官期,你会对什么感兴趣呢,你会对自己的性器官产生兴趣,之后你会去寻求外部客体,弗洛伊德对此描述的有些模糊,但其实你是在寻求某种满足,但全世界又有谁,是温柔体贴而又慈爱美丽的呢,妈妈,所以小男孩会推断,"妈妈很好我爱妈妈",到目前为止一切尚算正常,小男孩爱上了他的母亲,问题是父亲妨碍了他,现在事情变得越来越诡异,但我要说,我是两个儿子的父亲,我的两个儿子在性器官期时,都曾明确地说过要娶他们的妈妈,对我来说如果真有什么不幸And me – if something bad happened to me,也没有比儿子们弑父娶母更糟糕的事情了,就是这样,但这时会出现一些攻击性,男孩决心要去杀掉父亲,每个三四岁大的男孩都这么想过,但是据弗洛伊德的理论,由于儿童无法很好地,在心理和现实之间划清界限,这就是个问题which is a problem –the problem is they don’t –,即他们认为自己的父亲,能够看出他们在密谋弑父,而且他们还认为父亲非常生他们的气,之后他们会问自己,"爸爸对我施加的最坏的惩罚会是什么",答案就是阉割,所以他们最终总结出,父亲会因为他们对母亲,抱有非分之想而阉割他们,然后他们向父亲投降"爸爸赢了",随后几年他们不再对性感兴趣,也就是来到了潜伏期在潜伏期阶段,儿童不再纠缠于恋父或恋母情结,从"爱上母亲想要弑父,父亲要阉割我" 过渡到,"不再恋母不再对性感兴趣",在进入性器期之前,性欲一直是被压抑着的,性征期是我们大家都会经历的阶段And the genital stage is the stage we are all in –,它延续至成年,现在你成年了,经历了所有的发展阶段,那你现在又是处于什么阶段呢,你并没有脱离险境,因为无意识机制依然存在,即使你并没在任何阶段里发生固着,你的行为仍然会一直受到本我,自我和超我的驱使,大家记住你的超我是盲目的,超我不仅要求你别干坏事,还要求你不要有做坏事的想法,而你的本我则由赤裸裸的原始欲望构成,包括了疯狂的性欲和攻击欲,如"我要杀了他","我要那样做爱",或"我要再吃一份餐后甜点",超我则在打压这些欲望"不行",所以欲望受到了抑制,这个过程并不会出现在意识层面之中,问题在于,弗洛伊德用所谓的液压理论,解释了发生的事情,有些受到压抑的欲望,会通过梦境和口误而表现出来,在某些特殊情况下,受压抑的欲望,会通过特定的临床症状而表现出来弗洛伊德描述了,很多我们会在日常生活中使用的方法,我们用这些方法,来阻止来自本我的原始欲望,进入到意识之中,他把这些方法称为"防御机制",你通过抵制不适当的原始欲望来保护自己,其中有些防御机制是很有意义的,用并不专业的非精神分析的话语来表述,就是我们并不想知道某些事情的存在,有些欲望我们并不想承认,我们会设法将这些欲望隐藏起来,例如有一种叫做升华的防御机制,升华是你有很多的能量,可能是性能量也可能是攻击能量,但你并未将它们指向性目标或攻击目标,而是将这些能量以其他方式进行了释放,你可以想象像毕加索这样的艺术大师,通过绘画来释放他的性能量,还有移置,移置是你将自己某些不道德的想法或欲望,以安全的方式释放出去,屈于父亲权威下的男孩,可能会憎恨他的父亲想要伤害父亲,但这个想法是可耻的也是难以实现的,孩子可能会去踢狗觉得狗很可恨,因为狗是可以接受的替代性目标,还有投射机制,投射是指人们将自己不想拥有的,某种令自己不能容忍的冲动,投射到别人的身上,弗洛伊德举出的一个典型例子,就是同性恋的欲望,我对你产生了强烈的性欲,比如你们所有人你们三个,我为这种性欲感到羞耻,所以我会说,"你们干嘛色眯眯地看着我,你在对我暗送秋波吗太恶心了",因为我这样说不仅满足了自我欲求,还把想法投射到别人身上,弗洛伊德认为这或许不难理解,迷恋,迷恋其他男人性征的男人们,把他们自己的性欲投射到了别人的身上,还有合理化,是指当你做坏事或有不良想法时,你会将行为合理化,为行为寻找一个更为社会接受的解释,比如喜欢打孩子的父母,一般不会说"我就是喜欢打孩子",而是说"这都是为了孩子好,我只是想做一位好家长而已",最后来说说退行,意思是回归到发展的某个早期阶段,孩子们经常使用这种防御机制,在他们感到压力和受伤的时候,他们回到更加年幼的阶段,表现出年幼时的行为,他们可能会哭,吮大拇指或是去寻找毯子之类的弗洛伊德认为所有的机制,都绝非病态的表现,它们是日常生活的组成部分,一般来说我们会运用这些机制,去维持无意识系统的平衡,但有时防御机制也会不起作用,当防卫机制不起作用时,就会造成一种病症,其名称在如今的心理学领域已经不常用到,但在弗洛伊德的时代,这是个非常流行的名称,这就是癔症[歇斯底里症],癔症的临床表现包括,癔症性失明和癔症性失聪,它们是指你在并无器质性损伤的情况下,目不能视耳不能闻even though there’s nothing physiologically wrong with you –,此外还有瘫痪震颤恐慌症,健忘症之类的记忆缺失等等,上述这些都是实实在在的症状,这些就是试图将欲望抑制在无意识之中的,防御机制所产生的症状,电影中有很多这样的例子,电影中常见的情节是,有人会求助于精神分析师,他们都有一些严重的问题,比如失忆了或是意识丧失什么的,精神分析师会向他们进行解释,最后他们会理解这样的想法,明白自己为何会失明或失忆,对弗洛伊德来说事情就是这个样子弗洛伊德起初试图通过催眠,来唤起这些遗忘的记忆,但随后改用了自由联想机制,弗洛伊德认为,病人会抗拒自由联想,而精神分析学家的作用,则是克服病人的抗拒,帮助病人理解他们的内在想法,精神分析的关键假设在于,你所遇到的问题,实际上反映出了更深层次的冲突,这些冲突被你压抑起来,一旦你理解了更深层次的冲突究竟是什么,你的问题便会得到解决,现在我举一个心理辅导的例子,这并不是精神分析取向的心理治疗,稍后的课程我们会详细讨论,什么才是精神分析取向的心理治疗,该例子不是纯粹的精神分析取向心理治疗,在精神分析取向的心理治疗中,来访者躺在沙发上,看不到他们的心理治疗师,而心理治疗师也不会有任何暗示性的话语,但我之所以要举出这个例子,是因为它展示了大量精神分析理论的主题,特别是关于梦境梦的重要性,梦的压抑及其隐含意义这样的主题,例子摘自一段电视剧,在座可能已经有人看过,很多人可能还没看过,片中人物饱受恐慌症折磨,保罗•布罗姆教授曾在《黑道家族》中客串演出,尤其是在恐慌症发作的时候,他的首次恐慌症来自于这样一件事,他来到泳池边,看到鸭群飞离游泳池,他就这样患上了恐慌症,心脏剧烈跳动出汗,脸红几乎晕厥过去,恐慌症造成的压力越来越大,直到他去见了心理医生,进行了药物治疗恐慌症才得以治愈,这是他和心理医生的,一次会面弗洛伊德的贡献并不只是局限于,个体心理学和个体病理学的研究方面,正如幻灯片所示,弗洛伊德对梦境做了大量阐释,他认为梦是具有显性梦境的,"显性"是指醒后所能记忆的梦境,但梦还具有潜性梦境,潜性梦境是指梦所隐藏的含义,他认为所有的梦境都是愿望的满足,你做的每一个梦都是你所抱有愿望的展现,即使这是个你并不想拥有的,被禁止的愿望,在弗洛伊德之前就有观点指出,梦具有象征意义,梦境中的事物往往并不像,它们看上去那样的简单,它们通常是其他事物的象征,弗洛伊德认为文学作品童话故事,儿童读物之类的东西,都含有某个一般性的主题,某些方面的无意识冲突,以及某种无意识偏见,弗洛伊德还为宗教给出了大量解释,例如,他认为大部分人,想要寻求一位全知全能的神,其实质是在寻找在发展阶段,所缺失的父亲形象的替代品下面的课我想着重谈谈,对弗洛伊德的科学评价,前面我对弗洛伊德的理论进行了概述,接下来的时间我想来和大家讨论一下,弗洛伊德的理论是否可信,以及弗洛伊德的理论,在多大程度上是符合现代科学的,但在开始之前,先给大家几分钟的提问时间,你们对弗洛伊德,或是他的理论有什么问题吗你来,这问题不错,他提的问题是,弗洛伊德在描述性心理发展过程中,存在的冲突时,总是假设孩子是拥有父母的,是处于特定的家庭结构之中的,问题是,"要是孩子成长于单亲家庭会怎样",如果孩子从未接受过母乳喂养,而是从小就用奶瓶喂养那又会怎样,即便弗洛伊德的支持者们也对此存有疑问,弗洛伊德非常关注,与他接触之人的家庭生活,也就是一些欧洲的贵族们,对于这类问题,相信弗洛伊德本人也很难作答,我猜精神分析的支持者会说,你会看到系统的差异,你会看到由单身母亲抚养长大的孩子,或由单身父亲抚养长大的孩子,在某种意义上,会因此而形成心理创伤,从而无法正常地经历所有的性心理阶段下一个问题,这个问题是,"现代精神分析学家们仍然会认为,女性没有超我吗",正如你刚才指出的,弗洛伊德因一个观点的提出而臭名远扬,他认为与男性相比,女性在道德上是不成熟的,我想弗洛伊德会说女性也是有超我的,但她们的超我并没有男性的超我强大,我认为当今的精神分析学家们,和精神分析的学者们,对此的看法更为多元,有些人会坚持性别差异是根深蒂固的,其他人则想要抛弃精神分析理论,在这个方面的内容下一个问题,升华和移置相同吗,升华是否属于移置的一种形式,升华是指,这是一个好问题,这个问题其实在问什么是升华,它和其它防御机制有什么关系,很多的防御机制都涉及欲望和欲望的转换,移置是指将自己的欲望投放到他人身上,比如我在生你的气,但是可能由于某种原因我无法向你发脾气,所以我就迁怒到她身上,投射是指个体否认自己的欲望,并认为他人拥有此欲望,升华是指你放弃了具体对象,保存了能量,比如说你的室友通宵复习,你会对他说,"你是因为太久没做爱,却又很想做爱,所以你才会将全部的精力,都投入到数学考试之中",然后你总结一句"这叫升华,我在心理学导论课上学到的" I learned that in Intro Psych.”,想。
《心理学导论》知识要点第一章:心理学导论1.心理学的定义(能分辨哪些属于心理学的研究范围,哪些不属于)2.心理学主要分支学科的研究范畴3.经典研究成果的内容及其对我们生活的启发(重点)(重点:睡眠周期和睡眠剥夺实验、延迟满足、六度空间理论、从众效应、责任分散效应、登门槛效应、皮革玛丽翁效应、习得性无助、经典条件作用、叶克斯-多德森定律、前景理论、心理账户、沉没成本第二章心理学的主要流派和理论1.弗洛伊德人格结构包括有本我、自我和超我(知道有这三个结构即可)2.系统脱敏法、自由联想法(知道这些技术属于哪个流派即可)3.条件反射理论4.马斯洛的需要层次理论(需要知道具体内容)5.自我实现者的人格特征6.自我和谐观念(理想自我、现实自我)第三章认识你自己(重点)1.自我结构中的物质自我、社会自我、精神自我和集体自我(知道有这四种即可)2.首要特质、核心特质、次要特质(知道三种特质的区分)3.三种自我状态4.自我同一性的四种状态5.知道什么是“一致性动机”,“自我设阻”5.积极的自我意识的基础第四章:压力、情绪管理与态度改变(重点)1.什么是压力2.压力源的不同类型(能分辨哪些压力源是急性的,哪些是慢性的)3.压力发展的阶段4.四种基本情绪5.消极情绪的积极意义及处理消极情绪的“四不”原则6.情绪的钟摆效应7.情商包括哪些能力8.缓解压力和情绪的合宜方式9.ABC理论的基本观点10.不合理信念的三大特征11.态度的三成分12.态度与行为的关系13.什么是认知失调,改变的途径第五章人际关系(重点)1.人及关系的功能2.影响人际关系的因素;3.人际交往的四种心理定位;4.影响人际交往的心理效应(能区分即可);5.依恋的三者模式(能区分即可);6.如何处理好寝室关系;7.爱的能力的组成;8.处理性问题的原则;第六章生涯发展与规划9.什么是生涯规划10.大学阶段的生涯发展任务11.霍兰德“性格-职业”匹配理论12.舒伯提出的生涯发展五阶段13.生涯规划需要的两大领域的知识(“自我的知识”和“职业世界的知识”)第七章心理健康及维护(重点)1.心理健康的标准(世界卫生组织和国际心理卫生大会提出的)2.亚健康状态的表现3.焦虑障碍的分类4.创伤后应激障碍的临床表现5.抑郁症的临床表现6.精神分裂症的典型症状7.对心理咨询的正确理解(能判断心理咨询是什么和不是什么;能做什么和不能做什么)8.了解心理咨询有效的原因(疗效因子)9.了解心理咨询的主要形式10.对自杀的误解11.能判断哪些线索可能是自杀的征兆1.,机会成本2,边际量与平均量3需求与需求量变动4,支持价格与限制价格5,边际效用递减规律6,恩格尔定律7,弹性与税收归宿8,无差异曲线9,边际替代率10,消费者剩余11,边际收益递减规律12,规模经济13,市场结构与类型14古诺模型15,市场失灵16, 科斯定理。
《心理学导论》(黄希庭)第三章 心理的生物基础
关注自己的情绪变化,及时记录 并分析。
学习有效应对压力的方法,如放 松训练、冥想等。
与家人、朋友保持联系,分享彼 此的感受和经历。
合理饮食、充足睡眠、适量运动 等有助于维护心理健康。
社会认知是指个体对社会环境中的人、事、物进 行感知、理解和评价的过程。
个体的经验、文化背景、情感状态等都会影响社 会认知过程。
由于主观因素和客观条件的限制,个体在社会认 知中容易出现偏差,如刻板印象、晕轮效应等。
