外研报告_新鸿基_新鸿基_Investment Daily Note_2010-10-12




银泰百货调研报告范文英语Yintai Department Store Research ReportIntroductionYintai Department Store is one of the leading department store chains in China. With a history of more than 20 years, Yintai has established a strong presence in major cities across the country. This research report aims to provide an overview of Yintai Department Store, analyze its market position, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for its future development.Market AnalysisYintai Department Store operates in a highly competitive market. The competition comes from both traditional brick-and-mortar stores, as well as online e-commerce platforms. However, the physical presence of Yintai Department Store plays a significant role in attracting customers who prefer to have a tangible shopping experience. Additionally, its strategic locations in busy commercial areas provide convenience for customers.StrengthsOne of the major strengths of Yintai Department Store is its wide range of product offerings. From clothing to home appliances, the store caters to various customer needs. Moreover, the store focuses on premium and high-quality brands, which appeals to the upper-middle-class and affluent customers.Yintai Department Store also emphasizes customer service. The staff is trained to provide exceptional service, includingpersonalized recommendations and assistance. This enhances the overall shopping experience and contributes to customer loyalty.The company effectively utilizes online platforms to reach out to customers. It has developed its own online shopping website and mobile application, which allows customers to conveniently browse and purchase products. This omnichannel approach provides flexibility for customers to choose their preferred shopping method.WeaknessesDespite its strong presence, Yintai Department Store faces challenges in expanding to smaller cities and rural areas. The high rental costs and limited consumer purchasing power in these areas make it difficult for the company to establish profitable stores. This limits its market reach and growth potential.Another weakness is the lack of diversity in product offerings. While Yintai Department Store focuses on premium brands, it may alienate potential customers who are more price-sensitive. The company should consider introducing more affordable options to cater to a wider range of customers.RecommendationsTo overcome the challenges in expanding to smaller cities and rural areas, Yintai Department Store can adopt a franchise model. By partnering with local retailers, the company can leverage their knowledge and resources to establish stores in these areas. This approach can help reduce costs and risks associated with expansion.In terms of product offerings, Yintai Department Store should consider introducing a private label brand. This will allow the company to offer more affordable options without compromising on quality. The private label brand can target price-sensitive customers and enhance the overall product portfolio.Furthermore, Yintai Department Store should invest in data analytics and customer relationship management systems. By analyzing customer data, the company can gain insights into customer preferences and shopping behavior. This will enable targeted marketing campaigns and personalized promotions, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.ConclusionYintai Department Store has established itself as a prominent player in the Chinese retail industry. With its wide range of premium products and exceptional customer service, the company has built customer loyalty and brand reputation. By addressing its weaknesses and implementing the recommended strategies, Yintai Department Store can further strengthen its market position and achieve sustainable growth in the future.。



李成煌,32岁,于2007年1月1日获委任为公司执行主席。他毕业于澳洲悉尼 大学,在亚洲地区的金融服务及地产投资拥有广泛经验。之前曾出任不同公 司的董事职务,包括效力新鸿基公司董事会,以及香港力宝有限公司、力宝 华润有限公司、新加坡Auric Pacific Group Limited及菲律宾Export and Industry Bank, Inc.之董事会。他现同时是Mulpha International Berhad(一个 马来西亚之上市企业集团,业务遍及东南亚、澳洲及中国)之主席及FKP Property Group(为具有领导地位之地产发展商,于澳洲证券交易所上市) 之董事。
联合集团(0373 HK)
联合地产(0056 HK)
新鸿基公司 (0086 HK)
卓健亚洲 (0593 HK)
天安 (0028 HK)
¾ 我们首次将新鸿基公司(0086 HK)纳入评级范围,给予“优于大市” 评级,12 个月目标价为 10 港元。
¾ 公司现以「新鸿基金融集团」的品牌提供一系列金融产品及服务,在 香港、澳门及中国内地 60 多个地点设有分行及办事处。
¾ 相对于香港其它中小券商,新鸿基具备综合经营优势,公司现时拥有 投行、证券、期货等业务,可为客户提供一条龙服务。
相对于香港其它中小券商,新鸿基具备综合经营优势,公司现时拥有投行、 证券、期货、股票按揭贷款及财富管理等业务,可为客户提供一条龙服务, 公司更是首批获得上海及深圳交易所批准之 B 股经纪商。



联系电话: ***********
2.1 中标/投标数量
企业中标/投标数: 5 个 (数据统计时间:2017年至报告生成时间)
本报告于 2019年9月19日 生成

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注册资本: 10077万人民币
注册地址: 新疆巴州库尔勒经济技术开发区金鹿药业用地北侧
营业期限: 2003-08-06 至 /
石油化工工程施工总承包贰级;防水防腐保温工程专业承包贰级;建筑工程施工总承包叁极; 市政公用工程施工总承包叁级;钢结构工程专业承包叁级;建筑机电安装工程专业承包叁级; 环保工程专业承包叁级;机械设备专业清洗服务;设备检测、维修;油田技术服务。
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截止2019年9月19日,根据国内相关网站检索以及中国比地招标网数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。不排除因信息公开来源尚未公 开、公开形式存在差异等情况导致的信息与客观事实不完全一致的情形。仅供客户参考。
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本报告于 2019年9月19日 生成

每日80000+条信息更新,多维度检索、企业资 质匹配、甲方监控等功能,让中标快人一步!



市场环境-绿建项目开发数量统计-万达-98-万科-89-绿地-47-招商-16-朗诗-14-保利-13-方 -华润-金都-恒大1-万科、方兴等房企均早已涉足绿建开发,并将之视为“下一座金矿”
市场环境-开发商-数量-瑞安集团-7-万达集团-嘉里集团-4-招商地产-GREEN BUILDING-华润 团-2-绿地集团-绿色建筑标莎-中信房地产-天泰集团-LE E D-新世界集团-恒大集团-太古集团-绿城房 产-★★★-LEED金/铂金认证-远洋地产-1-万科集团-国家绿色三星认证-方兴地产-京基地产-新鸿基地产 华联集团-凯德集团-新华联集团-绿色指标认证成为新项目工程目标的“标配”,国家获认证工程已达数百家-17
大区绿建-现状分析-起步较早积累较浅-2013年联合华南理工大学参加绿建竞赛-2014年租赁中心模块化房屋 计-对绿色建筑有一定认识,在三维模块建筑上有-一定技术积累-25
公司绿建-66-核心思想:以绿色为引领,以-钢构为核心,以集成为手段,-打造中建钢构绿色建筑品牌,-致力成 绿色建筑产品开发商-和产业集成商。-刀-23
公司绿建-一其它大区绿建进展-以“二维模块、三板体系”为载体-下E四-0-天津厂公寓楼-武汉厂试验楼-各兄 单位均已开始绿建探索,并取得一定进展-24
政策导向-《北京市人民政府办公厅关于印发-发展绿色建筑推动生态城市建设实施方案的通知》-2013年6月-上 市-《上海市绿色建筑评价标识实施细侧(试行)》-2008年2月-重庆市-《重庆市绿色建筑评价标准》-201 年2月-天津市-《天津市绿色建筑评价标准》-2011年1月-浙江省-《绿色建筑评价标准》-2008年1月西省-《绿色建筑评价标识管理实施细侧》-2011年3月-山东省-《山东省绿色建筑评价标准》-2012年3月 贵州省-《贵州省绿色建筑示范项目管理暂行办法》-2009年1月-各地绿建标准相继出台



