



09翻译汉英翻译分类片段书本内容(译文请参考教材)1. 东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔、浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,与外滩的万国建筑博览群。






P2622. 在中国,流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。








P2823. 悠悠岁月,沧海桑田。







P3924. 近年来去江南采风,见江浙一带繁荣非常,却仍有青山绿水,茅舍草棚隐约可见,叹嗟之余,又有番遐想,遂作画几十幅。








译文:Traditional Chinese painting did not imitate nature; its artistic form of imagery mainly served the purpose of expressing human spirit and disposition. The imagism意象in the paintings, highly abstract symbols accompanied by images, could be achieved through the conventional artistic formalities, not unlike those found in Chinese calligraphy. Ancient masters created their own internal images and their styles that were all markedly diverse and lively.Later on, these artistic patterns were imitated and copied to the point where most paintings were nothing but look-alikes. The result of such abuse was that what had meant to be elegant were no longer elegant; what had been considered vulgar were made even more vulgar. Modern Chinese painting is still caught in a downward spiral, a dilemma at best. A Wen and some of his fellow artists are bent on breaking the mold. They want to find their individual identities; they want to be different; they want to create new imageries and new styles that they can proudly call their own and in keeping with the modern times. Meanwhile, they continue to be inspired by the elegance of the past.2011-9原文:西塘是一个具有一千多年历史的水乡古镇,保存完好的明清时期建筑群是其他旅游景点所无法相比的。



翻译第三讲:反译法正话反说动词:∙Asia was passed over by the industrial revolution.∙Live up to the expectations of our own people and the people throughout the world.∙As was expected, the enemy walked right into the trap.∙两支篮球队不分胜负。



∙这些文物是帝国主义劫掠中国时得来的不义之财.可以运用反译法的动词有:refuse(不愿;不肯;无法),prevent…from…/exclude …from…(不准,不行) ,remain(不变)lack(缺乏;没有),defy(不服从;不遵守;不让),forbid(不许),stop(不准)和ignore (不理;不肯考虑)等。

名词:∙I adhered to all the courtesies I had been taught. This frustrated my son to no end.∙While he liked her work, he pointed out areas where improvement was possible.∙In the absence of a settlement through negotiation, the case under dispute can be submitted to arbitration.∙会场内鸦雀无声。






口译经验自己总结的高级口译学习经验备考资料1,关于听力,高口听力比起中口最大的改变就是gap-filling,以前可以凭记忆做完中口听力multiple choice和translation的朋友估计在高口沿用老办法是不行的,记笔记我个人的是你爱怎么记就怎么记,随便是用字母缩写还是画图或是只记辅音什么的通通都可以,但关键是要自己用着舒服,找准自己的路子再加上一些注意事项,如数字一定要记,多记一些关键词,记住不要记在一堆,要分行,有段落感等等估计就差不多了,还有就是听懂最关键,宁愿少记一些也要听懂文章,像gap-filling有时你懂了文章大意自己估摸着添个词进去老师也会算你对的,至于听力练习的材料,我觉得你把历年全真全部听过做到听懂有印象已经很了不起了,有空做做word by word的dictation也很有帮助,最后就是地球人都知道的一点,历年translation部分都会或多或少地有听力课本中的内容,所以照偶老师的话,就是你不听起码也要把script都看一遍,偶就是这么做的,确实考到了,2,关于阅读,高口的阅读历来都是让大家很头疼的,时间紧,难度大,这一点偶也做得不是很好,直到现在还觉得阅读是偶的弱项,但考试时可以提醒大家一定要注意把握时间,每篇7-8分钟自己控制好,实在看不懂就猜吧,反正其实没几分,要是真的空在那里影响考试心情就得不偿失了,另外,阅读材料和听力一样,历年全真题能搞明白已经很了不起了。


还有文章中出现的成语、俗语,你背过最好,没背也别急,挑句最贴近意思的大白话也没有大碍,偶记得自己考到“头悬梁,锥刺骨”,也就“work hard”过去了,分数也还好啊。






