根据儿童的发展阶段和个 体差异,采用针对性的教 学方法和策略,促进儿童 的全面发展。
通过生动有趣的教学内容 和活动设计,激发儿童的 学习兴趣和内在动机,提 高学习效果。
鼓励儿童将所学知识应用 于实际生活和问题解决中, 培养实践能力和创新精神。
分享自学耶鲁大学公 开课《心理学导论》
• 课程简介与背景 • 认知过程与意识 • 情绪、动机与行为 • 发展心理学与教育应用 • 社会心理学与人际关系 • 异常心理学与心理健康维护
2019年耶鲁大学心理学导论-范文模板 (17页)
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耶鲁大学公开课-心理学导论英文字幕 transcript03
Introduction to Psychology: Lecture 3 Transcript January 24, 2007 << backProfessor Paul Bloom: Okay. The last class we talked about the brain. Now we're going to talk a little bit about some foundations. So today and Monday we're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism. And I want to talk about psychoanalysis today and behaviorism next week.Now, one of these things--One of the things that makes these theories so interesting is their scope. Most of the work we're going to talk about in this class--Most of the ideas are narrow. So, we're going to talk about somebody's idea about racial prejudice but that's not a theory of language acquisition. We'll talk about theories of schizophrenia but they're not explanations of sexual attractiveness. Most theories are specialized theories but these two views are grand theories. They're theories of everything, encompassing just about everything that matters, day-to-day life, child development, mental illness, religion, war, love. Freud and Skinner had explanations of all of these.Now, this is not a history course. I have zero interest in describing historical figures in psychology just for the sake of telling you about the history of the field. What I want to tell you about though is--I want to talk about these ideas because so much rests on them and, even more importantly, a lot of these ideas have critical influence on how we think about the present. And that's there. [pointing at the slide]Now, for better or worse, we live in a world profoundly affected by Sigmund Freud. If I had to ask you to choose a--no, name a famous psychologist, the answer of most of you would be Freud. He's the most famous psychologist ever and he's had a profound influence on the twentieth and twenty-first century. Some biographical information: He was born in the 1850s. He spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria, but he died in London and he escaped to London soon after retreating there at the beginning of World War II as the Nazis began to occupy where he lived.He's one of the most famous scholars ever but he's not known for any single discovery. Instead, he's known for the development of an encompassing theory of mind, one that he developed over the span of many decades. He was in his time extremely well known, a celebrity recognized on the street, and throughout his life. He was a man of extraordinary energy and productivity, in part because he was a very serious cocaine addict, butalso just in general. He was just a high-energy sort of person. He was up for the Nobel Prize in medicine and in literature; didn't get either one of them; didn't get the prize in medicine because AlbertEinstein--Everybody loves Albert Einstein. Well, Albert Einstein really wrote a letter because they asked for opinions of other Nobel Prizes. He wrote a letter saying, "Don't give the prize to Freud. He doesn't deserve a Nobel Prize. He's just a psychologist." Well, yeah. Okay.While he's almost universally acclaimed as a profoundly important intellectual figure, he's also the object of considerable dislike. This is in part because of his character. He was not a very nice man in many ways. He was deeply ambitious to the cause of promoting psychoanalysis, to the cause of presenting his view and defending it, and he was often dishonest, extremely brutal to his friends, and terrible to his enemies. He was an interesting character.My favorite Freud story was as he was leaving Europe during the rise of the Nazis, as he was ready to go to England from, I think, either Germany or Austria, he had to sign a letter from the Gestapo. Gestapo agents intercepted him and demanded he sign a letter saying that at no point had he been threatened or harassed by the Gestapo. So he signs the letter and then he writes underneath it, "The Gestapo has not harmed me in any way. In fact, I highly recommend the Gestapo to everybody." It's--He had a certain aggression to him. He was also--He's also disliked, often hated, because of his views. He was seen as a sexual renegade out to destroy the conception of people as good and rational and pure beings. And when the Nazis rose to power in the 1930s he was identified as a Jew who was devoted to destroying the most sacred notions of Christianity and to many, to some extent, many people see him this way. And to some extent, this accusation has some truth to it.Freud made claims about people that many of us, maybe most of us, would rather not know. Well, okay. What did he say? Well, if you ask somebody who doesn't like Freud what he said, they'll describe some of the stupider things he said and, in fact, Freud said a lot of things, some of which were not very rational. For instance, he's well known for his account of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural monuments are subconsciously developed as penile representations. And related to this, he developed the notorious theory of penis envy. And penis envy is an account of a developmental state that every one of you who is female has gone through, according to Freud. And the idea is that you discovered at some point in your development that you lacked a penis. This is