2023学年第二学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷初三数学 试卷(时间100分钟 满分150分)考生注意∶1.本试卷含三个大题,共25题;答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效;2.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特别说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步骤.一、选择题(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的】1. 下列实数中,有理数是( )A.B.C.D.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查实数的分类及算术平方根,熟练掌握实数的分类及算术平方根是解题的关键;根据实数的分类可进行排除选项.,是无理数;故选B .2. 下列单项式中,与单项式是同类项的是( )A. B. C. D. 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了同类项的定义,根据字母相同,字母的指数也相同的项叫做同类项,进行判断即可.【详解】解:与单项式是同类项的是;故选C .3. 已知直线经过第一、二、四象限,则直线经过( )2=232a b 4ab -322a b 323b a 222a b c-232a b 323b a y kx b +=y bx k +=A. 第一、三、四象限B. 第一、二、四象限C. 第一、二、三象限D. 第二、三、四象限【答案】A 【解析】【分析】根据图象在坐标平面内的位置关系确定k ,b 的取值范围,从而求解.【详解】解:已知直线经过第一、二、四象限,则得到,那么直线经过第一、三、四象限.故选:A .【点睛】此题考查一次函数图象与系数关系.解题关键在于注意理解:直线y=kx+b 所在的位置与k 、b 的符号有直接的关系.k >0时,直线必经过一、三象限;k <0时,直线必经过二、四象限;b >0时,直线与y 轴正半轴相交;b=0时,直线过原点;b <0时,直线与y 轴负半轴相交.4. 如表记录了甲、乙、丙、丁四名跳高运动员最近几次选拔赛成绩的平均数与方差:甲乙丙丁平均数(cm )185180185180方差3.根据表数据,从中选择一名成绩好且发挥稳定的参加比赛,应该选择( )A. 甲 B. 乙 C. 丙 D. 丁【答案】A 【解析】【分析】首先比较平均数,平均数相同时选择方差较小的运动员参加.【详解】∵=>=,∴从甲和丙中选择一人参加比赛,∵=<<,∴选择甲参赛,故选A .【点睛】此题主要考查了平均数和方差的应用,解题关键是明确平均数越高,成绩越高,方差越小,成绩越稳定.的y kx b =+0,0k b <>y kx b =+x 甲x 丙x 乙x 丁2S 甲2S 乙2S 丙2S 丁5. 如图,的对角线、相交于点,如果添加一个条件使得是矩形,那么下列添加的条件中正确的是( )A. B. C. D. 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了矩形的判定,菱形的判定,根据判定定理逐项判断即可.【详解】∵,∴,∴,∴平行四边形是菱形.则A 不符合题意;∵,∴,∴平行四边形菱形.则B 不符合题意;∵,∴.∵,∴,∴,∴平行四边形是菱形.则C 不符合题意;∵,∴.∵,∴,是 ABCD AC BD O ABCD 90DAO ADO ∠+∠=︒DAC ACD ∠=∠DAC BAC ∠=∠DAB ABC∠=∠90DAO ADO ∠+∠=︒90AOD ∠=︒AC BD ⊥ABCD DAC ACD ∠=∠AD CD =ABCD AB CD ACD BAC ∠=∠DAC BAC ∠=∠ACD DAC ∠=∠AD CD =ABCD AD BC ∥180BAD ABC ∠+∠=︒DAB ABC ∠=∠=90B A D ∠︒∴平行四边形是矩形.则D 正确.故选:D .6. 如图,一个半径为的定滑轮由绳索带动重物上升,如果该定滑轮逆时针旋转了,假设绳索(粗细不计)与滑轮之间没有滑动,那么重物上升的高度是( )A. cmB. cmC. cmD. cm【答案】B 【解析】【分析】本题考查了弧长公式.利用题意得到重物上升的高度为定滑轮中所对应的弧长,然后根据弧长公式计算即可.【详解】解:根据题意,重物上升的高度为.故选:B .二、填空题(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分)7.的解是________.【答案】【解析】【分析】根据一元二次方程和二次根式的性质求解即可;【详解】,∴,∴,∴,∵,ABCD 9cm 120︒5π6π7π8π120︒()12096cm 180ππ⨯⨯==x 1x ==x 221x x -=()210x -=121x x ==210x -≥∴,∴;故答案是.【点睛】本题主要考查了一元二次方程的求解和二次根式的性质,准确计算是解题的关键.8. 不等式组的解集是________.【答案】【解析】【分析】本题考查了一元一次不等式组的解法,熟练掌握一元一次不等式组的解法是解答本题的关键.先分别解两个不等式,求出它们的解集,再求两个不等式解集的公共部分即可得到不等式组的解集.详解】解:,解①得:,解②得:,∴不等式组的解集是.9. 方程组的解是__________.【答案】或【解析】【分析】本题考查解二元二次方程组,一元二次方程,代入消元法,将方程组先转化为一元二次方程,再进行求解即可.【详解】解:由②得:③;把③代入①,得:,解得:,∴,∴方程组的解为:或;【12x ≥1x =1x =()2133231x x x ->⎧⎨-->⎩2x >()2133231x x x ->⎧⎪⎨-->⎪⎩①②2x >5x >-2x >22520x y x y ⎧+=⎨-=⎩21x y =⎧⎨=⎩21x y =-⎧⎨=-⎩22520x y x y ⎧+=⎨-=⎩①②2x y =()2225y y +=1y =±22x y ==±21x y =⎧⎨=⎩21x y =-⎧⎨=-⎩故答案为:或10. 关于的一元二次方程根的情况是:原方程______实数根.【答案】有两个不相等的【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了一元二次方程根的判别式,对于一元二次方程,若,则方程有两个不相等的实数根,若,则方程有两个相等的实数根,若,则方程没有实数根,据此求解即可.【详解】解:由题意得,,∴原方程有两个不相等的实数根,故答案为:有两个不相等的.11. 如果二次函数的图像的一部分是上升的,那么的取值范围是____________.【答案】【解析】【分析】本题主要考查二次函数的性质,掌握二次函数的性质是解题的关键.根据函数解析式可得抛物线开口向上,则当在对称轴右侧时,函数图像上升,所以求出函数的对称轴即可求解.【详解】解:,又抛物线开口向上,当时,随的增大而减小,图像下降;当时,随的增大而增大,图像上升;二次函数的图像的一部分是上升的,,故答案为:.12. 如果反比例函数的图像经过点,那么的值是______.【答案】【解析】【分析】本题考查反比例函数图像上的点,将点代入函数解析式,求解即可.【详解】解:由题意,得:,21x y =⎧⎨=⎩21x y =-⎧⎨=-⎩x 210x mx --=()200ax bx c a ++=≠240b ac ∆=->240b ac ∆=-=24<0b ac ∆=-()()2241140m m ∆=--⨯⨯-=+>2241y x x =-+x 1x ≥x ()22241211y x x x =-+=--∴1x <y x 1x ≥y x 2241yx x =-+∴1x ≥1x ≥4y x=-(,2)A t t -t (,2)A t t -()24t t ⋅-=-解得:;故答案为:.13. 如果从长度分别为2、4、6、7的四条线段中随机抽取三条线段,那么抽取的三条线段能构成三角形的概率是_______.【答案】【解析】【分析】根据构成三角形的条件:两边之和大于第三边,两边之差小于第三边进行判断即可.【详解】∵从长度分别为2、4、6、7的四条线段中随机抽取三条线段∴可能有:2、4、6;2、6、7;4、6、7;2、4、7四种可能性又∵构成三角形的条件:两边之和大于第三边,两边之差小于第三边∴符合条件的有:2、6、7;4、6、7两种故概率为:故答案为:【点睛】本题考查构成三角形的条件以及概率的计算,掌握构成三角形的三边之间的关系是解题关键.14. 小杰沿着坡比的斜坡,从坡底向上步行了米,那么他上升的高度是______米.【答案】【解析】【分析】本题考查了解直角三角形的应用,解题的关键是掌握坡比的定义.设坡度的高为米,根据勾股定理列方程求解.【详解】解:设坡度的高为米,则水平距离为米,,解得:,故答案为:.15. 某校为了了解学生家长对孩子用手机的态度问题,随机抽取了名家长进行问卷调查,每位学生家长只有一份问卷,且每份问卷仅表明一种态度(这名家长的问卷真实有效),将这份问卷进行回收整理后,绘制了如图1、图2所示的两幅不完整的统计图.如果该校共有名学生,那么可以估计该校对手机持“严格管理”态度的家长____人.t =1221=42121:2.4i =13050x x 2.4x ∴()2222.4130x x +=50x =501001*********【答案】【解析】【分析】本题考查了条形统计图,扇形统计图,用样本估计总体,解题的关键是数形结合.先根据条形统计图计算出稍加询问的百分比,进而结合扇形统计图求出严格管理的百分比,最后利用样本估计总体即可求解.【详解】解:稍加询问的百分比:,严格管理的百分比:,持“严格管理”态度家长人数:(人),故答案为:.16. 如图,梯形中, ,,平分,如果,,,那么是_______(用向量、表示). 【答案】【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了角平分线的定义,平行线的性质,向量的运算,解题的关键是熟练掌握这些知识.根据角平分线的定义,平行线的性质,推出,结合,可得,最后根据,即可求解.【详解】解:设,的400551000.5555%÷==155%25%20%--=200020%400⨯=400ABCD BC AD ∥AB CD =AC BAD ∠2=AD AB AB a = AD b = AC a b12a b +AB BC =2AD BC =12BC AD =12AC AB BC a AD =+=+BAC α∠=平分,,,,,,,,,,故答案为:.17. 如图,在中,,. 已知点是边的中点,将沿直线翻折,点落在点处,联结,那么的长是_______.【解析】【分析】本题考查勾股定理与折叠问题,平行线分线段成比例,如图,为点关于的对称点,过点作,过点作,则,联结,可知,得,进而根据勾股定理可得,,得结合,,可知,再根据勾股定理即可求解,根据折叠的性质得是解决问题的关键.【详解】解:如图,为点关于的对称点,过点作,过点作,则,联结,∴,AC BAD ∠∴BAC CAD α∠=∠= BC AD ∥∴BCA DAC α∠=∠=∴BCA BAC ∠=∠∴AB BC = 2=AD AB ∴2AD BC =∴12BC AD =∴1122AC AB BC a AD a b =+=+=+ 12a b +ABC 6AB AC ==4BC =D AC ABC BD C E AE AE E C BD A AM BC ⊥D DN BC ⊥AM DN ∥AE 1AD MNCD CN==1CN MN ==DN =BD =1122BCD S BC DN BD OC =⋅=⋅△2CE OC ==DE DC =AD CD =AE CE ⊥AE CE ⊥E C BD A AM BC ⊥D DN BC ⊥AM DN ∥AE 122BM CM BC ===∵点是边的中点,即,∴,则为的中点,即,∴,,∵为点关于的对称点,∴,且,,则,∴,则∵,,∴,,又∵,∴,即,∴.18. 如图,点是函数图象上一点,连接交函数图象于点,点是轴负半轴上一点,且,连接,那么的面积是_______.【答案】##【解析】D AC 132AD CD AC ===1ADMNCD CN==N CM 1CN MN==DN ==BD ==E C BD CE BD ⊥OC OE =DE DC =1122BCD S BC DN BD OC =⋅=⋅△DN BC OC BD ⋅===2CE OC ==DE DC =AD CD =DAE DEA ∠=∠DEC DCE ∠=∠180DAE DEA DEC DCE ∠+∠+∠+∠=︒90DEA DEC ∠+∠=︒AE CE ⊥AE ==A 8(0)y x x =-<OA 1(0)y x x=-<B C x AC AO =BC ABC 8-8-【分析】过点,分别作轴的垂线,垂足分别为,,反比例函数比例系数的几何意义得,,证得,由此得,证得 ,然后根据等腰三角形的性质得,则,由此得得,进而可得的面积.【详解】解:过点,分别作轴的垂线,垂足分别为,,如下图所示:点是函数图象上一点,点是反比例函数图象上的点,根据反比例函数比例系数的几何意义得:,,轴,轴,,,,,,,即,,,,轴,,,A B x D E 4OAD S = 0.5OBE S = OAD OBE ∽2()OAD OBE S OA SOB= OA =1)ABC OBC S S = 28AOC OAD S S == 8ABC OBC S S += OBC S = ABC A B x D E A 8(0)y x x =-<B 1(0)y x x=-<1842OAD S =⨯= 110.52OBE S =⨯= AD x ⊥ BE x ⊥AD BE ∴∥OAD OBE ∴ ∽∴2OAD OBE S OA S OB ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭∴2480.5OA OB ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭OA ∴=1)AB OA OB OB OB ∴=-=-=-1AB OB = 1ABC OBC S AB S OB==- ()1ABC OBC S S ∴= AC AO = AD x ⊥OD CD ∴=28AOC OAD S S ∴==,即,.故答案为:.【点睛】此题主要考查了反比例函数比例系数的几何意义,相似三角形的判定和性质,理解反比例函数比例系数的几何意义,熟练掌握相似三角形的判定和性质是解决问题的关键.三、(本大题共7题,第19—22题每题10分;第23、24题每题12分;第25题14分;满分78分)19..【答案】【解析】【分析】本题考查了实数的混合运算,解题的关键是掌握实数的混合运算法则.先计算零指数幂、化简二次根式、绝对值,再算加减即可.【详解】解:原式.20.解方程:【答案】【解析】【分析】本题考查了解分式方程和解一元二次方程,解题的关键是熟练掌握解分式方程和解一元二次方程的方法和步骤.先去分母,将分式方程化为整式方程,再进行求解即可.详解】解:,,,【8ABC OBC S S ∴+= 1)8OBC OBC S S -+= OBC S ∴= 8ABC AOC OBC S S S ∴=-=- 8-10212π---21)1=--+11=+2=22161242x x x x +-=--+5x =-22161242x x x x +-=--+()22162x x +-=-244162x x x ++-=-,,,,检验,当时,,∴是原方程的解,当时,,∴不是原方程的解.21. 如图,和⊙相交于点、,连接、、,已知,,.(1)求的半径长;(2)试判断以为直径的是否经过点,并说明理由.【答案】(1)(2)以为直径的经过点,见解析【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了圆的相关性质,相似三角形的判定与性质,线段垂直平分线的性质等知识,解题的关键是灵活运用这些知识.