写作 第一讲
❖ 2)读的时候不妨写一个情节笔记,当你读完了书,用五百字把这个故 事的脉络写下来,看看这个故事里叙述了一个什么事件、写了几个人物、 故事是由谁来讲、讲者与故事是什么关系等。
❖ 3)读的时候随时记下自己的感受,例如特别有意思的段落、描写、作 品里意象的运用、对话的情趣、人物细节等。尤其要写下的是自己不懂 的问题,写下阅读感受和自己考虑的中心问题的关系。这样就是养成一 个安静地阅读、思索问题的习惯。
❖ 1)读一本理论书籍——这样的理论书籍都可 以帮助我们打开思路,增加我们思考问题的 角度和方法。
❖ 2)读一本关于某个作家的研究——研究中国 或外国的某个作家。这样可以看别人研究作 家的作品及艺术特色,是如何选取角度、如 何观察艺术性、如何提炼观点、如何表达看 法的。
❖ 读完了作品,你需要进一步了解,作家在文学史上 的贡献是什么?我们的文学史教材上是如何介绍和 评价作家的?对作家的一致看法是什么?有没有什 么地方评价不一致?你自己的看法、感受与文学史 教材上的看法有哪些是相吻合的?有哪些你可以谈 得更好?或者你可以从什么角度谈能把一个问题阐 述得更深入?但是你的论文不能去重复文学史上已 有的论述,所以你在有了进一步认识的时候,同时 要考虑你自己论文能够如何个做法,可以写出新的 见解和看法。
❖ 以文学类的论文为例: 文学现象 文学思潮 文学观点 理论视角
❖ 三、理解和正确运用基本理论的基本方法
为了深刻理解和正确运用基本理论,要注意下 列各点:
首先,与论题有关的经典著作和重要文章要做 到读懂读通。毕业论文作者要选定与论题密切 有关的经典著作和重要文章,加以反复阅读, 边读边想,直到读懂、想通与论题有关的理论 问题,切忌一知半解或片面的理解。为了加深 理解,最好的办法是做读书笔记,把与论题有 关的理论要点、警句摘录下来,有了体会还可 写读书心得,如果是自己的书或报刊、杂志则 可以作眉批,或把疑点、难点作出标记注在上 面,以备日后进一步研究。
写作讲座 第一课 概述及结构与审题
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
第五课:开头段写法 第六课:结尾段写法
• 第一课:概述及结构与审题
根据大纲规定,短文的评分标准是: • 1.正确表达思想; • 2.意义连贯; • 3.无重大语法错误。
阅卷标准分为五等:2分,5分,8分,11分及14分,每一等都可上下浮动一分 ,各等的具体标准如下:
• 4. 注意文章的长度安排,短的作文一定是 不可以的,也就是字数要达到要求。但是 长的作文如果几乎每句话都有错误也不能 得到好的分数。所以大家一定要注意,写 的时候要长度适中,确保写出的句子错误 很少,即使观点只是很一般,没什么新的 地方,也能得到相对好的分数。
• 5. 卷面一定要整洁,字一定要写的漂亮, 这可以在很大程度上影响你们分数的升降 。印象分数几乎全部是这个决定的 ,所以 大家也要主要平时HANDWRITING的练习。
• 2分--条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数 为严重错误。 • 5分--基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。
• 8分--基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字尚连贯;但语言错误较多,其中 有少量的严重错误。
财经应用文是财经专业工作中的公务文书,它的 政策性很强。因此,在写作前,要认真学习有关 方针、政策,领会政策精神,掌握政策界限。在 写作中,要处处注意以政策为准绳,根据政策分 析问题,解决问题。
第二节 应用文的构成要素
△《笑府》(冯梦龙) 清光一片照姑苏
△著名法国小说家福楼拜:“我们不论描写什么事物,要把 它表现出来,唯有一个名词;要赋于它运动,唯有一个动 词;要说明它的性质,唯有一个形容词,我们须继续不断 地苦心思索,非发现这唯一的名词、动词和形容词不可。”
2、通用事务类:包括调查报告、工作总结、述职报 告、简报、计划、规章制度和会议材料等。
(二)专用文书:指专业性较强的文书。 1、科技类:如毕业论文、学术论文、专利申
请书和实验报告等。 2、财经类:如市场预测报告、市场调查报告
、经济活动分析报告及经济合同等。 3、司法类:如诉状、辩护词、公证书和判决
例:如《 2001 年经济形势展望》一开头就指出 : “展望 2001 年,经济回升的势头还比较微弱,促 进经济的持续向好仍然需要克服许多困难。” 开宗明 义,点明主题
(3)结尾点旨,这种方式是在文章的的结尾 之处点明文章主题。
就是采用这一方法结尾。文章的结尾指出: “我再 重复一下,没有基础学科就没有应用学科,没有应 用学科就没有生产学科,三者是紧密结合在一起的 。” 非常清晰地显示了主题。
的主题是由作者直接表达出来显露在文章中的。 那么怎么才能做到主题从文章中显露出来呢?下面
2020高考语文议论文写作专题第一讲 核心概念的界定与阐释
Purpose → Having good questions
leads your research in the right direction, delimit the research boundary keep your focus on what is intended to do.
good questions
significant :of practical/theoretical value original : different from questions by other researchers in one or more aspects answerable :can be tackled within the time and resources available .