not--This is a catastrophe. And so, each of you inferred at that point that you had been castrated. You had once had a penis but somebody had taken it from you. You then turn to your father and love your father because your fatherhas a penis, so he's a sort of penis substitute. You reject your mother, who's equally unworthy due to her penis lack, and that shapes your psychosexual development.Now, if that's the sort of thing you know about Freud, you are not going to have a very high opinion of him or of his work, but at the core of Freud's declamation, the more interesting ideas, is a set of claims of a man's intellectual importance. And the two main ones are this. The two main ones involve the existence of an unconscious, unconscious motivation, and the notion of unconscious dynamics or unconscious conflict which lead to mental illnesses, dreams, slips of the tongue and so on.The first idea 鈥� the idea of unconscious motivation 鈥� involvesrejecting the claim that you know what you're doing. So, suppose you fall in love with somebody and you decide you want to marry them and then somebody was asked to ask you why and you'd say something like, "Well, I'm ready to get married this stage of my life; I really love the person; the person is smart and attractive; I want to have kids" whatever. And maybe this is true. But a Freudian might say that even if this is yourhonest answer 鈥�you're not lying to anybody else 鈥搒till, there aredesires and motivations that govern your behavior that you may not be aware of. So, in fact, you might want to marry John because he reminds you of your father or because you want to get back at somebody for betraying you.If somebody was to tell you this, you'd say, "That's total nonsense," but that wouldn't deter a Freudian. The Freudian would say that these processes are unconscious so of course you just don't know what's happening. So, the radical idea here is you might not know what--why you do what you do and this is something we accept for things like visual perception. We accept that you look around the world and you get sensations and you figure out there is a car, there is a tree, there is a person. And you're just unconscious of how this happens but it's unpleasant and kind of frightening that this could happen, that this could apply to things like why you're now studying at Yale, why you feel the way you do towards your friends, towards your family.Now, the marriage case is extreme but Freud gives a lot of simpler examples where this sort of unconscious motivation might play a role. So, have you ever liked somebody or disliked them and not known why? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're doing something or you're arguing for something or making a decision for reasons that you can't fully articulate? Have you ever forgotten somebody's name at exactly the wrong time? Have you ever called out the wrong name in the throes of passion?This is all the Freudian unconscious. The idea is that we do these things--these things are explained in terms of cognitive systems that we're not aware of.Now, all of this would be fine if your unconscious was a reasonable, rational computer, if your unconscious was really smart and looking out for your best interest. But, according to Freud, that's not the way it works. According to Freud, there are three distinct processes going on in your head and these are in violent internal conflict. And the way you act and the way you think are products, not of a singular rational being, but of a set of conflicting creatures. And these three parts are the id, the ego, and the superego and they emerge developmentally.The id, according to Freud, is present at birth. It's the animal part of the self. It wants to eat, drink, pee, poop, get warm, and have sexual satisfaction. It is outrageously stupid. It works on what Freud called, "The Pleasure Principle." It wants pleasure and it wants it now. And that's,according to Freud, how a human begins 鈥� pure id. Freud had thiswonderful phrase, "polymorphous perversity," this pure desire for pleasure.Now, unfortunately, life doesn't work like that. What you want isn't always what you get and this leads to a set of reactions to cope with the fact that pleasure isn't always there when you want it either by planning how to satisfy your desires or planning how to suppress them. And this system is known as the ego, or the self. And it works on the "Reality Principle." And it works on the principle of trying to figure out how to make your way through the world, how to satisfy your pleasures or, in somecases, how to give up on them. And the ego 鈥� the emergence of the ego for Freud--symbolizes the origin of consciousness.Finally, if this was all there it might be a simpler world, but Freud had a third component, that of the superego. And the superego is the internalized rules of parents in society. So, what happens in the course of development is, you're just trying to make your way through the world and satisfy your desires, but sometimes you're punished for them. Some desires are inappropriate, some actions are wrong, and you're punished for it. The idea is that you come out; you get in your head a superego, a conscience. In these movies, there'd be a little angel above your head that tells you when things are wrong. And basically your self, the ego, is in between the id and the superego.One thing to realize, I told you the id is outrageously stupid. It just says, "Oh, hungry, food, sex, oh, let's