Reporting verbs
report的用法总结大全report的意思n. 报告,成绩报告单,传闻,流言蜚语vt.& vi. 报道,公布,宣告vt. 告发,举报,使报到变形:过去式: reported; 现在分词:reporting; 过去分词:reported;report用法report可以用作名词report用作名词的基本意思是“报告,报道”,表示通过调查作出的官方或正式的说明,通常含有对情况的分析判断,尤指下级对上级或委托机关的报告,在英式英语里也可指学生的“成绩报告单”或雇员的“工作鉴定书”,是可数名词。
report用作名词的用法例句He is reading a report of the state of the roads.他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
I have only reports to go on.我的依据只是谣传而已。
My son got an excellent report last semester.我儿子上学期成绩出色。
report用作及物动词时其后可接名词、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或“(to be+) n./adj./adv. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。
用作不及物动词时,常与for, to, on等介词连用。
be reported其后可接形容词、现在分词、动词不定式、过去分词或as 短语、介词短语充当宾语补足语。
report用作动词的用法例句I shall have to report this to the authorities.我得把这事向当局报告。
REPORTING VERBS AS INDICATORS OF STANCE IN ACADEMICDISCOURSE*Olga Dontcheva-NavratilovaMasaryk University, BrnoAbstractAcademic discourse is now generally seen as a purposeful interaction between writers and readers in which the writers try to construct a coherent and credible representation of themselves and their research and to negotiate their relationship with the discourse community by referring to the work of others and by evaluating their views. Previous studies on citation practices in academic writing have concentrated on showing differences in the preferences of academic communities by discipline. This contribution tries to examine the differences in the citation practices in academic English on the basis of an analysis of unpublished undergraduate and graduate theses, while discussing the differences in the choice of reporting verbs as means for expressing evaluation. Key wordsstance, evaluation, persuasion, citation, reporting verbs, academic discourse, thesis, writer commitment, impersonality1 IntroductionIn the last two decades, there has been an increasing interest in analysing different genres of written academic discourse (e.g. Swales 1990, 2004, Charles, 2006) and in designing courses aimed at developing student’s communicative competence in an academic setting. This interest reflects the now generally accepted view that successful performance at university and in one's professional career is closely related to the ability to produce high-standard written works such as Bachelor's and diploma theses, grant applications, course descriptions and research articles. Since it is an awareness of the established norms of social interaction in a particular discourse community that may help most effectively a non-native speaker to use appropriately the linguistic resources of English, the present study tries to explore the dialogic nature of academic discourse by examining the use of reporting verbs as indicators of stance in a non-native writer’s academic work, while comparing these to a native writer’s writing habits.2 Discourse interpretation and stanceInteraction in written academic discourse is governed by the effort of the writers to present the results of their research and persuade the readers to accept their claims and viewpoint, while relating their work to previous research and expressing their own “personal feelings, attitudes, judgements or assessments, that is they express a ‘stance’” (Biber et al, 1999: 966). The ways in which writers “work to convey a consistent personal evaluation of the topic they are dealing with” (Thompson & Zhou 2000:123) has been examined with a focus on different language features, such as hedging (Hyland, 1996), theme (Gosden, 1993), reporting verbs (Hyland, 1999, Charles, 2006), and there is considerable variation in the terminology used to refer to the linguistic resources indicating the speaker’s/writer’s opinions, attitudes and relationships to the audience, e.g. ‘attitude’ (Halliday, 1994), ‘stance’ (Biber et al, 1999, Hyland, 2005), ‘evaluation’ (Hunston & Thompson, 2000). The present research Dontcheva-Navratilova, Olga. (2008) Reporting verbs as indicators of stance in academic discourse. Debrecen. Porta Lingea-2008. Szakember, szaktudás, szakuyelv. ISSN 1785-2420. 97-104.builds on the results of previous studies of citation practices in academic writing; however, rather than concentrating on showing differences in the preferences of academic communities by discipline, it focuses on non-native speaker writing and studies the choice of reporting verbs for the expression of stance in unpublished undergraduate and graduate theses.Citation, i.e. “the attribution of propositional content to other sources” (Hyland 1999: 341), enables writers to refer to previous research in order to put current research into a larger context and thus establish credibility by showing affiliation to particular views and methods, provide justification for arguments and positions, and/or claim novelty for a position or findings presented. Reporting verbs may be used to indicate the writer’s attitude to the quoted source and thus enhance the persuasiveness of the argumentation, while contributing to the perception of ‘evaluative coherence’ of the text (Thompson & Zhou, 2000). Thus, apart from indicating the type of activity referred to – research acts, cognition acts and discourse acts – reporting verbs may be exploited by writers to take a personal stance towards reported information and evaluate it as true or false; or, while avoiding committing him/herself to the truth of the message, the writer may attribute a position to the original author (Thompson & Ye 1981, Hyland 1999).3 Material and methodThis investigation into reporting verbs as markers of stance in academic discourse draws both on quantitative and qualitative approaches and studies a corpus of 20 theses, consisting of ten Bachelor's degree theses and ten Master's degree theses in the field of applied linguistics; the size of the corpora is approx. 250,000 words (81,500 for the Bachelor's theses corpus and 167,700 for the Master's theses corpus). The text of citations, works /examples under analysis, research participants’ reactions and descriptions of respondents and lesson plans has been excluded from the corpora. The theses were chosen so as to be representative of the writing habits of Czech students of English, with the intention of comparing the findings to corpus data available which reflects the standard in academic written discourse.The text of the theses was converted into an electronic corpus with two sub-corpora (one representing Bachelor's theses and the other Master's theses); the corpus was searched for reporting verbs using MicroConcord, a concordance programme (the search items were that, the most frequent reporting verbs in academic English reported by Biber et al. (1999), date in brackets and Latinate abbreviations). The realization forms of reporting clauses included in the research are finite clauses with that-clause and noun-phrase complementation, including adverbial clauses introduced by as and passive clauses using introductory it as subject. The occurrences of the reporting verbs identified were counted and an average frequency of occurrence per thesis and per 1000 words was computed. Then, drawing on Thompson and Ye (1981) and Hyland (1999), the reporting verbs were classified according to the type of activity referred to and to the evaluative potential of the verbs, and the frequency of occurrence of the verbs in the individual categories was counted (the Thompson-Ye taxonomy of sub-categories of evaluation is applied in a simplified version suggested by Hyland (1999:350). It should be noted that this investigation deals with other-sourced reports, i.e. “those where the source is attributed outside the thesis writer” (Charles, 2006:496). Furthermore, drawing on Thompson and Ye (1991) and Hyland (1999), in the following analysis the label ‘writer’ is used to refer to the person citing and ‘author’ to refer to the person cited.4 Discussion of findingsAccording to Swales (1990:149), presentation of cited works may take the form of non-integral citation (the name of the author is provided in brackets) and integral citation (theauthor’s name is integrated in the text). Apart from short direct quotes and block quotes, citations may be presented as a summary from a single source or generalization ascribed to two or more sources; according to Hyland (1999: 348), the latter forms are the most effective means for achieving persuasion as they allow the writer to evaluate the information presented. The present research focuses on integral citations including a reporting verb complemented by a that-clause or a noun phrase.The frequency rate of reporting clauses in the corpora (Table 1) shows that, taking into account the different sizes of the corpora, graduate students use reporting clauses twice as often as undergraduates, which reflects an enhanced awareness of the importance of reference to previous research in building a persuasive argument. A comparison with native speakers’ reporting clause rate (per 1000 words) – 10.8 for articles on applied linguistics topics (Hyland, 1999:346), and 4.3 for theses on political issues (Charles, 2006:495) – suggests that even graduate students fall considerably below the expected average rate. It should be mentioned, however, that, since Hyland’s findings take into account all citation forms and reflect a different genre, and Charles’s results concern only finite clauses with that-clause complementation in a different academic discipline, this comparison is not sufficiently reliable.Table 1 – Reporting clause rate in the corporaSource Per 1000 words Total reporting clausesBachelor's theses 1.59 130Master's theses 3.33 559The following lists of reporting verbs found in the corpora evidences that graduate students are in command of a wider range of verbs; moreover, they use verbs which indicate a stance towards the information reported, thus allowing the writers to elaborate a shared context with the readers. The verbs highlighted in bold are high-frequency verbs, i.e. there are more than 10 tokens in the corpora; since the underlined verbs are high-frequency reporting verbs in academic writing in general (Biber et al, 1999:668-670) and in applied linguistics (Hyland, 1999:349), it may be concluded that the high-frequency verbs in the corpora mostly overlap with those used in academic writing.Reporting verbs in Bachelor's theses (24)add, announce, argue, assume, claim, conclude, consider, describe, explain, find, indicate, know, mention, note, point out, presume, reckon, remind, say, show, state, stress, suggest, supposeReporting verbs in Master's theses (43)acknowledge, add, admit, agree, announce, argue, assert, assume, believe, claim, comment (on), conclude, consider, contrast, describe, discover, emphasize, explain, find (out), hold, indicate, imply, maintain, mention, object, observe, point out, prove, recommend, remark, remind, reveal, say, show, specify, speculate, state, suggest, sum up, think, underline, understand, warnA quantitative analysis of the reporting verbs according to denotative categories (Table 2) proves that in accordance with the discursive character of soft sciences, discourse acts prevail (e.g. say, state, add). The relatively high number of cognition acts (e.g. believe, think, conclude) as compared to Hyland’s findings, implies that students tend to stress the roleof reasoning and argumentation in the construction of knowledge, while the lower frequency of occurrence of research act verbs (e.g. discover, show, notice) shows the writers’ lack of experience in describing procedure, which is also indicated by the absence of the ‘methods’ section in most theses.Table 2 - Classification of reporting verbs according to denotation (%)Denotation Research Cognition DiscourseBachelor’s theses 14.5 25.5 60.0Master's theses 16.9 20.4 62.7Hyland’s findings 30.5 10.5 59.0The rate of verbs indicating writer’s evaluation of the reported information (Table 3) suggests that both graduate and undergraduate students avoid taking an explicit stance towards the sources cited; particularly striking is the difference between the frequency of factive verbs (e.g. point out, acknowledge) in the material and the rate of such verbs reported by Hyland (1999:351). Similarly to the tendency in soft sciences, as described by Hyland (ibid.), non-factive verbs (e.g. hold, say, suggest) which may express indirect evaluation by ascribing position to authors, prevail. In most cases, however, authors are represented as conveying a neutral attitude to their work.Table 3 - Classification of reporting verbs according to evaluation (%)Evaluation FactiveNon-factiveCounter-factive authorpositiveauthorneutralauthortentativeauthorcriticalBachelor’stheses 3.2 7.2 72.5 16.9 0 0Master'stheses5.5 7.1 64.9 21.7 0.8 0Hyland’sfindings20.0 32.2 48.3 17.6 1.9 1.9As evidenced by Table 4 below, the most typical realizations