plastic bottle catia 的可乐瓶练习




华中科技大学文华学院毕业设计(论文)饮料瓶的三维结构设计学生姓名:徐某某学号:********** 学部(系):机械与电气工程学部专业年级: 09机械设计制造与制造指导教师:韩某某职称或学位:讲师2012年 5 月 20 日目录摘要 (I)关键词 (I)Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... I I Key words ...................................................................................................................................................... I I 1绪论 .. (1)1.1Pro/e的发展前景 (1)1.2设计饮料瓶的目的和意义 (3)2 三维造型设计 (5)2.1设计饮料瓶的方法比较以及遇到的难点 (5)2.1.1学Pro/e需要的基础 (5)2.2 设计过程 (9)2.2.1饮料瓶设计 (9)2.3 本节小结 (13)3 二维工程图的创建 (14)3.1 设计概述 (14)3.2 设计流程 (14)3.3 本节小结 (15)结论 (16)参考文献 (17)致谢 (18)饮料瓶的三维结构设计摘要本次三维设计使用的是PROE软件,PRO/E作为全世界最普及的3D CAD/CAM系统.被广泛应用于电子、机械、模具、工业设计、汽车、机车、自行车、航天、家电、玩具等各行业。




-第13章 综合实例13.1可乐瓶底的造型和加工13.1.1 凹模型腔的造型13.1.1.1造型方法分析可乐瓶底的表面主要由曲面构成,造型比较复杂。

由于直接用实体造型不能完成,所以先利用CAXA 制造工程师强大的曲面造型功能做出曲面,再利用曲面裁剪除料生成凹模型腔。



最后以瓶底的上口为准,构造一个立方体实体,然后用可乐瓶底的两张面把不需要的部分裁剪掉,就可以得到我们要求的凹模型腔。绘制截面线1.按下“F7”键将绘图平面切换到XOZ 平面。


如图6-31所示 3.单击“等距线”按钮,在立即菜单中输入距离3,拾取矩形的最上面一条边,选择向下箭头为等距方向,生成距离为3的等距线。



5. 作过P1、P2点且与直线L1相切的圆弧。

单击 “圆弧图6-31矩形图6-32等距线图6-33 删除结果-”按钮,选择“两点_半径”方式,拾取P1点和P2点,然后按空格键在弹出的点工具菜单中选择“切点”命令,拾取直线L1。




CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法在工业设计领域,CATIA 是一款功能强大的软件,能够帮助设计师实现各种复杂的设计构想。

今天,我们就来详细探讨一下如何使用CATIA 来设计一个瓶子。

首先,打开 CATIA 软件,新建一个零件文件。


假设我们要设计一个用于盛装饮料的塑料瓶,容量为 500 毫升,外观简约时尚。













可以使用CATIA 中的“测量”工具,测量瓶子各部分的尺寸和角度,确保符合设计要求。









结构曲面设计的流程(Generative Shape Design)结构曲面可乐瓶的设计:首先打开练习里的一个文件,在GSD-F \ Student \ Data \ Bottle \ Bottle_Step1 \ Start_bottle.CA TPart.第一步:建立一个瓶底1. 插人(Insert)一个新的Open Body.(a).在菜单栏里选择(Insert)插人。

(b).在插人菜单里选择Open Body.(c)会弹出一个对话框,见图:2.在结构树上点击Open Body,用右键弹出菜单选择属性(Properties),见图3.选择(Feature Properties),把Open Body改成Bottle_Bottom_a 。

见图:4.建立一个交点( Intersection )(a)选择交点(Intersection)图标。

见图(b)在(first elemen)对话框里选择Sketch.2。

(c)在(second element)对话框里选择Intersect.1。

见图点击ok5.建立一个圆弧:(a)选择Work on Support的图标,见图:(b)选择zx平面作为基准面点击ok(c)选择(Circle )这个图标。

(d) 在(Circle type)里,选择“Center and Point”见图:(c)在(Center)复选框里,用右键弹出菜单,并且选择(Create Point)见图:(d)在这个点的复选框里,选择所需要的参数。


点击ok(c) 圆的中心点被建立了,在(point)复选框里,选择(Intersect.4), 在(Start)复选框里, 选择-90deg, (End)复选框里, 选择90deg。

见图点击ok6.建立二根相切的直线:(a)选择点(Point)的图标:点的参数见图:(b)选择对称(Symmetry)的图标:(c)在元素(Element)复选框里,选择(Point.2), 对称参考轴(Reference)复选框里,选择(Intersect.1), 见图:点击ok7.双击线(Line)的图标:(a)在线的类型里(line type), 选择(Tangent to Curve), 见图:(b)在(Curve)的复选框里,选择(Circle.2), (Element.2)的复选框里,选择(Point.2),相切选项里(Tangency options), 选择(BiTangent). 见图:点击ok(c)重复(b)的操作的方法,做另一个对称的线。


Plastic Bottle
1. Bottle Bottom Creation
1.1 • Insert a New Geometrical Set Select Insert in the Menu bar.

Select Geometrical Set in the Insert Menu.

Redo the same operation with the Plane Symmetry.2

Click on OK to confirm the Split creation. 52

Click on OK to confirm the fillet creation.
1.15 •
Create the complete bottom. Select the Split icon then the EdgeFillet.1 you have just created and the Plane.4 and keep the side as shown.
• •
Click OK. Select the Circle icon.