香港置地集团公司是世界500强之一的怡和集团的主要 成员之一,截至2009年底,集团之股东权益资金逾149 亿美元(约合990亿元人民币)。
1. 开发商介绍 2、项目区位 3、项目规划 4、示范区展示 5、项目产品分析 6、项目销售情况 7、项目SWOT分析 8、项目营销推广 9、客户分析 10、总结
© Copyright Centaline Group, 2010
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Part 1 开发商简介
3、半围合的布局,也使得小区的楼间 距更加的宽广,使小区空间具有良好 的归属感。 4、天誉利用巧妙的布局,给广大业主 缔造出尊贵的生活空间.半围合的院落 空间,既保证了景观最美丽的角度, 同时也大限度保证业主私密性。
© Copyright Centaline Group, 2010
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㎡ 138

180 ㎡

132 ㎡
120 ㎡ 139




139 ㎡
120 ㎡
© Copyright Centaline Group, 2010
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李嘉诚商道真经_第八章 盘踞内地.横扫大陆——李嘉诚进军内地

李嘉诚商道真经_第八章 盘踞内地.横扫大陆——李嘉诚进军内地

























56CHINA TODAYWHILE the world economy faced multiple challenges and had a slow recovery in 2023, China’s GDP grewby 5.2 percent, surpassing the growth of many leading economies. China’s ro-bust growth and commitment to high-quality development and high-standard opening-up will continue to provide new opportunities for foreign investors.Panelists have in-depth discussions atBy staff reporter HUANG YUHAOForeign investors confident of the Chinese market despite Western media’s “foreign capital leaving China” rhetoric.Investing in the Futurethe meeting, Xi said, “Last year, China registered one of the highest growth rates among the major economies and accounted for over 30 percent of global growth as before. This was due both to the hard work of the Chinese people and to international cooperation.”Xi stressed the potential of the Chi-nese market by saying that “China is planning and implementing a series of major steps for comprehensively deepening reform, and steadily foster-ing a market-oriented, law-based, and world-class business environment. This will create broader development space for U.S. and other foreign businesses.”To attract and utilize foreign in-vestment, the State Council issued an action plan on March 19. It covered expanding market access, enhancing the Chinese market’s appeal for foreign investment, fostering a level playing field, and better aligning domestic rules with high-standard international economic and trade rules.The opening ceremony of Bentley’s newstore in Hongqiao, Shanghai, is being held at Greenland Trade Port on January 15, 2024.ECONOMY / NEW VISTASa sub-forum on “China Economic Out-look” of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 on March 28, 2024.Government CommitmentsAt the end of March, a meeting and two major events in China demon-strated the country’s determination to welcome more foreign investors.On March 27, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with representatives of the U.S. business, strategic and aca-demic communities in Beijing. During57May 2024The Chinese market is wide open and full of opportunities. China wel-comes all foreign investors.Meanwhile, the China Development Forum (CDF), themed “The Continu-ous Development of China,” was held in Beijing on March 24-25. It was at-tended by around 110 heads of major foreign multinationals and interna-tional organizations, such as Apple’s CEO Tim Cook and IMF ’s Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, as well as Nobel laureates, institutional repre-sentatives, and scholars. Their partici-pation reflected China’s desire for more cooperation with foreign businesses and institutions and vice versa.In his keynote speech, Chinese Pre-mier Li Qiang reiterated China’s efforts to create a favorable condition for for-eign investors, saying “China will con-tinue to foster a world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized, steadily advance institutional opening-up, and link with the world at a higher level of openness.” He said China is ready to share with the world the op-portunities created by its sustained development and work with all parties to create “a bright future of common development.”Then came the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2024, held from March 26-29. Themed “Asia and the World: Common Challenges, Shared Responsibilities,” it attracted nearly 2,000 representatives from over 60 countries to discuss topics like “global economy,” “technological inno-vation,” “social progress,” “international cooperation,” and “tackling challenges.”Zhao Leji, China’s top legislator, highlighted China’s attractiveness for business in his keynote speech at the opening plenary of the forum, saying: “Apart from being a main trading part-ner of more than 140 countries and territories, China is a primary source of investment for more and morecountries and one of the most impor-tant investment destinations for most countries in the world.”The message from the Chinese gov-ernment is loud and clear: The Chinese market is wide open and full of oppor-tunities. China welcomes all foreign investors.Confidence in the Chinese MarketAccording to data released by China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOF-COM), during the first two months of 2024, foreign direct investment (FDI) in China reached US $29.75 billion,down by almost 20 percent year-on-Zheng Shanjie, chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission, states at the China Development Forum 2024 held in Beijing on March 24, 2024 that the Commission will con-tinue to take pragmatic measures to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces.year. This figure made some doubt investors’ confidence in the Chinese market. However, the guests at the BFA Annual Conference 2024 thought otherwise.David Hill, CEO of Deloitte Asia Pa-cific, said at a sub-forum on “Investing the Future of Asia,” “When we discuss the drop in the FDI inflow into China, we must consider the fact that the previous base is too high.” The drop doesn’t mean China’s economy has encountered problems, he assured the session.Michele Geraci, former Undersec-retary of State at Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development, told China Today on the sidelines of the BFA Annual Conference that the decline has not dampened Italian investors’ passion in the Chinese market and he remained confident in its growth. Geraci had come with a delegation of Italian companies that would like to invest further in financial services and58CHINA TODAYECONOMY/ NEW VISTASinsurance in China.Xu Zhibin, deputy head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, called the trend of FDI in China in line with that in Asia and the rest of the world. “The fluctuation in China’s FDI is very normal from a broader and longer perspective,” Xu said.For many businesses, the Chinese market is an attractive destination for investment. As China fosters new qual-ity productive forces for high-quality development, many foreign investors have expressed their confidence in the Chinese market.Francois David Martino, execu-tive president and member of John Cockerill Executive Committee of John Cockerill Industry, a mechani-cal engineering group headquartered in Belgium, told China Today that the investment opportunities in China are very important as China is evolving in terms of development quality and con-sumption demand. “China is building trends like we have seen in electric ve-hicles… but there are [also] other prod-ucts where China can be a trendsetter. And therefore, it’s important for us to be here and to be part of this develop-ment,” he said.Charles Dallara, member of the Board of Directors of Partners Group, a Swiss-based private equity firm, told reporters, “We have confidence in our group’s future in China, and the rest of Asia. China has not just a large-scale labor force, but also skilled labor. You find very good leadership of engineers and scientists at the forefront of tech-nological development, and we are en-couraged about the prospects of con-tinuing to invest in China.” He also said he is very pleased with the success of the previous investments.According to MOFCOM, during the first two months of this year, the num-ber of newly established foreign-invest-ed enterprises in China reached 7,160, up by nearly 35 percent compared with the same period last year. The figure is a telling example that China remains attractive to foreign investors.As Zhao Leji stated in his speech, “Investing in China is investing in the future. All countries are sincerely welcome to board the ‘e xpress train’ of China’s development and join hands to work for a global modernization fea-turing peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and prosperity for all.” CA group of panelists are having in-depth discussions at the “China Economic Outlook,” a sub-forum of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 on March 28, 2024.。