Types of research I: source of data Primary (empirical) research data are first-hand and original information. Also called empirical research. Theory-oriented or practice-oriented. Secondary research data come from documents, books and journals. E.g. use libraries to search for the written wisdom of other scholars Also called documentary or library research
1. Some Essential Definitions
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二、写作活动的任务情境(4) (四)分类标准与类型
1.任务情境的真实性:真实的任务情境与拟真的任务 情境。 2.任务情境的区域:学校的任务情境、家庭的任务情 境、社会的任务情境 3.任务情境与活动结构要素之间的关系:对象型任务 情境与功能型任务情境
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二、写作活动的任务情境(1) (一)情境
所谓情境, 是指任务 (问题) 的物理的和概念的结 构, 以及与任务 (问题) 相关的活动目的和社会环境。 情境具有两大极其重要的作用: 一是构建学习任务与 学习者经验产生有意义的联系; 二是促进知识、技能 和经验之间产生连接。因此, 情境包括一般的氛围、 物理情境和当前的“背景”事件。
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四、功能型任务情境(8) (四)教学价值
1.功能型任务情境使作文具有真实原态性 2.功能型任务情境使作文不仅具有教学价值,而且具
1.以制造生活为写作内容的教学是一种“伪生活”式的 作文教学 2.以制造生活为写作内容,大多数并非解决写作内容缺 乏的良策 3.写作活动课凸显了“教内容比教形式更重要”的写作 教学观
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三、对象型任务情境(8) (五)价值辨析
2. 对象型任务情境使“课堂写作”成为“活动”
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四、功能型任务情境(1) (一)关键特征
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2.实践任务是学生习作的动力与催化剂 3.作文教学要转变到适应学生生命需要,学做人、学做
1史学论文写作 第一讲 序言
述评的价值:能让同行研究者在较短时间内迅 速了解这方面的研究状况和存在问题,以便 确定自己今后的主攻方向和目标。更可避免 重复劳动,所以每一位研究者都不能不看述 评。 述评的撰写要求:①作者要对所评对象有一个 全面的了解,不能有任何遗漏。②要能够指 出所评对象的优点、特点、不足之处以及对 今后发展的建议。 述评写作训练要选那些范围比较小、时间跨度 短的专题研究述评,例如《十年来徽商研究 述评》、《十年来陈独秀研究述评》、《二 十年来皖南事变研究述评》等等。
第一讲 导论
• • • 第一讲 导言 第二讲 论文选题的原则 第三讲 论文开题报告的撰写
• • • •
第四讲 标题、摘要、关键词的拟定与撰写
第五讲 论文主体(序论、正文、结论)部分的表达与安排 第六讲 史学论文的常用写作方法 第七讲 文献注释、参考的规范 第八讲 毕业论文的答辩规范及其注意事项
• (2)所谓应用性研究论文,是指以解决历史学领域中的具体问题和 具体方法为任务的论文,这种论文多是以局部问题、具体问题为研究 内容,如历史中的经济方面、政治方面、文化方面、军事方面、社会 方面等问题,这些问题的解决,无疑有助于揭示历史的规律和本质, 但论文本身不是直接探讨历史规律和本质问题。
2、札记: 也称劄记,这种形式很灵活,最初是指校勘 、考证性文字。宋人谓之考,如魏了翁有《 古今考》;或称考异,如朱熹有《韩文考异 》,清乾嘉诸儒,翻刻古书,一字之异,胪 列诸本,考其原委得失,往往著成《札记》 附于本书之后,也有题“勘误考异”等名称 的。以“札记”作为书名始于清阎若璩之《 潜邱札记》。 札记,后来也指把读书心得、体会或闻见 所得随时记录下来,累积成篇之称,最著名 的札记就是清赵翼的《廾二史札记》,现代 有吴晗的《读史札记》。
同在语句结构、字词物象、表达方式等。 异在深化中心、情感升华。
第叁 章
驱车十几公里,翻过那座高高的山,外婆家就住在那个 破落的小山村里。在她的院子里走上几步,稍不注意就会踩 上鸡屎牛粪,弄脏过我最漂亮的鞋子;她说话带着浓浓的乡 土口音,还总是不顾我听不懂,一个劲儿地说个不停;她做 的饭菜油烟味很重,总会蒙上一层酱油般的褐色,挑食的我 动不动就要饿肚子……
知识,同伴,集体,处处风景,皆是青春里难忘的 亮色。
强调中心, 升华主旨
数十米外的田垄旁是一片刚开的黄花风铃木。那是怎样的金 碧辉煌!满眼尽是黄金甲,那么恣意、宏伟,那么壮丽、浩荡,那
是沉闷的初春里的第一抹生机。一树的艳黄在枝间燃烧着,跃动 悬