get warm, oh." The superego is also stupid. The superego, point to point, is not some brilliant moral philosopher telling you about right and wrong. The superego would say, "You should be ashamed of yourself. That's disgusting. Stop doing that. Oh." And in between these two screaming creatures, one of you; one of them telling you to seek out your desires, the other one telling you, "you should be ashamed of yourself," is you, is the ego.Now, according to Freud, most of this is unconscious. So, we see bubbling up to the top, we feel, we experience ourselves. And the driving of the id, the forces of the id and the forces of the superego, are unconscious in that we cannot access them. We don't know what--It's like the workings of our kidneys or our stomachs. You can't introspect and find them. Rather, they do their work without conscious knowledge.Now, Freud developed this. This is the Freudian theory in broad outline. He extended it and developed it into a theory of psychosexual development. And so, Freud's theory is, as I said before, a theory of everyday life, of decisions, of errors, of falling in love, but it's also a theory of child development. So, Freud believed there were five stages of personality development, and each is associated with a particular erogenous zone. And Freud believed, as well, that if you have a problem at a certain stage, if something goes wrong, you'll be stuck there. So, according to Freud, there are people in this room who are what they are because they got stuck in the oral stage or the anal stage. And that's not good.So, the oral stage is when you start off. The mouth is associated with pleasure. Everything is sucking and chewing and so on. And the problem for Freud is premature weaning of a child. Depriving him of the breast, could lead to serious problems in his personality development. It could make him, as the phrase goes, into an oral person. And his orality could be described literally. Freud uses it as an explanation for why somebody might eat too much or chew gum or smoke. They're trying to achieve satisfaction through their mouth of a sort they didn't get in this very early stage of development. But it can also be more abstract. If your roommate is dependent and needy, you could then go to your roommate and say, "You are an oral person. The first year of your life did not go well."A phrase even more popular is the anal stage and that happens after the oral stage. And problems can emerge if toilet training is not handled correctly. If you have problems during those years of life, you could become an anal personality, according to Freud, and your roommate could say, "Your problem is you're too anal." And, according to Freud, literally,it meant you are unwilling to part with your own feces. It's written down here. I know it's true. And the way it manifests itself, as you know from just how people talk, is you're compulsive, you're clean, you're stingy. This is the anal personality.Then it gets a little bit more complicated. The next stage is the phallic stage. Actually, this is not much more complicated. The focus of pleasure shifts to the genitals and fixation can lead to excessive masculinity in females or in males or if you're female a need for attention or domination. Now, at this point something really interesting happens called the "Oedipus Complex." And this is based on the story, the mythical story of a king who killed his father and married his mother. And, according to Freud, this happens to all of us in this way. Well, all of us. By "all of us," Freud meant "men."So, here's the idea. You're three or four years old. You're in the phallic stage. So, what are you interested in? Well, you're interested in your penis and then you seek an external object. Freud's sort of vague about this, but you seek some sort of satisfaction. But who is out there who'd be sweet and kind and loving and wonderful? Well, Mom. So the child infers, "Mom is nice, I love Mom." So far so--And so this is not crazy; a little boy falling in love with his mother. Problem: Dad's in the way.Now, this is going to get progressively weirder but I will have to say, as the father of two sons, both sons went through a phase where theyexplicitly said they wanted to marry Mommy. And me 鈥�if something badhappened to me that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. So, there's this. But now it gets a little bit aggressive. So, the idea is the child determines that he's going to kill his father. Every three- andfour-year-old boy thinks this. But then because children, according to Freud, don't have a good sense of the boundary between their mind and theworld, which is a problem 鈥�the problem is they don't 鈥�they thinktheir father can tell that they're plotting to kill him and they figure their father is now angry at them. And then they ask themselves, "What's the worst thing Dad could do to me?" And the answer is castration. So, they come to the conclusion that their father is going to castrate them because of their illicit love for their Mom. And then they say, "Dad wins" and then they don't think about sex for several years and that's the latency stage.The latency stage is they've gone through this huge thing with Mom and Dad, "fell in love with Mom, wanted to kill my father, Dad was going to castrate me, fell out of love with Mom, out of the sex business." And then,sex is repressed until you get to the genital stage. And the genital stageis the stage we are all in 鈥� the