164 中控科技集团有限公司 165 英飞凌科技(中国)有限公司 166 浙江省青少年发展基金会 167 中国华能集团公司 168 阿斯利康(无锡)贸易有限公司 169 潘家铮 170 中国葛洲坝集团公司 172 吴晓月 173 吴晓月 174 中国宋庆龄基金会 175 杭州诺尔康神经电子科技有限公司 176 吴殿星 177 华中科技大学西十二片 178 浙江旅游西城房地产开发有限公司 179 陈农 180 朱永平 181 丁美萍 182 七七药二 183 洪鸣鸣 184 金陵 185 童红华 186 童美琴 187 顾扬顺 188 顾竹影 189 郭常平 190 上海诺华贸易有限公司 191 宋都基业投资股份有限公司 192 华中科技大学 193 朱军 194 广东坚朗五金制品股份有限公司 195 浙江大学建工学院 196 宣晓华
29 中商控股集团(杭州)有限公司(林锦霞) 校友与职业发展基金
32 浙江信昌商贸有限公司 33 杭州悦诚实业有限公司 34 龙游至尊商务大酒店有限公司 35 龙游昌正国际大酒店有限公司 36 葛兰素史克(中国)投资有限公司 37 浙江阳光时代律师事务所 38 义乌市玖银贸易有限公司 39 杭州贝律科技有限公司 40 黄华顺 41 龚利汀 42 汉能控股集团有限公司 43 欧阳昌宇、俞咸宜 44 宁波永新光学股份有限公司 46 支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司 47 胡红波 48 姚春鑫 49 潭亚军 50 刘盼果 51 王宏 52 凌晨 53 陆智 54 赵建刚 55 李昱 56 蒋飚 57 颜松 58 沈小龙 59 胡潇毅 60 柳伟 61 耿磊 62 梁荣伟 63 刘金华 64 彭浩



























新外研My First Day at Senir High

新外研My First Day at Senir High
▪ 1. the school campus ▪ 2. his new English teacher ▪ 3.the first class ▪ 4.an embarrassing moment and his feelings
Choose the best description of Meng's first day at senmake a good first impression on sb.
▪ I should say something wonderful to____________________.(给同学留下好印 象)
▪ leave sb. with an impression 给某人留下印 象
▪ (para 6)
▪ 翻译:我正在玩游戏这时妈妈突然开门进 来了。
I was playing games when my mother suddenly opened the door and came in.
▪ 2.Turning around, I saw a white-haired man.
to_k_e_e_p__c_a_lm________ and___b_e_p_r_e_p_a_r_e_d____.
nervous: frightened: embarrassed relaxed
After the English class Meng thought he had___h_a_d_a__g_o_o_d_b_e_g_i_n_n_in_g____ to his new school life.
everyone. ▪ 8.act out表演,实行 ▪ 9.make notes of做笔记
Speaking:telling a story (P5/T2)



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告新鸿基国金中心房地产(南京)有限公司安达仕酒店免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:新鸿基国金中心房地产(南京)有限公司安达仕酒店1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分新鸿基国金中心房地产(南京)有限公司安达仕酒店综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:住宿服务;餐饮服务;食品经营(销售预包装1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标信息最多显示100条记录,如需更多信息请到企业大数据平台查询7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告田东县新鸿基矿业有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:田东县新鸿基矿业有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分田东县新鸿基矿业有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务采;辉绿岩、花岗岩、土砂石销售,工业生产资1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。





打造国际数据流通试验区文 葛亮当前,数字经济成为大国战略竞争的焦点,而数据跨境流动也成为全球数字治理博弈的核心。







据国际数据公司I DC相关报告显示,预计至2025年,中国的数据总量将增至48.6ZB,占全球的27.8%,超越美国成为全球数据总量最大国。




Ladies and gentlemen,As we gather here today, it is with great pleasure that I present to you a summary of the recent political report. This report covers a wide range of topics, including economic policies, social reforms, international relations, and environmental concerns. Let us delve into the key points of the report.1. Economic PoliciesThe report emphasizes the government's commitment to fostering economic growth and stability. Key measures include the implementation of tax reforms, which are expected to reduce the burden on businesses and individuals alike. Additionally, the government has allocatedsubstantial funds for infrastructure development, aiming to improve connectivity and create job opportunities.One of the highlights is the introduction of a new industrial policythat focuses on promoting emerging sectors such as renewable energy, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence. The government plans to invest heavily in research and development, encouraging innovation and technological advancements.2. Social ReformsThe report underscores the government's dedication to improving the quality of life for its citizens. Several social reforms have been proposed, including the expansion of healthcare services, particularly in rural areas. The aim is to ensure that every citizen has access to affordable and quality healthcare.Education is another area of focus. The government plans to invest in educational infrastructure and introduce reforms to enhance the curriculum. Special attention is being given to vocational training and skill development programs to prepare the youth for the changing job market.Furthermore, the report highlights the government's commitment to gender equality. Initiatives aimed at promoting women's empowerment andcombating gender-based violence are being implemented across various sectors.3. International RelationsThe report discusses the government's foreign policy objectives and its efforts to strengthen diplomatic ties with other nations. A multi-faceted approach is being adopted, emphasizing cooperation in trade, security, and cultural exchange.The report also addresses the government's stance on global challenges, such as climate change and terrorism. The government is committed to actively participating in international forums and collaborating with other countries to address these issues effectively.4. Environmental ConcernsRecognizing the importance of environmental sustainability, the report outlines the government's commitment to combating climate change. Several measures are being taken to reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy, and preserve natural resources.The government has also initiated a national clean-up campaign to address pollution and improve the overall quality of the environment. The report emphasizes the need for public awareness and participation in these efforts.In conclusion, the recent political report reflects the government's comprehensive approach to governance. It addresses a wide range of issues, from economic policies and social reforms to international relations and environmental concerns. While challenges remain, thereport offers a glimpse into the government's vision for a better future for all citizens.Thank you for your attention, and I invite you to continue engaging in discussions and contributing to the nation's progress. Let us all work together to build a brighter tomorrow.Thank you.。