翻译第七讲:归化法英译中:词组:∙as stupid as a goose∙as stubborn as a mule∙lead a dog's life∙cry up wine and sell vinegar∙once the wife of a parson, always the wife of a parson.∙one boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.∙among the blind the one-eyed man is King.句子:∙Because of the flood, coupled with hot weather, people in this area are starved to skeletons.∙Everybody said how well the new Mayor was doing, but old Mr. Carr said shortly, "Yes. New brooms sweep clean."∙Chinese companies do not always uphold the highest standards, but again, many Western firms are no angels either.∙She's a bit out of my class, don't you think? If I did try to do anything, I'd only get sent off with a flea in my ear.∙It was, as Bill afterwards expressed it, "like a moment of temporary mental apparition", but we didn't find that out till later.∙They would be ice-skating in hell the day, when I donate the aid for them.∙He rebuffs the frequent charge that liberals are wobblers or dreamers.中译英:∙约翰胆小如鼠,你是不用指望他了。




有一段时间每天会听写一篇putclub论坛里的AP News Minute,一分钟左右的内容,标准语速,但是很短,很容易入门。










由于那一年的考试是9月13日,因此复习时间只有短短两个星期,而我那时候对题型之类只是大致了解,也没有全面做过一套题,时间非常紧迫,当然也比较辛苦,现在具体讲讲各大类型的题目备考原则,仅供参考:听力:上下半场加起来,听力一共四个部分,Spot Dictation、听力理解、NTGF和听译。




英语翻译技巧:高级口译阅读1. 各类词汇,谙熟于心高口阅读的词汇量要求在8000至12000之间,相当于专业八级和GRE常考词汇量,甚为恐怖。


外来词,如faux par(禁忌),per se(本质上),perrata(成比例的)等。



2. 句法结构,分类击破由于报刊文章正式度介于口语和正式书面语之间的特别性质,我们常常在高口阅读篇章中同时遭受非常简单冗长和非常短小通俗的表达,这就要求考生娴熟把握考试中常消失的三类特别句型结构:a.长句,这类句子在快速阅读中只需抓主干舍从属,其中的让步状语从句、同位语、定语从句、并列结构、分割插入结构等可以快速拂过,整句理解不受个别难词影响。

b. 特别结构句,It is too funny not to take it seriously.(这事情太滑稽了所以肯定要仔细对待。



3. 篇章结构,思路分明广义上说,高口阅读文章均属于倒金字塔的结构形式,即主题内容消失在文章开头的一至三段之内,向后则重要性相关度都逐步递减。




Parenthood should be affordable in this country, butthe cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood is now a quarter of amillion dollars and projected to double by the tim e today’s toddlers reach their teens.首段无需过分投入,只需看到两个关键词affordable 和cost 便知文章的话题所在。

Will having kids soon be out of reach economically formany American families? A recent report from the Center for American Progress found that middle-class families are feeling an unprecedented economic squeeze- caught between stagnating wages and the exploding cost of basics like housing, health care and children’s education. Most families, it seems, are getting by on less and living closer to the financial edge to help their kids grow up healthy and get ahead.第二段开篇以设问形式点出文章主体:为什么迫于经济压力,很多美国家庭无法生儿育女?答案的关键词在于“caughtbetween stagnating wages and the exploding cost of basics”The most striking growth in costs to families has beenin child care, where expenses have climbed about $200 annually in each of thelast dozen years, with nearly ten fold growth since the 1960s. Child care, on average, consumes $1 of every $5 in a family’s budget and exceeds the typical rent in every state.本段以细节形式点出抚养儿女的成本增加之快。



















翻译第六讲成语的译法(汉译英)1 借用法:十拿九稳千方百计千载难逢反复无常如获至宝孤立无援改过自新白手起家既往不咎临渴掘井2 意译法:劳逸结合势如破竹千夫所指妄自菲薄支离破碎岌岌可危临危不惧自不量力固执己见班门弄斧3 简化法:无懈可击百依百顺开门见山相形见绌矫揉造作碌碌无为置之不理反复无常耸人听闻言过其实练习:1. 他非常顽固,不到黄河心不死2. 这位运动员有很大的潜力,被人们视做篮坛的后起之秀。