着,似乎连赏花人的脸颊上也染上几分热烈。走近去,只见枝头坠 着一簇簇被春风吹开的黄花,抛去喧宾夺主的绿叶,五片花瓣向外
山间清晨的浓雾缓缓散去了,阳光整泼洒在远 处的山坡上,郁郁葱葱的树木流金溢彩。我坐在院 子里,凝望着眼前的那座山,将那些一向被我忽略 的美尽收眼底。而我和外婆之间的那座山呢?也早 在不知不觉间翻过去了吧……
写作(一),讲义,第二章 写作主体的修养与写作能力建构
写作(一),讲义,第五章 写作动机与选题
公文写作 第一讲 通知的写作
被批转、转发、印发的文件大多是公文,但也有计 划、条例、办法等应用性文种。例如《国务院批转 教育部面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划的通知》,这 里被批转对象是教育部的计划,计划不是行政公文。 因此,被批转、转发、印发的公文,应属于广义公 文。
“要求”,是文末针对或围绕事项而提出(或补充) 的希望、号召、倾向。强调的问题以及面向全局而 作的指示等。
公文正文基本内容显性结构模式是一种完 全式模式。实际运用时常省略部分结构模块。 正文基本内容结构模块是否省略,要遵循四 个原则:一是利于突出主旨的原则;二是适 应文种特点的原则;三是服从内容表达需要 的原则;四是简明精练的原则。
告知某机关或部门将召开某一会议,同时提 出与会的相关要求,这类通知兼有告知和布置作 用。例:《关于召开××座谈会的通知》。
用于向有关单位、部门传达、告知有关事项或 情况。如任免或聘用干部、设立或调整 机构、启用 或更换印章、迁移办公地点等等。例:《关于×× 等职务任免的通知》 ;《国务院办公厅关于设立国 务院纠正行业不正之风办公室的通知》;《国务院 办公厅关于暂停实行夏时制的通知》。
一是行文目的相同。都是为了给下级发文,一 般要写被发文件的名称、下发的目的、执行要求。
第一讲正确使用5种基本句型基本句型(一) 简约却不简单的“主谓”结构(一)主谓结构中谓语常用来表示主语的动作或状态。
常见的不及物动词有:arrive, come, lie, shine, live, walk, fall, rise, happen, exist, ride, occur, agree, write等。
它的基本结构是:主语+谓语(vi.)(+状语)①The_sun was shining.太阳在照耀着。
②He usually swims at weekends.他经常在周末游泳。
③I am writing to give my thanks to you.我写信向你表示感谢。
④In the environment, teachers_and_students are living happily and working hard.在这种环境下,师生们生活快乐,工作努力。
[应用体验1] 翻译句子(主语+不及物动词)①他从早到晚地努力工作。
《议论文写作》第一讲 论点的提炼与确立(教案)
无论是燕赵小国义不赂秦战败而亡的气魄,还是抗日战争中华夏民族在衰败之时 发出的沉重的呐喊,一个民族立于世界之林的灵魂,由此体现。那是坚守节义、 宁为玉碎不为瓦全的伫守,那是矜持地立于世界之林的雄壮。
毋庸置疑,当一个民族的灵魂不存时,这个民族也将不复存在。她的灵魂不仅来自四海之谋臣、天 下之奇才的智慧,更来自贤士豪杰每一份不屈的情怀。正是他们的每一分付出,才得以使一个民族 捍卫她的尊严之魂! 尊严是万物的灵魂。(分论点3) 尊严看不见、摸不到,但它却得以在万物之中处处体现。那是梅开林间的傲骨,零落成泥的余香; 那是《赤壁赋》的豪迈,《石灰吟》的清冽;那是不为五斗米折腰的傲然,归隐田园的清高;甚至 那是负荆请罪的勇敢,逆流而上的执着······万物的灵性,就在于那块沉稳的磐石,在于那 道刺穿黑夜的暖光——酋亚夜的曙光——尊严。 回归人类的本性,灵魂在那条挺直的傲骨边倚仗。尊严太宝贵又太平凡了,平凡在于它几乎处处可 见,而宝贵在于,你是否能坚持你的尊严,倚仗它,登上人类灵魂之顶峰。[总结全文]
社会不需要996。 一百多年前,在第一届共产国际会议上,马克思宣布:“我们将5月1日定为劳 动节,以此庆祝八小时工作制的胜利!”从农业社会的全天劳动,到工业革命后一 天十几个小时劳动,再到二十世纪的一天八小时,一周五天的工作制,文明的进步 所带来的最直观的影响就是人们工作时间的减少。而就在八小时工作制诞生后的一 百多年,996的工作制却大行其道,岂非文明的倒退?况且犹太历史学者尤瓦尔·赫 拉利早在2015年就提出世界生存物资总生产量已超过了世界消耗能力,社会已不需 要人们以健康为代价交换生存,剩余的饥荒在本质上都是分配问题,人们已经可以 一边享受生活,一边追求更高的发展。此等社会下,996无疑是逆时代之潮流。
根据文学作品和应用文的不同特点 ,表达下面的意思:学校草坪遭到 破坏,提醒人们注意保护校园环境
提示:文学作品可以用拟人等修辞手法 表现草坪;而应用文只是客观说明草坪 遭破坏,警示人们注意自己的言行
❖ 散文:
希望有一天,我能找到梦想中的江南小镇。有细细的流水,弯弯的小桥, 婀娜的垂柳。能在雨后闻到泥土的味道,旧旧的房屋在冬季的溶雪时刻有长长 的冰棱,底下有抢吃冰棱的天真的孩童。有长长的石子小路,挨水的地方能找 出海藻似的绿绿的青苔……在阳光下,我能看见飘浮在空中的尘埃,如同看到 微颤颤的生灵的羽毛。再买架有精致雕刻的古筝,他们是我眼里的宝。
应 用 文 写 第作 一 讲 绪 论
你对应用文印象如何? 你觉得应用文有意思吗?