外研社九年级上册m2知识点Title: Exploring Key Concepts in Module 2 of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press's Ninth Grade TextbookIntroductionForeign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) is renowned for its comprehensive and effective approach to language learning. In Module 2 of the ninth-grade textbook, several essential concepts are covered, providing students with a solid foundation in their language acquisition journey. In this article, we will delve into these key concepts, their significance, and their application in real-life situations. This exploration will help students, teachers, and language enthusiasts develop a deeper understanding of FLTRP's teaching methodology.Vocabulary ExpansionAcquiring an extensive vocabulary is fundamental in mastering a foreign language. In Module 2, FLTRP emphasizes the importance of vocabulary expansion by introducing various techniques, such as word families, word formation, and phrasal verbs. These techniques empower students to express themselves more accurately and fluently, enabling effective communication with native speakers. Moreover,learning vocabulary in context facilitates a deeper understanding of words and their appropriate usage.Grammar MasteryModule 2 delves into complex grammatical structures to enhance students' grammatical accuracy and overall language proficiency. FLTRP adopts a systematic approach, incorporating grammar explanations, exercises, and authentic materials. This comprehensive approach ensures students grasp grammatical rules and can apply them proficiently in different contexts. Additionally, reviewing and consolidating grammar concepts through regular practice enables students to internalize the rules, making language production more natural and effortless.Reading ComprehensionDeveloping strong reading comprehension skills is a vital component of language acquisition. FLTRP provides a wide range of reading materials, including articles, short stories, and excerpts from literary works. These materials expose students to diverse topics, encouraging critical thinking and cultural awareness. Through reading, students improve their vocabulary, gain insight into different writing styles, and enhance their overall reading fluency.Listening and Speaking ProficiencyEffective communication is a key goal in language learning. FLTRP’s Module 2 emphasizes developing listening and speaking skills through various activities and exercises. Students engage in listening to authentic audio materials and participate in class discussions to improve their comprehension and oral expression. Furthermore, FLTRP focuses on building students' confidence in conversing with native speakers, providing ample opportunities for students to practice real-life communication scenarios.Writing SkillsEnhancing writing skills is a crucial aspect of language acquisition. FLTRP introduces different writing formats, including descriptive essays, narratives, and formal letters. Through guided practice, students learn to organize their ideas coherently, use appropriate language and expressions, and express their thoughts effectively in writing. FLTRP also emphasizes the importance of revision and proofreading, helping students develop critical editing skills to refine their written work.Cultural AwarenessFLTRP recognizes the significance of cultural understanding in language acquisition. Module 2 incorporates cultural elements to broaden students' horizons and foster intercultural competence. Byexploring various cultural aspects, such as customs, traditions, and celebrations, students gain a deeper appreciation for the target language culture, developing cultural sensitivity and respect.ConclusionForeign Language Teaching and Research Press's ninth-grade textbook, Module 2, provides students with a comprehensive language learning experience. Through its emphasis on vocabulary expansion, grammar mastery, reading comprehension, listening and speaking proficiency, writing skills, and cultural awareness, FLTRP equips students with the necessary tools to become effective and confident language users. By exploring these key concepts, students can navigate the intricacies of the language and unlock their full potential in their language learning journey.。



