2.2010年3月13 日前,学员上交口语ppt,并且将论文选题交给指导老师。
3.2010年3月27 日前主动与指导老师联系,接受口语指导并交论文初稿。
4. 2010年4月17日前主动与指导老师联系,接受口语指导,学员交论文终稿。
5. 2010年4月24日口语随堂展示。
写作形式:结构完整,必须包括三个部分:Introduction(介绍部分), Body (正文部分), Conclusion(结论部分)写作内容:内容清晰,每部分必须明确作出标注:Introduction(介绍部分)包括:informing statement, background, focus, thesis statement.Body(正文部分)包括:至少两或是三个focus. 每一个段落中要标注出:topic sentence, supporting sentences, (second-level info), concluding sentence. Conclusion(结论部分)包括focus段落的mini-conclusion, 及restatement of the thesis.2、格式要求:2.1 字体字号英文采用Times New Roman字体。
6. 段落编码 .编码按三级编写,理工科(1……、1.1……、1.1.1……),文科类(一......、(一)......、1.....、(1).......)要求层次清晰。
毕业设计英文作文范文Title: The Importance of the Graduation Project in Academic Development。
The graduation project holds a pivotal role in the academic journey of students. It serves as a culmination of years of learning, a platform to showcase acquired skills, and an opportunity to delve deep into a specific subject matter. In this essay, I will elaborate on the significance of the graduation project and its impact on academic development.Firstly, the graduation project fosters independent learning and critical thinking skills. Unlike regular coursework where the parameters are often well-defined, the graduation project requires students to identify a research question or a problem statement independently. This process necessitates thorough literature review, data collection, and analysis, thereby honing research and analytical abilities. Moreover, formulating hypotheses, designingexperiments, or proposing solutions demand creativethinking and problem-solving skills, which are essentialfor academic and professional success.Secondly, the graduation project encourages interdisciplinary learning and collaboration. Many projects involve aspects from various fields, prompting students to integrate knowledge acquired from different courses. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches the project but also broadens students' perspectives, enabling them to appreciate the interconnectedness of different subjects. Furthermore, collaboration with peers, mentors, or industry professionals enhances teamwork, communication, and project management skills, which are indispensable in any academic or professional setting.Additionally, the graduation project cultivates resilience and perseverance. Research, by its nature, is fraught with challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties. Students encounter obstacles ranging from experimental failures to data inconsistencies, requiring them to adapt, troubleshoot, and persist in the face of adversity.Overcoming these hurdles instills resilience and fortitude, attributes that are invaluable not only in academia but also in life.Moreover, the graduation project offers a platform for personal and intellectual growth. It provides students with the autonomy to explore topics of their interest, delveinto uncharted territories, and push the boundaries of knowledge. This journey of self-discovery not only enhances academic curiosity but also fosters a sense of ownership and accomplishment. Furthermore, presenting findings, defending arguments, and receiving feedback during project evaluations contribute to the development of presentation, communication, and critical evaluation skills, which are essential for academic and professional success.In conclusion, the graduation project is a cornerstone of academic development, offering students a unique opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, fostering independent learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, resilience, and personal growth. By engaging in this endeavor, students not only demonstrate theiracademic prowess but also equip themselves with essential skills and attributes for future endeavors. Therefore, the graduation project stands as a testament to the culmination of academic journey and the beginning of a new chapter in students' intellectual and professional pursuits.。
常州信息职业技术学院学生毕业设计(毕业论文)系别:计算机(软件)学院专业:软件技术/应用英语班号:软件技术/应用英语073学生姓名:学生学号:0709123327设计(论文)题目:网上书店系统指导教师:设计地点:常州信息职业技术学院起迄日期:2009.6.20~2009.8.28毕业设计(论文)任务书专业软件英语班级软英073 姓名一、课题名称:网上书店(BookShop)二、主要技术指标:1. web设计技术技术访问SQL Server数据库,如何对数据库的数据进行处理(主要包括:增、删、改、查)2 .C#程序设计语言3 .Dreamweaver网页设计工具4.数据库SQL server 20005. UML技术在设计中的实例应用三、工作内容和要求:设计网上书店前台和后台, web设计技术、.C#程序设计语言、Dreamweaver网页设计工具、数据库SQL server 2000实现一些基本功能如:前台(商品管理、购物车、用户订单处理系统、网站论坛系统及个人账户管理系统),后台(基本数据管理,新闻管理,业务管理,系统管理)通过对系统进行需求分析,概要设计、详细设计、程序代码编写,最终程序测试。
要求:页数在30页左右,字数在8000-10000字之间, web设计技术、.C#程序设计语言、Dreamweaver网页设计工具、数据库SQL server 2000四、主要参考文献:1.《网络程序开发原理与实践教程》宾晟周峰孙更新编著电子工业出版社2.《 2.0数据库开发实例精粹》郭瑞军郭馨君编著电子工业出版社3.《SQL Server数据库应用系统开发技术》朱如龙主编机械工业出版社4.董金祥,陈刚,尹建伟编著,客户关系管理CRM5.齐佳音,李怀祖. 客户关系管理(CRM)的体系框架分析学生(签名) 年月日指导教师(签名) 年月日教研室主任(签名) 年月日系主任(签名) 年月日毕业设计(论文)开题报告设计(论文题目)网上书店(BookShop)一、选题的背景和意义:随着信息技术在国际贸易和商业领域的广泛应用,计算机技术、网络通信技术和Internet在商务活动中已经无处不在,这已成为各国商务发展的趋势。
英语专业毕业设计模板范文英文回答:Introduction.The English language is a global language, and it is essential for communication in many different fields. As an English major, I have studied the English language and its literature extensively. For my capstone project, I will be developing a new curriculum for teaching English as a second language (ESL). I believe that this curriculum will help ESL students to learn English effectively and efficiently.Literature Review.There is a large body of research on the teaching of ESL. Some of the most important findings from this research include the following:ESL students need to be exposed to authentic English materials.ESL students need to have opportunities to practice speaking and listening to English.ESL students need to be given feedback on their progress.ESL students need to be motivated to learn English.Curriculum Development.I have developed a new ESL curriculum that incorporates the findings from the research literature. This curriculum is designed to be used in a variety of settings, including schools, community colleges, and workplace training programs. The curriculum includes the following components:Authentic English materials.Opportunities for speaking and listening practice.Feedback on progress.Motivational activities.Assessment.I will assess the effectiveness of my curriculum by using a variety of methods, including:Student surveys.Teacher observations.Standardized tests.I believe that my ESL curriculum will be effective in helping ESL students to learn English. This curriculum is based on the latest research on the teaching of ESL, and it includes a variety of components that are essential for effective language learning.Conclusion.I am excited to implement my new ESL curriculum and to see the positive impact that it has on my students. Ibelieve that this curriculum will help ESL students to achieve their goals of learning English and becoming successful in their studies, careers, and personal lives.中文回答:引言。
