urban myths or urban legends课文翻译
Urban myths or Urban legends?都市神话还是都市传奇?1.London has the most extensive network of underground tunnels in the world. But for some inhabitants, the tunnels are more than just convenient一they live in them. The London Subterraneans are a race of people who live beneath the streets. They're human, but they don't speak English, and they have their own customs. Occasionally, a few of them come to the surface. They only appear at night through the drains in a dark backstreet, and if they hear footsteps, they hide in a dark alleyway and only come out when it's quiet again. And before sunrise, they go back under ground. Very few Londoners have seen them, but the friend of a friend has seen them several times.伦敦有着世界上最为庞大的地下隧道网络。
一、转译的概念及相关论述(一)转译的概念:转译本意指语言学上的翻译,后来在生物学上用来描述DNA转录到RNA 的过程。
除了对视觉感知的试验,电影同样 用于建筑理念的表达或者宣传。 1930年柯布西耶和导演皮埃尔谢 纳尔(Pierre Chenal)合作制作了 记录片《今日建筑》(1930).这 部18分钟的短片向大约3000名巴 黎观众宣传了国际式建筑.影片记录 了建筑的使用而不仅仅是房子本身 ,例如萨伏伊别墅的坡道(pō dào) 被表现为一次“建筑漫步”—女主 人沿着坡道(pō dào)穿过整个建筑 到达屋顶花园。
拉维莱特公园(gōngyuán) (来自谷歌)
在巴黎拉维莱特公同的设计中,屈米将同区场所的所有因素都进行了分解,并 分别以不同的逻辑与秩序里新组织起来。形成了建筑与人T.化的S然要素相 互穿插的建筑式的同林景观。屈米对场所因素重构后的秩序,形成了一种非常 结构化的且独立性很强的严谨体系。这一秩序结构由三个独立抽象的系统:点 、线、面组成。它们被叠置入基地,为创造(chuàngzào)非线性的时空情境 埋下了伏笔。在这三个系统巾,线的秩序构成了整个同区的交通骨架。它由两 条长廊;几条绿色掩映的林荫道;跨越运河的环形步道和一条命名为“电影式 散步道”的流线型闻路组成。这些元素看似随机分布,甚至感觉会有些混乩。 但其实这足一种有意为之的非线性构成。它们切入公园的肌理,作用如同“分 切镜头”,从一幕场景切换到下一幕,以激发如同电影镜头切换般的效果。
空间蒙太奇梵蒂冈宫大台阶院与空间倒叙马赛公寓的异质元素插入空间并存拉维莱特公园?梵蒂冈宫大台阶院与空间倒叙在这个项目的设计中伯拉孟特运用了一个长达300m的大院子将新宫旧宫几处建筑群联系了起来这个院子轴线处于南北向中央被一个大台阶罗马梵蒂冈宫大台阶院来自谷歌地球切为两半南部建筑物2层北部1层后人由此称其为大公园 (gōngyuán)
首先介绍一个影像处理的技术——重复曜光技术。这种技术是使用摄像 机将同一张底片,在不同的场景中反复曝光。这样不同场景的影像便叠加 到了同一张底片上,形成一个画面里的多重场景或人物的叠化效果。比如 安德烈?塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)导演的《镜子》的电影片段中, 走动着的角色和延迟的摄像机摇动之间的差异(chāyì)运动暗示着这个角 色占据着位于同一电影时间延续性中的两个不同场所(实际上这个电影片 段仅使用了一个连续镜头)。重复曝光技术提供了一种只有电影媒介才能 加以揭示的空间条件:在电影场景的连续时间中包含着两种对立的空间组 织形式,即不同的空间条件在同一时间段中的并存。空间的并存使中.一空 间具有了多軍情境。
CEA 理论视域下电影字幕翻译分析——以《悬崖之上》为例摘要:近年来,随着我国对外开放的程度不断提高,影视文化产业的对外交流活动也正愈步加强,大量国内高质量影片源源不断地输向海外市场。
二、CEA理论对于字幕翻译的指导意义CEA框架指(Comprehension,Expression and Adaptation),即理解、表达与变通。
Thank you!!!!!!