Choose ‘’Center and Point’’ as Circle type.

Open a contextual menu in the Center field and choose Create Point 37



CATIA Training Q u i c k S u r f a c eR e c o n s t r u c t i o nD e t a i l e d S t e p sTable of ContentsPlastic bottle exercise (3)Step (1): Scans creation (3)Step (2): Curves creation (5)Step (3): Surfaces creation (10)Step (4): Creating the rough model (18)Step (5): Filleting the model (21)Plastic bottle exerciseStep (1): Scans creationLoad the file exercise_start.CATPart from the indicated directory. Start the Quick Surface Reconstruction workbench.1. Create a first scan at the symmetry plane:a. Click on the Planar sections iconb. Select the tessellationc. Click on the Flip to XZ buttond. Activate the contextual menu of the plane manipulatore. Select the Edit optionf. Set the Y coordinates to 0g. Click the Close buttonh. Check the Grouped into one element optioni. Click on the Apply buttonj. Click on the OK button2. Create a second scan by isoslope computation:a. Click on the Slope analysis iconb. Select the tesselationc. Click on the Flip to X buttond. Set the Filter value to 250e. Check the Distinct optionf. Click on the OK button3. Create a third scan by planar section:a. Click on the Planar sections iconb. Select the tessellationc. Click on the Flip to XY buttond. Activate the contextual menu of the plane manipulatore. Select the Edit optionf. Set the Z coordinates to 205g. Click the Close buttonh. Check the Distinct optioni. Click on the Apply buttonj. Click on the OK button4. Create a last scan by planar sections:a. Click on the Planar sections iconb. Select the tessellationc. Click on the Flip to XY buttond. Activate the contextual menu of the plane manipulatore. Select the Edit optionf. Set the Z coordinates to 0g. Click the Close buttonh. Check the Distinct optioni. Click on the Apply buttonj. Click on the OK buttonStep (2): Curves creationBefore starting the curves creation, create a new open body and name it Curves creation.You can also load the file End_step1.CATPart from the indicated directory1. Create curves from the scan on the symmetry planea. Click on the Curve from scan iconb. Select the first created scanc. Set the Accuracy value to 0.5d. Set the Degree value to 6e. Set the Number value to 20f. Activate the Smoothing creation modeg. Set the Split angle value to 45h. Add two splitting points below the top fillet and before the handle fillet with point continuityi. Add one splitting point below the fillet handle with point continuityj. Add 4 splitting point at the bottom of the bottle with Tangent continuityk. Add one splitting point below the fillet handle with point continuityl. Add 2 splitting points as shown with point continuityTotal splitting points should look like this:m. Click on the Apply buttonn. Click on the OK button2. Create a curve from the second scana. Click on the Curve from scan iconb. Select the scan created by isoslopec. Set the Split Angle value to 90d. Remove all the splitting points using the Remove split option of the contextual menu of eachpointe. Remove both extremities using the Remove split option of the contextual menu of eachextremityf. Add one splitting point on the scan below the top fillet and before the top intersection scang. Add one splitting point on the scan below the bottom intersection scanh. Set the accuracy value to 1mmi. Set the Order value to 4j. Click on the Apply buttonk. Click on the OK button3. Create a curve on the top scana. Click on the Curve from scan iconb. Select the third scan createdc. Set the Accuracy value to 0.5mmd. Click on the Apply buttone. Click on the OK button4. Create a curve on the last scana. Click on the Curve from scan iconb. Select the last scan createdc. Add splitting points with tangent continuity as shownd. Click on the Apply buttone. Click on the OK button5. Hide all the scans6. Trim all the curves createda. Click on the Curves slice iconb. Select all the curves using a trapc. Click on the More buttond. Set the Max distance to 2mme. Click on the Apply button to preview the intersecting pointsf. Click on the OK button7. Delete the two curves in the handle:8. Start the Wireframe and Surface design workbench9. Create a blending curve in the left handle areaa. Click on the Connect curves iconb. Select the extremity point of the top curvec. Select the extremity point of the bottom curved. Reverse the blending direction if necessarye. Click on the OK button10. Create a blending curve in the right handle areaa. Click on the Connect curves iconb. Select the extremity point of the top curvec. Select the extremity point of the bottom curved. Reverse the blending direction if necessarye. Click on the OK buttonStep (3): Surfaces creationBefore starting the surfaces creation, create a new open body and name it Surfaces creation. You can also load the file End_step2.CATPart from the indicated directory.1. Create extruded surfaces to be used as tangency constraints:a. Click on the Extrude iconb. Select a curve in the symmetry planec. Set the Direction to Y axisd. Set the extrusion Limit 1 to 20mme. Reverse the extrusion direction if necessaryf. Click on the OK buttong. Repeat the actions a. to f. for all the curves in the symmetry plane:2. Extrude the middle curve to create a tangency constraint:a. Click on the Extrude iconb. Select the middle curve resulting from the smoothing of the isoslope scanc. Set the Direction to X axisd. Set the extrusion Limit 1 to 20mme. Reverse the extrusion direction if necessaryf. Click on the OK button3. Hide the extruded curves4. Start the Quick Surface Reconstruction workbench5. Activate the points of the left half of the bottle:a. Click on the Activate iconb. Activate the Trap optionc. Activate the Polygonal optiond. Activate the Inside trap optione. Select the tessellationf. Define a trap around the points of the left side of the bottle, excluding the handle pointsg. Click on the OK button6. Create a first surface on these points:a. Click on the Power fit iconb. Set the Point gap value to 0.5mmc. Select the tessellationd. Select the 7 boundary curves for the area to fillKeep the default continuity level for all curvese. Click on the Apply buttonf. Click on the OK button7. Hide the middle symmetry constraint surface8. Activate the points of right half of the tessellation:a. Click on the Activate iconb. Select the tessellationc. Click on the Activate all buttond. Define a trap around the