❖ 孙中山青年时代曾去拜访湖广总督张之洞,名帖 上写着“学者孙文求见之洞兄”。张之洞获知孙 中山是一位名不见经传的儒生,便叫门人送上一 纸条,上书“持三字帖,见一品官,儒生妄想称 兄弟。”孙中山读完此条,当即写了一下联:“ 行千里路,读万卷书,布衣亦可傲王侯。”张之 洞看到此帖,顿时肃然起敬,赶紧开门相迎。
❖对文中使用的材料严格把关,保证真 实可靠性,是应用文的又一特征。
一昼夜的风雨过后, 武汉市就沉浸在一片汪洋 之中。骑自行车上班的人 仗着路熟,在水中慢慢地 骑着,眼看水要漫上屁股 了,才自嘲笑着下了车。 有的年份,大雨一下就是 几天几夜不肯停歇,直到 武汉市的所有空间与所有 人的心思都被大雨夺走了 。接着,洪水就来了。
❖ 一般应用文的正文都具有开头、主体与结尾几大部分。
作文写作方法《作文讲座:第一讲 画龙点晴 精心拟题》(共30张ppt)
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作文写作方法《作文讲座:第一 讲 画龙点晴 精心拟题》
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作文写作方法《作文讲座:第一 讲 画龙点晴 精心拟题》
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作文写作方法《作文讲座:第一 讲 画龙点晴 精心拟题》
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Writing Test 1美森教育2Format•Part 1 (15min; 10points)–Input: instructions–Task: e-mail; memo; note (40-50 words)•Part 2 (30min; 20points)–Input: letter, memo, note–Task: letter, short report, proposal (120-140 words)美森教育3Areas of performanceassessment•Task completion•Organization of ideas–With appropriate use of cohesive devices•Stylistic appropriacy–Register & format consistently appropriate•Range of vocabulary•Accuracy of grammar & spelling美森教育4Writing Test Assessment Sheet4 aspects•Task–Are all the points in the rubric adequately covered?–Is the answer the correct length?•Organisation–Is it easy to follow the writer’s ideas?–Are the writer’s main points adequately supported?–Is the layout clear and appropriate? (paragraphs, headings, bullets etc.) 美森教育5•Clarity–Is the answer free of redundancy and repetition?–Are the sentences of an appropriate length?–Are linking words and phrases used clearly and naturally? •Language–Is there a range of vocabulary and grammar structure?–Is the language generally accurate?–Is the formality and tone appropriate and consistent?美森教育66 Bands of Mark Scheme•Band 5 (full realisation of the task set)•Band 4 (good realisation of the task set)•Band 3 (reasonable achievement of the task set)•Band 2 (inadequate attempt at the task set)•Band 1 (poor attempt at the task set)•Band 0 (achieves nothing)美森教育7What is successful task completion•Grammatically perfect•Including all the necessary informationTask completion•Task completion is so important that you can get high marks even with minor language mistakes.美森教育8Organisation of ideas•Addition:–Also, as well, furthermore•Contrast:–But, although, however•Sequence:–First of all, then, after that美森教育9How to check your answer•Does it fully complete the task?•Is the information clearly organised?•Are the grammar, vocabulary and style appropriate?美森教育10Style•Part 1: informal Æ neutral•Part 2: neutral Æ formal•FormalInformal缩写:unacceptable acceptable用词:大词(抽象名词)小词(短音节)句型:complex simpleobjective subjective美森教育11Wording in terms of style•Approximately•Enquire•Purchase•Facilitate•make an application for•make a cancellation of美森教育12Tone•polite/ strong•Send me the document.•Please send me the document.•Could you please send me the document?•I would appreciate it if you could send me the document. 美森教育13Part 1Internal business communications•40-50 words; 15 min; 10 points•3 formats–E-mail–Memo–NoteStressing the importance of conciseness美森教育14Test-Taking Skills•Spend the time available on the body of the text •Cover all the content points (3 points)•Keep to the word limit (40-50 words)•Be concise•Check after finishing all your tasks美森教育15Memo & Note•Main body•Closing remarksE-mail•Salutation•Main body•Closing remarks美森教育16Salutation•Dear Mr. (John) Smith,•Dear Messrs Smith and Brown,•Dear Ms. Ann Brown,•Dear Miss Ann Brown,•Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,美森教育17•Dear Sir(s), (=Gentlemen,)•Dear Madam (Mesdames),•To whom it may concern•Dear Colleagues,美森教育18•Without knowing the sex of the target reader:–Dear Mr./Ms. + surname•Dear Mr. Chairman,•Dear Mr. Premier,•Dear Mr. Ambassador•Your Excellency,•Your Majesty,美森教育19Heading•写信人的地址和写信日期•写在信纸的右上角•并列式vs 斜列式•并列式(Block Form)•16 Fuxing Street•Haidian District•Beijing•Post Code: 100035 PRC•Tel: 63211234•Aug. 20, 2004美森教育20•斜列式(Indented Form)•16 Fuxing Street•Haidian District•Beijing•Post Code: 100035•People’s Republic of China•Tel: 63211234•Aug. 20, 2004美森教育21Inside Address, IntroductoryAddress•信内地址即收信人的姓名和地址•写在信纸的左上角,从信纸的左边顶格开始写•低于写信人地址和发信日期一二行•也分并列式和斜列式两种,但应与信端的书写格式保持一致美森教育22Sample of MemoYou are the human resources manager of a company and you have decided to change some working practices. You want to hold a meeting with staff.•Write a memo of 40-50 words to staff:•telling them the reason for the meeting•saying who should attend•informing them when and where the meeting will be held•Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.美森教育23•We will have a staff meeting on Friday 21 from 3.30 to 5 p.m. We’ll talk about some ideas we have for changes of our working practices within the organization. All staff should attend themeeting in the lecture center on the first floor.•Thank you very much.美森教育24Sample of E-mail•You are a regional sales manager for an international company. You have been asked to go to a meeting at your company’s head office. You cannot go, so somebody else will go in your place.•Write an e-mail to Erica Young, who is organizing the meeting:•apologizing for not being able to go to the meeting•explaining why you cannot go•saying who will go.