赖特的一生经历了一个摸索建立空间意义和它的表达,从 由实体转向空间,从静态空间到流动和连续空间,在发展到四度 的序列展开的动态空间,最后达到戏剧性的空间。布鲁诺〃塞维 说如此评价赖特的贡献,“有机建筑空间充满着动态,方位诱导, 透视和生动明朗的创造,动态是创造性的,因为其目的不在于追 求耀眼的视觉效果,而是寻求表现生活在其中人的活动本身。终 其一生,赖特提出了许多建筑设计理念 崇尚自然地建筑观 属于美国的建筑文化 技术为艺术服务 表现材料的本性 连续的运动空间 有诗意的形式
赖特从小就生长在威斯康星峡谷的大自然环境之中,在农场赖特过起了 日出而居,日落而歇的生活。向大自然索取的艰苦劳动中了解了土地,感悟到 蕴藏在四季之中的神秘的力量和潜在的生命流,体会到了自然固有的旋律和节 奏。赖特认为住宅不仅要合理安排卧室、起居室、餐橱、浴厕和书房使之便利 日常生活,而且更重要的是增强家庭的内聚力,他的这一认识使他在新的住宅 设计中把火炉置于住宅的核心位置,使它成为必不可少但又十分自然的场所。 赖特的观念和方法影响了他的建筑。“道法自然”(赖特十分欣赏中国的老子 哲学),就是要求依照大自然所启示的道理行事,而不是模仿自然。自然界是 有机的,因而取名为“有机建筑”。
密斯范德罗的贡献在于通过对钢框架结构和玻璃在建筑中应用的 探索,发展了一种具有古典式的均衡和极端简洁的风格。结构就是一切, 认为比房屋的功能更能决定建筑的形式。主张功能服从空间——建造一 个实用和经济的空间,在里面配置功能。认为形式不是工作的目的,只 是结果。简单概括为先结构后形式,先空间后功能,讲求“条理”。用 “少就是多”(less is more)的理论总结就是:一方面,简化结构体系, 精简结构构建,产生没有或极少屏障,而可作任何用途的建筑空间。另 一方面,净化建筑形式,精确施工,成为由钢和玻璃构成的直角组成的 盒子。 流动空间:现代建筑以空间为主题,这个理论的提出是对现代建 筑的重要贡献,它打破封闭空间,在空间的流动中体验功能平面。
Location:Hong Kong
Construction started:18 April 1985
Opening:17 May 1990
HeightAntenna spire:367.4 m (1,205.4 ft)
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建筑师:Bruce Graham, design partner, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
甲方:Sears Roebuck and Company
工程师:Fazlur Khan of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.项目年份:2008
Talling building and Steel constructionAlthough there have been many advancements in building construction technology in general.Spectacular archievements have been made in the design and construction of ultrahigh-risebuildings.The early development of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing. Reinforced concrete and stressed-skin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used in a number of structures for both residential and commercial purposes. The high-rise buildings ranging from 50 to 110 stories that are being built all over the United States are the result ofinnovations and development of new structual systems.Greater height entails increased column and beam sizes to make buildings more rigid so that under wind load they will not sway beyond an acceptable limit. Excessive lateral sway may cause serious recurring damage to partitions, ceilings. and other architectural details. In addition, excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building because their perception of such motion. Structural systems of reinforced concrete, as well as steel, take full advantage of inherent potential stiffness of the total building and therefore require additional stiffening to limitthe sway.In a steel structure, for example, the economy can be defined in terms of the total average quantity of steel per square foot of floor area of the building. Curve A in Fig .1 represents the average unit weight of a conventional frame with increasing numbers of stories. Curve B represents the average steel weight if the frame is protected from all lateral loads. The gap between the upper boundary and the lower boundary represents the premium for height for the traditional column-and-beam frame. Structural engineers have developed structural systems with aview to eliminating this premium.Systems in steel. Tall buildings in steel developed as a result of several types of structural innovations. The innovations have been applied to the construction of both office and apartmentbuildings.Frame with rigid belt trusses. In order to tie the exterior columns of a frame structure to the interior vertical trusses, a system of rigid belt trusses at mid-height and at the top of the building may be used. A good example of this system is the First Wisconsin Bank Building(1974) inMilwaukee.Framed tube. The maximum efficiency of the total structure of a tall building, for both strength and stiffness, to resist wind load can be achieved only if all column element can be connected to each other in such a way that the entire building acts as a hollow tube or rigid box in projecting out of the ground. This particular structural system was probably used for the first time in the 43-story reinforced concrete DeWitt Chestnut Apartment Building in Chicago. The most significant use of this system is in the twin structural steel towers of the 110-story World TradeCenter building in New YorkColumn-diagonal truss tube. The exterior columns of a building can be spaced reasonably far apart and yet be made to work together as a tube by connecting them with diagonal members interesting at the centre line of the columns and beams. This simple yet extremely efficient system was used for the first time on the John Hancock Centre in Chicago, using as much steel as isnormally needed for a traditional 40-story building.Bundled tube. With the continuing need for larger and taller buildings, the framed tube or thecolumn-diagonal truss tube may be used in a bundled form to create larger tube envelopes while maintaining high efficiency. The 110-story Sears Roebuck Headquarters Building in Chicago has nine tube, bundled at the base of the building in three rows. Some of these individual tubes terminate at different heights of the building, demonstrating the unlimited architectural possibilities of this latest structural concept. The Sears tower, at a height of 1450 ft(442m), is theworld’s tallest building.Stressed-skin tube system. The tube structural system was developed for improving the resistance to lateral forces (wind and earthquake) and the control of drift (lateral building movement ) in high-rise building. The stressed-skin tube takes the tube system a step further. The development of the stressed-skin tube utilizes the façade of the building as a structural element