3. 那位年迈的董事长由于后继无人而无法退休.4. 你必须依照指示,循序渐进,才能成功地完成那件工作。

5. 对于他的辩才,我真是心服口服。

6. 约翰曾痴迷于赌博,还好他悬崖勒马,现在他已经是一名成功的商人了。

7. 农业技术的应用必须和当地的情况结合起来,不能在每个地方生搬硬套。

8. 关于那件谋杀案的真相,目击者给的证词众说纷纭。

篇章翻译:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceAdolescent wizard-in-training Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for another year of schooling and learns more about the dark past of the boy who grew up to become Lord Voldemort in this, the sixth installment of the film series that originated from the writings of author J.K. Rowling. There was a time when Hogwarts was thought of as a safe haven, but thanks to Voldemort's tightening grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds, that simply isn't the case anymore. Suspecting that the castle may even harbor an outright threat, Harry finds his investigation into the matter sidelined by Dumbledore's attempts to prepare him for the monumental battle looming ever closer on the horizon. In order to discover the key to Voldemort's defenses, Dumbledore enlists the aid of resourceful yet unsuspecting bon vivant Professor Horace Slughorn, who may have a clue as to their enemy's Achilles' heel.汉语翻译:三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 two heads are better than one一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 once bitten, twice shy一失足成千古恨 a single slip may cause lasting sorrow一言既出,驷马难追 what is said can be unsaid老骥伏枥,志在千里 old people may still cherish high aspirations聪明反被聪明误 cleverness may overreach itself听其言而观其行 judge people by their deeds not just by their words临渊羡鱼,不如归而结网It’s better to go back and make a net than to stand by the pond and long for fish万般皆下品,唯有读书高 all occupations are ranked low, only book-learning is exalted众说纷纭,莫衷一是 as opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn众人拾柴火焰高 great things may be done by mass effort言必信,行必果 always be true in word and resolute in deed言者无罪,闻者足戒 It is not the one who speaks who is culpable; it is up to the one who listens to exercise due caution识时务者为俊杰 a clever man knows how to bow to circumstances路遥知马力,日久见人心as a long road tests a horse’s strength, so a long task proves a person’s heart近朱者赤,近墨者黑 he who stays near the vermilion gets stained red, and he who stays near the ink gets stained black金玉其外,败絮其中 shining on the outside but rotten on the inside冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 it takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep前事不忘,后世之师 past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future即以其人之道,还治其人之身 give sb a dose of his own medicine只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜 each one sweeps the snow from his own doorsteps and doesn’t bother about the frost on his neighbour’s roof善有善报,恶有恶报 good has its reward and evil has its recompense塞翁失马,焉知非福 every cloud has a silver lining多行不义必自毙 if one keeps on doing unrighteous deeds, he is bound to come to ruin失之东隅,收之桑榆 make up on the roundabouts what you lose on the swings兼听则明,偏信则暗 listen to both sides and you will be enlightened得到多助,失道寡助 a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support。



用三大战略应对三大挑战Three strategies to cope with three challenges 练习译文&标准译文翻译技巧&说明一个13亿人口的大国要实现和平崛起,绝非易事。

It is undoubtedly not a easy task for a country of 1.3 billion population to achieve its peaceful rise.It is anything but easypeople 绝非易事it is anything but easy …=it’s by no means easy…=it’s far from easy=it’s not easy at all实现(和平崛起)achieve目前,就经济和社会发展而言,中国面临三大挑战:At present, over the matter of economic and social development, China is in face of three following major challenges.At present, China faces three major challenges in its economic and social development.第一个是资源特别是能源的挑战。

The first major challenge lies in resources, energy resources in particular.comes from the shortage of ……是…… come from= be from=be posed by …“资源”在这里指“资源短缺”,翻译时必须指出。


Chinese per capita hold of resources is one of the lowest among the whole world, while due to China’s rapid development and low level of science and technology, the resource consumption, especially energy consumption of Chinese manufacturing industry is among 排在后列lag behind … in terms of…=rank at the bottom=rank at the end of the list=placed at the bottom排在前列among the most ….=rank at the top of the list= rank among the best= rank among the top而(并列)coupled with遇到数量多少的时候,可以转化成相关的形容词表示the largest in the world, whichleads to a shortage of resources,especially energy resources.China lags behind the world interms of per capita hold ofresources. Meanwhile, due to thefast speed of our economicdevelopment coupled with the lowlevel of science and technology,China’s manufacturing industry isamong the mostenergy-consuming in the world.这就使得资源特别是能源短缺。