of reporting clauses containing the most frequently used reporting verbs are short direct quotes and summaries from a single source. The high rate of direct quotes indicates that the writers consider these to be the most effective and persuasive way of presenting their argument.Table 4 – Citation forms and most frequent reporting verbs according to the grammatical subject in the clauseSubject Citation form Bachelor’s theses Master's thesesquote say, state add, claim, conclude, explain,point out, say, stateNoun group with human subject summary claim, explain, say, suggest add, claim, describe, comment,conclude, consider, emphasize,explain, maintain, mention, pointout, say, show, state, suggest generalization say say, show, state, suggestNoun group with non-human subject quote - -summary claim, explain, state,suggestclaim, show, state, suggest generalization - consider, sayIntroductory it + passive quote - -summary say describe, state, suggest generalization say claim, describe, say, suggestThe use of reporting clauses with author name in subject position (typical of soft sciences in general) gives greater prominence to the author cited, while backgrounding the position of the writer. Generalizations, which often take the form of clauses with introductory it as subject, usually include non-factive discourse verbs and are relatively rare. These tendencies can be interpreted as a further signal of the reluctance of the writers to commit themselves to a distinctive position towards the views of others.4 ConclusionBased on the discussion of the role of reporting verbs as indicators of stance in graduate and undergraduate non-native writers’ theses in the field of applied linguistics, it can now be concluded that, in agreement with the tendencies pointed out by Hyland (1999), the students show a preference towards the use of integral citations with author in subject position and discourse-act reporting verbs. However, while summaries are very common, the thesis writers prefer direct quotes to generalizations; moreover, they prefer to withhold their judgement and in most cases use author-neutral non-factive reporting verbs. It can therefore be concluded that students should be encouraged to use a critical approach to sources, while enhancing their awareness of the evaluative potential of reporting verbs and their interaction with the writer's purposes, such as high writer commitment or impersonality.ReferencesBiber, D., Johansson, S., Leech, G., Conrad, S. and Finegan, E. (1999) Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.Charles, M. (2006) ‘The construction of stance in reporting clauses: A cross-disciplinary study of thesis.’ Applied Linguistics 27, 492-518.Gosden, H. (1993) ‘Discourse Functions of Subject in Scientific Research Articles.’ Applied Linguistics 14, 56-75.Halliday, M. A. K.(1985) An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold. Hunston, S., Thompson, G. (2000) ‘Evaluation and the planes of discourse.’ In: Evaluation in Text. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 176-207.Hyland, K. (1996) ‘Writing Without Conviction. Hedging in Science Research Articles.’ Applied Linguistics 17, 56-75.Hyland, K. (1999) ‘Academic attribution: Citation and the construction of disciplinary knowledge.’ Applied Linguistics 20, 341-367.Hyland, K. (2005) ‘Stance and engagement: A model of interaction in academic discourse.’ Discourse Studies 7/2, 173-192.Swales, J. M. (1990) Genre Analysis. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.Swales, J. M. (2004) Research Genres. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Thompson, G. (1996) ‘Voices in the text: Discourse perspectives on language reports.’ Applied Linguistics 17, 501-530.Thompson, G., Ye, Y. (1991) ‘Evaluation of the reporting verbs used in academic papers.’ Applied Linguistics 12. 365-382.Thompson, G., Zhou, J. (2000) ‘Evaluation in text: The structuring role of evaluative disjuncts.’ In: Hunston, S., Thompson, G. (eds) Evaluation in Text.Oxford: Oxford University Press. 121-141.。
Unit 1 Reading for Writing 课件-高一英语人教版(2019)必修第二册
2. Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves?
3.What do you think of the researcher's opinion in the last paragraph?
新闻报道是记叙文的一种,其特点是以事实为依据, 对人的经历或事实给予明确的、实事求是的报道。
A. Lead sentence (导语) B. Direct quote (直接引用语) C. Paraphrase (解释) D. Background information (背景信息) E. Reporting verbs (引述动词) F. Words to show comparison and/or contrast
Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.
things people time
Relative clauses makes the expression briefer and informative.
This activity was surely a great success. It not only aroused more students' interest in protecting the Great Wall ,but also made more people realize the importance of protecting other cultural relics.
success. It not only...but also ...
语法专项—直接引语与间接引语一、直接引语在引用别人的原话时,被引用的句子称为直接引语(direct speech)。
引起引语的词称为引用动词(reporting verbs)。
“I remember I had seen you.”I said.“I rang the bell,”James said,“and your maid let me in.”“I know that.”replied Mrs. Green.二、间接引语当人们用自己的话报导别人的话时,被报导的部分称为间接引语(indirect speech),也可称作引语结构(report structure)。
Mary said she had already seen the film.He replied that he was going by train.这时被引用部分常常是引用动词的宾语。
除了say, reply这类词外,还有很多动词可跟这种从句。
He felt he had to do something.She guessed that he had gone to town.He thought she was worried.He explained that the train wasn’t running.在使用间接引语时要注意下面几点:1.引语前一般要用连词that。
在个别动词后(如say, tell等)或在口语中可省略。
He told his mother that the boy was very naughty.He says he can’t wait another day.2.要根据意思改变人称。
“I’ve got your letter,” she said.→She said to him, “Your pronunciation is better than mine.”→3.引语中的谓语要和句子主要谓语在时态上一致。
reporting verbs知识讲解
Challenges Presents Claims Proposes Clarifies Proves Comments ions
Feels Thinks Says
Different Reporting Verbs
Some verbs are weaker in their function, while others are strong. Some verbs are followed by a preposition while others are followed by a noun or ‘that’.
It is repetitive and boring to write ‘Smith says...’ over and over again.
Smith: “I am very hungry.” Smith said he was very hungry. Smith told me he was very hungry.
We will later talk about the second situation.
In academic writing, it is important to present an argument logically and cohesively.
You may be required to
Basic things
Here are some examples: Nualnetr 2 (1996) points out the gap between what is widely known and what is still conjecture in the physiology (生理学) of aging. She warns, “It should be noted that …”. Roszak (1986) discusses the limitations… Pascarelli & Quilter 3 (1994) contend that it is “almost impossible to keep abreast of all the advances in medicine” (p.9). Gibbs challenges those who assume they are fully aware of what they are communicating, asserting that this must never happen (cited in Donn & Schick, 1995) 4 .
1. 撰写报告:write a report2. 提交报告:submit a report3. 审查报告:review a report4. 分析报告:analyze a report5. 撰写详尽的报告:compose a comprehensive report6. 汇总报告结果:summarize the report findings7. 发表报告:publish a report8. 完善报告细节:refine report details9. 汇报报告进展:report on the progress of the report10. 组织报告资料:compile report data11. 讨论报告结果:discuss the report findings12. 发表报告结论:present the report conclusions13. 搭建报告框架:construct the report framework14. 引用相关报告资料:reference relevant report data15. 更新报告内容:update report content16. 补充报告细节:supplement report details17. 呈现报告图表:present report charts18. 绘制报告图表:draw report graphs19. 陈述报告观点:state the report points20. 阐明报告理念:elaborate on report concepts希望这份动词搭配列表对您有所帮助!。
新标准大学英语综合教程1课后答案Unit 1Active readi ng 14 Match the words and expressions in the boxwith their definitions.1 to make a sincere statement that you are telling the truth (swear)a piece of flesh that connects bones and moves a particular part of yourbody 2(muscle)3 to make you admire or respect someone (impress)4 to drink in small amounts (sip)5 a period of time between two events (gap)6 to arrive somewhere and give your personal details to the person workingat the reception desk (check in)5 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words and expressions in the box.1 There was only just enough room for two people. (barely)2 Be careful or you’ll accidentally pour your drink down your clothes. (spill)3 He was completely unaware of what to do in the library. (ignorant)4 She was very clever and got excellent grades. (intelligent)5 You write your name on the list to join the club. (sign up)6 She tells me that she’s definitely read the book. (assures)She assures me that she’s read the book.7 I need to go and buy some tea, I have finished it all. (run out of)I need to go and buy some tea, I have run out of it. 6 Answer the questions about the words andexpressions.1 Is a warden likely to be (a) a teacher at the college, or (b) someonewho looks after the hall of residence?2 Is a tutor likely to be (a) a teacher, or (b) astudent?3 If you go along somewhere, do you (a) go to aplace and join other people there, or (b) walk a long wayto get to a place?4 If you rent out a room, do you (a) paint and decorate it, or (b) allow itto be used by someone who pays you regularly to use it?Active readi ng 2Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box. 1 When he speaks, people notice that he sounds Irish. (detect) 2 Frank McCourt had read a lot of books which was deserving respect consideringhe had no high school education. (admirable)3 You can tell the students on the underground trains by the number ofbooks they carry. (subways)4 The woman in the admissions office suggests that his European educationis not good enough.(inadequate)5 The professor was writing very quickly in his notebook. (scribbling)6 Many immigrants came to America to escape extremely badtreatmentbecause of their race, religion or political beliefs in their own countries. (persecution) 5 Answer the questions about the expressions.1 I’m in heaven Does this mean I’m (a) delighted, or (b)unhappy?Does this mean thatideas (a) need 2 ideas don’t drop fully formed from the skiesto be developed with careful thinking, or (b) areimmediately created through good teaching?3 in the long run Does this mean (a) at a timein the future, or (b) with a great deal of effort?4 frighten the life out of someone Does this mean (a) to makesomeone very ill, or (b) to make someone extremely afraid andnervous?Language in usewith / without1 Match the sentences with the uses of with /without .1 (a)2 (b)3 (a)4 (c)5 (c)6 (d)2 Rewrite the sentences using with / without.1 Her tutor moves his head from side to side. He spills his coffee intothe saucer. With his head moving from side to side, her tutor spills his coffee intothe saucer.“Splendid,” he says. He doesn’t wait for an answer. 2“Splendid,” h e says, without waiting for an answer.3 Frank McCourt speaks in class. He has an Irish accent.Frank McCourt speaks in class with an Irish accent.4 He plans to go on the subway. He has the books covered in purple andwhite NYU jackets.He plans to go on the subway with the books covered in purple and whiteNYU jackets. 5 He’s only allowed to take two courses. He isn’t told why.He’s only allowed to take two courses without being told why. 6 He would like to ask a question. He doesn’t like to raise his hand. He would like to ask a question without raising his hand. collocations3 Read the explanations of the words andexpressions. Answer the questions. 1 climb When you climb into / out of / throughsomething, you do it with difficulty. (a) So why does the writer’s father climb out of the room?Because the room is very small.(b) Why would you climb into bed?You would climb into bed if you are so tired that it feels like a hugeeffort. (c) If you climb through a hole, what do you do with your body? You would probably need to bend over, and crawl through the hole.2 spill This word usually suggests several ideas: liquid,accidentally, movement and out of control.(a) What has happened if you’ve spilt coffee all over your desk?You have accidentally knocked over a cup / mug and the coffee has gone(uncontrolled) all over thedesk.(b) What has happened if toys spilt out all over the carpet?The toys are in a container, such as a box, and either the box istoo fullso some toys are falling outonto the carpet, or the box has been tipped over so most of the toys havefallen out of the box.(c) What might be happening if crowds were spilling out of the bars andrestaurants? Many people would be leaving the bars and restaurantsall at once,probably because they were closingfor the night.3 join When you join something, you become part of it. Thewriterjoins a queue, and several clubs.(a) When might someojoin a bandne ?When they can play a musical instrument and want to play with others.(b) What has happened if you join the unemployed?You have lost your job and become unemployed.(c) What do you do when you join in?You do the same activity that most other people are doing.4 burst into This phrase suggests that something suddenly happens,or someone suddenly starts doing something.