which acts with the framed tube, thus providing an efficient way of resisting lateral loads in high-rise buildings, and resulting in cost-effective column-free interior space with a high ratio ofnet to gross floor area.Because of the contribution of the stressed-skin façade, the framed members of the tube require less mass, and are thus lighter and less expensive. All the typical columns and spandrel beams are standard rolled shapes, minimizing the use and cost of special built-up members. The depth requirement for the perimeter spandrel beams is also reduced, and the need for upset beams above floors, which would encroach on valuable space, is minimized. The structural system has been used on the 54-story One Mellon Bank Center in Pittburgh.Systems in concrete. While tall buildings constructed of steel had an early start, development of tall buildings of reinforced concrete progressed at a fast enough rate to provide a competitive chanllenge to structural steel systems for both office and apartment buildings.Framed tube. As discussed above, the first framed tube concept for tall buildings was used for the 43-story DeWitt Chestnut Apartment Building. In this building ,exterior columns were spaced at 5.5ft (1.68m) centers, and interior columns were used as needed to support the 8-in . -thick(20-m) flat-plate concrete slabs.Tube in tube. Another system in reinforced concrete for office buildings combines the traditional shear wall construction with an exterior framed tube. The system consists of an outer framed tube of very closely spaced columns and an interior rigid shear wall tube enclosing the central service area. The system (Fig .2), known as the tube-in-tube system , made it possible to design the world’s present tallest (714ft or 218m)lightweight concrete building ( the 52-story One Shell Plaza Building in Houston) for the unit price of a traditional shear wall structure of only 35stories.Systems combining both concrete and steel have also been developed, an examle of which is the composite system developed by skidmore, Owings &Merril in which an exterior closely spaced framed tube in concrete envelops an interior steel framing, thereby combining the advantages of both reinforced concrete and structural steel systems. The 52-story One Shell Square Building in New Orleans is based on this system.Steel construction refers to a broad range of building construction in which steel plays the leading role. Most steel construction consists of large-scale buildings or engineering works, with the steel generally in the form of beams, girders, bars, plates, and other members shaped through the hot-rolled process. Despite the increased use of other materials, steel construction remained a major outlet for the steel industries of the U.S, U.K, U.S.S.R, Japan, West German, France, andother steel producers in the 1970s.Early history. The history of steel construction begins paradoxically several decades before the introduction of the Bessemer and the Siemens-Martin (openj-hearth) processes made it possible to produce steel in quantities sufficient for structure use. Many of problems of steel construction were studied earlier in connection with iron construction, which began with the Coalbrookdale Bridge, built in cast iron over the Severn River in England in 1777. This and subsequent iron bridge work, in addition to the construction of steam boilers and iron ship hulls , spurred the development of techniques for fabricating, designing, and jioning. The advantages of iron over masonry lay in the much smaller amounts of material required. The truss form, based on the resistance of the triangle to deformation, long used in timber, was translated effectively into iron, with cast iron being used for compression members-i.e, those bearing the weight of direct loading-and wrought iron being used for tension members-i.e, those bearing the pull of suspendedloading.The technique for passing iron, heated to the plastic state, between rolls to form flat and rounded bars, was developed as early as 1800;by 1819 angle irons were rolled; and in 1849 the first I beams, 17.7 feet (5.4m) long , were fabricated as roof girders for a Paris railroad station.Two years later Joseph Paxton of England built the Crystal Palace for the London Exposition of 1851. He is said to have conceived the idea of cage construction-using relatively slender iron beams as a skeleton for the glass walls of a large, open structure. Resistance to wind forces in the Crystal palace was provided by diagonal iron rods. Two feature are particularly important in the history of metal construction; first, the use of latticed girder, which are small trusses, a form first developed in timber bridges and other structures and translated into metal by Paxton ; and second, the joining of wrought-iron tension members and cast-iron compression members by means ofrivets inserted while hot.In 1853 the first metal floor beams were rolled for the Cooper Union Building in New York. In the light of the principal market demand for iron beams at the time, it is not surprising that the Cooper Union beams closely resembled railroad rails.The development of the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin processes in the 1850s and 1860s suddenly open the way to the use of steel for structural purpose. Stronger than iron in both tension and compression ,the newly available metal was seized on by imaginative engineers, notably by those involved in building the great number of heavy railroad bridges then in demand