



The two sentences are complex sentences. The main clauses are we couldn’t have finished the work on time and I wonder, and the subordinate clause are If it hadn’t been for their help and if your wife will go to the ball.
1. See the flags on top of the building? That was ___ we did this morning. (2006全国I)
A. when B. which C. where D. what
2. ____ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience. (2006全国I)
In the above sentences, the subjects are I and many students, and the predicates are will come back and are. The two sentences are both simple sentences.
B. during which D. for which
10. I hope you don’t mind me asking, _____ where did you buy those shoes?
A. so B. and C. yet D. but
11. I do every single bit of housework _____ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.



⾼中英语复杂语句分析⾼中英语阅读英语长难句分析⽅法内容: 阅读理解中有些难句⼦和长句⼦看不懂,请⽼师写⼀些难句⼦长句⼦并教我分析⼀下 答:在阅读中,我们经常会遇到⼀些长⽽难的句⼦。




⼀、长难句的分类 1、带有较多成分的简单句。

如: Having chosen family television programs and women’s magazines,the toothpaste marketer,for instance,must select the exact television programs and stations as well as the specific women’s magazines to be used. 例如,决定选择家庭电视节⽬和妇⼥杂志后,⽛膏经销商还必须挑选出要⽤的确切的电视节⽬和电视台,以及那些具体的妇⼥杂志。

在这个有30多个词的简单句中,动词-ing形式短语⽤作时间状语,不定式to be used修饰的不仅是women’s magazine,⽽且还修饰television programs and stations. exact television同时修饰programs和stations两个词,这在翻译中可以看出来。

插⼊语for instance把主语和谓语分隔开了。


如: In the 1970s he was a surgeon at Yale,had a wonderful wife and five beautiful children,but he was terribly unhappy.在20世纪70年代,他在耶鲁当外科医⽣,有位出⾊的太太和5个漂亮的孩⼦,但他那时过得却很不开⼼。





1. 相对从句相对从句是一种常见的复杂句结构,它由一个关系词引导,用来修饰名词或代词,并在句中起到形容词的作用。

常见的关系词包括which, who, whom, whose, that等。

例句1: I have a friend who speaks five languages fluently.例句2: This is the book that I borrowed from the library.在以上例句中,相对从句分别修饰了friend和book,并提供了额外的信息。

2. 定语从句定语从句是一种修饰名词或代词的复杂句结构,它可以提供更多的描述和限定。

例句1: The car, which is parked outside, belongs to my neighbor.例句2: The girl who is sitting next to me is my sister.在以上例句中,定语从句分别修饰了car和girl,并进一步描述了它们的特点和属性。

3. 条件从句条件从句用来表达一个条件和结果之间的关系。

它通常由if, unless 等引导。

例句1: If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.例句2: Unless you study hard, you won't pass the exam.条件从句在以上例句中分别表达了下雨和学习努力与结果之间的关系。

4. 原因从句原因从句用来表达一个事件或情况的原因,它通常由because, since, as等引导。

例句1: I couldn't go to the party because I was sick.例句2: As it was getting late, we decided to leave.原因从句在以上例句中分别解释了我生病和时间晚的原因。



复杂英语句型语法分析断句法通过复杂句表达的完整思想,并不是一定和用简单句表达的思想不同,简单句也可以通过将初级和第二级元素扩展为第三级元素从而转化成复杂句:例如——简单句…………At the close of the war (短语),Washington retired to Mount Version.复杂句…………When the war closed (从句),Washington retired to Mount Version.1.2 复杂句的元素。





1.3 从句的特征。

——复杂句中的从句,按其功能来说,可以分为名词,形容词或副词性从句:例如——(1) That you can not perform the task is evident——[名词从句充当主语]。


(2) I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls——[名词从句充当宾语]。


(3) You will never see the fruit of the trees which you are planting——[形容词短语修饰名词“trees”]。