(a) What does the writer suddenly start doing when she bursts intotears? The writer suddenly starts crying.(b) What bursts into bloom?Flowers, when they emerge from buds.(c) What do you do when something bursts into flames?Put out the flames immediately if you can, or keep well clear and call theemergency services (thefire brigade).5 clean This word usually suggests several ideas: not dirty, notillegal or wrong, without problems,inoffensive.(a) If you’ve got a clean licence, what have or haven’t you done?This refers to a driving licence. It means that you have been drivingsafely or at least you have nopenalty points on the licence – a person gets such points as a punishmentafter breaking the law onthe roads, eg speeding or causing an accident, and the licence then has anote on it (it’s not “clean”)and the police have a record.(b) If you use clean language, what do you avoid saying?You avoid using swear words or other examples of bad language. (c) If something has a clean bill of health, is it healthy orworking correctly?Here this phrase is used metaphorically and means something is workingproperly, for example, acar might have a clean bill of health, after a check or test thatit is working properly.6 easy This word usually suggests that something is not difficultor doesn’t need much work. It can also suggest that a person is confident,happy and not worried about anything.(a) If someone is easy-going, how do they behave with other people? An easy-going person behaves in a relaxed, calm manner with othersand is happy to accept thingswithout getting worried or angry.(b) If someone is easy on the eye, how do they look?A person who is easy on the eye is pleasant to look at inappearance and in the way they dress.(c) If something is easier said than done, is it more orlessdifficult to do? When something is easier said than done, it is easy to talk about,but difficult to achieve.(d) If someone tells you to “Take it easy”, what are the ytellingyou to do? When they tell you to “Take it easy” they can mean either of twothings: You should rest and not dothings that will make you tired, or you should keep calm, being less upsetor angry. 4 Complete the sentences using thecollocations inAc tivity 3. 1 If ever I spill out of my clothes, it’s because I have put on a lot of weight and my clothesdon’t fit me any more.2 The last time someone made me burst into tears was when I was asmall child and someone hurt me.3 I always use clean language when I talk to my teachers or parents.4 It was easier said than done when someone suggested that we should put the flag on thetop of the mountain.5 I’ll never forget the time when I had to climb through a window becauseI was locked out of the house.6 Unfortunately I spilt water over myassignment, so I had to print another copy.7 When my friends suggested that they wanted to play football on thebeach, I decided to join in.When the cherry trees burst into bloom, I think of myvisit to Japan two years ago. 89 I would only lose my clean licence if ever I had acar accident in which I was driving under theinfluence of alcohol.10 The people I think are easy on the eye are attractiveand pleasant to look at. 5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, wefind Room8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。
report的第三人称单数report做动词有报告;报导;叙述;举报等意思,那么你知道report 的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面欢迎大家跟着店铺一起来学习。
report的用法2:report用作及物动词时其后可接名词、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或“(to be+) n./adj./adv. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。
用作不及物动词时,常与for, to, on等介词连用。
report的用法3:be reported其后可接形容词、现在分词、动词不定式、过去分词或as短语、介词短语充当宾语补足语。
report第三人称单数例句:1. There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital.有报道称首都弥漫着不满的情绪。
2. All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道中采集来的二手材料。
3. Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports.西方外交官刻意贬低这些报告的重要性。
4. There are reports that round ups of westerners are still taking place.据报道,强行将西方人驱集到一起的事件仍在发生。
5. Reports from the capital, Lome, say troops are stationed on the streets.来自首都洛美的报道称,部队驻扎在大街上。
5 reporting verbs
Discourse Doubt Assurance Counters
deny, critique, challenge, attack, Tentativ NonCritical Factive question, warn, refute, rule out e factive
Positive Critical
Boland (1991) studied the role of hydrogen on the Cognition Reporting Tentative silicon surface in the adsorption and dissociation of Neutral disilane, and showed that growth at high hydrogen Doubt Tentative coverage is governed by the reactions of disilane with the hydrogenated surface. He also observed that Critical Assurance Discourse the result of annealing a disilane-saturated surface Factive was strips of epitaxial dimer rows.
claim, state, describe, discuss, Doubt Assurance Counters report, answer, define, summarise,
Unit1 Cultural Heritage Workbook高中英语(人教版2019必修第二册)
6)你知道从故宫入口到九龙壁有多远吗?(Nine Dragon Wall, entrance)
Do you know how far it is from the entrance of the Forbidden City to the Nine Dragon Wall?
was finnally returned to its owner.
2. Join the two sentences using relative clauses. Then translate them into Chinese.
1) Last winter we saw the well-preserved temple for the first time. I will remember it forever.
South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa, is at the southern tip of Africa.
5. For each sentence below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning using the phrases given.
Volunteers contributed a lot to raising funds to help the children go back to school.
定语从句 关系词
that which who whom whose
In direct statements we report what somebody has said by putting their exact words in quotation marks.In reported statements we explain what has been said by using reporting verbs like say and tell followed by a that-clause.FORMSome changes in reported speechModal verbs Pronouns andpossessive adjectives Time and place expressionsSTATEMENTSSubject + reporting verb + that-clauseThe conjunction that can be left out.Will ⇨ would Can ⇨ could May ⇨ might I ⇨ he/sheMe ⇨ him/herMy ⇨ his/herWe ⇨ theyUs ⇨ themOur ⇨ theirNow ⇨ thenToday ⇨that dayThis ⇨thatHere ⇨ thereVerb tenses used in direct speech change one tense back in thepast when the reporting verbs is in the past. Present becomespast and past becomes Past perfect.When the reporting verb is in the present the verb tense isused in direct speech does not change in reported speech.We use tell in reported statements when we want to mention the person we are talking to. Otherwise we use say.Other verbs used to report what people say are reply, explain, promise, claim, insist, announce, declare, etc.UsesFinish the sentences using reported speech.a)Mary: “Mandy is at home. “Mary said that _________________________________b)Max: “Frank often reads a book.”Max told me that _______________________________c)Susan: “I’m watching TV.”Susan said to me that ____________________________d)Simon: “ David was ill”Simon said that ________________________________e)Peggy: “The girls helped in the house.”Peggy told me that _____________________________f)Richard: “I’m going to ride a skateboard.”Richard said to me that __________________________g)Charles: “I didn't have time to do my homework.”Charles remarked that __________________________h)Stephen and Claire: “We have to clean the windows.”They told e that _______________________________i)Jean: “the boss must sign the letter.”Jean said that _________________________________Rewrite the sentences in reported speech:a) Emily: “Our teacher will go to London tomorrow.”__________________________________________b) Helen: “I was writing a letter yesterday.”__________________________________________c) Robert: “My father flew to Dallas last year.”__________________________________________d) Lisa: “Tim went to the stadium an hour ago.”__________________________________________e) Michael: “I’m going to read a book today.”__________________________________________f) Jason and Victoria: “We will do our best in exams tomorrow.”__________________________________________g) Alice: “I spent all my pocket money on Monday.”__________________________________________In direct statements we report what somebody has said by putting their exact words in quotation marks.In reported statements we explain what has been said by using reporting verbs like say and tell followed by a that-clause.FORMSome changes in reported speechModal verbs Pronouns andpossessive adjectives Time and place expressionsSTATEMENTSSubject + reporting verb + that-clauseThe conjunction that can be left out.Will ⇨ would Can ⇨ could May ⇨ might I ⇨ he/sheMe ⇨ him/herMy ⇨ his/herWe ⇨ theyUs ⇨ themOur ⇨ theirNow ⇨ thenToday ⇨that dayThis ⇨thatHere ⇨ thereVerb tenses used in direct speech change one tense back in thepast when the reporting verbs is in the past. Present becomespast and past becomes Past perfect.When the reporting verb is in the present the verb tense isused in direct speech does not change in reported speech.We use tell in reported statements when we want to mention the person we are talking to. Otherwise we use say.Other verbs used to report what people say are reply, explain, promise, claim, insist, announce, declare, etc.UsesFinish the sentences using reported speech.j)Mary: “Mandy is at home. “Mary said that _________________________________ k)Max: “Frank often reads a book.”Max told me that _______________________________ l)Susan: “I’m watching TV.”Susan said to me that ____________________________ m)Simon: “ David was ill”Simon said that ________________________________ n)Peggy: “The girls helped in the house.”Peggy told me that _____________________________ o)Richard: “I’m going to ride a skateboard.”Richard said to me that __________________________ p)Charles: “I didn't have time to do my homework.”Charles remarked that __________________________ q)Stephen and Claire: “We have to clean the windows.”They told e that _______________________________ r)Jean: “the boss must sign the letter.”Jean said that _________________________________Rewrite the sentences in reported speech:a) Emily: “Our teacher will go to London tomorrow.”__________________________________________b) Helen: “I was writing a letter yesterday.”__________________________________________c) Robert: “My father flew to Dallas last year.”__________________________________________d) Lisa: “Tim went to the stadium an hour ago.”__________________________________________e) Michael: “I’m going to read a book today.”__________________________________________f) Jason and Victoria: “We will do our best in exams tomorrow.”__________________________________________g) Alice: “I spent all my pocket money on Monday.”__________________________________________。
Reporting verbsPopular academic reporting verbs(Source: Mccarthy, M & O’dell, F (2007) Academic English in Use, Cambridge) Other usages:表同意表相信表反对表强调表解释(Source: @校园薯)Sentence examples of academic verbsIn a latest article Morton (2012) explains how information technology is changingsociety.Schmidt (2010) describes the process of language acquisition.Kon (2000) suggests that all poets are strongly influenced by their childhood (saysindirectly or tentatively)Lee(2006) states that problems arose earlier than previously thought. (says directly)Uvarov (2001) claims / asserts / contends / maintains / declares that the causes ofthe revolution can be traced back to the 18th century (says something is true directly,and firmly, often used when others disagree)Van et al (2002) implies that other historians have been misinterpreted theperiod. (suggests indirectly)Patel (1987) argues that governments should continue to fund space projects (hegives reasons for his view)Greenberg (2001) emphasises / highlights / stresses the importance of taking aliberal approach (gives particular importance to)Levack (2010) observes / notes / comments / points out that there are contadictionsin Day’s interpretation of the poem (states but does not develop at length)Kim (2005) demonstrates / shows how Bach’s music draws considerably on earlier composer’s work.Gray (2012) proves there is a link between obesity and genes (shows that somethingmust be true)In the book Dean (2010) mentions some new research in the field (refers to briefly)McIntosh (2012) pinpoints the key features of the period in question (focuses in on it)Vaz (1998) advances / puts forward / proposes a new theory (used with idea,theory, hypothesis)Davidson (2006) casts doubt on previous research in the field (suggests it isinaccurate)Gerrand (2001) questions previous interpretations of the play (suggests it isinaccurate)(Source: Mccarthy, M & O’dell, F (2007) Academic English in Use, Cambridge)结合上面的句子:时态上看,英语报告动词多用一般现在时;语态上看,英语报告动词多用主动语态。
Reporting verbs用法
Examples:Jack encouraged me to look for a new job.