in Britain,Europe, and the U.S.A notable example was the Eads Bridge, also known as the St. Louis Bridge, in St. Louis (1867-1874), in which tubular steel ribs were used to form arches with a span of more than 500ft (152.5m). In Britain, the Firth of Forth cantilever bridge (1883-90) employed tubular struts, some12 ft (3.66m) in diameter and 350 ft (107m) long. Such bridges and other structures wereimportant in leading to the development and enforcement of standards and codification of permissible design stresses. The lack of adequate theoretical knowledge, and even of an adequate basis for theoretical studies, limited the value of stress analysis during the early years of the 20th century, as iccasionally failures, such as that of a cantilever bridge in Quebec in 1907,revealed.But failures were rare in the metal-skeleton office buildings; the simplicity of their design proved highly practical even in the absence of sophisticated analysis techniques. Throughout the first third of the century, ordinary carbon steel, without any special alloy strengthening or hardening, wasuniversally used.The possibilities inherent in metal construction for high-rise building was demonstrated to theworld by the Paris Exposition of 1889.for which Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, a leading French bridge engineer, erected an openwork metal tower 300m (984 ft) high. Not only was the height-more than double that of the Great Pyramid-remarkable, but the speed of erection and low cost were even more so, a small crew completed the work in a few months.The first skyscrapers. Meantime, in the United States another important development was taking place. In 1884-85 Maj. William Le Baron Jenney, a Chicago engineer , had designed the Home Insurance Building, ten stories high, with a metal skeleton. Jenney’s beams wer e of Bessemer steel, though his columns were cast iron. Cast iron lintels supporting masonry over window openings were, in turn, supported on the cast iron columns. Soild masonry court and party walls provided lateral support against wind loading. Within a decade the same type of construction had been used in more than 30 office buildings in Chicago and New York. Steel played a larger and larger role in these , with riveted connections for beams and columns, sometimes strengthened for wind bracing by overlaying gusset plates at the junction of vertical and horizontal members. Light masonry curtain walls, supported at each floor level, replaced the old heavy masonry curtain walls, supported at each floor level , replaced the old heavy masonry.Though the new construction form was to remain centred almost entirely in America for several decade, its impact on the steel industry was worldwide. By the last years of the 19th century, the basic structural shapes-I beams up to 20 in. ( 0.508m) in depth and Z and T shapes of lesser proportions were readily available, to combine with plates of several widths and thicknesses to make efficient members of any required size and strength. In 1885 the heaviest structural shape produced through hot-rolling weighed less than 100 pounds (45 kilograms) per foot; decade by decade this figure rose until in the 1960s it exceeded 700 pounds (320 kilograms) per foot.Coincident with the introduction of structural steel came the introduction of the Otis electric elevator in 1889. The demonstration of a safe passenger elevator, together with that of a safe and economical steel construction method, sent building heights soaring. In New York the 286-ft (87.2-m) Flatiron Building of 1902 was surpassed in 1904 by the 375-ft (115-m) Times Building ( renamed the Allied Chemical Building) , the 468-ft (143-m) City Investing Company Building in Wall Street, the 612-ft (187-m) Singer Building (1908), the 700-ft (214-m) Metropolitan Tower (1909) and, in 1913, the 780-ft (232-m) Woolworth Building.The rapid increase in height and the height-to-width ratio brought problems. To limit street congestion, building setback design was prescribed. On the technical side, the problem of lateral support was studied. A diagonal bracing system, such as that used in the Eiffel Tower, was not architecturally desirable in offices relying on sunlight for illumination. The answer was found in greater reliance on the bending resistance of certain individual beams and columns strategically designed into the skeletn frame, together with a high degree of rigidity sought at the junction of the beams and columns. With today’s modern interior lighting systems, however, diagonal bracing against wind loads has returned; one notable example is the John Hancock Center in Chicago, where the external X-braces form a dramatic part of the structure’s façade.World War I brought an interruption to the boom in what had come to be called skyscrapers (the origin of the word is uncertain), but in the 1920s New York saw a resumption of the height race, culminating in the Empire State Building in the 1931. The Empire State’s 102 stories (1,250ft. [381m]) were to keep it established as the hightest building in the world for the next 40 years. Its speed of the erection demonstrated how thoroughly the new construction technique had been mastered. A depot across the bay at Bayonne, N.J., supplied the girders by lighter and truck on aschedule operated with millitary precision; nine derricks powerde by electric hoists lifted the girders to position; an industrial-railway setup moved steel and other material on each floor. Initial connections were made by bolting , closely