(1)连接,设与的交点为,根据题意可得,,在中,根据勾股定理求出,进而求出,在中,根据勾股定理求出,即可求解;(2)根据题意并结合(1)可得,可证明,得到23100x x +-=()()520x x +-=50,20x x +=-=115,2x x =-=5x =-240x -≠5x =-2x =240x -=2x =1O 2O A B AB 12O O 2AO 48AB =1250O O =230AO =1O 12O O P B 4012O O P B 1AO 12O O AB G 1242AG AB ==12O O AB ⊥2Rt AGO 2GO 1GO 1Rt AGO 1AO 22122AO GO O O AO =122O AO AGO ∽,取的中点,连接、,推出,结合垂直平分,即可求解.【小问1详解】解:连接,设与的交点为.和⊙相交于点、,,,,在中,,;,在中,,;即的半径长为;【小问2详解】以为直径的经过点.,,,又,,,取的中点,连接、,,12290O AO AGO ∠=∠=︒12O O P AP BP 1AP PO =12O O AB 1AO 12O O AB G 1O 2O A B 48AB =∴1242AG AB ==12O O AB ⊥2Rt AGO 290AGO ∠=︒∴218GO ===∴1122501832GO O O GO =-=-=1Rt AGO 190AGO ∠=︒∴140AO ===1O 4012O O P B 212303505AO O O ==22183305GO AO ==∴22122AO GO O O AO =212AO O O A G ∠=∠∴122O AO AGO ∽∴12290O AO AGO ∠=∠=︒12O O P AP BP ∴1AP PO =又垂直平分,,以为直径的经过点.22. A 市“第××届中学生运动会”期间,甲校租用两辆小汽车(设每辆车的速度相同)同时出发送名学生到比赛场地参加运动会,每辆小汽车限坐人(不包括司机),其中一辆小汽车在距离比赛场地千米的地方出现故障,此时离截止进场的时刻还有分钟,这时唯一可利用的交通工具是另一辆小汽车.已知这辆车的平均速度是每小时千米,人步行的平均速度是每小时千米(上、下车时间忽略不计).(1)如果该小汽车先送名学生到达比赛场地,然后再回到出故障处接其他学生,请你判断他们能否在截止进场的时刻前到达?并说明理由;(2)试设计一种运送方案,使所有参赛学生能在截止进场的时刻前到达比赛场地,并说明方案可行性的理由.【答案】(1)不能,见解析(2)见解析【解析】【分析】本题主要考查一元一次方程的应用,解题的关键是理解题意;(1)根据题意分别求出单程送达比赛场地的时间和另外送4名学生的时间,进而问题可求解;(2)设汽车与另外名学生相遇所用时间为小时,根据题意可得,进而求解即可.【小问1详解】解:他们不能在截止进场的时刻前到达比赛场地.∵单程送达比赛场地的时间是:(小时)(分钟);∴送完另名学生的时间是:(分钟)(分钟);∴他们不能在截止进场的时刻前到达比赛场地.【小问2详解】解:先将名学生用车送达比赛场地,另外名学生同时步行前往比赛场地,汽车到比赛场地后返回到与另外名学生的相遇处再载他们到比赛场地.(用这种方案送这名学生到达比赛场地共需时间约为分钟).理由如下:先将名学生用车送达比赛场地的时间是:(小时)(分钟),12O O AB 1BP AP PO ==∴12O O P B 84154260544t 56015 1.25t t +=-15600.25÷=15=415345⨯=42>444840.4415600.25÷=15=此时另外名学生步行路程是:(千米);设汽车与另外名学生相遇所用时间为小时.则;解得(小时)(分钟);从相遇处返回比赛场地所需的时间也是(分钟);所以,送这名学生到达比赛场地共需时间为:(分钟);又;所以,用这种方案送这名学生能在截止进场的时刻前到达比赛场地.23. 如图,在菱形中,点、、、分别在边、、、上,,,.(1)求证:;(2)分别连接、,求证:四边形是等腰梯形.【答案】(1)证明见解析(2)证明见解析【解析】【分析】本题考查了菱形的性质,等腰梯形的判定(1)连结,可得,,进而即可得到结论;(2)欲证明四边形是等腰梯形,只需推知,,即可.【小问1详解】证明:连结.450.25 1.25⨯=4t 56015 1.25t t +=-1152t =16513=16513816515240.413+⨯≈40.442<8ABCD E G H F AB BC CD DA AE AF =CG CH =CG AE ≠EF GH ∥EG FH EGHF BD AE AF AB AD =CG CH CB CD=EGHF EF GH ≠EF GH ∥EG FH =BD∵四边形是菱形,∴;又,,∴,;∴,;∴.【小问2详解】证明:连接∵,∴;∵,∴;又,∴;又,∴四边形是梯形;∵,即;又∵,即;∵四边形是菱形,ABCD AB AD BC CD ===AE AF =CG CH =AE AF AB AD=CG CH CB CD =EF BD ∥GH BD ∥EF GH ∥,EG FHEF BD ∥EF AE BD AB=GH BD ∥GH CG BD BC =CG AE ≠EF GH ≠EF GH ∥EGHF AB AE AD AF -=-BE DF =BC CG CD CH -=-BG DH =ABCD∴;∴;∴;∴梯形是等腰梯形.24. 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线与轴交于点和点,与轴交于点.(1)求该抛物线的表达式及点的坐标;(2)已知点,联结,过点作,垂足为,点是轴上的动点,分别联结、,以、为边作平行四边形.① 当时,且的顶点正好落在轴上,求点的坐标;② 当时,且点在运动过程中存在唯一的位置,使得是矩形,求的值.【答案】(1);点 (2)①;②的值为或【解析】【分析】(1)把点A 的坐标代入表达式求出a 的值即可得到函数表达式,进而根据对称性求出点B 的坐标;(2)①在中,,则;得到;过点作,垂足为.在中,,;证明四边形是矩形,则;即可得到答案;②根据m 的取值分三种情况分别进行解答即可.【小问1详解】解:把代入,得,B D ∠=∠()SAS BGE DHF ≅ EG FH =EGHF xOy 244(0)y ax ax a =-+>x (1,0)A B yC B (0,)M m BC M MG BC ⊥GD x GD MD GD MD GDMN 32m =GDMN N y D 0m ≥D GDMN m 2416433y x x =-+(3,0)B 6(,0)5D m 037Rt CGM △90CGM ∠=︒cos CG MCG CM ∠=54cos 225CG CM MCG =⋅∠=⨯=G GH OC ⊥H Rt CGH △90CHG ∠=︒36sin 255GH CG HCG =⋅∠=⨯=GDOH 65OD GH ==(1,0)A 244(0)y ax ax a =-+>440a a -+=解得;∴抛物线的表达式为;∵抛物线的对称轴是直线,抛物线与轴交于点和点,∴点.【小问2详解】①由题意,得,,∴;∵四边形是平行四边形,∴;又点在轴上,∴,∴,在中,,∴,∴,;在中,,∴;∴;过点作,垂足为.43a =2416433y x x =-+1632423x -=-=⨯244(0)y ax ax a =-+>x (1,0)A B (3,0)B (0,4)C 3(0,)2M 52CM =GDMN GD NM ∥N y NM OD ⊥GD OD ⊥Rt BOC 90BOC ∠=︒5BC ==4cos 5OC OCB BC ∠==3sin 5OB OCB BC ∠==Rt CGM △90CGM ∠=︒cos CG MCG CM∠=54cos 225CG CM MCG =⋅∠=⨯=G GH OC ⊥H在中,,;∵,∴四边形是矩形,∴;∴.②当时,根据不同取值分三种情况讨论: 当时,即点与点重合时,符合题意;当时,如图情况符合题意,取的中点P ,以为直径作圆P ,则在圆上,此时圆P 和x 轴有唯一切点D ,符合题设条件,则,∵,由①知, ,则,则,∵,,∴,解得;当时,可得,所以符合题意的不存在;综合、、,符合题意的的值为或.【点睛】此题考查了二次函数的综合题,考查了解直角三角形,切线的性质、勾股定理、矩形的判定和性质、平行四边形的性质等知识,分类讨论是解题的关键.25. 如图,在扇形中,,,点、是弧上的动点(点在点的上方,点不与点重合,点不与点重合),且.Rt CGH △90CHG ∠=︒36sin 255GH CG HCG =⋅∠=⨯=90GDO DOH GHO ∠=∠=∠=︒GDOH 65OD GH ==6(,0)5D 0m ≥m i 0m =M O ii 04m <<MG MG ,N D OH PD PM ==()3sin 425MG MC OCB m PM =⋅∠=-=CMG OCB ∠=∠sin sin CMG OCB ∠=∠()9sin 450MH PM OCB m =∠=-OH MH OM MH m =+=+PM OH =93(4)(4)5010m m m -+=-37m =iii 4m ≥OH PM >m i ii iii m 037OAB OA OB ==90AOB ∠=︒C D AB C D C A D B 45COD ∠=︒(1)①请直接写出弧、弧和弧之间的数量关系;②分别连接、和,试比较和的大小关系,并证明你的结论;(2)分别交、于点、.①当点在弧上运动过程中,的值是否变化,若变化请说明理由;若不变,请求的值;②当时,求圆心角的正切值.【答案】(1)①;②,证明见解析;(2)①的值不变,;②或.【解析】【分析】(1)①根据“同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧相等”即可得到答案;②在弧上取点连接,使得,可得,根据角的和差关系可得,则,即可得到答案;(2)①证明,即可得到答案;②过点在下方作,截取,连接、,证得,可得,进一步证得,则可得,由勾股定理和线段的和差关系可得,联立解得,过点N 作于点F ,则,利用勾股定理求得,,根据正切的概念计算即可.【小问1详解】解:①,,,;②.证明如下:AC CD BD AC CD BD AC BD +CD AB OC OD M N C AB AN BM ⋅AN BM ⋅5MN =DOB ∠ AC C BD D +=AC BD CD +>AN BM ⋅72AN BM ⋅=1tan 3DOB =∠1tan 2DOB ∠=CD E OE COE AOC ∠=∠AC CE =DOE BOD ∠=∠BD DE =BMO AON ∽△△O OB BOM AOM ∠=∠'OM OM '=BM 'NM '()SAS OBM OAM ' ≌90NBM OBA OBM '∠=∠+∠='︒()SAS ONM OMN ' ≌22225MN AM BN ==+7AM BN +=BN NF OB ⊥NF BF =NF OF 90AOB ∠=︒Q 45COD ∠=︒904545AOC BOD AOB COD ∴∠+∠=∠-∠=︒-︒=︒ D B AC C D +∴=AC BD CD +>在弧上取点连接,使得,;、可得;,,;;.【小问2详解】解:①的值不变,.,,;,,;;;.②如图,CD E OE COE AOC ∠=∠∴AC CE =CE DE CE DE CD +> 45COE DOE ∠+∠=︒∴904545AOC BOD ∠+∠=︒-︒=︒∴DOE BOD ∠=∠∴BD DE =∴AC BD CD +>AN BM ⋅72AN BM ⋅= OA OB =90AOB ∠=︒∴45OAB OBA ∠=∠=︒ 45OMB OAB AOM AOM ∠=∠+∠=︒+∠45AON COD AOM AOM ∠=∠+∠=︒+∠∴OMB AON ∠=∠∴BMO AON ∽△△∴BM BO AO AN=∴72AN BM AO BO ⋅=⋅==过点在下方作,截取,连接、,,,,,;又,,,,;,;解得或;过点N 作于点F ,则,,,,设,则,当时,在中,,即,解得:O OB BOM AOM ∠=∠'OM OM '=BM 'NM ' AO BO =∴()SAS OBM OAM ' ≌∴BM AM '=45OBM OAB ∠=∠='︒∴90NBM OBA OBM '∠=∠+∠='︒45M ON COD ∠=︒=∠'ON ON =∴()SAS ONM OMN ' ≌∴M N MN '=∴222222MN M N BM BN AM BN =='+=+' 551257AM BN AB MN +=-=-==-=2225AM BN +=3BN =4BN =NF OB ⊥90NFB ∠=︒45ABO ∠=︒ 45BNF ∴∠=︒NF BF ∴=BF x =OF x =3BN =Rt NFB △222BF NF BN +=229x x +=x =OF ∴==;当时,在中,,即,解得:,.【点睛】本题考查了弧、弦、圆心角的关系,全等三角形的判定和性质,等腰三角形的判定和性质,相似三角形的判定和性质,解直角三角形,熟练掌握知识点并灵活运用是解题的关键.1tan 3NF O O F D B ∴==∠=4BN =Rt NFB △222BF NF BN +=2216x x +=x=OF ∴==1tan 2NF O O D F B ===∠∴。
杨浦区2023学年度第二学期初三质量调研(一)语文学科2024.4一、古诗文(35分)(一)默写与运用(13分)1. 默写。
【答案】①. 渔唱起三更②. 千磨万击还坚劲③. 其岸势犬牙差互④. 马作的卢飞快⑤. 弓如霹雳弦惊【解析】【分析】【详解】本题考查名句名篇默写。
(二)(22分)阅读下面选文, 完成下面小题。
2023年上海市16区数学中考二模专题汇编10 填空小压轴(图形的运动、新定义)含详解