healthy adult stage. Now that you'readults and you've gone through all the developmental stages, where do you stand? You're not out of the woods yet because unconscious mechanisms are still--Even if you haven't got fixated on anything, there's still this dynamic going on all the time with your id, your ego and your superego. And the idea is your superego--Remember, your superego is stupid. So, your superego isn't only telling you not to do bad things, it's telling you not to think bad things. So, what's happening is your id is sending up all of this weird, sick stuff, all of these crazy sexual and violent desires, "Oh, I'll kill him. I'll have sex with that. I'll have extra helpings on my dessert." And your superego is saying, "No, no, no." And this stuff is repressed. It doesn't even make it to consciousness.The problem is Freud had a very sort of hydraulic theory of what goes on and some of this stuff slips out and it shows up in dreams and it shows up in slips of the tongue. And in exceptional cases, it shows up in certain clinical symptoms. So what happens is, Freud described a lot of normal life in terms of different ways we use to keep that horrible stuff from the id making its way to consciousness. And he called these "defense mechanisms." You're defending yourself against the horrible parts of yourself and some of these make a little bit of sense.One way to describe this in a non-technical, non-Freudian way is, there are certain things about ourselves we'd rather not know. There are certain desires we'd rather not know and we have ways to hide them. So, for instance, there's sublimation. Sublimation is you might have a lot of energy, maybe sexual energy or aggressive energy, but instead of turning it to a sexual or aggressive target what you do is you focus it in some other way. So, you can imagine a great artist like Picasso turning the sexual energy into his artwork.There is displacement. Displacement is you have certain shameful thoughts or desires and you refocus them more appropriately. A boy who's bullied by his father may hate his father and want to hurt him but since this would--this is very shameful and difficult. The boy might instead kick the dog and think he hates the dog because that's a more acceptable target.There is projection. Projection is, I have certain impulses I am uncomfortable with, so rather than own them myself, I project them to somebody else. A classic example for Freud is homosexual desires. The idea is that I feel this tremendous lust towards you, for instance, and--any of you, all of you, you three, and I'm ashamed of this lust so what I say is, "Hey. Are you guys looking at me in a sexual manner? Are you lustingafter me? How disgusting," because what I do is I take my own desires and I project it to others. And Freud suggested, perhaps not implausibly, that men who believe other men--who are obsessed with the sexuality of other men, are themselves projecting away their own sexual desires.There is rationalization, which is that when you do something or think something bad you rationalize it and you give it a more socially acceptable explanation. A parent who enjoys smacking his child will typically not say, "I enjoy smacking my child." Rather he'll say, "It's for the child's own good. I'm being a good parent by doing this."And finally, there is regression, which is returning to an earlier stage of development. And you actually see this in children. In times of stress and trauma, they'll become younger, they will act younger. They might cry. They might suck their thumb, seek out a blanket or so on. Now, these are all mechanisms that for Freud are not the slightest bit pathological. They are part of normal life. Normally, we do these things to keep an equilibrium among the different systems of the unconscious, but sometimes it doesn't work. Sometimes things go awry and what happens is a phrase that's not currently used in psychology but was popular during Freud's time: hysteria.Hysteria includes phenomena like hysterical blindness and hysterical deafness, which is when you cannot see and cannot hear even though there'snothing physiologically wrong with you 鈥�paralysis, trembling, panicattacks, gaps of memory including amnesia and so on. And the idea is that these are actually symptoms. These are symptoms of mechanisms going on to keep things unconscious. It's a common enough idea in movies. Often in movies what happens is that somebody goes to an analyst. They have some horrible problem. They can't remember something or they have some sort of blackouts and so on. And the analyst tells them something and at one point they get this insight and they realize what--why they've blinded themselves, why they can't remember, and for Freud this is what happens. Freud originally attempted to get these memories out through hypnosis but then moved to the mechanism of free association and, according to Freud, the idea is patients offer resistance to this and then the idea of a psychoanalyst is to get over the resistance and help patients get insight.The key notion of psychoanalysis is your problems are--actually reflect deeper phenomena. You're hiding something from yourself, and once you know what's going on to deeper phenomena your problems will go away. I'm going to give you an example of a therapy session. Now, this is not a Freudian analysis. We'll discuss later on in the course what a Freudian analysis is, but this is not a pure Freudian analysis. A Freudian