英语专业毕业论⽂英语专业毕业论⽂(精选8篇) ⼤学⽣活要接近尾声了,毕业⽣要通过最后的毕业论⽂,毕业论⽂是⼀种有准备的检验学⽣学习成果的形式,那么应当如何写毕业论⽂呢?以下是⼩编收集整理的英语专业毕业论⽂,供⼤家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。
英语专业毕业论⽂篇1 论⽂摘要:如何提⾼⼤学法语⼆外教学,⼀直是⾼校法语教学研究的重要问题。
关键词:教学⽅法;精讲多练;多媒体;法英对⽐ 21世纪是⼀个以知识经济和经济信息全球化为主要特征的时代,世界经济的⽇益全球化和⼀体化与中国对外开放进程的加速,现代社会科技、通讯、经济、⽂化的进步,使世界交往更加密切。
⼀、⼤学法语⼆外教学⾯临的问题 2002年《⼤学法语⼤纲》明确规定:“⼤学法语教学的⽬的是培养⼀定的阅读能⼒,初步的听、说、读、写、译的能⼒,使学⽣能以法语为⼯具,获取专业所需,为进⼀步提⾼法语⽔平打下较好的基础。
(⼀) 法语⼆外课时和内容相⽐显得过少。
毕业英语论文范文范文一:商务英语毕业论文Implication of Cultural Differences on International Business NegotiationsAbstractBusiness negotiations under different cultural conditions are cultural negotiations. With the development of economic globalization and frequent business contacts,cultural differences havebecome very important. If they are neglected, they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding,or even undermine the result of business negations. Therefore, it is of great significance to know different cultures of different countries as well as ways to avoid cultural conflicts in the context of international business negotiations. The paper begins with the definition of culture,analyzes the causes of cultural differences and explains the impact of cultural differences on international business negotiations from three perspectives of communication process,negotiation style and values concept. Finally,it analyzes effective ways to deal with the problem arising from cultural differences in the negotiation process. The paper stresses that in business negotiations between different countries negotiators should accept the other party's culture, try to make him be accepted and make a correct evaluation with help of effective communications. In a word,for successful cultural negotiations,cultural differences need to be perceived,accepted and most importantly played down.Key words:culture cultural difference business negotiation impactContents1. Cultural difference (4)1.1 The definition of culture (4)1.2 The causes of cultural differences (4)1.2.1 Geographical differences (4)1.2.2 Ethnic differences (4)1.2.3 Political differences (4)1.2.4 Economic differences (4)1.2.5 Religious differences (4)1.2.6 The concept of difference (5)1.3 Importance of international business negotiations on Cultural differences (5)2. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiations (5)2.1 Communication process (5)2.2 Negotiating style (8)2.3 Values (8)2.3.1 Ethics (8)2.3.2 Sense.............................................................................. (8)2.3.3 Concept of Collective (8)2.3.4 Concept of time (8)3. How to deal with international business negotiations and culturaldifferenc es (9)3.1 To learn more about the former in the negotiations of the cultural differences that may arise (9)3.2 In the negotiations necessary to correctly handle the cultural differences (9)3.3 Negotiations to do a good job of follow-up for the exchange of cultural differences (10)4. References (11)Business negotiation in interpersonal relationships as a special form, relate to different geographical, ethnic, social and cultural exchanges and contacts, which have taken place in cross-cultural negotiations. In cross-cultural negotiations,the different geographical, ethnic, cultural differences will affect the thinking of those negotiations,the negotiation style and behavior,thus affecting the entire negotiation process. Therefore, to engage in business activities, especially for the cross-border business activities must understand and master the links between different cultures and differences. Conducting negotiations with the organization,also have to understandthat cultural differences impact on the negotiations, only the face of such a positive impact on the desired objectives can be achieved1. Cultural differences1.1 the definition of cultureNational culture is a country-specific concepts and value systems,which constitute the concept of people's lives and work behavior. The nations of the world as a result of specific historical and geographical and gradually formed its own unique cultural traditions and cultural patterns. As the difference of Chinese and Western traditional customs,values,religious beliefs , different ways of thinking, etc, making the different performance of Chinese and Western cultures.1.2 the causes of cultural differencesCultural diversity caused by many reasons, T o sum up, the main source of cultural differences are in the following areas:1.2.1 geographical differencesRefers to the geographical differences in different geographic regions due to the geographical environment, the level of economic development and traditional differences in habits,people often have different language,lifestyle and hobbies. And these will affect their behavior. For example, the West and the American people in some countries treat Christmas important, but in areas such as near the equator do not have snow all the year round, the people of some African countries may not have the concept of Christmas because the best modified Christmas is snow, as to the people in the region that are not long-term snow ,there is little concentration of Christmas than American States.1.2.2 national differencesEthnic differences is the different ethnic groups in the development of long-term process, the formation of their own language,customs and preferences,habits. Their diet,clothing,accommodation,festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life of their own characteristics. Take the history of our country and our Hun Han, the Xiongnu people are valiant, characteristics of typical nomads. And we tame the Han character,the typical characteristics of farming nation. Which led to the Huns in the diet, clothing, accommodation,festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life