Unit 1 单元基础学问汇总本单元词汇senior/'siːniə/adj. (地位、水平或级别)高的,高级的senior high 中学curious/'kjʊəriəs/adj. 新奇的impression/ɪm'preʃ(ə)n/n. 印象,感想campus/'kæmpəs/n. 校内tradition/trə'dɪʃ(ə)n/n. 传统facility/fə'sɪlɪti/n. 设施impressive/ɪm'presɪv/adj. 令人敬佩的,给人深刻印象的moment/'məʊmənt/n. 某一时刻author/'ɔːθə/n. 作者,作家eagerness/'iːɡənəs/n. 热切,渴望explore/ɪk'splɔː/v. 考察,探险engine/'endʒɪn/n. 发动机,引擎insect/'ɪnsekt/n. 昆虫collection/kə'lekʃ(ə)n/n. (一批)保藏品organise/'ɔːɡənaɪz/v. 组织nudge/nʌdʒ/n. (通常用肘)轻推butterfly/'bʌtəflaɪ/n. 蝴蝶breathe/briːð/v. 呼吸panic/'pænɪk/n. 惊恐,惊惶in panic惊惶地challenge/'tʃæləndʒ/n. 挑战pressure/'preʃə/n. 压力calm/kɑːm/adj. 冷静的,镇静的description/dɪ'skrɪpʃ(ə)n/n. 描述,描写,叙述,形容confident/'kɒnfɪdənt/adj. 有信念的,自信的助记①派生impress v.使印象深刻→impression n.印象collect v.收集→collection n.保藏品,describe v.描述→description n.描述, ion名词后缀:……状态、结果、行为②派生impress vt.使印象深刻→impressive adj.令人敬佩的­ive形容词后缀:有……性质的,有……倾向的③派生press v.压,按→pressure n.压力④派生eager adj.热切的,渴望的→eagerness n.热切,渴望­ness名词后缀:表示性质、状况、状态⑤派生confident adj.自信的→confidence n.自信,信念­ent (adj.)→­ence (n.)poster/'pəʊstə/n. 海报badminton/'bædmɪntən/n. 羽毛球drama/'drɑːmə/n. 戏剧band/bænd/n. 乐队,乐团debate/dɪ'beɪt/n. 探讨,辩论gym/dʒɪm/n. 体育馆,健身房pia no/pi'ænəʊ/n. 钢琴stage/steɪdʒ/n. 舞台photography/fə'tɒɡrəfi/n. 摄影inner/'ɪnə/adj. (想法或情感)未表达出来的,隐藏的,内心的pm/ˌpiː'em/ 下午argue/'ɑːɡjuː/v. 争论,争论topic/'tɒpɪk/n. 话题,论题sharp/ʃɑːp/adj. 敏锐的,聪慧的dinosaur/'daɪnəsɔː/n. 恐龙dolphin/'dɒlfɪn/n. 海豚intelligent/ɪn'telɪdʒ(ə)nt/adj. 有才智的,聪慧的investigate/ɪn'vestɪɡeɪt/v. 查明,调查various/'veəriəs/adj. 各种各样的,各种不同的volunteer/ˌvɒlən'tɪə/n. 志愿者,义务工作者,自愿参与者gain/ɡeɪn/v. 获得,赢得apply/ə'plaɪ/v. 申请schedule/'ʃedjuːl/n. 安排表,进度表,日程表助记派生vary v.改变→various adj.各种各样的­ous形容词后缀:有……性质的award/ə'wɔːd/n. 奖,奖赏opportunity/ˌɒpə'tjuːnɪti/n. 机会,时机hint/hɪnt/n. 有益的建议subscribe/səb'skraɪb/v. 订阅(报纸或杂志)view/vjuː/n. (一次)观看former/'fɔːmə/adj. 从前的graduate/'ɡrædʒueɪt/v. 毕业orientation/ˌɔːriən'teɪʃ(ə)n/n. (新工作或学习课程起先前一段时间的)培训,迎新Orientation Day 迎新日frightened/'fraɪtnd/adj. 受惊的,胆怯的sight/saɪt/n. 看到,望见figure/'fɪɡə/v. 认为,以为select/sə'lekt/v. 选择,选择particular/pə'tɪkjʊlə/n. 细微环节rainbow/'reɪnbəʊ/n. 彩虹neat/niːt/adj. 好的,令人开心的specific/spə'sɪfɪk/adj. 详细的,特定的refer/rɪ'fɜ/v. 参考,查阅refer to 参考,查阅journal/'dʒɜːnl/n. 日记,日志junior/'dʒuːniə/adj. 低年级的struggle/'strʌɡ(ə)l/v. 奋斗,拼搏memorise/'meməraɪz/v. 记住,熟记skateboarding/'skeɪtbɔːdɪŋ/n. 滑板运动forward/'fɔːwəd/adv. 向前committee/kə'mɪti/v. 委员会improve/ɪm'pruːv/v. 改善,改进rate/reɪt/v. 对……作评估,评价performance/pə'fɔːməns/n. (工作或活动中的)表现exchange/ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ/v. 沟通(信息,想法等)助记①对比award n.奖,奖赏→reward n.回报,酬劳elect v.选举→select v.挑战②同义chance n.机会→opportunity n.机会③派生frighten vt.使胆怯→frightened adj.受惊的,胆怯的­ed形容词后缀:已……的,被……的④对比special adj.—specific adj.,“特殊的(special)”礼物要在“特定的(specific)”场合送出⑤派生perform v.表现→performance n.表现­ance名词后缀:表示动作、状态、性质本单元短语one by one 依次地,一个接一个地in panic 惊惶地make the most of 充分利用as if 似乎,似乎keep an open mind 不抱成见,持开放心态look forward to (兴奋地)期盼,盼望hold one's head up 把某人的头抬起来butterflies in one's stomach 心情惊惶,心里发慌put...under pressure 给……压力graduate from 毕业于(学校)start high school 刚上中学go all out 全力以赴,全力以赴at the sight of 一望见in particular 尤其,特殊depend on 依靠,依靠;取决于be about to do 即将做deal with 处理,应付give...a hand 帮助……Ⅰ.单词1.________ adj.(地位、水平或级别)高的,高级的2.________ adj.新奇的→________ n.新奇3.________ n.印象;感想→________ v.使印象深刻→________ adj.令人印象深刻的4.________ n.校内5.________ n.传统→________ adj.传统的6.________ n.设施7.________ n.某一时刻8.________ n.作者,作家9.________ n.热切,渴望→________ adj.热切的,渴望的10.________ v.考察,探险→________ n.考察,探险11.________ n.发动机,引擎12.________ n.昆虫13.________ v.组织→________ adj.有组织的14.________ v.呼吸→________ n.呼吸15.________ n.惊恐,惊惶16.________ n.挑战→________ adj.挑战的→________ n.挑战者17.________ n.压力→________ v.按,压18.________ adj.冷静的,镇静的19.________ n.描述,描写,叙述,形容→________ v.描述,描绘20.________ adj.有信念的→________ n.信念21.________ n.海报22.________ n.探讨,辩论23.________ n.舞台24.________ v.争论,争论→________ n.争论,争论25.________ n.话题,论题26.________ adj.敏锐的,聪慧的27.________ adj.有才智的,聪慧的→________ n.才智28.________ adj.各种各样的;各种不同的→________ v.改变→________ adj.多变的29.________ n.志愿者→________ adj.自愿的30.________ v.申请→________ n.申请→________ n.申请人31.________ n.安排表,进程表,日程表32.________ n.奖;奖赏33.________ n.机会,时机34.________ n.(一次)观看35.________ adj.从前的36.________ v.毕业→________ n.毕业37.________ adj.受惊的,胆怯的→________ v.使胆怯→________ n.惊吓38.________ n.看到,望见39.________ v.认为,以为40.________ v.选择,选择41.________ adj.详细的,特定的42.________ v.奋斗,拼搏43.________ v.记住,熟记→________ n.记忆44.________ v.改善,改进→________ n.改进45.________ n.表现→________ v.执行;完成46.________ v.沟通(信息,想法等)Ⅱ.短语1.________________ 中学2.________________ 心情惊惶;心里发慌3.________________ 惊惶地4.________________ 依次地;一个接一个地5.________________ 尤其;特殊6.________________ 参考,查阅7.________________ (兴奋地)期盼;盼望8.________________ 全力以赴做某事9.________________ 使……处于压力之下10.________________ 依靠,依靠11.________________ 从……毕业12.________________ 将要做某事Ⅲ.句式结构1.be doing...when...I ________________________ there was someone knocking at the door. 我正在吃早饭,这时有人敲门。