•Write 40 – 50 words.美森教育25Grading samples (44words)•Dear Mr. Young,•I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not going to attend the meeting at our company’s head office. I can’t attend because of previous arrangements which I can’t change. My secretary will go to the meeting instead of me.•Best Regards,美森教育2649 words•Dear Mr. Young,•I’m really sorry but I’m not able to go to the meeting at our company’s head office. I can’t attend because of previous arrangements which I can’t change.•Mr Jan Korwalski, a very good worker, will go instead of me.•Please accept my apologies.•Marta Stefanska美森教育27•Band 5•Dear Mr Young:•Thanks for your last letter! I’m very glad to be inviated to attend the meeting at your company’s head office. But first of all, I’m apologising fo r not being able to go to the meeting. This is due to a error of my agenda, in fact. I have a international conference that day.•I feel sorry for my absence. I’d like to recommend my personal assistant to go instead of me. His name is Jim Green. I hope this will not cause you some trouble.•Best wish yours•Chan Bo Fun美森教育28•Dear ERICA!•Please! give me apologise, but I do not being able to go to the meeting. Becose I have got verry important meeting with our cluent. My colleg Andrei Ivanov go to the head office. Please fixed all our problem with him. His verry rellable person.•Band 3美森教育29Practice-1•• You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.•• Write a memo to your project team•• informing them of the postponin g and giving the reason.•• stating a new date and time for the meeting•• requesting suggestions for the agenda.•• Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.•Band 1美森教育30•I’m writing to tell you that we have to delay our next project meeting beca use some members will be abroad. We will hold our next meeting at 9 a.m. on 1 August. Do you have any suggestions about the agenda of the meeting?•Thank you.美森教育31Practice-2•• You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.•• Write an email to Mr. Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager••enquiring about the reason for the delay.•• stating when the components are needed•• suggesting a meeting to discuss future deli veries•• Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.美森教育32•Dear Mr. Grayson•I’m writing to ask about the reason of the late delivery of the components we ordered. We need the components by next Monday. I’d like to suggest a meeting with you to discuss future deliveries.•Best Regards,美森教育33Practice-3•• Your company’s Sales Department has asked you to give a talk next Friday on your most recent project.•• Write an email to Mrs. Jay in the SalesDepartment:•• agreeing to give the talk and sugge sting a time•• saying what equipment you will need•• enquiring about the information about the participants.•• Write 40 – 50 words on your AnswerSheet.美森教育34•Dear Mrs. Jay,•I’d like to give the talk and 2 p.m. next Friday would be the best tim e for me. I will need a laptop computer and an overhead projector. Could you tell me some information about the participants?•Best Regards,美森教育35Practice-4•• You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.•• Write a memo to the staff:•• explaining why the courses are necessary•• saying which members of staff should attend•• announcing when the courses will start.•• Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.美森教育36•I’d like to tell you that we will organize foreign language training, because our company got a large export order. Those who will deal with the order should attend the training. It will start on 15 March.•Thank you very much.美森教育37Practice-5•• You work in the Human Resources Department. Write a memo about staff appraisal to managers:•• telling them when the appraisals should take place•• asking them to send a copy of the appraisal report to you•• reminding them to book an interview roo m if necessary.•• Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.美森教育38•I would like to remind you that you should be holding your staff appraisals this month. Once you have completed them could you please send me a copy of each report? if you would like to use an interview room please remember to reserve it in advance.•Thank you.美森教育39Practice-6•You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.•• Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:•• telling her who you are going to see and when•• asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation•• telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.•• Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.美森教育40•I’d like to let you know th at I have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco. Could you book a return ticket to Paris and a hotel room for me? While I’m away, you take charge of daily businesses.•Thank you.美森教育41Practice-7•You are the manager of a small export company. Peter Watson, an important client, is visiting your company for three days from 22 October.•• Write a note to your secretary:•• asking her to book a hotel room•• saying where the hotel should be•• giving her the dates.•• Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.