followed by riveting, followed by masonry and finishing. The entire job was completed in one year and 45 days.The worldwide depression of the 1930s and World War II provided another interruption to steel construction development, but at the same time the introduction of welding to replaceriveting provided an important advance.Joining of steel parts by metal are welding had been successfully achieved by the end of the 19th century and was used in emergency ship repairs during World War I, but its application to construction was limited until after World War II. Another advance in the same area had been the introduction of high-strength bolts to replace rivets in field connections.Since the close of World War II, research in Europe, the U.S., and Japan has greatly extended knowledge of the behavior of different types of structural steel under varying stresses, including those exceeding the yield point, making possible more refined and systematic analysis. This in turn has led to the adoption of more liberal design codes in most countries, more imaginative design made possible by so-called plastic design ?The introduction of the computer byshort-cutting tedious paperwork, made further ad高层建筑和钢结构尽管一般的建筑结构设计取得了很大的进步,取得显著成绩的还要属超高层建筑结构设计。
”【关键词】建筑设计;建筑思想;电影传播;共生;未来城市【中图分类号】TU -854【文献标志码】A[定稿日期]2013-03-27[作者简介]郭泽文(1987 ),男,硕士研究生。
①Louis Isadore Kahn ,原名Itze -Leib Schmuilowsky (1901-1974),爱沙尼亚裔犹太人,美国建筑师,建筑教育家。
人们甚至可以从建筑这个词汇的构词去探寻它的深意,建筑英文译为“architecture ”,最初起源于希腊,罗马人始用。
“archi ”为“大、综合”之意,“tecture ”为艺术、技艺。
4.2 Bauhaus 建筑 专业英语 翻译 蒋山 宜应文
he took up his appointment in 1919 he united the two schools under the name of Das Staatliche Bauhaus Weimar.This was of profound significance because it made clear at the outset that one of the main purposes of the new school was to unite art and craft which had for too long been divorced from each other.Gropius contended that the artist or architect should also be a craftsman,that he should at the same time study theories of form and design.The traditional distinction between artist and craftsman should,Gropius thought,be eliminated.He also believed that a building should be the result of collective effort and that each artistcraftsman should contribute his part with a full awareness of its purpose in relation to the whole building.Gropius was therefore and advocate of team-work in the creation of building and in the production of furniture,pottery and all the various architectural arts. 在第一次世界大战之前,比利时建筑师威尔德,当时萨克森高等工艺美术学校 和萨克森高等建筑艺术学院的系主任,在魏玛向萨克森-魏玛大公推荐瓦尔特"格罗 皮乌斯作为他的继承人。1915年,萨克森-魏玛大公召见了格罗皮乌斯,要求他重组 这两个学校,并给了他充分的权力,1919年,他一上任就将两所学校联合起来,建 立了魏玛国立建筑学校。这是具有深远意义的一件事,因为在一开始就明确了新学 校的教学目的是将长时期一直处于分离状态的艺术和技术联合起来。格罗皮乌斯主 张艺术家和建筑师也应当是一个技术工人,同时也应当学习形式和设计理论。格罗 皮乌斯认为,艺术家和技术工人之间传统的区别应当排除,他还认为一座建筑物应 当是集体智慧的结晶,每个艺术-技术人员应当以充分意识到个人力量对于整个建筑 的关系,贡献出自己的一份力量。因此,格罗皮乌斯提倡在建筑建造,家具,陶器 的生产和各个建筑艺术领域都要讲究团队合作的精神。
专英题型1.短语英译汉2*5=102.短语汉译英2*5=103.句子英译汉4*2+5*2+6*2=304.段落汉译英10*1=105.完形填空2*5=106.单选2*5=107.作文20*1=20A CITY IS NOT A TREE城市并非树形(城市不是树形结构)CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER 克里斯托弗.亚历山大Unit 01Section 1Intensive readingPart Ⅰ不少设计师十分推崇并尝试在设计中结合那些能够反映根本的人类心理、精神需求和文化价值观的建成环境要求。
值得注意的是:他挑出来在下文中进行攻击的8个“树形”规划是二十世纪最受尊重、最富盛名的规划方案的代表,包括勒.柯布西耶基于其建造一个现代城市的理论而为印度昌迪加尔新区做的规划;还包括保罗. 索莱尔的位于亚利桑那沙漠中梅萨市的空想巨型结构。
专题01 语言文字运用 人教版部编(2019)高中语文必修上册
专题01 语言文字运用经典基础题一、选择题组(2021·江苏扬州市·扬州中学高一月考)阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。
作为重要的传播阵地,中央广播电视总台在传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化方面① 。
《典籍里的中国》电视节目,是典籍的传播者、转化人,在汗牛充栋的典籍中探赜索隐、② ,通过电视独具优势的语境转换,让更多人爱上典籍,自觉传承中华灿烂文化。
③ 的文化典籍,是五千年象形文字垒起的一座座精神高峰。
多攀登这样的精神巅峰,登高望远,于我们年轻人,可以拓展人生宽度;于我们民族,可以④ 精神厚度,进而“为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”。
尤金・奈达(Eugene A Nada)提出了翻译的常用标准,就是动态均等即目标语给观众带来的效果应该与源语言相似。
如:《绝代宠姬》(Dangerous Woman),《傻妹闯七关》(Foul Play)。
影片True Lies的译名《魔鬼大帝》就很失败。
翻译此类电影片名时,一定要考虑到其丰富的文化要素,如:影片Dragon Heart的现译名是《魔龙传奇》,之前还有个译名是《龙的心》。
John Green 有一本书名为Paper Town(《纸镇》),书里有一个小伙子叫Ben (本)。
他之前做了一个肾脏手术,因而被同学取了绰号“Bloody Ben”,也没女生愿意与他一起参加毕业舞会。
The YueYang TowerIn the spring of fourth year of Qingli, TengZijing was exiled to Balingjun, to be the governor there. In the second year of hisoffice, because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and contentment, and all previously neglected matters were taken care of. The YueYang tower was renovated and enlarged, and inscribed on its walls were the poetry and rhymed prose of learned men of Tang and the present dynasties. I was invited to record this restoration effort in writing.The beauty of Baling centers round the Dongting lake, which holds the mountain ranges in the distance and swallows the water of the Yangtze River. It is so vast and mighty that it seems boundless. Dazzling in the morning sun and fading in the gray evening mist, it offers a myriad of scenes. This is the magnificent view of Yueyang T ower commands, of which many descriptions have been written. This beautiful scenic spot is linked with the Wu gorge in the north and the Xiao and Xiang rivers in the south. Exiled officials and poets often gather here, how could there be no difference in their feelings?In the rainy season, an unbroken wet weather lasts for months. Chilly wind howl and turbid waves surge the sky high. The sun and stars lose their luster, and the mountain ranges scarcely visible. Merchants and travelers have to put off their voyage, for the masts of ships have collapsed and the oars broken. It is dark towards evening mist, and the roaring of tigers and the cry of monkeys can be heard. At such a time anyone ascending the Tower will be