专题10填空小压轴(图形的运动、新定义)(16区)3.(2023·互为友好函数,那么4.(2023·三角形为特征三角形.问题解决:如图,在长为___________5.(2023·上海闵行转后,点A恰好落在菱形6.(2023·上海黄浦·统考二模)我们规定:在四边形么点O叫做该四边形的的“等形点”在边FG上,那么四边形7.(2023·上海黄浦·统考二模)七巧板是中国传统智力玩具,现用以下方法制作一副七巧板:如图所示,取一张边长为20厘米的正方形纸板,9.(2023·上海浦东新·统考二模)如图,将矩形于点F.如果2AD AB,那么=10.(2023·上海金山·统考二模)已知在线段AC上,如果点E13.(2023·上海徐汇·统考二模)的动点,点P 是线段BC 14.(2023·上海徐汇·统考二模)如图,抛物线“月牙线”,抛物线1C 和抛物线C 果BD CD =,那么抛物线2C 的表达式是15.(2023·上海静安·统考二模)在平面直角坐标系已知点A 在直线3y x =+上,点围是______.16.(2023·上海静安·统考二模)如图,在处,点A 落在点D 处,DE 与AB 相交于点F ,如果BE BF =,那么DBC ∠的大小是______.17.(2023·上海嘉定·统考二模)如图,在Rt ABC 中,90C ∠=︒,4AC =,2BC =,点D 、E 分别是边BC 、BA 的中点,连接DE .将BDE 绕点B 顺时针方向旋转,点D 、E 的对应点分别是点1D 、1E .如果点1E 落在线段AC 上,那么线段1CD =____.18.(2023上海普陀二模)在△ABC 中,∠BAC =90°,AB =6,4C =4,D 为AB 中点(如图6),E 为射线CA 上一点,将△ADE 沿着DE 翻折得到△A 'DE ,点A 的对应点为A ',如果∠EA 'C =90°,那么AE =▲.19.(2023上海长宁二模)如图,将平行四边形ABCD 沿着对角线AC 翻折,点B 的对应点为M ,CM 交AD 于点N ,如果︒=∠76B ,︒+∠=∠10DCM ACM ,且m NC =,那么平行四边形ABCD 的周长为▲.(参考数据:476tan ,24.076cos ≈︒≈︒)20.(2023上海青浦二模)如图4,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,BC =6,AB =10,点D 是边AB 的中点,点M 在边AC 上,将△ADM 沿DM 所在的直线翻折,点A 落在点E 处,如果EC //AB ,那么CE =▲.21.(2023上海奉贤二模)如图5,在正方形ABCD 中,点E 、F 分别在边AD 、AB 上,EF ⊥CE .将△CDE 沿直线CE 翻折,如果点D 的对应点恰好落在线段CF 上,那么∠EFC 的正切值是▲.图5A C BD 22(2023上海虹口二模).如图6,在矩形ABCD 中,AB =3,点E 在边AB 上,AE =2,联结DE ,将△ADE 沿着DE 翻折,点A 的对应点为P ,联结EP 、DP ,分别交边BC 于点F 、G ,如果BF=14BC ,那么CG 的长是▲.C 图6ABDE专题10填空小压轴(图形的运动、新定义)(16区)在正方形ABCD 和正三角形∴点O ,E 均在BC 的垂直平分线上,∴点E ,O ,P ,G 四三点共线,∵正方形ABCD 和正三角形∴6BC BE ==.116OG BG BC ===⨯=在正方形ABCD 和正三角形∴点O ,E 均在BC 的垂直平分线上,∴点E ,O ,P ,G 四三点共线,∵正方形ABCD 和正三角形∴6BC BE ==.∴11622OG BG BC ===⨯∴tan 3PG BG CBF =⨯∠=∴33OP OG PG =-=+【答案】20【分析】根据旋转可得根据AA B '∠【详解】解:∵∴30B A C BAC ∠=∠=''︒,∴(11802CAA CA A ''∠=∠=∴AA B CA A B A C '''''∠=∠-∠故答案为:20︒.【答案】253【分析】由题意可分:,A B βα∠=∠=,过点∴A ADC ∠=∠,∵4tan 3A =,∴4tan 3ADC ∠=,∵ABC 是特征三角形,即∴2ABE ABC ∠=∠,∴BC 平分ABE ∠,【答案】3【分析】如图,旋转、菱形的性质可知,∠=︒-∠-∠180ADE DEA由旋转、菱形的性质可知,,∥EF GH∴四边形EFGH时平行四边形,∴==,EH FG31∴==,OF GH=,EF OG,FG=3∴=-=-=,OF FG OG312 GH∴=,2,∠=︒EFO90【答案】43【分析】作辅助线:接PO,取从而求出CD的长度.【详解】解:如图,连接PO在Rt PCO △和Rt PDO △中,点12CE DE PE OE PO ∴====根据圆的定义可知,点P C ,又60COD ∠=︒ ,【答案】35【分析】通过证明AEF △【点睛】本题主要考查了矩形的折叠问题,以及解直角三角形的方法和步骤.10.(2023·上海金山·统考二模)已知在线段AC上,如果点E【点睛】本题考查解直角三角形,轴对称的性质,掌握垂线段最短是解题的关键.11.(2023·上海宝山·统考二模)角互余三角形”.已知在Rt △角形”,那么BD 的长等于__________【答案】9或41441-则tan tan DAC ∠=∠∴t n a CD DAC AC ∠==∴165CD =∴1695BD =-=;作DE AB ⊥于E ,则∵AD AD =,∴Rt △∵,90ACB ∠=︒,设BD x =,则CD =【答案】3372-【分析】利用含30度角的直角三角形的性质,分别求出出90DBE ∠=︒,在Rt【答案】2.57.5OP ≤≤【分析】如图,在y 轴上取一点2B C OP '=,当C 在线段B A '上时,10515+=,即可求解.∵()06B '-,,()80A ,,【答案】()()4319y x x =+-【分析】先求出A 、B 、C 的坐标,设点【答案】33x -<<【分析】先求得点(),A x y 的“则点B 在线段EF (两端点除外)上运动,利用勾股定理及垂径定理即可求解.【详解】解:∵点A 在直线∴(),3A x x +,∴323x y x x x +=++=+,∴点(),A x y 的“关联点”为(B 过点()03C -,作y 轴的垂线EF 在Rt OCE 中,2CE OE =-∵EF y ⊥轴,y 轴过圆心,∴3CE CF ==,∴x 的取值范围为33x -<<.故答案为:33x -<<.【点睛】本题考查了勾股定理,垂径定理,一次函数数等知识,熟练掌握垂径定理是解题的关键.16.(2023·上海静安·统考二模)如图,在处,点A 落在点D 处,DE 与【答案】108︒/108度【分析】设A x ∠=,由AB AC =,BE BF =得ABC C ∠∠=,BEF BFE ∠∠=,再由旋转的性质得DEB C ABC DBE ∠∠∠∠===,BE BC =,从而有CBE A x ∠∠==,同理可证:EBF A x ∠∠==,利用三角形的内角和定理构造方程即可求解.【详解】解:设A x ∠=,∵AB AC =,BE BF =,∴ABC C ∠∠=,BEF BFE ∠∠=,∵将ABC 绕着点B 旋转后,点C 落在AC 边上的点E 处,点A 落在点D 处,DE 与AB 相交于点F ,∴DEB C ABC DBE ∠∠∠∠===,BE BC =,∵180BEC C CBE ABC C A ∠∠∠∠∠∠++=++=︒,∴CBE A x ∠∠==,同理可证:EBF A x ∠∠==,∴2DBE ABC C BEC x ∠∠∠∠====,∵180ABC C A ∠∠∠++=︒,∴22180x x x ++=︒,解得36x =︒,∴3108DBC DBE CBE x ∠∠∠=+==︒故答案为108︒.【点睛】本题主要考查了三角形的内角和定理,等腰三角形的性质,旋转的性质以及一元一次方程的应用,熟练掌握三角形的内角和定理时解题的关键.17.(2023·上海嘉定·统考二模)如图,在Rt ABC 中,90C ∠=︒,4AC =,2BC =,点D 、E 分别是边BC 、BA 的中点,连接DE .将BDE 绕点B 顺时针方向旋转,点D 、E 的对应点分别是点1D 、1E .如果点1E 落在线段AC 上,那么线段1CD =____.【答案】355【分析】根据勾股定理求得AB ,根据旋转的性质得出根据相似三角形的性质即可求解.设旋转角为α,∴11ABE CBD ∠=∠,旋转,∴115,1BE BE BD BD ====,△ADE 沿着DE 翻折得到△A 'DE ,点A 的对应点为A ',如果∠EA 'C =90°,那么AE =▲.答案:1.519.(2023上海长宁二模)如图,将平行四边形ABCD 沿着对角线AC 翻折,点B 的对应点为M ,CM 交AD 于点N ,如果︒=∠76B ,︒+∠=∠10DCM ACM ,且m NC =,那么平行四边形ABCD 的周长为▲.(参考数据:476tan ,24.076cos ≈︒≈︒)答案:4.96米20.(2023上海青浦二模)如图4,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,BC =6,AB =10,点D 是边AB 的中点,点M 在边AC 上,将△ADM 沿DM 所在的直线翻折,点A 落在点E 处,如果EC //AB ,那么CE =▲.答案:14521.(2023上海奉贤二模)如图5,在正方形ABCD 中,点E 、F 分别在边AD 、AB 上,EF ⊥CE .将△CDE 沿直线CE 翻折,如果点D 的对应点恰好落在线段CF 上,那么∠EFC 的正切值是▲.图5A C BD 答案:2.22(2023上海虹口二模).如图6,在矩形ABCD 中,AB =3,点E 在边AB 上,AE =2,联结DE ,将△ADE 沿着DE 翻折,点A 的对应点为P ,联结EP 、DP ,分别交边BC 于点F 、G ,如果BF=14BC ,那么CG 的长是▲.C 图6A BD E。
上海市徐汇区2021-2023年三年中考二模英语解析版试卷分类汇编完形填空2023年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷42.(12分)The Find ①:A rare video game still in its good package.Where It Was Found:In an attic(阁楼).One day in 2019,Scott was visiting his childhood home to finally clear his stuff out of his mother's attic.While he was going through the boxes,he came across a shopping bag.Inside it was a video game called Kid Icaru.Scott didn't even remember(1)it.According to the price tag in December 1988,it was most likely a Christmas present that had never been sent.Since it hadn't been open,this lucky find was a huge deal.According to a gaming expert,Kid Icarus is a highly classic,and there are fewer than ten known unopened copies till now.It is in such a nice condition that it is an uncommon item with a long(2).Scott put the video game — which cost S38.45 at that time — up for(3),and sold it for USS9000.He used the unexpected money to take his family on holiday.The Find ②:A 624﹣gram gold nugget(金块).Where It Was Found:On a walk.In 2019,a man took his dog for a walk somewhere outside the city.Joining him were his two daughters,and it's a good thing they did."I actually walked right past it,"he later told the reporter." But my daughter pretty much kicked it as she was(4).She then asked,' Dad,is this gold?'"He replied,"I think it might be."They brought the small nugget to a supermarket nearby to (5)it,and it was up to 624 grams.Experts then made it clear that the nugget was real." We 'd come on some difficult times,so it was the(6)time for better changes," the dad said.The value is USS25,000.(1) A.owning B.designing C.borrowing D.selling(2) A.way B.journey C.history D.list(3) A.show B.discussion C.fun D.sale(4) A.sitting B.walking C.dreaming D.thinking(5) A.decorate B.weigh C.store D.repair(6) A.first st C.right D.hard2022年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷十、完形填空You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes’ break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings, you can’t believe how ____45____ time has passed.If you are familiar with this scene, you’ll know how tim e flies when you are having fun. Now scientists have thought over a reason why this is the case.Scans (扫描仪) have shown that patterns of activity in the brain ____46____ according to how we focus on a task. When we feel ____47____, we concentrate (专心于) more on how time is passing. And this makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly.In an experiment carried out by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers monitored their brain activity.The volunteers were told to first concentrate on ____48____ an image appeared for, then focus on the colour of the image, and thirdly, study both duration and colour. The results showed that the ____49____ was more active when the volunteers paid attention to more subjects.It is thought that if the brain is focusing on many aspects of a task, it has to spread its resources, and pays ____50____ attention to the clock. Therefore, time passes without us really noticing it, and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its full energies on monitoring the passing of time. As a result, time seems to drag.Next time you feel bored in class, perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying! 45.A.slowly B.quickly C.terribly D.foolishly46.A.change B.develop C.grow D.stop47.A.interested B.bored C.excited D.active48.A.how often B.how soon C.how long D.how fast49.A.time B.experiment C.clock D.brain50.A.much B.more C.some D.less2021年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷十四、完形填空The bus was filled with excitement. Students were talking and laughing, but there was also a bit of _____61_____ energy in the air. As the bus pulled into the parking lot at the television studio, Mr. Osaka cleared his throat.