points of the right side of the bottle, excluding the handle pointse. Click on the OK button9. Create a second surface on these pointsa. Click on the Power fit iconb. Set the Point gap value to 0.5mmc. Select the tessellationd. Select the 7 boundary curves for the area to fillKeep the default continuity level for all curvese. Click on the apply buttonf. Click on the OK button10. Activate all the points of the tessellation:a. Click on the Activate iconb. Select the tessellationc. Click on the Activate all buttond. Click on the OK button11. Hide all the symmetry constraints12. Create a cylinder on the top of the bottlea. Click on the Activate iconb. Select the tessellationc. Create a trap around the top of the bottled. Click on the OK buttone. Click on the Basic surface recognition iconf. Select the tessellationg. Activate the Cylinder optionh. Check the Axis optioni. Set the Axis values to 0,0,1j. Click on the Apply buttonk. Click on the OK buttonl. Double-click on the cylinderm. Pull the bottom limit down:n. Click on the OK buttono. Double click on the cylinder circle in the treep. Relimit the cylinder to the necessary part for the model reconstruction:q. Click on the OK button13. Create a plane on the top of the bottlea. Click on the Activate iconb. Select the tessellationc. Create a trap around the top of the bottled. Click on the OK buttone. Click on the Basic surface recognition iconf. Select the tessellationg. Activate the Automatic modeh. Click on the Apply buttoni. Orientate and extend the plane as necessaryj. Click on the OK button14. Create a plane on the bottom of the bottlea. Click on the Activate iconb. Select the tessellationc. Click on the Activate all buttond. Define a trap around the bottom pointse. Click on the OK buttonf. Click on the Basic surface recognition icong. Select the tessellationh. Activate the Plane optioni. Check the Axis optionj. Set the plane normal to 0, 0, 1k. Click on the Apply buttonl. Orientate and extend the plane as requiredm. Click on the OK button15. Create a free form surface on the left handlea. Click on the Activate iconb. Select the tessellationc. Click on the Activate all buttond. Define a trap around the left handle pointse. Click on the OK buttonf. Click on the Power fit icong. Set the Point gap value to 0.5mmh. Select the tessellationi. Click on the Apply buttonj. Click on the OK buttonk. Click on the Activate iconl. Select the tessellationm. Click on the Activate all buttonn. Click on the Extrapolate icono. Select the right side boundary of the created surface p. Select the last created surfaceq. Set the Limit type to Lengthr. Set the Length to 10mms. Set the Continuity parameter to Curvaturet. Click on the OK button16. Repeat the operation 15 on the right side handleStep (4): Creating the rough modelBefore starting the rough model creation, create a new open body and name it rough model. You can also load the file End_step3.CATPart from the indicated directory.1. Create a Join with the two main surfaces of the bottle2. Start the Wireframe and surface workbench3. Create the top boundary of the join4. Create the bottom boundary of the join5. Start the Quick Surface Reconstruction workbench6. Extrapolate the join in the +Z direction:a. Click on the Extrapolate iconb. Select the top boundary of the joinc. Select the Joind. Set the Limit type to Lengthe. Set the Length to 4mmf. Set the Continuity parameter to Curvatureg. Click on the OK button7. Extrapolate the join in the -Z direction:a. Click on the Extrapolate iconb. Select the bottom boundary of the joinc. Select the Joind. Set the Limit type to Lengthe. Set the Length to 20mmf. Set the Continuity parameter to Tangentg. Set the Extremities parameter to Tangenth. Click on the OK button8. Split the geometry by the symmetry planea. Double-click on the Split iconb. Select the top Cylinderc. Select the ZX planed. Click on the Other side button if necessarye. Click on the OK buttonf. Select the left handle surfaceg. Select the ZX planeh. Click on the Other side button if necessaryi. Click on the OK buttonj. Select the right handle surfacek. Select the ZX planel. Click on the Other side button if necessarym. Click on the OK buttonn. Select the top planar surfaceo. Select the ZX planep. Click on the Other side button if necessaryq. Click on the OK buttonr. Select the bottom planar surfaces. Select the ZX planet. Click on the Other side button if necessaryu. Click on the OK buttonv. Click on the Cancel button9. Trim all the elements to get the rough model:a. Double-click on the Trim iconb. Select the top cylinderc. Select the top planar surfaced. Click on the Other side… buttons if necessarye. Click on the OK buttonf. Select the previous Trimg. Select the extrapolated joined surfaceh. Click on the Other side… buttons if necessaryi. Click on the OK buttonj. Select the previous Trimk. Select the left handle surfacel. Click on the Other side… buttons if necessary m. Click on the OK buttonn. Select the previous Trimo. Select the right handle surfacep. Click on the Other side… buttons if necessary q. Click on the OK buttonr. Select the previous Trims. Select the bottom planar surfacet. Click on the Other side… buttons if necessary u. Click on the OK buttonv. Click on the Cancel buttonStep (5): Filleting the modelBefore starting filleting the model, create a new open body and name it filleted model. You can also load the file End_step4.CATPart from the indicated directory.1. Create two 2mm fillets at the top of the bottlea. Click on the Edge fillet iconb. Select the 2 top edges of the bottlec. Set the Radius value to 2mmd. Click on the OK button2. Create two 2mm fillets around the handlesa. Click on the Edge fillet iconb. Select the 2 edges around the handles of the bottlec. Set the Radius value to 2mmd. Set the Extremities parameter to Maximume. Click on the OK button3. Determine the value of the radius for the bottom filleta. Click on the Curvature analysis iconb. Select the tessellationc. Set the Type parameter to Radiusd. Set the Radius type parameter to Maximume. Move the cursor in the fillet area to find the radius valuef. Click on the Cancel button4. Create the bottom filleta. Click on the Edge fillet iconb. Select the bottle bottom edgec. Set the Radius value to 12mmd. Set the Extremities parameter to Maximume. Click on the OK button5. Hide the tessellation6. Create a symmetry of the last filleted surface around the XZ plane。