analysis, ofcourse, is lying on a couch; does not see their therapist; their therapist is very nondirective. But I'm going to present this as an example here because it illustrates so many of the Freudian themes, particularly themes about dreams, the importance of dreams, about repression and about hidden meaning.So, this is from a television episode and the character's--Many--Some of you may have seen this. Many of you will not have. The character is suffering from panic attacks. [Professor Paul Bloom plays a short episode from the Sopranos]Freud's contributions extend beyond the study of individual psychology and individual pathology. Freud had a lot to say about dreams as you could see in this illustration. He believed that dreams had a manifest content, meaning; "manifest" meaning what you experience in your dream. But dreams always had a latent content as well, meaning the hidden implication of the dream. He viewed all dreams as wish fulfillment. Every dream you have is a certain wish you have even though it might be a forbidden wish that you wouldn't wish to have, you wouldn't want to have. And dreams had--and this is an idea that long predated Freud. Dreams had symbolism. Things in dreams were often not what they seemed to be but rather symbols for other things. Freud believed that literature and fairy tales and stories to children and the like carried certain universal themes, certain aspects of unconscious struggles, and certain preoccupations of our unconscious mind. And Freud had a lot to say about religion. For instance, he viewed a large part of our--of the idea of finding a singular, all-powerful god as seeking out a father figure that some of us never had during development.What I want to spend the rest of the class on is the scientific assessment of Freud. So, what I did so far is I've told you what Freud had to say in broad outline. I then want to take the time to consider whether or not we should believe this and how well it fits with our modern science. But before doing so, I'll take questions for a few minutes. Do people have any questions about Freud or Freud's theories? Yes.Student: [inaudible]Professor Paul Bloom: So, that's some question. The question is: The conflicts in psychosexual development that Freud describes is--always assumes that a child has a mother and a father, one of each, in a certain sort of familial structure. And the question then is, "What if a child was raised by a single parent, for example?" What if a child was never breast fed, but fed from the bottle from the start? And Freudians have had problems with this. Freud's--Freud was very focused on the family lifeof the people he interacted with, which is rather upper class Europeans, and these sort of questions would have been difficult for Freud to answer.I imagine that what a Freudian would have to say is, you would expect systematic differences. So, you would expect a child who just grew up with a mother or just grew up to be a father--with a father to be in some sense psychologically damaged by that, failing to go through the normal psychosexual stages. Yes.Student: [inaudible]Professor Paul Bloom: The issue--The question is, "Do modern psychoanalysts still believe that women do not have superegos?" Freud was--As you're pointing out, Freud was notorious for pointing, for suggesting that women were morally immature relative to men. I think Freud would say that women have superegos, they're just not the sort of sturdy ones that men have. I think psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic scholars right now would be mixed. Some would maintain that there really are deep sex differences. Others would want to jettison that aspect of Freudian theory. Yes.Student: Do you define sublimation as being displacement? Does that make it sort of a subgroup of displacement?Professor Paul Bloom: Well, what sublimation is--A lot of these--It's a good question. The question is sort of, what is sublimation? How does it relate to the other defense mechanisms? A lot of defense mechanisms involve taking a desire and turning it. Now, what displacement does is it takes it from you to her. I'm angry at you but maybe that's forbidden for some reason, so I'll be angry at her. What projection does is takes a desire from me and then puts it on somebody else heading outwards. And what sublimation does is it just gives up the details and keeps the energy. So, you stay up--Your roommate stays up all night working and you say to your roommate, for instance, "That's just because you haven't had sex in a long time and you want to have sex so you devote all your energy to your math exam." And then you say, "That's sublimation. I learned that in Intro Psych." And your roommate would be very pleased. One more question. Yes.Student: What kind of evidence is there for cross-cultural variation?Professor Paul Bloom: The question is, which is related to theissue--extending the issue of the two-parent versus one-parent family is, "To what extent are these notions validated cross-culturally?" And that's such a good question I'm going to defer it. I'm going to talk about it in a few minutes because that's actually--That speaks to the issue of the。
弗洛伊德理论的核心是一系列关于人类理性的主张:1.无意识动机unconscious motivation在你给出的理由之外,存在着你没有意识到的支配你行为的欲望和动机。
1. 本我 the id :与生俱来,生物性的一面,吃喝拉撒性,是盲目的,本我追求快乐原则,2. 自我(自性)the ego:为了满足欲望而进行计划行动,或抑制自己的欲望。
自我遵从'现实原则',试图在现实中找到满足本我要求的方法,自我是意识的起源3. 超我 the superego: 是社会家庭规范的内化,是人在成长过程中收到教化后的道德良知自我介于本我和超我之间,本我和超我都是盲目,在此基础上,弗洛伊德扩展并提出了'性心理发展理论' psychosexual development. 人格发展5各阶段,每个阶段都与特定的动欲区有关,如果在某一阶段遇到了障碍,没能得到满足,人就会停留在这个阶段。