预防为主prevention first综合治理comprehensive control/management全面推进entire/all-round push-on重点突破breakthrough at key points亲仁善邻cordiality, benevolence and good neighborliness和睦相处living in harmony with others强不凌弱The strong should not oppress the weak and the rich shouldnot bully the poor.富不侮贫协和万邦All nations live side by side in perfect harmony.海纳百川有容乃大One should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vastbecause it admits hundreds of rivers.兼收并蓄embrace everything that is useful光阴似箭Time flies like an arrow. /How time files!一诺千金有诺必践Commitment should always be kept.一如既往unswervingly和衷共济solidarity; fighting together with one accord亡国灭种extinction; being conquered and destroyed万众一心pull together; join hands; make joint efforts; be united as one浩然气概noble spirit不屈节操unyielding moral principle赴汤蹈火go through fire and water殊死奋战fight desperately; fight to death可歌可泣moved one to songs and tears英勇卓绝heroic and splendid插科打诨comic parts精微深奥profound and abstruse博大精深extensive and profound源远流长run a long history天下为公The world belongs to all the people.天下兴亡匹夫有责Every man has a duty to his country.吃苦耐劳hard work and enduring hardship勤俭持家run the household industriously and frugally尊师重教respect teachers and attach importance to education当务之急urgent; imminent不谋而合coincide with莘莘学子students青春洋溢young书香浓郁academic/cultural atmosphere朝气蓬勃充满活力dynamic; vigorous多姿多彩colorful色彩斑斓同“多姿多彩”日新月异change with each passing day光芒四射shining; brilliant鲜艳夺目同“光芒四射”安居乐业live and work happily and peacefully相知无远近万里尚为邻Distance can never separate real friends.携手前进join hands名列前茅rank top补充形容词性举足轻重decisive, vital, significant光辉灿烂glorious and magnificent不可磨灭indelible无边无际boundless广袤富饶vast and fertile宏伟挺拔towering magnificence金壁辉煌splendid and magnificent玲珑剔透exquisitely carved/made/wrought蔚为壮观splendid; spectacular庄严肃穆solemn不屈不挠unyielding, unrelenting, dauntless动词性此起彼伏rise one after another, keep cropping up繁衍生息live and multiply/reproduce改朝换代changes of dynasties穷兵黩武wantonly engage in military aggression; use all one’s armed might to indulge in wars of aggression雅俗共赏appeal to both refined and popular tastes与日俱增increase with each passing day, be steadily on the increase极目远眺look as far as the eye can see按资排辈to assign priority according to seniority求同存异seeking common ground while putting aside differences流连忘返linger on; be too delighted to leave乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick不宣而战start an undeclared war尽收眼底hold a panoramic view扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government集思广益draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences延年益寿prolong one’s life审时度势size up the trend of events招商引资attract investment急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits扫黑扫黄crack down on gangland and pornography减员增效downsize(and cut payroll) to improve efficiency退耕还林return cultivated land to forest or pasture互利互补mutually complementary and beneficial集资办学raise money to set up new schools寓教于乐teach through lively activities因材施教teach students according to their aptitude按劳分配distribution according to performance廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties呕心沥血spare no efforts画龙点睛bring out the crucial point名词性:绿水青山green hills and clear waters墨客骚人men of letters奇花异草exotic flowers and herbs鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey奇峰异石picturesque peaks and rocks浓妆淡抹heavy or light makeup轩然大波 a great disturbance, a mighty uproar凤毛麟角rarity of rarities层峦叠嶂range upon range of mountains; the hills rise ar ound…崇山峻岭steep mountains雕梁画栋carved beams and painted pillars名山大川famous mountains and great rivers湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills青山绿水green hills and clear waters名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites平等互利equality and mutual benefit国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood灵丹妙药panacea/miraculous cure中流砥柱mainstay, chief cornerstone世外桃源 a haven of peace长治久安 a long period of stability按劳分配distribution according to one’s performance附录3:中高级口译翻译常考动词搭配。


Confucius, an ancient Chinese sage, said: “He who uses his brain will govern; he who uses his strength will be governed.” It is a reflection of the demarcation of status in traditional Chinese culture and a direct determiner of career-choosing in China. White collar workers, in modern sense for those using their brains, are the envy of the society while blue collar workers, working by using their strength, are under pressure of inferiority despite their high wages.
In China, there goes another saying that all merchants are liars. It is generally believed that business is a despised profession in traditional culture as businessmen are profit-oriented, which runs counter to what men of complete virtues should pursue, valuing justice above material gains. However, going into business has become the primary choice for youth in choosing a career, who have shed the shackles of tradition towards modern consciousness.