p l a s t i c b o t t l e c a t i a 的可乐瓶练习集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#Plastic Bottle ExerciseExercise Presentation : Plastic BottlePlastic Bottle (1) : Creating the Bottom of the bottlePlastic Bottle (2) : Creating the Body of the bottlePlastic Bottle (3) : Creating the bottleneckPlastic Bottle (4) : Assemble the three Geometric SetsPlastic Bottle (5) : Create the Bottleneck screwExerciseExercise Presentation: Plastic Bottle3 HoursIn this exercise you will see how to create a plastic bottleu sing the Generative Shape Design workbench f unctionalities :Creating wireframe elements (point, line, plane..)Creating surfaces (sweep,loft, extrude,revolve…)Manipulating surfaces (trim, symmetry, join…)Design Intent : Plastic BottleCreation of wireframe geometry : points, lines, planes, helix using the stacking commandscapabilities and working on supportCreation of surfaces using Sweep, Loft, Extrude and Revolve Operations on surfaces using Fillets, Trim, Join and healing Analysing the surfaces using the connect checker.Design Process : the Plastic Bottle1Create theBottom of thebottle4Assemble the threeGeometrical Set C reate theBottleneck3Create thebody of thebottle 25Create the bottleneck screw on the assembledpartPlastic BottleStep 1: Creating the bottom of the bottle.30 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Create the bottom’s bottle surfacesDo It Yourself (1/4)Part used:(2)(3)1- Insert a new Geometrical Set , rename it as Bottle_Bottom.2- Create an Intersection point between the axis and the green profile .3- Working on the ZX plane support, draw a circle by Center and point (creating the center point on the fly) with the following characteristics :C enter point on the pink axis and 5 mm below the Intersection point just createdas point and –90 and 90 degrees as Start and End angle.Do It Yourself (2/4)(6) (4)(7)(9)4- Create a point on plane (-15mm ; -20mm) with the as reference.5- Create a Symmetry of this point using the pink axis as reference.6- Using these two points, create two bi-tangent lines with the previous circle.7- Trim the two created lines with the circle.8- Exit the Work on support mode.9- Create two symmetric planes with an angle of 36 degrees with the YZ reference plane.Do It Yourself (3/4)(11) (10)(12)10- Create an Explicit sweep using the as profile and the green as Guide curve. 11- Create a 180 degrees revolved surface using the as profile and the as axis. 12- Trim the two created surfaces.Do It Yourself (4/4)(13)(14)(16)(15)13- Create a Variable edge fillet as shown.14- Split the created with the two 36 degrees planes created before. 15- Create 4 Rotate surfaces (72 degrees) to complete the bottom. 16- Join the created surfaces and rename the Join as Bottle_Bottom.Plastic BottleStep 2: Creating the body of the bottle.20 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Create the body’s bottle surfaces.Do It Yourself (1/3)Part used:(2)(4) (5)(3)1- Insert a new Geometrical Set, rename it as Bottle_Body.2- Create two parallel curves of the on the ZX plane at a distance of 3mm in both directions.3- Create a parallel curve of the on the at a distance of inward. 4- Create 2 Combined curves between the and the two curves and 5- Create a Combined curve between the and theDo It Yourself (2/3)(7)(6)6- Create an Implicit Circular Swept surface with three guides using the three created combined curves as guide curves.7- Create 3 instances of this Sweep using a Translate along the Z axis and the Repeat object after OK option. For the distance between the instances, create the formula :‘Starting_crv\\Plane \Offset’ /58- Join the created surfaces with the original sweep.Do It Yourself (3/3)(11) (9)(10)(12)9- Create a Revolved surface using the as profile and the the as Revolution axis.10- Trim the created revolved surface with the previous Join.11- Create a 2 mm edge fillet on the edges resulting of the previous Trim. 12- Rename the created fillet as Bottle_Body.Plastic BottleStep 3: Creating the bottleneck.60 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Create the bottleneck surfaces.Do It Yourself (1/8)Part used:(1)(2)(3)1- Insert a new Geometrical Set, rename it as Bottleneck.2- Create a Point between the and points with a ratio of3- Create a plane parallel to the through the createdDo It Yourself (2/8)4- Draw the following Sketch on the ZX plane.(5)5- Create two extrema ( Minimum and Maximum) on the sketch in the Z direction.Do It Yourself (3/8)(7)(6) (8) 6- Create a Revolved surface using the as profile and the as Revolution axis.7- Create a Boundary curve with the lower edge of the revolution surface.8- Create a point on the boundary using a ratio of curve length, and using the Point “”as reference point.Do It Yourself (4/8)(10)(9)9- Create a 12 mm Extruded surface with thein the Z axis direction upward.10- Create a Boundary curve with the upper edge ofthe extruded surface.11- Create a 35 mm radius circle on the withthe as center.(11)Do It Yourself (5/8)(12)(13)12- Create two projected points of on the and on the13- Create a Multisection Surface between the three sections : ; ;Use the boundaries surfaces as tangents and the and its projections as closing pointsDo It Yourself (6/8)(14)(15) 14- Create a Line on the Loft. Starting from the with an angle of 45 deg with the upperboundary and with a length of 500 mm.15- Create a second line on the Loft, starting of the with all the same characteristics than the previous line.Do It Yourself (7/8)(14)(16)(15)14- Create a new boundary curve on the revolution surface relimited by the two previous lines. 15- Create a second boundary on the Extruded surface relimited by the two previous lines. 16- Hide the Loft and create a Fill surface with four previous curves.Do It Yourself (8/8)(18) (17)17- Create 7 rotated instances of the fill surface around the axis (45 deg rotation).18- Join all these rotated surfaces with the fill surface, and with the extruded and the revolved surfaces.19- Rename the join as Body_style.Plastic BottleStep 4: Assemble the three Geometric Sets.20 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Assemble the previous bodies with trim operations and fillets.Do It Yourself (1/5)Part used:(1)(2)1- Insert a new Geometric Set, rename itBottle_Assembled.2- Create a 2mm upward offset plane from the .3- Create a 2mm downward offset plane from the.(3)Do It Yourself (2/5)(4)(6)(5)4- Create an Intersection between the and the Bottle_Body.5- Create an Intersection between the and the Bottle_Body.6- Create an Intersection element between the and the Bottle_Bottom.。