美森教育421•Dear Ms Jones,•I am writing to inform you that Mr. Peter Watson will be visiting our company. Would you please be so kindly as to reserve a suitable room for him?•Yours sincerely美森教育432•Hi Mary,•Look. I’m really sorry to have to troubl e you but Peter Watson – a really important client –is visiting the company for three days in October, starting on 22nd, to discuss a contract with us. Please will you book for Mr. Watson a really nice hotel room as soon as possible? Thanks very much.•See you soon!美森教育443•Mary,•Mr. Peter Watson is visiting us in October. Could you please hire a hotel room for him? He is arriving on 22nd October and will stay for three nights. If possible, the hotel should be one near the office.•Thank you.美森教育45•Dear Lisa,•I’m writing to tell you to book a hotel room for Peter Watson, an important client. It will be best if the hotel is near our office building. He will stay here for three days from 22 October. •Thank you very much.美森教育46Practice-8•You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills.•• Write an email to your line manager:•• requesting time off work to go to the seminar•• saying when the seminar is•• explaining why you want to go.•• Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.美森教育47•Dear Sir•I’d like to attend a seminar about presentation skills. Could you tell me if I could have threedays off for it? The seminar is scheduled for 4 June. Because I have to make many presentations to our customers, this seminar will be very useful.•Regards,美森教育48Practice-9•You work for a company which produces laser printers You are visiting another company,Softcell, to buy some computer software for your department.They have expressed an interest in your company’s printers and you would like to take twen ty brochures and three sample printers with you.•Write a short note to Jim Asano,the Sales Manager•asking for his permission to take these items.•explaining why you want them•mentioning the time and date when you want to collect them.美森教育49•Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.•I'd like to ask if I could take twenty brochures and three sample printers to Softcell. They are interested in our products and can be potential customers. I want to collect them at 2 p.m. next Monday, 5 August.•Thank you.美森教育50Authentic TestThe company you work for has just installed a new computer system , but there is a problem with some of the equipment .Write an email to all staff in your department:•• explaining what the problem is•• telling staff what to do if they have this problem•• saying when the problem will be fixed .•Write 40 - 50 words.•Write on the opposite page.美森教育51•Dear all,•I’m writing to inform you that the problem with some of the equipment is due to the untimely updating of virus library. Should you have this problem, please call maintenance crew (878899-97). It will be repaired on Friday.•Best regards,美森教育52Part 2•120-140 words; 30 min; 20 points•3 formats–Letter–Short report–Proposal美森教育53Letter- envelope美森教育54•Date:•Receiver’s name•Position•Company•Receiver’s address•Dear ×××,•(subject)•Main Body•Yours sincerely•Signature•Name•Position美森教育55Matching of salutation with ending remarks•Dear Mr. Jones=== Yours sincerely,•Dear Sir=== Yours faithfully,Best regards / Regards(informal, acceptable when used in e-mail) 美森教育56Format of formal business letters-Main body•Referring to previous contact•Stating the reason for writing•Referring to future contact美森教育57Referring to previous contact•Thank you for your letter of …•Thank you for your letter dated…•With reference to your letter of…•Further to your offer letter of…•In reply to your inquiry of…美森教育58Stating the reason for writing•I’m writing to enquire about…•I’m writing to confirm that…•I’m writing to apologize for/about…•I’m writing to inform you of…•I’m writing to complain about…•I’m interested in your…•I would like further information about…美森教育59Referring to future contact•I would be very gratef ul if you could send me…•If you have any further questions, please (feel free to) contact me on…•I look forward to hearing from you soon/ in due course/ in the near future.•I hope to hear from you soon.•I would appreciate it if you could send me…•I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience.美森教育60Letter of apology•I’m writing to apologize for / about…•This was due to…•Unfortunately, we have been unable to…•I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.•I can assure you that we will…美森教育61Letter of complaint•I’m writing to complain about…•I’m not satisfied with…•I must therefore insist that…美森教育62Sample of letters•You work for Business Space plc, a company which rents fully serviced offices to other businesses. You have just received the fax below.•• Look at the fax and the other information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.•• Then, using all your handwritten notes, write a fax in reply to Reinhard Mieter.•• Write 120 – 140 words.美森教育63美森教育64•Dear Mr. Mieter:•I am writing in reference to your fax. I would like to mention that I can offer you 10% discount if you book our offices for 18-month period.