filled with nostalgia for the imperial court and his hometown as well as fears of calumny and derision against him. Around him is a scene of desolation. Emotions well up in him so strongly that he feels pain at heart.In springtime it is warm and the sun is bright, the lake is tranquil and it merges with the azure sky into a vast expanse of blue. The water-birds are playing, some fluttering in the sky, somegathering together on the sandbars. Fishes of varied hues are swimming merrily in the water. The sweet-smelling grass by the banks and the faint scented orchids on the sandy beaches are rush and green. Sometimes when the mist over the lake vanishes, the glorious moon shines over the vast land, its brightness glistening with golden light on the lake. The reflection of the moon is like a piece of jade in the depth of the water. The fisher men’s songs chime in with each other. How delightful they are! On ascending the tower at such a time, one will feel a spiritual uplift, caring for neither glory nor shame. With a cup of wine in the gentle breeze, he will enjoy the greatest happiness in life.Ah! I have tried to study the minds of lofty ideals in ancient times. Perhaps they were different from the people I mentioned above. Why is this? The reason is that they were not thrown into ecstasies over their success, nor felt depressed over their failures. When they were in high positions at court, they were concerned about the people, when they were in remote place, they concerned about their emperor. They worried when then got promoted or when they were sent into exile. Then, when were they happy? They would say, “To be the first in the country to worry about the affairs of the state and the last in the country to enjoy oneself!”Alas! Who else should I seek company with save them?This article was written on the 15th day of the 9th lunar month in the sixth year of Qingli (1046 A.D.)Yueyang PavilionIn the spring of the fourth year of the reign of Qingli, T eng Zijing was banished from the capital to be governor of Baling Prefecture. After he had governed the district for a year, the administration became efficient, the people became united, and all things that had fallen into disrepair were given a new lease on life. Then he restored Yueyang Pavilion, adding new splendor to the original structure and having inscribed on it poems by famous men of the Tang Dynasty as well as the present time. And he asked me to write an essay to commemorate this.Now I have found that the finest sights of Baling are concentrated in the region of Lake Dongting. Dongting, nibbling at the distant hills and gulping down the Yangtze River, strikes all beholders as vast and infinite, presenting a scene of boundless variety; and this is the superb view from Yueyang Pavilion. All this has been described in full by writers of earlier ages. However, since the lake is linked with Wu Gorge in the north and extends to the Xiao and Xiang rivers in the south, many exiles and wandering poets gather here and their reactions to these sights vary greatly.During a period of incessant rain, when a spell of bad weather continues for more than a month, when louring winds bellow angrily, tumultuous waves hurl themselves against the sky, sun and stars hide their light, hills and mountains disappear, merchants have to halt in the travels, masts collapse and oars splinter, the day darkens and the roars of tigers and howls of monkeys are heard, if men come to this pavilion with a longing for home in their hearts or nursing a feeling of bitterness because of taunts and slander, they may find the sight depressing and fall prey to agitation or despair.But during mild and bright spring weather, then the wavesare unruffled and the azure translucence above and below stretches before your eyes for myriads of li, when the water-birds fly down to congregate on the sands and fish with scales like glimmering silk disport themselves in the water, when the iris and orchids on the banks grow luxuriant and green; or when dusk falls over this vast expanse and bright moon casts its light a thousand li, when the rolling waves glitter like gold and silent shadows in the water glimmer like jade, and the fishermen sing to each other for sheer joy, then men coming up to this pavilion may feel complete freedom of heart and ease of spirit, forgetting every worldly gain or setback, to hold their winecups in the breeze in absolute elation, delighted with life.But again when I consider the men of old who possessed true humanity, they seem to have responded quite differently. The reason, perhaps, may be this: natural beauty was not enough to make them happy, nor their own situation enough to make them sad. When such men are high in the government or at court, their first concern is for the people; when they retire to distant streams and lakes, their first concern is for their sovereign. Thus they worry both when in office and when in retirement. When, then, can they enjoy themselves in life? No doubt they are concerned before anyone else and enjoy themselves only after everyone else finds enjoyment. Surely these are the men in whose footsteps I should follow!