Whatever initial worries we had about the plane soon vanished. 不管开始时我们对这架飞机有多不放心,这种顾虑 不久就烟消云散了. There had been much publicity about my case. 我的事已经搞得满城风雨, 人人皆知了. The streets were overrun by Hitler’s bullies. 那时希特勒的暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作.
in chaos 乌烟瘴气 disintegration 土崩瓦解 ardent loyalty 赤胆忠心 beyond one’s grasp 鞭长莫及 total exhaustion 筋疲力尽
on the verge of destruction 危如累卵 (危在旦夕)
The night gains on the day in winter. 入冬以后,昼短夜长。
The truth comes out. 真相大白。
She exulted to find that she had succeeded.
in disruption 处于分崩离析之中
perfect harmony 水乳交融 feed on fancies 画饼充饥 with great eagerness 如饥似渴
lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网 await with great anxiety 望穿秋水 make a little contribution 添砖加瓦



• ② If the economy as a whole or the segment of economy which is the focus of the expenditure is operating at capacity or close to capacity,then the expenditure’s major effects will tend to be inflationary growth,and will not generate much employment of capital and labor. • 如果整个经济或接受主要投资的经济部分充分或 接近充分发还效能,那么政府投资的增长效力不 会很大,所以资本和劳动力也不会得到充分利 用.
• 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威 胁。 • Version 1 • The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any countries. • Version 2 • A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.
• 对英语的理解
• 语篇走向 • Someone once remarked that the British and the Americans are two peoples separated by the same language. Most epigrams警句,隽语 exaggerate for effect, and this is no exception. But it is, nevertheless, undeniably true that some commonly used words mean different things in these two cultures. Consider the seemingly single term— “the government”.

高口翻译用三大战略应对三大挑战(详细分析) (1)

高口翻译用三大战略应对三大挑战(详细分析) (1)

用三大战略应对三大挑战Three strategies to cope with three challenges 练习译文&标准译文翻译技巧&说明一个13亿人口的大国要实现和平崛起,绝非易事。

It is undoubtedly not a easy task for a country of 1.3 billion population to achieve its peaceful rise.It is anything but easypeople 绝非易事it is anything but easy …=it’s by no means easy…=it’s far from easy=it’s not easy at all实现(和平崛起)achieve目前,就经济和社会发展而言,中国面临三大挑战:At present, over the matter of economic and social development, China is in face of three following major challenges.At present, China faces three major challenges in its economic and social development.第一个是资源特别是能源的挑战。

The first major challenge lies in resources, energy resources in particular.comes from the shortage of ……是…… come from= be from=be posed by …“资源”在这里指“资源短缺”,翻译时必须指出。


Chinese per capita hold of resources is one of the lowest among the whole world, while due to China’s rapid development and low level of science and technology, the resource consumption, especially energy consumption of Chinese manufacturing industry is among 排在后列lag behind … in terms of…=rank at the bottom=rank at the end of the list=placed at the bottom排在前列among the most ….=rank at the top of the list= rank among the best= rank among the top而(并列)coupled with遇到数量多少的时候,可以转化成相关的形容词表示the largest in the world, whichleads to a shortage of resources,especially energy resources.China lags behind the world interms of per capita hold ofresources. Meanwhile, due to thefast speed of our economicdevelopment coupled with the lowlevel of science and technology,China’s manufacturing industry isamong the mostenergy-consuming in the world.这就使得资源特别是能源短缺。

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lesson 71 catering culture农历8月15日的中秋节是观赏满月的日子。



象征is a symbol of春节是中国最重要的传统节日,标志着农历新年的开始。



而定be setI'm very gald that all of you will soon go to the States to study and work with Americans。

We need to eat no matter where。

So,as the first lecture in the orientation program,I'd like to talk about what Americans do in a restaurantorientation 新生情况说明会。

In American restaurant,you are usually served tap water before you order。

You may find butter anf bread is free,and if you order coffee,you get free refilltap water自来水,翻译成自来水有点奇怪,翻译成水比较合适Soft drinks are sweet,carbonated drinks like Coke》Hard drinks are alcoholics,like whiskey.They are servedeither on the rocks or straight.Servings in the restaurant are large。

If you can't finish,ask the waiter for a “doggie bag”,so that you can enjoy the food later。