1. 口腔期 oral stage: 快乐来源于口腔的动作,过早断奶可能对人格发展造成影响,形成'口腔期人格',其表现是暴饮暴食,吸烟,嚼口香糖等,通过口腔活动来获得本该在口腔期获得的满足感,进一步表现是依赖他人,粘人2. 肛门期 anal stage:如果没能正确掌握如厕训练,不愿意排泄粪便。
表现为强迫,洁癖,吝啬3. 性器官期phallic stage (3-4岁):快乐来源于性器官,会导致女性或男性过分男性化,或导致女性产生对于关注或控制的欲求。
心理学导论 04
心理学导论Introduction to Psychology 04Foundations, Part II: Skinner 斯金纳Freud meets Darwin: 弗洛伊德与达尔文相遇Why would an unconscious evolve? 无意识为何得以进化Deception 欺骗行为How to be a good liar 如何成为一个优秀的说谎者Self-deception 自我欺骗Behaviorism 行为主义1. Emphasis on learning 强调学习的作用2. Anti-mentalism 反心理主义unscientific = desires, wishes, goals, beliefs, emotions, etc. 不科学:欲望,意愿,目标,信仰,情感等scientific = observables: stimulus, response, environment, etc. 科学:可见的刺激,反应,环境等3. No differences across species 生物种群之间并不存在太大的差别Three learning principles that are said to explain everything 三个学习原则以说明解释所有东西(人类心理活动与行为)The simplest form of learning: 简单的学习形式Habituation 习惯化What is it? 係乜-- a decline in the tendency to respond to stimuli that are familiar due to repeated exposure 由于重复暴露在刺激环境中而造成对该刺激反应倾向的降低e.g., clock ticking, traffic noise, trains 例如:钟的滴答声,车来人往的噪音,火车What’s it for? 用嚟做乜-- An adaptive mechanism to keep us focusing on new objects and events 适应机制让我们对新鲜事物保持注意力Classical conditioning 经典的条件作用What is it? 係乜-- the learning of an association between one stimulus and another stimulus 在一个刺激和另一个刺激之间形成联结Unconditioned 无条件作用Inborn and innate 与生俱来UStimulus --> Uresponse 无条件刺激(Unconditioned Stimulus, US)会引起无条件反应(unconditioned response, UR/UCR)US -> URConditioned 条件(反应)Learned through association 学习(会在条件刺激与条件反应之间)建立起另一种联结Cstimulus –> Cresponse 条件刺激(conditioned stimulus, CS) 引起条件反应(conditioned response, CR)CS –> CR•Repeated pairings of US and CS will give rise to a CR response 非条件刺激与条件刺激的反复匹配会引起条件反应•Reinforced trials vs. unreinforced trials 强化尝试对比非强化尝试•Experimental extinction 实验性消退•Stimulus generalization 刺激泛化The scope of classical conditioning 经典条件作用(研究的)范围•Crabs, fish , cockroaches, etc. 螃蟹,鱼类,蟑螂等•Humans 人类– Fear 恐惧– Hunger 饥饿– Sex 性– Fetishes 恋物癖CS (conditioned stimulus) 条件刺激CR (conditioned respons) 条件反应US/UCS (Unconditioned Stimulus)无条件刺激UR/UCR (unconditioned response) 无条件反应What is classical conditioning for? 经典条件作用有乜用Old theory: Association 旧理论:联结Classical conditioning is strongest when UCS and CS are simultaneous 当非条件刺激(unconditioned stimulus, UCS) 与条件刺激(conditioned stimulus,CS) 同时出现时,经典条件作用的效果最强UCR and CR are identical 无条件反应与条件反应,两种刺激所引起的反应是相同的例子:食物(US) => 唾液分泌(UR)食物(US) + 声音(NS) => 唾液分泌(UR)声音(CS) => 唾液分泌(CR)Better theory: Preparation 更好的理论(主流观点):经典条件作用只是准备阶段Sensitivity to a cue that an event is about to happen allows you to prepare for that event 即将发生之事的提示线索变得敏感这使得你能够为即将发生的事件作好准备1. Optimal timing between CS and UCS? 非条件刺激与条件刺激之间最佳的CS immediately before UCS (bell then food) 条件刺激在非条件刺激之前(铃声之后食物)2. Nature of the CR? 条件反应嘅本质Preparation for the US (saliva) 无条件刺激嘅准备阶段(口水)Instrumental conditioning 工具性条件作用What is it? 係乜-- learning the relationships between actions and rewards/punishments 学习行为与奖赏/惩罚之间的关系What’s it for? 有乜用-- learning what works and what doesn’t 学习什么行为起作用什么行为不起作用(classical: passive; instrumental: voluntary) 经典:被动(经典条件作用中你的行为是不自主的);工具性(条件作用):(是有机体的)自发行为LAW OF EFFECT: 效果律The tendency to perform an action is increased if rewarded; weakened if it is not. 行为倾向随奖励而增加;随惩罚而减少Skinner: 斯金纳Extending operant conditioning 对这一概念进行了扩展How to train a pig 如何训练一只猪•Positive reinforcement 正强化•Negative reinforcement 负强化•Punishment 惩罚PS:关于负强化,个人理解就係通过减少负面影响作为奖励,例如小盆友一开始功课多,如果成绩好就减少作业量就係负强化How to train a pig to dance 如何训练一只猪跳舞•Shaping 塑造for poker chips 作为扑克筹码Link up the chips to an innate reward through classical conditioning 通过经典条件作用连结筹码与固有的奖励PS,主人将狗训练成只要叫“Good Dog”就作为奖励,领导要将员工培训成只要讲“Good Job”就作为奖励… forever 永固•Schedules of reinforcement 强化嘅进度Fixed vs. Variable 固定对变化Ratio vs. Interval 比率对间隔The Partial Reinforcement Effect 部分强化效应How to make people dance 如何令人跳舞Behaviorism: 行为主义Scientific assessment 科学评估Is it true that everything is learned? 是否所有东西都可以习得?•No, there is considerable evidence for innate (unlearned) knowledge(desires)非也,大量不同形式的证据证明了先天(未经学习)知识(欲望)的存在Is it true that talking about mental states is unscientific? 谈论心理状态真的是不科学的吗•No-- other sciences (e.g., physics) talk about unobservables 其他科学(如物理)研究的都是不可观测的事物-- it makes sense to explain a complex and intelligent mechanism in terms of internal representations 依据内部表征可以用来合理解释复杂和智能的机制Is it true that animals need reinforcement and punishment to learn? 动物真的需要强化和惩罚才能进行学习吗NoIs it true that there are no special constraints on learning? 对于学习来说真的没有物种局限性吗No,•Natural responses 自然反应•Food aversion (Garcia effect) 食物厌恶(加西亚效应)taste & nausea vs. 食呕心taste & electric shock 食电击•Phobias 恐怖症Chomsky’s critique: 乔姆斯基的评论"Review of Verbal Behavior"《<言语行为>述评》When it comes to humans, behaviorist notions are so vague as to pure story-telling, not science. 说到人类,行为主义者的概念定义太过模糊有如纯粹的讲故事,并不是科学Unfalsifiable 不可证伪Why do we ….? 为什么我们•Talk to ourselves 自言自语•Imitate sounds 声音模仿•Create art 创造艺术•Give bad news to an enemy 向敌人散布坏消息•Fantasize about pleasant situations 幻想美好情景等等Skinner: It’s all reinforcement 斯金纳:这些都(包含有)强化Chomsky: Vague, unfalsifiable 乔姆斯基:太过模糊,不可证伪The legacy of behaviorism 行为主义的遗产•Richer understanding of some important learning mechanisms 更加全面的理解某些重要的学习机制•Powerful techniques for training, especially for non-verbal creatures 非常有效的训练技术,特别在训练非言语生物方面。
如:通过特别努力地回忆或者别人的提示而记起来的 往事。
又如:通过做梦或者笔误、口误等所显露出的自己在 清醒时不知道或者没有想过的一些念头或者愿望。
潜意识 unconsciousness
The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.
