Unit 1 Intercultural Communication PPT课件
• Presence: Presence in class is a must. Role-calling will be done
from time to time. 1/3 of absence means
automatically failure
in this course.
• Practice: Practice communicating with English-speaking people whenever the chance comes and write down your experience of
Intercultural Communication: Theory and
Intercultural Communication: Requirements of this course
• Previewing: Preview the text before coming to class.
1. Cross-Cultural Awareness
• What is cross-cultural awareness? • Cross-cultural awareness is the ability to
understand cultures—your own and others’—by means of objective, non-judgmental comparisons. It is an appreciation for, an understanding of, cultural pluralism—the ability to get rid of our ethnocentric tendencies and to accept another culture on its own terms. Many cross-cultural interactions go sour due to a lack of such an awareness.
• 适当的作笔记;
• 关注对方的肢体语言
– 面部表情 – 姿势 – 个人空间 – 语音语调
What is culture?
• The term “culture” was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917)in his book,
听众数量 根源(1)观众的数量规模
做别人不敢做的事 做别人不愿做的事 做别人做不了的事
明确目标 以终为始 知彼知已
主题大纲 加味添料 注重细节
• 听到的_2_0_%__ • 看到的_3_0_%__ • 看到并听到的_5_0_%__ • 做过的_7_0_%__
❖ 多媒体 ❖ 适当的幽默 ❖ 人性故事 ❖ 针对性的问题 ❖ 比喻/证据/示范
❖ 实验 ❖ 案例 ❖ 游戏 ❖ 实践演练
呈现形式 用图表说话 PPT制作常识
预演彩排 开场白与结束
❖ 人生的意义 ❖ 成功的标准 ❖ 演讲是为听众,而不是为自己 ❖ 听众最关心什么
跨文化商务沟通 chapter 1
culture Tell some ways to improve your intercultural communication
Introductory Case
McDonald Tries to Adapt Itself to Local Culture
Discussion Questions:
1.4 Some related Cultural terms
Multiculturalism is a social concept in which several groups of people from different culture and ethnic co-exist within one society. It means “the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviors, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles”.
1.2 The Key Characteristics of Culture
Culture is learned.
Culture is learned from the people you interact with as you are socialized. This notion that culture is acquired through the process of learning has several important implications for the conduct of international business.
Introductory Case
McDonald Tries to Adapt Itself to Local Culture
Discussion Questions:
1.4 Some related Cultural terms
Multiculturalism is a social concept in which several groups of people from different culture and ethnic co-exist within one society. It means “the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviors, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles”.
1.2 The Key Characteristics of Culture
Culture is learned.
Culture is learned from the people you interact with as you are socialized. This notion that culture is acquired through the process of learning has several important implications for the conduct of international business.
Never kiss parents
Fake goods everywhere
Attitudes towards Westerners
Kiss and hug anytime and anywhere
Go Dutch
Attitudes towards Westerners
3) To identify challenges that arise from these differences in intercultural interactions and learn ways to creatively address them.
4) To acquire knowledge and develop skills that increase intercultural competence.
Young independent
A farm family
A photo of Ba Jin’s Family
Insensitive to time
Tending to misunderstand
Attitudes towards the Chinese People
Obey but not Follow
Being doubtful
Attitudes towards the Chinese People
Catherine (an elderly American lady): Oh, I’m NOT old, and I’m NOT tired.
• In order to study cross-cultural communication, we must pay attention to the following:
a) Each individual are unique. b) Stereotyping. c) Objectivity. d) Communication is not a Cure-all.
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Culture is – Transmitted from generation to generation – Learned – Shared – Based on symbols – Dynamic – An intergrated system
Cross-CulturalCommunicationUnit1-4跨文化 交际
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
– increased the probability of survival
– satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche
– share with those who could communicate with each other and lived in the same tCommunication:
a) Each individual are unique. b) Stereotyping. c) Objectivity. d) Communication is not a Cure-all.
