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Let‟s give a big hand to Sally for singing so beautifully tonight. The United Stated began life as an independent country in 1776. Barcelona is king of Modernism architecture.
1)词义的选择 2)词类转换 3)词的增补 4)词的省略 4)叠词翻译 5)四字词翻译
The two buildings are very like. (形容词/alike)
Don‟t treat me like a guest. (介词) Like enough, the ship will arrive in the port tomorrow. (副词/likely) Like knows like.(名词)
警察: policeman 正式用语; cop 美国口语; bobby 英国口语; nab 美国俚语 声誉: fame :褒义 reputation和repute:可用作褒义或贬义。 renown 显赫的声誉,用作褒义。 notoriety 一词则用作贬义,和fame 相对。
E-C: Revising
The American people believe that the government should provide the framework for law and order. 初译:美国人民相信政府应当规定法律和秩序的框架。
改译:美国人民认为,政府应当规定法律秩序的相关准 则。
An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. 读一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。(n>v) You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying. (adj>v)
本义与搭配义: broken
a broken man a broken soldier a broken promise a broken spirit broken money broken English
一个绝望的人 一个残废军人 背弃的诺言 消沉的意志 零钱 蹩脚的英语
英汉语言中词的搭配不尽相同,若在翻译中遇到一 个词同时有多个搭配项,要分别选用不同的表达 来进行翻译。
E-C: Revising
The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and activities. 初译:宪法总括了国家政府的构成,并明确了其权力 和活动。 改译:宪法总括了国家政府结构的构成,并明确了其 权力和职能。
一个人如果依赖的是身外之物,是金钱,是权利、名誉 之类的东西,那他就不会感到安全,永远也不会。只 有做到自制,知足的人,才会真正感到安全。 No one who is dependent on anything outside himself, upon money, power, fame or whatever, is or ever can be secure. Only he who possesses himself and is content with himself is actually secure.
They have the right to be secure in one‟s own home against unreasonable searches and seizure of person or property.
译:他们有在自己家里享有安全、人身不受无理搜 查逮捕、财产不受无理查处没收的权利。
Barcelona is king of Modernism architecture.
怀孕: She is having a baby. She is expecting. She is in a family way. She is knitting little booties. She is in a delicate condition. She is in an interesting condition.
There is also an allowance for funeral, for the State boasts that it looks after people “from cradle to grave”! 有人过世会发丧葬费,这是因为政府夸耀说,人们 “从生到死”都能得到照顾。 What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 幼时所学,终生难忘。
目的:或为了顺应目的语的句法结构,或为了符合 目的语中的表达习惯。 汉语喜欢用动态(dynamic state)角度反映某些 静态(static state)现实,而在英语中,则喜欢 用静态角度反映某些动态现实。因而,在英汉两 种语言对译中,就存在一个汉语动态句与英语静 态句如何转换、使译文符合习惯的问题。
They have the right to be secure in one‟s own home against unreasonable searches and seizure of person or property.
1) searches and seizure of person 2) searches and seizure of property 译:搜查和逮捕人/财产? 译:搜查和没收人/财产?
Ford‟s basic wage of $5 a day caused not only a wage explosion in the city; it also caused a population explosion.
福特公司给工人每天5美元的基本工资,不仅导致 了该城的工资猛涨,还引起了人口激增。
词的翻译 句的翻译
口水鸡 回锅肉 素鸭 红烧狮子头 干锅鱼头 麻婆豆腐 蚂蚁上树 夫妻肺片 slobbering chicken twice-cooked pork vegetarian duck red burned lion head fuck a fish head beancurd made by a pockmarked woman ants climbing tree lung pieces of a couple
None of the parties shall be entitled to make any press release or other public statement or disclosure concerning this agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties. 初译:未经其他各方事先书面同意,任何一方均无 权就有关本协议举行新闻发布会、公开声明或披 露。 改译:未经其他各方事先书面同意,任何一方均无 权就有关本协议举行新闻发布会、发表公开声明 或对外泄密。
听到你母亲去世的消息后我非常悲痛。 I am deeply grieved to hear that your mother kicked up her heels .
to expire 逝世 to pass away 与世长辞 to close (end) one's day 寿终 to breathe one's last 断气 to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 to depaຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidut to the world of shadows 命归黄泉 to give up the ghost 见阎王 to kick up one's heels 蹬腿
That day he was up before sunrise. 那天他在日出以前就起来了。 (prep>v)
All peace loving people demand the prohibition of atomic weapons. (v>n)
We are doubtful whether it is true or not. (v>adj)
他支持这个建议,我反对。 He is for the suggestion, but I am against it. (v>prep)
这电影正在上演吗? Is the movie on? (v>adv)
cry up wine and sell vinegar put back the clock drink like a fish She couldn‟t have come at a better time. The picture flattered her. He is a walking skeleton. She held the little boy by the right hand. I have no opinion of that sort of man. He was taken up above the salt. You look darker after the holiday.
Let‟s give a big hand to Sally for singing so beautifully tonight. 让我们为赛莉今晚如此美妙的演唱热烈鼓掌。 The United Stated began life as an independent country in 1776. 1776年,美国正式成为一个独立的国家。
Scheme: The enemy's scheme went bankrupt. 敌人的阴谋破产了。 We have mapped out a scheme. 我们制订了一项计划。
aggressive: Aggressive nations threaten world peace. 侵略成性的国家威胁到世界和平。 A successful businessman has to be aggressive. 一个成功的推销员必须要有闯劲。
I hope I can drive the tractor like you do.(连词)
I don‟t like smoking.(动词)
注意搭配(本义与搭配义collocational) 跳出字面(本义与引申义extended)
本义与语境义: work
He is working a machine. He is working at English. The ship is working eastward. The gears work smoothly. My watch doesn‟t work. The screw worked loose. The yeast has begun to work. Electronic computers work quickly and accurate. 他正在开机器。 他正在学英语。 船正向东行驶。 齿轮转动灵活。 我的表不走了。 螺丝松了。 酵母已开始发酵。 电子计算机计算得 又快又准。