? 三者间保持一种动态平衡 。 ? 前意识与意识之间有界限却可逾越,因而 前意识之中的内容与意识之中的内容的相互 转换非常容易。 ? 但是,无意识部分的东西要进入意识中来 则非常困难。无意识心理是不能轻易就回忆 起来并到达意识领域的,但可以影响人的行 为。例如强迫性洗手的患者。
? 本我是人格中最原始的、与生俱来的无意 识结构,由先天的本能、原始的欲望所组 成。
? 本我没有价值、善恶与道德观,它信奉 享 乐原则 ,它的唯一内容就是力求发泄的种 种本能冲动,而这些冲动便构成了基本的 心人格中永久存在的成分
1. 《心理学导论》(Introduction to Psychology)- 约翰·布雷尔(John J. Briere)和凯瑟琳·斯科特(Catherine Scott)这本书是一本非常适合初学者的心理学导论教材。
2. 《心理学与生活》(Psychology and Life)- 理查德·格里格(Richard J. Gerrig)这本书是一本通俗易懂的心理学入门读物。
3. 《心理学的前沿》(The Frontiers of Psychology)- 迈克尔·奥斯尔夫(Michael W. Passer)这本书探讨了心理学的最新研究和发展趋势。
4. 《行为心理学》(Behavioral Psychology)- 约翰·B.沃森(John B. Watson)这本书是行为心理学的经典之作。
5. 《认知心理学》(Cognitive Psychology)- 约翰·R.安德森(John R. Anderson)这本书是认知心理学的经典教材。
心理学导论第三章读书报告NyT 一、自然环境、人类进化与人类行为之间的复杂关系在第三章的章末总结中,作者给出了这样的一句话:“这一章主要探讨的是自然环境与自身遗传信息对人类行为的形成所起的作用。
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3. Foundations: FreudSigmund Freud:Psychoanalysis (精神分析)∙ 3.1 Wide scope: Theories of everything∙ 3.2 Freud said a lot of things some of which were not very rational, such as phallic symbols (性器表征)∙ 3.3 The core of Freud’s declamation: a set of claims of a man’s intellectual importanceUnconscious motivation, unconscious of dynamics, unconscious conflictUnconscious motivation involves rejecting the claim that you know what you’re doing: marriage case, like or dislike someone without any reason∙ 3.4 Three distinct processes: the id the ego the superegoThese are in violent internal conflict, and the way you act and the way you think are products not a singular rational being, but a set of conflicting creatures.The id is present at birth, it’s the animal part of self.The ego works on the principle of trying figure out how to make your way through the world, symbolizes the origin of consciousness.The superego is the internalized rules of parents in society, tells you things are wrong.∙ 3.5 Psychosexual development(extended and developed above into theory)Five stage of personality developmentOral stage: The mouth is associated with pleasure, sucking chewing. The premature weaning of a child lead to serious problems in his personality development, such as eating too much, chewing gum or smoking, dependent and needy.Anal stage: Problems can emerge if toilet training is not handled correctly, such as you’re stingy, clean or compulsivePhallic stage: The focus of pleasure shift to the genitals. The fixation can lead to excessive masculinity(男性化) in female or in male. “Oedipus complex”Latency stage: Gone through the huge things with Mom and Dad, sex is repressed.Genital stage: The healthy adult stage.∙ 3.6 Defense mechanismThe id is sending up all of the weird sick stuff but the stuff is depressed by the superego, it doesn’t even make it to consciousness, but the problem is some of the stuff slips out (hydraulic theory) and it shows up in dreams, in slips of the tongue in certain clinic symptoms. Defense mechanism is used to keep that horrible stuff from the id making its way to consciousness.Sublimation: You may have a lot of energy, but focus it in some other way.Displacement: You have certain shameful thoughts or desires and you refocus them more appropriately. The boy hates his father but kick the dog and thinks he hates the dog.Projection: I have certain impulses I am uncomfortable with, so rather than own them myself I project them to somebody else such as homosexual desires.Rationalization: Do something or think something bad but rationalize it and give it more socially acceptable explanation. Such as parents enjoy smacking the child but state “It’s for the child’s own good”.Regression: Return to an earlier stage of development. Such as cry, suck thumb, seek out a blanket.If things go awry: Hysteria (歇斯底里) includes phenomena like hysterical blindness and hysterical deafness.∙ 3.7 Freud’s contribution: Dream and religionHe believed that dreams had a manifest content meaning but dreams always had a latent content as well. He viewed all dreams as wish fulfillment and dreams had symbolism (象征意义)Religion: He viewed a large part of our—of the idea of finding a singular all-powerful god as seeking out a father figure that some of us never had during development.∙ 3.8 Scientific assessment of FreudNegative:《The memory of Wars》 by Frederick Crews one of the strongest and most passionate critics of Freud.Two ways to reject a theory: 1. It is wrong 2. It’s so vague and all-encompassing that it can’t even be tested.“That guy's work is crap. He's not right, he's not even wrong.” said by Pauli, a physicist.The Freud’s theory can’t be falsifiable.Freudian psychoanalysis is almost never studied inside psychology departments. There are some exceptions but for the most part even the people who do study Freud within psychology departments do so critically.Positive:The importance of the dynamic unconscious remains intact.Freud's insight that our likes and dislikes are due to factors that we're not necessarily conscious of has a lot of empirical support from research into social psychology.Examples: Going through a terrible initiation to get into a club. The more you pay for something the more you like it, and the more pain you go through to get something the more you like it.From the standpoint of politics for instance, if you want loyal people in a political campaign, do not pay them. If they volunteer they'll like you more.Terror management which involves subliminal death primes: People exposed to death primes become more nationalistic more patriotic, less forgiving of other people, less liking of other races and people from other countries.Subjects who were asked to do ten positive features and then later ranked the person lower and then asked "Why did you rank the person lower?" Don't say "Cause you told me to list ten."Typically we are oblivious to these factors that change our points what we like and what we dislike and this is in fact a substantial and an important part of the study of psychology and particularly for instance, the study of racial and sexual prejudice.Conclusion:The general idea of Freud is actually been so successful both in the study of scientific psychology and in our interpretation of everyday life, that to some extent Freud's been a victim of his own success.He's transformed our world view to such an extent that it's difficult for us to remember if there's any other way to think about it.Q&A:Although Freud was very sensitive to the brain basis of behavior, Freud was totally convinced that the method through which to cure disorders like depression and anxiety would not be medication but rather through the sort of talk therapy and insight. Both Freud and modern day psychoanalysts would think that medications are substantially overused in the treatment of mental disorders.The Electra complex is the penis envy story, the Electra complex was a sort of add-on to the main interest of Freud's Oedipal complex.Woman's discovery that she lacks the penis plays a fundamental role later on determining her allegiances in life and in fact her own sexual preferences and interests. It's not the sort of thing that affects her just for a short period.。