“I want to thank each one of you for your hard work. I know that many o f you have had to put other activities on hold for the training. Whether or not our Sunshine Middle School wins today’s competition, I’m proud of you all,” Mr. Osaka continued. “It’s a great honor just to be on Quiz Power. Just do your best and enjoy yourselves today. No matter what, we’re all going home _____62_____.The members of the team _____63_____ as Mr. Osaka finished his speech. As they headed for the doors of the bus, several students stopped to thank Mr. Osaka for his commitment to the team. The students knew they were ready for almost any question the quizmaster might ask. They couldn’t wait to get started.Inside the studio, the students were met by Anna, the show’s executive producer. Anna was tall, friendly woman.“I am sure you’ve already heard this a hundred times today,” she told the room of expectant students, “but the most important thing you can do during the competition is to relax and have fun. Do your best to ignore the cameras and the audience. Once the host has finished asking a question, you will want to ring your buzzer (蜂鸣器) as soon as you think you have the answer. _____64_____, you may not ring in until the entire question has been read. People are likely to speak more quickly when they are nervous, so just try to answer slowly and calmly when it’s your turn.” Ann paused and smiled at the students who were beginning to look tense. “Do you have any questions before we begin?”Gabriel, a seventh-grader from Sunshine, waved his hand. “Will the winning team come back to compete for the championship (冠军赛)?” he asked _____65_____, with hope in his eyes.Ann nodded. “The championships are held in the spring. The winning team in the final will receive $1,000. The winning school will also receive two brand-new computers.”“Any more questions?” Ann asked. The students were silent, _____66_____ the task ahead of them.“Then, let the game begin!”61.A.nervous B.magic C.happy D.naughty62.A.bosses B.citizens C.winners D.graduates63.A.cheered B.hesitated C.rested D.survived64.A.In brief B.However C.In other words D.For the time being65.A.properly B.seriously C.eagerly D.angrily66.A.satisfied with B.worried about C.thankful for D.focusing on参考答案2023年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷42.【分析】文章主要介绍了两个意外发现。
finallyotherwisehowever Indeed continuously unfortunatelyquickly almostSimilarly Importantlymentallyprobablycarefully politely mainlyseldomneverespecially well enough quiteusuallymostlyexactlyhardlysmoothly
It is +adj+for sb+to do sth,However,as well as,,while,Among,suchas,along with,behind,Another
Palace Museum的功能以及大背景介绍
上海市杨浦区2020-2022年中考英语二模试题分类汇编完形填空2022年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试题VII. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)Picture this: You wake up in the morning. A soft light turns on in your room. You go into the bathroom and the shower starts. The ____45____ is the perfect temperature. After your shower, you go into the kitchen. Your favourite breakfast is already cooked. Now it’s time to go to work. It’s a rainy day. You live ____46____, but you find that your umbrella and hat are already by the door. How is all this possible?Welcome to your future life!APPLIANCES THAT TALKTechnology will allow homes in the future to be “smart”. Appliances will ____47____ each other and with you. Your stove will tell you when your food is cooked and ready to eat. Refrigerators will suggest menu and recipes based on food items you already have.HOUSES THAT THINKAre you ____48____ the color or pattern of your walls? In a smart home, you won’t have to repaint them. The walls will actually be digital screens, like computer or TV screens.A computer network will link these walls with everything else in your house. This technology controls your entire house. Your house can learn about your likes and dislikes. It will then use that knowledge to control the environment. ____49____, it will set the heat in the house to your favourite temperature. It will turn on the shower at the right heat. It will also darken the windows at night and lighten them when it’s time to wake up.ROBOTS THAT ____50____?But how about your cooked breakfast, and the umbrella and hat you found by the door? For those, you can thank your robot helper. Scientists today are starting to build friendlier, more intelligent robots.Sociable robots will be able to show feelings with their faces, just like humans. They will smile, frown and make eye contact. These robots will do work around the house. Hopefully they will even take care of children and the elderly.How soon will this smart home be a reality? There’s a good chance it will be a part of your life in the next 10 years, perhaps sooner.45. A. body B. weather C. food D. water46. A. abroad B. alone C. happily D. quietly47. A. play with B. compete with C. get along with D. communicate with48. A. amazed at B. tired of C. worried about D. aware of49. A. For example B. What’s more C. After all D. In brief50. A. HELP B. SPEAK C. FEEL D. FL Y2021年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试题VII. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)My name is Evelyn Garrids, and I’m from the Philippines. Next month I’m going to go abroad. I’ve never been to another country before. I’m going to go to the U.S. as an exchange student. I’m going to live with a host family in a small town in Minnesota, in the north of the U.S.I started planning and preparing for my trip last year. There was a lot to do! I did some(65) student exchange programs, and then I applied. I also applied for a passport and got a student visa. After that, I attended courses at the weekends about rules, how to survive, etc. My older sister Lucia studied abroad two years ago, so she helped me plan my trip and showed me how to (66) my flight online.I feel excited, and a little scared. Sometimes I say, “Lucia, I’ll probably be (67) ,” She says, “You’re not alone. We’ll have video chats with you every day. And you’ll definitely meet new friends soon.”My host family-the Jensens-sent me an email with information about the (68) in Minnesota. Winters are cold! I emailed them said, “I don’t have any warm clothes!” They told me, “We’ll give you some of our warm clothes!”I bought a good guidebook online. The information about cultural differences is really helpful. People will probably be very (69) me because I’m from a different country. They’ll probably ask me, “Do you eat hamburgers in the Philippines?”