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All reports are available at: Bloomberg Code: <shkr>Equity IndicesClose d-d (%) YTD (%) Hang Seng Index23,2071.16.1GEM 815 0.4 20.4 HSCEI 12,951 1.5 1.2 HS red chips4,3120.76.2DJIA 11,010 0.0 5.6NASDAQ 2,402 0.0 5.9 S&P 5001,1650.04.5FTSE-100 5,672 0.3 4.8 Nikkei 225 9,588 (0.1)(9.1)Taiwan weighted 8,176 (0.8)(0.1)Shanghai A-share 2,940 2.5 (14.4)Shenzhen A-share1,2680.90.6Market TurnoverHK$bn% chg.HSI 31.8 12.9 HSCCI 6.4 1.2 HSCEI 23.4 21.8 HK stocks95.210.0HKMA Opening Aggregate BalanceHK$mToday 148,664 Yesterday 148,664Sources: Bloomberg and Sun Hung Kai FinancialIN TODAY’S ISSUE …Market News and Views: NDRC residential-electricity pricing reform onlyadjusts charges for end users, so benefits should be limited for IPPs such as Datang International Power (991.HK, HK$3.31) and Huadian Power (1071.HK, HK$2.04) … Xinyi Glass (868.HK, HK$5.14) should benefit further from rising glass demand and prices, due to supportive government policies for the auto, low-income housing and alternative-energy sectors.Technical Alert Highlight: China Oilfield Services (2883.HK, HK$12.68). Major Index Technical Trends: HSI, HSCEI, Shanghai Composite and DJIA. Gold/FX Trend Forecasts.Market Data: A-/H-Share Listed Companies; Previous Day’s MainGainers/Losers; HSCI V olume Filter; Interest Rates; Exchange Rates; Energyand Raw-Material Prices.MARKET NEWS AND VIEWSMainland markets extended their advance from last Friday; the Shanghai CompositeIndex broke above 2,800. Hong Kong opened up along with overseas markets, and rose through resistance at 23,099. It reached an intraday high of 23,302, the highest level since July 2008, before narrowing its gain and moving sideways at around 23,200. The index ended up 263 points or 1.2% at 23,207; the HSCEI closed up 194points or 1.5% at 12,951. Turnover was HK$95.2bn. The resources sector performed well on expectations that another round of quantitative easing from the Fed might boost resources prices; China Coal (1898.HK, HK$13.98) and CNOOC (883.HK,HK$16.80) each gained 4.5%. China-based brokerages were chased up on expectations that mini-QFII would soon be launched; Shenyin Wanguo (218.HK,HK$3.85) soared 8%.Overseas, the USD was further dragged down by expectations of more quantitative easing from the Fed, driving funds into equities. European markets closed at a two-week high. However, trade volume declined in the U.S. as investors stayed on the sidelines entering the 3Q results season. Turnover fell to a year to date low of 5.5billion shares. The market then stabilized; the DJIA ended up 3 points at 11,010. The NDRC last week proposed a progressive pricing mechanism for residential electricity charges, boosting the electricity sector. Datang International Power (991.HK, HK$3.31) and Huadian Power (1071.HK, HK$2.04) gained 4.4% and 6.3% respectively. However, pricing reform only adjusted electricity charges for end users, with no adjustment in on-grid tariff. We therefore expect the benefits for power plants to be limited. We remain cautious on the sector outlook given the high costs from coal-price hikes on the mainland.Reuters reports, citing unidentified sources, that China will lift the proportion of funds that banks must set aside as reserves by 0.5 ppt for the next two months. This will apply to the four state-owned Chinese banks and two shareholding banks, China Merchants Bank (3968.HK, HK$21.10) and China Minsheng Bank (1988.HK,HK$7.03), and is aimed at raising the RRR for banks with higher loan growth.Investment Daily Note12 Oct. 2010We expect only a limited impact on the sector, given that 1) it is a temporary move; PRC banks usually record the lowest loan growth in 4Q, and the policy could be canceled after the two months is up; 2) the average loan-to-deposit ratio for the four state-owned banks is only 62%, and a higher reserves ratio would likely not dampen their loan growth. However, China Minsheng Bank could be dragged down in the short term given its higher loan-to-deposit ratio at 72.4%. The four state-owned Chinese banks trade at an average of only 11X FY10E P/E, and could rise further going forward. Buy.China Glass (3300.HK, HK$3.81) and Xinyi Glass (868.HK, HK$5.14) both reached 52-week highs, up 8% and 3% respectively. We prefer Xinyi, which produces and sells float-glass products including photovoltaic glass, auto glass and construction and household glass in the PRC. For the six months ended 30 June 2010, gross profit margin rose 5.1 ppts to 39% on better cost controls and increasing sales contributions from value-added glass products. Net profit surged 185% to HK$642m.Glass demand and prices have increased due to supportive government policies for the auto, low-income housing and alternative-energy sectors. Strong demand is reflected in Xinyi’s more than three months of auto-glass orders on hand, and orders for construction and photovoltaic glass up to end-2010 and 2011. The company is expanding production to meet demand, with an 800,000-piece line and a 1.2 million-piece production line set to start production in 4Q10 and 1Q11 respectively. The outlook is positive. Buy at the current level, targeting HK$6.00, with stop-losses at HK$4.60.Daniel So, CFA / Tammy LeungTechnical Alert Highlight: China Oilfield Services (2883.HK, HK$12.68)Profile: Offshore oilfield-services provider, including drilling, well, marine support and transport, and geophysical services.Technical trend: Rebounded from a low of HK$2.68 in 4Q08, and rose further after breaking above the long-term downtrend in mid-2009. Retreated from HK$12.28 in April this year, and stabilized at HK$8.36 in May. Overcame resistance at HK$9.97 in July and resumed uptrend. Broke above the April high last week, with the current wave higher than the previous one. Expected to challenge the top of the uptrend at around HK$15.00 in the short term, reaching up to the mid-2008 high of HK$16.68 in the medium term. Solid support at last month’s low of HK$11.02.Supplemental indicators: The three major MAs continue to rise; the Bollinger Bands are moving up with no signs of retreat for the time being.Figure 1: China Oilfield Services (2883.HK) – technical chartSources: Bloomberg and Sun Hung Kai FinancialFor more details, see full Technical Alert published today.Rex YeungMAJOR INDEX TECHNICAL TRENDSHSIHSCEIRose through the early year high of 23,099 with an up-gap.Turnover rebounded.If it can stay above the level in the short term, could test theMay 2008 high of 26,387.Opened with an up-gap and rose through 13,000 at one point.Turnover increased. Light and dark candles formed agravestone pattern, indicating that consolidation is likely in the short term.Could challenge the April high of 13,163 once theconsolidation is over.Shanghai Composite IndexDJIASurged for a third straight day and regained 2,800. Turnover increased significantly and supplemental indicators strengthened.May undergo a mild consolidation in the short term, beforeapproaching the medium-term downtrend at around 