are different with Han.1.2.3 the political differencesPolitical differences are due to the political system and the policies and regulations on people's behavior with the role of a standardized, so that all peoples in the political aspects on the concept of the existence are differences. Take the United States and France as example, the United States by the Constitution the powers of the President of the severe restrictions on the two major powers with other institutions of Congress and the Supreme Court of strong constraints. While France also had to set was ready to royalist restoration of the monarchy of the Third Republic to amend the Constitution a little further expand the powers of the president.1.2.4 economic disparitiesEconomic differences are result of the economic factors of a reflection of cultural differences. For example, the people in the Western developed countries are rich lives and high level of education, people will pay more attention to the quality of life,security means more generally. And economic backwardness of the Third World, people care more about food and clothing.1.2.5 religious differencesReligion is the development of human society to a certain stage of historical phenomenon, Religion has its own (Catholic) Major epidemic in Western Europe and South American; Islam is the scope of the whole of the Middle East and North Africa. Buddhism is more prevalent in Asian countries. The world has three major religions: Christianity,Buddhism and Islam. Christian (Protestant) is major epidemic in Northern Europe,North America and Australia; people in many parts of Asia believe in Buddhist. Different religions have different cultural tendencies and precepts,which affect the way of people understand things, codes of conduct and values.1.2.6 the concept of Values differenceValues are means of objective evaluation criteria of things. It includes the concept of time, wealth, the attitude towards life,the attitude to risk and so on. Different societies’ people to the same things and problems will come to different and even opposite conclusions.Geographical differences,ethnic differences,political differences,economic differences,religious differences and differences in concepts have the impact on people's penetration in the food, clothing, accommodation, festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life in all its aspects. Thus affecting people's behavior,values,religious beliefs and modes of thought have a lot of difference, Finally has formed the various countries and areas of cultural differences.1.3 cultural differences on the importance of international business negotiationsPractice in the negotiations, many negotiators often do not understand,or took note of the cultural importance of thesignificant impact on negotiations. Negotiating parties for foreign culture,some negotiators may have noticed some of the other negotiations, "different" or "hard to understand" the concrete manifestation of negotiations,but that is not important. Some people blindly believe that negotiation is the use of foreign-related facts and figures to speak, and the facts and data are common. Similarly,some foreign countries’ negotiators to negotiations with each other to maintain harmonious relations, they will notice the similarities between both cultures, while ignoring their differences. Let's look at an example.In 1992,negotiators from China and other 12 experts of different professions to form a delegation to the United States purchases about 30 million U.S. dollars of chemical equipment and technology. The US naturally does everything possible to satisfy them. One of them is negotiations in the first round of the delegation sent to each of them a small souvenir. The Souvenirs packaging is very particular is a beautiful red box,red for advanced. But when the delegation was pleased to open the box when face-to-face in accordance with the Americans,Everyone's face appears very not the nature actually--there is a golf cap,but the color is green. American businessman's intention is: after signing the contract,and everyone to play golf. But they don’t know the "be a cuckold" is the biggest taboo in Chinese men. Finally the delegation did not sign the contract,not because the Americans "insult" people,but because they work careless,and even don’t know the common sense that Chinese men taboo "be a cuckold". How can we feel free to tens of millions of dollars project to them? It can be seen that the failure of the Americans negotiation is due tothey do not understand the Chinese culture.From the above examples,we can learn in business negotiations,if we do not attach importance to each other's cultural differences, the negotiations are likely to lead to failure.2. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiationsThe impact of culture on negotiations is extensive and profound,and different cultures will naturally divided people into different groups, this region, the difference between their respective groups are bringing people of different cultural groups tend to alienate each other; On the other hand, different cultural communication and exchanges between people are also obstacles. Therefore,the requirements of the negotiators to accept each other's culture, but also by cultural differences,unmistakably reveals that the purpose of understanding of each other's behavior,and they have been accepted by the other party, and ultimately reach a consensus agreement.Overall, the impact on culture negotiations are in following several aspects:2.1 the communication processCultural differences on the communication process of the negotiations,first of all is the performance of the communication language in the negotiation process. Language is a bridge of any country, any region and any nation. States companies, individuals to conduct business negotiations, we must first have the language to this. The differences language of international business activities is the most direct and clear. Such as China's "white elephant" brand batteries,to the English "White Elephant" it would cause bad associations.Because the "White Elephant" In addition to the name ofanimals that have two meanings: "The owner did not use, but may be useful to others; do not reuse things." Solve the language problem is very simple,you can hire