They invited all their friends to attend the presentation
Examples:She offered to give him a lift to work.
Examples:He denied having anything to do with her.
Ken suggested studying early in the morning.
Examples:They accused the boys of cheating on the exam.
She blamed her husband for missing the train.
agreeБайду номын сангаас
My brother refused to take no for an answer
Examples:Tom admitted (that) he had tried to leave early.
unit 14
Dialogue I Reform in Education
Group discussion
• Examination-oriented education vs. Quality education
---aims ---teaching methods (teachers’ roles, students’ roles, activities in class, etc) ---extracurricular activities, etc
• Said, told and asked are the most common verbs used in indirect speech. • We use asked to report questions: e.g.: I asked Lynne what time the lesson started. • We use told with an object. e.g.: Lynne told me she felt tired. !Note - Here me is the object.
• • • • • • He denied having anything to do with her. Ken suggested studying early in the morning They accused the boys of cheating on the exam. She blamed her husband for missing the train. He apologized for being late. She insisted on doing the washing up.
• 3. alumni • [AmE, plural] [fml] former students of a particular school, college, or university. alumni alumnus (single) alumna: a female student of … alumna alumnae (plural) synonyms: graduate, grad, alum
英美报刊选读News agencyAP-associated press 美联社UP-united press international (美)合众国际社Reuters-Reuter’s News Agency (英)路透社PA-press association (英)报纸联合社DPA-Deutsche Presse Agentur 德新社AFD-Agence France Presse法新社ANSA-Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata 意大利安莎通讯社What is news?News is the reporting of anything timely, which has importance, use, or interest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience.News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them. What are news values?1. Timeless and freshness2. Importance, consequences, impact or significance.3. Prominence4. Neamess, proximity or locality5. Unusualness, bizarreness, oddity or novelty6. InterestWhat is journalese?Journalese: style of writing 新闻之风English of a style featured by use of colloquialisms, superficially of thought or reasoning, clever or sensational presentation of material, and evidences of haste in composition,considered characteristic of newspaper writing‖W ebster’s W ednesday‖.What is journalism?1.What is journalistic English?新闻英语Journalistic English aims at the study of English, newspapers, periodicals, radio, television and other media of communication.2.What is journalismJournalism is the collection and periodical publishing of news. It includes writing for, editing and managing such media as the newspaper and the periodical.Types of journalism1.news消息Pure hard news ( brief 栏)题材严肃,时新性Soft news 人情味浓,写法轻松活泼2.feature 特写再现新闻事件,人物和场量Suspended interest of form3.editorial &commentary社论和评论代表低级或杂志编辑部发表的权威性评论,有时很难懂OP-ED (the New Y ork Times)Opinion page (Newsweek)Today and tomorrow (New Y ork herald tribune)AdvertisementNewspaper format1. Broadsheet 大报(严肃的,高质量的,报道真相)A1 paper2.tabloid 小报(普通的,贫民的,引起轰动的,提供娱乐的)A2 paper有些小报也是严肃的大报,比如:The Christian Science MonitorThe GuardianEmergence of newspaper sections1.news2.features3.sports4.business5.editorial/ and technology8.life9.health10.entertainmentThe front pageFl ag/nameplate/masthead 报头Feasers 报耳hold 全文报道rail 预告栏gutter 中缝Byline 署名jumpline 跳页指示Dateline 电头Dateline ROM.nov.8 Moscow.oct.10 (AP) Associated press完整的新闻组成(倒金字塔)HeadlineThe leadBody消息主体:倒金字塔式The inverted pyramid form1. Intro containing most important or most interesting information (more facts)2. Supporting information or background3. Quotes or more facts of lesser importance4. Minor detail5. Least significant informationLead 导语一般是消息的第一个自然段,有时也有两个自然段,是消息的概括。
reporting verbs翻译
reporting verbs翻译
Reporting verbs是指用于引述或报告别人说话或行动的动词。
常见的Reporting verbs包括say, tell, ask, explain, suggest, claim, argue, admit, deny等。
在翻译中,Reporting verbs的选择和使用非常重要,因为它们可以影响读者对原文的理解和解释。
在翻译时,需要根据原文的语境和意图选择合适的Reporting verbs,并确保它们能够准确地传达原文的含义和语气。
例如,如果原文中使用了suggest这个Reporting verb,那么翻译时可以使用建议、暗示、提议等词语来传达原文的意思。
如果原文中使用了argue这个Reporting verb,那么翻译时可以使用争论、辩论、主张等词语来传达原文的意思。
总之,Reporting verbs在翻译中扮演着重要的角色,需要根据原文的语境和意图选择合适的词语来传达原文的含义和语气。
02The verbs most frequently uesd in English(动词类)
a b a n d o n v.离弃;遗弃;舍弃;放弃a cc e p t v.接受;同意;承认..a cc ess v.到达;进入;访问a cc om p a n y v.陪伴;陪同;伴随a cc ou n t n. , v.认为是…视为a cc u se v.指责;控告:谴责a ch ie v e (经努力)完成;实现a c k n owl e d g e v.承认;公认;致意;致谢;告知..收悉a c q u i r e v.获得;得到;养成a c t v.行动;遵照..行动;扮演;影响;代表a d a p t v.适应;使适应;改编a dd v.加;增加;添加;(把..放在一起)a dd r ess v设法解决;演说;寄往;称呼(某人)a d m i r e v.钦佩,仰慕;欣赏a d m i t v.勉强承认;招认;准许;接收住院a d o p t v领养;采取,正式通过,采用;移居a d v a nc e v行进;进步;促进,推动;提前a d v e r t ise v为…做广告;宣传a d v ise v.劝告,建议;提供信息或帮助;正式通知a ff e c t v.影响,改变;假装;感染a ff o r d v.买得起;经得住;提供a g e v变老;使显老;使变陈a g r ee v.同意;答应;商定;达成一致ai d v.援助;救援;帮助ai m瞄准;针对;旨在;想要;决定a l a r m v.使担心;使害怕a llow v.允许;准许;接受,同意;承认a l t e r v.改变,改动;裁剪a mou n t v合计;总计;相当于;a n a ly se v.分析a nn ou nc e v.宣布;宣告;大声地说;通知a nn oy使生气,使恼怒;打扰a n s w e r v.回答,答复;符合,匹配a p olo g i z e v.道歉;认错a pp ea l v申诉;呼吁;恳求;吸引a pp ea r v.显得;看起来;出现,显现a pp ly v.申请;应用;使全神贯注于,a pp r e c ia t e欣赏;赏识;感激;领会a pp r o a ch v.靠近,接近;处理;找..商量a pp r o v e v.批准;同意a r g u e v.争吵,争论;辩论;论证;表明a r ise产生;发展,出现;引起a rr a n g e v.筹备;安排;布置a rr es t v.逮捕;阻止,抑制a rr i v e v.抵达,到达;到达,作出as k v.询问;要求,请求;要价assess v.评估;核定assis t v.帮助,协助;有助于,促进ass o c ia t e v.联系,联想;表明支持;交往,尤指混在一起ass um e v假定,假设;假装;掌管,承担;呈现a tt a ch v.把..附上,贴上;重视;与…有联系a tt a c k v袭击,攻击;进攻;抨击a tt e m p t v.努力;尝试;试图a tt e n d v.出席,参加;处理;照料;去..上…a tt r a c t v.吸引,引起..注意;a v e r a g e v.平均为….a v o i d v.避免,防止;回避,躲避;避让a w a r d n. , v.授予b ac k v.后退;倒退;倒车;背朝,背向;支持,自助b a k e v.烘,烤,b a l a nc e v使保持平衡;权衡b a n v.禁止b a r v阻拦;禁止;封,堵b ase v以..为基础,总部b a tt l e v.搏斗;斗争;奋战b ea r v忍受;承担责任;容忍;生孩子;携带b ea t v打败;控制;敲打;跳动b ec om e v.开始变得;变成;适合b e g v.恳求,祈求;乞讨b e g i n v.开始做,着手;开始b e h a v e v.表现;守规矩b e l ie v e v相信;认为;认定b e lo n g v.属于;与..有关;b e n d v弯腰;使弯曲;歪曲b e n e f i t v对某人有用;得益于;对..有利b e t v下赌注;打赌;确信b i ll v.给..开账单;宣传…将做b i t e v.咬;叮;上饵b l a m e v.责备:责怪;把..归咎于b loc k v堵塞,阻塞;堵住,挡住;妨碍b low v.吹;刮;泄露;擤;爆炸;挥霍b o a r d v.上船;登机;寄宿b o i l v.沸腾;烧开;煮b om b v.轰炸b ook v.预定;预约b o r d e r v.与..接壤;环绕b o r n v.出生;出现;产生b o rr ow v.借;借款;借用b o t h e r v.操心;打扰;使..烦恼b r a n d v.丑化b r ea k v打破;损坏;破裂;打断;结束;短暂休息b r ea t h e v.呼吸;透气;低声说;散发b r i n g v带来;提供;导致;把..带到b r o a dc as t v.广播;传播b r u s h v.刷;拂;擦拭b u i l d v.建造;创建b u r n v着火;燃烧;烧毁;烧伤;点燃;发光b u r y v.