3,000.Struggled in a narrow range around the 11,000 level, andformed a small Doji pattern at close.The three major SMAs continue to trend upward; couldfurther test the April high of 11,258 if it defends the 10-day MA.Sources: Bloomberg and Sun Hung Kai FinancialGOLD/FX TREND FORECASTS Figure 2: Trend analysisFX/commodity Support1Support2SpotpriceResistance1Resistance2Medium-termtrend CommentsU.S. Dollar Index 76.601 75.94 77.567 78.68 79.50 Selling pressure persists. EUR/USD 1.3506 1.3300 1.3867 1.4194 1.4374 Uptrend remains intact. GBP/USD 1.5750 1.5488 1.5882 1.6019 1.6112 Continues to rise. AUD/USD 0.9462 0.9221 0.9817 1.0000 1.0100 Uptrend remains intact. NZD/USD 0.7241 0.7051 0.7510 0.7634 0.7800 Uptrend remains intact. USD/CAD 0.9930 0.9700 1.0136 1.0471 1.0673 Continues to fall. USD/CHF 0.9500 0.9300 0.9649 0.9932 1.0136 Continues to fall. USD/JPY 80.00 79.75 82.24 83.18 85.93 Continues to fall. Spot gold 1,300 1,265 1,351.75 1,380 1,400 Uptrend remains intact. Spot silver 20.02 18.80 23.17 24.00 25.00 Uptrend remains intact. N.Y. crude oil 78.13 75.00 81.82 85.83 87.15 Uptrend remains intact. Trend: Up Down Range tradingSources: Bloomberg and Sun Hung Kai FinancialFigure 3: Major interest ratesCurrent rate (%) 3M forecast (%)U.S. Fed Funds rate 0.0-0.25 0.0-0.25 British Repo rate 0.50 0.50ECB main refinancing rate 1.00 1.00SNB LIBOR target 0.25 0.25 Japanese overnight call rate 0.10 0.10 Canadian overnight rate target 1.00 1.00 Australian cash rate 4.50 4.75New Zealand cash rate 3.00 3.00 HKMA base rate 0.50 0.50 Sources: Bloomberg and Sun Hung Kai FinancialKenix LaiMARKET DATACompanies Listed on both the A-share and H-share MarketsCompanyHsharecodePrice(HK$)A sharecodePrice(RMB)A-sharepremiumtoH-share(%) CompanyHsharecodePrice(HK$)AsharecodePrice(RMB)A-sharepremiumtoH-share(%)Nanjing Panda 553 1.990600775 8.360389.1 ChenmingPaper 18127.330 000488 8.120 29.0 YizhengChem 1033 2.160600871 8.740371.1 Zijin Mining 28997.800 601899 8.610 28.5 Luoyang Glass 1108 2.120600876 8.090344.3 PetroChina8579.78060185710.78028.3 JingweiTextile 350 2.550000666 8.250276.7 MCC 1618 4.0906016184.33023.3 NortheastElectric 42 1.580000585 5.010269.2 CITICBank 998 5.2306019985.50022.4 BeirenPrinting 187 2.970600860 8.210221.8 Anhui Expressway 995 5.320 600012 5.550 21.5 ShanghaiPechem 338 3.270600688 8.750211.5 Yanzhou Coal 117121.800 600188 22.210 18.6 Shandong Xinhua 719 3.410000756 8.380186.1 DongfangElectric 107234.85060087532.910 9.9 TianjinCapital 1065 2.760600874 6.730183.9 Weichai Power 233886.550 000338 79.950 7.5 DatangPower 991 3.310601991 7.170152.2 China Ship Dev 113811.500 600026 10.310 4.4 KunmingMachine 300 4.880600806 9.800133.8 Jiangsu Expressway1778.160 600377 7.300 4.2SHElectric 2727 4.370601727 8.690131.5 Tsingtao Brew 16844.200 600600 38.020 0.1 HuadianPower 1071 2.040600027 4.050131.1 ZTE 76331.50000006325.900(4.3) HisenseKelon 921 3.700000921 7.100123.4 China Coal 189813.980 601898 11.480 (4.4)CSA 1055 4.830600029 8.870113.8 CSR 17667.0606017665.790(4.5)BeijingNStar 588 2.180601588 3.980112.6 Pacific Insurance 260130.650 601601 24.860 (5.6) ChongqingIron 1053 2.340601005 4.180108.0 Bank of China 3988 4.250 601988 3.420 (6.3)JiangxiCopper 358 21.350600362 37.650105.3 China Shenhua 108835.300 601088 27.430 (9.5)CEA 670 4.840600115 8.25098.5 MaanshanIron 323 4.990 600808 3.830 (10.6) Guangzhou Phar 874 8.390600332 14.00094.3 Minsheng Banking 19887.030 600016 5.330 (11.7) GuangzhouShip 317 14.660600685 22.70080.3 China Railway 390 5.890 601390 4.460 (11.8) CHALCO 26007.84060160011.52071.1ChinaRail Cons 118610.380 601186 7.660 (14.1) HuanengPower 902 4.810600011 6.42055.4 Anhui Conch 91433.500 600585 24.650 (14.3)CSCL 2866 3.000601866 4.00055.2 PingAn 231879.300 601318 58.200 (14.6) Sichuan Expressway 107 5.270601107 6.88052.0 AngangSteel 34713.320 000898 9.440 (17.5)ChinaOilfield 2883 12.680601808 16.08047.6 ICBC 1398 5.980 601398 4.200 (18.2) Sinopec 386 6.850600028 8.68047.5 BoComm 33288.7506013286.110(18.7) GuangshenRailway 525 2.950601333 3.71046.4 China Life 262833.700 601628 23.450 (19.0)SZExpressway 548 4.260600548 5.30044.9 CCB 939 6.9806019394.760(20.6)Air China 753 10.700601111 12.99041.3 CMBank 396821.100 600036 13.900 (23.3)China Cosco 1919 9.550601919 10.66030.0 Agricultural Bank 1288 4.110 601288 2.700 (23.5) Sources: Bloomberg and Sun Hung Kai FinancialPrevious Day’s Main Gainers and LosersStock CodePrice(HK$)1 Day %Chg1 Week %Chg1 Month %ChgYear to date %ChgTurnover(HK$m)GainersYanzhou Coal 1171.HK 21.800 5.6 7.9 31.3 27.0 460.2Zijin Mining 2899.HK 7.800 5.1 18.2 34.5 5.1 950.1China Coal 1898.HK 13.980 4.5 4.3 19.3 (1.8) 851.9 CNOOC 883.HK 16.800 4.5 6.5 18.8 37.7 1,555.7Datang Power 991.HK 3.310 4.4 1.8 4.1 (1.2) 276.7LosersShenzhen Investment 604.HK 2.550 (3.4) (7.6) (9.9) (22.7) 85.7 BYD Company 1211.HK 55.950 (2.8) (11.2) 15.0 (18.3) 547.3China Res Power 836.HK 16.300 (2.0) (2.7) (3.4) 5.6353.4 Kunlun Energy 135.HK 10.460 (1.9) 3.0 4.4 1.4 269.2 Tsingtao Brew 168.HK 44.200 (1.6) (3.3) 1.6 2.8 100.5HSCI V olume FilterStock Code CompanyPrice(HK$)1 Day %ChgAvg. volume(m shares)Previous vol.(m shares) % increase83.HK165.HK China Everbright 19.720 4.9 11.4 47.5 316.92899.HK Zijin Mining 7.800 5.1 35.2 123.1 249.2604.HK Shenzhen Investment 2.550 (3.4) 12.0 33.3 177.7991.HK Datang Power 3.310 4.4 31.5 83.7 166.1836.HK China Res Power 16.300 (2.0) 8.3 21.3 155.82380.HK China Power 1.790 3.5 7.2 18.4 155.6848.HK Maoye Int'l 3.400 (0.3) 7.2 16.8 134.8902.HK Huaneng Power 4.810 0.2 25.0 56.9 127.31688.HK Alibaba 15.340 (2.8) 7.6 15.6 107.1* V olume filter applies to Hang Seng Composite Index constituents only** Average volume is for the previous 30 trading daysInterest RatesCurrent (%) 5D chg. (bps) 30D chg. (bps) YTD chg. (bps) yoy chg. (bps)HK prime rate 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0U.S. Fed Funds rate 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0U.S. 10-year bond yield 2.4 (9.5) (41.4) (145.7) (100.1)HK 1-month HIBOR 0.3 3.1 12.1 19.9 15.0HK 3-month HIBOR 0.4 2.4 10.1 22.1 13.3Exchange RatesLatest 5D % chg. 30D % chg. YTD % chg. yoy % chg.EUR/USD 1.3868 0.2 7.6 (3.3) (6.1)GBP/USD 1.5885 (0.0) 3.0 (1.6) 0.5USD/JPY 82.2200(1.2)(1.8)(11.6)(8.5) AUD/USD 0.9817 1.0 4.9 9.4 8.2NZD/USD 0.7509 0.2 2.3 3.8 2.4USD/CAD 1.0135(0.2)(1.3)(3.8)(2.1) USD Index 77.5730 (1.1) (6.2) (0.4) 1.9Energy and Raw Material PricesLatest 5D % chg. 30D % chg. YTD % chg. yoy % chg.Gold (USD/oz.) 1,352.0 0.8 8.5 23.2 27.9Silver (USD/oz.) 23.2 1.5 16.6 37.3 31.0Aluminum (USD/t) 2,400.0 1.6 14.3 7.6 23.3Copper (USD/t) 8,290.0 2.8 10.7 12.4 32.0Hot roll steel (USD/t) 622.5 0.8 3.8 22.7 23.3Cotton (USD/lb.) 106.7 9.5 17.1 45.0 68.1CRB Index 296.4 4.4 7.7 4.6 10.9Brent (USD/barrel) 84.3 1.3 8.0 8.2 20.9WTI (USD/barrel) 82.2 0.9 7.5 3.6 12.2Sources: Bloomberg and Sun Hung Kai FinancialRECENT REPORTSDate Type Title Analyst12 Oct. 2010 Technical Alert China Oilfield Services (2883.HK) Rex Yeung 11 Oct. 2010 Forex & Gold Weekly Maintain Expectation of Further USD Weakness In Short Term Kenix Lai 11 Oct. 2010 