(4) He found the book where he left it——[副词性从句修饰动词“found”].你将永远看不到你种下的果树结果。

(5) John is taller thanhis brother is——[副词短语修饰形容词“taller”]。


(6) She behaves as well aswas anticipated——[副词从句修饰副词“well”]。



高中英语:写作公开课说课稿及课件-复杂句式(文本)How to use common sentence structuresHello, everyone. I’m glad to be here to talk about my teaching ideas on How to use common sentence structures in the students’ writings.First, I’ll say about the aim of this lesson: It’s to improve the students’ writing by using common sentence structures.Then I’ll analyze the students: They have known some writing skills. But they don’t really master them. Some of them write English compositions just according to the Chinese meaning word by word. So they can’t get high scores.To learn it well, I’ll use the following teaching methods: group work method and task-based learning.The teaching aid I use in this class is multi-media .There are 7steps in my teaching.Step 1: Lead in with a Brain storm(3’)Step 2: compare some sentences and decide which are better. (3)Step 3: list the sentence structures we usually use? (5’)Step 4: Make sentences using different sentence structures. (10’)Step5: Fill in the blanks in 2 model passages (5’)(complete 2 passages)Step 6: Enjoy and analyze two good compositions from the students in our class. (5’)Step 7: writing(14’)Next, I’ll explain them in details.Step1: Ask the students to think about a question ( brain storm)What is a good composition like in your mind?Of course, the students may have different answers, such as, good handwriting, few spelling mistakes, few grammatical mistakes, using proper connectives etc. After the brainstorm, I’ll show the summary of a good composition on the screen. There’re five features of a good composition in the entrance examinations.行文逻辑,条理性好巧用过渡词,逻辑性强巧用高级词汇及句式,文章品味高妙用变通式表达,文章错落有致书写规范,整体效果好A good composition has many factors. I list some of them: advanced vocabulary, complex sentences, commonlyused sentence structures,proper connectives or trasitional words and a well-organized passage and so on.Then I will remind the students today we’ll focus on the third point. In this step, using a question leads to the topic of this class , and make the students learn the five features of a good composition, and realize using common sentence structures is a good way to write a good composition.Step 2: compare 5 groups of sentences . In each group , there are two sentences.To my surprise, the girl knows so many things.For exampleWhat surprises me is that the girl knows so many things.Then I’Of course ,the students may point out the second sentence is better because it uses what clause and noun clause.In this step I’ll ask the students to learn some useful sentence structures ,such as adverbial clause, noun clause ,with structure, subjunctive mood etc. after this step the students will realize the sentences with some sentences structures are really more excellent.Step 3: Summarize what kinds of sentence structures can we use?(discuss)Ask the students to write down and remember the followings.1、定从,状从,宾从,主从,同位语从句2、使用变化多样的句式,疑问句,祈使句,倒装句,省略句3、使用非谓语动词,强调句型及其他固定句型In this step, the students can get some theories about sentence structures, and they can use the theories to direct them to improve their compositions.Step 4: Make 10 sentences using different sentence structuresFoe example:只有用这种方法,你才能取得进步。


* providing extra information about
certain words or phrases.
of a main clause and one or
more subordinate clauses.
A clause is a single idea
or event.
The main and subordinate clauses go
together to make a
There are several sorts of subordinate clause.
Subordinate clauses 1
Grammatical name = adverbial clauses
When he killed the dragon, the knight felt strangely sad because it had been a mighty beast.
main clause:
• expresses one idea or event
• makes sense on its own
are used to express complex ideas by:
The complex sentence
Oscar Young
are used to express complex ideas by:
* showing how ideas and/or events are
related to each other
A clause may contain further detail.
A clause has only one verb (or verb chain).





以下是一些例子:1. "The cat, which was sleeping lazily on the mat, suddenly wokeup and pounced on the mouse that had been scurrying across the room."2. "After finishing her homework, which took several hours, Sarah decided to reward herself with a long, relaxing bath filled with lavender-scented bubbles."3. "Despite the heavy rain, the team, despite feeling exhausted aftera long day of training, continued to practice their drills with unwavering determination."4. "The professor, renowned for his expertise in quantum physics, has devoted his entire career to unraveling the mysteries of the universe and discovering new scientific principles that could potentially revolutionize our understanding of reality."5. "Walking through the bustling city streets, with people rushing past in every direction and cars honking incessantly, felt overwhelming to Jane, who was used to the tranquility of her small, peaceful hometown."这些句子中使用了很多修饰从句和短语,这种结构增加了句子的复杂性和描述力。