埋葬;埋藏;掩盖b uy v.买,购买;贿赂c a l c ul a t e v.计算,核算;推算,c a ll v大叫;打电话;呼唤,把.叫做c a lm v.使平静;使镇静c a m p v.野营;露营;露宿c a m p ai g n v发起运动,参加或领导运动c a n v.能;会;(允许)可以c a nc e l v.取消,撤销;废止c a nn o t v.不能c a p t u r e v俘虏,捕获;攻占;引起:拍摄c a r e v.关心;担忧;关怀c a rr y v.拿;提;搬;带;抱;背;携带;运送;c as t v扔;投;投射;铸造;描述c a t ch v接住,拦住;抓住,握住;逮住,捕获;得病;听清楚,领会;赶上c a u se v.造成;导致;引起c e l e b r a t e v.庆祝;颂扬c e n t r e v.把..放在中间~sth on the)ch ai n v.用锁链拴住.(一般是被动) ch ai r v.主持(会议);担任ch a ll e n g e v向某人发起挑战,对..质疑ch a n g e v.改变;替换,更换;交换;换乘ch a r g e v.收费;指控;谴责;赋予..职责;给..充电;ch a r t v.跟进;制定计划;绘制..区域图ch a t v. 闲聊;聊天ch ea t v.欺骗;作弊(可接at sth) ch e c k检查,检验;控制;标记ch oo se v.选择;决定;甘愿c i r c l e v.盘旋;圈出,画圈c i t e v.列举;引述;传唤,表彰c l ai m v.声称,断言;索赔c l ea n v.打扫;变干净,清除内脏c l ea r v.清理;恢复畅通;转晴,理清思路c l i c k v.点击,单击;使发出咔哒声;幡然大悟c l i m b v.攀登,爬;爬升c lo se v.关,关闭;关门,停业,结束c o a ch v.训练,指导;辅导c oll a p se倒塌;晕倒;崩溃,暴跌c oll e c t v收集;收藏,聚集;募集c om b i n e v.组合,结合;兼有,兼办;合并c om e v.来,到达,抵达;发生;变得c om f o r t v.安慰,抚慰c omm a nd v.命令;指挥,控制c omme n t n. , v.发表意见,评论c omm issi o n正式委托,任命军官c omm i t v.犯罪;自杀;保证,承诺c ommu n i c a t e交流,沟通;传达c om p a r e v.比较,对比;与..相似;把..比作c om p e t e v.竞争;参加(比赛in)c om p l ai n v.抱怨;埋怨c om p l e t e v.完成,结束;填写c o nc e n t r a t e v.集中注意力;使集中c o nc e r n v.涉及;影响;让某人担忧;与..有关;关心,关切c o nc lude v.推断出;总结c o nd u c t实施,组织;指挥;带领,引导c o n f i r m v.证实,证明;批准;确认c o n f l i c t v.冲突c o n f u se v.使迷惑;混淆c o nn e c t v.使连接,连接;与..有联系,把..联系起来; 使接通c o n side r v.仔细考虑;以为;顾及c o n sis t v.包含,包括;由..组成c o n s t r u c t修建,建造;构思,构想c o n s um e 吃,喝;消耗,耗费烧毁c o n t a c t v.联系,联络c o n t ai n v.包含,含有;克制,抑制;包括c o n t es t v角逐;争辩,就..提出异议c o n t i n u e v.持续;延续;继续说c o n t r a c t v.缩小,感染;与..签订合同c o n t r as t v.对比c o n t r i b u t e捐赠,捐助;导致;撰稿c o n t r ol v.支配,控制;限制;克制c o nv e r t v转化,转变;使..改变c o nv i nc e使相信/确信;说服,劝说c ook v.烹饪;烧,煮c ool v使变凉,冷却;冷静下来c o p y v.复制,复印;抄写;模仿;抄袭c o rr e c t v改正,修正;纠正;批改c o s t v.需付费,使损失;估价c ould v.能,可以;可能;可能会c ou n t v数数;计数;认为是,看作是c o v e r v遮盖;覆盖;报道c r as h v.碰撞;猛撞;倒闭,破产c r ea t e v.创造,创建;产生,授予c r ed i t v.存钱;把..归功于;认为..有c r i t i c i z e v.批评;批判;指责c r o ss v.穿越,越过;交叉;反对,拒绝c r y v.哭,哭泣;喊叫c u r e治愈,治好;解决;改正某人行为c u r v e v.沿曲线运动,使弯曲c u t切,割;划破;裁剪,修剪;削减;删减,剪切c y c l e v.骑自行车d a m a ge v.伤害;损坏;破坏d a nce v.跳舞;跳动d a te v写上日期;确定..日期;过时;约会d ea l v.贩毒,惩治,处理;发牌d e c i d e v.决定;判决;断定d e b a t e v.讨论;仔细考虑d e c l a r e v.宣布;宣告;声明;宣传d e c l i n e v减少,下降,衰退;婉拒d e c o r a t e v.装饰,装潢;点缀;粉刷d e c r ease v.减少,下降;降低d e f ea t v.战胜,击败;难倒;否决;挫败d e f e n d v.防御,保护;为..辩解;d e f i n e v定义;明确;阐明,d e l a y v推迟,延期;拖延;耽搁d e l i g h t v.使高兴;使愉快d e l i v e r传送;发表,发布;接生;履行d e m a n d v.需要;强烈要求d e mo n s t r a t e v.证明,论证;显示;集会示威d e n y否认拒绝接受,承认;拒绝给予d e p e n d v.取决于;指望;看情况d es c r i be v.描述;形容d ese r t v抛弃,遗弃:离弃,舍弃d ese r v e v.值得,应得;应受d esi g n v.设计;计划,筹划;d esi re n., v.渴望做,期望做d es t r oy v.摧毁,毁灭;d e t ai l v.详细列举,详述;派遣d e t e c t v.发现;察觉,觉察d e t e r m i n e v.决定;决心;确定,查明,测定;是…的决定因素d e v e lo p v发展,成长,壮大;加强;开发;产生d ie v.死,死亡;消亡;凋谢,枯d i g v.挖,掘;挖掘,研究,寻找d i re c t v把…对准;管理,监督;指示,;指引;指导d isa g r ee v.不同意;不赞成d isa pp ea r v.消失;失踪d is c ou n t v.打折出售d is c o ve r v.发现;发觉d is c u ss v.讨论;商量;详述d is l i ke v.不喜欢;厌恶d is m iss摒弃,摒除;免职;不予受理d is p l a y v陈列,展示;显示;表露d is t r i b u te v.分发;分销d i v i de v.分;分割;分成;分配;使意见不一,使分歧d o c ume n t v.记录;记载d om i n a te v.支配;在..具有重要特色;俯视d o n a te v.捐赠;捐献,献血d ou b le v.是..的两倍;折叠;d ou b t v.怀疑,不相信;不能肯定d ow n lo a d v.下载d r a f t v.起草;选派d r a g v.托,拽;生拉着;d r a w v画;托,拉;吸引;得出d r ea m v.做梦;梦想d r ess v穿衣服,给..穿衣服;包扎;装饰;穿着d r i n k v.喝,饮;喝酒d r i ve v.驾驶,开车;驱动;驱使;驱赶d r o p v意外落下,掉下;累倒;降低,下降,停止,放弃;把..除名d r y v.使..变干;把..弄干ea r n v.赚取,挣;赢得ea t v.吃,吃饭;用餐e d i t v.编辑,校对;编辑;主编e d u c a t e v.教育;教导,培养e l e c t v.选举,推选;选择做,决定做e m ai l v.给..发邮件e m e r g e v.浮现,出现;显现e m p h asi z e v.强调,重视;使突出e m p loy v.雇佣;使用,应用e m p t y v.倒空,掏空;把..移除;清空;流入,涌进e n a b l e v.使某人能够;使可行e nc ou n t e r v.遭遇;偶遇e nc ou r a g e v.支持,鼓励;促进;鼓动,劝说e n d n., v终止,结束e n g a g e v.雇用;参与;吸引,与..建立关系e nh a nc e v.提高;增强e n j oy v.享受;感到愉快;享有e n s u r e v确保,保证e n t e r v.进入,加入;开始参加;输入e n t e r t ai n v.款待,招待;使...有兴趣;e q u a l v.等于,与..相当es c a p e v.越狱;逃跑;摆脱;逃脱;泄露es t a b l is h v.创立,设立;建交;证实es t i m a t e v.估计,估价;估算e v a lu a t e v.评估;评价e x a m i n e v.仔细检查,细查;审查;诊查;测验,考核e xch a n g e v.交流;交换;调换e xc u se v原谅,宽恕;为..找理由;打扰一下e x e r c ise v.锻炼,训练;运用e x is t v.存在;生存e x p a n d v.扩大,增加,增强;扩展e x p e c t v.预期,预计;盼望;期待e x p e r ie nc e v.经历,经受;体会e x p e r i m e n t v.做实验;尝试e x p l ai n v.解释,说明;阐明e x p lo d e v.爆炸,爆破;暴增,爆发e x p lo r e v.勘探;探索;探究,探讨e x p o r t v.出口;输出;传播e x p o se v.暴露;揭露,揭穿e x p r ess v.表达,表露;表示;e x t e n d延长,扩大;延续;涉及;展开f a c e v.面对,面向;面临;正视f ai l v.失败;未做;未通过考试f a ll v.落下,跌倒;减少,下降;垮台f a nc y v.想要,想做;自以为是;爱慕f a r m v.耕种,放畜,饲养f as t e n v.系牢,扣紧;关紧;集中于f a v ou r v.倾向于,偏袒;有利于f ea r v.害怕,惧怕;担心;恐怕f ea t u r e v.以.为特色;起重要作用f ee d v.喂养,饲养;吃奶,供养f ee l v.觉得,感到;摸f igh t作战,战斗;努力争取;打架,斗争f ig u r e认为,认定; 是..重要部分f i l e把..归档;提起f i ll v.充满,填满;装满,布满f i lm v.把..拍摄成电影f i n a nc e v.提供资金,资助f i n d v.找到,找回;发现;认为f i n is h v.完成,做好;结束;用尽f i r e开火,射击,开枪;解雇,开除;点火f i s h v.钓鱼;捕鱼f i t v.适合,合身;试穿f i x固定;安排,组织;修理,校准;处理f l as h v.闪耀,闪光,飞快移过f l o a t v.漂浮,漂移;漂,浮;上市f l oo d v.淹没;泛滥;大量涌入;挤满f l ow v.流,流动;流通f l y v.飞,飞翔;飞行;飞逝;f o c u s v.集中注意力;聚焦;调焦f ol d v.折叠,折起;交叉;包,裹f ollow v.跟随,跟着;沿着;听从f o r c e v.强迫;强行打开,把...强加给f o rg e t v.忘记;遗忘;忘记做;落下f o rg i v e v.原谅;宽恕;饶恕f o r m v.出现,产生;形成;组建;培养f ou n d v.创建,创办;建成,兴建f r a m e v.给..做框,镶边;陷害;表达f r ee v.解放,释放;f r ee z e v.使结冰;冷藏,冻;冻僵;冻结,使固定不动f r igh t e n v.使惊恐,使惊吓f r y v.油煎,油炸;灼伤f u e l v.给..提供燃料;刺激f u nc t i o n v.工作;运转;f u n d v.资助;拨款g ai n v获得,取得;受益;增长g a t h e r v.聚集,召集;收集;搜集;给..打褶;集中g e n e r a t e v.产生;引起,造成g e t v.收到,获得,得到;买;达到;患(病);理解,明白g i v e v.给;赠送;提供g o v e r n v.统治,治理;控制,支配g r a b v.抓住;利用;捞取g r a d e v.给..分级,分类;给..评分g r a d u a t e v.毕业,获得学士学位g r a n t v.同意;批准;承认;授予g r ee t v.打招呼;欢迎;回应g r ow v.扩大,增加,增强;长大,长高;生长g u a r a n t ee v.保证;担保g u a r d v.保卫,守卫;监视g u ess v. 猜;,猜测;猜想,以为g u i d e v. 指引;指导;带路h a n d v.交;递;给h a n d l e v.处理,应付;控制,操纵;负责h a n g v.悬挂;吊;下垂;垂下;悬浮h a pp e n v.发生,出现;碰巧h a r m v.伤害,损害h a t e v.讨厌,厌恶;憎恨h a v e v.+名词作动词h a v e t o v.必须;不得不;得h ea d v.朝..行进;掌管,负责;加标题h ea r v.听,听见;倾听;h ea t v.加热,使变暖,升温h e l p v.帮助,帮;扶持h esi t a t e v.犹豫;顾虑h i d e v. 藏;躲避;遮住;隐瞒h i g h l i g h t v.突出;强调;标记h i r e v. 租用; 雇用h i t v.击,打;碰撞;击中;打击h ol d v.抓住,拿住;控制;持有;认为;召开h o n ou r v.尊重,尊敬;给予表扬;执行,履行h o p e v.希望;期望h o s t v.主办,主持h ou se v.给提供住处h u n t v.猎取,打猎;搜索,追捕h u rr y v.急忙,赶快;催促h u r t v.使受伤,伤害;使烦恼i d e n t i f y v.识别,鉴定;发现;i g n o r e v.忽视,忽略;不理会i llu s t r a t e v.表明;说明,证明;(例子)阐明i m a g i n e v.想象;设想;猜测;幻想i m p a c t v.对..