Remember ,you should always have a tip of 15% on the table when you leave.二、lesson 70 catering culture 饮食文化1、cooking methods 中国烹调方法stir-fried 【fried fast in hot oil 炒roast 【cooked in oil in the oven 烤(荤菜类的baked 【cooked in the oven(蔬菜类的stewed【cooked for a long time on a low heat:用小火炖stewed chicken soup 炖鸡汤2、Types of food 食材poultry 家禽(chicken、turkey ,goose duck)game 野味(rabbit,hare ,partridge,pheasant game theory 博弈论seafood n海鲜prawns n对虾,shrimps n小虾lobstern龙虾scallops ,mussels ,crab 3、Dining places canteen n食堂buffet n自助餐pub n酒吧(public house)feast n盛宴wedding feast 婚宴4、Beverages(饮料总称)hard drinks硬饮料(含酒精)soft drinks 不加冰straight 加冰的on the rock alcohol n酒精饮料liquor n烈酒mineral water 矿泉水purified water 纯净水distilled water 蒸馏水5、Meat mince 肉末slice n肉的薄片(不规则的)一大块肉a piece of meat chunk n不规则的一大块肉chop n小块的rou cut the chunk into chops shred n肉丝chop 剁、砍、劈剁成肉泥chop the meat /chunk into mince 筷子n,chopsticks 6、Chinese staple food staple food 主食main course(西餐当中的)主菜白饭plain white rice 糯米饭gluetinous rice n glue=sticky 粥congee=porridge 7、Vegetables onion n洋葱Chinese onion 大葱cauliflower n 白花菜broccoli n绿花菜,西兰花lettuce 莴苣菜,生菜8、Fruits lemon n(黄)柠檬lime n青柠檬orange n橙子tangerine n橘子strawberry n草莓blackberry n 黑莓mango n芒果kiwi 奇异果,猕猴桃cherry 樱桃,车厘子date 枣子9、Others refreshments n茶点,小吃spice n香料vinegar n醋pepper 辣椒粉,胡椒的pudding n布丁rice pudding 八宝饭dumpling n饺子jiao zi 包子,生煎,汤圆dumpling rice dumpling 粽子日常饮食diet 节食on diet 豆腐tofu (beancurd)课本194页lesson 68词组部分长江流域:the Yangtze River Vally流域:valley(峡谷)长江中下游地区:the lower and middle reaches of Yangtze River长江三角洲:the Delta Region of the Y珠江三角洲:the Delta Region of the Pearl River龙头作用:play a leading roleplay an important /significant /irreplaceable role清朝乾隆年间:during the regin of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty.战国时期:the Warring State Period春秋时期:the Spring and Autumn Period三国时期:the Period of Three Kingdoms美食家gourmet外邦菜肴:exotic cuisine万国建筑博览会:the Universal Architectural Expo建筑:architectural(强调建筑风格)building(强调这幢楼本身)structure庙会:temple fair交易会trade fair招聘会job fair桃花节:Peach blossom festivalv开花bloom桂花节:Osmanthus festivalday 多指阳历的节日,festival 多指阴历的节日海纳百川,有容乃大意译:tolerance直译:The sea admits hundreds of rivers according to its capacity撑市面貌日新月异:The city takes on a new look with each passing day.听句子,做笔记一、这是世界最大的海港城市之一,也是中国最大的工业、商业、金融,航运中心之一,这里有着世界上做快的陆地交通工具--磁悬浮列车和亚洲最高的高塔---东方明珠塔,他们标致这伤害的速度和高度。

海港城市:seaport,a port on the sea航运:shipping磁悬浮列车:maglev trainmaglev =magnetic + levitated(悬挂,升高)elevated东方明珠塔:Oriental Pearl TV Tower标致:symbol,symbolize,icon他们标志的上海的高度和速度。

Shanghai is one of the largest seaport in the world,and it is one of China's biggest industrial ,commercial ,financial and shippingcenters.It boasts the fastest transpotation tool on land-the maglev train,and highest TV tower in Asia-the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,which are icons of Shanghai's speed and height.二、随着经济改革的日益深化,这座昔日被誉为远东金融,经济和贸易中心的城市正在为促进长江三角洲的经济发展起着龙头作用神话:deepening被誉为:be regarded as、be crowmed asWith the deepening of the economic reform Shanghai ,which used to be crowned as a financial ,economic and trade center in the far-east,is now playing a leading role in the economic development of Delta Region of the Yangtze River三、与此同时,上海以它的独特的风韵吸引着数以百万计的海内外游客。


国内外游客:tourists from home and abroad风韵:charm国际化大都市:metropolis (n),metropolitan(大)城市:chief cityMeanwhile,Shanghai is attracting millions of tourists from home and abroad with its unique charm.As a metropolos ,Shanghai has international flights reaching over 60 chief cities in the world.四、以东方明珠闻名于世的上海市中国通向世界的东大门。

早在唐宋时期上海便是中国东部的一座外貌商镇,与日本,朝鲜和东南亚各国之间有着商贸关系朝鲜DPRKShanghai ,which is known to the world as the Oriental Pearl,is China's east gate to the outside world。