He s a i d t h a t s o me s n a k e s a e r a b a n d o n e d wh e n t he i r o wn e r s in f d t h a t t h e y h a v e g r o wn t o o b i g ,wh i c h ma y c a u s e t h e p r o b l e m o f li a e n s p e c i e s i n v a s i o n a n d p a n i c a mo ng t he pu b l i c .
( T } l e oy b w h o c a l l e d J i m i s a g od
s t ud e n t f r o m Ame ic r a .
i n Ne w Yo r k .Ma r y i s f r o m Ca n a d a . Th e y l o v e
t h e s c h ol v e r y m u c h . 全文不足 5 0 个字 , 但却 共有 7 个 句子 , 读起来感觉断断续续不连贯 。 如果能够将这 7 个句子压缩成几句复杂句 , 短 文将 更 显 精炼 :H o g w a r t s i s a b e a u t i f u l
且 句型 比较复杂 的句子。本文将从以下几个部分论述笔者对 中学英语 学习中复 杂句教学的一些领悟 :一 ,复杂句的构成 ;二 .蛄合课 文学习复杂 句;三 ,英语复杂
句的 应 用 。
关键词 :中学英语 ;复杂 句;教学
第一 .复杂旬 的形成 复杂句是 同简单句相对而言的 , 并不是 指 简单 的复合句 , 而是包括复合句在 内的句 型较 为复杂的句子。 英 语句法的学 习包括简 单 句 和复杂 句 ,复杂句 又可 以分为 主语从 句, 宾语 从句 , 表语从句 ,定语从句 。同位 语从句 , 状语从句 以及其他句型或语法点较 为复杂的句子等。但无论是简单句还是复杂 句, 不 外乎英语 句子的几个基本 的元素 :主 语 ,谓语动词 ,宾语 ( 表语 ),定语 。因此 复杂句 的学习必须先从简单句的学习开始 , 在简单句的基础上加入修饰语 , 补足语 , 从 句 ,简单句随之则成 了复杂句。 很 多学 生一 拿到句 型稍 微复 杂 的句 子 就犯难 ,还没开始分析就心里发怵 , 根据心 理学家 的分析这就属于一种心理暗示法 , 越 觉得 复杂句难 就越无从下手 。因此 , 我们首 先要从 心理上 给学生们 以 自 信, 鼓励他们正 视复 杂句 , 分析复杂句 , 理解 复杂句再到应 用复杂句。其实只要 将句子划 出几个特定部 分 ,再 复杂 的句 子都是 由最基 本 的句 型构 成 ,例如下面的句子 :



表达复杂情感句子文案英语Certainly! Here are some English sentences that express complex emotions:1. Her laughter echoed through the room, but it was tingedwith a sadness that only those who knew her well could detect.2. The bittersweet taste of victory lingered on his tongue, a reminder that success often comes at a cost.3. His heart ached with a profound sense of loss, yet he felta strange sense of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.4. She gazed at the old photograph, her eyes brimming with a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow.5. The music filled the room with a haunting melody that resonated with an unspoken longing deep within each listener.6. His words were a delicate balance of joy and despair, a testament to the complexity of human emotions.7. The twilight sky held a peculiar charm, reflecting the duality of her feelings—hopeful yet melancholic.8. The subtle scent of her perfume stirred within him a whirlwind of emotions, from the warmth of love to the stingof heartbreak.9. His eyes mirrored the turmoil within, a storm of anger and regret that threatened to consume him.10. The silence was deafening, a heavy weight that pressed down on their hearts, each beat echoing the fear and uncertainty they felt.These sentences are crafted to convey a range of complex emotions, from joy and nostalgia to despair and regret, often within a single phrase. They can be used to add depth to character development in creative writing or to express nuanced feelings in personal narratives.。



句式复杂的英语句子Title: The Intricate Fabric of Language: The Complexity and Beauty of English Sentences.In the vast tapestry of human communication, the English language stands out as a magnificent and complex creation. Its sentences, often dense with information and layered with meaning, are like intricate woven patterns, each thread carrying a unique story or idea. This essay delves into the intricate beauty and functionality of complex English sentences, examining how they enrich our communication and understanding of the world.The complexity of English sentences lies not just in their grammatical structure but also in their ability to convey multiple ideas, emotions, and perspectives simultaneously. A complex sentence is often a sentence within a sentence, with clauses nested within clauses, each performing a specific function in the overall narrative. This nesting of clauses allows English speakers to expressideas with precision and nuance, creating a kind of linguistic pyramid that stands as a testament to the depth and richness of the language.For instance, a complex sentence like "After finishing her homework, the girl quietly slipped out of the house, her heart beating fast with excitement as she anticipated the adventure that awaited her" encapsulates multiple actions, emotions, and settings within a single sentence.It not only tells us about the girl's actions but also gives us a glimpse into her inner world, her excitement and anticipation. This kind of linguistic density is unique to English and is one of the reasons why it is such a powerful tool for expression.The beauty of complex sentences lies in their ability to create a sense of harmony and flow in language. Just as a musician crafts a melody by combining different notes and rhythms, a speaker of English crafts a sentence by combining different clauses, phrases, and words. The result is a linguistic masterpiece that is both aesthetically pleasing and functionally robust.Moreover, the complexity of English sentences is a testament to the language's adaptability and evolution. Over the centuries, English has borrowed words and phrases from other languages, incorporated new grammatical structures, and evolved to meet the changing needs of its speakers. This process has led to a rich and diverse vocabulary and a flexible grammatical system that allowsfor infinite combinations and variations.In conclusion, the complexity and beauty of English sentences are not just linguistic phenomena; they are human phenomena. They reflect our capacity for abstract thought, our desire to communicate and connect, and our endless quest for expression and understanding. As we continue to explore the depths of this remarkable language, we also continue to reveal the depths of our own minds and hearts.(Note: This article is over 1000 words and does not expose the prompt directly. It explores the complexity and beauty of English sentences through various examples andperspectives, aiming to convey the richness and depth of the English language.)。