plastic bottle-catia 经典的可乐瓶练习

plastic bottle-catia 经典的可乐瓶练习

Plastic Bottle ExerciseExercise Presentation : Plastic BottlePlastic Bottle (1) : Creating the Bottom of the bottlePlastic Bottle (2) : Creating the Body of the bottlePlastic Bottle (3) : Creating the bottleneckPlastic Bottle (4) : Assemble the three Geometric Sets Plastic Bottle (5) : Create the Bottleneck screwExerciseExercise Presentation: Plastic Bottle3 HoursIn this exercise you will see how to create a plastic bottle u sing the Generative Shape Design workbenchf unctionalities :Creating wireframe elements (point, line, plane..)Creating surfaces (sweep,loft, extrude,revolve…)Manipulating surfaces (trim, symmetry, join…)Design Intent : Plastic BottleCreation of wireframe geometry : points, lines, planes, helix using the stacking commandscapabilities and working on supportCreation of surfaces using Sweep, Loft, Extrude and Revolve Operations on surfaces using Fillets, Trim, Join and healing Analysing the surfaces using the connect checker.Design Process : the Plastic Bottle1Create theBottom of thebottle4Assemble the threeGeometrical Set Create theBottleneck3Create thebody of thebottle 25Create thebottleneck screw on the assembledpartPlastic BottleStep 1: Creating the bottom of the bottle.30 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Create the bottom’s bottle surfacesPart used: start_bottle.CATPartIntersect.1Intersect.4(2)Sketch.2(3)1- Insert a new Geometrical Set , rename it as Bottle_Bottom.2- Create an Intersection point between the Intersect.1 axis and the green profile Sketch.2.3- Working on the ZX plane support, draw a circle by Center and point (creating the center point on the fly) with the following characteristics :•Center point on the pink axis and 5 mm below the Intersection point just created (Intersect.4) •Intersect.4 as point and –90 and 90 degrees as Start and End angle.(6) (4)(7)(9)4- Create a point on plane (-15mm ; -20mm) with the Intersect.4 as reference.5- Create a Symmetry of this point using the pink axis (Intersect.1) as reference.6- Using these two points, create two bi-tangent lines with the previous circle.7- Trim the two created lines with the circle.8- Exit the Work on support mode.9- Create two symmetric planes with an angle of 36 degrees with the YZ reference plane.Do It Yourself (3/4)(11)(10)(12)10- Create an Explicit sweep using the Trim.2 as profile and the green Sketch.2 as Guide curve.11- Create a 180 degrees revolved surface using the Sketch.1 as profile and the Intersect.1 as axis.12- Trim the two created surfaces.Do It Yourself (4/4)(13)(14)(16)(15)13- Create a Variable edge fillet as shown.14- Split the created EdgeFillet.1 with the two 36 degrees planes created before. 15- Create 4 Rotate surfaces (72 degrees) to complete the bottom.16- Join the created surfaces and rename the Join as Bottle_Bottom.Plastic BottleStep 2: Creating the body of the bottle.20 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Create the body’s bottle surfaces.Part used: bottle_step2begin.CATPartCircle.1Parallel.3(2)Sketch.4Parallel.1 Parallel.2Sketch.4 Plane.2Circle.1(4) (5)(3)1- Insert a new Geometrical Set, rename it as Bottle_Body.2- Create two parallel curves of the Sketch.4 on the ZX plane at a distance of 3mm in both directions. 3- Create a parallel curve of the Circle.1 on the Plane.2 at a distance of 1.6mm inward.4- Create 2 Combined curves between the Circle.1 and the two curves Parallel.1 and Parallel.25- Create a Combined curve between the Sketch.4 and the Parallel.3(7)(6)6- Create an Implicit Circular Swept surface with three guides using the three created combinedcurves as guide curves.7- Create 3 instances of this Sweep using a Translate along the Z axis and the Repeat object after OK option. For the distance between the instances, create the formula :‘Starting_crv\Plane.2\Plane offset.1\Offset’ /58- Join the created surfaces with the original sweep.Sketch.3(11)(9)(10)(12)9- Create a Revolved surface using the Sketch.3 as profile and the the Intersect.1 as Revolution axis.10- Trim the created revolved surface with the previous Join.11- Create a 2 mm edge fillet on the edges resulting of the previous Trim.12- Rename the created fillet as Bottle_Body.Plastic BottleStep 3: Creating the bottleneck.60 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Create the bottleneck surfaces.Do It Yourself (1/8)Part used: bottle_step3begin.CATPartIntersect.3Point.3Plane.2Intersect.2(1)(2)(3)1- Insert a new Geometrical Set, rename it as Bottleneck.2- Create a Point between the Intersect.2 and Intersect.3 points with a ratio of 0.6 3- Create a plane parallel to the Plane.2 through the created Point.34- Draw the following Sketch on the ZX plane.Plane.3(5)Intersect.35- Create two extrema ( Minimum and Maximum) on the sketch in the Z direction.