有影响,有作用i m p ly v.意味着;暗示表明i m p o r t v.进口,输入,引进i m p o se v.推行,强制推行;勉强i m p r ess v.使钦佩;给..留下深刻印象;使谨记i m p r o v e v.改进,改善;提高i nc lu d e v.包括,包含i nc r ease v.增长,增加i n d i c a t e v.表明,显示;象征;指出;注明i n f l u e nc e v.影响;对..起作用i n f o r m v.通知,通告;检举i n j u r e 使受伤,伤害(物理);损害i n sis t v.坚持;坚决要求;坚称i n s p i r e v鼓励,鼓舞启发i n s t a ll v.安装;任命;安顿i n t e n d v.打算;计划,想要;i n t e r es t v.使..感兴趣i n t e r p r e t v.解释,阐释;口译i n t e rr u p t v.打断;中止,打扰;遮挡i n t e r v ie w v.采访;提问;对..面试i n t r o d u c e v.介绍;引进;主持i nv e n t v.发明;创造;编造,虚构i nv es t v.投资;投入;授予i nv es t i g a t e v.调查;研究i nv i t e v.邀请;请求i nv ol v e v.包含;牵连,涉及:参与i r o n v. 熨;烫平iss u e v. 宣布;发布;发表;发行j o i n v.连接,结合;汇合;参加,加入j ok e v.说笑话;开玩笑;闹着玩j u d g e v.判断,断定;估计;审判,裁判j um p v.跳;激增;j u s t i f y v.证明..合理;调整;解释k ee p保持;保留;重复k e y v.键入k i c k v.踢,踹;k i ll v.杀;杀死;毁灭,破坏,k iss v.亲吻;轻触k n o c k v.敲,,敲打;批评k n ow v.知道,了解;确信;掌握l a b e l v.给..贴标签;把..称为l a c k v.缺少;缺乏;欠缺l a n d v.着陆,登陆;降落l as t v.持续,延续;持久l a u g h v.笑;发笑l a u nch v.发起,发动;发射;上市l a y v.放置;安放;l ea d v.带路,导致;控制;领导l ea n v.依靠,靠在;倾斜l ea r n v.学,学习;熟悉;得知,吸取;l ea v e v.离开;抛弃,丢下;留l e c t u r e v.讲授,讲课;教训lend v.借给,借出;贷款l e t v.让;准许;同意l e v e l v.使平坦,平整;拉平比分l ie v.躺;平卧;说谎l i f t v.举起;抬起;撤销,解除;移开l i g h t v.点燃,点火;照亮l i m i t v.限制;限定;限量l i n e v.用..做衬里;沿..排列成行l i k e v.喜欢,喜爱;喜欢做;想要l i n k v.把.连接起来;联系;联合l is t v.列清单;列举l is t e n v.听;倾听;听着;;听从l i v e v.住,居住;生存,活着;生活lo a d v.装载;承载,负载,载入程序lo c a t e v.定位;确定..地点;创立于lo c k v.锁,锁住;锁上;把..关起来;关住look v.瞧,看;寻找;注意,留心lo se v.丢失,遗失;损失,失去;输掉lo v e v.热爱;喜爱;low e r v.减少,缩小;降低;m ai l v.邮寄;发邮件给m ai n t ai n v.维持;保持;维修,保养;坚持m a k e v. , n.m a n a g e v.管理,负责;设法解决;勉强m a p v.绘制..地图;m a r k标记,留痕迹;标示;纪念;打分m a r k e t v.推销;促销m a rr y v.结婚,嫁,娶;与..结婚m as t e r v.精通,掌握;控制m a t ch v.与..相匹配;比得上m a tt e r v.有影响m a y m oda l v.也许,可能,;但愿m ea n v.意思是;意味着;很重要m eas u r e v.测量,衡量;估量;评估; m ee t v.相逢,遇见;满足;开会m e l t v.熔化;融化;使软化m e n t i o n v.提及;说到;提到m ess v.弄脏;弄乱m i g h t m oda l v.可能;可以,应该m i n d v.介意;使烦恼;不在意;注意,当心m iss v.未赶上,错过;不理解;思念m is t a k e v.误会;误解m i x v.混合;调配;交往mo d e l v.将..作成模型;穿戴展示mo d i f y v.修改,修饰,改进;缓和mo n i t o r v.监视,监督;监听mou n t v.组织开展;逐步增加;爬上,登上;骑上,乘上;mo v e;改变;前进;搬家;采取行动mul t i p ly乘,乘以;成倍增加;繁殖mu r d e r v.谋杀;杀害mu s t m oda l v.必须;一定;应该n a m e v.给..起名,命名;任命;说出.名字n a rr ow v.变窄;缩小n ee d v.需要;必须;有必要n o t e v.注意,留意;记录;留意到n o t i c e v.注意到,意识到;注意n um b e r v.给..编号;总计,把..归入o b e y v.服从;遵从;遵守o b je c t v.反对;不赞成;to stho b se r v e v.观察,注视;注意到;遵守o b t ai n v.获得;得到;存在o cc u r v.发生;出现;存在于o ff e n d v.冒犯;得罪;犯规,触犯o ff e r v. 主动提出,给予;提供;奉献o p e n v.打开;开启;张开;睁开o p e r a t e v.运转;操作,控制;经营o pp o se v.反对;抵制o r d e r v.命令;指挥;订购,点菜;整理o r g a n i z e v.组织;筹备;规划;ou g h t m oda l v.应该,to doou t l i n e v.概述;概括;勾勒..外形ow e v.欠..;把..归因于;归功于ow n v.拥有;承认p a c e v.来回踱步,走来走去;调整节奏p a c k v.打包,收拾,包裹p a c k a g e v.将..包装好;包装成p ai n t在..刷油漆;将..描绘成;绘,画p a r k v.停;停车p a r t i c i p a t e v.参加;参与;+inp ass v.通过;经过;穿过;递;移交p a y v.支付;偿还;交纳;p e r f o r m v.执行;表演;运转p e r m i t v.准许;允许p e r s u a d e v.劝说,说服;使相信p h o n e v.打电话p h o t o g r a p h v.拍照,照相p i c k v.挑选,选择;采;摘,剔除p i c t u r e v.想象;设想;描绘p i l e v.堆放;摞起;放置,装入;蜂拥p i n v.别上,钉住;按住,压住p l a c e v.放,安放;安顿,安置p l a n v.计划;打算;设计p l a n t v.种植,栽种;安放;p l a y v.玩;玩耍;假扮;捉弄;扮演;播放p l ease v.使满意,使愉快p lo t v.密谋;(地图)标出;计划p o i n t v.指,指向;显示p o is o n v.毒死;毒害;危害,败坏p o se v.造成,引起;产生;提出;冒充p o si t i o n v.安装;安置p o ssess v.有;拥有;具有;支配p o s t v.寄,邮寄;投递p ou r v.倒;倾泻;涌流;喷发p ow e r v.推动,驱动;快速移动p r a c t ise 练习;训练;从事p r aise v.称赞;称颂,赞美;p r a y v.祈祷;祷告;企盼p r e d i c t v.预测;语言p r e f e r v.更喜欢;偏好p r e p a r e v.准备做;准备好p r ese n t v.授予,颁发;提出,提交;展现,展示p r ese r v e v.保护,保留;保存,保养;保险p r ess v.按,压,挤,压榨,榨取;催促,敦促p r e t e n d v.假装;装扮成;自以为(常用于否定句)p r e v e n t v.防止;预防;阻止p r i c e v.给..定价;给..标价p r i n t v.打印;印刷;发表,刊登p r o c ess v.加工;审核,审阅;处理p r o d u c e v.生产,制造;生长;产生;导致,引起p r o g r a m v.编制程序p r o g r ess v.进步,进展,改进;前进p r o je c t v.规划,计划,拟定方案;预计;表现;投射,放映p r om ise v.许诺,承诺,答应p r omo t e v.促进,推动;促销;晋升,提升p r o n ou nc e v.发音;正式宣布p r o p o se v.提议,建议;打算;求婚p r o t e c t保护;防护;为..提供保险p r o t es t v.抗议;反对;申辩p r o v e v.证明,证实;展现,显示p r o v i d e v.提供;给予p u b l is h v.出版,发行;刊登;发布,发表p ull v.拉;拽;牵引;拿出p u n is h处罚,惩罚;自责p u r ch ase v.买,购买;采购p u r s u e v.追求,致力于;追逐,追赶p u s h v.推;移动;推动,促使;劝说p u t v.放;安置;投入q u a l i f y v.取得资格;使..合格;符合q u es t i o n v.问;怀疑;正式提问queue v.排队;q u i t v.离开,离任;停止;退出q uo t e v.引用;引述;出价,报价r a c e v.和..比赛;快速运动;赶奔r ai n v.下雨;降雨;使某物大量降下r aise v.举起,提起;站立;增加,提高;抚养,养育;提高;筹集;引起,唤起r a n g e 变化;变动;排序,排列;徘徊r a n k v.给..评级,排列;r a t e v.评估;评价;看好;值得r ea ch v.抵达;到达;够得上;引起..注意;达到r ea c t v.对..作反应;起反应;回应r ea d v.读;阅读;猜测;懂得;理解r ea l i z e 理解,认识到,意识到;实现r e c a ll v.回忆起,想起;召回r e c ei v e v.接到,收到;接待;接收r e c o g n i z e v.承认;认出;正式认可r e c omm e n d v.推荐,举荐;建议r e c o r d v.记录;记载;录制;声明r e c o v e r恢复,康复;追回r e c y c l e v.回收,循环利用,再次使用r e d u c e v.减少;缩小;减轻r e f e r v.参考;涉及,提及;r e f l e c t v.反射;折射出,显示,反映r e f u se v.拒绝;回绝r e g a r d v.将..视为,看为;注视,r e g is t e r v.登记,注册;发表意见;流露出r e g r e t v.后悔;懊悔;惋惜r eje c t v.拒绝;拒绝接受;不录用r e l a t e v.联系,把..联系;涉及r e l a x v.放松,休息,冷静r e l ease v.释放,放走;放开;发泄;解除;公布,发布r e ly依赖;依靠;信任r e m ai n v.保持;剩余,遗留r e m a r k谈论,评论r e m e m b e r v.记得;记起,记住r e m i n d v.提醒r e mo v e v.移开,拿开;脱去;去除;免r e n t v.组,租用,出租r e p ai r v.修理;修补;纠正,补救r e p ea t v.重复,重写说;重做;转述;跟读r e p l a c e v.代替,取代;更换,更新r e p ly v.回复,回答;回应r e p o r t v.报告,汇报;报道;据说;报到;举报r e p r ese n t代表;体现;等于;提出r e q u es t v.请求;要求r e q u i r e v.需要,依赖;规定,要求r es c u e v.抢救;援救,营救r esea r ch v.研究,探索;调查r ese r v e v.预定;预约;保留;储备r esis t v.抵制;阻挡;反抗r es ol v e解决,决定做r es p e c t v.尊重;尊敬;遵守r es p o n d v.回应;回答;反应r es t v.休息,放松;放置;托r es ul t v.+in:导致;发生r e t ai n v.保持,保留;持有r e t i r e v.退休;离开;睡觉r e t u r n v.返回;返还;恢复r e v ea l v.揭示;揭露;显示,露出r e v ie w v.复习;复查;回顾,反思;评论;检阅r e v ise v.改变;修改;复习;修订r e w a r d v.奖励;奖赏r i d v.摆脱;去除,r i d e v.骑;搭乘,乘坐r i n g v.包围;环绕;把..圈出来r ise v.上升;升起;增加,提高;复活r is k v.使..冒险;冒险做r oll v.翻滚,滚动;翻身,翻转r u b v.磨;搓;揉擦;r ul e v.统治,支配;操纵r u n v.跑,奔跑;赛跑;经营;运转;行驶;移动r u s h v.冲;速送;仓促,匆忙sai l v.航行;起航sa m p l e v.品尝;采样,抽样;体验sa t is f y v.满足;使满意;使确信sa v e v.救;拯救;挽救;存钱;收藏;保留;节约sa y v.说;讲;朗诵s c a n v.细看,察看;浏览;扫描s ch e d ul e v.安排;计划s c o r e v. 得分;评分;计分s c r ea m v.尖叫;大声喊s c r ee n掩藏,遮蔽;包庇;筛查;放映sea r ch v.搜索,搜寻;查找;检索sea t v.就坐;坐下;可..容纳se c u r e v.获得;实现;保护;抵押see v.看,看见;看望;理解,明白,see k v.寻找;争取;征求;试图see m v.似乎;看起来像;好像se l e c t v.选择;挑选;选取se ll v.卖;销售;促销;出售se n d v.邮寄,发送;打发se n se v.感觉到;意识到se n t e nc e v.判决;判刑se p a r a t e v.分开,分离;隔开;区分;分区se r v e v.服务;提供;担任;招待se t v.放,置;使处于;设置;确定;树立se tt l e v.解决争论;确定,安排:定居;平静下来s h a k e v.摇;摇动;握手;颤抖,发抖s h a ll m oda l v.应该;可以;将要;s h a p e v.使成为..