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1)叔叔两下里住着,过个一年半载,即或闹出来,不过挨上老爷一顿骂……就是婶子,见‚生米做成熟饭‛,也只得罢了。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六十四回)Then you will have two homes, uncle. After a year or so, if word does get out, at most you will get reprimanded by your father … When Aunt Xifeng sees that the rice is already cooked, she‟ll have to put up with it. (the yangs) (the rice is cooked ---- what is done cannot be undone; it can‟t be helped) (反正生米作成熟饭,大家都已经认可了。Anyway it was already a fait accompli, accepted by everybody.)


Escape? But his house and property can‟t escape. “The monk may run away, but the temple can’t run away with him.”(Hsu Meng-hsing) (the monk may run away, but not the temple ---- a fugitive must belong to some place that can provide clues (to his whereabouts))


Oh, so you can‟t tell a man’s honest heart from a donkey’s liver and lungs? So that‟s how you take my good advice? All right, we will settle this at the Party branch meeting! (Sidney, Shapiro)

(donkey‟s liver and lungs ---- ill intent; take somebody‟s goodwill for ill intent) 4)子龙见妇人身穿缟素,有倾国倾城之色,乃问范曰:‚此何人也?‛(罗贯中《三国演义》)

Seeing that this lady was dressed entirely in white silk and her charm was such as to overthrow cities and kingdoms, General Zilong asked Fan, his advisor, “Who is she?”

意译 ---- 直译

5)他这样做,有他杀鸡给猴看之意。to kill the chicken to frighten the monkey –punish somebody to warn others

What he did was merely making an example of somebody to warn others.



“To tell the truth, I‟ve always thought until now that the …Three Antis‟ campaign was sham, making an example of a few to frighten all the rest.”

6)探春坐下,便问:‚刚才谁在这里说话,倒像拌嘴似的?‛迎春笑道:‚没有什么,左不过他们小题大做罢了,何必问他?‛(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十三回)Tan-chun sat down and asked, “Who were talking in here just now? it sounded like a quarrel.”“Not really,”Ying-chun told her. “They were making a mountain out of molehill. It‟s nothing to worry about. (the yangs)

to make a fuss over a trifle; to use a hammer to swat a fly; to have a tempest in a teacup


Heavy seas were only to be expected: “While the priest climbs a foot, the devil climbs ten!”was the way it went, but he and his partners were battling scarred veterans, so what had he to fear? (Y eh Chien-yu)

As virtue rises one foot, vice rises ten.

The more illumination, the more temptation.


The ancients say, “A scholar who has been away three days must be looked at with new eyes.”So the waiter, tavern-keeper, customers and passers-by all quite naturally expressed a kind of suspicion mingled with respect. (the yangs)

A scholar should be judged in a new light when he reappears after an absence. 9)正当这个功夫,一个车夫又指着他的脸说:‚祥子,我说你呢,你才真是‘哑巴吃扁食——心里有数儿’呢。是不是,你自己说,祥子?祥子?‛(老舍《骆驼祥子》)

Just then, another puller pointed at him and said, “I tell you, Xiangzi, you‟re like the mute eating dumplings, you know how many you’ve downed! Aren‟t you now, Xiangzi? Speak up! Hey, Xiangzi!”


Chiang Shirong saw us hold meetings without sending for him. He can put two and two together. (Y ang)