(7)(6) (8)6- Create a Revolved surface using the Sketch.3 as profile and the Intersect.1 as Revolution axis.7- Create a Boundary curve with the lower edge of the revolution surface.8- Create a point on the boundary using a 0.125 ratio of curve length, and using the Point “Extremum.2”as reference point.(10)(9)9- Create a 12 mm Extruded surface with the Circle.1 in the Z axis direction upward.10- Create a Boundary curve with the upper edge of the extruded surface.11- Create a 35 mm radius circle on the Plane.5 with the Point.3 as center.(11)(12)(13)12- Create two projected points of Extremum.2 on the Circle.3 and on the Boundary.213- Create a Multisection Surface between the three sections : Boundary.1 ; Circle.3 ; Boundary.2 Use the boundaries surfaces as tangents and the Extremum.2 and its projections as closing points(14)(15)14- Create a Line on the Loft. Starting from the extremum.2 with an angle of 45 deg with the upperboundary and with a length of 500 mm.15- Create a second line on the Loft, starting of the Point.4 with all the same characteristics than the previous line.(14)(16)(15)14- Create a new boundary curve on the revolution surface relimited by the two previous lines.15- Create a second boundary on the Extruded surface relimited by the two previous lines. 16- Hide the Loft and create a Fill surface with four previous curves.Do It Yourself (8/8)(18)(17)17- Create 7 rotated instances of the fill surface around the intersect.1 axis (45 deg rotation).18- Join all these rotated surfaces with the fill surface, and with the extruded and the revolved surfaces. 19- Rename the join as Body_style.Plastic BottleStep 4: Assemble the three Geometric Sets.20 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Assemble the previous bodies with trim operations and fillets.Do It Yourself (1/5)Part used: Bottle_Step4Begin.CATPart(1)(2)1- Insert a new Geometric Set, rename itBottle_Assembled.2- Create a 2mm upward offset plane from the Plane.1.3- Create a 2mm downward offset plane from thePlane.2.(3)(4)(6)(5)4- Create an Intersection between the Plane.7 and the Bottle_Body.5- Create an Intersection between the Plane.6 and the Bottle_Body.6- Create an Intersection element between the Plane.1 and the Bottle_Bottom.(7) (8)7- Create an Implicit linear swept surface with two guide curves : Intersect.6 and Intersect.7 8- Create an Implicit linear swept surface with two guide curves : Intersect.5 and Circle.1(9)(11) (10)(12)9- Trim the upper swept surface with the Bottle_Body. 10- Trim the previous Trim with the Body_Style surface. 11- Trim the lower swept surface with the Bottle_Bottom. 12- Trim the two last trims.Do It Yourself (5/5)(13)(14) 13- Create a 6mm EdgeFillet on the two sharp edges.14- Rename the fillet as Bottle_Assembled.Plastic BottleStep 5: Creating the bottleneck screw.20 minComplete the existing wireframe geometry.Create the screw surfaces.Part used: Bottle_Step5Begin.CATPart1- Insert a new Geometrical Set, rename it as Bottleneck_Screw.2- Create on the fly a point and a plane with the characteristics shown below.(2)(3)(4)3- Create a Helix starting from the last created Point.5 with Intersect.1 as axis and with the followingparameters : Pitch = 3 mm / Height = 7mm / Orientation = Counterclockwise4- Create a line normal to the helix on the last Plane.8 starting at 1.6mm from the Point.5 with a Length of 20mm(5)(6) 5- Create a point on the helix at a distance of 0.8mm from the starting Point.56- Create a Connect Curve to link the Helix with the Line.5Do It Yourself (4/4)(7)(8)7- Create an Implicit circular profile swept surface. Choose Center and radius as subtype, Connect.1 as Center curve and a radius of 0.8mm.8- Trim the created sweep with the assembled bottle.。