(“Yes”.) “Is it cold in the Philippines?” (“Never”) I’ll try to answer cheerful!As an exchange student, I’ll learn a lot about Americans and their culture. Lucia says I’ll also learn about myself. And since I will be away from home for a long time, I’ll definitely learn to be more (70) . I hope so and I’m really looking forward to my trip!65.A. training for B. research into C. projects on D. survey about66.A. book B. catch C. delay D. board67.A. busy B. sick C. lonely D. disappointed68.A. weather B. diet C. clothes D. sightseeing69.A. afraid of B. thankful to C. angry with D. interested in70.A. patient B. creative C. independent D. confident2020年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试题VII. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)50. Good afternoon , my name is Emma Hicks and I would like to explain why you shouldvote for me in the student council (学生会)elections on June 1".I have been attending this school since I was 7 years old so I(1) a lot about whathappens here!I learned to use maths to solve real﹣world problems at this school;I wrote my first essay at this school and I have enjoyed every minute of my time here. However, I think that together would make some(2)that would benefit or help everyone.Have you ever wondered what PE lessons would be like if the equipment we had was even better How about if you get to(3)how the money raised at the school will be spent?I plan to arrange new new and exciting fundraising opportunities and then ask you ﹣the children﹣what we should spend our money on to make sure we have the best equipment possible.Furthermore, I will make an excellent school councilor because I have really good ideas. I have shown his in my school work and in my projects. I know what children at this school want because I have lots of friends and I talk to people. I am(4)talking to adults ﹣it always says so on my school reports.(5), I am trustworthy and honest. This is extremely important for a school councilor. If my friends tell me a secret, they can depend on me not to tell anyone else. Just the other day I found a mobile phone at the canteen and handed it straight in to the office.I have explained why I am(6)the best candidate for this position. I know theschool;I have good ideas which I can communicate and I am reliable and honest. Vote for me.(1)A. hear B. care C. argue D. explain(2)A. changes B. notes C. effort D. progress(3)A. show B. realize C. find D. choose(4)A. afraid of B. good at C. worried about D. responsible for (5)A. For example B. In brief C. In addition D. On the otherhand (6)A. finally B. directly C. mainly D. certainly答案:2022年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试题【答案】45. D 46. B 47. D 48. B 49. A 50. C【解析】【导语】本文主要讲未来生活当中的一些高科技发明,这些高科技大大的方便了生活。
2024年上海市虹口区中考二模语文试题 (解析版)
虹口区 2023学年度初三年级第二次学生学习能力诊断练习语文练习卷2024.4(满分150分, 时间100分钟)注意:1、本练习卷共23题。
一、古诗文(34分)(一)默写(13分)1. 默写(1)儿童相见不相识,________。
(贺知章《回乡偶书》其一)(2)_________, 可以为师矣。
”【答案】①. 笑问客从何处来②. 温故而知新③. 留取丹心照汗青④. 千里莺啼绿映红⑤. 水村山郭酒旗风【解析】【分析】【详解】本题考查情景默写。
[注释] ①王公廷相:王廷相,明代哲学家、文学家。
1.在太阳系中,地球属于( )A.恒星B.行星C.卫星D.彗星2.吹奏“鸟笛”时,能发出鸟叫声,这主要是模仿鸟叫声的( )A.频率B.响度C.音调D.音色3.轿车行驶过程中,车上司机看到街边的树是运动的,他选择的参照物可能是( )A.司机B.房屋C.路牌D.路灯4.如图所示,分别用力F1、F2匀速提升同一重物A。
若不计滑轮重及摩擦,当绳子自由端移动了相同距离时,力F1、F2做功分别为W1、W2,则下列判断正确的是( )A.F1<F2B.F1=F2C.W1>W2D.W1=W25.某同学在探究凸透镜成像规律时,做了两次实验,且均规范操作。
关于该像情况,以下判断正确的是( )A.像距小于10厘米,放大的虚像B.像距小于12厘米,缩小的实像C.像距大于20厘米,放大的实像D.像距等于24厘米,等大的实像6.甲、乙物体分别从间距为s的P、Q两点出发,沿PQ直线相向而行,M点在PQ两点之间,甲、乙物体的s-t图像如图所示。
甲运动2秒时,刚好通过M点,乙比甲晚了1秒通过M点,下列判断正确的是( )B.若s<11米,则甲比乙晚出发C.若s=10米,则甲、乙同时出发D.若s=10米,则甲比乙早1秒出发二、填空题(共24分)请将结果填入答题纸的相应位置。
【答案】C2. 当x≠0时,下列运算正确的是()(A);(B);(C)( x3 )2;(D).【考查内容】幂的运算【评析】简单【解析】同底数幂相乘(除)法则:底数不变,指数相加(减),所以B错,D正确。
【答案】D3.下列关于二次函数的图像与性质的描述,不正确的是()(A)该函数图像的开口向上;(B)函数值y随着自变量x的增大而增大;(C)该函数图像关于y轴对称;(D)该函数图像可由函数y的图像平移得到【考查内容】二次函数的图像与性质【评析】中等【解析】当a>0时,开口向上,A正确;在对称轴的左侧,函数y随x的增大而减小,B错误;对称轴x = 0,关于y轴对称,C正确;该函数图像可以由y = x2向下平移3个单位得到,D正确。
【答案】B4.一组数据:3、4、4、5,如果再添加一个数字4,那么会发生变化的统计量是()(A)平均数;(B)中位数;(C)众数;(D)方差.【考查内容】数据的分布,统计量的概念 【评析】简单【解析】添加一个数字4后,平均数,中位数及众数都还是4,方差会产生变化,所以D 选项错误。
【答案】D5.下列图形,是轴对称图形但不是中心对称图形的是( ) (A )线段; (B )矩形; (C )等腰梯形;(D )圆.【考查内容】轴对称图形、中心对称图形的概念【评析】简单【解析】线段、矩形、圆都既是轴对称图形,也是中心对称图形;只有C 等腰梯形是轴对称图形但不是中心对称图形 【答案】C6.下列四个命题中,真命题是( )(A )一组对边平行,一条对角线被另一条对角线平分的四边形是平行四边形; (B )一组对角相等,一条对角线被另一条对角线平分的四边形是平行四边形; (C )一组邻边相等,一条对角线被另一条对角线平分的四边形是平行四边形; (D )一组对边相等,一条对角线被另一条对角线平分的四边形是平行四边形. 【考查内容】平行四边形的性质及判定方法 【评析】难题【解析】一组对边平行,可以根据三角形全等来得到对角线互相平分,进而证明四边形为平行四边形,A 正确 根据平行四边形的性质及判断方法,B 、C 、D 选项无法证明出四边形为平行四边形。
上海市静安区2020-2022年中考英语二模试题分类汇编首字母填空2022年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题十二、短文首字母填空Fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。
)As a boy, I wanted to be a man. But my parents did everything for me. Actually, they managed every minute of my life. Although they loved me, I felt a bit unhappy with them. “Sam, do your homework!” “Practise the piano!” “Turn off the TV!” I became so bored with their o____51____ that I wished they would leave me alone.Well, my wish came true! Although my parents were very worried about leaving me, they had to go away on business t____52____ for a few days. Great! I could have fun at last! As soon as I got home from school the first day, I threw my schoolbag on the sofa h____53____ and ate lots of snacks. Then I enjoyed an exciting film on TV, and after that I played computer games. I liked the games so much that I played until midnight.The next morning I woke up late. I had to hurry to school without breakfast, but I was still late. The teacher asked me for my homework, but I could not hand it in. With ane____54____stomach, I was unable to play basketball with my classmates! I felt tired and sleepy at school all day long.When I got home, I tried to cook some rice, but I burnt it. I even d____55____ my father’s cup when I was cooking! It fell to pieces. I found myself so bad at simple cooking tasks. I started to feel s____56____. I wanted Mum and Dad to come home soon. Mum cooked such delicious food and made sure I never forgot my homework. Dad always helped me solve many difficult problems, and told funny jokes when I was unhappy. Then I r____57____ that being home alone was not always perfect.When my parents came home, they were happy to find that I could cook and tidy up the house. I told them my home alone story, and we all laughed.2021年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)Tourism has become a huge industry. Tourists make millions of foreign trips a year, twice as (71)m__________ as 20 years ago. It's now the largest employer on Earth. Clearly, it can do great good, but it can also do great damage.It's true that tourism has brought benefits to many areas of the world that were very poor. However, mass tourism also has some bad (72)e__________.Local culture and customs change as more tourists arrive. Too much tourism damages the environment. And more and more tourists are behaving badly.Complaints from local people are growing. In cities such as Barcelona or Venice residents say that too many tourists arrive on cruise ships(游轮). As a result,town centres are overcrowded. They tell stories about (73)n__________ parties that keep people awake all night. In famous beauty spots, where tourist money was welcomed, people are now worried about the damage tourists do to the environment.Of course, many tourists enjoy the benefits of tourism in a responsible way. They choose holidays that support the local economy and they respect the local culture and the environment. Environmentally friendly tourism, or eco-tourism, is becoming more (74)p__________.Responsible tourist behaviour is necessary, but it isn't enough to solve the problem. Many people now believe that governments should control how many visitors enter their country. They believe they should (75)l__________ the number of cruise ships that use their ports and should not allow too many hotel developments.