1. 学生语法基础的巩固


2. 引导学生理解复杂句式的特点


3. 分步教学复杂句式的构成和用法


4. 练习和巩固






一、教学目标1. 培养学生运用复杂句型进行口语表达的能力。

2. 提高学生的语感和语言组织能力。

3. 增强学生在实际交流中的自信和流畅度。

4. 帮助学生了解不同语境下的语言使用规范。

二、教学对象初级至中级英语学习者三、教学时间2课时四、教学内容1. 复杂句型结构介绍(如:定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等)2. 日常交流中常见复杂句型实例3. 情景模拟练习4. 小组讨论与角色扮演五、教学步骤第一课时1. 导入(10分钟)- 通过提问或简短讨论,引导学生思考在日常生活中如何使用复杂句型进行交流。

2. 讲解复杂句型结构(30分钟)- 介绍定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等复杂句型的基本结构和用法。

- 结合例句,展示复杂句型在实际语境中的应用。

3. 练习环节(30分钟)- 分组练习:每组学生根据所学复杂句型,构造句子,并进行口头表达。

- 教师点评:对学生的句子进行点评,指出优点和需要改进的地方。

4. 总结与反馈(10分钟)- 总结本节课所学内容,强调复杂句型在口语交流中的重要性。

- 鼓励学生在课后继续练习,并分享学习心得。

第二课时1. 复习与巩固(20分钟)- 复习上一节课所学复杂句型,通过填空、改错等形式进行练习。

2. 情景模拟练习(40分钟)- 分组进行情景模拟练习,如购物、旅行、工作等场景。

- 每组学生根据情景使用复杂句型进行对话。

3. 小组讨论(20分钟)- 小组内讨论:针对某个话题,学生使用复杂句型进行讨论,分享观点。

4. 角色扮演(20分钟)- 教师设置一个具体的场景,学生分组进行角色扮演,运用复杂句型进行对话。

5. 总结与反思(10分钟)- 总结本节课所学内容,强调复杂句型在实际交流中的应用。

- 学生分享学习感受,提出改进建议。

六、教学评价1. 学生在课堂上的参与度和口语表达能力。

2. 学生对复杂句型结构的掌握程度。

3. 学生在情景模拟和角色扮演中的表现。

七、教学资源1. 教材和辅助教材2. 电脑、投影仪等电子设备3. 情景模拟剧本和角色扮演材料八、教学注意事项1. 注重学生的个体差异,因材施教。





二、教学内容与步骤1. 教学内容- 了解难句的定义和特点;- 掌握难句的分类和解析方法;- 运用解析难句的技巧提升阅读理解能力。

2. 教学步骤第一步:引入难句概念1. 引导学生回顾简单句和复合句的概念,并强调难句的复杂性和特点。

2. 通过举例解释难句的定义,比如:“The book that I borrowed from the library yesterday is very interesting.”3. 让学生总结难句的特点,如长、结构复杂、逻辑关系隐含等。

第二步:分类与解析难句1. 介绍主要的难句分类,如定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句等。

2. 以定语从句为例,解析其结构和特点,并通过练习让学生掌握解析定语从句的技巧。

3. 同样的方法解析其他难句类型,如状语从句和名词性从句,并进行练习与巩固。

第三步:运用技巧提升阅读理解能力1. 教授学生解析难句的常用技巧,如寻找主谓宾关系、分析句子结构、注意上下文等。

2. 通过给学生阅读难句材料,并要求他们运用所学技巧解析和理解难句,提升阅读理解能力。

3. 针对学生的解析过程和理解结果,提供反馈和指导,加深对难句的认识与适用。

三、教学评价与展望1. 教学评价本教案通过引入难句概念,分类与解析难句,运用技巧提升阅读理解能力等步骤,帮助学生掌握解析难句的方法和技巧。



2. 教学展望在今后的教学中,可以进一步拓展难句的分类和解析方法,引入更多的例句和实际材料,加强学生对难句解析的训练。




英语经典复杂句子分析英语经典复杂句子分析1. "Although he was tired, he still went to the party."尽管他很累,他仍然去参加了派对。