a translator or use a common third language to talk. While the negotiators of the language used in a variety of cultures with higher fitness, but no matter what, the difference is obvious. Such as Japan, Brazil and France Culture,the Japanese style of business communication is the most polite, more positive commitment to the use of recommended and guarantees,and less use of threats, commands and warnings of freedom of speech, their manners of speech style, The most prominent is that they do not often use "no", "you" and facial gaze, but to maintain a period of silence; Brazilian businessmen to use "no" and "you" at the higher frequency,their negotiation style seems more presumptuous, and it seems not lonely in the negotiations, to gaze at each other and touch each other from time to time; French businessmen negotiating style is all the most presumptuous, in particular, their use of threats and warnings at the highest frequency,in addition,they are still very frequent use of interrupted, facial gaze, as well as "no" and "you". It can be seen, only to clarify these differences that can avoid the reticent Japanese,Brazilian over enthusiasm or the French’s misunderstanding of the threat, which achieved the success of international business negotiations.Cultural differences impact on the negotiation process not only in the process of language communication, but also in the process of non-verbal communication. Cultural differences will lead to different countries or regions in the body language of negotiations, the use of action language significantly different,or even the same language of action is diametrically opposed tothe transfer of information. For example, the vast majority of countries are in favor of nod his head for agree. But in India,Nepal and other countries that are certainly shaking his head,that is, shaking his head and smiling, that is positive meaning,some people just do it diagonally on the rise is still a good way,some people are a population frequency said "You are right! You are right!" but a continuously shaking his head,often make others do not know its true psychological and full of doubt. But negotiators shape, movement, language, awareness and use of the differences, also create an obstacle for the negotiations in communication.Cultural differences also can lead to the negotiators of the differences in communication. People of different cultures have their preferences and habits of communication and cross-cultural negotiations in the negotiating parties often belong to different cultures, have their own customary means of communication. Accustomed to different means of communication between the parties to conduct a more depth in communication, often cause a wide range of issues. From countries with a high culture of the negotiators and those from countries with low culture of the negotiators may be in different ways of expression during the negotiation process. From countries with a high culture of the negotiators may be chosen euphemism,indirect ways to express their meaning. While from low culture of the negotiators preference for using oral expression to negotiate,direct or receive a clear message,straightforward means to express themselves. These two negotiators from different cultures during the negotiations,the party think the other side is often too rough,while the other may think that the other side lack of good faith in negotiations, or misunderstanding the silence ofeach other's conditions for its approval.2.2 the negotiation styleThe negotiation style is the main bearing and the attitude which displays in the negotiations activities. the style of negotiations in the course of negotiators’ behavior, conduct and control of the negotiation process of the method and means. Negotiators negotiations Style with a deep cultural stigma. Culture not only determines the Ethics Code of Ethics for negotiators,but also affects the way of thinking negotiators’ behavior and personality,so that make the negotiators of different cultural backgrounds form a very different style of negotiation. Negotiating style of the negotiation process for the negotiations between the two sides approach the relationship,contacts, and even the structure of the negotiations has a direct impact.Adhere to cultural differences,negotiating styles can be divided into two types: the negotiation style of Oriental and Western style negotiations. Oriental style is based on negotiations as the background of oriental culture of Asian countries negotiation styles,with Japan,South Korea for a typical representative:Japanese business men are conservative,attention to status-oriented,credit and the initial cooperation,co-dependent relationship between stress and good at negotiating. Japanese attached great importance to the negotiations in the transaction to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships. If there had been contacts with Japanese,before the negotiations should be recall the past exchanges and friendship between the two sides,which will be beneficial to the next negotiations. They did not support and habit the direct, purelycommercial activities. If it is the first time to establish trade relations with Japanese, the party responsible for higher status in charge visits in opposite party enterprise at the same level status person in charge is extremely important,it attached great importance to Japanese companies and the trading relationship with you. When negotiations with Japan,it’s the best to send staff rank and status at high-level than the other side. This will facilitate the conduct of the talks. It should also be noted that Japanese women's status in society is lower,generally they not allowed to participate in the operation and management of large companies activities,the Japanese are also in a number of important occasions of non-female. Therefore, when encountered formal negotiations generally not appropriate to allow women to participate in, or else they may be skeptical, and even expressed dissatisfaction.Korean character stubborn, often stuck to their own views in the negotiations and will not easily compromise. In this case we must grasp the strategy, it is necessary to adhere to argue,but also common sense to master a certain sense of propriety,and sometimes also need to be patient. On the