(76)U__________, governments are in a difficult situation. Tourism brings in a lot of money and this helps them (77)i__________ life for the local people. However, some governments are beginning to understand that too much tourism can be bad for the local population and the environment. They've taken some measures to promote environmentally friendly tourism. There may still be hope.71. m________ 72. e________ 73. n________ 74. p________ 75. l________ 76. U_______ 77. i_______2020年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题十二、短文汉语提示填空Five years ago my classmates and I finished secondary school and went our different ways. On the last day, we promised to meet again exactly five years later and see how everyone is doing. This week we k that promise. So what’s become of my class?Matthew’s a musician. No surprises there – that’s what he’s always wanted to do. Back at school, he c focused on his music and his only dream was to become a concert pianist. He finished music college a year ago and right now he’s preparing for a series of concerts in the USA.I remember Krishni as a h student who was always very busy with her subjects. She got good marks and set herself clear goals. She’s going to be a dentist in six months’ time—she’s just finishing her degree. I’m going to see her and ask her to check my t !Dean has always liked football more than studying. Some teachers made comments such as ‘Kicking a ball round is not a career, young man.’ Well, guess what? He is r a local football club for children now. He’s also a great coach, the kids love him and he’s making quite a lot of money!Rachel says she’s s thinking about what she wants to do in life. She travels alot.She’s already been to India, Iran, South Africa, Iceland and about a million other places. She’s had several jobs. She’s the one who’s really having a wonderful life.And what about me? I’m studying to be a r . I’ve just applied for a job with one of the national newspapers; until I hear from them, I’m now writing for The Campus Courie.____56________57________58________59________60________61________62_ ___答案:2022年上海市静安区中考二模英语试题51.(o)rders52.(t)ogether##(t)rips53.(h)appily##(h)eavily##(h)ard54.(e)mpty55.(d)ropped56.(s)ad##(s)orry##(s)tressed57.(r)ealized【导语】本文讲述作者的父母在家时,作者只感觉到父母的管束,当父母离开家出差时,他认为自己可以过一段完美的假期。
上海市宝山区2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编完形填空2023年上海市宝山区中考二模英语试卷VII. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分) You come home and put on some music. What do you hear?Instruments and musical notes! You go to a museum to look at paintings.What do you see? Colorful artworks! People 65 music and paintings to be beautiful, colorful, and inspiring(启发灵感的). Nobody thinks of silence and emptiness as artistic works. 66 , American musician John Cage thought differently. One of his most famous pieces is 433". In 1952, it was completed and performed by a pianist at a concert hall. However, he didn't play a single note. He just sat for four minutes and thirty-three seconds! But was it a. 67 piece? Interestingly enough, it wasn't! During the performance, there were a lot of sounds coming from the audience. People talked, coughed, and moved in their seats. Through 4'33", John Cage showed that any sound could become music.Where did he get the idea for this? It was from his artist friend Robert Rauschenberg. In 1951, Rauschenberg created White Paintings, a series of canvases (帆布)painted in white. They seem empty at first, but. 68 show many images: the shadows(影子) of the viewers, the lights, and tiny spots on the canvases. Every act of looking at the paintings, various lights, and tiny spots become the painting! 69 , viewers become part of the creative work.These artists 70 the way people thought about art. They said, “Everything we d o can be music. With white, you can sec more. "It's exciting to think about the next form of art that will make us surprised. Who knows? Maybe you could be the next musician or artist to do just that!65. A)encourage B)force C) expect D)allow66. A)Besides B) Therefore C) What's more D) However67. A)short B) cheerful C) silent D)special68. A)especially B)actually C) carefully D) hardly69. A)In addition B) By the way C) For example D) In this way70. A)challenged B)welcomed C) prevented D) showed2022年上海市宝山区中考二模英语试卷VII. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)Over one billion people used Facebook(脸谱网) in October last year. This is the first time the site has had so many visitors in one day. The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, said it was an important achievement for his company. He posted on his own Facebook that, “We just ____45____ an important milestone(里程碑). For the first time ever one billion people used Facebook in a single day.” He said that on Monday, “One seventh people on Earth used Facebook to____46____ their friends and family.” He added that, “This was the first time we reached this milestone, and it is just the beginning of linking the whole world.” Mr Zuckerberg also said, “A con nected world brings ____47____ relationships with those you love.”Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004 while he was a student of Harvard University(哈佛大学). The website____48____ became one of the biggest websites in the world. Today, it has nearly one and a half billion users and Zuckerberg thinks that the ____49____ will grow. In October 2012, he said that Facebook had one billion users who used the website at least once a month. Three years later the site had one billion visitors in just one day. Zuckerberg said the company needed to grow a lot in countries where Facebook was not so popular such as in many African and Asian countries and some in Central and South America. Each year, Facebook gains more than $12.367 billion. Facebook has made Zuckerberg the ninth ____50____ person in the world, at the age of only 31.45.A.stopped B.chose C.achieved D.remembered46.A.look for B.go around C.depend on D.connect with47.A.calmer B.easier C.stronger D.luckier48.A.really B.quickly C.possibly D.nearly49.A.number B.score C.income D.knowledge50.A.busiest B.richest C.kindest D.cleverest2021年上海市宝山区中考二模英语试卷VII. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分) Students in China have one less things to put in their backpacks these days. The government recently banned(禁止) smartphones in public schools for all students through nine grades. Many schools around the world like Germany, Japan, theUnited States have similar bans.Some educators say kids pay better attention in class when they aren’t looking at their phones all the time. They say banning phones ___50___ students to talk to each other more.Most teachers would agree that they don’t want a classroom full of kids texting(发短信). But many say a total ban on phones isn’t ___51___ . Some people argue that it’s better to teach kids to use technology responsibly than take it away. Also, many parents point out that they need to be able to reach their kids during the day.Yes! Smartphones make it ___52___ for students to concentrate in class. Kids might play games, watch videos, or check out apps instead of paying attention to the teacher. They can easily miss important information. Besides, a ringing or buzzing phone distracts(使……分心) other students. Also, some kids might use their phones to cheat. They could go online and look up ___53___ to a test, or they could turn to their friends for help.No! Students should be able to have their phones with them in case of an ___54___ . Kids need a way to get in touch with their parents if they get sick, if the school bus breaks down, or even if they forget their lunch at home. Smartphones can actually help kids do better in school. We can use them to go online and do research for a class project or for help with writing essays. ___55___ , there are great educational apps we can use. They can help us study better. It’s not a good idea to ban phones in school.50.A.begs B.invites C.teaches D.encourages51.A.important B.necessary C.enough D.effective52.A.difficult B.right C.interesting D.disappointing53.A.ideas B.answers C.news D.dictionaries54.A.event B.interview C.argument D.emergency55.A.For example B.In brief C.In addition D.As a result答案:2023年上海市宝山区中考二模英语试卷65. C 66. D 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. A【导语】本文讲述了大部分人认为音乐和绘画是美丽的,丰富多彩的,启发灵感的,而音乐家约翰·凯奇的看法不同于常人,他认为任何声音都可以成为音乐,观众也可以成为创作作品的一部分。
上海市徐汇区2021-2023年三年中考二模英语解析版试卷分类汇编短文选词填空2023年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only be used once.(选择最恰当的选项填入空格。
每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(本大题共8题,每题1分,共8分,每题只有一个正确选项):(共8分)24.(4分)A.typesB.operationsC.boredD.popularE.producedThere are many reasons why people like collecting things.First,you can learn a lot about things which are interesting to you.It can also stop you from feeling(1).It is also possible to meet those who like the same things that you like.Collecting stamps is one of the most (2)hobbies in the world.King George V of the UK,and also US President Franklin collected stamps.Some people only collect special(3)of stamps.Edgar(Germany)has more than 11,700 different stamps with pictures of paintings,Celso(Canada)has almost 6,500 stamps about ships,and Daniel (India)nearly 5,000 stamps about birds.The 'Ic Magenta'is a stamp from British Guiana(英属圭亚那).Someone bought it in 2014 for $9.5 million.It is expensive because it was (4)in 1856 and until now,collectors are pretty sure about the value.25.(4分)A.senseB.realizeC.especiallyD.regularlymunitiesLooking up at the stars wasn't something easy for everyone,(1)in poor areas.For Susan,that changed in her early 20s when she got her first telescope and recognized Saturn(土星)."I saw something I had only read about in a textbook.It made me (2)how small we really are,"says Susan,who is now a scientist.Susan decided to give kids this experience.The project "The Travelling Telescope",brought space education to schools and (3)in Kenya."So far,more than 300,000 children love the telescope and enjoy the chance to see the moon up close,as well as stars and planets",says Susan.In January 2021,pop singer Madonna visited Kenya.Susan watched the pop star's face light up with the same (4)of wonder as the kids."It reminds people about the universe that sits just above their heads,"she says.2022年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷二、短文选词填空Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once (选择最恰当的选项填入空格。
物理量速度v=s/t、比热c=Q/m∆t、压强p=F/S、密度ρ=m/V、电阻R=U/I、功率P=W/t 小明的分类将电阻R、密度ρ、压强p归为一类①请判断:小明的分类________(选填“合理”或“不合理”),理由是__________。
他先用滑轮A分别以不同速度V1、V2匀速提起同一物体,再换用滑轮B (G B<G A)重复实验,实验过程及现象如图7(a)、(b)、(c)所示。
(20)(21)(22)(23)图7密度概念定义、定义式 单位物质特性之一 测量原理: (18)方法 应用 鉴别物质(19)4.(15年闵行区二模)某小组同学为了探究运动物体做功本领的大小与哪些因素有关,从实验室借取了弹射器、纸盒、质量与形状不同的物体(已知m 甲=m 丙<m 乙=m 丁),在同一水平地面上进行了实验。
上海市金山区2020-2022年中考英语二模试题分类汇编完形填空2022年上海市金山区中考二模英语试题十、完形填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文。
)Every time you’re online, you are attacked by pictures, articles, links and videos trying to tell their stories. ____45____, not all of them are true. These days it’s so easy to share information. These stories spread quickly, and the result is — fake (假的) news.There is a variety of fake news: from crazy stories which people easily recognize to more types of inaccurate information. Experts have been examining the fake news and offered us these tips. Don’t ____46____!1. Check the sourceLook at the website where the story comes from. Does it look real? Is the text well written? Are there a variety of other stories or is it just one story? Fake news websites often use____47____ that sound like real newspapers, but don’t have many real stories about other topics.2. Watch out for fake photosMany fake news stories use images that are photoshopped (图像处理) or taken from an unrelated site. Sometimes, if you just look ____48____ at an image you can see if it has been changed.3. Check the story in other placesIf you do find it on many other sites that you know and trust, then it probably isn’t fake.4. Look for other signsThere are other techniques that fake news uses. Also, think about how the story makes you feel. If the news story makes you angry, it’s probably ____49____ to make you angry.If you know these things about online news, and can apply them in your everyday life, then you have the control over what to read, what to believe and most importantly what to share. If you find a news story that you know is fake, the most important ____50____ is: don’t share it!In this way, the world will be safer.45.A.Finally B.Instead C.Luckily D.Unfortunately46.A.fall asleep B.get angry C.get fooled D.lose weight 47.A.addresses B.alarms C.animals D.songs 48.A.angrily B.closely C.happily D.quickly 49.A.failed B.designed C.happened D.invited 50.A.date B.person C.festival D.advice2021年上海市金山区中考二模英语试题Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12分)Habits