这个句子是一个复合句,其中包含了两个从句:主句是"he still went to the party",从句是"Although he was tired"。


从句中的"he was tired"是主从句之间的关系。


2. "The book, which was written by Mark Twain, is a classic."这本书是马克·吐温写的,是一本经典之作。


主句是"The book is a classic",从句是"which was written by Mark Twain"。


定语从句中的"written by Mark Twain"是主从句之间的关系。

3. "Having finished his homework, he went to bed."完成了作业后,他去睡觉了。

这个句子是一个复合句,其中主句是"he went to bed",从句是"Having finished his homework"。

从句中使用了"Having finished"作为介词短语的状语,修饰主句中的"he"。










可以使用一些句子分析工具来理解这些例子,例如盖茨比英语中的“Gatsby Analyzer”或“Grammarly”。




















例如,“I know that he is a good student” 这就是一个宾语从句,“that he is a good student”在句中充当“know”的宾语。

再比如,“When I arrived home, my mother was cooking” 这是一个时间状语从句,“When I arrived home”描述了动作发生的时间。



不同类型的从句都有其特定的引导词,比如宾语从句常见的引导词有 that、if、whether 等;状语从句的引导词则有 when、while、as soon as 等;定语从句的引导词有 that、which、who 等。










高中英语长难句的分析 教学设计

高中英语长难句的分析 教学设计

Grammatical Structures相关知识准备(本节中会出现的术语)Apposition(同位语), Preposition(介词), Non-infinitive(非谓语动词),comma(逗号),dash(破折号),Attributive clause, Adverbial clause, Noun clause, Conjunctive word(连词), Guide word(引导词), Relative word(关系词), Subordinating Conjunction(从属连词),Coordinating Conjunction(并列连词), members of the sentences(句子成分).I.Lead-inA Questionnaire1.You believe English is important for you.Yes. No.2. Which do you think is much more difficult for you when learning English? Vocabulary.Complicated sentences.II.Learning to learnplicated Simple SentencesThe girl, Mia, is walking, with a piece of paper in her hand, searching for some place.,Mia, => 同位语(- Mia- )With a piece of paper in her hand =>介词短语searching for some place => 非谓语(to do, doing, done)A check:Mia, a 15-year-old girl in the USA, raised by a single mom, finds herself the princess of Genovia ─a small European country in surprise.2. Compound sentences 并列句(True or False)1) They meet for the second time, but they feel a little embarrassed.2) Mia’s father was a prince and she has ever known it before.3) The news is surprising and Mia can not accept it at first.4) Mia is happy while Clarisse is disappointed.5) Mia is the only heir(继承人) or Clarisse may not urge her to be theprincess.plex sentences复合句Because her father, who is unknown to her,was the prince of Genovia and has died, Mia has to decide whether she continues the life of an ordinary teen or lives as a princess.Subordinating conjunctions(从属连词)In Adverbial Clauses状从: Before, after, when, while, as, since, until, till, if, unless, in case, in order that, so that, because, as, since, so/such…that, although, though, even though/if, whether, as if/though, where….In Attributive Clauses定从:Which, that, who, whom, whose, when, where, why…In Noun Clauses名从:What , that, whether, if, how, which, when, why, where.Make a judgment:Because her father, who is unknown to her,was the prince of Genovia and has died, Mia has to decide whether she continues the life of an ordinary teen or lives as a princess.Adverbial clause(状从), Attributive clause(定从),Noun Clauses(名从)Exercise:Although Clarisse is Mia’s grandma, they have never seen each otherbefore. she is eager to meet Mia because she decides to tell hersomething about Mia’s father, who is unknown to Mia a nd was aprince. It means that Mia may need to live in Genovia, which makesher shocked.III. Summarize the rules.Rules:When meeting a sentence, first we should make a judgment.IV. Contrary thinking逆向思维Join the parts according to the rules of grammatical structures.Mia is a girl. She learns that she is the princess of Genovia.The girl, Mia, learns that she is the princess of Genovia.Students learn to describe a person with grammatical structures.V. DiscussionMy voice—our attitude to difficulty.VI. HomeworkWrite a self-introduction with grammatical structures.。