other hand,South Korea in the negotiations seldom to express the views directly, often need the other side to try to figure out, in order to accurately understand the meaning of each other,South Korea may ask the same question repeatedly,so that when making decisions to ensure the correctness. And South Korea signed a contract does not mean that their success will not be changed, for other reasons they would seek to amend or re-start negotiations with you.Western-type style of negotiation is based on Western culture of Europe and the United States as the background styleof negotiations. The main representatives are the United States and United Kingdom.Americans often talk about "Business is Business" (business to the business) means doing business need to not recognize one's own closest relatives, insist on the principle of things not for people. "Time is money","money is everything" is the unswerving credo of American. Their business activities is often straightforward,be anxious for success,business came straight to the point, they always picking up the phone to talk,sit down and get straight to the point,They calculate the progress by the hour and the number of days, their opponents often feel pressure from them. American businessmen do not like the use an agent or participate in negotiations with the consultant,give others the impression that they can say on behalf of the company. They like to sit down to do business immediately. In addition,the United States businessmen attached great importance to economic benefits, they have a slang called: "Bang for Buck", that is, with minimum capital investment to obtain the greatest benefit.British merchants engaged in commercial activities pay more attention to informal traders than other countries in the world,but also more conservative. Even today, the world has entered the electronic information age, in the UK by telephone to talk about business is unacceptable. British businessmen are more willing to make full preparations in advance, and then face-to-face talks. As long as they do not believe that the details of a settlement will not solve, they will never sign, all must have to do as rule. As a result of the British very great importance to the position, the title is also very important to them. Therefore,the selection status of the person as a broker of highly influentialbusiness,political forces and the role of trade unions in the business also can not be neglected.Of course,it also must pay attention to the actual negotiations process, although the same cultural background of the negotiators, the talks there was a clear difference, but subject to sub-culture,as well as other factors,the same cultural background of individual negotiators, the negotiations style can be very different.2.3 Cultural valuesCultural values is measure the consequences of people's behavior and standards. They affecting the way of people understanding the problems and will give rise to a strong emotional impact. In different cultures,values will be very different. Culture in a very appropriate behavior in another culture may be seen as immoral. For example,Americans believe that nepotism is immoral, however it as an obligation at the majority of Latin American culture. Therefore,the Understanding of a certain society in popular as well as these ideas in the personal behavior the degree which respects is very important. Our discussions here will focus on those activities is essential to understand the socio-economic values,more specifically,is these for promote the cross-cultural communicative competence and the values is worth noting.2.3.1 EthicsChina has heavier ethics. "Acquaintance" and "relationship" has its own special meaning and significance, once the relations have been established,the two sides have become acquaintances or friends, and generous concessions to help the situation appear, and the degree of trust and tolerance will be improved,so the Chinese people have more oral agreement.Americans is not the case,they do not pay attention to cultivating the feelings of both sides, and attempts to separate business and friendship. To deal with the problem, often used the legal means, lawyers come forward to solve the problem is common,it is flexible and not rigid,we should clearly recognize this point. However,once sign the contract,they are very much focused on the legal contract, the performance of the contract is higher. The Chinese delegation to the West,maybe a long time no one could entertain,and this misunderstanding of the people are not interested in their visit; Europeans come to China, No matter what they do may find that there are people who accompanied,and this misunderstanding of the people lack of trust in them. Of foreign visitors, a senior care too much, not to mention dinner, often mistakenly believe that this expressed his company's products or have a preference, this in fact is the Chinese hospitality, This can lead to subsequent disappointment, and even complain.2.3.2group awarenessIn the course of the Chinese and Western cultural traditions and different cultural values, on the negotiations issues tend to have a confrontation or misunderstanding. China's national character has a very remarkable phenomenon, that is Settles on the face or the dignity. At the negotiating table, if make a choice from "decent" and "interest", both the Chinese people will often choose to "decent." Why do the Chinese people want to save face at all costs? Because of the ideological core of Chinese culture is a group consciousness. In accordance with the sense that each one is not a separate person,but living in a certain social relations, and no face will not the face of others, there is no face on the people and will not be able to live in the social andgroup life,and may even be abandoned by society and the groups. But not like Westerners,they value the interests of negotiations,they will not hesitate to choose interest from "decent" and "interest" of the two. Chinese people regarding negotiations result whether can bring honor for their face, looks extremely important,as well as some Western negotiators in their works cautioned China in the talks, we must note that use of China's national character. It is clear that only a correct understanding and properly grasp the existence of