Technical Alert Mingyuan Medicare (233.HK) Rex Yeung8 Oct. 2010 IPO Preview Springland International (1700.HK) Daniel So, CFA 8 Oct. 2010 Technical Alert COSCO International (517.HK) Rex Yeung8 Oct. 2010 Sector Report Telecom Equipment Industry Update Eva Yip, CFA 8 Oct. 2010 Key Takeaways Zhongsheng (881.HK) – Luxury Move Eva Yip, CFA 7 Oct. 2010 IPO Preview Boer Power Holdings (1685.HK) Daniel So, CFA 7 Oct. 2010 Technical Alert Fufeng (546.HK) Rex Yeung6 Oct. 2010 Technical Action Kingdee (268.HK) Rex Yeung5 Oct. 2010 Company Update Sinoref (1020.HK) Derek Yew, CFA 5 Oct. 2010 Technical Action West China Cement (2233.HK) Rex Yeung4 Oct. 2010 Forex & Gold Weekly USD to Remain Weak Until QE2 Is Finalized Kenix Lai4 Oct. 2010 Technical Action Great Wall Technology (74.HK) Rex Yeung 30 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Sun.King Power Electronics (580.HK) Daniel So, CFA 30 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview China Suntien Green Energy (956.HK) Daniel So, CFA 30 Sep. 2010 Key Takeaways Kingdee (268.HK) – Planning for the Future Eva Yip, CFA 30 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Skyworth Digital (751.HK). Rex Yeung 30 Sep. 2010 Key Takeaways ZTE (763.HK) – Overhang Lifted from Indian Uncertainty Eva Yip, CFA 29 Sep. 2010 Company Report O-Net (877.HK) – Growth Momentum Continues Eva Yip, CFA 29 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Wing Tai Properties (369.HK). Rex Yeung 28 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Mongolian Mining (975.HK) Daniel So, CFA 28 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Pacific Andes (1174.HK) Rex Yeung27 Sep. 2010 Forex & Gold Weekly USD Weakness to Continue on Poor Economic Outlook and Ahead ofNovember ElectionsKenix Lai27 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Winsway Coking Coal Holdings (1733.HK) Daniel So, CFA27 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology (2208.HK) Daniel So, CFA27 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Chen Hsong (57.HK) Rex Yeung24 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Sunac China Holdings (1918.HK) Daniel So, CFA24 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Trony Solar (2468.HK) Daniel So, CFA24 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Sino Biopharmaceutical (1177.HK) Rex Yeung22 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Beijing Capital Land (2868.HK, HK$2.81) Rex Yeung21 Sep. 2010 Strategy Report Short Term Portfolio Realignment Alvin Chong21 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Geely Automobile (175.HK) Rex Yeung20 Sep. 2010 Forex & Gold Weekly USD to Continue Range-Trading in Short Term Kenix Lai20 Sep. 2010 Technical Action Tai Cheung (88.HK) Rex Yeung17 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Besunyen Holdings (926.HK) Daniel So, CFA17 Sep. 2010 Company Report Jinheng (872.HK) – Switching Lanes Eva Yip, CFA17 Sep. 2010 Company Report Y uexiu Property (123.HK) – Clearer Expansion Plans Holly Hou16 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Boshiwa International Holding (1698.HK) Daniel So, CFA15 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview China Medical System (867.HK) Daniel So, CFA15 Sep. 2010 Company Update Lumena (67.HK) DerekYew,CFA 14 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Changfeng Axle (China) (1039.HK) Daniel So, CFA14 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview MicroPort Scientific Corporation (853.HK) Daniel So, CFA14 Sep. 2010 Company Report Sinoref (1020.HK) – Casting V alue in the Steel Production Chain Derek Yew, CFA13 Sep. 2010 Forex & Gold Weekly USD to Continue Range-Trading in Short Term Kenix Lai10 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview Magic Holdings International (1633.HK) Daniel So, CFA9 Sep. 2010 Key Takeaways Chaowei Power (951.HK) Eva Yip, CFA6 Sep. 2010 Forex & Gold Weekly Japan’s Handling of Yen Appreciation the Key Concern Kenix Lai3 Sep. 2010 IPO Preview China Sanjiang Fine Chemicals (2198.HK) Daniel So, CFA2 Sep. 2010 Company Report Lumena (67.HK) – 1H10 Results Better Than Expected Derek Yew, CFA2 Sep. 2010 Company Report China VTM Mining (893.HK) – Building on Economic Growth in Western China Derek Yew, CFA2 Sep. 2010 Company Report Shenguan Holdings (829.HK) – 1H10 Results Review Holly Hou1 Sep. 2010 Company Report China Green (904.HK) – FY10 Results Review Eva Yip, CFAAddress: 42/F, The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong KongPhone : (852) 3920 2888Fax : (852) 3920 2789Web : Sun Hung Kai Financial Research ProductsInvestment Daily Note is our daily report incorporating views on industries, sectors, securities and markets. It also provides highlights of our other research reports.Company Reports incorporate our key views on listed companies, providing a bottom-up approach to equity investment. Sector Reports provide our overview of an industry or sector, for a top-down approach to equity investment. Combined with Company Reports, Sector Reports offer a panoramic view for stock selection.Key Takeaways provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview on listed companies, with in-depth analysis of current and future strategies, positioning, earnings drivers and key investment risks.Trading Express highlights investment ideas with a short-term or speculative approach, including news- and event-driven strategies, visualization strategies and trading strategies involving quantitative analysis.Equity Dashboard gives a bird’s-eye view of the Hong Kong stock market and individual sector performances, with a review of individual sectors and stocks within each sector.Stock Guides are a user-friendly investment tool putting comprehensive fundamental information at our clients' fingertips. Each guide provides a clear and structured picture of a stock's financial and business fundamentals and catalysts. Technical Action reports identify and highlight short-term, speculative investment ideas derived from technical analysis, with appropriate entry and exit prices.Disclosure of InterestsResearch Analyst Certificationand the analysts are paid in part based on the profitability of Sun Hung Kai Investment Services Limited ("SHKIS") and its affiliates (collectively called "SHKF") which includes revenue from investment banking activities.Research Analyst ConflictsFinancial Interests:The research analyst(s) who prepared this report and his/her/their associates have no financial interests in relation to listed corporation(s) covered in this report.Relevant Relationships:The research analyst(s) who prepared this report and his/her/their associates do not serve as officer(s) of listed corporation(s) covered in this report.SHKF's Financial Interests and Business RelationshipsSHKF may have a financial interest in the issuer(s) mentioned in this report, including a long or short position in its/their securities and/or options, futures or other derivative instruments based thereon, or vice versa. 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