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Culture is – Transmitted from generation to generation – Learned – Shared – Based on symbols – Dynamic – An intergrated system
Cross-CulturalCommunicationUnit1-4跨文化 交际
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
– increased the probability of survival
– satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche
– share with those who could communicate with each other and lived in the same tCommunication:
“I’m just plain Vernon Thatcher. Just relax and make yourself at home.” You noticed that the Asians appeared bewildered. They appeared even more bewildered when early in the meeting Mr. Thatcher made this statement: “We’ve only got the lunch hour, gents. I know you’ll appreciate getting right down to business.” Throughout the meeting Mr. Thatcher was in his best conversational mood-laughing, backslapping, telling jokes. But none of this seemed to make an impression on the guests. They seemed confused to you. They smiled and were extremely polite, but they seemed to understand little of what Mr. Thatcher was saying. Although he tried again and again to move to business talk ,they did not respond. The meeting ended pleasantly, but without a sale. “They’re a strange people,” Mr. Thatcher commented when he got back to his office. “They have a lot to learn about doing business. It doesn’t look they’re going to deal with us, does it?” Mr. Thatcher was right in his last comment. They did not. As you review the meeting. You cannot help but feel that Mr. Thatcher spoiled the deal, for he failed miserably in communicating with the Asians. The fact is that there is much to know about communicating in cross-cultural settings.
跨文化交际课件第一章介绍Chapter One-An Introduction
• 11. A comparative study on Western painting/architecture and Chinese painting/architecture. 12. A Comparative study on Western clothes and Chinese clothes. 13. A Comparative study on school education in America and China. 14. A comparative study on family education in America and China. 15. A comparative study on freedom concept in America and China. 16. A comparative study on wedding customs among different countries. 17. A comparative study on Western advertising and Chinese advertising. 18. A comparative study on food culture. 19. A comparative study on wine culture. 20. A comparative study on journalism in America and China.
Warm-up Cases
Case 1 Showing Concern
• In the West: A: How are you doing now? Would you like to rest? B: No, not a bit.
Warm-up Cases
chapter1-1 Culture 大学英语跨文化交际 教学课件
History, norms, values, beliefs about space, nature, time ‥‥
Culture is Our Software
Software + hardware = computers culture + body = humans Culture is the basic operating system that
Grammar is made up of basic patterns, so is culture.
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively".
grammar (rules) + words = language
culture + individuals = society
People use grammar even without awareness, people use cultural rules to behave properly also even without awareness.
Body (40min-50min)
Text A: The Nature of Culture
Culture Is Like an Iceberg
You see the portion above water, but perhaps not the important parts.
Culture is Our Software
Software + hardware = computers culture + body = humans Culture is the basic operating system that
Grammar is made up of basic patterns, so is culture.
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively".
grammar (rules) + words = language
culture + individuals = society
People use grammar even without awareness, people use cultural rules to behave properly also even without awareness.
Body (40min-50min)
Text A: The Nature of Culture
Culture Is Like an Iceberg
You see the portion above water, but perhaps not the important parts.
A_____ P_____
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or
3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective
According to the social scientists: “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception—including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective
A_____ P_____
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or
3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective
According to the social scientists: “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception—including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective
跨文化交际第一章 PPT
However, the most common ones are racial stereotypes and gender stereotypes. Race, nationality, gender and sexual orientation are the main factors of stereotyping. Stereotyping must be avoided at all costs, as it leads to treating groups as a single entity. Given below are examples of stereotypes that people commonly use.
intentional and unintentional behavior
The second school of thought proposes that the concept of intentionality is too limiting and fails to account for all the circumstances in which messages are conveyed unintentionally. Scholars who support this approach believe communication takes place whenever people attach meaning to behavior, even if the sender of the message does not expect his or her actions to be conveyed.
After this chapter, we will be able
敬请光临。 We would like to have you come.
《笑林·寒喧》曾有一则笑话,说明汉语中 “称呼语”之复杂:
甲:你家父今年几岁?近来可安然无恙? 乙:我令尊大人今年六十有二,虽是妙龄,
The term “multicultural” is more frequently used in two ways. In a societal sense, it indicates the coexistence of people from many different backgrounds and ethnicities, as in “multicultural societies”. In an individual sense, it characterizes persons who belong to various discourse communities, and who therefore have the linguistic resources and social strategies to affiliate and identify with many different cultures and ways of using language.