形状;摆好姿势s h a r e v.分享;共享;分摊s h e l t e r v.遮蔽;躲避(from sth)s h i f t v.转移,挪动:变换;切换;推卸s h i n e v.发光;照耀:闪耀s h i p v.运输,运送;进入市场s h o c k v.使震惊;使反感s h oo t开枪;射击;射杀;猎杀;拍摄;投篮s h o p v.去商店买;逛商店s h ou t v.呼喊;喊叫,喊;斥责s h ow v.出示;展示;演示;表现出;证明s h u t v.关闭,关上;打烊si g n签名,签字;签署;打手势si g n a l v.示意;发信号;标志;预示si n g v.唱;歌唱;鸣叫si n k v.下沉;沉没;下降;降低;减少si t v.坐;坐落在;担任;开会s k i v.滑雪s l i c e v.把..切成片;切;割;s l i d e v.滑;滑动;逐渐降低;衰退s l i p v.滑倒;滑落;下降s lo p e v.倾斜;溜s low v.放慢速度;减缓s m e ll v.闻;嗅;觉察到;散发..气味s m i l e v.笑;微笑s mok e v.吸,抽;吸烟,抽烟s n ow v.下雪s ol v e v.解决;处理s o r t v.整理;把.分类;解决s ou n d v.听起来..;发声;响起s p ea k讲话;谈话;讲述;演讲,演说s p ee d快速前行;加速,促进s p e ll v.拼写;拼成;招致s p e n d v.用,花;度过;花费s p l i t v.分裂;分开;分摊,分享s p o n s o r v.赞助;促成;资助;倡议s p o t v.看到,发现s p r ea d传播;展开;蔓延s p r i n g跳;跃;蹦;起源于s t a g e v.上演;组织,筹划s t a n d v.站;起立;持有立场;承受s t a r v.主演,标星号s t a r e v.盯着看;凝视s t a r t v.开始;启动;着手;发起;创办s t a t e v.陈述;声明; 宣称s t a y v.停留;待;保持;暂住s t ea l v.偷:剽窃;偷偷移动s t e p v.迈步;踩,踏s t i c k v.刺;插入;粘住;s t o p v.停下;阻止;停止;堵塞,塞住s t o r e v.贮存,贮藏;存储s t r ess v.强调;重读;s t r e t ch v.伸展,拉长..变得更大;舒s t r i k e v.击,打;撞击;;罢工;碰撞,爆发s t r u c t u r e v.系统安排;精心组织s t r u gg l e v.奋斗,搏斗;斗争;争夺s t u d y v.研究,学习s t u ff v.装满;塞满;填满,把..塞进s u b m i t v.提交;屈服;投降;s u cc ee d成功做到(in);接替;成功s u ff e r v.忍受,遭受;受折磨s u gg es t v.建议,提议;表明,暗示s u i t v.适合;适宜;对某人方便s um v sum up;总结来说s umm a r i z e v.总结;概括s u pp ly v.供应;供给;提供;补充s u pp o r t v.支持;鼓励;帮助,资助;支撑;证实s u pp o se v.认为,推断;假设,假设s u r p r ise v.使惊讶,惊奇s u rr ou n d围绕;环绕;包围,围住s u r v e y调查;审视;测绘;民意测验s u r v i v e v.存活;生存;幸存s u s p e c t v.怀疑;猜想s w ea r v.咒骂;说脏话;发誓s w ee p v.扫;打扫;横扫,扫过,席卷s w i m v.游泳;游动;s w i t ch v.改变,转变;调换t a k e v.携带,拿,运走;引领;误拿,偷走;接管;记下;照相;采取..;乘坐t a lk v.说,说话;讲话;说闲话;交谈t a r g e t以..为攻击目标;面向;瞄准t as t e v.尝,品尝;有..味道t a x v.对..征税;耗尽t ea ch v.讲授;教授;教;教育,教导t ea r1 v.撕开;扯坏t e l e p h o n e v.打电话给t e ll v.告诉;告知;泄露;区分;辨别t e n d v.往往会;倾向于;护理,照料t e r m v.把..称作t es t v.测验;考察,检查;测试t e x t v.发短信t h r ea t e n v.威胁,恐吓;危害到t h r ow v.扔;抛;投;丢;掷t i d y v.整理;收拾t ie v.系;栓;捆;绑系劳;约束t i m e v.安排..时间;计时;t i p v.倾斜;倾倒;给小费t i t l e v.为..加上标题t ou ch v.触摸;接触;触动;t ou r v.在..旅游;在..巡回演出t r a c k v.追踪;跟踪t r a d e v.做.生意;营业;营运;交换t r ai n训练;培训;培养…能力或素质t r a n s f e r v.转移;搬迁;调动;转学;换乘;转车t r a n s f o r m v.转换;改变t r a n s l a t e v.翻译;转变为t r a n s p o r t v.运输;运送;传播t r a v e l v.旅行;传送,传播;周游t r ea t v.对待;处理;治疗;招待t r i c k v.欺骗;欺诈t r i p绊倒;使绊,使跌倒t r ou b l e v.使烦恼;打扰;折磨t r u s t v.相信;信任t u r n v.转动;旋转;朝…;转弯;翻转t y p e v.打字;分出..型u n d e r s t a n d v.理解;领会;了解;u pd a t e v.更新;使现代化u p se t v.打乱;搅乱;使烦恼,u r g e催促力劝;敦促;鞭策;强烈要求u se v.使用;利用;消耗va lu e v.重视;珍视;给..估价v a r y v.不同;变化v ie w v.观看;查看;把..视为v isi t v.参观;游览;拜访;看望v olu n t ee r v.自愿做v o t e v.投票;表决,选举w r a p包,裹;用..包裹w a k e v.醒,苏醒;叫醒;激发,唤醒w a lk v.走,行走;散步;徒步旅行;陪.. w a n t v.想要;打算;应该做w a r m v.使变暖,使温暖w a r n v.警告;提醒;w as t e v.浪费;糟蹋;;滥用w a t ch v.看,注视;观看;看护w a t e r v.给..浇水;灌溉;给..水喝w a v e v.挥手,招手;挥舞;飘动,飘扬w ea r v.穿;戴;佩戴;面带;耐用w ei g h v.重;权衡,斟酌;认真考虑w h is p e r v.低语;小声说;私下说w i ll v.愿意;想要;将要;会;一定要w i n v.赢,获胜;赢得w i n d v.蜿蜒,迂回;缠绕w is h v.希望,想要;企求,盼望;祝w i t n ess v.见证;目击;为..作证wo n d e r v.想知道;感到惊讶wo r k v.工作;管理;运转;起作用;wo rr y v.打扰;担心。
报告的动词的英文单词1. Present: 展示2. Submit: 提交3. Deliver: 交付4. Introduce: 介绍5. Explain: 解释6. Provide: 提供7. Discuss: 讨论8. Analyze: 分析9. Review: 回顾10. Assess: 评估11. Evaluate: 评估12. Compare: 比较13. Contrast: 对比14. Examine: 检查15. Investigate: 调查16. Identify: 辨认17. Explore: 探索18. Outline: 概述19. Summarize: 总结20. Present: 呈现21. Review: 复习22. Highlight: 强调23. Demonstrate: 展示24. Describe: 描述25. Illustrate: 阐明26. Define: 定义27. Clarify: 澄清28. Emphasize: 强调29. Suggest: 建议30. Propose: 提议31. Argue: 争论32. Advocate: 提倡33. Conclude: 结论34. Recommend: 推荐35. Expose: 揭示36. Prove: 证明37. Dissect: 剖析38. Display: 展示39. Enumerate: 枚举40. Indicate: 指示41. Record: 记录42. Report: 报告43. Show: 展示44. Teach: 教授45. Instruct: 指示46. Introduce: 介绍47. Cover: 覆盖48. Study: 学习49. Investigate: 调查50. Explore: 探索51. Present: 呈现52. Identify: 确定53. Evaluate: 评估54. Analyze: 分析55. Compare: 比较56. Contrast: 对比57. Critique: 评论58. Elaborate: 详细阐述59. Examine: 检查60. Deconstruct: 解构61. Break down: 分解62. Dissect: 剖析63. Assess: 评估64. Judge: 判断65. Rate: 评价66. Appraise: 评估67. Gauge: 测量68. Verify: 验证69. Confirm: 确认70. Prove: 证明71. Sustain: 维持72. Verify: 验证73. Confirm: 确认74. Test: 测试75. Examine: 检查76. Verify: 校验77. Ascertain: 确定78. Validate: 验证79. Investigate: 调查80. Scrutinize: 仔细审查81. Verify: 验证82. Confirm: 确认83. Authenticate: 鉴定84. Determine: 确定85. Establish: 建立86. Prove: 证明87. Testify: 证明88. Witness: 证明89. Validate: 证实90. Validate: 验证91. Proclaim: 宣布92. Assert: 断言93. Appear: 出现94. Display: 展示95. Manifest: 表明96. Show: 显示97. Exhibit: 展示98. Illustrate: 说明99. Demonstrate: 证明100. Prove: 证明。
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Reporting VerbsReporting verbs + that + subject + verb1.Positive:1)With evidence:A.explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ verb [ I or T ]1. to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or givinginformation about itB.infer /ɪnˈfɜː r / /-ˈfɝː/ verb [ T ] -rr- FORMALto form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the informationthat you haveC.argue /ˈɑːg.juː/ /ˈɑːrg-/ verb DISAGREE1. [ I ] to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagree with themD.conclude /kənˈkluːd/ verb FINISH1. [ I or T ] to end a speech, meeting or piece of writingShe concluded the speech by remind ing us of our responsibility.2. [ T ] to complete an official agreement or task, or arrange a business deal.3. [ T ] to judge or decide something after thinking carefully about it2)With thinking carefully/ fully certainA.assert /əˈsɜːt/ /-ˈsɝːt/ verb [ T ]2. FORMAL to say that something is certainly trueB.decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ verb1. [ I or T ] to choose something, especially after thinking carefully aboutseveral possibilitiesC.state /steɪt/ verb [ T ] SLIGHTLY FORMALto say or write something, especially clearly and carefully3)Without thinking carefully/ not certain/ no evidenceA.hypothesis /haɪˈpɒθ.ə.sɪs/ /-ˈpɑː.