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四. 翻译:

1. 如你所知,我们的政策是在平等互利的基础上和各国人民做生意。

2. 请向加拿大皇家商业银行(Canadian Royal Bank of Commerce)开立以我公司为


3. 报给你方的价格是很实际的,很抱歉你方的还盘不能接受。

4. 这里的市场不如去年那样活跃,如果你方能减价,比如说3%,成交有希望。

5. 我公司愿接受你方的条件接受你公司的这项定货,并尽快安排交货。


We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you.


As our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price, they meet a warm reception in the world market.

8 .你方10月5日致我总公司的信已转交我公司办理答复,因你所要的货属于我们经营


our letter of October 5 addressed to our head office has been passed on to us for attention and reply as the article you need is within our business scope.


Please inform us in which line you are most interested in


As regards canned food, we recommend that you approach Tianjin Foodstuffs Imp/Exp Corporation direct.


。We should highly appreciate it if you would inform us of the financial and business standing of the above firm.


There is a steady demand for gloves of high quality in this district.


Payment should be made by an irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit payable by draft at sight.


Please let us know immediately if you are interested in our products. We will send you our price list and samples to you as soon as we receive your specific enquiry.


As requested, we make you a fax offer for 300 “Flying Pigeon” Brand Bicycles as follows,subject to your reply reaching us within ten days.


Upon receipt of your order, we will offer these goods subject to being unsold.


As a result of crowded orders, we have sold our all the goods scheduled for shipment within this year.


In case you have no more “Butterfly” Brand Sewing Machines in stock, ple ase advise us with all particulars the specifications of any other brand which can be available from stock..

19.按你们的要求,我们随函寄去第456 号销售确认书正本三份。

1.We are sending herewith our Sales Confirmation NO.456 in triplicate at your request.


We agree to sell the undermentioned goods on the basis of the following stipulations.

21.我们已于十五日通过东京的中国银行给你方开出164 号信用证。

We opened Letter of Credit No. 164 through the Bank of China, Tokyo, on the 15th.

22. 我们不知你方可否考虑接受我们提出的货到后凭单付款的支付方式。

We wonder if you can accept ( or: consider accepting ) our proposal in regard to payment by D/P on arrival of goods.

23. 关于你方要求以付款交单方式支付一事,我们正在考虑,不日即可告知我们的决定。Regarding your request for D/P payment, we are taking it into consideration and will let you know our decision soon.

24. 你方最好尽早开出信用证以便我方能及时安排装运。

It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L/C as early as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment in due time.


1)According to the stipulations in our S/C No. 222, you should send us your L/C one month

preceding the date of shipment