英语中有自己的表示尊重和礼貌的形式,但没有 汉语那么多的专用敬语和谦词。因此,汉语中的 “请教”、“高见”、“光临”、“久仰”、 “拜读”、“大作”、“贵校”、“敝人”、 “拙见”、“愚见”、“寒舍”、“薄酒”、 “便饭”等等敬语和谦词,很难在英语中找到等 同的表达方式,同样,英语中表示尊重、礼貌的 情态范畴,如:will、would、may、might、can、 could等等,在汉语中也没有等同的表达方式。
• Physical – Environment – Cultural activities
Perceptions & Stereotypes
• Perceptions are learned through the dimensions of culture. Culture is learned through perception.
• Stereotypes are perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities, often based upon limited knowledge and/or exposure
Stereotypes of U.S. Persons
• Acculturation - process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture
– Cultural synergy - two cultures merge to form a stronger overriding culture
Example of
• Telex sent to a factory manager of a U.S. subsidy in Lima, Peru:
• “Please send a headcount of the people in your factory and in your office, broken down by sex. Information urgent.”
• The local manager, a Peruvian, replied: • “Here’s your headcount: we have 30 in
Perceptions & Stereotypes
• Perceptions are learned through the dimensions of culture. Culture is learned through perception.
• Stereotypes are perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities, often based upon limited knowledge and/or exposure
Stereotypes of U.S. Persons
• Acculturation - process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture
– Cultural synergy - two cultures merge to form a stronger overriding culture
Example of
• Telex sent to a factory manager of a U.S. subsidy in Lima, Peru:
• “Please send a headcount of the people in your factory and in your office, broken down by sex. Information urgent.”
• The local manager, a Peruvian, replied: • “Here’s your headcount: we have 30 in
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• Communication requires coding and symbols that are learned and shared. (Smith, 1966)
• International communication communication between governments or among nations
• Intracultural communication communication between members of the same culture
• Global business communication communication between businesses from different countries
• Grobalization—focuses on the imperialistic ambitions of nations, corporations, and organizations to impose themselves on others
Dimensions of Culture
Globalization, Glocalization, and Grobalization
• Globalization—the worldwide diffusion of practices
• Glocalization—the interpenetration of the global and local
• Mindsets - ways of being that allow us to see, perceive, and reason through our own filter
Dimensions of Acculturation
• Integration - persons become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their cultural integrity
Languages (codes/modes)
Verbal Nonverbal
Environment Human Behavior Content
Natural Man Made
Knowledge Belief Encoding Systems Decoding Thought
Example of
• Telex sent to a factory manager of a U.S. subsidy in Lima, Peru:
• “Please send a headcount of the people in your factory and in your office, broken down by sex. Information urgent.”
From Borden, 1991, 171 *
Describe the U.S. or another Culture Using Borden
• Language – Verbal – Nonverbal
• Psychological – Content • Knowledge • Belief Systems – Processes • Encoding Thought • Decoding Thought
Communication and Culture
• Communication and culture are inseparable.
• Culture is a code we learn and share.