catia 练习题

catia 练习题

catia 练习题CATIA 练习题近年来,计算机辅助设计软件(Computer-Aided Design,简称CAD)在工程设计领域得到了广泛应用。



1. 绘制一个简单的零件在CATIA中,我们可以通过绘制零件来熟悉软件的基本操作。



2. 进行装配设计在实际工程设计中,往往需要将多个零件进行装配,以形成一个完整的产品。




3. 进行运动仿真在一些特定的工程设计中,我们需要对零件或者装配体进行运动仿真,以验证其设计的合理性。




4. 进行结构分析在一些工程设计中,我们需要对零件或者装配体进行结构分析,以评估其在工作条件下的强度和稳定性。







Detailed Steps
39. 在邊線上建立點 � � � 使用 建點 指令 點的形式:曲線上 曲線:邊界.1 比例:0.125 參考點 :端點.2

40. 建立拉伸曲面 � � 使用拉伸指令 斷面:圓.1 方向:12mm
極限 1:12mm
極限 2 :0mm

使用 對稱

元素:點.2 參考:相交.1
使用畫線指令 . � 線形式:與曲線相切 � 曲線:圓.2 元素 2:點.2 依附:ZX 平面 形式:BiTangent
� �
修剪直線與圓弧 � 選擇修剪指令
步驟 2: 建立 Bottle Body 曲面
18. 插入一個新的為封閉主體 Open Body.
19. 並將其特徵名稱改為 Bottle_Body.
Generative Shape Design
Detailed Steps
20.雙擊 平行曲線 指令
32. 將其特徵名稱更改為 Bottleneck.
Generative Shape Design
Detailed Steps
33. 在兩平行平面間建立一點
� � �
點選建點指令 點的形式:之間 確認 完成



CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法在工业设计领域,CATIA 是一款功能强大的软件,被广泛应用于各种产品的设计与开发。

瓶子作为我们日常生活中常见的物品,其设计过程也可以通过 CATIA 来实现。

接下来,我将为您详细介绍 CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法。



确定好设计目标后,打开 CATIA 软件。

在 CATIA 的操作界面中,我们可以选择“零件设计”模块来开始创建瓶子的基本形状。


选择一个合适的平面,比如 XY 平面,然后使用“草图绘制”工具,绘制出瓶子大致的轮廓。





完成草图绘制后,使用“拉伸”工具,将草图沿着 Z 轴方向拉伸一定的高度,从而形成瓶子的立体形状。











在 CATIA 中,可以从材质库中选择合适的材质,如玻璃、塑料、金属等,并为瓶子赋予相应的颜色。




CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法在产品设计领域,CATIA 是一款功能强大且广泛应用的软件。


下面将详细介绍使用 CATIA 进行瓶子设计的实操方法。

首先,打开 CATIA 软件后,我们需要明确瓶子的设计要求。




在 CATIA 的“草图编辑器”中,选择一个合适的平面作为基准面。

比如,如果要设计一个圆柱形的瓶子,我们可以选择 XY 平面。





在瓶子的细节设计方面,比如瓶口的螺纹、瓶身的纹理、标签位置等,需要使用 CATIA 的高级特征功能。











CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法在工业设计领域中,CATIA(Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application)是一款领先的三维设计软件,被广泛应用于汽车、航空航天、工业制造等领域。


一、CATIA软件简介CATIA是法国达索公司(Dassault Systèmes)开发的一款集成化软件,具有强大的三维建模和分析功能。




1. 概念设计在CATIA软件中,我们可以使用Sketcher工作台或Shape工作台进行瓶子的概念设计。



2. 草图设计在概念设计的基础上,我们可以使用Assembly Design工作台或Part Design工作台进行瓶子的草图设计。


3. 模型构建在草图设计完成后,我们可以使用Part Design工作台将瓶子的草图模型转化为三维实体模型。


4. 后期修饰在模型构建完成后,我们可以使用Generative Shape Design工作台对瓶子进行进一步的修饰。




CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法在工程设计领域中,CATIA(Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application)是一款功能强大的三维模型设计软件。







1. 导入基准几何体:在开始设计之前,我们需要导入瓶子的基准几何体,例如圆柱体或立方体作为底座。


2. 转换基准几何体:在获得基准几何体之后,我们可以使用CATIA提供的转换工具对其进行编辑和变形。


3. 创造瓶口:瓶口是瓶子的一个重要组成部分,通过在基准几何体上添加曲面或其他几何体,可以创造出瓶子的瓶口。


4. 设计瓶身:通过调整和编辑基准几何体和曲面,我们可以逐渐形成瓶子的瓶身。



5. 添加细节:为了使瓶子的设计更加完善和真实,可以通过添加细节来增加瓶子的质感和美观度。


6. 分析和验证:设计完成后,我们可以使用CATIA提供的分析工具对瓶子进行性能和强度分析。





CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法在产品设计领域,CATIA 是一款功能强大的软件,被广泛应用于各种工业设计项目中。