θə-/ noun [ C ] plural hypothesesan idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has notyet been provedB.assume /əˈsjuːm/ /-ˈsuːm/ verb [ T ] ACCEPT1. to accept something to be true without question or proof2. to pretend to have a different name or be someone you are not, or to expressa feeling falselyC.allege /əˈledʒ/ verb [ T ] FORMALto state that someone has done something illegal or wrong without givingproofD.claim /kleɪm/ verb SAY1. [ T ] to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove itand other people might not believe itE.suggest /səˈdʒest/ verb [ T ] SHOW/EXPRESS2. to communicate or show an idea or feeling without stating it directly orgiving proof2.Negative:A.deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ verb [ T ] NOT TRUE1. to say that something is not trueB.object /əbˈdʒekt/ verb [ I ]to feel or express opposition to or dislike of something or someoneC.doubt /daʊt/ verb [ T ]1. to not feel certain or confident about something or to think that something isnot probable3.Others:A.emphasize , UK USUALLY emphasise /ˈem p .fə.saɪz/ verb [ T ]1. to show or state that something is very important or worth giving attentiontoB.indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ verb SHOW1. [ T ] to show, point or make clear in another wayC.indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ verb SUGGEST4. [ T ] to suggest something as being suitableD.admit /ədˈmɪt/ verb -tt- ACCEPT1. [ I or T ] to agree that something is true, especially unwillinglyE.agree /əˈgriː/ verb SAME OPINION1. [ I or T ] to have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or ideaF.believe /bɪˈliːv/ verb [ T ]1. to think that something is true, correct or realG.acknowledge /əkˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/ /-ˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/ verb [ T ]to accept, admit or recognize something, or the truth or existence of somethingH.find /faɪnd/ verb found , found DISCOVER1. [ T ] to discover, especially where a thing or person is, either unexpectedlyor by searching, or to discover where to get or how to achieve /dɪˈskʌv.ə r / /-ɚ/ verb1. [ T ] to find information, a place or an object, especially for the first time J.indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ verb SUGGES4. [ T ] to suggest something as being suitableK.suggest /səˈdʒest/ verb [ T ] MENTION1. to mention an idea, possible plan or action for other people to considerL.suggest /səˈdʒest/ verb [ T ] PRODUCE AN IDEA3. SLIGHTLY FORMAL to produce an idea in the mindM.prove /pruːv/ verb proved , proved , MAINLY US proven SHOWINGTRUTH3. [ T ] to show that something is trueN.point sth out phrasal verb [ M ]to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten itO.consider /kənˈsɪd.ə r / /-ɚ/ verb OPINION4. [ T often + object + ( to be ) + noun or adjective ] to believe someone orsomething to be, or think of them asP.bserve /əbˈzɜːv/ /-ˈzɝːv/ verb [ T ] SAY3. FORMAL to make a remark about somethingQ.imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/ verb [ T ]1. to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it /ʃəʊ/ /ʃoʊ/ verb showed , shown EXPRESS5. [ T ] to express ideas or feelings using actions or words2. [ T ] to record or express a number or measurementS.demonstrate /ˈdem.ən.streɪt/ verb SHOW1. [ T ] to show; to make clear3. [ T ] to express or show that you have a particular feeling, quality or abilityT.note /nəʊt/ /noʊt/ verb [ T ] SLIGHTLY FORMAL2. to give your attention to something by discussing it or making a writtenrecord of itU.reveal /rɪˈviːl/ verb [ T ]1. to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previouslysecret2. to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hiddenV.determine /dɪˈtɜː.mɪn/ /-ˈtɝː-/ verb DISCOVER3. [ T ] FORMAL to discover the facts or truth about somethingReporting verbs + st/sth + for noun/gerund1.Positive:A.applaud /əˈplɔːd/ /-ˈplɑːd/ verb PRAISE2. [ T ] FORMAL to say that you admire and agree with a person's action ordecisionB.praise /preɪz/ verb [ T ] SHOW APPROVAL1. to express admiration or approval about the achievements or characteristicsof a person or thing2.Negative:A.blame /bleɪm/ verb [ T ]1. to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or isresponsible for something bad happeningB.censure /ˈsen.ʃə r / /-ʃɚ/ noun/verb [ U ] FORMALstrong criticism or disapprovalC.criticize , UK USUALLY criticise /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.saɪz/ /ˈkrɪt -/ verb1. [ I T often passive ] to express disapproval of someone or something2. [ T ] to give an opinion or judgment about a book, film, etc.D.disparage /dɪˈspær.ɪdʒ/ /-ˈsper-/ verb [ T ]to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect orvalue themE.fault /fɒlt/ /fɑːlt/ verb CRITICIZE1. [ T ] to find a reason to criticize someone or somethingF.ridicule /ˈrɪd.ɪ.kjuːl/ verb [ T ]to laugh at someone in an unkind way3.NeutralA.single sb/sth out phrasal verb [ M ]to choose one person or thing from a group for special attention, especiallycriticism or praiseReporting verbs + st/sth + as + noun/gerund/adjectiveA.appraise /əˈpreɪz/ verb [ T ]1. to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, successor needsB.assess /əˈses/ verb [ T ]to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of somethingC.characterize , UK USUALLY characterise /ˈkær.ɪk.tə.raɪz/ /ˈker.ɪk.tɚ.aɪz/ verb[ T ]2. to describe something by stating its main qualitiesD.evaluate /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/ verb [ T ]to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount or value of somethingE.class /klɑːs/ /klæs/ verb [ T ]to consider someone or something to belong to a particular group because oftheir qualitiesF.classify /ˈklæs.ɪ.faɪ/ verb [ T ]to divide things into groups according to their typeG.define /dɪˈfaɪn/ verb [ T ] EXPLAIN1. to say what the meaning of something, especially a word, isH.depict /dɪˈpɪkt/ verb [ T ]to represent or show something in a picture or storyI.portray /pɔːˈtreɪ/ /pɔːr-/ verb [ T1. to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book orother artistic workJ.describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ verb [ T ]1. to say or write what someone or something is likeK.present /prɪˈzent/ verb [ T ] GIVE1. to give, provide or make knownL.refer to sb/sth phrasal verb1. to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few wordsM.interpret /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/ /-ˈtɝː-/ verb FIND MEANING1. [ T ] to decide what the intended meaning of something is2. [ T ] to express your own ideas about the intended meaning of a play or apiece of music when performing itN.identify /aɪˈden.tɪ.faɪ/ /-t ə-/ verb [ T ]1. to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are2. to recognize a problem, need, fact, etc. and to show that it existsO.view /vjuː/ verb HAVE OPINION1. [ T ] to have a particular opinion or way of thinking about someone orsomething。