Chinese and Western differences in national character, can effectively help us in a timely manner to correct our own shortcomings and strengthen our own advantages and use of other's shortcomings to collapse of other's strengths.2.3.3 the concept of collectiveChina's concept of collective a stronger emphasis on collective responsibility,Therefore the negotiations pattern basically is the collective, but to make the final decisions are a decisive one, and even the decisive one simply has not entered the stage. This is known as the cultural experts of "high from the right to culture",in the event of difficult issues more complicated, the negotiators on the difficult decisions; and the Western culture of Jurists which was referred to as "low from the right to culture",on the surface is one or two people out,negotiators have been given the appropriate permissions,or assisted in its decision-making think-tank,which in the negotiations,the sole responsibility of the negotiations were heavier, higher and more flexible.2.3.4 the concept of timeConcept of time and how it decided the people's action plan for international business negotiations has a broad impact of theinvisible. The daily negotiations behavior manifests observes the difference aspect of time may be is the most obvious results of the performance. Jewish businessmen attached great importance of time. They always believe that time is not money, time and goods, is the capital to make money. Money can borrow, but time can not be borrowed,the time is more valuable than money. A wealthy Jewish income of 200,000 US dollars monthly have been considered such an account: his daily wage is 8 1000 U.S dollars,then about 17 U.S. dollars per minute. If he had been disturbed and waste 5 minutes, then is the equivalent of stolen 85 U.S. dollars in cash. Strong concept of time improved the efficiency of the Jews, they are often at work in seconds and every second counts. On the Jewish people, never appear leave early,late,or to stall for time and so on. In the business activities of the Jews "Uninvited guest" is almost as the same as the “unwelcome person”,because uninvited guests will disrupt the timing of the original, and waste everybody's time. For the time extremely mean of the Jewish,in the time to discuss the concept of time is stronger. Before Jews in the negotiations, the time must have been agreement. They agreed not only in a certain period of a day,but also appointment "from the starting points to a few minutes to talk about." During the meeting, in addition to polite greetings outside, the Jews immediately to discuss business, this is have good manners and good performance, at the same time that mean respect of each other.3. how to deal with the cultural differences on international business negotiationsOnly recognize and accommodate cultural differences can take the whole process of negotiations in response to。
Southwest Petroleum UniversityGraduation ThesisSynthesis and Evaluation of a Highly Absorbent CompositeGrade: 2008Name:Speciality: Petroleum EngineeringInstructor:School of Petroleum Engineering2007-6附:我校设置的专业中英文对照(摘自《普通高等学校本科专业目录和专业介绍》)1、石油工程学院080102石油工程Petroleum Engineering081203油气储运工程Oil/ Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering2、资源与环境学院080105资源勘查工程Natural Resources Prospecting Engineering080104勘查技术与工程Prospecting Techniques and Engineering070702资源环境与城乡规划管理Urban and Rural Planning & Resource Management070703地理信息系统Geographical Information System3、机电工程学院080305Y机械工程及自动化Mechanical Engineering and Automation080304过程装备与控制工程Process Equipment and Control080303工业设计Industrial Design4、化学化工学院081101化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technology070302应用化学Applied Chemistry081001环境工程Environmental Engineering081801生物工程Bioengineering070301化学Chemistry5、材料科学与工程学院080204高分子材料与工程Macromolecular Materials and Engineering080205Y材料科学与工程Material Science and Engineering6、计算机科学学院080605计算机科学与技术Computer science and Technology080611W软件工程Software Engineering080613W网络工程Network Engineering7、电信工程学院080401测控技术与仪器Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations 080602自动化Automation080603电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering080601电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and Automation080604通信工程Telecommunications Engineering8、建筑工程学院080703土木工程Civil Engineering080704建筑环境与设备工程Building Environment and Equipment Engineering 080901测绘工程Surveying & Mapping Engineering110104工程管理Project Management9、理学院070102信息与计算科学Information and Computing Science070101数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics071201电子信息科学与技术Electronic and Information Science and Technology 070202应用物理学Applied Physics10、经济管理学院110201工商管理Business Administration110202市场营销Marketing110102信息管理与信息系统Information Management & Information System 020101经济学Economics110209W电子商务Electronic Business020102国际经济与贸易International Economics & Trade11、人文社会科学学院030302社会工作Social Work110309W公共管理Public Administration12、法学院030101法学Law13、外语系050201英语English14、体育系。
毕业典礼设计英语作文模板Graduation Ceremony Design。
A graduation ceremony is a significant event in thelife of every student. It marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. The design of a graduation ceremony plays a crucial role in making the event memorable and meaningful for the graduates, their families, and the faculty. In this article, we will discuss the key elements of a well-designed graduation ceremony and how they contribute to creating a memorable and meaningful experience for everyone involved.First and foremost, the venue of the graduation ceremony plays a crucial role in its design. The venue should be spacious enough to accommodate all the graduates, their families, and the faculty, while also providing a sense of grandeur and importance to the event. A large auditorium or a beautiful outdoor space can be ideal for hosting a graduation ceremony. The venue should also beeasily accessible and well-equipped with the necessary facilities to ensure the comfort and convenience of the attendees.The next important element of a well-designed graduation ceremony is the program. The program should be carefully planned to include all the essential components, such as the commencement speech, the presentation of diplomas, and the conferring of degrees. It should also allow for personal touches, such as speeches