(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)Yueyang PavilionIn the spring of the fourth year of the Qingli period, Teng Zijing was relegated to the position of the prefect of Baling. Thefollowing year witnessed a great change there in terms of the smooth conduct of government and the harmonious human relations as well as the resumption of a great many neglected undertakings. Thus Yueyang Pavilion was rebuilt on a scale larger than before and was graced with the inscriptions of the poems and rhythmic prose of the Tang and contemporary celebrities. I was requested to write something to mark the event.In my view, the grandeur of Baling lies only in Lake Dongting, which looks as if it were holding in its mouth the distant mountains and gulping down the Yangtse River. Boundless and marvellous, it presents in the morning sunshine and the evening twilight a most gorgeous spectacle. This is the general view from the pavilion, already described in full by our predecessors. However, since the lake connects with the Wu Gorge in the north and ends at the Xiao and Xiang rivers in the south, many demoted or banished officials and literati often gather here. Can there be no shades of difference in their feelings when admiring the scenery?If the continuous drizzle does not let up for several months on end, one can hear the bleak wind howling and see the turbid waves surging to the sky. The brilliance of the sun and the stars are eclipsed and the shapes of the mountains and hills become obscured. The merchants and travellers are stopped on their way, staying in boats with declined masts and broken oars, while the light being so dim at dusk, one can fancy tigers' roars and monkeys' gibbers. So the ascent to the pavilion is associated with the nostalgia in exile and the fear of slanders and taunts. Confronted with such disconsolate scenes, one is apt to be moved to the extreme and feel much saddened.As for the days when spring weather is mile and sunny,nature is lit with a bright smile, and the waves being halcyon, the sky and the lake are tinged with the same hue, making up an infinitely huge canvas of light blue, on which white gulls are hovering in bevies and fish shimmering with silvery scales. And the lake shores adorned with irises and sandbars dotted with orchids are all enshrouded in a sweet and lush green. Sometimes the broad firmament is clear of all mist, a bright moon shines over the vast lake gleaming with a golden glow, and the moon's reflection in the watery mirror reminds one of a sunken jade. And then the fishermen's songs are heard to be echoing one another. What an unbounded joy! In such a case, ascent to the pavilion gives one a broadened mind and eased heart, with credit and discredit both forgotten. Holding a winecup in the wind, one is overflowing with happiness.Oh, I have tried to probe the souls of the noble ancients. Their feelings might differ from the above two. Why? Because they were not glad of things adventitious, or sad for the sake of themselves. Positioned high at court, they worried about the people. Banished to remote regions, they worried about their sovereigns. Thus they were carefree in neither case. Then, at what time would they feel happy? They were sure to say: "Worry before all others have worried, rejoice after all others have rejoiced." Who should I emulate, if not people of this type?(谢百魁译)The Story of Yoyang TowerFan Chung YenIn the spring of the 4th year of Chi'in_Li, T'eng Tzu Ching was banished from the court by being made Governor of Pa Lingprefecture. After one year order and peace was re-established and everything that had fallen into negligence was reinstalled. Then work was started to have the Yoyang Tower rebuilt and enlarged; and after poems of the worthies of the T’ang period and of our own contemporaries were engraved upon it, I was requested to write the story.In my opinion the chief feature of Pa Ling lies in this Tung Ting Lake. Immeasurable and boundless it adjoins the distant mountains and takes in the Yangtse River; and during fine morning and cloudy evening it presents ten thousand changes in its appearance. This is the grand view of the Yoyang T ower, of which former writers have left nothing unsaid. So north from the WU Gorges and south to the sources of the Hsiao Hsiang rivers most exiles and poets gather here; and how can they help being impressed with the changing views before their eyes?To illustrate, it may rain continually for months without a break, when the gloomy wind howls and the muddy waves threaten the heavens, the sun and the stars hide their faces and the mountains make no appearance, the traders halt in their journey, and sails fall and oars, break, it gets dark before the night falls, and the tigers roar and monkeys scream. If a man ascends the tower during such a season, he will feel homesick, apprehend calumny and fear criticism; and as he looks over the sad view, he will weep for extreme agitation.But when the gentle spring returns with her congenial warmth, the scenery becomes clear and the waves are no longer frightful, the sunshine fills up the space up and down and all is blue over thousands of acres, the sand gulls fly together and the fine-scaled fish swim, the angelica on the bank and orchid on the islets are all luxuriant and blue; or when the expanse of the sky isfree from clouds and the bright moon shines thousands of miles, floating lights glister like gold and the still shadows quiver like sinking precious stones, and the fishermen sing one to another with songs — there is no end to such joy! If a man ascends the tower during such seasons, he will feel his heart opened and his spirit delighted, forgetting both honour and dishonor, and when he faces the wind with wine-cup in hand his joy is overflowing.Alas! I often find in ancient times men of benevolence think differently from both of these. Why is it? They neither rejoiced for external things, nor did they lament for themselves. When they were in high position at the court, they were concerned for the people; and when they retired to the remote rivers and lakes, they were concerned for the sovereign. They were concerned both while in office and out of office. Then when would they be joyous? The answer must be: "They would be concerned before the world became concerned; but they would be joyous only after the world became joyous." Alas! Whom should I follow but such men?