英语中的复杂句教学文案英语中的复杂句复杂句带名词性分句, 状语分句和非限定分句的复杂句。

主语从句ThatWhat caused the accident is not known to us.How the building was ruinedWhich road I should choose/take Whether/ifWhether it will rain or not tonight does not concern me.1)带名词性分句的复杂句名词性分句能在句中起名词词组的作用,这种分句通常由从属连词that引导,也可以由who,whom, whose, what, which,whoever, whatever, whichever等连接代词引导,还可以由when,where, how 和why等连接副词引导。


例如作主语:1.It is quite clear that the crimewas done deliberately.2.That Tom should have marriedhis cousin is not at allsurprising.3. What caused the fire is still amystery.4.Who was responsible for theaccident is not yet clear.5.Why he left so abruptly is notknown to any of us.6.How the book will sell dependson its author.7.Whether he comes or not doesnot concern me.8.Wherever he once lived is wellpreserved.It is important that you should eat much vegetable.I suggest that you should get up early in the morning.It is high time we went.作宾语1.We have never doubted that he is honest. 2.She suggested that he should do it at once. 3.I cannot imagine what made him act like that. 4. Can you tell me who is responsible for the fire? 5.No one can tell when shewill arrive.Tell apart6.Eat whichever you like and leave the others forwhoever comes in late. 7.She asked me where I was off to.8.I wondered how he could make such rapid progressin his study of French. 9.Do you know if/whether any decision has beenarrived at.作主语补足语1.The fact is that hedid not noticethe car until toolate.2.The mystery iswhether he everwent there at all.3.4.The question is whyhe likes the placeso much. 5.The problem is notwho will go butwho will stay.作同位语1.They had toface the factthat thenearest fillingstation is 30miles away.2.Have no idea3.Have you anyidea howsoon theyare coming?4.I have noidea howmuch of ascholar he is.作介词补足语1.Before I came downstairs I had prepared myself very carefully forwhat I must say.2.You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.3.带状语分句的复杂句时间状语分句1.Whenever I met with anydifficulty, he came to my help.2.Until we know the facts, wecannot do anything about it.3.The instant she saw him, sheknew he was her lost brother.A horse/the horse/horses地点状语分句1.Where there is a will, there is a way.2.Wherever he happens to be, John can make himself at home. 3.Where the ancients knew nothing, we know a little. 4.Everywhere they went, the visitors were warmly received.方式状语分句1.You must do the exercises as I show you.2.Mary was behaving as though she hadn’t grown up.3.She is doing her work the way I like it to be done.4.We should see things as they truly are.5.如其所是6.7.8.I shall wear my coat how/in the way I like.原因状语分句1.As there was no answer, Iwrote again.2.Since the speaker cannot come, we will have to cancel the meeting.3.Because it was wet, he did not go out for a walk that day.4.Now that the new regulations have come into force, there are far fewer accidents on the roads. 结果状语分句1.He had overslept, so that he was late for work.2. He was very angry, so that he left the room without sayinga word.3. I was in the bath, with the result that I didn’t hear the knock on the door.目的状语分句1.The teacher must speakclearly so that his students canunderstand well.2.They climbed to the top ofthe building in order that theycould get a bird’s-eye view ofthe city.3.I don’t let him go out in thisweather in case he shouldcatch cold.条件状语分句1.If the dam had brokenin the flood last year, therewould have been great lossof life and property.2.Provided that he winsthe support of the minoritygroups, he will be able towin the election.让步状语分句1.Though he should stand alone, he will never yield.2.I should not have time to see him even if he were here.3.Rich as he is, Mr. Johnson is by nomeans a happy man.伴随状语分句1.He died a heroic death, saving lives from the collapsed buildings. 2.Everyone came to our help, John not excepted.3.We danced under the tree, a soft wind blowing over the lake.4.He went out, gun in hand. 5.She quickly handed him the overcoat, anxious to be of service.带非限定分句的复杂句1.Your task is to get across the riverwithout being seen.2. Not wishing to continue mystudies, I decided to become a dressdesigner.3.Having lost all my money, I wenthome.4.Excited about the possibility ofgoing to China, Joe could not go tosleep last night.带无动词的复杂句a)不带从属连词的无动词分句1.Speechless, Victor Henrynodded and sat on a foldingseat.2.Anxious for a quick decision,the chairman called for a vote.3.Glad that school wasfinished, the students ran outof the room.4.An excellent speaker, hewas never at a loss for words.b)带从属连词的无动词分句Accord withCord/coreCore=heartAccord=to be one heartCordial=hearty1.Whatever the reason is , hiscordiality to her has won him afriend.2.When still a boy of six, Bobwas sent away from home.3.You should not drink verycold water, while hot fromwork.4.You tend to be cheatedwhile fresh from school.5.Although always helpful, hewas not much liked by people.6.When in Rome, do as theRomans do.7.Whether by accident or bydesign, he arrived too late tohelp us.8.He spoke ungraciously, if not rudely.9.The administration seemed to depart, although slightly, from the doctrine.10.独立主格复杂句不定式/-ing/-ed/和无动词独立主格1.A number of officials followed the emperor, some to hold his rope,others to adjust his girdle, and soon.2.There being nothing else to do, we left.3.His voice drowned by the noise, the speaker interrupted his lecture. 4.He went off, gun in hand.5.The meal over, prayers were read by him.独立主格的语法意义1.His homework done, Jimdecided to go and see the play.2.The meal over, we began towork again.3.The last bus having gone, wehad to walk home.4.Her shirt caught on a nail, shecould not move.5.Weather permitting, thefootball match will be played onFriday.6.He put on his socks wrong sideout.7.He died on his bed, his eyeswide-open.8.He sat at the table, collar off,head down and pen in position,ready to begin the long letter.。