•We have four offices left in Central Tower but they are on different floors. Additionally, no parking space is available at the moment there. I, consequently, intend to offer you a favorable alternative in Opera Place.•There are four offices of the exact size you required on the same floor in Opera Place which boasts 300 parking spaces, good public transport connections, and wonderful view.•Please think about this alternative and the discount I mentioned above/ I look forward to hearing from you soon so I can make the booking.•Sincerely yours,美森教育65Report•Report on ×××××××××××וIntroduction•Findings••Conclusion••Recommendations美森教育66Common expressions•Introduction–The aim/purpose of this report is to…–This report sets out to…–The report aims to美森教育67•Findings–According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above / undertaken, …… ,–The recent visit/investigation/survey showed that ……–It was found that…….–The following points summarise our key findings.–The key findings are outlined below.美森教育68•Conclusion:–It was concluded/decided/agreed/fel t that…–No conclusions were reached regarding…–In conclusion, ……–It is clear that……..•Recommendations:–It is recommended/proposed/suggested that…–It is essential to………–It would be advisable to………美森教育69Proposal•Proposals concentrate on suggestions and recommendations for future activity.•Reports may concentrate more on past and current situations.•Reports may contain a number of recommendations, but they will probably not form the main body of the report.美森教育70Essential phrases for describingor comparing figures from graphic input•Rocket to 飙升至•Fall back to 回落到•Reach a record of…•Level off (升或跌之后)趋平;呈平稳状态–Share values have levelled off after yesterday’s steep rise.美森教育71•Increase dramatically•Peak at…在某点达到峰值•There is a steady decrease in sth•As is shown in the chart / graph•The number of…saw a drop over the period.•Rise to…•Rise by…•Fall by…•There was a rise of 5% in the rate of unemployment美森教育72•The above chart shows•As you can see,•The chart demonstrates that•The chart also shows that there is a correlation between …•This trend supports the theory that …•…showed a steady increase•by contrast,•Fall slightly•Fall from…to…美森教育73•respectively•The results indicate that•Go up•Th e table gives a breakdown of …•On average…•…almost double…, with …% and …% respectively.•It is noticeable that…•Overall the table suggests that…•The chart gives information about…美森教育74•We can see immediately that…•There were substantial diff erences in / between…•Compared with…•Marginally more women reached degree level than men. •…clearly outnumber…•Account for …%; constitute …%•The proportion of … stood at …% in…•Dipped to…–The economic growth dipped to a low point last year.美森教育75•Drop to…•Slump to…•Plummet to…•In spite of some fluctuation in…•A more dramatic rise is predicted•In comparison with•In contrast to / with•remain an upward trend during…•The number jumped up from…in…to…in…美森教育76•Grow to a record of…•…make up the lion segment of …% of our sales•It is followed by…•We have become the second largest retailer with a turnover of …in 2012.•…be estimated at…•Fail to achieve the expected results•Stand a chance of increasing•Stay relatively stable…美森教育77Practice of summarisinginformation from graphic input•The bar chart below gives information about the average science test scores of Grade 8 students in relation to the number of hours they watch television each day. .美森教育78美森教育79•The bar graph shows the average science test scores of students in Grade 8 in relation to the hours they spend watching television. Overall, the students who watch less television have higher scores, and the average test score decreases as the number of viewing hours increases. The highest score of 80 is for students who usually watch one hour or less of television a day.美森教育80•The next highest score is approximately 79. This is for students who average two hours of television viewing. Students who watch no television and students who watch about 3 hours of television per day have a score of about 76. The lowest score of approximately 65 is for students who view six or more hours of television daily.美森教育81Marking practice•This report deals with the number of customer’s complaints between January 2006 and March 2006 as well as with reasons for those complaints.•Complaints in January stood at 300, but in February the number rocketed to 540 because of a computer system breakdown. Finally, after introducing some improvement in the order system the number of complaints fell back to 230.•We can point out 3 main reasons for these complaints.美森教育82•Firstly, 10% of them were due to incorrect deliveries. In particular, March saw fewer complaints.•Secondly, an excessive time for delivery led to 56% of complaints. The whole delivery system will be reviewed in order to solve the problem.•Finally, 28% of complaints were due to a lack of quality in our products. This will be solved by setting up a new quality section in our process.美森教育83•Report on 2006 first quarter’s customer complaints•Introduction•The aim of this report is to give an explanation to the customer complaints.•Findings•It clearly shows that we had a peak of complaints in February (540) due to the breakdown of our computer system.