from valedictorians and musical performances by talented students. The program should be well-organized and flow smoothly to keep the audience engaged and create a sense of anticipation and excitement.Another crucial aspect of the graduation ceremony design is the decoration and aesthetics. The venue should be decorated in a way that reflects the significance of the event and creates a festive and celebratory atmosphere. The use of school colors, banners, and floral arrangements can add a touch of elegance and school spirit to the ceremony. The stage should be adorned with a backdrop that showcasesthe school's emblem or motto, and the seating area should be arranged in a way that allows for clear visibility and easy access for all attendees.In addition to the venue, program, and decoration, the choice of speakers and performers also plays a significant role in the design of a graduation ceremony. The commencement speech, in particular, should be delivered by a distinguished and inspiring individual who can offer valuable insights and words of wisdom to the graduates as they embark on their next journey. Similarly, musical performances and other artistic presentations can add depth and emotion to the ceremony, making it a truly memorable and moving experience for everyone in attendance.Finally, the overall atmosphere and mood of the graduation ceremony should be carefully curated to create a sense of pride, accomplishment, and joy. The ceremony should be a time for celebration and reflection, where graduates can look back on their achievements and look forward to the future with optimism and excitement. The design of the ceremony should aim to evoke a sense of unityand camaraderie among the graduates and their families, as well as a deep appreciation for the hard work and dedication that have led to this momentous occasion.In conclusion, the design of a graduation ceremony is a multifaceted and important aspect of the event. A well-designed ceremony can create a lasting impression and provide a meaningful and memorable experience for everyone involved. By carefully considering the venue, program, decoration, speakers, and overall atmosphere, the graduation ceremony can be transformed into a truly special and unforgettable occasion for the graduates, their families, and the faculty.。
解 。只 有这样 ,才 能对 设计对象 有直 接 、深 刻 的认 知 ,把 握其本 质特 征 ,抓 住 问题 的要害 ,提 出明确 的
设计 目标 以及 实现 目标 的切 实可行 的方案和 措 施 。其次确 定课 题与 目标 。经 调查研 究 所确立 的毕业 设计 题 目既可 以是针对 存在 的 问题制 订 出改善性 的局 部或 整体 目标 ,也可 以是面 向未 来而 制订 出发展性 的局 部或整 体 目标 。 当然 先应 明确属 假想 课题 、任务 课题 还是 综合 课题 ,以规定 设计 的指 向和类 型 ,然后 确
生也对 写论文没有兴 趣 ,觉得 很空洞 。而如 果针对 自己的实 习 岗位进行 毕业 设计 ,就能写 出一份不少于
3 0 字 的设计报告 。设 计报告包括市场 调研 内容 ,设 计调研方案及 实施 ,总 结实施 过程 中存在 的 问题及 00
其原因 。由于设计 内容 是针对学 生 自己的实 习岗位 ,学 生很熟悉 ,不会空洞和 脱离实 际 。例如 有同学在 外 贸公司从事协助 公司经理 对外业务洽谈及 翻译 岗位 ,这一 岗位需要用 英语与外 商进行外 贸谈判 ,那么 我们 的毕业 生完全可 以在 完成这项任务之 前,做好 前期 的调研 工作 ,并确 定如 《 × 国家 商人的基本特征 ××
20 0 9年 9月
浙江纺织服装职 业技术学院学报
第 42 4 . 0 .3 2 o: 0 9 9 .s.17 -3 62 9 . 7 3 s 0 00
高职应用 英语专业 毕业设计 的创 新探讨
刘 敏
浙江育英职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)任务书课题名称如何有效提高英语的听说能力——基于我在浙江义乌雅丹文化用品商行的工作经历How I Improve the Ability of Listening and Speaking in English—My Working ExperienceIn Zhejiang Yiwu Yadan Giftware Factory分院/系经济贸易系专业/班级11应用英语D班学生姓名陈雅琴学号11241404指导教师汤莉单位/职称浙江育英职业技术学院/讲师一、毕业设计(论文)的主要内容及成果形式根据陈雅琴同学的实习岗位─浙江义乌雅丹文化用品商行实习销售,结合专业知识和实习经验,其论文题目为《如何有效提高英语的听说能力——基于我在浙江义乌雅丹文化用品商行的工作经历》。
介绍毕业设计英文作文英文:For my graduation design, I chose to work on a project that focuses on sustainable fashion. I have always been passionate about environmental protection and I believethat the fashion industry has a huge impact on the environment. Therefore, I wanted to use my design skills to create a collection that not only looks good, but also has a minimal impact on the planet.I started by researching different sustainable materials and techniques. I found a company that produces fabric from recycled plastic bottles and decided to use it as the main material for my collection. I also experimented with natural dyes and printing techniques that use less water and energy.In addition to using sustainable materials, I also wanted to create designs that are timeless and versatile. Iwanted my collection to be something that people can wear for years, rather than just one season. I focused onclassic silhouettes and simple, elegant designs that can be mixed and matched in various ways.Throughout the process, I encountered many challenges. For example, finding suppliers for sustainable materials was not easy, and I had to spend a lot of time researching and reaching out to different companies. I also had to adjust my designs multiple times to make sure they were both sustainable and aesthetically pleasing.After months of hard work, I finally completed my collection and presented it at the graduation exhibition. I received a lot of positive feedback from both my peers and industry professionals. It was incredibly rewarding to see my designs come to life and to know that I had created something that not only looks good, but also aligns with my values.中文:对于我的毕业设计,我选择了一个关于可持续时尚的项目。
英语专业毕业论⽂任务书毕业设计(论⽂)任务书题⽬:Return to Nature—On the Conflict between Nature and Civilization in Wuthering Heights回归⾃然—论《呼啸⼭庄》中⾃然和⽂明的冲突⼀、主要任务与⽬标:1、主要任务毕业论⽂写作是完成本科教学计划、实现本科培养⽬标的重要阶段,是英语⼈才培养不可或缺的重要环节,是英语专业本科教学计划的重要组成部分,是培养学⽣综合应⽤所学的基本理论、基础知识和基本技能,并分析和解决实际问题的重要途径,是对学⽣进⾏科学研究的初步训练。
英文论文全英泰山医学院本科毕业设计(论文)1 学号:_3513120009_泰山医学院毕业设计(论文)Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a Hero院(部)系外国语学院所学专业英语专科年级、班级2013级1班完成人姓名裴昌贞指导教师姓名刘婷专业技术职务2016年6月1日泰山医学院本科毕业设计(论文) Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a HeroBy Pei changzhenSupervisor: LiutingSubmitted to the School of Foreign Languagesin Partial Fulfillment of Requirements forthe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsTaishan Medical University1Taian, China April, 2016泰山医学院本科毕业设计(论文)论文原创性保证书我保证所提交的论文都是自己独立完成,如有抄袭、剽窃、雷同等现象,愿承担相应后果,接受学校的处理。