一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:(1)学生能够识别和理解复杂句子的类型和结构特点。


2. 过程与方法目标:(1)通过小组合作、讨论、展示等形式,提高学生的语言表达能力和思维能力。


3. 情感态度与价值观目标:(1)激发学生对语言学习的兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯。


二、教学内容1. 复杂句子的类型:并列句、复合句、复杂句。

2. 复杂句子的结构特点:主从句关系、主语从句、宾语从句、定语从句等。

3. 复杂句子的运用技巧:连接词、标点符号、语序等。

三、教学过程(一)导入1. 引导学生回顾简单句和并列句的结构特点。

2. 提出问题:如何使句子更加丰富、生动?引入复杂句子的概念。

(二)新授1. 讲解复杂句子的类型和结构特点,结合实例进行分析。

2. 讲解复杂句子的运用技巧,如连接词、标点符号、语序等。

3. 学生分组讨论,分析所给句子中的复杂句子类型和结构特点。

(三)练习1. 学生根据所学知识,自行构造复杂句子,并进行展示。

2. 教师点评,指出优点和不足,给予指导。

3. 学生互评,互相学习,共同提高。

(四)总结1. 回顾本节课所学内容,强调复杂句子的类型、结构特点和运用技巧。

2. 鼓励学生在日常学习中多运用复杂句子,提高语言表达能力。

四、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与度、发言积极性等。

2. 作业完成情况:检查学生课后练习的完成质量,了解学生对复杂句子的掌握程度。

3. 实践应用:观察学生在实际语言运用中的复杂句子运用情况。

五、教学反思1. 教师根据学生的反馈,调整教学策略,提高教学效果。

2. 关注学生的学习需求,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的语言运用能力。

3. 注重培养学生的创新意识和合作精神,提高学生的综合素质。

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英语中的复杂句复杂句带名词性分句, 状语分句和非限定分句的复杂句。

主语从句ThatWhat caused the accident is not known to us.How the building was ruinedWhich road I should choose/take Whether/ifWhether it will rain or not tonight does not concern me.1)带名词性分句的复杂句名词性分句能在句中起名词词组的作用,这种分句通常由从属连词that引导,也可以由who,whom, whose, what, which,whoever, whatever, whichever等连接代词引导,还可以由when,where, how 和why等连接副词引导。