•Fortunately, with the introduction, in March, of an improved order system, the number came again in the average (230).•19 points (20 in total)美森教育84•The first reason for complaints (56%) is the time of delivery. In order to improve that, we decided to change our delivery company.•Furthermore, 28% of complaints results of unsatisfaction with the quality of the product, which will be resolved with the purchase of a new machine.•Finally, 16% are due to the delivery of an incorrect order. However, we pointed out fewer in March.•Conclusion•In conclusion, with all the improvements we made, the situation will be better in the futur.美森教育85•REPORT•TO: RITA PATEL, MANAGER,•FROM:•DATE: 21 NOVEMBER 2006•SUBJECT: COMPLAINTS FOR PRODUCTS•There are some problem about the mail-order supply over the period Jan-Mar 2006. Customers complaint that there was a computer system breakdown in the month of February 2006. The number received was 540. But hopefully the improved order. Although, the number received was much less compared to the breakdown i.e., 230.•16 points美森教育86•The reason for complaints have been put forward. In March 2006 16% of the products delivered were incorrect. Again the time taken for delivery was also a long term. Moreover the quality of the products being delivered are also not up to the mark i.e. 28%.•Lastly, to come across this vital problems products should be delivered on time and the quality of product needs to be good.•7 points (20 points in total)美森教育87How to place the 5 content points of letters•Letter format–Salutation ,–Referring to previous contact–Stating the reason for writing (5 content points)–Referring to future contact (asking for brochures / samples / information packs P20)–Ending remarks ,美森教育88An intensive study on the composition of report---How to compose the title•• Your company exports to a number of countries around the world and is looking for a new agent for international freight. The Export Sales Manager hag asked you to write a proposal saying which agent you recommend.•• Read the two advertisements below, on which you have already made some notes.•• Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your proposal for the Export Sales Man ager. •• Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.(p21)美森教育89•Report on new agent for international freight•Proposal on new agency for international freight•Proposal on new agent for international freight美森教育90•• You work for Bada, a retailer o f sports goods. You have been asked to write a short report covering recent developments for store managers.•• Look at the graphs and email below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.•• Then, using all your handwritten notes, write yo ur report for store pare results with competitors•• Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.(p23)美森教育91•Report on recent developments in the market of sports goods•Report on the recent developments in the retailing market of sports goods美森教育923. An intensive study on the composition of report---How to compose the remaining sections•●You work for Norlec, an electrical goods manufacturer, and your company director wants to find out which methods of advertising are the most effective. Recently the marketing department has asked customers how they first learnt about Norlec.•●Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes. •●Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.•●Write 120-140 words. (p25)美森教育93Title•Report on effectiveness of different advertising methods•Report on the effectiveness of different advertising methods for Norlec美森教育94Introduction•This report sets out to analyze and assess different methods of advertising Norlec is currently using.•The aim/purpose of this report is to…•This report sets out to…•The report aims to美森教育95Findings•The key findings are outlined below. Direct mails to customers failed to achieve the expected results because not many people read them. The proportion of website which now is 10% stands a chance of increasing because of the new link to some wholesaler's websites.Magazines are thought to serve the purpose, so we should employ more of this method. In addition, Radio is worth continuing because 40% customers are reached through it. The price of billboards will increase soon.美森教育96•According to the recent market research / investigation / survey undertaken, / the chart above / the table above, …… .•The recent visit / investigation / surveyshowed that ……•It was found that…….•The following points summarise our key findings.•The key findings are outlined below / as follows.美森教育97Conclusion•It is clear that we should make some improvements in our advertising methods.•It was concluded/decided/agreed/felt that…•No conclusions were reached regarding…•In conclusion, ……•It is clear that……..美森教育98Recommendations•It is recommended that we pay more attention to radio, website and magazines and stop billboards and direct mail.•It is recommended/proposed/suggested that…•It is essential to………•It would be advisable to………美森教育99Another example•●The staff at your company were recently asked what they thought about working conditions. Your line manager has asked you to write a report summarising their opinions and suggesting possible improvements.。