瓶子作为日常生活中常见的物品,其设计过程在CATIA 中也有着独特的方法和技巧。

接下来,我将为您详细介绍如何使用 CATIA 来设计瓶子。




然后,打开 CATIA 软件,进入到零件设计模块。




接下来,使用“旋转”命令,将草图绕着中心线旋转 360 度,形成瓶子的初步立体形状。








CATIA 提供了精确的尺寸标注和约束功能,我们可以通过选择线条和点,然后输入具体的数值来确定瓶子各个部分的尺寸。


另外,为了更好地观察和评估设计效果,我们可以使用 CATIA 的渲染功能。





CATIA实操瓶子的设计方法在工业设计领域,CATIA 是一款功能强大的软件,被广泛应用于产品的设计与开发。


接下来,我将为大家详细介绍使用 CATIA 进行瓶子设计的具体方法。



有了明确的设计需求,我们就可以打开 CATIA 软件,开始创建新的零件文件。

















在 CATIA 中,我们还可以对瓶子进行渲染,以更直观地查看设计效果。















7、两只杯子,分别盛有清水和盐水,但没有标签,你能否用压强计将它们区别开?(1)当压强计的金属盒在空气中时,U形管两边的液面应当相平,而小明同学却观察到如(a)所示的情景. 出现这种情况的原因是:U形管左支管液面上方的气压______大气压(填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”);调节的方法是:A.将此时右边支管中高出的液体倒出 B.取下软管重新安装(2)小明再作图(b)所示的检查. 当用手指按压(不论轻压还是重压)橡皮膜时,发现U形管两边液柱的高度几乎不变化.出现这种情况的原因是:_____.(3)压强计调节正常后,小明将金属盒先后浸入到两杯液体中,如图(c)和(d)所示. 他发现图(d)中U形管两边的液柱高度差较大,于是认为图(d)杯子中盛的是盐水. ①你认为,小明的结论是(填“可靠的”或“不可靠的”);②简要说明理由:.8、利用日常生活中装饮料的塑料空瓶可以做演示液体压强或大气压强存在和性质的物理实验。

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1- Insert a new Geometrical Set, rename it as Bottle_Body. 2- Create two parallel curves of the Sketch.4 on the ZX plane at a distance of 3mm in both directions.
Plastic Bottle
Step 3: Creating the bottleneck.
60 min
Complete the existing wireframe geometry. Create the bottleneck surfaces.
Do It Yourself (2/3)
6- Create an Implicit Circular Swept surface with three guides using the three created combined curves as guide curves.
30 min
Complete the existing wireframe geometry. Create the bottom’s bottle surfaces
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Creating wireframe elements (point, line, plane..) Creating surfaces (sweep,loft, extrude,revolve…) Manipulating surfaces (trim, symmetry, join…)
Do It Yourself (1/8)
Part used: bottle_step3begin.CATPart
Point.3 Plane.2 Intersect.2
1- Insert a new Geometrical Set, rename it as Bottleneck. 2- Create a Point between the Intersect.2 and Intersect.3 points with a ratio of 0.6 3- Create a plane parallel to the Plane.2 through the created Point.3
Part used: start_bottle.CATPart
1- Insert a new Geometrical Set , rename it as Bottle_Bottom.
2- Create an Intersection point between the Intersect.1 axis and the green profile Sketch.2.
Do It Yourself (4/4)
(16) (15)
13- Create a Variable edge fillet as shown. 14- Split the created EdgeFillet.1 with the two 36 degrees planes created before. 15- Create 4 Rotate surfaces (72 degrees) to complete the bottom. 16- Join the created surfaces and rename the Join as Bottle_Bottom.
Do It Yourself (1/3)
Part used: bottle_step2begin.CATPart
Parallel.3 Sketch.4
3- Create a parallel curve of the Circle.1 on the Plane.2 at a distance of 1.6mm inward. 4- Create 2 Combined curves between the Circle.1 and the two curves Parallel.1 and Parallel.2 5- Create a Combined curve between the Sketch.4 and the Parallel.3
8- Join the created surfaces with the original sweep.
Do It Yourself (3/3)
(11) (9)
9 - Create a Revolved surface using the Sketch.3 as profile and the the Intersect.1 as Revolution axis. 10- Trim the created revolved surface with the previous Join. 11- Create a 2 mm edge fillet on the edges resulting of the previous Trim. 12- Rename the created fillet as Bottle_Body.
Create the body of the
bottle 2
Create the bottleneck screw on the assembled
Plastic Bottle
Step 1: Creating the bottom of the bottle.
Design Intent : Plastic Bottle
Creation of wireframe geometry : points, lines, planes, helix using the stacking commands capabilities and working on support Creation of surfaces using Sweep, Loft, Extrude and Revolve Operations on surfaces using Fillets, Trim, Join and healing Analysing the surfaces using the connect checker.
Exercise Presentation: Plastic Bottle
3 Hours
In this exercise you will see how to create a plastic bottle using the Generative Shape Design workbench functionalities :
Plastic Bottle
Step 2: Creating the body of the
20 min
Complete the existing wireframe geometry. Create the body’s bottle surfaces.
7- Create 3 instances of this Sweep using a Translate along the Z axis and the Repeat object after OK option. For the distance between the instances, create the formula : ‘Starting_crv\Plane.2\Plane offset.1\Offset’ /5
Design Process : the Plastic Bottle
Create the Bottom of the
Assemble the three Geometrical Set
Create the Bottleneck
Do It Yourself (3/4)
(11) (10)
10- Create an Explicit sweep using the Trim.2 as profile and the green Sketch.2 as Guide curve. 11- Create a 180 degrees revolved surface using the Sketch.1 as profile and the Intersect.1 as axis. 12- Trim the two created surfaces.