of Successful Language Learners.As a language learner, you are not alone. About 1.2 billion people worldwide are learning a (65)_______ language. However, not all of them enjoy success. We talked to hundreds of successful language learners. They shared with us some of their habits.One key to long-term success is working towards the goal (66) . Most successful language learners make sure to spend a few minutes practicing every day. We also studied some “nine to fiver(朝九晚五)”.These language learners practice their language only in class. In the long run, They show much (67) progress than those who practice daily. They’re also more likely to “drop out.”The second habit of successful language learners is that they don’t “bring study (临时抱佛脚)”. Instead, they make progress through a number of short study sessions over a longer period of time. Learners who practice now and then for a marathon to catch up are more likely to give up altogether.Some language learners always want to learn as much new material as they can. But it has been proved that one gradually forgets what he or she has learned over time. Let’s be honest. Do you still remember all the English words and expressions you learn last year? Successful language learner(68) the old material regularly. Regular revision turns your short-term memory into long-term memory.Are you having a hard time improving your English? Then you may try to (69) these three habits. Don’t worry if it takes time. Mastering a second language is a long (66) . -It should take time!65. A. ancient B. modern C. official D. foreign66. A. sooner or later B. all the time C. over and over D. in a hurry67. A. slower B. faster C. further D. better68. A. go over B. take away C. collect D. produce69. A. break B. change C. develop D. kick70. A. program B. process C. history D. life2020年上海市金山区中考二模英语试题九、完形填空When you learn a language, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful. It is a very active ___50___ which has many advantages, including: Learning Vocabulary in ContextYou will usually encounter new words when you read. If there are too many new words for you, then the level is too high and you should read something simpler. But if there are at most 5 new words per page, you will learn this vocabulary easily. You may not even need to use a___51___ because you can guess the meaning from the rest of the text (from the context).A ___52___ for WritingWhen you read, it gives you a good example for writing. Text that you read show you structures and expressions that you can use when you write.Seeing "Correctly Structured" EnglishWhen people write, they usually use "correct" English with a proper grammatical structure. This is not always true when people ___53___. So by reading you see and learn grammatical English naturally.Working at Your Own SpeedYou can read as fast or slowly as you like. You can read ten pages in 30 minutes, or take one hour to explore just one page. It doesn't matter. The choice is ___54___. You cannot easily do this when speaking or listening. This is one of the big advantages of reading because different people work at different speeds.Personal InternetIf you choose something to read that you like, it can actually be interesting and enjoyable. For example, if you like to read about football in your own language, why not read about football in English? You will get information about football and improve your English ___55___ . 50.A.generation B.life C.person D.process 51.A.diary B.dictionary C.schoolbag D.workbook 52.A.Channel B.Method C.Model D.Talent 53.A.listen B.speak C.read D.draw 54.A.yours B.his C.theirs D.mine55.A.in a minute B.in a hurry C.at once D.at the same time答案:2022年上海市金山区中考二模英语试题45.D46.C47.A48.B49.B50.D【导语】本文介绍了如何识别假新闻以及遇到假新闻应该如何做。
(《桃花源记》)3. ,人皆有之,贤者能勿丧耳。
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他将不同的凸透镜A 、B 和C (f A >f B >f C )固定在光具座上35cm 刻度线处,将点燃的蜡烛放置在光具座上5cm 刻度处,移动光屏使烛焰在光屏上成清晰的像,如图13(a )、(b )和(c )所示。
⑴ 分析比较图13(a )或(b )或(c )可得的初步结论是: (1); ⑵ 分析比较图13(a )和(b )和(c )可得的初步结论是: (2)。
他在水平桌面上分别铺上粗糙程度不同的毛巾、棉布和木板,让小车自斜面顶端同一高度从静止开始滑下,观察到小车在不同表面运动的距离不同,且S 1< S 2 < S 3,如图7(a )、(b )和(c )所示。
(1)分析比较图7(a )、(b )和(c )可得:_________________________________________,速度减小得越慢,运动的距离越远。
他在饮料瓶的不同位置上扎了些小孔,其中小孔a 与c 的深度相同,b 与d 的深度相同,a 与e 与f 的深度不同,如图6所示。
(1)分析比较图6中,水从小孔a 与c 或b 与d 流出的方向情况,可得出的初步结论是:__________________________(1)_______________________________ ____________________________________________________________; (2)分析比较图6中,水从小孔a 和e 和f 流出的远近情况,可得出的初步结论是:_________________(2)_______________________________ ____________________________________________________________;图13(a )图13(c )图13(b )AB C图74.为了探究压力的作用效果与受力面积和压力大小的关系,小亮同学将长方体置于水平放置的海绵上,如图9(a )所示,然后分别将相同的长方体沿竖直方向切去一定的厚度、或沿水平方向切去一定的厚度,实验现象分别如图9(a )(b )(c )(d )和(e )所示。
(1)实验中,小亮通过观察 (1) 来比较压力作用效果的。
(2)小亮分析比较图9(a )、(b )和(c )发现长方体对海绵的压力作用效果相同,由此他得出的结论是:压力作用效果与受力面积无关。
你认为他在探究过程中存在的问题是(2) 。
(3)分析比较图9(a )、(d )和(e )可得出的初步结论是: (3) 。
5. 小明同学利用同一个西红柿、导线、电压表以及一些尺寸相同的铜片、锌片等器材来探究“水果电池电压与电极的关系”。
实验中,小明将2片金属分别插入西红柿中,作为电源的电极,并用导线将电极跟电压表相连,研究过程如图9(a )、(b )、(c )、(d )所示。
① 分析比较图9(a )与(c )或(b )与(c )中金属片的种类和电压表示数,归纳得出的初步结论是: (21) 。
② 在分析比较图9(c )与(d )中金属片插入的情况和电压表示数后,小明发现无法进一步得出“同一水果电池电压大小跟电极间的关系”的结论。
请你简述其理由: (22) 。
(a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e )(a) (b) (c) (d)图9 铜 铜锌 锌锌 铜锌 铜ΔL 1 ΔL 2 ΔL 3图8①观察比较图7中[(a )与(b )]或[(a )与(c )]或[(a )与(d )]可得初步结论: 。
②观察比较图7中(b )和(c )和(d )可得初步结论: 。
实验时,该小组同学把重为1牛的钩码挂在弹簧测力计的挂钩上,让钩码分别处于静止状态和作匀速直线运动,如图9(a )、(b )所示,请仔细观察实验操作和弹簧测力计的示数,然后初步归纳结论。
(1)分析图(a )、(b )可知 (1) 。
(2)若突然上提和突然下移弹簧测力计,请结合已学过的力学知识进行分析,并在图(c )、(d )中用“ ”标出指针所指示的大致位置。
(2)8.为了研究同一直线上方向相同的两个力的共同作用效果,小亮同学将橡皮筋的左端固定于P 点,用弹簧测力计通过细线将橡皮筋的右端拉至O 点,如图8(a )所示,然后他分别用两个弹簧测力计沿相同方向将橡皮筋右端拉至O 点,如图8(b )、(c )所示。
① 实验中,小亮同学每次均将橡皮筋右端拉至O 点,这样做的目的是 (21)。
②观察比较图8(a )和(b )[或图8(a )和(c )]可归纳出的初步结论是:(2)(1)静止匀速直线上升突 然 上提突 然 下移(a ) ( b) 图9 ( c ) ( d)(22) 。
① 分析比较图4中(a )和(b )的实验过程及相关条件可知:在阻力大小、方向和作用点位置不变的情况下,杠杆平衡时, (21) ;②分析比较图4中(a )和(c )的实验过程及相关条件可知:在阻力大小、方向和作用点位置不变的情况下,杠杆平衡时, (22) 。
10.为了探究电流磁场的强弱与通过的电流、螺线管的匝数的关系,某小组同学使用电压相同的电源、规格相同的滑动变阻器、甲和乙两个匝数不同的螺线管、大头针等器材,做了如图6(a )、(b )、(c )所示的实验。
①比较(a )图甲、乙两个螺线管及相关条件可知:_________________________________________; ②比较(b )、(c )两图可知:____________________________________________________________。
(a ) (b ) (c )图4θ甲甲(a ) (b ) (c )图611.为了研究吸管中空气的发声原理,先将吸管的一端压扁后,剪去两角,再将这端放入口中,吹出声音如图7(a)所示,用剪刀将吸管的另一端剪短后吹出声音如图7(b)所示,再剪短后吹出声音如图7(c)所示。
① 观察图7(a)、(b)或(c)可初步得出 (21) ;② 观察比较图7(a)、(b)和(c)可初步得出 (22) 。
(a) (b) (c) 图712.小亮同学研究定滑轮的使用特点,他每次都匀速提起相同的钩码,研究过程如图7所示,请仔细观察图中的操作和测量结果,根据要求填写相关内容。
①由图7的研究过程可知:小亮正在研究使用定滑轮时, (21) 与 (22) 的关系。
②由图7的研究过程可归纳得出的初步结论: (23) 。
他先用弹簧测力计把重为G 的物体缓慢提起h 高度,此时测力计的示数情况如图7(a )所示。
再分别用弹簧测力计把该物体沿着倾角不同的光滑斜面拉到h 高度,测力计的示数情况如图7(b )、(c )、(d )所示。
(1)比较图7(a )与(b )〔或(a )与(c )或(a )与(d )〕两图可知: 。
(2)比较图7(b )与(c )与(d )三图可知: 。
(a ) (b ) (c )图7图714.某小组同学在探究“液体内部压强特点”的实验中,先取了一空塑料瓶分别在瓶底、瓶侧壁的不同高度处扎有三个小孔,把它放在水槽中如图7(a)所示,然后又设法在塑料瓶内装有浓盐水(ρ盐水>ρ水),再度把它放在水槽中,如图7(b)所示。