专业:应用英语班级:一班签名:裴昌贞2016年6月1日1泰山医学院本科毕业设计(论文)AbstractVanity Fair wtritten by William Makepeace Thackeray who is a great British novelist of the 19 century. In this novel,the author sussessfully show a vivid picture of the British upper circles of society in the 19th century which is depicting the British aristocracy fame, no morality,and the cold false living beings.The purpose of this article is that analyzes several factors that determine thedouble life of Rebecca Sharp: social environment, the characters of the figures, and another people’s cha racters driven. Rebecca Sharp is the most attractive and most charm part in this novel. Although she did many bad things, but she has not lost his conscience.As a people who has a complex inner world, she also has her own merit and that is the reason why we can see a vivid figure,she is the inevitable product of the era.At the end of it, we can conclusion that Vanity Fair is a dazzling star in the artistic place of the world because we can get lessons from it to enjoy great love and happy life.Key words:Vanity Fair ;double life; character;social background摘要《名利场》的作者是萨克雷,他是英国文学史上的一位伟大的小说家,在这篇小说中作者成功的向人们展示了 19 世纪初叶英国上流社会极为鲜明生动的生活画卷, 描摹出英国贵族阶层追名逐利、没有道德、冷酷虚假的众生相。
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Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketballplayerPeriod 1I.Teaching Aims & Demands(1)The Ss can remember the words at length .(2)The Ss can use the important sentences to chat skilfully . II. Key Points(1) Key Words : grow up act move(2) The dialogue of this classIII. Difficult PointsUse the important sentences to chat skilfully .IV. Teaching MethodsSituation Approach Communicative ApproachV. Teaching AidsCards Radio TapesVI. Teaching ProcessStep 1 GreetingStep2 Warm-upStep 3 Revision : words and important sentencesStep 4 Lead in : Ask Ss a questionStep 5 Presentation(1)Words :grow |grəu| v. 成长,生长eg:The rice is growing fine .grow up 成长,长大engineer [,endʒi'niə] n. 工程师programmer ['prəugræmə] n. 电脑程序设计师,程序师pilot ['pailət] n. 飞行员,飞机驾驶员professional [prə'feʃənəl] adj. 专业的,职业的act |æct| v. 表演,演戏eg:The play acts well .move |mu:v| v. 移动,搬动eg: Don’t move ,or I’ll shout.(2)Look at the book and explain the dialogue.A:What are you doing to be when you grow up ?B:I’m g oing to be a computer programmer .A:How are you going to do that ?B:I’m going to study computer science .(3)Group work :Discuss which do you think is the most interesting job .(4)Listen and do exercises .(5)Pairwork : Ask and answer questions about your partner’s and your plans .Step 6 Summary & Practice(1)Ask the Ss to practice the dialogue with their partners and make conversations about the other jobs .(2)Talk with the teacher to practice .Step 7 Homwork & Goodbye(1)Recite the words and the dialogue .(2)Write your own plans .(3)Do the exercises in the activity books .(4)Use the dialogue in the actual life .II.Teaching ReflectionHave a dictation to check the words and give them more time for understanding and reading .Period 2I. Taching Aims & Demands(1)To make the Ss remember the words .(2)To let the Ss grasp the grammar and use it to express his own plans . II. Key PointsI’m going to …III. Difficult PointsExpress the dream job .IV. Teaching MethodsDirect Method Communicative ApproachV. Teaching AidsRadio TapesVI. Teaching ProcessStep 1 GreetingStep 2 Warm-upStep 3 Revision : words and the dialogueStep 4 Lead in : Make a situationStep 5 Presentation(1) Words :dream|dri:m| n. 梦,梦想,幻想eg:I have a dream .save|seiv| v. 储存,储蓄eg:Children should learn to savehold|həuld| v. 举行,主持eg:Hold a meeting .travel|'trævəl| v. 旅行,长途旅行,国外旅行比较:trip 短距离的旅行,远足rich|ritʃ| adj. 富有的,富裕的,富饶的eg:He is a rich man .(2) Show Ss the short essay and explain itsmeaning , till the Ss can grasp the important structures:when I grow up ,I’m going to …(3) Pairwork:Read the sentences in thechart ,and fill in the blank with information about what you are going to be .Then discuss with your partner .(4) Groupwork: Everyone konws about the Olympic Games . What can you and your classmates do to keep the Olympic spirit alive ? Make a list with “be going to ”.Step 6 Summary & Pratice(1) Read the essay and understand what it says .(2) Use the struc ture “I’m going to …”to make sentences .Step 7 Homework & Goodbye(1) The Ss can spell the words by memory and retell the short essay .(2) Use “I’m going to …”to make three sentences .(3) Do the exercises in the activity books .VII. Teaching ReflectionFrom the exercises to know Ss’ability of this class .Period 3I.Teaching Aims & Demands(1)The Ss can spell the words by memory .(2)The Ss can use the structures skilfully .II.Key Points(1) Key Words : fit build(2) Key Structures : I’m going to …III. Difficult PointsDiscuss the resolutionsIV. T eaching MethodsCommunicative Approach Direct MethodV.Teaching AidsRadio Tapes PicturesVI.Teaching ProcessStep 1 GreetingStep 2 RevisionStep 3 Lead in : QusetionsStep 4 Presentation(1)Words :over|əuvə| prep. (在数目、数值、度等方面)超过;在……以上eg:We get over 100 letters .fit|fit| adj. 强健的,健康的build|build| v. 建造,建筑(2)Let them match the picture with the New Year’s resolutions .(3)Pairwork : Discuss with your partner what things are you going to do next year .(4)Listen to the tape and do the exercises .(5)Groupwork : Make a list of other resolutions you want to make and discuss with your group .Step 5 Summary & Pranctive(1)Go on using the structure “I’m going to ”to makesentences .(2)Make a list of the resolutions about something you want todo next year .Step 6 Homework & Goodbye(1)To remember the words(2)To make a list of the resolutions about what do you want to do next year .(3)Do the exercises in the activity books .VII.Teaching ReflectionFind some Ss to recite their resolutions in order to check Ss .Period 4I.Teaching Aims & Demands(1)Let the Ss grasp this class well and use it in our daily life .(2)Improve the Ss abilities of speaking .II.Key PointsBe going toIII.Difficult Points主语不同时,“be going to ”中be的不同形式IV. T eaching MethodsDirect MethodIV.Teaching AidsRadio TapesV.Teaching ProcessStep 1 GreetingStep 2 Warm-upStep 3 Revision : wordsStep 4 Presentation(1)Show Ss the magazine articles andmake them read it by themselves .(2)Explain the meaning of the articles in detail ,the Ss need to grasp the important sentences .(3) Explain “Lot of girls are going to play sports ”and “one old lady is going t o leave her job ”at length .(4) Write about what are some of your resolutions(5) Groupwork: If your job is making a city cleaner ,what are you going to do ? Write it down and discuss with your group .(6) Selfcheck: Do the exercises ,and teacher teach them . VII. Teaching ReflectionHave an exam to check .VIII.Teaching ReferencesStudents’Practical Essentials of NMETOxford Advanced Learner’English-Chinese Dictionary。