例如作主语:1.It is quite clear that the crimewas done deliberately.2.That Tom should have marriedhis cousin is not at allsurprising.3. What caused the fire is still amystery.4.Who was responsible for theaccident is not yet clear.5.Why he left so abruptly is notknown to any of us.6.How the book will sell dependson its author.7.Whether he comes or not doesnot concern me.8.Wherever he once lived is wellpreserved.It is important that you should eat much vegetable.I suggest that you should get up early in the morning.It is high time we went.作宾语1.We have never doubted that he is honest. 2.She suggested that he should do it at once. 3.I cannot imagine what made him act like that. 4. Can you tell me who is responsible for the fire? 5.No one can tell when shewill arrive.Tell apart6.Eat whichever you like and leave the others forwhoever comes in late. 7.She asked me where I was off to.8.I wondered how he could make such rapid progressin his study of French. 9.Do you know if/whether any decision has beenarrived at.作主语补足语1.The fact is that hedid not noticethe car until toolate.2.The mystery iswhether he everwent there at all.3.4.The question is whyhe likes the placeso much. 5.The problem is notwho will go butwho will stay.作同位语1.They had toface the factthat thenearest fillingstation is 30miles away.2.Have no idea3.Have you anyidea howsoon theyare coming?4.I have noidea howmuch of ascholar he is.作介词补足语1.Before I came downstairs I had prepared myself very carefully forwhat I must say.2.You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.3.带状语分句的复杂句时间状语分句1.Whenever I met with anydifficulty, he came to my help.2.Until we know the facts, wecannot do anything about it.3.The instant she saw him, sheknew he was her lost brother.A horse/the horse/horses地点状语分句1.Where there is a will, there is a way.2.Wherever he happens to be, John can make himself at home. 3.Where the ancients knew nothing, we know a little. 4.Everywhere they went, the visitors were warmly received.方式状语分句1.You must do the exercises as I show you.2.Mary was behaving as though she hadn’t grown up.3.She is doing her work the way I like it to be done.4.We should see things as they truly are.5.如其所是6.7.8.I shall wear my coat how/in the way I like.原因状语分句1.As there was no answer, Iwrote again.2.Since the speaker cannot come, we will have to cancel the meeting.3.Because it was wet, he did not go out for a walk that day.4.Now that the new regulations have come into force, there are far fewer accidents on the roads. 结果状语分句1.He had overslept, so that he was late for work.2. He was very angry, so that he left the room without saying a word.3. I was in the bath, with the result that I didn’t hear the knock on the door.目的状语分句1.The teacher must speakclearly so that his students canunderstand well.2.They climbed to the top ofthe building in order that theycould get a bird’s-eye view ofthe city.3.I don’t let him go out in thisweather in case he shouldcatch cold.条件状语分句1.If the dam had brokenin the flood last year, therewould have been great lossof life and property.2.Provided that he winsthe support of the minoritygroups, he will be able towin the election.让步状语分句1.Though he should stand alone, he will never yield.2.I should not have time to see him even if he were here.3.Rich as he is, Mr. Johnson is by nomeans a happy man.伴随状语分句1.He died a heroic death, saving lives from the collapsed buildings. 2.Everyone came to our help, John not excepted.3.We danced under the tree, a soft wind blowing over the lake.4.He went out, gun in hand. 5.She quickly handed him the overcoat, anxious to be of service.带非限定分句的复杂句1.Your task is to get across the riverwithout being seen.2. Not wishing to continue mystudies, I decided to become a dressdesigner.3.Having lost all my money, I wenthome.4.Excited about the possibility ofgoing to China, Joe could not go tosleep last night.带无动词的复杂句a)不带从属连词的无动词分句1.Speechless, Victor Henrynodded and sat on a foldingseat.2.Anxious for a quick decision,the chairman called for a vote.3.Glad that school wasfinished, the students ran outof the room.4.An excellent speaker, hewas never at a loss for words.b)带从属连词的无动词分句Accord withCord/coreCore=heartAccord=to be one heartCordial=hearty1.Whatever the reason is , hiscordiality to her has won him afriend.2.When still a boy of six, Bobwas sent away from home.3.You should not drink verycold water, while hot fromwork.4.You tend to be cheatedwhile fresh from school.5.Although always helpful, hewas not much liked by people.6.When in Rome, do as theRomans do.7.Whether by accident or bydesign, he arrived too late tohelp us.8.He spoke ungraciously, if not rudely.9.The administration seemed to depart, although slightly,from the doctrine.10.独立主格复杂句不定式/-ing/-ed/和无动词独立主格1.A number of officials followed the emperor, some to hold his rope,others to adjust his girdle, and soon.2.There being nothing else to do, we left.3.His voice drowned by the noise, the speaker interrupted his lecture. 4.He went off, gun in hand.5.The meal over, prayers were read by him.独立主格的语法意义1.His homework done, Jimdecided to go and see the play.2.The meal over, we began towork again.3.The last bus having gone, wehad to walk home.4.Her shirt caught on a nail, shecould not move.5.Weather permitting, thefootball match will be played onFriday.6.He put on his socks wrong sideout.7.He died on his bed, his eyeswide-open.8.He sat at the table, collar off,head down and pen in position,ready to begin the long letter.。