(潘正英译)The Yueyang TowerIn the spring of the fourth year of Qingli (1), Teng Zijing (2) was exiled to Baling Prefecture (3) to be the prefect there. In the second year of his office, because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and contentment, and all previous neglected matters were taken care of. The Yueyang T ower was renovated and enlarged, and inscribed on its wall were the poetry and the rhymed prose of learned men of the Tang and the present dynasty. I was invited to record this restoration effort in writing.The beauty of Baling centers round the Dongting Lake, which holds the mountain ranges in the distance and swallows the water of the Yangtze River. It is so vast and mighty that it seems boundless. Dazzling in the morning sun and fading in the gray evening mist, it affords a myriad of scenes. This is the magnificent view that the Yueyang Tower commands, of which many descriptions have been written. This beautiful scenic spot is linked with the Wu Gorge in the north and the Xiao and Xiang Rivers in the south. Exiled officials and poets often gather here. How could there be no difference in their feelings?In the rainy season, an unbroken spell of wet weather lasts for months. Chilly winds howl and turbid waves surge sky high. The sun and the stars lose their luster, and the mountain ranges are scarcely visible. Merchants and travelers have to put off their voyage, for the masts of the ships have collapsed and their oars broken. It is dark towards evening, and the roaring of tigers and the cry of monkeys can be heard. At such a time anyone ascending the tower will be filled with nostalgia for the imperial court and his home as well as fears of calumny and derision against him. Around him is a scene of desolation. Emotions well up in him so strong that he feels pain at heart.In springtime it is warm and the sun is bright. The Lake is tranquil and it merges with the azure sky into a vast expanse of blue. The water-birds are playing, some fluttering in the sky, some gathering together on the sandbars. Fishes of varied hues are swimming merrily in the water. The sweet-smelling grass by the banks and the faintly scented orchids on the sandy beaches are lush and green. Sometimes, when the mist over the Lake vanishes, the glorious moon shines over the vast land, its brightness glistening with golden light on the lake. The reflection of themoon is like a piece of jade in the depths of the water. The fishermen's songs chime in with each other. How delightful they are! On ascending the Tower at such a time, one will feel spiritual uplift, caring for neither glory nor shame. With a cup of wine in the gentle breeze, he will enjoy the greatest happiness in life!Ah! I have tried to study the minds of people of lofty ideals in ancient times. Perhaps they were different from the people I mentioned above. Why is this? The reason is that they were not thrown into ecstasies over their success, nor felt depressed over their failures. When they were in high positions at court, they were concerned about people. When they were in remote places, they were concerned about their emperor. They worried when they got promoted or when they were sent into exile. Then, when were they happy? They would say:"To be the first in the country to worry about the affairs of the state and the last to enjoy oneself." Alas! Who else should I seek company with save them?(1) Qingli was the title of Emperor Renzong's reign of the Song Dynasty.(2) Teng Zijing was Fan Zhongyan's friend.(3) Baling Prefecture was Yuezhou Prefecture, now Yueyang City in Hunan Province where the Yueyang Tower is located.(罗经国译)。
1.中日文字因缘下的日本电影名——关于日本电影名中汉字词的翻译 [J], 罗鹏
2.从关联理论看电影对白的翻译——以《满城尽带黄金甲》英文字幕翻译为例 [J], 陈顺意
3.华语电影的英文字幕翻译——以电影《风声》为例 [J], 杨森
——以《玩具总动员》系列电影为例 [J], 涂闽怡
——以电影《风声》为例 [J], 魏宁
高中语文 文摘(异域)名建筑也搬家
Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into English.1.如今,作为东方艺术的一颗璀璨的明珠,京剧不仅在中国各地喜闻乐见,而且已被全世界人民广泛接受。
Key to Exercise I.1.Today, as one of the glowing pearls of oriental arts, not only has Beijing Opera been widely enjoyed all over China, it hasalso been well received all over the world.2.According to the gender, age and social position of the different roles which they play, actors and actresses are divided intofour categories: sheng (male roles), dan (female roles), jing (male roles with facial paintings) and chou (clowns).3.The uniqueness of Beijing Opera makes its artistic charm so everlasting: the creation of an aesthetic co-appreciationbetween the actors and actresses on stage and the audience off stage.4.Mei Lanfang had created very successfully various images of ancient Chinese women and expressed their tenderness,elegance and subtlety.5.Mei Lanfang was also the first person who introduced Beijing Opera to foreign countries.6.Being a great treasure of the Chinese culture, Beijing Opera will surely be more and more appreciated by people in Chinaand in the whole world.Exercise II. Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese.著名的京剧武生徐力先生最近接受了我们舞蹈学校的邀请,担任高级舞蹈教员。