• Learning and sharing require communication
• Stereotypes are perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities, often based upon limited knowledge and/or exposure
Stereotypes of U.S. Persons
cold, respect authority, hard-working
religious, quarrelsome, wealthy, greedy
• Enculturation - socialization process you go through to adapt to your society
• .9%
White Americans Hispanic Americans African Americans Asian Americans Amer. Indians & Alaskan Natives Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders Others
• Are very mobile
• Convey superiority in their actions
Stereotypes of Selected
Cultures (Japanese and U.S. Students)
English Irish Chinese Mexicans Russians Israelis
• Intercultural business communication – interpersonal communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture
• Melting pot - sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities; implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society (macroculture)
religious, faithful, warlike, Jewish
formal, proper, polite, intelligent
drinkers, jovial, hot-tempered, loud
quiet, industrious, smart
lazy, poor, loud, dirty, uneducated
gentlemanly, polite
cold, patient, religious
diligent, serious ingenious, laboring
cheerful, passionate spicy-food eaters
cold, dark, closed, secret, selfish
• Diffusion - the process by which two cultures learn and adapt materials and adopt practices of each other
• World culture - the idea that as traditional barriers among people of differing cultures break down, one culture will emerge
– Frontstage culture - cultural information that you are willing to share with outsiders
– Backstage culture - cultural information concealed from outsiders
Chapter 1
The Nature of Intercultural Communication
• Globalization/glocalization/grobalization • Culture • Enculturation/Acculturation • Ethnocentrism • Norms, rules, roles, and networks • Subcultures and subgroups • Communication barriers • Multinational management orientations
• Globalization - the ability of a firm to take a product and market it in the entire civilized world
U.S. Census 2010
• 64% • 16% • 14% • 5% • .9% • .2%
• Acculturation - process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture
– Cultural synergy - two cultures merge to form a stronger overriding culture
– Multicultural - people who can move between two or more cultures very comfortably
• Ethnocentrism - the belief that your own cultural background is correct
• International communication communication between governments or among nations
• Intracultural communication communication between members of the same culture
• Global business communication communication between businesses from different countries
• Grobalization—focuses on the imperialistic ambitions of nations, corporations, and organizations to impose themselves on others
Dimensions of Culture
Globalization, Glocalization, and Grobalization
• Globalization—the worldwide diffusion of practices
• Glocalization—the interpenetration of the global and local
• Mindsets - ways of being that allow us to see, perceive, and reason through our own filter
Dimensions of Acculturation
• Integration - persons become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their cultural integrity
Languages (codes/modes)
Verbal Nonverbal
Environment Human Behavior Content
Natural Man Made
Knowledge Belief Encoding Systems Decoding Thought
Example of
• Telex sent to a factory manager of a U.S. subsidy in Lima, Peru:
• “Please send a headcount of the people in your factory and in your office, broken down by sex. Information urgent.”
From Borden, 1991, 171 *
Describe the U.S. or another Culture Using Borden
• Language – Verbal – Nonverbal
• Psychological – Content • Knowledge • Belief Systems – Processes • Encoding Thought • Decoding Thought
Communication and Culture
• Communication and culture are inseparable.
• Culture is a code we learn and share.
• Learning and sharing require communication
• Stereotypes are perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities, often based upon limited knowledge and/or exposure
Stereotypes of U.S. Persons
cold, respect authority, hard-working
religious, quarrelsome, wealthy, greedy
• Enculturation - socialization process you go through to adapt to your society
• .9%
White Americans Hispanic Americans African Americans Asian Americans Amer. Indians & Alaskan Natives Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders Others
• Are very mobile
• Convey superiority in their actions
Stereotypes of Selected
Cultures (Japanese and U.S. Students)
English Irish Chinese Mexicans Russians Israelis
• Intercultural business communication – interpersonal communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture
• Melting pot - sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities; implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society (macroculture)
religious, faithful, warlike, Jewish
formal, proper, polite, intelligent
drinkers, jovial, hot-tempered, loud
quiet, industrious, smart
lazy, poor, loud, dirty, uneducated
gentlemanly, polite
cold, patient, religious
diligent, serious ingenious, laboring
cheerful, passionate spicy-food eaters
cold, dark, closed, secret, selfish
• Diffusion - the process by which two cultures learn and adapt materials and adopt practices of each other
• World culture - the idea that as traditional barriers among people of differing cultures break down, one culture will emerge
– Frontstage culture - cultural information that you are willing to share with outsiders
– Backstage culture - cultural information concealed from outsiders
Chapter 1
The Nature of Intercultural Communication
• Globalization/glocalization/grobalization • Culture • Enculturation/Acculturation • Ethnocentrism • Norms, rules, roles, and networks • Subcultures and subgroups • Communication barriers • Multinational management orientations
• Globalization - the ability of a firm to take a product and market it in the entire civilized world
U.S. Census 2010
• 64% • 16% • 14% • 5% • .9% • .2%
• Acculturation - process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture
– Cultural synergy - two cultures merge to form a stronger overriding culture
– Multicultural - people who can move between two or more cultures very comfortably
• Ethnocentrism - the belief that your own cultural background is correct